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  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

    (An Autonomous Institute)

    Second Year B.Tech. Program


    Electronics Engineering

    S.Y.B.Tech Curriculum Electronics 2013-14 Page 1

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Second Year .!. Program in Electronics Engineering Semester"I



    Su#$ectE%aluation Scheme

    & T P Credits Scheme Theor' ars Practical ars

    a* in for a* in

    1MA 203 Applied

    Mathematics III

    3 1 - 4 ISE 10


    -- -

    SE-I 20SE-II 20ESE 50

    1EN 201 Circuits Theory

    3 1 - 4

    ISE 10


    -- -SE- I 20

    SE-II 20

    ESE 50

    1EN 202 ata Structures

    a!d Al"orithms 3 - - 3

    ISE 10


    -- -

    SE- I 20

    SE-II 20

    ESE 501EN 203 i"ital System



    4 - - 4

    ISE 10


    -- -

    SE- I 20

    SE-II 20ESE 50

    1EN 204 Electro!ic Circuit

    A!alysis a!d

    esi"! I

    3 - - 3

    ISE 10


    -- -

    SE- I 20

    SE-II 20

    ESE 50

    1EN 252 ata Structure

    a!d Al"orithm


    - - 2 1



    50 2

    ESE 50 2

    1EN 253 i"ital System



    - - 4 2 ISE


    50 2

    ESE 50 2

    1EN 254 ECA I #a$ - - 2 1 ISE%&E

    50 2ESE 50 2

    Total 1' 2 ( 22 - - - - -

    Total Credits) 22

    Total Co!tact *ours+,ee) 2' *rs

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    . Tutorials a!d practical shall $e co!ducted i! $atches /ith $atch stre!"th !ot eceedi!" 1(

    stude!ts. ESE) E!d Semester Eam SEI-II) Semester Ealuatio! 1 a!d 2 ISE) I! Semester Ealuatio!

    S.Y.B.Tech Curriculum Electronics 2013-14 Page 3

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Second Year .!. Program in Electronics Engineering

    Semester II



    Su$ectTeachi!" Scheme Ealuatio! Scheme

    # T % Credits Scheme Theory Mars %ractical Mars

    Ma Mi! or Ma Mi!


    Microco!trollerI!teraci!" a!d

    %eripherals3 - - 3

    ISE 1040

    - -SE-I 20 - -SE-II 20

    ESE 50 - -



    E!""3 - - 3

    ISE 10


    - -SE-I 20 - -SE-II 20

    ESE 50 - -



    Si"!als a!d

    Systems 3 1 - 4

    ISE 10


    - -SE-I 20 - -SE-II 20

    ESE 50 - -1EN


    Co!trol Systems

    3 1 - 4

    ISE 10


    - -SE-I 20 - -SE-II 20

    ESE 50 - -


    Electro!icsCircuit a!alysis

    a!d esi"! II3 - - 3

    ISE 10


    - -SE-I 20 - -SE-II 20

    ESE 50 - -




    a!d %eripherals


    - - 4 2ISE %&E 50 20

    ESE 50 20





    - - 2 1ISE %&E 50 20

    ESE 50 20




    Circuit a!alysis

    a!d esi"! II#a$

    - - 2 1

    ISE %&E 50 20

    ESE 5020



    7*# #a$1 - 2 2

    ISE %&E 50 20

    ESE 50 20

    Total 16 2 10 23 - - - - -Total Credits) 23

    Total Co!tact *ours+,ee) 2( *rs


    . Tutorials a!d practical shall $e co!ducted i! $atches /ith $atch stre!"th !ot eceedi!" 1(


    . ESE) E!d Semester Eam SEI-II) Semester Ealuatio! 1 a!d 2 ISE) I! Semester Ealuatio!

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  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Title of the CourseA--lied athematics III A /01 &"1 T" P" Cr"2

    Scheme of E%aluation ISE SE"I SE"II ESE inimum for Passing

    0 /0 /0 30 20

    Pre"4e5uisite Courses Basic 6no7ledge of Integral and 8ifferential Calculas


    1 A text book of Applied Mathematics %N a!d 8N ,artiar 7idyarthi 9riha %raasha!

    2 Higher Engineering Mathematics, :S 9re/al ;ha!!a %u$3 Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 9upta a!d ;apur ;ha!!a %u$

    4 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, ;reys Assessme!t $ased o! - ?ui

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    comple ei"e! alues orth"o!ality least s=uare pro$lems

    3 Com-le* anal'sis

    Comple i!te"ratio! i!te"ral theorem a!d ormula Cauchy Gesidue theorem Co!touri!te"ratio! co!ormal mappi!"s $ili!ear tra!sormatio!

    < Pro#a#ilit' and Statistics

    Ga!dom aria$le de!sity a!d distri$utio! o u!ctio! o si!"le aria$le :i!omial %oisso! a!d!ormal distri$utio!

    Coeicie!t o correlatio! li!es o re"ressio! re"ressio! o icariate data itti!" o cures least

    s=uare pri!ciple

    odule 7ise easura#le Students &earning 9utcomes

    I! all Modules a! &erie/ o I!te"ral a!d iere!tial Calculas alo!"/ith Statistics is tae! he!ce $

    lear!i!" all modules the stude!t /e a$le to sole diere!t mathematical pro$lems

    9utcomes as regards to im-ro%ement in Communication SillsNA

    Com-uter sage = &a# Tool

    &a#orator' E*-eriences Tutorials as per the :atch

    Inde-endent &earning E*-eriences

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    Title of the Course Circuits Theor' E+ /0 &"1 T" P"0 Cr"2

    Scheme of E%aluation ISE SE"I SE"II ESE inimum for Passing

    0 /0 /0 30 20

    Pre"4e5uisite Courses


    17a! 7ale!$ur" Het!ork Anal"sis %*I pu$licatio! 3rd Editio! 1J(3


    1 #% *uelsma!#asic $ircuit %heor" %*I %u$licatio! 3rd Editio! 200J

    2 7a! 7ale!$ur" Hli!ear circuits %*I pu$licatio! 3rd Editio! 1J((3 C ; Alea!der M N & Sadiu HElectrical $ircuits Tata Mc9ra/-*ill 200(

    4 Mittal 9;et!ork Anal"sis, ;ha!!a %u$licatio!s 4th Editio! 1J('

    5 So!i 9uptaElectrical $ircuit Anal"sis Gai %u$ 1J(4

    Course 9#$ecti%es

    1 To study $asic u!dame!tals theorems used i! circuits a!alysis2 To study steady state a!alysis o diere!t AC circuits atte!uators ilters a!d coupled circuits

    3 To study %S%ICE+ MAT#A: to sole pro$lems i! Electric circuit a!alysis

    Course &earning 9utcomes

    1 Stude!t /ill a$le to /or /ith $asic u!dame!tals theorems used i! circuits a!alysis2 Stude!t /ill a$le to /or /ith steady state a!alysis o diere!t AC circuits atte!uators ilters a!d

    coupled circuits

    3 Stude!t /ill a$le to /or /ith %S%ICE+ MAT#A: to sole pro$lems i! Electric circuit a!alysisAssessments

    Teacher>s Assessme!t $ased o! - ?ui

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    importa!t theorems a!d properties applicatio! a!alysis o circuits i! time domai! tra!ser

    u!ctio! I!itial Co!ditio!s a!d Solutio!s to !et/ors0

    1. T7o Port +et7ors"

    &pe! a!d short circuit parameters tra!smissio! parameters hy$rid parameters matri orm oi!put output relatio!s i!teractio! o t/o our termi!al !et/ors u!symmetrical !et/ors

    propa"atio! u!ctio!s lattice !et/ors $ala!ced a!d u!$ala!ced !et/ors $isectio! theorem


    I!troductio! sta!dard si"!als si"!al represe!tatio! classiicatio! o si"!als systems represe!tati

    classiicatio! #i!ear Time i!aria!t causal :I:& sta$le Static dy!amic

    odule / Time 8omain Anal'sis of Continuous and 8iscrete Time S'stems" > hrs

    ero state a!d ero i!put respo!se Impulse respo!se Co!olutio! i!te"ral a!d co!olutio! sum "raphi

    represe!tatio! o co!olutio!

    odule 1 :ourier 8omain Anal'sis of Continuous Time Signal G 0 hrs.

    Tri"o!ometric Dourier series Compact Tri"o!ometric Dourier series Epo!e!tial orm irich

    Co!ditio!s Dre=ue!cy domai! represe!tatio! o periodic si"!als Dourier Tra!sorm represe!tatio!

    aperiodic si"!als %roperties o CDT duality time reersal Co!olutio! time a!d re=ue!cy domai! et

    odule 2 &a-lace Transform Anal'sis of Signals and S'stem"

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Inde-endent &earning E*-eriences

    &!li!e N%TE# 7ideo lectures

    %ro T ; :asu IIT ;hara"pur

    %ro S C utta Goy IIT elhi %ro 7 M 9adre IIT Mum$ai

    S.Y.B.Tech Curriculum Electronics 2013-14 Page 2

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Title of the Course Control S'stem E+ /2 &" 1 T" P" Cr" 2

    Scheme of E%aluation ISE SE"I SE"II ESE inimum for Passing

    0 /0 /0 30 20

    Pre"4e5uisite CoursesTe*t#oo

    1 Co!trol System E!"i!eeri!", I8 Na"rath M 9opal Ne/ A"e I!ter!atio!al

    %u$licatio!s 1JJJ 3rd Editio!2 Moder! Co!trol E!"i!eeri!", ;atsuhio &"ata

    3 Moder! Co!trol System, or :ishop Addiso! ,esley %u$licatio!


    1 Feedback $ontrol S"stems, Schaum>s Series $oo

    2 Automatic $ontrol Engineering, ;uo 2!d Editio!

    Course 9#$ecti%es

    This course is desi"!ed as irst course i! co!trol systems The importa!t o$ecties are)

    1 To study ope! loop a!d closed loop systems

    2 To u!dersta!d u!dame!tals o time a!d re=ue!cy domai! a!alysis3 To deelop co!cept o sta$ility i! time a!d re=ue!cy domai!

    4 To study u!dame!tals o state space a!alysis

    Course &earning 9utcomes

    1Stude!ts /ill $e amiliar /ith Co!trol system u!dame!tals such as ope! loop closed loop systems

    2 Stude!ts should hae !o/led"e o mathematical modeli!" si"!al lo/ "raphs etc

    3 To "et !o/led"e o Gouth-*ur/its Assessme!t $ased o! - ?ui

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    %relimi!ary desi"! co!sideratio!s o Compe!sators !eed o compe!satio! lead compe!satio!s la"

    compe!satio! la"-lead compe!satio!

    1 Sta#ilit' Anal'sis

    Co!cept o sta$ility co!ditio! o sta$ility characteristic e=uatio! relatie

    sta$ility Gouth-*ur/it< criterio! special cases or determi!i!" relatie

    sta$ility Ny=uist sta$ility criterio!

    2 4oot &ocus Techni5ues.

    :asic co!cept rules o root locus applicatio! o root locus tech!i=ue or

    co!trol systems

    3 :re5uenc' 4es-onse Anal'sis

    :ode plots "ai! mar"i! phase mar"i! eect o additio! o poles a!d

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Title of the Course ECA8"II E+ /3 &" 1 T" P" Cr" 1

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    Scheme of E%aluation ISE SE"I SE"II ESE inimum for Passing

    0 /0 /0 30 20

    Pre"4e5uisite Courses ECA8"I


    1 +esign !ith op(amp and analog integrated circuits, Ser"io Dra!co Tata Mc9ra/ *ill Ne/


    2 &perational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits Go$ert D Cou"hli! a!d Drederic D

    riscoll %*I


    1 &p(amp and inear 5ntegrated $ircuits, Gamaa!t 9ai/ad %*I2 &perational Amplifiers,To$ey a!d 9ramme

    3 inear 5ntegrated $ircuits, Goy Choudhury a!d S : 8ai! Ne/ A"e I!ter!atio!al %u$lishers

    2!dEditio! 2003

    Course 9#$ecti%es

    Course 9#$ecti%es

    1 To u!dersta!d /ori!" o diere!tial ampliier a!d operatio!al ampliier2 To study the op-amp $ased circuits lie oscillators multii$rators etc

    3 Applicatio!s o op-amp i! A!alo" Computatio!s

    4 To study the applicatio!s o actie ilters a!d %##s

    Course &earning 9utcomes

    1 A$le to anal'Fethe op-amp $ased circuits

    2 A$le to designa li!ear olta"e re"ulator a!d actie ilters3 Electro!ic %roects usi!" op-amps lie a!alo" co!trollers etc


    Teacher>s Assessme!t $ased o! - ?ui

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    eter!al re=ue!cy compe!satio!

    2. Acti%e :ilters

    The tra!ser u!ctio! irst order actie ilter sta!dard seco!d order actie ilter ;GC multiple

    eed$ac ilters state aria$le a!d $i-=uad ilters eect o i!ite 9:% o! ilters audio ilte


    3. Com-arators and Wa%eform !enerators

    7olta"e Comparator comparator applicatio! Schmitt tri""ers pea detector sample a!d hold circuit

    Si!e /ae "e!erators multii$rators mo!olithic timers @IC555B tria!"ular /ae "e!erators sa/

    tooth /ae "e!erators mo!olithic /aeorm "e!erators 7 to D a!d D to 7 co!erter

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Title of the Course icrocontroller Interfacing and Peri-herals &a#

    E+ /

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    23 esi"! o (051 $ased system

    24 esi"! o (051 $ased system

    odule 7ise easura#le Students &earning 9utcomes

    9utcomes as regards to im-ro%ement in Communication Sills

    Com-uter sage = &a# Tool

    &a#orator' E*-eriences

    Inde-endent &earning E*-eriences

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    Title of the Course Analog Communication Engineering &a# E+


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    odule 7ise easura#le Students &earning 9utcomes

    1 ?ui

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    Title of the Course ECA8"II &AB E+ /

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    10 Study o IC(03( a!d its applicatio!s

    11 Study o #i!ear 7olta"e Ge"ulator12 Study o S/itchi!" 7olta"e Ge"ulator S93524

    13 Study o %recisio! Gectiier

    14 S=uare a!d tria!"ular /ae "e!erator

    15 Study o IC55516 Study o %## usi!" IC4046+IC565

    odule 7ise easura#le Students &earning 9utcomes

    1 Test, de#ug and e%aluate the perorma!ce o op-amp $ased circuits /aeorm "e!erators a!d

    mo!olithic timers

    2 Wor in team a!d deelop the ha!ds o! sills or $uildi!" the simple electro!ic circuits

    9utcomes as regards to im-ro%ement in Communication Sills

    %articipatio! i! Circuit esi"! + %roect Competitio!s

    Com-uter sage = &a# Tool

    %G&TEFS simulatio! sot/are

    &a#orator' E*-eriences

    esi"! a!d testi!" o arious op-$ased circuits lie oscillators multii$rators i!strume!tatio! ampliier

    a!d actie ilters

    Inde-endent &earning E*-eriences

    A$le to select a op-amp or a particular applicatio! a!d desi"! a!alo" co!trollers lie o!-o

    proportio!al etc A$le to perorm mathematical operatio!s @a!alo" computerB usi!" op-amp $ased


    Course Code ;8& &a# E+/

  • 7/27/2019 Awces s.y Electronics


    Pre"4e5uisite Courses 8igital 8esign


    167H+ 6,ou"las %erryTata Mc9ra/-*ill

    2 6+igital S"stem +esign 8sing 7H+6, Charles * GothCe!"a"e #ear!i!" I!dia


    1 6Fundamentals of +igital ogic 8sing 7H+ 6, Steaa! Mc9ra/ *ill2+igital +esign9 H+(#ased Approach,Ma!ita SriastaaCe!"a"e #ear!i!" I!dia

    Course 9#$ecti%es

    1 To !o/ the *# la!"ua"e or i"ital esi"!2 To u!dersta!d the diere!ce i! *# a!d other hi"h leel pro"rammi!" la!"ua"e

    3 To u!dersta!d the co!cept i! simulatio! a!d sy!thesis

    Course &earning 9utcomes

    1 A$le to /rite the de$u" the pro"ram

    2 A$le to impleme!t o! its


    Teacher>s Assessme!t $ased o! - ?ui