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  • 7/26/2019 Bad Things Do Happen


    Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my

    character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in

    perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I canchoose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I

    have - life itself. Walter Anderson

    Life, haracter, !uality It"s time to say goodbye, but I thin#goodbyes are sad and I"d much rather say hello. $ello to a new

    adventure. Ernie Harwel

    l %ime, &ad, 'oodbye (very new beginning comes from some

    other beginning"s end.SenecaBeginning %o help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that

    you can be. )hen you ma#e a mista#e, learn from it, pic#yourself up and move on. Dave Pelzer

    Best, $elp, Learn In three words I can sum up everything I"velearned about life* it goes on. Robert Frost

    Life, Learned, )ords If you love somebody, let them go, for if

    they return, they were always yours. +nd if they don"t, they never

    were. Khalil Gibran

    Love, eturn, &omebody orgiving does not erase the bitter past.

    + healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving

    what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. )e change

    the memory of our past into a hope for our future. Lewis B.


    hange, $ope, uture on"t dwell on what went wrong. Instead,

    focus on what to do ne/t. &pend your energies on moving forwardtoward finding the answer. Denis Waitle!

    )rong, ocus, 0oving 1ou build on failure. 1ou use it as a

    stepping stone. lose the door on the past. 1ou don"t try to forget

    the mista#es, but you don"t dwell on it. 1ou don"t let it have any of

    your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. "ohnn!


    %ime, ailure, 0ista#es %he greatest healing therapy is friendship

    and love. H$bert H. H$%hre!

    Love, riendship Love one another and help others to rise to thehigher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and

    the greatest healing energy. Sai

    Baba Love, (nergy, $ealing %he art of war is simple enough. ind

    out where your enemy is. 'et at him as soon as you can. &tri#ehim as hard as you can, and #eep moving on. &l!sses S. Grant

    +rt, )ar, &imple 0an maintains his balance, poise, and sense of

    security only as he is moving forward. 'a(well 'altz

    Balance, 0oving (very day is a new day, and you"ll never be ableto find happiness if you don"t move on.#arrie &nderwood

    $appiness, 0ove Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall

    never be bro#en. Albert #a$s

    Bend, Blessed, Bro#en 2ne ma#es mista#es; that is life. But it isnever a mista#e to have loved. Roain Rolland

    Life, Loved, 0ista#es I thin# it"s important to have closure in any

    relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a

    friendship. 1ou should always have a sense of clarity at the endand #now why it began and why it ended. 1ou need that in your

    life to move cleanly into your ne/t phase."enni)er AnistonLife, riendship, omantic I can still love an e/ as a person,

    regardless if the brea#up was bad. I would never wish anythingnegative on them. It ta#es more energy to hate them than to wish

    them well. Ashle! Greene

    Love, Brea#up, $ate 0oving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves

    behind is hard. Dave '$staine

    &imple, 0oving, Behind It is only through labor and painful

    effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to

    better things. *heodore Roosevelt

    ourage, Labor, (ffort on"t brood. 'et on with living andloving. 1ou don"t have forever. Leo B$sca+lia

    Living, orever, Loving I tell you the past is a buc#et of ashes, so

    live not in your yesterdays, no 3ust for tomorrow, but in the here

    and now. 4eep moving and forget the post mortems; and

    remember, no one can get the 3ump on the future. #arl Sandb

    uture, 5ast, 0oving )ho can"t relate to the idea of leaving onchapter behind and moving on to the ne/t6 'i,e Shinoda

    0oving, Leaving, hapter 5atience is #ey for getting over a

    brea#up. %hat, and trailing off your interaction after the brea#uDra,e

    5atience, 4ey, Brea#up %he words of #indness are more healin

    to a drooping heart than balm or honey. Sarah Fieldin+

    4indness, $eart, $ealing I thin# a spiritual 3ourney is not so ma 3ourney of discovery. It"s a 3ourney of recovery. It"s a 3ourney

    uncovering your own inner nature. It"s already there. Bill!#or+an

    I can choose to let it define me, confine me, refine me, outshinme 7 or I can choose to move on and leave them behind me.


    1ou live, you learn, and you upgrade. Unknown

    %he best can8t find you until you put the worst behind you.Unknown

    'etting over a painful e/perience is much li#e crossing mon#e

    bars. 1ou have to let go at some point in order to move forwarUnknown

    2ne of the hardest things to do in life is to let go of what you

    thought was real and see how for it really was. Unknown

    9ot everyone you lose is a loss. Unknown1ou are only going to be as good as the people you surroundyourself with. &o be brave enough to let go of those who #eep

    weighing you down. Unknown

    If someone won8t lift a finger to call you, see you, and spend ti

    with you, it8s time for you to lift five fingers and wave goodby Unknown

    In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what y

    did and why you no longer need to feel it. Mitch Albom The

    Five People You Meet in Heaven book

    %here comes a time when you have to choose between turningpage or closing the boo#. Unknown

    :%he truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself,

    unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that thesituation is over, you cannot move forward.

  • 7/26/2019 Bad Things Do Happen


    :hange has to come for life to struggle forward.- Helen


    :If everyone is moving forward together, then success ta#es careof itself.- Henr! Ford

    :)hen the world is at your bac#, and your heart is at your feet=

    the best way to go on is to 3ust :be.- "enni)er 1arnadore

    :+ bridge can still be built, while the bitter waters are flowing

    beneath.- Anthon! Liccione

    :&ome of us thin# holding on ma#es us strong, but sometimes it is

    letting go.- Heran Hesse

    :%o let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and

    fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind ourspirit.- "ac, Korn)ield

    :)e must be willing to let go of the life we8ve planned, so as tohave the life that is waiting for us.- "ose%h #a%bell

    :1ou8ve got to ma#e a conscious choice every day to shed the old

    7 whatever :the old means for you.- Sarah Ban Breathnach

    :%here8s an important difference between giving up and lettinggo.- "essica Hatchi+an

    :&ome people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of

    great strength. $owever, there are times when it ta#es much more

    strength to #now when to let go and then do it.- Ann Lander

    :orgiveness means letting go of the past.- Gerald "a%ols,!

    :ourage is the power to let go of the familiar.- Ra!ond

    Lind2$ist:If you love something, you have to let it go.- &n,nown

    :It is important that we forgive ourselves for ma#ing mista#es. )e

    need to learn from our errors and move on.- Steve 'araboli

    :+ll the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and

    holding on.- Haveloc, Ellis

    :)hen I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. )hen I

    let go of what I have, I receive what I need.- *ao *e #hin+

    :9irvana means to e/tinguish the burning fires of the %hree

    5oisons* greed, anger, and ignorance. %his can be accomplishedby letting go of dissatisfaction.- Shin3o 4to

    :)hen you let go, you are truly free.- &n,nown

    :1ou don8t need strength to let go of something. )hat you really

    need is understanding.- G$! Finle!:2pen your arms to change, but don8t let go of your values.-

    Dalai Laa

    :1ou8ve gotta #now when it8s time to turn the page.- *ori Aos

    :Life moves on and so should we- S%encer "ohnson

    :&tudy the past if you would define the future.- #on)$ci$s

    :&ometimes you have to ta#e a step bac# to move forward-

    Eri,a *a!lor

    :Bro#en hearts hurt but they will ma#e you strong- &n,nown

    :Life moves forward. %he old leaves wither, die and fall away,

    and the new growth e/tends forward into the light.- Br!ant


    :)e #eep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing newthings, because we8re curious and curiosity #eeps leading us down

    new paths.- Walt Disne!:(ven a roc# moves on.- Anthon! Liccione

    :%ime flies, people change. 1ou8re not always needed. %here aretimes to move forward and places to let go.- &n,nown

    :Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your

    mind is more open.- Ral%h 'arston

    :$olding on is believing that there8s only a past; letting go is#nowing that there8s a future.- Da%hne Rose Kin+a

    :1ou can only lose what you cling to.- B$ddha

    :Letting go doesn8t mean that you don8t care about someone

    anymore. It8s 3ust realizing that the only person you really havecontrol over is yourself.- Deborah Reber

    :0a#ing a big life change can be scary but living with regret is

    always scarier.- &n,nown

    :Letting go does not mean you stop caring. It means you stop

    trying to force others to.- 'and! Hale

    :&ome thin# that holding on ma#es us strong; but sometimes iletting go.- Heran Hesse

    :orget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.-&n,nown

    :on8t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to d

    ne/t. &pend your energy moving forward together towards an

    answer.- Denis Waitle!

    :)e don8t want to go bac# to the same policies and practicies drove our economy into a ditch, that punished the middle class

    and that led to this catastrophe. )e #eep moving forward.-David A(elrod

    :1ou can spend minutes, hours, days, wee#s, or even monthsover-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together,

    3ustifying what could"ve, would"ve happened... or you can 3ust

    leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuc# on.

    ?*$%ac Sha,$r

    :It happens to everyone as they grow up. 1ou find out who you

    are and what you want, and then you realize that people you"ve

    #nown forever don"t see things the way you do. &o you #eep thwonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.

    ?icholas S%ar,s

    :)ell, nowIf little by little you stop loving meI shall stop loving you

    Little by little

    If suddenly you forget me

    o not loo# for meor I shall already have forgotten you

    If you thin# it long and mad the wind of banners that passes

    through my life+nd you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I ha



    %hat on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms+nd my roots will set off to see# another land

    ?Pablo er$da, Selected Poes

    :1ou must ma#e a decision that you are going to move on. It w

    happen automatically. 1ou will have to rise up and say, @I don8tcare how hard this is, I don8t care how disappointed I am, I8m

    going to let this get the best of me. I8m moving on with my life

    ?"oel 5steen, 6o$r Best Li)e ow7 8 Ste%s to Livin+ at 6oF$ll Potential

    :Letting go doesn"t mean that you don"t care about someone

    anymore. It"s 3ust realizing that the only person you really have

    control over is yourself.

    ?Deborah Reber,#hic,en So$% )or the *eena+e So$l

    :1ou will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for th

    reason that they are heavy. &o let them go, let go of them. I tie weights to my an#les.

    ?#. "o!Bell #.

    :Letting go means to come to the realization that some people

    a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

    ?Steve 'araboli

    :ry. orgive. Learn. 0ove on. Let your tears water the seeds your future happiness.

    ?Steve 'araboli

    :%here is no such thing as a Abro#en family.A amily is family,

    and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers,adoption documents. amilies are made in the heart. %he only

    time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cu

    you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you ma#
  • 7/26/2019 Bad Things Do Happen


    those ties, those people are your family. +nd if you hate those ties,

    those people will still be your family because whatever you hate

    will always be with you.? #. "o!Bell #.

    . %he moment you realize that the person you cared for has

    nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you, but a headache.