Download - Bad Honnef 3.-5.Mai 2007. Get and support teachers, learners and other staff. Get and make sure there are adequate learning environment. Get and.


Bad Honnef 3.-5.Mai 2007

Get and support teachers, learners and other staff.

Get and make sure there are adequate learning environment.

Get and maintain sound financial structure Get on top of, and handle, problems with

teachers, staff and learners. Produce leaflets, articles and other

information material. Interact with other stakeholders, network

building This is just an example of some of the tasks in an administrative staffs working day.

We, the participants at the European Conference; ”Qualifying actors in

Adult and Continuing Education” at Bad Honnef 3-5. Mai 2007

will on the point of

“Organisation and technical support “

make the following recommendation:

Taking into account : The vast differences and variety of

Adult Education institutions and staff The complexity of working tasks to be

performed by administrative staff The limited knowledge of the group

from empirical research

We find it important to see solutions from two perspectives

The individual learner The Adult education provider

Quality assurance systems must be put in place to ensure that the learners’ expectations are fulfilled.

The process of finding and applying a common European quality assurance system for Adult education providers must be intensified.

To improve the present unsatisfying situation for administrative staff of the Adult Education provider, further training courses should be developed and implemented (e.g. along the lines drawn by the Grundtvig project “Pro-Sal”)

This action will increase the administrative staff’s possibility for employability, advancement and mobility and raise the confidence in the importance of their work. On short term this will ensure that administrative staff is given the tools to better handle today’s requirements of them in a common and updated way.

We would also like to underline our conviction that a successful implementation of the above recommendations will among other things depend on well designed empirical research. This research should be carried out on National as well as European level.