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Invent. math 92, 91-128 (1988) [YI u~l t ion e$ mathematicae �9 Springer-Verlag 1988

Automorphic vector bundles on connected Shimura varieties*

J.S. Milne Mathematics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

Introduction 0. Review of terminology concerning Shimura varieties 1. The Taniyama group, the period torsor, and conjugates of Shimura varieties 2. The compact dual symmetric Hermitian space and its conjugates 3. The principal bundle Y~ X); statement of the first main theorem 4. Automorphic vector bundles 5. Conjugates of automorphic vector bundles 6. Proof of Theorem 3.10 for the symplectic group 7. Proof of Theorem 3.10 for connected Shimura varieties of abelian type 8. First completion of the proof of Theorem 3.10 9. Second completion of the proof of Theorem 3.10 Appendix: Pairs defining connected and nonconnected Shimura varieties Bibliography

91 93 95

101 105 112 115 118 121 123 124 126 128


A connected Shimura variety S~ X) is defined by a semisimple group G over Q and a symmetric Hermitian domain X. For any automorphism z of �9 (as an abstract field), it is known that the conjugate zS~ of S~ has a canonical realization as a connected Shimura variety S O (G', X'), and that the pair (G', X') defining the second Shimura variety can be constructed from the first pair by using the Taniyama group. In more down-to-earth terms, we can say that with an automorphic function f on X and a special point x of X, it is possible to associate a new automorphic function ~.xf on a different domain X'; the associated f~--,,~'xf commutes with the Hecke operators, and z(f(x)) =~'~f(x') for an explicitly defined special point x' on X'. (A proof of this result for most connected Shimura varieties can be found in Milne and Shih (1982b) and for the remaining varieties in Milne (1983); see also Borovoi (1983/4). It is the analogue for connected Shimura varieties of a conjecture of Langlands (1979).)

�9 Parts of this work have ~" supported by the National Science Foundation; it was completed while the author was at th~ .ematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley

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The purpose of the present paper is to extend these statements to holomor- phic automorphic forms. Such forms of a fixed type are sections of a vector bundle over a connected Shimura variety. The vector bundles for whose sections our results hold arise from equivariant vector bundles on the compact dual of X; we call them automorphic vector bundles (the importance of these vector bundles has been emphasized by P. Deligne; the name was suggested to me by M. Harris). Holomorphic automorphic forms in the classical sense corre- sponding to automorphy factors for the full group arise as sections of automorphic vector bundles. We show in w that the conjugate zq / of an automorphic vector bundle can be canonically realized as an automorphic vector bundle on S~ X'). More precisely, we show (Theorem 5.2) that there is an automorphic vector bundle ~ ' on S~ ') and a canonical isomorphism

~r , ~e" lifting the isomorphism zS~ X) , S~ ', X') and commuting with the Hecke operators; the data defining Y/~' is constructed from the that defining q/~ by using the Taniyama group and the period torsor. In more down- to-earth terms, we can say that with an automorphic form f and a special point x of X, it is possible to associate a new automorphic form ,,xf on the domain X'; the association f~---~'~f commutes with the Hecke operators, and "c(f(x)) can often be related to ~'Xf(x') where x' is the same special point of X' as above.

In a sequel to this paper, these results will be used to obtain similar results for automorphic forms on nonconnected Shimura varieties. In this way, we shall obtain an analogue for automorphic vector bundles over Shimura varieties of Langlands's conjecture on the conjugates of Shimura varieties. In particular, this will allow us (without any assumptions on the underlying Shimura variety) to define canonical models of automorphic vector bundles, and to give a definitive definition of what it means for a holomorphic automorphic form to be rational over a number field.

The theorem on automorphic vector bundles is obtained as a rather direct consequence of a theorem (again a generalization of Langlands's conjecture) concerning a certain principal bundle Y~ over S~ This theorem is stated in w 3 and proved in w 6 and w 7 for connected Shimura varieties of abelian type. In w 8 and w 9 we give two methods of extending the result to all connected Shimura varieties. The first, which is the shorter, uses a statement (Borovoi (1983/4), 3.21) for which no proof is currently available; the second makes use of an idea from Harris (1985). Automorphic vector bundles are defined in w 4 and their conjugates are described in w 5. The first two sections contain preliminary material on the Taniyama group, the period torsor, conjugates of connected Shimura varieties, and conjugates of the compact duals of Hermitian symmetric domains.

Lacking at this point are theorems describing how automorphisms of act on the Fourier-Jacobi series of automorphic forms (or even a general algebra- ic definition of such series) and on the Eisenstein series associated with cusp forms on boundary components. It is however possible to give precise conjec- tures, again in terms of the Taniyama group and the period torsor, and I hope to take up these questions in future papers.

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A discussion of the relation of these results to those of other authors will be given in the sequel to this paper. Here we mention only that the results were suggested by those of Harris (1984, 1985), which in turn were suggested by questions of Shimura (1980) and Deligne.

O. Review of terminology concerning Shimura varieties

A reductive group is always assumed to be connected. When G is an algebraic group, G der and G ad are the associated derived and adjoint groups of G, and Z(G) is the centre of G. The action of G on itself by inner automorphisms factors through a homomorphism ad: Gad~ Aut(G). The simply connected cov- eting group of a semisimple group G is denoted by d.

When G is an algebraic group over ~,, G(IR) + is the identity component of G(~) (for the real topology), and G(~)+ is the inverse image of Gad(~) + in G(R). In the case that G is defined over Q, we write G(II~) + for G(~) c~ G(R) + and G(Q)+ for G(O.)nG(F,.)+. The symbol - denotes closure in G(& I) where

&I d_y ~, | Q is the ring of finite adrles. We write & for ~, x &I and &' for tEx &I.

The real torus Resr ~, , is denoted by S; thus S(F-,) = ~ • and S(IE) = IE • x II~ • (the projections onto the two factors correspond respectively to the identity automorphism of C and to complex conjugation). Associated with any homo- morphism h: S ~ G, there is a weight map

wh: ~ m ~ G , rw-~h(r) -1, all r~P, • ~ S ( ~ ) ,

and a cocharacter

lab: (]~m---rGr z~---~hc(z, 1), all z~lE •

By a pair (G, X) defining a connected Shimura variety we mean a semisimple algebraic group G over ~ and a G~O(~)+-conjugacy class X of homomorphisms S~G~t d satisfying the conditions (2.1.1)-(2.1.3) of Deligne (1979). Then X has a canonical structure of a Hermitian symmetric domain, and we write x for a point of X when we are regarding it in this way and h~: S ~ G ~ d and #~: ~,, ~ G~ ~ for the homomorphism and cocharacter associated with x. The connected Shimura variety S~ is defined to be the projective system (F\X)r~st~) (or its limit), where Z(G) is the set of net arithmetic subgroups of G~(O) containing the image of a congruence subgroup in G (~). Each complex manifold F \ X has a unique structure as an algebraic variety, and the morphisms in the projective system are algebraic. It is sometimes also convenient to regard S~ X) as being the projective system of varieties (F\X) with /" running over the set 2~(G) of net congruence subgroups of G(~). We often write S~ X) (or S~ X) when F = G(O)n K, K compact an open in G(&I)) for the algebraic variety F\X. When G is simply connected,

af s~ x)(if;) = limS~ x) (•)= c(OO\ x • ~(&s).

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In the last term, q~ G(Q) acts on (x, g)~X x G(& s) according to the rule:

q(x, g)= (qx, qg).

For x in X, Xr denotes the image of x in F \ X , and Ix] =(Xr)r~st~) denotes its image in S~ X).

The action of Gad(Q) + on S ~ (G, X),

g: F \ X - ~ F ' \X , XrF-~(gX)r ,, F '=ad(g)F

extends by continuity to the completion G'd(@) +~ of Gaa(Q) + for the topology defined b y the subgroups in Z(G). The map G(tDJ+ ~ Gaa(Q) +^ extends by con- tinuity to the closure G(Q)7- of G(@)+ in G(&I), and Gaa(Q) +^ is generated by Gad(tI~) + and the image G(tl~+/Z(tl~) of G(Q)+ ;more precisely,

Gad(@) +^ = G(@) +,o(Q)+ Gaa ((1~) +

(Deligne (1979), In fact Gad(ff~) + ̂ is also generated by Gaa(tl~) + and the image of d(Af). In the case that G is simply connected, G(Q)+ =G(&f), and the actions of G(& I) and Gaa(Q) + on S~ X) are given by

a[x,g]=[x, ga-1], x~X, a,g~ G(~,Y) ;

q[x, g] = [gx, ad(q)g], x ~ X , q~Gad(ff~) +, g~G(&Y).

We write (g) for the automorphism of S ~ (G, X) defined by g e G ad ((~ + ̂ . By a morphisrn f: (G, X) ~ (G', X') of pairs defining connected Shimura varie-

ties we mean a homomorphism f: G ---, G' of algebraic groups over @ carrying the conjugacy class X into X'. The map h~--~ad(f)oh: X ~ X ' automatically sends special points of X to special points of X'. Such an f defines a morphism S~ S ~ (G, X) ~ S~ ', X') of connected Shimura varieties taking the action of g e G (M s) into that of f(g)~ G' (~s). W e say that f is an embedding if f : G ~ G' is injective. In this case S~ is a projective system of closed immersions (see Deligne (1971), 1.15).

By a pair (GI, X1) defining a Shimura variety we mean a reductive group G1 over tl~ and a G1 (R)-conjugacy class XI of homomorphisms S ~ G~R satisfy- ing the conditions (2.1.1)-(2.1.3) of (Deligne (1979)). For such a pair (G~,X1), a connected component X~- of X~ can be identified with a G~d(R)+-conjugacy

af ~ r _ a d and (G,X)= (Gd~ ~ X~) is a pair defining a connected class of maps ,., "-, 1R,

Shimura variety; in this situation, we write (G, X)=(G~, X~) +. The connected component of S(G1,XO containing the image of X~ can be identified with S~ X). The action of G1 (A s) on S (G1, X1) factors through G1 (&s)/zl (r where Z1 is the centre of G1, and the stabilizer of S~ X) in S(G1,X~) is GI(@)+/ZI(ff~ )- (here - denotes closure in GI(As)). If we assume that /_/1(~, Z1)=0, then Gad(~) = GI(O.)/Z x (ff~ c G x (As)/z~ (Q) -, and the stabilizer of S~ X) in GI(&Y)/ZI(tI~) - is the closure of G~d(O__) + in GI(As)/ZI(Q) -. This closure can be identified with G"d(O)+ ̂ , and its action on S~ X), when converted into a left action, agrees with that defined above [ibid. 2.1.16].

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All vector spaces and vector bundles are of finite dimension. The category of representations of an algebraic group G on k-vector spaces is denoted by Repk(G).

Motives are always meant in the sense of (absolute) Hodge cycles (see (Deligne and Milne (1982), w 6)).

We rarely distinguish a vector bundle from its associated locally free sheaf of sections. By a variation o f real Hodge structures on a complex manifold X, we mean a local system of real vector spaces V on X together with, at each point x of X, a real Hodge structure on the fibre V~ at x; these Hodge structures are required to vary continuously in x, and the associated Hodge filtrations F" on the fibres of (9 x | V are required to vary holomorphically and satisfy the axiom of transversality: VF p ~ t2J~ | F p - ~ (Deligne 1979), 1.1.7). To define a variation of rational Hodge structures replace "real" with "rat ional" in the preceding definition.

The algebraic closure of Q in �9 is denoted by ~ . When necessary, we denote the inclusion ~ C by 7. We often use = to denote a canonical isomorphism. The equivalence class containing * is often written [*].

1. The Taniyama group, the period torsor, and conjugates of Shimura varieties

Recall (Milne and Shih 1982a) that the Serre group is a pair (6, h~a.) consisting of a proalgebraic torus ~ over Q and a homomorphism hr S ~ ~R whose weight is defined over Q. The pair is universal in the following sense: for any torus T over Q and homomorphism h: S ~ TR whose cocharacter/~ is defined over a C M field and whose weight w is defined over Q, there is a unique Q-rational homomorphism p: ~ ~ T such that Prt ~ h~.. = h.

The Taniyama group Eibid. w 3] is an extension

1 ~ ~ ~ X , Gal((1)JQ) -* i

of pro-algebraic groups together with a continuous section sp: Gal (I]~/Q) ~ ~(As). d.r

For any z in Aut(~), ' ~ = rc-l(z]~) is a right @-torsor with a distinguished AS-point sp(z).

Let CMo be the category of motives over ~ generated by abelian varieties of CM-type over ~ and the Tate motive, and let CM~ be the category of motives over Q generated by the abelian varieties over Q of potential CM-type, the Tate motive, and the Artin motives. The objects of these categories will be called CM-motives over ~ and Q respectively. Both categories are Tannakian and have natural Q-linear fibre functors sending a motive M to the Betti coho- rnology group of tM, and it is known that ~ and Z are the pro-algebraic groups associated with CIVI~ and CM~ (see Deligne (1982b) for Z). In particular, this means that with each Q-linear representation (r, 1/) of Z there is associated a CM-motive M over Q, well-defined up to a unique isomorphism. The Betti cohomology group H B O M ) = V,, and the Hodge structure on H n O M ) is defined by ro h~an.

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Let M be a CM motive over ~ . A tensor t of HBOM) will be called a Hodge cycle if there is a Hodge cycle (tdR, tet) of HdR(M) x Het(M ) on M relative z (in the sense of Deligne (1982a), p. 28) such that t and (trig, tet) have the same image as a tensor of HdR(tM) X Het(tM). For any veGal(tl)flD), Deligne's theorem [ibid., 2.11] implies that there exists a Hodge cycle ~t of HB(ZM ) corre- sponding to the tensor (ztdR, T tet) of HdR(zM)• Het(ZM). For example, when t is the class of an algebraic cycle Z on an abelian variety A, ~t is the class of ~Z on zA.

The functor HdR is a second fibre functor on C1VIQ with values in the category of vector spaces over ~. Therefore ~ = ~ | HdR) is a torsor for Z (see Deligne and Milne (1982), 3.2), which we call the period torsor. The comparison

isomorphisms c(M): Hs(M)| ,HaR(Mr define a canonical element c

in ~(IE). The q-structures HB(M) and HdR(M ) determine actions of Aut(IE) on HB(M)| C and HdR(Mr and for z~Aut(tE), we write

z | (3) = c - 1 o ~ (c) e Z ( ~ ) .

The map Zoo : Aut (t13)--. 3:(t13) is a one cocycle:

zoo (a z) = zoo (tr). tr zoo (z), a, z e Aut (~).

Note that zoo does not factor through the quotient Gal(II~/Q) of Aut(~).

Proposition 1.1. The element zoo (z) lies in *~(~).

Proof We have to show that z~(~) maps to z in Gal(tl~/~). Recall that Gal(tl)/03 is the group associated with the Tannakian category ArtQ of Artin motives over ~, and that the map n: Z--*Gal(tl~/tl~) corresponds to the inclusion of Ar M into CIVI~. It therefore suffices to show that, for all Artin motives M, zoo (z) (M): HB(Mr | 112 --* HB(M~) | 112 is simply z | 1.

Every Artin motive M is a direct factor of a motive of the form h(X) with X a finite scheme over ~ (see Deligne and Milne (1982), p. 211), and so we may suppose that M=h(X). Then HB(M)=Hom(X(~), 03 and M corre- sponds to the representation of Gal(tl~/O.) on HB(M) induced by its action on X(II~). For any ~-algebra R, Hda(Ma)=A| where A=F(X,(gx), and A | (~) with Gal(ff~/03 acting on the second term through its action on X(~) and ~. In summary:

(a) HB(M)=Hom(X(r 03 with Gal(tl~/~) acting through its action on x ( @ ;

(b) Hn(M)| ff~) with Aut(~) acting through its action on C;

(c) HaR (Me)= Hom(X(tl)), ~) with Aut (IE) acting through its action on X(O) and ~. All actions are on the left. With these identifications, c becomes the identity map, and for 2eHom(X(ff~), IE)= H~(M)| ~,

d f d f z ~ ( z ) (,~) = ( c - ~ o ~ c ) (,~) = ( c - ~ o ~ o c o ~ - ~) (,~)

~b~__ (C - ~ o 3 ) (3 - ~ o ,~) =~c~ ~ o (1: - 1 o 2 ) o ~ - ~ = ,~ o ~ - ~ ~"~= (3 | 1) ( 2 ) ,

as required.

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Remark 1.2. (a) We leave open the question of giving a description of ~ and its canonical (E-valued point (equivalently of zoo(z)) in the spirit of Langlands's definition of the Taniyama group (in particular, a description that avoids men- tioning C M motives). As Deligne pointed out to me, n . (9 ~) is the Gal(tl~/Q)- torsor Spec(Q).

(b) It is possible to give a slightly different interpretation of zoo(z). For a CM-motive M over Q, write H,(M)=HB(zZM). Then H d M ) is a fibre functor on C1VI~, and for any Q-algebra R, *~(R)= ~ | (Hid | R, H~ | R) (see Deligne and Milne (1982), 6.23). An element of *~((E) is therefore a (E-linear functorial

isomorphism HBO M) | 112 ~ Hn (z t M) | (E, compatible with tensor products,

and such that t | 1 corresponds to ~t| 1 for all Hodge cycles t of HBOM). Consider the maps

1 | 1 c(~M) Hn( tM) | ,Hn( tM)@(E ,HdR(M)|

1| , H d R ( M ) ( ~ , ~ , ( E c ( ~ , M ) - I -* HB(z ~M)| (E.

Obviously the composite is (E-linear, and for any Hodge cycle t of HnOM),

t | l ~--~t| l ~--~tan (XDc~,,l ~--~tdR(X~.~,l ~-* ~t| 1.

Since the maps are functorial and compatible with tensor products, they define an element of '$((E), which is clearly zoo (z).

Let (G, X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and let x be a special point of X. By definition, this means that there is a (maximal) Q-rational torus T in G such that h x factors through (T/Z) (N.), Z = Z (G). From the universal property of ~, we know that there is a unique Q-rational homomorphism px: $ ~ T/Z such that h,=(p~)Itohr The map px: ~ ~ G ad defines an action of $ on G, and the $-torsor ~$ can be used to twist G (or any other covering group of G"d). Thus we obtain an algebraic group ~'XG=~$ x ~ , o G over Q such that (as a Gal (~l~/Q)-set)

~'XG(r = {s . g l s ~ ( Q ) , ga G (Q)}/~ (@)

where Sl ~ $((r~) acts according to the rule

(s. g)s~ = ssl " ad (p~ (si- l))g.

Then *'*G is a semisimple group having ~ x e,o, T= T as a subtorus. Let q~'.xG~a(Q), and let s6p~.(*~) ((l)); then q can be written [ s .qJ for

a unique element q~eGaa(f~), and s~-~sq~ defines a Q-rational automorphism (q) of Px.C~) (as a Gaa-torsor). In this way, *'XG can be identified with the group of automorphisms of the G-torsor p**(*~) (acting on the right).

The point sp(z) in *~(A f) defines a canonical continuous isomorphism

g~--~'~g = [sp(r)-g]: (~(&Y) --* ~'x(7(&Y).

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In (Milne and Shih (1982b), 8.2) it is shown how to construct a canonical isomorphism

g~_~,Xg: Gaa((~)+ ^ ~ , ,xGad(~)+ ^

compatible with the preceding isomorphism (cf. (3.7) below). Define ~h to be the homomorphism S ~ ' ~ G ~ d associated with the cocharacter z#~ of T/Z ~ "XGad. If we let ~'~X denote the "~Gad(R)+-conjugacy class of maps S ~ " ~ G ~ d containing ~h, then the pair (~'~G, ~'xX) again defines a connected Shimura variety. We write 'x for 'h regarded as a point of ~'~X.

Proposition 1.3. For any special points x and x' of X, there is a canonical isomor- phism

tp~ S~ S~

such that q9 ~ (z; x', x) o (~.Xg) = (,,~,g) o ~p0 (z; x', x) for all g E G aa (q~) + ̂ .

Proof Because ~ad(Q)+ ^ ~ Gaa(@)+ ^ is surjective, and s~ X) is the quotient of S~ X) by the kernel of this map, it suffices to prove the proposition for (~, X). Thus we may assume that G is simply connected.

Lemma 1.4. Let (G, X) and (G', X') be pairs defining connected Shimura varieties. Let f and f ' be isomorphisms

f : G ---~6', f ' : Gad(q) +^ ,G'a~(~) +^,

and let 7eGaa(r +^ be such that, when f is extended by continuity to an isomor-

phism f : Gad(r + ̂ ~ G'ad(tD_.) + ̂ , then load(v) = f ' . Under these conditions

af ~p = s ~ s~176 ')

is an isomorphism such that ~po(a)=(f'(a))oq9 for all aCGad(Q)+^; moreover, if f is replaced with f o ad(q), q r C ad (~)+, and 7 with q-17, then q~ is unchanged.

Proof Straightforward. Thus we must find a pair ( f 7), well-defined up to replacement by

(foad(q), q-17) with q~"~Gad(IDJ +, such that (i) f is an isomorphism ~'~G ~ "~'G sending ~'xX into ~'x'X;

(ii) 7~"XGad((l~) +^ satisfies f(ad(7) ("~a))="~'a for all a~Gad(([~) +^ Let c be the class of ~6 in H a (Q, 6). The existence of the section sp shows

that c maps to zero in Ha(Ql, 6) for all primes I. Consider p~(c) and p~,(c)~Ha(ff,~ Gad). These elements have the same image in Ha(R, Cad); this can be proved by a direct calculation, which is carried out in (Milne and Shih (1982b), pp. 315-316), or by noting that (Deligne (1979), 1.2.2) implies that "XG~td~"~'G~td. Since the Hasse principle holds for G ad (see for example (Milne (1986), 1.9.9), it follows that px(c) and p~,(c) are equal.

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Choose a pair (G 1, X 1) as in (A.4) of the appendix. The constructions reviewed above for (G, X) have analogues for (G1, X0. We write x 1 and x'l for x and x' regarded as points of X 1 when it is necessary to make this distinction. They are special, and (A.4b) implies they give rise to homomorphisms Pxl, Px. : ~ --* G1 lifting p~ and p~,. Because of (A.4c), the map HI(ff~,G1)~HI(CQ, G] d) is injective, and so Pxl. ( ~ ) and Px,,.(~) are isomorphic Grtorsors. The choice

of an isomorphism t : p x , . ( ~ ) , p ~ . ( ~ ) determines an isomorphism

f~: ~'xG 1 ~'--*~'X'G 1, and it is known (Langlands (1979), p. 232) that f l maps

~'xX1 into ~'~'X1. From the discussion preceding the statement of the proposition, we know that t is determined up to replacement by an element to(q), qe~,~G1 (~). Since ~'XG1 (Q) is dense in ~'~G l (R), we can modify t so that f l maps the compo- nent ~'~X of ~'xX1 into the component ~'x'X of ~'~'X1. Then f l restricts to a morphism f : (~'~G, "xx)~c'X'G, ~'~'X), and when t is replaced by to(q), q~'~Gl(tl~)+, then f is replaced by foad(~) where ~ is the image of q in ~.~G~a (ID) +"

If s and s' denote the images of sp(z) in p ~ , , ( ~ ) (&Y) and p ~ t , ( ~ ) (-~Y) respectively, then there exists an element ~, 1 �9 ~'~G 1 (&Y) such that t (s ~ 1) = s'. Note that ~1 is uniquely determined by the choice of t, and that if t is replaced by to(q), qe~'XGl(Q)+, then )'1 is replaced by q-17~. Note also that f l oad(vl) ("Xa) =~'X'a for all a�9 We shall show that the image 7 of Vl in "XGI(&Y)/ZI(~)- lies in the subgroup ~'~G~a(Q) +^ (cf. w Since the maps a~ '~a and a~--~'~'a on GI(& y) induce the maps of the same name on the subquotient G~d(~) +^ of GI(& I) (Milne and Shih (1982b), 8.2), the lemma will then show that the pair (f, 7) defines a map q~~ x', x) having the desired properties. It is independent of the choice of t, and the usual argument [ibid. p. 339-340] shows that it is independent of the choice of (G1, X0.

Write G'~ for t'XG 1. We shall show that 71 lies in the closure of G'~(~) + - of G'l(tl~) + in G'I(&:). Recall (Deligne (1979), 2.5.1) that G'~(tl~) + - is the fibre over 1 of G'I(&Y)~no(G'I(Q)\G'I(A)), and (Deligne (1971), 2.4) that

rt0(G~ (~)\G'I (A)) ) 7Zo ( n l ( ~ ) \ n l (A)) where ,,r-/1 ----~'/~'dcr=G1/Gdlcr'v1/v1 The

maps p~l and p~, become equal when composed with v: G1 ~ H1, and so, when the above constructions are carried out with G1 replaced with HI, one sees immediately that the image of ~1 in Hi (& I) lies in H1(1I~). Therefore ~ lies in Gl(tl~) + -

Remark 1.5. In w 3 we shall need to use a slight strengthening of some of the above arguments. Let Hi(N)+ be the image of Z I ( R ) in Hi(R) and let H~(ff)3+=Hl(tl)3c'~Hl(R)+. Write p for vop~,=vopx,. An isomorphism

t: p~,, (~)__ ~" , P~i. ( ~ ) induces an automorphism of p , (~) , and hence defines

an element qeHl(tl~). If t is replaced by to(g), ge~,~Gl(ll~)+, then q is replaced by q.v(g). Since v(GI(R)+)~v(ZI(R)), we see that we obtain an element q le H I(tI~/H~ (tl~ + which is independent of the choice of t. Probably it is possible to show in general that this is 1 by refining the proof of the "Second Lemma

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of Comparison" in Langlands (1979), p. 232, but we shall use a different argu- ment to prove this in the cases of immediate interest to us.

The construction in (A.2) leads to a pair (G1, X1) such that the weight is in fact zero. Let G O be the subgroup of G1 constructed in (A.5), and let Ho = Go/G. Write Xo and x~ for x and x' regarded as homomorphisms S ~ Go.•. Then Pxo.(~) and pxb . (~ ) are isomorphic Go-torsors (see the argument in (Milne and Shih (1982b), pp. 315-316)). This shows that there is an element qo~Ho(ll~)/Ho(ll~)+ mapping to ql EH1 (II~)/H1 ((1~) +. But Hor./w(ff~m) is anisotrop- ic, and is therefore connected. Since w(l~m)= 1, H o ( ~ ) is itself connected, and so v(Zo (~))= Ho (~). Therefore that qo = 1, as required.

Theorem 1.6. For each z~Aut(IE), there is a unique isomorphism

o . zSO(G, X) ~ S~ ~'xX)

such that (i) the point ~ [x] is mapped to [~x] ;

(ii) q~~176 for all g~Gad(ll~) + ̂ . Moreover, if x' is a second special point of X, then

qr o o x)o ~o~,~ = ~0~,x,.

Proof. See Milne and Shih (1982b) for Shimura varieties of abelian type and Milne (1983) for the general case.

Remark 1.7. Theorem 1.6 has a down-to-earth interpretation. Let (G,X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and let f be an automorphic function on X relative to a congruence subgroup F of G((I~). We can regard f as an algebraic function on F \ X . By definition, F = K n G ((1~) for some compact open subgroup K in G(As), and we define the congruence subgroup ~'XF of ~'XG((l~) to be ~'~Kn~'XG(Q) where ~'XK is the image of K under the isomorphism

g~---~'~g: G(A I) --.~'~G(AI). Let z be an automorphism of IE, and let x be a special point of X. Then the theorem defines an isomorphism

0 . (~o~,~)r. ~(r \x)- ,~,~rv,xx. af

It therefore associates with f an automorphic function *'xf = zfo(qg,,x)r~ -~ on the Hermitian symmetric domain ~'*X relative to *'~F such that

*'~f([*x]) = ~(f([x])) (for the chosen special point x).

Moreover, *'~(fo (g)) =*'~fo (*'~g) for all ge G~d(Q) § ^. Let G be a reductive algebraic group over I~, and let p be a homomorphisrn

at ~ G. It is possible to give a motivic description of *'PG = ' $ x e,oG. Choose

a faithful ~-l inear representation r: G ~ GL(V) of G. There exists a family of tensors (t~)ae a of V (that is, elements of vector spaces of the form TjV = V | 1 7 4 | such that G is the subgroup of GL(V) fixing the t~. If M is the CM-motive over Q corresponding to the representation r o p, then HB(M)= V

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and the t, are Hodge cycles on M. Write ~ 'PV=~ x ~,pV, so that (as Gal(tl~/Q)- modules)

~ ' " V | ~ = { s . v I s ~ ( ~ ) , g~ V| Q}/~(@)

where sl ~ ~((~) acts according to the rule

(s. v ) s l = s s l . p ( s ? ~ ) v.

Proposition 1.8. There is a canonical isomorphism r HB(zM), and r176 is the subgroup of GL(Hn(zM)) fixing the Hodge cycles r on zM.

Proof Let ~ be the image of ~ in GL(HB(M)), and let r be the ~- torsor defined by r For any Q-algebra R, the R-valued points of ~ can be identified with the set of R-linear maps HB(M) | R ~ HB(zM) | R taking t to st for all Hodge cycles t on M (see Deligne and Milne (1982), especially (6.23a)). Clearly ~'PV=~ x~,pV, and the map Is.v] ms(v) identifies this with HB(zM). Choose a point SoE~(~) , and consider the map

Aut(HB(zM) | (~, (~t~)~,4) ~ ~'PG (~), a~--~ [-So" ad(so l)a].

One checks immediately that this is independent of the choice of s o , that it defines an isomorphism, and that it commutes with the action of Gal(tl)/Q). It therefore defines an isomorphism of algebraic groups over @.

2. The compact dual symmetric Hermitian space and its conjugates

We first review Deligne's interpretation (Deligne 1979) of a Hermitian symmetric domain X and its compact dual )( as parameter spaces for Hodge structures and filtrations. Then we prove analogues of (1.3) and (1.6) for _~.

Let V be a vector space over a field k of characteristic zero. A homomorphism ~: ~m ~ GL(V) defines a decomposition

V = @ V i, V i = { v ~ V l # ( z ) v = z i v , a l l z i n k •

and a decreasing filtration of V

. . .FPV~FP+XV .... F P V = ( ~ V i. i>p

Let G be a reductive group over k. A homomorphism #: ~ , , - , G defines a filtration F" on V for each representation (r, V) of G, namely, that corresponding to ro#. These filtrations are compatible with the formation of tensor products and duals. Conversely, any functor (r, V)~-,(F', V) from representations of G to filtrations compatible with tensor products and duals arises from a homo- morphism /z: ~,.--* G. We call such a functor a filtration of Repk(G), and we write Filt(#) for the filtration defined by #.

Proposition 2.1. Let G be a reductive group over a field k of characteristic zero, df

and let I~ be a cocharacter of G. From the adjoint action of G on g = Lie(G), we acquire a filtration F" of ft.

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(a) The subalgebra F~ is the Lie algebra of a parabolic subgroup FOG of G; moreover, FOG is the subgroup of G respecting the filtration (defined by It) on each representation of G.

(b) The subalgebra Fl fl is the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical FIG of F~ moreover FIG is the subgroup of F~ that acts trivially on the graded module | (F ~ V/F p+ I V) associated with each representation (r, V) of G.

(c) The centralizer Z(#) of # is a Levi subgroup of FOG; in particular,

Z(#)------~ F ~ G/F ~ G, and the composite ft of # with FOG-~ F~ is central. Two cocharacters of G define the same filtration of G if and only if they define the same group F ~ G and induce the same map ~,~ ~ F ~ G/F ~ G.

Proof See (Saavedra (1972), especially IV.2.2.5). Let G be a reductive group over rE, and let Ito: ~, , ~ G be a cocharacter

of G. We let )~ be the set of filtrations of Rep~(G) that are G(~)-conjugate to Filt (#o).

Proposition 2.2. The action

0(r • :~--~:L (g, ~)~Filt(ad(g)o~)

defines a bijection G(tE)/PoOE ) ,X, where Po is the parabolic subgroup FOG

of G.

Proof We have to show that Po(ff~) is the subgroup fixing Filt(#o) under the above action, but the filtration on a vector space V defined by ad(g)o#o is obtained from the filtration defined by Po by applying g, and so this follows from (2.1 a).

Remark 2.3. (a) The bijection in (2.2) endows )( with a complex structure. In fact, because Po is parabolic, 3( has the structure of a smooth projective variety over ~.

(b) According to (2.1c), the points of X can be identified with the set of equivalence classes [P, #], where P is a parabolic subgroup of G and # is a cocharacter # of P such that (P,#) is conjugate under G(IE) to (Po,#o); the classes [P, #] and [P', #'] are equal if and only if P = P' and # and #' define the same cocharacter of P/RuP.

(c) For any faithful representation (r, V) of G it is obvious that X can be identified with the set of filtrations of V conjugate to that defined by #o. Slightly less obviously, X can also be identified with the set of filtrations of Lie(G) conjugate to that defined by ado/t o .

By a global tensor of a sheaf ~e" of (gs-modules, we mean an element of F(S, Tj~e ") for some i and j, where T i f f = ~//-| | ~|

Proposition 2.4. Let #o be a cocharacter of a reductive group G over IE, and let A~=G(tE)/Po(tE) be the corresponding space of filtrations; let r: G ~ GL(V) be a faithful representation of G, and let ~/" be the constant vector bundle ~ • V o n ff~.

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(a) There is a unique filtration of ~e" by algebraic subbundles such that the filtration on each fibre ~//'te,ul is that defined by #.

(b) Let (t~) be a family of tensors of V such that G is the subgroup of GL(V) fixing the t~. Let F" be a filtration (by algebraic subbundles) of the constant vector bundle ~/ ' --- S x V on a smooth complex variety S, and let t'a be the global

tensor (1, t~) of ~t/~'. I f for each s in S, there is an isomorphism ~e~' ~ V of .filtered vector spaces mapping each t'~.~ to t~, then there is a unique morphism ~: S ~ ) ( such that when we identify 7"3e ~ with S x V=~I F in the obvious way, the filtrations on V*~e ~ and t/~' agree.

Proof (a) Let ~(V) be the flag variety of filtrations on V conjugate under GL(V) to that defined by go- Then the map sending FIR(#) to the filtration on V defined by # is a closed immersion of .~ into ~(V), and the pullback of the universal bundle on ~(V) is ~e ~. Clearly the filtration on the universal bundle induces the correct filtration on ~e-.

(b) For ye~(V), let F~ be the corresponding filtration of E Then y is in the image of )( in ~(V) if and only if there is an isomorphism of filtered vector

spaces (V, Fo) ~(V, F~) fixing each t~ because such isomorphisms are defined

by elements of G(~). Therefore the map S-~ ~(V) defined by ~" and the universal property of ~(V) factors through )(, and the resulting map S ~ 3( has the correct properties.

Now let (G, X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety.

Proposition 2.5. Let r: G~d~ GL(V) be a faithful real representation of Gad, and let V be the constant sheaf on X defined by V.

(b) For each x in X, rohx is a Hodge structure on the stalk Vx(=V) of V; V, together with these Hodge structures, is a variation of real Hodge structures on X.

(b) There exists a bilinear form ~: Vx V ~ R defining a polarization of the real Hodge structure (r o h~, V) for all x.

(c) Let {t~} be a family of tensors of V such that G~ a is the subgroup of GL(V) fixing the t:. Then as x runs through the points of X, the Hodge structures Vx run through a connected component of the set of all Hodge structures on V for which the tensors t~ are all of type (0, 0).

Proof See Deligne (1979), 1.1.14. We now apply (2.2) and the preceding discussion to the group G ~a and

the cocharacter go corresponding to a point oeX. In particular, we define the d,m~ space )~ to be the set of filtrations of Repc(G ~a) conjugate under G~d(tE) to #o (and hence to all # , for x in X). It is the compact dual symmetric Hermitian space of X in the usual sense (Helgason 1978, V.2). Note that G(IE) acts on

through G(IE) ~ Gad(l~).

Proposition 2.6. The map fl: X - ~ X sending a point x in X to the filtration of Repr defined by p~ embeds X as an open complex submanifold of .~. For o~X, let K o be the isotropy group at o in G(R) +, and let Po be the isotropy group at o ~ X in G(IU); then K o = P o n G ( F Q +, and the inclusion of Ko into Po

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identifies (Ko)r with a Levi subgroup of Po; there is an equivariant commutative diagram

Gad(~) . /Ko ~ G~d(r162 )

X ~ )L

Proof. This is proved in Deligne (1979), 1.1.14. We merely note that the injectivity of X ~ X follows from the fact that the Hodge filtration determines the Hodge decomposition.

The map fl is the Borel embedding of X into X. Since )f is an algebraic variety, we can speak of the variety z)~ for z an automorphism of C. We shall show that zX has a natural realization as the dual of a Hermitian symmetric domain.

Recall that for all automorphisms z of ~, we have a canonical element z~o(z)~ffJ(tE). This gives rise to a canonical map

d f ~,

g~---~'Xg = [zo~(z)'g]: G'(IE) ~'XG'(C)

for central extension G' of Gad.

Proposition 2.7. Let ~'~)r be the dual Hermitian symmetric space associated with (~'XG, ~'xX). For any special point of X, there is a unique isomorphism (of algebraic varieties) r : z ) ( ~ ~'~X such that

( i ) the point z x is mapped to *x, and (ii) qJ,~oz(g)=(*'Xg)o~p~.~,for all g in Gad(IE).

Proof. The uniqueness is obvious. For the existence, note that there is a commu- tative diagram

G ad(IE) ~ G ad(IE) --~

T T id

T(r , T(r ,




in which the unmarked arrow on the top row is g~._,~.Xg and T is a suitable subtorus of G "a. Let Px, P', and P" be the subgroups of G~ a, G~ a, and ~'XG~d respectively fixing the filtrations defined by/ax, z#x, and #~x. Then P'=zP~ and P" is a subgroup of ~'XG~a such that P"(IE)={~'Xp[z-lp~P(tE)}. On passing

to the quotients, we obtain maps X ~ ,z.~--*~'x)?, and the second of these obviously satisfies (i) and (ii).

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Remark 2.8. (a) The subgroup P of G a~ is defined over the reflex field E = E(G ad, X), and Px factors through T t c P. The subgroup zP of G a~ still contains T because T is defined over ~ , and so we can use px and ~ to twist zP. Clearly ~'~'(z P) = P".

(b) Let x' be a second special point of X. Then ~,Xg~__~.X,g is an isomorphism ~'~G~d(~) ~ ~'x'Ga~(~) giving rise to a commutative diagram

Gad(l~ ) t Gad (~) ~ t,xGad (l~) g~--~'~g.

',x'Gad(r ) ~,~'g

On passing to the quotients, we obtain a commutative diagram

X ~ q'~x

�9 X --, ~'~2

3. The principal bundle Y o (G, X); statement of the first main theorem

We begin by reviewing some elementary constructions from complex differential geometry (see for example Kobayishi and Nomizu (1963/69)).

Let S be a connected complex manifold, and let nl = n, (S, s) be the fundamen- tal group of S regarded as the group of covering transformations of the universal covering space S of S (acting on the left). A homomorphism r: n l ( S , s ) ~ G from nl (S, s) into a complex Lie group G gives rise to a (right) principal G-bundle

Y(r) = ~ \ ~ x G, (?s, r ( Jg ) ~ (s, g)

on S, and there is a canonical flat connection on Y(r). Every principal G-bundle Y over S admitting a flat connection arises in this way.

Let V be a complex vector space. A homomorphism r: rh(S , s )~GL(V) gives rise to a vector bundle

<(r)=~Xgx F,, (~,s,r(jv)-(s,v)

on S, and there is a canonical flat connection on ~ . The sections of Y(r} over any open subset U of S can be identified with the isomorphisms

a: Cv | V ' < I u (trivializations of ~ e~ over u).

Now suppose that r factors through a reductive algebraic subgroup G of GL(V). There will exist a finite family of tensors (t~) of V such that G is the subgroup fixing the t,. Each t~ gives rise to a global tensor t'~ of ~//~, and the sections of Y(r) over any open subset U can then be identified with the isomor-

phisms a: ~ v | ~" ,~e lU under which each l | corresponds to t',lU (trivializations of ~ over U respecting the t,).

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Proposition 3.1. In addition to the hypotheses in the last paragraph, assume that S is algebraic, that ~v is an algebraic vector bundle on S, and that the tensors t', are algebraic sections of the Tj~F ". Then Y(r) is algebraic, and it represents the functor of S-varieties whose value on n: T ~ S is the set of isomorphisms

a: (9 r | V ~ n* ~V" such that 1 | t~ corresponds to ~z* (t'~) for all ~.

Proof Suppose first that G=GL(V) (and there are no tensors). If ~U is trivial, i.e., ~U = (9 s | V, then the functor is represented by Gs. Since ~U is locally trivial for the Zariski topology, it follows easily that the functor is represented by a Gs-tOrsor Y, and it is obvious from the discussion preceding the proposition that the analytic space associated with Y is Y(r). In the general case, the tensors t~ define a Gcsubtorsor of the GL(V)~-torsor Y whose associated analytic space is again Y(r).

We apply these remarks to a pair (G, X) defining a connected Shimura vari- ety. For each F ~ ( G ) , F is the fundamental group of S ~ and (by definition) F c G(@~)c G(~). The above construction gives us a principal G(tU)-bundle Y~ X) = F \ X x G(C) over S~ X). Because of our conventions we are forced to turn this into a left principal bundle (by making geG(~) act as g-1 in the natural action; that is, g[x, c]--Ix, cg-1]). For varying F, these bundles form a projective system Y~ X), which can be regarded as a principal G(C)-bundle over S~ X). In the case that G is simply connected,

Y~ X ) = G ( ~ ) \ X x G(C) x G(&:)

with q~G(Q) acting on (x, c, a)~X x G(C) x G(&:) according to the rule

q(x, c, a)=(qx, qc, qa).

There is an action of Gad(~) + on Y~ geGad(Q) + maps [x,c]r e F \ X x G(~) to [gx, ad(g)c]r, eF 'LX x G(~), where F '=ad(g)F . We let G(Q) act on S~ through the map G(~)~Gad(Q); this extends by continuity to an action of the closure G(~)+ of G(Q)+ in G(AI). Therefore G(~)• G(Q+ and Gad(Q) + both act on Y~ X). If q~G(tl~)+, then (q, q)eG(~) x G(~)+ and the image of q in G~d(Q) + have the same action, and consequently we obtain an action of

af if(G) = (G(~) x G(~I~)+)*a~Q)+ G~d(~) +

on Y~ X). There are obvious homomorphisms G(C)--+ if(G)~ Gad((I~)+ ̂, and the action of (r on Y~ X) is compatible via these maps with the actions of G(C) and G'd(Q) + ̂ on Y~ X) and S~ X) respectively.

In the case that G is simply connected, G(tl~)+ =G(&:), and the actions are given by

a[x,z ,g]=[x,z , ga-l] , x~X, zeG(~), a, geG(&:),

c[x,z ,g]=[x, zc-~,g], x~X, c,z~G(~E), geG(~/).

In the general case, if(G) is generated by the images of G(~), ~(&s), and G~d(O_) +.

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Now let r: Gc~GL(V) be a representation of Gr In this case we obtain a vector bundle ~e~(r) on S~ X) together with an action of G(~)_ + on ~e-(r).

Proposition 3.2. The principal G(~)-bundle Y~ ( G, X) is algebraic, and the elements of C~(G) act algebraically on it.

Proof We shall need to use the following result.

Lemma 3.3. Let S be an algebraic variety embedded as an open subvariety of a complete algebraic variety S.

(a) I f S - S has codimension > 3, then the functor ~ ~__~ ~an taking an algebraic vector bundle on S to its associated analytic vector bundle defines an equivalence of categories.

(b) I f S - S has codimension >2, then ~ ~.~ ~an is fully faithful, and F(S, ~ ) = F(S, ~an) .

Proof This follows from theorems of Serre, Grothendieck, Siu, and Trautmann; see Hartshorne (1970), p. 222.

We first prove the proposition under the assumption that the boundary of S~ X) in its Baily-Borel compactification has codimension ~ 3. Choose a faithful representation r: G~GL(V) of G, and let (t~) be a finite family of tensors of V such that G is the subgroup of GL(V) fixing the t~. Then (3.3a) shows that the sheaf ~ r on S~ X) corresponding to V is algebraic, and (3.3b) shows that the global tensors t'~ are algebraic. It now follows from Proposition 3.1 that Yr~ X) is algebraic. An element of G(~)+ acts as an algebraic mor- phism on the family (Yr~ because (3.3a) shows that it does so on the family (~r). On applying this to G ad we find that an element of G a d ( q ) + ac t s

algebraically on Y~ x), and therefore on Yr~ because Yr~ is a finite covering of Y~ x). Finally an element of G(~) acts algebraically on Y~ X) because it defines a morphism of the functor that Y~ X) repre- sents.

Next we assume that the boundary has codimension > 2. In this case, there will be a totally real field F and a pair (G., X. ) with G. = Rese/oG such that the boundary of S~ X. ) has codimension > 3 and the natural map G ~ G. sends X into X . . Choose a faithful representation r . of G. , and let r be its restriction to G. Then the sheaf ~/" on S~ defined by r is obtained by restriction from the similar sheaf on S~ X.), and so it is algebraic. Moreover the global tensors of ~e ~ are again algebraic, and so the same argument as before applies.

In the only remaining case, the boundary has codimension= 1. But then G is SL z or PGL 2, and the result is easy to prove, for example by making use of the universal elliptic curve (cf. w 6).

In summary, with a pair (G, X) defining a connected Shimura variety, we have associated a Gc-torsor Y~ over S~ a flat connection I 7 on Y~ X), and an action a of f#(G) on (Y~ X), 17); moreover, a special point x on X defines a point y~Y~ X) lying over l-x], namely, its image under the map X ~ Y ~ The association is functorial: a morphism (G, X)--.(G', X') carrying a special point x of X to a special point x' of X'

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gives rise to a morphism of quadruples

(Y~ V,a, y)~(Y~ V',a', y').

We need an ad61ic version of (3.1). Write p: Y~176 for the structure map, and let r: G ~ GL(V) be a faithful representation of G. Let (t,) be a finite family of tensors such that G is the subgroup of GL(V) fixing the the t,, and let t', be the global tensor corresponding to t,. Then there is a

canonical equivariant trivialization ao: Oro | ~p*~/P (r), and under the

trivialization, 1 | t, corresponds to p*(t~) for each ~. The next proposition will show that yO (G, X) is universal for this property.

Proposition 3.4. Let r: G~GL(V) , (t,), and (t'~) be as above. For any morphism 7z: T ~ S ~ of ff(G)-varieties and equivariant isomorphism

a: O r | ---~r~*o~'(r) such that l| for all ct, there is a unique

~(G)-equivariant S~ ~: T ~ Y~ X) such that a is the inverse image of ao.

Proof. This follows easily from (3.1).

Proposition 3.5. There is a canonical G(lI~)-equivariant map

y(G, X): Y~162

Proof. As there is a canonical map Y ~ Y~ X), and 2~ is unchanged when G is replaced by Gad, we may assume that G = G ad. Let r: G-~GL(V) be a faithful representation of G such that the corresponding vector bundle 3e" on S~ X) is algebraic, and consider the constant vector bundle ~r = Yr~ V. According to (3.1), an element y e Y ~ can be identified with

an isomorphism at: V ' (~r)y- Endow (Vr)y with the Hodge filtration defined

by the Hodge structure ayorohx: S-~GL((Vr)y), where Xr is the image of y in S~ X). Then (2.4b) shows that there is a unique morphism of algebraic varieties Yr: Yr(G, X ) ~ X such that y*(~e')~ ~r as filtered vector bundles. For varying F, the Yr from a projective system, that is, a morphism ~: Y~ X) ~ )(. The map commutes with the actions of G(~).

Remark 3.6. (a) The composite of the canonical map X ~ Y~ X) with y(G, X) is the Borel embedding ft.

(b) When G is simply connected, ~ is the map [x,c,a]~,c-l f l (x) , xeX, c~G(tE), a~ G(AI).

Let z be an automorphism of ~, and let x be a special point of X. The point (z~ (z), s p ( z ) ) ~ (A') defines an isomorphism

g~...~,"g: G(A') ~ ~,~G(A').

(Recall that A' = ~ x As.)

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Proposition 3.7. There is a canonical map

g~--~,~g: C~(G) ~ f~(~,~G)

compatible with the above map.

Proof For simplicity, we first prove this under the assumption that G is simply connected. Choose a pair (G1, X~) as in (A.4) of the Appendix. Let H be the torus G1/G, and let v be the map G1 ~ H . As in (1.5), we write H(~)+ for v ( Z l ( ~ ) ) c H ( l ~ ) and H(~)+ for H(lI~)caH(~)+. Because of (A.4c), any q~Gad(~) + lifts to an element ~ G I ( ~ ) + , and one checks immediately that (c, a)* q ~ [c ~, a ~3 is a well-defined homomorphism f9 (G) -~ G, (&')/Z ~ (ff~).

Lemma 3.8. There is an exact sequence


0 ~ ~(G) -* G1 (&')/Z, ((DO , H(A') /H(~)+ ~ 0

Proof We first show that the final map is surjective. For this it suffices to show that v defines a surjection GI(&I)--+H(&Y). Choose Z-structures on G1 and H. Then Lang's lemma applied to the reduction of G shows that G,(~Ep)--+ H(Zp) is surjective for almost all p. It therefore suffices to show that G,((I}p)~H(Qp) is surjective for all p, but this follows from the fact that H 1 ((~p, G)= 0 for all finite primes p.

Next we prove the exactness at the middle term. From the diagram

0 --+ Z , ( R ) ~ G,(-~) ~ Gad(R) ~ 0

Z I(F,O ~ H ~ ) ~ H ( ~ . . ) / v ( Z , ( ~ ( ) ) ~ 0

we see that Ga~(F,.) + maps into the identity component of H(F,.)/v(ZI(~,.)). But H(R)/v(ZI(R)) is discrete, and so Gad(~) + maps into v(Z 1 (~()). It follows from this that (~(G) maps to zero under the composite of the two maps.

Suppose that v (c, a) e H(~) + x n (~) + for some (c, a) e G1 (~) x G, (&s), say v(c, a)= (q, q). Consider the diagram

G I(~) ~ H(~) ~ H I(~,G)

GI(R) ~ H ( R ) ~ H I (R,G) .

The image o fq in H ( ~ ) lifts to Z I ( N ) c G, (R) because it lies in H(N)+. There- fore the image of q in HI (~ , G) maps to zero in Hi (R , G), which implies that it is zero by the Hasse principle. Hence q lifts to an element ~ in G~(~). Now

v(c~ 1-1, a~- 1)= 1, and so c' dj c~- 1 and a' aj a~ - a lie in G(C) and G(& y) respec- tively. Let ~ be the image of ~ in Gaa(Q). Then (c', a')*Elefq(G), and it maps to (c, a) rood(Z1 (03).

Finally we prove the exactness at the first term. Let (c, a)*qeGaa(Q) + ̂ , and choose a lifting t7 of q to GI(O). If (c ,a) .q maps to zero in GI(&')/Z~(~) ,

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then there exists a zeZl( l~) such that (c~, a~)=(z,z). Now c = z ~- a e G (IE) ~ G 1 (I1~) = G (11~); write it q'. Then q' ~ e Z 1 ((1~), and so the image of q' in G ~a (Q) is q - 1. Consequently, (q', q') �9 q = 1, but (q', q') �9 q = (c, a)* q.

We now return to the proof of the proposition. If zeZl(@) then the element Is.z] of "~Gx(@) is independent of s. Therefore z~--~[s.z] is an inclusion Z ~ ~'~G1, and the map

g ~--,"~g = [(z oo (z), sp (z)). g] : G1 (A') ~ ''xGl (A')

induces the identity map on Z1 (&'). In particular it maps Zl (II~)~ G~ (A') into ZI((DJ ~"*GI(&') , and so we have a map ~k: GI(&')/ZI(Q)-,*'~GI(&')/ZI((I~). Since g~--~*'~g: Gx(&')--**'XGI(A ') induces the identity map on H(&'), ~k maps fg(G) into ~(~'XG), and this is the map we want.

When G is not simply connected, then if(G) is the quotient of ~(G) by

fr G) d~ Ker(~(A')/~(ll~)--* Z(A')/Z(Q)),

where Z and Z are the centres of G and G respectively. There is a canonical

isomorphism (~((~, G) "---~f~("~Cr, ~'XG) and g~__~,,Xg: ff(t~) ~ ff(~'~t~) is compati- ble with this isomorphism (cf. the above discussion involving Z,). Hence the map g~.*'XG on fr can be defined by passing to the quotient with the map g~.q,,,Xg on (#(d).

From the pair (*'*G, ~'*X) and the special point ~x of "xx, we can construct a "*G(IE)-torsor Y~ ~'~X), a flat connection ~'*V, an action *'~a of re(G) on (Y~ *'~X), *'xV), and a point ~y on Y~ *'*X).

Proposition 3.9. Let x' be a second special point. There is a canonical isomorphism toY(z; x', x): Y~ ~'~X)--* Y~ ~'x'X) such that

(i) q~Y(z; x', x) is compatible with the flat connections; (ii) ~oY(z; x', x)o(~'~g)=("~'g)oq~r(z; x', x) for all gefg(G);

(iii) the following diagram commutes

i'~ T ~ tpr(z;x',x): Y~ ~ y~

~0~ S~ ~ So(~,~'G,~,~'X).

Proof. The proof of (1.3) applies with minor modifications. For simplicity, we first assume that G is simply connected. Choose a pair (G1, X1) (with the weight equal to zero) and an isomorphism t: px l . ( ' ~ ) - ~ ,pxt .C~), as in the proof

of (1.3). Again t defines an isomorphism f , : ~'~GI ~ ,~'~'G~. Let s and s' be

the images of (zoo(z), sp(z)) in p ~ l . ( ~ ) (A') and p x i . ( ~ ) (A') respectively. Then there is an element yle~'XG~(A ') such that t~(syO=s'. The same argument as in the proof of (1.3) shows that the image of Vl in H(A') lies in its subgroup H(O), and the Remark 1.5 shows that it lies in H(OJ+ c H(II~). Therefore, accord-

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ing to (3.8), the image y of 71 in ~'~GI(_&')/~'xzI(Q) lies in (~(~'~G). Now ~o~ x', x) can be defined to be yO(f)o(~) where f is the restriction off1 to ~'~G.

In the case that G is not simply connected, first construct the diagram for (d, X), and then pass to the appropriate quotients.

Theorem 3.10. Let (G, X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and let x be a special point of X. For any automorphism z of IF,, there is a unique isomorphism qg~,r ~." z Y~ (G, X ) ~ Y~ (~'~G, ~'~X) lying over qg~~ and such that

(i) zy is mapped to ~y; (ii) ~O~xoZ(g)=(~'~g)o~0~ for all g ~ ( G ) .

Moreover, (iii) qg~x is compatible with the flat connections on z Y~ ( G, X) and Y~ ("XG, "'xX).

I f x' is a second special point, then ~pr(z; x,' x)o tp~.~r = ~P~,x,-r

Proof. We prove only the uniqueness of ~p~,~ here; the proof of the existence will occupy w 6-~ 9.

Let ~p~ and ~P2 be two maps zY~176 ~'~X) satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii), and let Z be the closed subset of z Y~ X) on which the two maps agree. Then (ii) shows that Z contains a fibre of the map r~: z Y~ X ) ~ zS~ X) whenever it contains a single point of the fibre. There- fore Z = ~ - I ( Z ') for some subset Z' of zS~ and because Z is dosed, so also must be Z'. Condition (i) shows that Z' contains z Ix], and (ii) then shows that it contains all translate of z [x] by elements of Gad({~) + ^. As these points make up a dense subset of S~ X) for the Zariski topology, it follows that Z'=S~ X) and Z = Y~ X).

Corollary 3.11. Assume that there is a map r q~,x as in the theorem; then there a commutative diagram:

T. T~ Y

zY~ , y~

zS~ , S~

The two upper maps are compatible with the map g~._~,,Xg: G ( ~ ) ~ ~'XG(~).

Proof. It remains to prove that the upper square commutes, i.e., that the maps ~0~,~ o r~(G, X) and ~ (~'~G, , ~v~.~ are equal. They are maps z yo (G, X ) ~ ,.x~, and we know that they agree at zy. Both maps are constant on the orbits of G(~)~ in zY~ and so they agree on all translates of y. Finally, both maps are compatible with the map g v--:'Xg: G(IE)~"XG(tE), and so they agree on a fibre of n: �9 Y~ X ) ~ zS~ X) when they agree at a single point. The argument in the preceding proof now shows that the closed subset where the maps agree is the whole of z Y~ X).

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4. Automorphic vector bundles

In this section we define automorphic vector bundles, and discuss some of their structure. For a similar discussion in the case of nonconnected Shimura varieties, see Harris (1985), w 3.

Let (G, X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and let fl: X ~ 3f be the Borel embedding. The action of G(IR)+ on X extends to a transitive action of G(~E) on 3[. Since .~ is a projective algebraic variety, every holomorphic vector bundle on X is algebraic. By a Go-vector bundle on .~, we mean a vector bundle ( J , p) on )( together with an action of G~: on J (as an algebraic variety) such that

(a) p(g .w)=g .p (w) for all geG(~) , we J ; (b) the maps g: J x ~ ~r are linear for all g e G(IE) and x e X'.

Such a vector bundle restricts to a G(R)+-vector bundle ~ = f l * J on X, and ef

for each Fe~,(G), ~r = F\~7" is a vector bundle on F \ X = S ~ X). The family ~ = ( ~ r ) forms a projective system, and there is a natural action of G(Q)§ on 3 e~

g: F \ ~ 7 ~ g F g - 1 \ ~ , v(modF)~--~gv(modgFg-1),

which extends by continuity to the closure G(Q~ of G(Q)+ in G(&I). A G(Q)~-vector bundle ~ on S~ arising in this way from a G(C)-vector bundle J on )( will be called an automorphic vector bundle. We sometimes write ~ = ~ ( J ) . For each x in X, the fibre ( ~ r ) ~ r = ~ = J p t ~ , and so

When G is simply connected, ~" is the G (&I)-vector bundle

v = G ( Q ) \ r • ~(.~s)

on S~ X ) = G(ff)) \X x G(&Y), and the action of a e G ( & s) is given by

a Iv, g] = [v, g a - 1].

On the other hand, when the action of G(IE) on ar factors through Gad(~), then we can regard 3e as being the projective system (F\r FeN(G), and the action of G"d(Q)~- on S~ X) lifts to ~r

We wish to show that automorphic vector bundles are algebraic, but first we need a lemma.

Lemma 4.1. Let G be an affine algebraic group over a field k, and let re: Y ~ S be a torsor for Gs over an algebraic variety S.

(a) The functor ~e'~-~rc*~e" defines an equivalence between the category of vector bundles on S and the category of G-vector bundles on Y

(b) I f Y has a f iat G-connection, then to give a (flat) connection on ~ is the same as to give a (flat) G-connection on ~* ~r'.

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Proof. (a) This follows from descent theory: the map n is faithfully flat, and because Y is a G-torsor, to give a descent datum on an Or-module ~/r, is the same as to give a G-action on it. That n* (~ ) is locally free if and only if

is locally free follows from the fact that a coherent module is locally free if and only if it is flat.

(b) Again this is a straightforward application of descent theory.

Proposition 4.2. The vector bundle r is obtained by descent from 7*(J) ; hence ~ and the action of G(Q)~ on it are algebraic.

Proof. The first statement is obvious from the commutative diagram:

X ~ Y~ ~ , X.

S~ X)

The second statement follows from the first (because of (3.2)). Obviously, a section of ~ r over S ~ gives rise to a section of ~ over X.

We define an automorphic form of type ~r and level F to be a section of (the analytic vector bundle) ~7- over X that arises from a section of (the algebraic vector bundle) ~r. Thus an automorphic form of type j and any level is an element of the union U F(S ~ "C/r)', where F(S~ ~r)' denotes the image of F(S ~ Vr) in F(X, ~z). When G ad has no Q-rational factors isomorphic to PGL2, then the boundary of S ~ in its Baily-Borel compactification has codimension > 2, and so F(S ~ ~r) = F(S ~ ~r an) (see 3.3). Therefore, in this case, an automorph- ic form of type j and level F is simply a holomorphic section of ~ over X fixed under the action of F.

Let o be a point of X, and regard it also as a point of 3(. The isotropy group at o in Gr is a parabolic subgroup P0 of G•, and the action of Gr on ~r induces a linear action of Po on the fibre Jo of J .

Proposition 4.3. The map J~-~r defines an equivalence between the category of G~-vector bundles J on )( and Repc(Po).

Proof. This is standard; the vector bundle corresponding to a representation (r, V) of Po is J = Ge x V/Po.

Remark 4.4. Let V = J o . If r: Po ~ GL(V) extends to a representation (r, V) of G, then the map

(g, v) ~-* [g, r (g)- 1 v] : Gr x V ~

induces an isomorphism ,(" x V -- , J , and so ~e ( J ) is the vector bundle asso- ciated with (r, V) (as in w 3).

Recall (2.6) that there is an equivariant commutative diagram

G ( R ) + / K o '--, 6(r162

X ~

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with K o a maximal compact subgroup of G(R)+. If we let Ru Po denote the unipotent radical of Po, then K o ~ Po defines an isomorphism (Ko)c ~" ~ Po/R~ Po. Now (4.3) has the following corollary.

Corollary 4.5. There are natural one-to-one correspondences between isomorphism classes of the following objects:

(a) Ge-vector bundles J such that R u Po acts trivially on ar (b) semisimple complex representations of Po ; (c) representations of Koc on complex vector spaces; (d) representations of K o on complex vector spaces.

Proof. A representation of Po is semisimple if and only if it is trivial on R~ P0. Therefore the correspondence between (a) and (b) follows from (4.3). We saw above that Kor = Po/Ru Po, which proves the correspondence between the objects in (c) and those in (a) and (b). Since Ko is the compact form of Koe, the corre- spondence between (c) and (d) is part of Weyl's unitary trick.

In the next two remarks we show that certain automorphic vector bundles have additional structures.

Remark 4.6. Suppose that J is a G~:a-vector bundle on )( (rather than a Gc-vector bundle). Then at each point [P~, #x] of )[, #x defines a filtration on the fibre ix- These filtrations vary holomorphically and define a filtration of F ' J of r162 by G(C)-stable subbundles,

. . . F P J ~ Fp+ 19r ....

For each p, FP,,r is the G"d(~)-vector bundle defined by the subrepresentation of Po on (FPf)o . This filtration induces a holomorphic filtration of ~7" by Gad(R)+-stable subbundles, and a filtration of U by Gad(ll~) + ̂ -stable algebraic subbundles FP~v ". For each x in X, the action of hx on ~ defines a splitting of the filtration,

Vp r = G (~/%)p'.q ' ' (tT~)p'.q'={vlh(z)v=z-p'5-r

and these splittings define a decomposition of the C~-bundle ~ a~ Ox= | ~ ,

(The splitting is C ~ because (~7~)P'q=FPc~F q, and the filtration/~" is anti-holo- morphic.)

Remark 4.7. In the case that j arises from a representation of G (rather than of Po), it is possible to define local systems underlying the automorphic vector bundles. Before explaining this, we recall the correspondence between local sys- tems and vector bundles with flat connection (see for example Deligne (1970), 1.2). Let S be a connected complex manifold and consider the tensor category of pairs (~ , V) with ~ an analytic vector bundle on S and [7 a flat connection.

The map (~ , [7)v--~V d~ ~r defines an equivalence between this category and

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Automorphic vector bundles on connected Shimura varieties 1 ! 5

the tensor category of local systems of complex vector spaces on the manifold; it has quasi-inverse V~-~(~s | Vca,).

A complex representation r: Gr ~ GL(V) of G defines a G(~)-vector bundle J = V x )( over )~ with a canonical fiat connection V. The flat connection defines a similar connection on ~/7~=/7*J(=VxX) and on the automorphic vector bundle ~/r. In particular, we get a local system of complex vector spaces V ( = ~e "v) on S~ X), stable under the action of G(Q)7- on ~/r, and such that Cso | = ~/r.

Suppose J is defined by a real representation (r, V) of GR. Then for each F~ ~(G, X), the representation (rlF, V) defines a local system of real vector spaces Vr on F \ X such that ( 9 ~ R V r = ~ v. The action of G(Q)~ on S~ lifts to an action on the projective system V=(Vr). When r factors through Gad, the constant sheaf defined by V on X is (in a natural way) a polarizable variation of real Hodge structures spaces (see (2.5)), and so V acquires a similar structure.

Finally if J arises from a representation of G ad on a Q-vector space V, then we get a variation of rational Hodge structures V on S~ X) such that V | ~=" / rv . In this case we can also define, for each prime I, a local system of | spaces V~ = (Vt.r) for the 6tale topology: Vt. r is the locally constant sheaf on S ~ associated with the representation of F on Ql | V (see for example Milne (1980), p. 165). Symbolically, we may write V t = • t Q V . There is again a natural action of Gad(Q) § on V and V~.

Remark 4.8. The construction of ~ (and the extra structure on it) is functorial in (G, X, J ) . Moreover, if J and ar are two Ge-equivariant vector bundles on 3~, then an equivariant differential operator 6: J ~ j ' gives rise (in a canoni- cal way) to an equivariant differential operator ~: ~ ~ ~U'. (See Grothendieck (1967), IV.16.8) for the definition and basic formalism of differential operators on sheaves of Cs-modules for S a scheme).

Remark 4.9. We outline the relation between the above definition of automorphic forms and the more usual definition in terms of automorphy factors.

Fix a point o~X, and let ~Y" be the G(~)+-vector bundle on X defined by a Ge-vector bundle J on )s Choose a trivialization ~: V x X - = ,~/7~, and write 7(ot(v,x))=a(j(~,x)v, ~x) for y~G(N)+, veV, and x~X. Then j: G(R)+ • is a holomorphic automorphy factor for (G,X) with values in V, and an automorphic form of level F and type J can be identified (through ~) with an automorphic form of level F for j.

Conversely, let j be a holomorphic automorphy factor for (G, X) with values in V. The map r: K o --* GL(V), k~-*j(k, o), is a representation of K on V, which (see 4.5) defines an automorphic vector bundle j on )(. If r is irreducible, then it is known that automorphic forms of level F for j correspond to automor- phic forms of level F and type ~r (see Murakami (1966), p. 137).

5. Conjugates of automorphic vector bundles

In this section, we state the main theorem for automorphic vector bundles and show how to deduce it from Theorem 3.10.

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Let J be a Gr bundle on )~, and fix a special point x of X. The Gr bundle ~o.r on ~)~ corresponds under the isomorphism q~,,~ : ~)~ ~ ~'~)? of (2.7) to a ~'XGc-vector bundle ~'~J on "x~', and ~'~J defines an automorphic vector bundle ~ ' ~ on S~ ~'~X).

Lemma 5.1. I f x' is a second special point o f X , then there is a canonical isomor- phism tp~(z; x', x): ~'~U ~ ~,~'~e" lying over ~o~ x', x) and such that

~0~(z; x', x)o(~'Xg)= (~.Xg)o q~(r; x', x), all g ~ , ~ ( & I ) .

Proof. From the commutative diagram in (2.8) we see that there is a canonical isomorphism ~ ' ~ = ,~'~'~ lying over qS(z; x', x): ~'~)( ~ ~'x')(, and (4.2) and (3.9) show that this gives rise to the required isomorphism.

Theorem 5.2. Let ~ be an automorphic vector bundle on S~ There is a canonical isomorphism ~ ~ "~ /" <p~,~ : z~t/" such that

tP~,x : T~V"

<p~,xo : zSO(G,X) ~ SO(,,XG,~,~X)

o ~ , X o commutes and qg~,~ z(g)=( g) ~ ,x for all geG(~)~. ; moreover, if x' is a second Xxo "g ~f special point of X , then ~of(T; x , j ~o~,x=~o,.~,.

Proof. From (3.11) we have a commutative diagram

T,, 1",

z y o ( G , X ) ~.x , yO(,,~G,,,xX )

~S~ ~,o,~ , S~

and from the very definition of ,,x j , there is a commutative diagram

On pulling this back, we obtain a similar diagram

, c : , * ( j ) ~ , ~ ,*( ' ,xJ)

J, J.

z Y~ X ) " , Y~ ~'xx).

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Automorphic vector bundles on connected Shimura varieties 117

Now (4.2) proves that this gives rise to canonical commutative diagram as in the statement of the theorem. Moreover it is clear from (3.10(ii)) that the map ~P~,x commutes with the actions of the Hecke operators, and it follows from (3.11) that ~o~(z; x', x) o q~x = , q~, ~ , .

Remark 5.3. The map r is functorial: suppose we are given compatible maps (G, X )+ (G ' , X') and J ~ J ' ; if a special point x of X is mapped to a special point x' of X', then we obtain a commutative diagram

tp~,x, z'~ r -+

"V tp~,x,: z~V" -~ ~'x'~v'.

Remark 5.4. When j is a G~d-vector bundle on )~ (rather than a G~-vector bundle), it is possible to give a more direct definition of ~,xj (hence of "x~r and a characterization of v ( ~ , x �9

(a) The vector bundle j corresponds (by 4.3) to a representation (r, V) of P~, the subgroup of G~ d fixing fl(x). On applying z we obtain a representation zr of zP~ on V. As in (2.8a), we can use *~ to twist zr: zP~-~ GL(V) and obtain a representation ~'~r: ~,xp~ _~ GL(~,xV) of ~'Xpx. But (see 2.8a), ~'~Px is the subgroup of ~'~G(tE) fixing *x, and so "~r gives rise to a ~'XGc-vector bundle J ' on .~. Clearly J ' = ~'~J.

(b) Recall that ~Vi~ l = J x - T h e map tp~x is the unique isomorphism z V ~ *'~'~/ lying over ~0,,x and such that

(i) the action of ~o~ on the fibre over z Ix] can be identified with the map z(V| C) ~ ~'xV| �9 defined by z+ (z);

(ii) ~ o ~'~ o *" tp~,x z ( g ) = ( g ) ~p~,~ for all g~G(Q)?~. Moreover t&x carries the natural filtration on ~ (see 4.6) into the natural filtration on ~ ' ~ .

We clarify the condition (i). The representation r op~ on V defines a CM motive M over ~ , and H s ( M ) = V. The composite c(zzM)-lo(1 | is a z-linear map Hn(tM) | if2 ~ HB(z ~M) | ~ (see 1.2b), and so it defines a linear map z(H n(M)|174 which we know is Zoo(Z). But z(H~(M)|174 and (see 1.8) HB(z~M)=~'xV, and so zoo(z) can be regarded as a map

r ( ~ ) = ~(V| r --+ ~,~v| r =~,x~ r

l i t would be possible to state similar improvements of (5.2) for all automorphic vector bundles if we had a satisfactory theory of fractional CM- motives over ~ . ]

Remark 5.4. For some automorphic vector bundles ~e'(J) it is possible to prove (5.2) without using (3.10). For example, let J~ be ~x, the tangent bundle to ~ ; for any o~)(, ar corresponds to the adjoint representation of P0 on Lie(P0). Then "U(J) is the tangent bundle to S~ X), and ~ ' ~ is the tangent bundle to "~X7. Therefore the isomorphism of pro-varieties (p,.~: zS~ X)--',S~ "'xX) defines an equivariant isomorphism ~-((p,.~): z ~ ( Y ' ) = ,~(~'x~-). To show

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that this is the same as the map in (5.2), it suffices to show that it satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of (5.4). Condition (ii) is obvious, and (i) can be shown by unwinding the various definitions, because ~ is the G-vector bundle associat- ed with the adjoint representation of Po on Lie(Gc)/Lie(Po).

A similar remark applies if J is the bundle of n-jets of ~-~.

Remark 5.6. When J arises from a representation r: Gr GL(V) of Ge (rather than of Po), then g0,.x carries the fiat connection zF on z~e" (see 4.7) into the natural fiat connection ~'xF on "x~/r. It therefore defines an isomorphism of the local system zV on zS~ X) (defined by the pair (zU, TV)) with the local system ~'xV on S~ "~X) (defined by the pair ( ~ ' ~ , ~'xF)).

When j is defined by a real representation (r, V) of G•, go~, x defines an isomorphism of variations of real polarizable Hodge structures.

Finally, when f is defined by a rational representation (r, V) of G, ~o~.x defines an isomorphism of variations of rational Hodge structures; moreover, it defines for each prime I an isomorphism of/-adic sheaves.

Remark 5.7. Theorem 5.2 has a more down-to-earth interpretation. Let f / -=~/ r ( j ) be an automorphic vector bundle on S~ and let f be an automorphic form on X of type J and level F with FeS(G). We can regard f as an algebraic section of ~r over S~ X). Define the congruence subgroup *'~F of ~'~G(~) as in (1.7). Let z be an automorphism of ~, and let x be a special point of X. Then the theorem associates with f an automorphic form

o - , Tf (9,.~) on the Hermitian symmetric domain *'~X of type *'xJ and

level *'~F; moreover, ,,~(fo(g))=,.Xfo(,.~g) for all g~G(~)~_, and *'~f([-~x]) can be related to z(f([x])) (by means of zoo (z)) when J is a G~a-vector bundle.

6. Proof of Theorem 3.10 for the sympleetic group

Let V be a vector space over Q, and let ~k 0 be a nondegenerate skew-symmetric form on V. The group G=Sp(V,~k0) of automorphisms of V preserving ~b 0 is semisimple, and there is a unique conjugacy class S § of homomorphisms S ---, G "d ~ ) + such that

(a) (G, S +) is a pair defining a Shimura variety; (b) each h in S + is of weight - 1 ; (c) the symmetric form ~k0(v, h(i)v') is positive definite for all hES +.

Our goal in this section is to prove (3.10) for the pair (G, S§ but first we shall prove (5.2) for the automorphic vector bundle defined by the representation of G on V.

Let G1 be the group of symplectic similitudes GSp(V, ~bo) of (V, ~o), and let S • be the Siegel double space in the sense of Deligne (1979), 1.3.1. Then (Gi, S • is a pair defining a Shimura variety, and (G, S+)=(G1, S• +.

For an abelian variety A, we set TA = lim A m (limit over all positive integers 4 -

m ordered by division), and we set VYA = TA| Note that VIA depends only on the isogeny class of A. Consider triples (A, r k) consisting of an abelian

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variety A over 112 (defined up to isogeny), a polarization ~ of A, and an isomor-

phism k: V:(A) ~ , V(&:) carrying ~ to Go. We define lI(V, Oo ) to be the set of isomorphism classes of triples of this form for which there is an isomorph- ism of symplectic spaces (HI(A,Q),O) ~ ,(V, Oo ). The group GI(A:) acts on H(V, Go) according to the rule:

[A, 0, k] g = [A, ~k, g - ' k], g e G, (A:).

Lemma 6.1. There is a bijection S(G1, S • (IE) ~--*II(V, ~'o) commuting with the actions of G (~kg).

Proof. Corresponding to

[x, g] eS(G~, S • (r = G1 (I~)\X x G(~k s)

we choose A to be the abelian variety (defined up to isogeny) associated with the rational Hodge structure (V, h~). Then Go defines a polarization ~ of A,

and we define k to be the composite VS(A) = ~ V| s g-' ~ V(~ks). (See for example Milne and Shih (1982b), 2.3.)

Let x be a special point of S § Then hx: S -o GtR defines a map p~: ~ - * G1 = GSp(V, ~'o), and we can use p~ and ~ to twist (V, ~'o). In this way we obtain a new pair (~'xv, ~'~'o) with GSp(~'xv, ~'X~bo)=~'~G 1. Let (A, ~, k) be the triple associated with [x,g]. Then Ha(rA, Q)=~'xv and z~k=~'~ko (cf. 1.8). The map q~,,x: zS~176 ~'~X) corresponds under the bijective in (6.1) to

[A, q/, k] ~-~ [zA, z ~k, 'k] where ~k is the composite of the maps

V : ('c A ) ~- ' k sp(,) , V: (A) , V ( A : ) ,*,xV(&:).

See [ibid., 7.16]. Just as in (4.7), the pair (V, Go) defines a polarized variation of rational

Hodge structures (V, %) on S(G1, S+). We use v to denote a linear dual.

Proposition 6.2. There is a canonical abelian scheme zr: ~r S+) over S(G1, S • and a polarization ~ of ~r such that ((R 1 n . Q)'!, ~ ) = (V, ~).

Proof. Choose a lattice Vo c V such that G0 is integral on Vo, and for any integer N > 3 , define K(N) to be the subgroup of G(&:) stabilizing Vo| and acting as the identity map on Vo/NV o. Then SK~m(G ~, S • is the moduli scheme over C for polarized abelian varieties of dimension dim(V)/2 and degree the discriminant of Go on Vo, and we can take ~ ( N ) to be the universal abelian scheme over SKtm(G~, S • (Mumford (1965), 7.9). The subgroups K(N) are cofinal among compact-open subgroups of GI(A:), and we define d to be the inverse limit, lira dr(N).

Remark 6.3. (a) For each point s of S(G1, S+), the fibre ~ s is the abelian variety attached to s in (6.1).

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(b) From ~1 we get an isomorphism kt: (R17z.(l~l) v ~ ,V(Ql) for each l, where V is the rational local system on S(G1, S • defined by V. Write Vt(~r ) for (R~Tr. (I~t)"; then we can think of the family k=(kt), k~: Vl(~r as being a level structure on ~1. The triple (~r ~, k) has the following universal property: for any Gx(&~)-scheme S over (E and triple (~r ~v,, k') over S such that (~r ~', k')~eg~(v, ~o) for all seS((E), there exists a unique isomorphism �9 : S~S(G~ , S • of G(&Y)-schemes such that ~*(~1, ~, k) =(~r ~', k').

This can be proved easily using the universal property of each ~r When we apply the construction in (6.2) and (6.3b) to C'~V, ~'~,), we get

a polarized abelian scheme ( ~ ' ~ , ~ '~ ) over SC'~Ga, S +-) with a level structure

~'~k, where ~'~k~ is an isomorphism Vt(~r ~'---~'~V(~).

Proposition 6.4. There is a unique isomorphism q~,~ ." z ~ / ~ ~ , x ~ such that (a) the following diagram commutes

---, S(~,xa~, S•

(b) ~r ~'~7J; r sends ~ 7 j to (c) the following diagram commutes

VS(~d) ~-, k , v S ( ~ ) - , v (As)

z , x k

v s ( , , ~ ) , , .w(As) .

Proof. Apply the universal property of ~'xd (and use that V| ~ / ) = " ~ V @ Af).

Corollary 6.5. There is a unique isomorphism ~ �9 ~ ~'x~/~ (p~,x. z ~ ~ lying over go~,~ and such that

(i) the restriction of tp~,:, to the fibre over Ix, 1] can be identified with the map z V ( ~ ) ~ "~V(~) defined by z~(z);

(ii) ~ o ~'~ o ~ rp~,~ z ( g ) = ( g ) rp,,xfor all gEGl(~/) .

Proof. The uniqueness is obvious. For the existence, note that ~ / ~ = ~ R ( z d ) and ~ , ~ = ~ a R ( ~ , ~ ) , and so ~P~x can be taken to be A'~dR (tp,,~).

Corollary 6.6. Theorem 5.2 is true for the automorphic vector bundle ~/~ defined by the representation of G on V.

Proof. The restriction of ~" ~p,,x to TS~ X) has the correct properties. For a second special point x', it is not difficult to trace through the various construc- tions and see that rp~r(T; x , x)otp~,~= ~p~.~,.

Corollary 6.7. Theorem 3.10 is true for (G, S+).

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Proof This follows from (6.6) because (3.4) allows us to identify Y~ S § and Y~ ~'~S +) respectively with the spaces of trivializations of 3e- and ~'x3r preserving the polarizations.

7. Proof of Theorem 3.10 for connected Shimura varieties of abelian type

Lemma 7.1. Let f: (G, X ) ~ (G', X') be an embedding of pairs defining connected Shimura varieties. I f Theorem 3.10 is true for (G', X'), then it is also true for (G, X).

Proof Let Y be the inverse image of z Y~ ~'xX) under r

zY~ X) ~, Y~ X')

zY~ ~ Y~

Then Y is a closed subset containing zy, and it contains a fibre of the map •: TY~ X)~zS~ X) whenever it contains a single point; moreover, its image in zS~ X) is stable under the action of ~(G). The same argument as in the proof of the uniqueness statement in (3.10) now shows that Y= z yo (G, X). Therefore the restriction of r, (p~,~ to z Y~ X) is an isomorphism satisfying the conditions (i)-(iii) of the theorem.

If x' is a second special point of X, then the restriction of ~pY'(z; x', x) i i y y to Y~ ~'xx) is (pr(z; x , x), and so the equality ~oY(z; x , x)o~.x=~O~,~,

is implied by the similar equality for Y(G', X'). Recall (Milne and Shih (1982b), w 1, especially 1.3) that if (G, X) is primitive

of abelian type, then there is an embedding (G,X)~-,(Sp(V, ~),S +) for some symplectic space (V, ~). Therefore (6.7) and the lemma and show that Theo- rem 3.10 holds for every pair (G, X) that is primitive of abelian type. By definition, for every pair (G, X) of abelian type, there exists a family of pairs (Gi, Xi), primitive of abelian type, and a morphism (IIGi, l-lXi)--~ (G, X) with IIGi--, G an isogeny [ibid. p. 293]. Therefore, the next two lemmas complete the proof of Theorem 3.10 for pairs (G, X) of abelian type.

Lemma 7.2. Let (G', X ' ) ~ (G, X) be a morphism such that G'-, G is an isogeny. If Theorem 3.10 is true for (G', X'), then it is also true for (G, X).

Proof Note that in this case G'ad=G a~ and X = X ' . Moreover, S~ X) is the quotient of S~ ', X) by the kernel ~(G', G) of the map G'ad(Q) +^- , Gad(([~) +^ Similarly, y~ X) is the quotient of Y~ X) by the kernel of the surjective homomorphism ~(G') - , ~(G). The map tpY~ for (G, X) can therefore be obtained from the corresponding map r ~p~.~, for (G', X') by passing to the quotient.

Lemma 7.3. For i= 1 . . . . . n, let (Gi, Xi) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and let G=HGi and X=HX~. I f Theorem 3.10 is true for each pair (Gi, Xi) then it is true for (G, X).

Proof This is obvious.

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Proposition 7.4. Theorem 3.10 is true for all connected Shimura varieties of abelian type.

Proof We have already noted that this follows from (6.7) and the preceding lemmas.

In fact, in the proof of the general case of (3.10) we shall need to use (7.4) only for connected Shimura varieties associated with groups G of type A1 (then

= SL1 (B) for B a quaternion algebra defined over a totally real field F). We now make some remarks that will assist us in the next two sections

in the proof of the general case. Lemmas 7.2 and 7.3 show that it suffices to prove Theorem 3.10 for (G, X)

with G simply connected and G "d q-simple. For the remainder of this section, we assume that G is simply connected.

Let x be a special point of X. For each homomorphism r: G(Q)--*G(~), we define the principal Ge-bundle Y(r) on S~ X) to be

Y(r)= G ( O ) \ X x G(~.) x G(A I)

where q~G(~) acts on (x, c, a)~X • G(~) x G(A s) according to the rule

q(x, c, a)=(qx, r(q). c, q a).

There is an obvious flat connection V(r) on Y(r), and an action a(r) of G(& I) on (Y(r), V(r)). Let y(r) be the point I-x, 1, 1] on r(r).

Our next lemma was suggested by a similar result in Harris (1986), 3.6.

Lemma 7.5. The map r~-~,(Y(r), V (r), a(r), y(r)) gives a bijection between the set of homomorphisms r: G ( ~ ) ~ G(ff~) and the set of isomorphism classes of quadru- ples (Y, V, a, y) consisting of a principal Gc-bundle Y, a f iat connection V on Y, an action a of G(A s) on (Y, V), and a point y lying over [x].

Proof Suppose we are given a quadruple (Y, V, a, y). Because X is simply connected, there is a map ~,: X • G(~E) • G(& I) -~ Y compatible with the projec- tions to S~ X) (C), the flat structures, and the actions of G(A I) and G(~). When we normalize $ by requiring that $(x, 1, 1)=y, then it is uniquely deter- mined. The map r corresponding to (Y, V, a, y) is determined by the rule:

$(qx, 1, q )=r(q) - ty , all qeG(ff~).

Remark 7.6. Let x be a special point of X. Corresponding to the pair (*'XG, ~'xX) and the special point *x of *'~X, we have a quadruple (Y~ ~'~X), "'xV, "'Xa, ~y). On pulling back by o cp .... applying ~-1, and finally pulling back again relative to the map g~--~'~'g: G(r we obtain a similar quadruple on S~ which we denote by (xy, "V, Xa, ~y). According to (7.5), this corresponds to a homomorphism r~: G ( Q ) ~ G(C), and to prove the existence of an isomorphism r satisfying (i)-(iii) of Theorem 3.10 it suffices cP,.x to show that this homomorphism is the natural inclusion.

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8. First completion of the proof of Theorem 3.10

Let (G, X) be a pair defining a connected Shimura variety, and assume that G is simply connected and that G ~d is t~-simple. Then G=Rese/QH with H an absolutely almost simple group over a totally real number field F. Let x be a special point of X, and let T be a maximal torus of G such that h~ factors through (T/Z) (~). There is a maximal torus T' of H such that T= Resv/~ T'.

For any totally real number field F' containing F and such that T~, splits over a quadratic imaginary extension L of F', we can write

Lie (HL) = Lie (T~) | ((~) Lie (HL),,)

where R = R(Hr T~). Recall that a root ~ is said to be totally compact if it is a compact root of (H F, (~v,,~r~-O for all embeddings tr: F ' ~ P , . For each root ~t that is not totally compact, the subgroup H, is defined to be the connected subgroup of H r such that

Lie (H,) L = Lie (T{) E) Lie (HL), �9 Lie (HL) - ~.

Proposition 8.1. I f F' is chosen to be sufficiently large, then H(F) is contained in the subgroup of H((~) generated by ~H~(F'), where the union is taken over all nontotally compact roots cc

Proof This is stated (without proof) in Borovoi (1983/84), 3.21. Choose a field F' as in the proposition, and let G. = Resr /~H and, for each

nontotally compact root ~ of G, let G , = Rese,/Q H,. There are natural maps (G, X ) ~ ( G . , X. ) and (G,, X,)'-*(G., X.), each ~. Write x . for the image of x in X . , and write x, for it regarded as an element of X,. Then the construc- tion in (7.6) applied to the triples (G., X . , x.) and (G,, X,, x,) gives us homo- morphisms r~,: G , ( ~ ) ~ G,(~) and r ~ = G~(~)--* G~(~). Clearly the maps rx, rx,, and r~ are compatible with the inclusions G ~ G , and G ~ G , ; that is, the following diagram commutes,

r~: G(~) ~ G(C)

rx,: G , (~) ~ O,(lI~).

T rx: G,(Q) ~ G,(r

Since we know Theorem 3.10 for groups of type A1, each map rx. is the natural inclusion. The proposition shows that G(@)c t_JG~(tl~), and so rx must also be the natural inclusion.

To complete the proof of (3.10), we have to show that if x' is a second special point, then ~or(z; x', x)oq~rx= r . q~,x,. Each is a map zY~ X ) - . Y~ ~'x'X) COmpatible with the homomorphism g~_.~,Xg: G(AV)~,,~G(A,). To prove that the maps are equal, it suffices to show that they agree on a single point (compare

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the proof of the uniqueness assertion of (3.10)). If x and x' both lie in X, for some noncompact root ~ as above, then the maps agree on the whole of Y~ X,), and so they are equal. If x '=gx for some geG(Q), then one can show directly that the two maps agree on the zy, where y is the image of x in Y~ X). To complete the proof, we need to recall one final result.

Proposition 8.2. Let x and x' be special points of X. I f F' is chosen large enough, then there exists a sequence (x=)x0 . . . . , xm(=x') of special points of X , and an element geG.(ff).) such that

(a) for each positive i<m, there is a noncompact root ~ such that xi-1 and xi lie in X , ;

(b) g x,,_ ~ = x,~.

Proof. See Borovoi (1983/84), 1.18 or Milne (1983), pp. 260~261. We now complete the proof for a general pair of special points (x, x'). After

replacing (G, X) with a suitable pair (G. , X.), we can assume that there exist points x o . . . . . xm and an element q as in the statement of the proposition. The remarks preceding the proposition show that

~or(~" x~, x~_ 1) ~ ~o[~,_ r , ~ = ~o~.~, for i = 1 . . . . . m.

On multiplying these equalities, we find that

Y ~0~,~, = q~r(~; x . , , x,~_ ~) . . . . . ~ov(z; xl , Xo)O q~[~.

It is clear from the definition of the maps q~r(z; .,.) (see 3.7) that

~or(~; xm, x~_ 1) . . . . . ~ r (z ; x~, Xo) = ~r(~; x,~, Xo)

and so this completes the proof of Theorem 3.10 (assuming 8.1).

9. Second completion of the proof of Theorem 3.10

Again we assume that (G, X) is a pair defining a connected Shimura variety with G simply connected and G ad Q-simple. Let x be a special point X, and let rx: G(Q)~G(~) be the map defined in (7.6). If we can show that rx is the natural inclusion map, then the same argument as in the previous section will complete the proof of Theorem 3.10.

Now let r: Gaa~ GL(V) be a representation of Gad. We can twist this to obtain a representation ~'Xr: ~'~Gaa--* GL(~'~V). This defines the automorphic vector bundle ~ ' ~ on S~ ~,xx) together with its fiat connection ~,~lz and action "'Xa of ~'~G(&I). On pulling this back by 0 ~p,,~ to zS~ X) and applying 3-1, we obtain a vector bundle x ~ on S~ X) together with a flat connection xV and action ~a of G(&f). From the triple ( ~ , ~V, Xa) we obtain a representation rx(V) of G(~) on V | No te that Theorem 5.2 would imply that r~(V) is simply the map induced by r.

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Lemma 9.1. Let r: G ~ GL(V) be a representation of G factoring through G~: a. 144th the above notations, there is a commutative diagram

r x q(Q) -~ G(tr)

rx(V) ~ ,r

G L( V | ff~).

Proof. This simply says that the above construction of r~,(V) is compatible with the construction in (7.6) of rx.

Lemma 9.2. Consider the representation r of G ad on g d=f Lie(G). I f for all triples (G, X, x), r~(g) is the restriction of r to Gad(~), then r~: G(~ )~G(~) is the natural inclusion.

Froof. From the preceding lemma, we get a commutative diagram

r x

G(03 , C(r

Ga d (~) nat ~, Ga d (~)

in which the map in the lower row is the natural inclusion. This implies that the map 7: g~--~r~(g)'g -1 has image contained in the centre Z(II2) of G(~). It is moreover a homomorphism. If we knew that G(Q)/Z(Q) was a simple group the proof would now be complete because we would have that 7(G(Q))= {1}. Since we do not know it, we instead must argue as in Milne (1983), p. 251-252. Fix a geG(Q). Because G(Q) is generated by the groups T~,(Q) with x' running through the special points of X [ibid. 3.10], we can assume that g lies in some T~,((I~). If we write G=Resv/QH and pass to a larger totally real field F', then we obtain inclusions (G, X)~,(G, , X, ) and G~ ~, G, with G~ a reductive group of type A t and T x, c G~. Moreover, after possibly enlarging the totally real field F again, we can assume that G~ | ~ is isotropic. On applying the above construction to the pair (G,, X,) we obtain a map 7,: G , ( I ~ ) ~ Z , ( ~ ) whose restriction to G(O) is 7. According to Platonov and Rapincuk (1979), G~(ff)_)/Z~(ff~) is simple, and so 7, is trivial on G~(Q). As geG~(~), this shows that 7 (g)= 1.

It remains to verify that r~(g): Gad(~)~ GL(~) is given by the adjoint repre- sentation. Recall that S~ X) = G(Q)\X x G(&Y), and write n for the projection X x G(&Y)~SO(G, X). For any G(&I)-local system V on S~ X), n*(V) is spanned by its space of G(AS)-invariant global sections, and this last space can be identified with Vx for any xeX. Therefore, from any such local system and point x, we obtain a representation G(O_) ~ GL(V~). Because of the diction- ary recalled in (4.7), a G(AY)-vector bundle with flat connection (,~V) also gives rise to a representation of G(~) on the fibre ~/r.

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Lemma 9.3. Let (Y/~, 17) be a G(AI ) -vec tor bundle with f i a t connection on S~ X), and assume that • is a G(&I)-subbundle o f an automorphic vector bundle ~r on S~ X). Then the representation r: G( f f~ ) -+GL(~) is continuous fo r the complex topology; i f it is trivial on Z ( ~ ) , then it is induced by a morphism of algebraic groups G~ d ~ GL(~V'~).

Proof. The first assertion follows from the fact that the representation r of G(Q) on ~ can be realized as a subrepresentation of the representation of G(R) on F(X , fl*(J)), which is obviously continuous. For the second, note that the homomorphism r"d: G ( Q ) / Z ( ~ ) ~ G L ( ~ x ) extends by continuity to a homo- morphism #: Gad(R) + ~ G L ( ~ ) . Let r' be the homomorphism of algebraic groups G~ d ~ G L ( ~ ) such that Lie (r') = Lie (#). Then r' (R) and f agree on an open sub- group of Gad0R)+, and so they agree on the whole of Gad0R)+.

For a vector bundle ~ on a space, write Jd" (~U ) for the bundle of jets of length n of ~ (see Grothendieck (1967), IV.16.8).

Lemma 9.4. Let j be the Gr bundle on _~ corresponding to the adjoint representation o f G on Lie(G). Then there is an equivariant embedding

Proof. See Harris (1985), p. 172. We now complete the proof of the theorem. Let x be a special point of

X. After replacing (G, X) by a pair (G,, X , ) and applying (7.1), we may assume that T~ splits over a quadratic extension of F. On applying (9.1) and (9.3) to the automorphic vector bundle ~/f defined by the adjoint representation, we find that the map rx(g): G ( ~ ) ~ GL(g) is defined by an algebraic map p. Since we know the theorem for each H~, the restriction of p to the algebraic subgroup H~ of G is given be the adjoint representation, and the next lemma shows that this implies that p itself is given by the adjoint representation.

Lemma 9.5. The group G is generated (as an algebraic group) by the subgroups


Proof. This follows from the fact that, for any embedding a of F into R, I-p,, P~]

= [,, where g, = ~, ~)p , is a Cartan decomposition of g, d~ Lie(G |

This completes the second proof of Theorem 3.10.

Appendix: Pairs defining connected and nonconnected Shimura varieties

In this section, we review some results that allow one to modify the centres of the groups defining Shimura varieties. Throughout, t denotes complex conjugation.

l.emma A.1. Let G be a semisimple adjoint group over a field of characteristic zero, and let L be a finite Galois extension of k that splits G. For any finite central covering G' ~ G of G, there exists a central extension defined over k

1--* N -~ G I ~ G --* I

such that G~ ̀r = G' and N is equal to a product of copies of ResL/k ~m-

Proof See for example Milne and Shih (1982b), 3.1.

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Proposition A.2. For any pair (G, X) defining a connected Shimura variety, there exists a pair (G1, Xi) defining a Shimura variety and such that

(a) (G,, X, ) + =(G, X); (b) the weight Wx of any h~ X l is defined over Q; (c) the centre Z(G,) of GI is a product of copies of ResL/~tB,, for some CM-field L Galois over


Proof Let x be a special point of X, and let T be a maximal torus of G ad such that h factors through T~. Then TR is anisotropic, and so z acts as - 1 on X*(T). It follows that, for any z~Aut(C), ~z and ,z have the same action on X*(T), and so T splits over a CM-field L, which can be chosen to be Galois over Q. Construct GI as in the lemma with G~er=G and G1/N=G "d. The inverse

image 7"1 of Tin Ca is a maximal torus. Choose #1 ~X.(Ta) to lift p r (T). The weight w, Js = --,u~ - - l / q

o f / q lies in X,(ZO, where ZI=Z(Ga)=N. Clearly *w~=wl and so, as H i (R , X, (Z1) )=0 , there exists a #oeX , (Z 0 such that 0+l ) /~o=Wa. When we replace #~ by / q - P o we find that w , = 0 ; in particular, w l is defined over Q. Let h 1: S--* G1 correspond to # ~, and let X 1 be the conjugacy class of hi. Then (G1, X 0 fulfills the requirements.

Now let (G, X) be a pair defining a Shimura variety. Recall that x e X is special if h~, factors through a Q-rational torus T c G. We say that x is a CM-point if there exists a Q-rational homo- morphism p:,: ~ G such that P,~~ Clearly a CM-point is special, and a special point is CM if and only if

( z - 1) (l + 1)/-t~,=0 = 0 + 1) ( z - 1) #x

all r6Aut(ll2). (Note, pace Deligne (1979), 2.2.4, it is important to distinguish these notions.)

Proposition A.3. Every special point of X is a CM-point when (G, X) satisfies the conditions: (a) the weight Wx is defined over Q; (b) the centre Z of G is split by a CM-field.

Proof The conditions say respectively that

( z - 1)(t + 1)p~=0, for all z eAu t (~E), x e X ;

z l # = zv/.t, for all ze Aut(iE), la~X,(Z).

Let x e X be a special, and let T be a maximal torus through which h~ factors. The argument in the proof of (A.2) shows that z t/~= ~Tkt for #~X,(T/Z), and since

X , ( T ) | X , ( Z ) | X , ( T / Z ) |

we see that the same equation holds for #eX, (T) . Therefore ( l + l ) ( T - - l ) / ~ = ( z - 1 ) ( t + l ) p ~ , and we have already observed that this is zero.

Corollary A.4. For any pair (G, X) defining a connected Shimura variety, there exists a pair (G~, X O defining a Shimura variety and such that

(a) (61, x 0 + =(~, x); (b) every special point of X~ is CM; (e) H 1 (k, Z(GO)=0 for all fields k of characteristic zero.

Proof Combine the last two results.

Proposition A.5. Assume that (G, X) satisfies the conditions of (A.3). There then exists a Q-rational reductive group G O c G such that

(a) all h e X factor through GoR, and (b) ad h(i) is a Caftan involution on Go/wx(~,,).

Proof We assume that no proper Q-rational reductive subgroup of G satisfies (a) and show that G then satisfies (b). Let H=G/(GO*~.w(~,,)). Then x*(z/w(ffJm))|174 and so (A.3b) implies that t z = z l on X*(H) for all ~eAut(~'). Let V + be the maximal subspace of X*(H) | on which z acts as + 1. The last statement shows that V + is stable under Aut(~E). There therefore

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exists a quotient torus H + of H such that V + = X* (H +) | Q. For any x s X, S/I~,~ h~ , G~jw (tI~=) ~ Hff

is trivial because ~ acts as - I on X*(S/IU,,), and so hx factors through Ker(GR--,H~); we must have H + =0. It follows now that (Z/w(~m))R is anisotropic, and (b) holds.

Remark A.6. For the group Go constructed in (A.4), Z(Go) (Q) is discrete in Z(Go) (A y) (cf. Deligne (1979), 2.1.11).


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