Download - Avoiding plagiarism list 2014

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Avoiding Plagiarism

How to avoid plagiarism and the importance of referencing.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Today’s session will…

• Define plagiarism

• Explain the benefits of appropriate referencing

• Explain how to acknowledge other people’s work

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014-15


What is plagiarism?

Copying...Copying...Copying...someone's information or data without giving them the proper credit.

To copy something that you shouldn't be


basically stealing someone else's idea and passing it off as

your own…

You are just blindly copying something else…

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Spot the difference!

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Referencing Acknowledge another person's work

• use the referencing system required by your department

All systems • use citations within the body of the text

– brief details of the source in the text where the source is used

e.g. Oakshott (2001) argues that...

• use references at the end of the text

– include full bibliographic information about the source

e.g. author(s)'s name(s), date of publication, title of work, place of publication, and publisher.

– this section ot the text is called Reference List or Bibliography.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


What should be acknowledged?

Images taken from the web

Ideas taken from a journal article

Newspaper articles

Quotations from other people's work

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Can I use photographs found on a website?

Photographs are an example of 'other people's work‘• need to be properly acknowledged using a citation and reference.

If photographs are protected by copyright (often the case with images & music) • may need to ask the permission of the copyright owner before using them.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


How do I acknowledge online sources?

In most referencing systems, to acknowledge online sources, include• the web address (i.e. the URL)• the date the website was accessed.

Sometimes difficult to find the date a webpage was produced. • use the term 'n.d.' which means no date.

Precise format depends on the reference system required by your department.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


What's the difference between quoting and paraphrasing?

Quote– copy text word-for-word

– surround it by quotation marks

– include a citation and reference to acknowledge the original author.

Paraphrase– put someone else's ideas into your own words

– no need for quotation marks

– still need a citation and reference

Paraphrasing not just about changing one or two words. It shows– you have really understood the original text

– you are able to incorporate the ideas into your own work.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Developing Confidence

Essays and other assignments • express your ideas and demonstrate your understanding of the subject

• acknowledge key sources

• make a judgement on those sources

• add your own opinions.

Developing confidence in expressing your ideas is an important & valuable skill.

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2011 -12


Turnitin Plagiarism Prevention Software

•Compares your work with online database

•Produces a report of any matching text

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2013 -14


Using Turnitin

Optional self-access • request a login from [email protected]

• via Moodle

Not optional• some departments require assignment submission via Turnitin

– English– Business and Law

QuickStart guide available without login

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2013 -14


Book 9

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Library Information Skills Tutorials 2014 -15


Book 9, Chapter 1: Common Misconceptions

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Book 9, Chapter 1: How can plagiarism occur?

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Book 9, Chapter 1: Activity

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Book 9, Summary