Download - Background rEvident shows world class organizations have very effective systems for listening and reacting to their customers as well as for anticapating.



Evident shows world class organizations have very effective systems for listening and reacting to their customers as well as for anticapating future customer expectations.

This enables them to establish latent customer needs, which are then build into product and service designs and to gain as edge over the competition.


The purpose of this material is to share the following when dealing customer complain ;What will be the correct approach

?What will be the appropriate

handing method ?What to be prevent and avoid ?

When a customer makes a complaint, they bring with them certain requirement

To be taken seriously;To be treated with respect;For the organization to be sorry;The problem to put right. The basis of all complaint handling

is to meet these requirements and to minimize the risk of conflict.

Basic Rules of Effective Complaint Handling

Separate the connection between the person and the complaint.

Deal with emotions first, then the complaint. When face to face or on the telephone -

listen,listen,listen. Understand what the complaint is really about, and

respond to it directly. Do not defend the organization; it will sound like a

justification to the customer. Remain professional at all times; do not get drawn

into the conflict.

The Don’ts

Do not argue.Do no interrupt.Do not get angry.Do not take it personally.Do not over apologize.Do not criticize anything or anybody within

organization.Do not admit liability.Do not dwell on hard feelings.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

1. Become serious “Smiling” manner is not

appropriate. As soon as you realize that there is a complaint, you must become serious, respectful and ultra-polite.

2. Assume responsibility for handling the complaint

Start handling the complaint immediately. People do not like being passed around, and waiting for the “manager” can escalate the complaint. In all cases you must take the responsibility to deal with the complaint even if it is not really your duty.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

3.Invite the customer to tell you about the complaint When they are detailing the complaint, remember to listen

without and not to do anything until they have finished. Never let their rudeness affect you. Do not react to abuse; stay cool and calm. If the customer is

abusive, especially aiming at you personally, ask “Would you mind if my manager/a colleague hears this?” This makes you feel much stronger.

Look interested; lean slightly forward; use head nods, listening noises - “ha-ha”, and body language - open body posture, open hand gestures; look customer in the eyes.

Be interested, not defensive. Think of it as an opportunity to learn how to improve the organization.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

4. Pause, then speak After the customer has finished, pause for 3-5

seconds before you speak.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

5.Move out of limelight If it is going to take time, move the customer to a

“quiet” place away from other customers to avoid embarrassment.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

6. Apologize “I am sorry that this has happened.” “I am really sorry that the product/service has

not met your expectations.”

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

7.Empathize Show that you understand how the customer is

feeling - “I can understand that you must be upset/annoyed, etc.”

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

8.Be clear in your mind about the complaint Make sure you understand the essentials and be

able to tell someone else what the complaint is. If it is serious or beyond your authority to solve, bring in the manager at this point, if it is complicated, get the customer to go through again while taking notes.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

9. Restate the facts and get agreement “Let me see if I have this straight. You bought

this last Saturday and it was broken when you opened the box at home.” “Yes.”

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

10. Ask any questions you need to Only appropriate if more information is needed to

resolve the complaint. Accept the answers without comment.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

11. “Accept” the complaint “Ok. This is what I would like to do...” Lead into

what happens next.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

12. Resolve the complaint The more quickly a complaint needs to be

referred somewhere else, see step 18b.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

13. Offer the solution a.Offer a prepared solution, or better, a choice of two.

“Would you like us to exchange the item, or would you prefer just to have a refund?”

b.Ask then what will make the problem “better” for them. This may seem very open-ended but many customers are simply happy to get it off their chests and no compensation is needed. The organization can always put a limit on the amount of compensation. If you feel that the customer is asking for too much, say “Sorry, that is too much for me to authorize. I will have to get the manager to speak to you.”

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

14. Give them something extra for their trouble

For a very little extra: a voucher, accessory for what was bought, 5% off the invoice, etc, a vast amount of goodwill and customer loyalty can be gained. However, it must be carefully handled so that it cannot be construed as an admission of liability in a case that might end up in litigation.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

15. Take their name and address “for the record”

The main purpose is to send a follow-up letter. It helps to discourage customers who are abusing the system.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

16. Ensure that the complaint is recorded along with the delivered solution

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

17. Send the record to the appropriate department

All complaint records should be stored for the purpose of regular analysis to determine patterns and policy.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

18a. Explain what will happen next If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately,

the customer must be informed of this with a reason.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

18b. Refer to higher authority Appropriate only if absolutely necessary. Possible reasons: The amount of money involved requires higher authority to

authorize the necessary compensation. The complaint is of technical nature and needs investigation. The organization has a complaint department or designates

specific individuals to handle complaints. The complaint relates to another department. In this case, you should apologize and explain why. The complaint

must be handed over to the correct person with briefing. Avoid asking the customers to repeat the story again and again. If they have to wait until the managers appears, take them to a place away from other customers and give them a cup of tea of refreshment while they wait.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

18c. Do the background work to resolve complaint

Some complaints cannot be resolved on the spot because they need investigation or there is demand for compensation. If there is a delay, the customer should be informed of progress and when they can expect a reply.

Face to Face Complaint Handling Procedure - 18 steps

The techniques and the 18-step procedure are basically the same as face to face handling. Main differences are:

As soon as appropriate, the name of the caller should be identified. With telephone complaints it is vital. Allow the customer to finish and then ask his name and use it back.

If the customer is too abusive, it can be transferred to a more senior person.

Instead of watching body language, listen to the tone of voice carefully.

In telephone conversation, with the absence of body language, it is essential to use the right words.

Telephone Complaint Handling Procedure

I don’t know where he is Hopefully, I can... it is not our fault They should not have done... Perhaps you could...

Common language

He is tied up at the moment, can I help? I will... I don’t know what went wrong, but I will look into

it for you I don’t know what has happened. I will sort it out

for you I will...

Better responses

You should have... You’ll have to... We can’t do that... What you must understand is...

Avoid at all costs

Basic rules are the same as face to complaint handling.

Reply letters should be from a senior member of the organization.

Letter contents should include: apologize, empathize, reply with solution.

Keep the letter as simple as possible.

Handling Complaints form Letters

Dealing with complaining customers is an extremely stressful duty. If the staff are handling complaints on a continuous basis, e.g. in a customer service department, management should rotate the staffing. The staff should have supervision close at hand. Below is an outline of handling immediate stress:

Say “Stop” as violently as you can (either aloud or internally to yourself).

Breathe in slowly and deeply, and hold breath momentarily. Breathe out slowly and fully. Pause momentarily. Repeat. As you do so, feel the tension flow from your forehead down

through your body to the ground. Stay quiet for a few seconds. Move at a pace slower than you normally do.

Handling stress

If it cannot be proved that the customer is dishonest and the amount involved is relatively low, it is probably better to just capitulate and pay up.

Get the customer’s name and address, and then send a follow-up letter. In serious cases, load the name and address into computer to run a check how many times the customer has complained before.

If the amount involved is large and the organization is convinced that it is no justified, it might decide to say “no” or offer a less expensive solution. However, it should consider consumer rights, local law and the cost resulting from any potential action from the customer.

If there is proof of fraudulent intent, it is desirable to make a stand. In any case, it is best to reject as politely as possible.

Dishonest customers

If a customers cannot be satisfied with anything that the organization can reasonably do, build into the complaints procedure some form of third party mediation.

If the complaint concerns a member of staff. ensure that they are treated fairly and not sacrificed to the doctrine of satisfying the customer at their expense. Internal investigations, if any, must be speedy and impartial.

Final notes