Download - Autofrettage of Weld Clad Components · 2017. 1. 24. · 454 g. benghalia and j. wood / procedia engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465 whpshudwxuh dgglwlrqdoo\ lqioxhqflqj wkh uhvlgxdo

  • Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

    Available online at

    1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICPVT-14doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.239


    aUniversity of Strathclyde, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ, UK


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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICPVT-14

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  • 454 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

    1.1. Weld clad simulation review

  • 455 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 456 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 457 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 458 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465


    babp PYPY

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    R1 R2Rp



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    K=R2/R1 m=Rp/R1

  • 459 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 460 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 461 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

    7.1. Material hardening

  • 462 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

    7.2. Assuming an idealised interface

  • 463 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 464 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465

  • 465 G. Benghalia and J. Wood / Procedia Engineering 130 ( 2015 ) 453 – 465