Download - Autumn 2011 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

  • 8/3/2019 Autumn 2011 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter


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    M u i r H e r i t a g e L a n d t r u s t

    W hat do Neil Armstrong, EdwardO. Wilson, Gerald Ford andmany others have in commonwith the Muir Heritage Land Trust? TheEagle Award: the highest recognitionscouting has to offer.

    Beginning in summer 2011, OpenSpace Ranger Glen Lewis and MatthewFarnitano of Boy Scout Troop 239worked to identify a restoration project onFernandez Ranchs Slot Creek. To fulfill

    a Boy Scouts of America Eagle AwardService Project, a Scout must demonstrate

    O nce an e agLe , aLways an e agLeMessage from theExecutive DirectorWriting on behalf of the MuirHeritage Land Trust is alwaysan honor. But this edition of Horizons is special to me becaof our recent accomplishmentsOne of those achievementshas earned a prestigious honofor us and our partners from

    the Contra Costa Council: a2011 Philanthropy Award for Outstanding Collaborative Profor the Acalanes Ridge AcquisThis special recognition of theMuir Heritage Land Trust, CityLafayette, City of Walnut CreekEast Bay Regional Park Distriand broad range of communitypartners demonstrates theimportance of collaboration inpermanently protecting criticaimportant natural areas. Thisachievement is a tribute to thehard work, intelligence, talentsand support of our members,partners, board of directors, staand friends. Working together hbeen a wonderful experience, has helped ensure our organizis achieving its mission. Givenchallenging times, our continusuccess is all the more remarkThe Muir Heritage Land Trustis flourishing because we strivto bring people together tocreate enduring benefit for theentire community. Our regionneeds the Muir Heritage LandTrusts leadership now more thever. Thank you again for yourcontinued support.

    Linus EukelExecutive Director

    E a g l e

    S c o u t P

    h o t o s : C

    h r i s F a r n

    i t a n o

    a caLanes r idge a waits

    T he high ridge is where white-tailed kites hang suspended in thewindclose enough to see thered of their eyesto hunt. Time hangsin abeyance as well. The sky is closer, thestress of civilization further away.

    Such was the scene that greeted anenergetic group gathered on the newlyprotected 23 acres on Acalanes Ridge

    on May 20th. More than 100 volunteers,led by Volunteers for Outdoor California(V-O-Cal), were to build nearly a half mileof new trails to connect to the adjoiningAcalanes Ridge Open Space and BrionesRegional Park.

    The heat of the day gave way to acold wind on the ridge by late afternoon,sending volunteers to don warm jackets.

    Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle continues on page 3

    Acalanes Ridge Awaits continues on page 3

    2011 P HiLantHrOPy a ward S SAcalanes Ridge Acquisition Outstanding Collaborative Project

    Contra Costa Council honors: Muir Heritage Land Trust, City o La ayette,City o Walnut Creek, East Bay Regional Park District,

    and community partners.

    A c a

    l a n e s

    R i d g e

    P h o t o : R

    i c h a r d

    G y l g a y t o n

  • 8/3/2019 Autumn 2011 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

    2/4 m u i r H e r i t A g e L A n d t r u s t Horizons2

    M u i r H e r i t a g e L a n d t r u s t

    P.O. Box 2452Martinez, CA 94553

    925-228-5460 925-372-5460 faxin [email protected]

    s tAff

    Linus EukelExecutive Director

    Johna Winters Administrative Manager

    Glen LewisOpen Space Ranger

    Gunther KorshakMembership & Development Coordinator

    Carolina do Val Callao Administrative Assistant

    B oArd

    of d irectors

    Steve Hutchcra tChair

    Denis HustonVice Chair

    Paul CraigSecretary

    Louis E. StoddardTreasurer

    Bob AstonAnn Cormack

    Diane CoventryBeth MalloneeBob ReynoldsMark Wilson

    e ditor

    Linus Eukel

    n ewsLet ter

    c ontriButors

    Sherida BushCarolina do Val Callao

    Linus EukelGunther Korshak

    Glen Lewis Johna Winters

    M an y T hanks T o o ur

    F abulous G al a C oMMiTTee

    F resH a i re a FFaire

    On August 13th, hundreds o Land Trust supporters joined

    Master of Ceremonies,Doug McConnell or a beauti ulevening at the Mansion and Estateo the John Muir National HistoricSite to beneft the Muir HeritageLand Trust. Our annual undraiser was a great success because o you!

    Guests relished the balmyweather, specialty

    cocktails anda gourmet

    dinner whileenjoying themusic o BobAthayde

    & Friendsand exciting

    live auction with John Pereira .

    G la

    Restoration Design Group

    Clark & Amara Morrison

    lightingaudiovideo drape

    Bob Athayde & FriendsContra Costa Building andConstruction Trades Council

    Eliot & Martha Hudson, Co-Chairs

    Bill & Betty BrownMaurice & Jean Heley

    Bill & Lesley HuntErnest & Carole LeopoldTor & Stephanie McLean

    Gary & Lauren RanzDavid & Adele Seaborg

    Bob Simmons & Judy WhelanMark & Karen Zemelman

    t Hank yOu tO Our generOus sPOnsOrsDouble your impact!

    Matching gi ts double your support or theMuir Heritage Land Trust.Ask your employer aboutcharitable matching gi ts.

    F r e s h

    A i r e A f f a i r e P h o t o s :

    P a u l

    G a r

    b e r

  • 8/3/2019 Autumn 2011 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

    3/4 m u i r H e r i t A g e L A n d t r u s t Horizons 3

    leadership while performing a project for the benefit of his community.

    On September 3rd and 4th, Matthewled more than 15 volunteers on a two-day project installing straw waddles andgeo-netting, and planting oak trees tohelp reduce erosion. The project alsoemployed an innovative watering techniquethat used hydrating gelin the bottom of biodegradable cartonsto enhance thesurvival rate of newly installedvegetation.

    Matthewrallied volunteer support fromTroup 239, CollegePark High School,adult leaders and hisscout master, to complete over 200 hoursof work. Matthews service project is agreat example of collaborative partneringthat encourages community members todiscover and enjoy protected open space.

    The title of Eagle Scout is held for life, thus giving r ise to the phrase Oncean Eagle, always an Eagle. The Land Trustis proud to support Matthew with hiscommunity service project, and appreciateshis work to restore and enhance thestability of an important riparian areaon Fernandez Ranch.

    WelcomeCarolina do Val Callao

    The Muir Heritage Landis pleased to announce the adof Carolina do Val Callao as oAdministrative Assistant. Car joined the Land Trust in Auguworks with all staff to provid

    variety of essential administrsupport.Carolina brings more tha

    years of rich professional expto her new position, having wevent planning, operations, curelations and program managsupport for both the non-profand hospitality industry.

    Born and raised in Sao PBrazil, Carolina spent her chisummers exploring the Amazher familys cattle ranch whe

    enjoyed horseback riding, swin rivers and tending the famvegetable gardens.

    Carolina also traveled alived in Europe before cominthe United States to completBachelors Degree in Businesemphasis in Hospitality Manfrom San Francisco State UnBefore joining the Land Trusworked as an administrator fstar hotel in Sao Paulo, Brazthen for three years as a ProgSpecialist with the National WProject in Berkeley.

    Carolina currently resideWalnut Creek with her husbatheir son Bruno and daughterShe enjoys swimming and hiher family as well as explorinbeautiful Bay Area.

    Crew leaders and some volunteers spentFriday and Saturday night camping on thepropertya wilderness experience in themidst of a residential neighborhood.

    While a full weekend was scheduled,the workers completed most of the tasksin just one day because, as V-O-Cal leader Chino put it, The dirt was like butter.First-time trail builder and Lafayette

    Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle continued from page 1 Acalanes Ridge Awaits continued from page 1

    resident Vladimir, his wife and six-year-oldson camped Friday night. His teenage son

    joined them the next day to help createthe trail. Its good for kids to do somethingfor the environment, he said. And itsgood for teenagers to participate.

    On June 4th, only two weeks later,a soggy Saturday was illuminated byan enthusiastic crowd of more than100, who braved slippery-mud trails tocelebrate the dedication of the AcalanesRidge acquisition. Luck prevailed as thedownpour abated long enough for a hostof distinguished speakers to lend their inspiring and celebratory words.

    The new trails are waiting; the land

    is now open for all to embrace.

    A c a

    l a n e s

    R i d g e

    P h o t o : S t e v e H u t c h c r a

    f t

    A c a

    l a n e s

    R i d g e

    P h o t o : P a u

    l G a r

    b e r

  • 8/3/2019 Autumn 2011 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter



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    P R I N T E D

    O N

    R E C Y C L E D

    P A P E R

    J Oi n tHe F es t iv i t iesN OVEMBER 10 TH - 7:00 - 9:00 pm

    Help celebrate the2011 Philanthropy Award

    Acalanes Ridge AcquisitionOutstanding Collaborative Project rom the Contra Costa Council

    Enjoy wine, hors doeuvres, volunteer awards

    and updates on Land Trust key initiatives.

    Walnut Creek Library | Oak View Room1666 North Main Street, Walnut Creek

    Please [email protected]

    or call (925) 228-8833.

    For more information and directions:

    Theres an Opossumin My Backyard

    Theres a Hummingbird in My Backyard

    Donate $125 or more by December 15th and well send you

    autographed copies o Theres an Opossum in My Backyard andTheres a Hummingbird in My Backyard.

    Written by popular Pet and Wildli e Columnist Gary Boguewith illustrations by Chuck Todd, these books are un,in ormative and per ect gi ts or the holiday season.

    Gifts that support land conservation a utuMn c eLebratiOn 2011T HURSDAY, N OVEMBER 10 TH - 7:00 - 9:00
