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Page 1: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site

Backup and Restore Instructions

from Sandbox to Production Site

Generally the sandbox server is where you work on your course, making

changes until you have it the way you want it. But students do not have

access to the sandbox. The production site server

( is where students access your

course. To make your course available to students, you must make a backup

of your sandbox course (if that is where your completed and updated course

resides) and restore the backup to the production site. Follow the instructions

on these pages to do everything needed. Every step is important, so do not

skip any steps!

To create a backup of your course located in the sandbox, complete the

following steps.

In the "Administration" block of your Sandbox course select “Backup” under

the "Course administration" heading.

Leave all of the others that are already enabled as they

are. Those enabled should be:

Include activities and resources

Include blocks

Include filters

Include calendar events (This keeps due dates.)

Include question bank (This keeps quizzes.)

Include groups and groupings (This can be enabled

even if you don’t use groups in your course.)

Include PLD data (This can be enabled even if you

didn’t create any alerts with PLD.)

Click the

Next button.

Do not enable “Include enrolled users” unless

you have special calendar events you added

(such as discussion forums). If that is the case,

make sure you are the only person enrolled in

your sandbox course (from Users in Settings

block). Then you can include enrolled users and

select calendar events to be backed up.

Note: If you have performed

backups a lot and are sure you

want no other changes, you can

click “Jump to final step” to start

the actual backup.

Page 2: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site


Review backup settings and confirm options.

(Won’t appear if you clicked “Jump to final step”


Leave all items at the default settings unless you see

some empty units at the bottom that you don’t want to

include in your backup.

Click the

Next button.

(Won’t appear if you clicked “Jump to final step” button.)

Change filename of your backup file if desired. You must leave the

extension .mbz at the end of the filename.

(Won’t appear if you clicked

“Jump to final step” button.)

Scroll to bottom and click

Perform backup

Depending on the size of your

backup file, this could take a

few moments.


any empty


A timer bar appears to let you know

how long before the backup is


When "The backup file was successfully created"

message appears, click Continue.

(Depending on the size of your course you may

need to wait a few seconds.)

Page 3: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site

At this point the original backup copy is on the MoodleRooms Sandbox server. You need to

download it to your personal computer. (You will be restoring your downloaded backup to the

production site server later in these instructions.) After downloading the backup, you will delete

the original copy from the MoodleRooms Sandbox server so we can conserve file space on that


Follow these steps:

You are finished making and downloading the backup of your course from the sandbox.

Click Download beside the backup to

start the process of downloading the

backup to your personal computer.

Choose to Save File.

Choose location to save your backup and type a

filename that is descriptive of the file. Then click Save.

Depending on the Windows version you have, it may

automatically save the file to the Downloads folder on

your computer instead of giving you a choice. If this

happens, just close the Downloads window when it has

finished downloading the backup file.

Then click OK.

Note the Size of your

backup file. If it is over

32 MB, you will have an

extra step to complete

during the restore


Page 4: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site

Very important!

You need to delete the original backup copy that is still on the MoodleRooms server so we don’t

use valuable space needed for our course files. (We have to pay for the space we use on their

server, so we want to do everything we can to conserve that space.)

Follow these steps to delete the original backup located on the MoodleRooms server:

You can make additional backups of your course and download it to your personal computer

any time you make major changes to your course in the sandbox. Don’t forget to remove it from

the MoodleRooms server once you download it to your own computer.

Click the backup file you need to delete.

Click the Manage backup files


Click Delete Click OK to confirm.

Click Save changes

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Restore your backup to your “blank” course shell on the “Production Site” server.

Go to (the Production Site server) and log into your empty course that students

will have access to by clicking on your course. (Another quick way to get to the Production Site

server is by clicking the Login to Online Classes button on Clarendon Colleges home page.)

Important! Complete the following extra steps on this page if the size of your backup file was

over 32 MB in size.

You are now ready to begin the restore process.

Increase the Maximum upload size to something

above your actual backup file size.

Click Save changes

Your course should be “grayed out,”

indicating it is not currently available to


Instructions for making it available to

them is included at the end of this


Your empty course on the Production site

server will look similar to this.

You will be replacing the empty units with

your own course content during the

replace process beginning on the next

page of these instructions.

Click Edit settings in the Administration


Page 6: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site

Click to Choose a file to find and select the backup you

made from the sandbox. (If you feel comfortable doing so,

you can use the drag and drop feature.)

First, choose to Upload a file

Then click Browse

In the Administration block under

Course administration select Restore.

Use the following steps if you

clicked Choose a file

Locate and select your backup file. Then click


If you have Windows 7 on your computer, the

file should be in the Downloads folder.

Make sure the name of the backup

file is in the Attachment textbox.

Click to Upload this file.

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Look through the backup details page to make sure everything is correct. Scroll to the bottom

and click Continue

When the name of the backup file

appears in the Import a backup file

window, click to Restore.

Scroll to the bottom and

click Continue

Page 8: Backup and Restore Instructions from Sandbox to Production Site

If you receive any error messages, contact Will Thompson, the Moodle administrator, at

[email protected]

In the Restore into this course section, choose to

Delete the contents of this course and then restore.

Then click Continue.

Click Next

Scroll to bottom and click

Perform restore.

(Depending on the size of your

backup file, this may take a

few minutes.)

When your course is restored, click

Continue to open your course.

Scroll to bottom and click


Do not change whatever Course startdate is here.

Choose Yes for Keep current roles and enrolments

Choose No for Keep current groups and groupings.

Choose No for Overwrite course configuration.

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Check these course settings

Some of these course settings will need to be changed on your production site course.

Continue tweaking your course on the production site as the semester progresses. If you made

quite a few changes, you may want to back up the production site version of your course and

use that backup to restore to your Sandbox course so you can be making date and other

changes there to get it ready to backup for the next semester. Or keep the backup to restore to

your new production site version once it becomes available for the next semester.

Set to course Format to Folder View format

Leave Visible choice at “Hide” until you are ready for students to start accessing your class. (Change it to “Show” when you are ready for them to access it.)

Set to correct number of units in your course so you don’t have some extra “empty” units at the bottom of your course content.

Set Completion tracking to it is enabled. Otherwise, checkmarks will NOT appear to students and you cannot change any completion tracking for activities.

Click Edit settings in the Administration block.

Click Save and display when finished making the editing changes.