Download - Babylon's Golden Saying

  • 8/16/2019 Babylon's Golden Saying


    By David Preussen


    Today I will introduce you to the Golden Saying of Babylon, this universal answer with the power

    to shut up any heretic who questions egalitarian Marxist fantasy. Its a weapon so powerful that

    even good intentions, reason, and logic can not co!e up against it. " word so !eaningless and yet

    so powerful# $racist%. In todays world !ost proble!s are so!ewhat connected to a s!all !inority

     but we way not tal& about it because doing so would be $racist%. 'roble! solving has beco!e

     basically i!possible since its no longer political correct to call proble!s by their na!es, or in so!ecases, to point to the! at all. "nd precisely for that reason the ter! $racist% was invented by the

    (ewish co!!unist revolutionary and !ass !urderer )eon Trots&y *Bronstein+ It was to

    discri!inate against white -ussians and to shut the! up whenever one dared to spea& out against

    the destruction of his country by the (ewish !afia which too& over in -ussia after the revolution

    and which started the greatest genocide in history.

    "nd the invention of $hate cri!es% goes bac& to Stalin# it was a $ate /ri!e% to openly identify the

    Bolshevi& -evolution as being (ewish

    $ And since our nation is now ruled by Jewish autocrats who control our money, media,

    religion, education, medicine, food, drugs — through schools and media they controlour very perceptions — how are we going to address our problems in the world when

    we can’t even perceive the proper parameters of the threats we face because of this

    institutionalized media thought control, which through Hollywood, big newspapers, and

    a drug-addicted and pornographized school system works to infect every person in the

    world with this soulless Jewish mindset! 0 John Kaminski, The Jewish war on

    freedom of speech

    $"he Jewish people as a whole will be its own #essiah$ %t will attain world domination

    by the dissolution more&of other races&and by the establishment of a world republic

    in which everywhere the Jews will e'ercise the privilege of citizenship$ %n this (ew

    )orld *rder the +hildren of %srael&will furnish all the leaders without encounteringopposition&! 1 Baruch Levy in a leer o Karl !ar", #uoed in $eview de Paris,

    June %, %&2', p( )7*

  • 8/16/2019 Babylon's Golden Saying


    Say so!ething against "sh&ena2i !edia control3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against "sh&ena2i control of our $education% *read neo4!arxist indoctrination+3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against "sh&ena2i control of our govern!ents3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against "sh&ena2i control of the econo!y3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against the "sh&ena2i plundering of the third world3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against "sh&ena2i $asparta!e is safe% 6un&4science3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against the "sh&ena2i du!bing down of our children34 5ou are a $racist%

    Say so!ething against being replaced in your own country3

    4 5ou are a $racist%

    "s a white !an, or any non4"sh&ena2i for that !atter, you have to stfu, feel guilty of anything, pay

    taxes, do the !anural labour, and fight their wars. 5ou have to be a good dog, and a good dog does

    neither questions his !asters nor their intenions, a good dog after all is to stupid to question

    anything "sh&ena2i co!pulsory education is !a&ing good dogs out of our children, we should be

    than&ful for it

    7ur children are being du!bed down but we !ay not tal& about it, for its al!ost i!possible to tal&

    about co!pulsory schooling and all that is wrong with it without pointing into $racist% directions.Tal&ing about the fact that all !ay not equal and that !ixed education !ay be har!ful for all is

    considered $racist%, and pointing to a certain !inority and their influence is $racist% as well. Its

    only $political correct% to tal& in !eaningless ter!s and definition, tal&ing about culture, religions

    and other artificial divisions is fine, tal&ing about those real divisions nature !ade is not. "rtificial

    divisions are after all only !as&s and !ay be switched freely. -eality today is in !ost cases

    considered to be $racist% and so !e !ay not tal& about things that are real. $-acis!% is a part of

    realis! because it based on the ac&nowledge!ent that nature created different races which share

    different traits, the definition of $races% after all is so!ething li&e $people holding different traits%,

    for without differences there would be no races to begin with.

    $"he courage of the truth is the first condition of philosophic study$!

     0 +eor -ilhelm .riedrich /eel %7701%'%3

    The 6ob of a philosopher is to !a&e sense of nature and her creations and to 6udge the! all equal,

    and 6udging all equal leaves si!ply no roo! for political corect8sic&9ness or wrong guided !oral

     believes, for we either 6udge all things equal or we dont. Giving special exception to special groups

     1 hu!ans in this case 1 would be the end of equality. :;: equals