Download - Author Surname Author First Name Title Category Cross Library Catalogue...Author Surname Author First Name Title Category Bareis Airon-Violet R. Lord, Help Me I'm Sick Prayer Bareis


Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryA.A. General Service Office

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions General Spirituality

Abajian Diane Praying and Doing The Stations of the Cross with Children Prayer

Abbott, S.J. Editor Walter M. The Documents Of Vatican II...The Message and Meaning

Church Teaching

Addresses Homilies The Pope in IrelandChurch History

Ahern Patrick Maurice & Therese - The Story of a Love Saints and Biography

Aid to the Church in Need

Way of the Cross with the Church in need Liturgical Year

Aid to the Church in Need

We Fly to Thy Patronage O Holy Mother of God Prayer

Aid to the Church in Need

We fly to thy Patronage - Praying the Rosary Prayer

Aid to the Church in Need

Way of the CrossPrayer

Alcover Norbert Eight Day Retreat with Saint Ignatius of Loyola Prayer

Alexander Organizing Editor

Pat The Lion Encyclopedia Of The BibleThe Bible

Allen Thomas A Guide To the Passion of The Christ New Testament

Alliende-Luco Father Joaquin Via Crucis - Way . Death . Resurrection New Testament

Alvarez Edited & Introduced by

Thomas The Prayers of Teresa Of AvilaPrayer

Ames C. Alan Through the Eyes of Jesus New Testament

Andersen, M.S.C. Frank Making The Eucharist Matter Mass and Sacraments

Anderson Rev. William A. The Gospel Of John - Christian Scripture Study Series

New Testament

Anderson Rev. William A. The Gospel of Mark - Christian Scripture Study Series

New Testament

Armstrong Karen The First Christian - St. Paul's Impact On Christianity

New Testament

Arnold J. Heinrich Freedom from Sinful Thoughts General Spirituality

Arnold John The Quality of Mercy Mass and Sacraments

Arnold Johann Christoph The Loving Art of Forgiving General Spirituality

Atherton Richard New Light Prayer

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryBackhouse Robert Ed by The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of

Loyola PrayerBacovcin Helen The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim

Continues His WayGeneral Spirituality

Badry E. The Courage of Faith PrayerBaillie John A Diary of Private Prayer PrayerBaker G. L. the Finger Of God is Here Saints and

BiographyBaldwin David Santiago de Compostela - The way of St

JamesSaints and Biography

Bancroft Alan Poems of St. Therese Of Lisieux Saints and Biography

Bankson Marjory Zoet Braided Streams - Ester and a Woman's Way of Growing

General Spirituality

Barbaric OFM Fr. Slavko Pray the Holy Rosary Every Day PrayerBarbet DR. Pierre The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ New

TestamentBarclay William The Gospel of Mark The New Daily

Study BibleNew Testament

Barclay William The Acts of The Apostles - The Daily Study Bible

New Testament

Barclay Williams The letter To The Romans The Daily Study Bible

New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel of John Volume 1 Chapters 1-7

New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel of Matthew Volume 2 Chapters 11-28

New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel of Mark New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel of Matthew Volume 1 Chapters 1-10

New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel of John Volume2 Chapter 8-21

New Testament

Barclay William The Letters To The Corinthians New Testament

Barclay William The Letter To The Hebrews New Testament

Barclay William The Letters Of John And Jude New Testament

Barclay William The Gospel Of Luke New Testament

Barclay William Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth Saints and Biography

Barclay William The Letter to the Galatians and Ephesians

New Testament

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryBareis Airon-Violet R. Lord, Help Me I'm Sick PrayerBareis Airon-Violet R. Lord, Help Me I'm Sick PrayerBarrett C.K. The Gospel of John &Judaism New

TestamentBarry D. E. Margaret Sinclair Saints and

BiographyBauer Judith A. The Essential Mary Handbook - a

summary of beliefs, devotions, and prayers

Saints and Biography

Bauman Harold Living Through Grief - Stregth and Hope in Time of Loss

General Spirituality

Bausch William J. A New Look at the Sacraments Mass and Sacraments

Bausch William J. It Is The Lord ! Sin and Confession Revisited

Mass and Sacraments

Beirne C.S.Sp. Fr John "Am I Going to Heaven or Not" The Aokpe Story Church History

Belton Vivienne Cardinal Thomas Winning-An Authorised Biography

Saints and Biography

Benson Robert Hugh Come Rack Come Rope Saints and Biography

Benson R.H. Lord of the World General Spirituality

Bernadot, O.P. M.V. The Eucharist and The Trinity Mass and Sacraments

Bernard-Marie, O.F.S.,

Huscenot Jean,F.E.C. Conversations of The Saints Words of Wisdom From Gods Chosen

Saints and Biography

Bernardin Joseph Louis The Gift of Peace - Personal Reflections General Spirituality

Besnard A.M. Take a chance on God PrayerBeumer Jurjen Henri Nouwen A Restless Seeking for

GodGeneral Spirituality

Beumer Jurjen Henri Nouwen - A Restless Seeking for God

Saints and Biography

Bielecki Tessa Teresa of Avila - Ecstasy and Common Sense

Saints and Biography

Bishops' Conferenceof Scotland

Jesus Christ - Living in His Word

Church HistoryBleasdell Babsie Refesh Your Life in the Spirit - How the

Holy Spirit Can Empower You Every Day

General Spirituality

Blessed John Duns Scotus

Thought and Prayer Saints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryBligh John Historical Information For New

Testament StudentsNew Testament

Bloom Archbishop Anthony School for Prayer PrayerBloom & LeFebvre

Anthony Georges

Courage To PrayPrayer

Bloomfield Bob Martyrs Of Vietnam Saints and Biography

Blumhardt Christoph Lift Thine Eyes Evening Prayers for Every Day of the Year Prayer

Boa Kenneth Living Promises PrayerBoase, S.J. Leonard The Prayer of faith - A Simple

Approach To Prayer PrayerBogle Joanna Fr Werenfried - A Life Saints and

BiographyBokenkotter Thomas A Concise History of the Catholic

Church - Revised and Expanded Edition Church HistoryBolger E.C. The Man called Montfort Saints and

BiographyBonhoeffer Dietrich Life Together General

SpiritualityBorelli Antonio A. Our Lady Of Fatima ; Prophecies of

Tragedy or Hope ?Saints and Biography

Bornkamm, Barth &Held

Gunther, Gerhard and Heinz Joachim

Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew New Testament

Boros Ladislaus In Time of Temptation General Spirituality

Boylan O.C.S.O. Dom Eugene The Mystical Body and the Spiritual Life

General Spirituality

Brennan Patrick The Way of Forgiveness General Spirituality

Brinkworth Guy Everyman's Guide To The Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius Prayer

Brodrick , S.J. James Our Lord's Words From The Cross New Testament

Brother Roger of Taize A Life We Never Dared Hope For Saints and Biography

Brown Rayomnd E. Reading The Gospels With the Church New Testament

Brown Raymond E. An Adult Christ at Christmas-Essays on the Three Biblical Christmas Stories Matthew 2 and Luke 2 Liturgical Year

Brown Raymond E. A Once and Coming Spirit at PentecostLiturgical Year

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryBrown Raymond E. A Crucified Christ in Holy Week -

Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives Liturgical Year

Brown Raymond E. Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays Liturgical Year

Brown Michael H. After Life General Spirituality

Brown Michael H. Secrets of the Eucharist Mass and Sacraments

Brown Fr William Peter The Seven Delours of Our Blessed Lady Saints and Biography

Brown Fr William Peter Thoughts on the Blessed Virgin Mary Saints and Biography

Brown Raymond E. Biblical Reflections on Crises facing the Church The Bible

Bshops' Conference

Scotland Norms for Priestly Formation Church Teaching

Buckley Michael Let Peace Disturb You - Insight into essential gospel words

General Spirituality

Buckley S.J. Francis "I Confess" - the Scrament of Penace Today

Mass and Sacraments

Burrows Ruth Before the Living God - Prayer and Practice

General Spirituality

Bush William To Quell The Terror - The True Story Of The Carmelite Martyrs Of Compiegne Saints and

BiographyByrne Lavinia The Dome of Heaven - A Prayer Course

for Advent Liturgical YearByrne Peter His Healing Hands PrayerByrne Peter His Healing Hands PrayerByrne Peter Be Healed in Heart PrayerByrne Peter Be Healed in Heart PrayerByrne Peter Prayer Book for Adoration PrayerByrne Peter His Healing Hands PrayerByrne Peter Adoration PrayerByrne Peter Woman the Beautiful General

SpiritualityByrne Peter The Sun Never Sets - The Perpetual Help

Story Church HistoryCaldwell Elizabeth Francis Come Unto Me-Rethinking the

Sacraments For ChildrenMass and Sacraments

Cantalamessa Raniero Life in the Lordship Of Christ A Spiritual Commentary on the Letter to the Romans

New Testament

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryCantalamessa Raniero The Mystery Of Christmas-A comment

on the Magnificat,Gloria,Nunc Dimittis Liturgical YearCantalamessa Raniero Obedience General

SpiritualityCantalamessa Raniero Life in Christ - A Spiritual Commentary

on the Letter to the RomansNew Testament

Cantalamessa Raniero The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus New Testament

Cantalamessa Raniero The Mystery of PentecostLiturgical Year

Caraman Philip Henry Morse - Priest of the Plague and Martyr of England

Saints and Biography

Caraman Philip Ignatius Loyola Saints and Biography

Caraman Philip John Gerard - The Autobiography of an Elizabethan

Saints and Biography

Caraman S.J. Philip The Gospel According to Saint Mark New Testament

Caraman S.J. Philip The Gospel According to Saint Matthew New Testament

Caraman S.J. Philip The Gospel According to Saint John New Testament

Carlos,OCD and Kondor,SVD

Fr. Jeremiah Fr. Louis

The way Of The Cross In Fatima General Spirituality

Carretto Carlo The God Who Comes General Spirituality

Cassidy Sheila Good Friday People General Spirituality

Catholc Truth Society

A Simple Penance BookPrayer

Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

A Spirituality of Work

General Spirituality

Catholic Church in the UK

Heart Speaks Unto HeartChurch History

Catholic Truth Society

Twentieth Century Martyrs - Victims of the Nazis

Saints and Biography

Catholic Truth Society

The Gift of Scriptures New Testament

Catholic Truth Society

Devotion to the Sacred HeartLiturgical Year

Catholic Truth Society

A Simple Penance BookPrayer

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryCatholic Truth Society

A New Rosary Book Including the Mysteries of Light Prayer

Catholic Truth Society

The CTS Companion to PrayerPrayer

Catholic Truth Society

The CTS Companion to PrayerPrayer

Catholic Truth Society

A Simple Rosary BookPrayer

Catholic Truth Society

Mother of Mercy - Prayers in Persecution Prayer

Catholic Truth Society

A Large Print Mass Book - The Order Of Mass

Mass and Sacraments

Catholic Truth Society

A Large Print Mass Book - The Order Of Mass

Mass and Sacraments

Catholic Truth Society

Sayings of Jeanne Jugan - Foundress of The Little Sisters Of The Poor

Saints and Biography

Catholic Truth Society

Catholic Bishops' Conferences of England & Wales, Ireland, and Scotland

One Bread One Body - A Teaching document on the Eucharist in the life of the Church Church

TeachingCatholic Truth society

Catholic Bishops' Conference

One Bread One Body - Catechetical material

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

Catholic Bishops' Conference

One Bread One Body - a teaching document on the Eucharist in the lfe of the Church

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

Compendium of the Catechism Of The Catholic Church

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

Catholic Bishops' Conference

One Bread One Body - A teaching document on the Eucharist in the life of the Church

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

Redemptionis Donum - Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness John Paul II Church

TeachingCatholic Truth Society

Mulieris Dignitatem - Apostolic Letter Of The Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Dignity & Vocation Of Women

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

Evangelization In The Modern World - Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Pope Paul VI

Church Teaching

Catholic Truth Society

A Catechism of Church Law Church Teaching

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryCatholic Truth Society Gallagher

Jim Great Saints Series : Padre Pio-A Holy Priest Saints and

BiographyCatholic Truth Society Johnson

Vernon Great Saints Society : Therese Of Lisieux Saints and Biography

CatholicTruth Society

Laborem Exercens-John Paul 11 on Human Work

Church Teaching

Caussade Jean-Pierre De The Sacrament of the Present Moment General Spirituality

Cavallini Giuliana Saint Martin De Porres Apostle of Charity

Saints and Biography

Celebrating 150 years in Glasgow : 1847-1997

The Franciscan Sisters Of The Immaculate Conception

Church HistoryCervantes Fernando The Inquisition General

SpiritualityChadwick Owen The Reformation

Church HistoryChadwick Translated By

Henry Saint Augustine Confessions Saints and Biography

Champlin Joseph M. The Mystery and Meaning of the Mass Mass and Sacraments

Champlin Joseph M. The Sacraments in a world of change Mass and Sacraments

Champlin Joseph M. The Proper Balance-A Practical Look at Liturgical Renewal

Church Teaching

Champlin Joseph M. Together in Peace - Penitent's Edition Mass and Sacraments

Chapman Geoffrey Catechism Of the Catholic Church Church Teaching

Charpentier Etienne How to Read the New Testament New Testament

Charpentier Etienne How to Read the Old Testament Old TestamentChesterton G. K. St. Francis Of Assisi Saints and

BiographyChittister Joan D. Heart of Flesh-Feminist Spiritulity for

Women and MenGeneral Spirituality

Chittister Joan In Search of Belief General Spirituality

Chittister Joan God's Tender Mercy General Spirituality

Chodron Pema Start Where You Are - A Guide to Compassionate Living

General Spirituality

Cingolani Gabriele Saint Gabriel Possenti,Passionist-A Young Man in Love

Saints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryClark steve Knowing God's Will General

SpiritualityClark Steve Growing in Faith General

SpiritualityClarke OC Hugh Titus Brandsma Saints and

BiographyClarke, S.J. Richard F. The Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ New

TestamentCollected Homilies & Speeches The Pope in Britain - Collected Homilies

& Speeches Church HistoryCollins Pat Maturing In The Spirit Guidelines For

Prayer GroupsGeneral Spirituality

Collins Joan His Holiness Pope John Paul II Saints and Biography

Collins Pat Prayer in Practice - A Biblical Approach PrayerCollins CM Pat Spirituality for the 21st Century General

SpiritualityCollins CM Self Esteem and the Love of God General

SpiritualityCollins, S.J. Gerald A Month with Jesus PrayerComboni Publication

The Missionary RosaryPrayer

Compiled & Arranged by W. M. B.

Thoughts of The Cure D'ArsSaints and Biography

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Message of FatimaChurch Teaching

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Aspects of EvangelisationChurch Teaching

Conlon Val Guidelines for Divine Mercy prayer Group and Apostolate Prayer

Conlon Val The Everyday Miracles of Divine Mercy and Selected Stories

General Spirituality

Conlon Val Angel on my Shoulder General Spirituality

Conroy Harry They Rose AgainChurch History

Conroy Ed By Harry They Rose AgainChurch History

Convery Edited by

Ronnie The Cardinal Thomas Joseph Winning 1925-2001 Official Tribute

Saints and Biography

Cooke Bernard Sacraments and Sacramenalty Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryCordeiro Archbishop

Joseph Key Words Of The BibleThe Bible

Costelloe Morgan Matt Talbot - Hope For Addicts Saints and Biography

Costelloe Morgan Matt Talbot - Hope For Addicts Saints and Biography

Covery Ronnie The Cardinal - Official Tribute Saints and Biography

Cox Ronald The Gospel Story based on the translation of the Four Gospels

New Testament

Coyle Ed By Tom Christian Ministry to the Sick Mass and Sacraments

Cragg G. R. the Church And The Age Of Reason 1648-1789 Church History

Craig Mary Man From A Far Country A Portrait of Pope John Paul 11

Saints and Biography

Craig Mary Man From A Far Country - A Portrait of Pope John Paul II

Saints and Biography

Crichton J D The Ministry of Reconciliation Mass and Sacraments

Crichton J.D. The Liturgy Of Holy WeekLiturgical Year

Crichton J.D. Christian Celebratioon - The Prayer of the Church Prayer

Crilly Oliver Baptism Mass and Sacraments

Croiset, S.J. Jean The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

General Spirituality

Crowe, C.P. Jerome The Acts - New Testament Message 8 New Testament

Cunneen and Gormally Translated by

Joseph Patrick

Morning Light The Spiritual Journal of Jean Sulivan General

SpiritualityCurley Terenc P. Te Mstry of Consolation - A Parish

Guide for Comforting the BereavedGeneral Spirituality

Cuthbert, O.S.F.C. Father Cuthbert The Life Of St.Francis Of Assisi Saints and Biography

D'Arcy M.C. Facing God General Spirituality

Dalrymple John The Cross a pasture General Spirituality

Dalrymple John Simple Prayer PrayerDavies Tom The Celtic Heart General


Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryDavis Charles The Making Of A Christian Church

TeachingDe Chardin Teilhard Writings in Time of War General

SpiritualityDe Chardin Teilhard Le Milieu Divin General

SpiritualityDe La Bedoyere Michael Francis Of Assisi Saints and

BiographyDe La Bedoyere Michael Francis A Biography of the Saint of

AssisiSaints and Biography

de Montfort St. Louis Marie True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Prayerde Montfort St. Louis Marie The Friends of the Cross General

Spiritualityde Montfort St. Louis Marie The Love of Eternal Wisdom General

Spiritualityde Montfort St. Louis Marie The Secret of the Rosary Prayerde Montfort St. Louis Marie To the Friends of the Cross General

Spiritualityde Montfort St. Louis Marie The Secret of Mary PrayerDe Vaux Roland Ancient Israel - Its Life and Institutions

Church HistoryDeGidio Sandra Sacraments Alive - Their Celebration and

SignificanceMass and Sacraments

Deiss CSSp Lucien It's The Lord's Supper - The Eucharist Of Christians

Mass and Sacraments

Del Zoppo Patrick M. Mouring: The Journey from Grief to Healing

General Spirituality

Dennis Marie Oscar Romero - Reflections on His Life and Writings

Saints and Biography

Diekmann OSB Godfrey Personal Prayer and The Liturgy PrayerDirvin, C.M. Father Joseph I. Saint Catherine Laboure Of The

Miraculous MedalSaints and Biography

Dodd C. H. The Parables of the Kingdom New Testament

Doherty Catherine de Hueck The Gospel Without Compromise General Spirituality

Dolan Monsignor Timothy M. Priests for the Third Millennium Church Teaching

Dominian Jack Cycles of Affirmation - Psychological Essays in Christian Living

General Spirituality

Donze A.S.C. Mary Terese Down Gospel Byways New Testament

Dorr Donal Integal Spirituality General Spirituality

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryDrane John Paul - An Ill.documentary on the life and

writings of a key figure in the beginnings of Christianity

New Testament

Drane John Introducing The New Testament New Testament

Dudley Owen Francis You, and thousands like you General Spirituality

Duffy Eamon Saints & Sinners A History Of The Popes Saints and Biography

Duffy Eamon Madonnas That Maim - Christianity and the Cult of the Virgin

Church Teaching

Duffy Eamon Ten Popes Who Shook the WorldChurch History

Duffy Eamon Saints, Sacrilege & SeditionChurch History

Duffy IC Gervase J. Come Walk With Me - Praying the Stations of the Cross Liturgical Year

Dulles S.J. Avery Models of the Church Church Teaching

Dunn Joseph No Lions in the Hierarchy An Anthology of Sorts

General Spirituality

Duns Scotus Blessed John Thought and Prayer Saints and Biography

Dyer George J. A Pastoral Guide to Canon Law Church Teaching

Earley & Mckenna

Ciaran Gemma Actions Speak Louder A Source Book For Social Ministry

General Spirituality

Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Akathistos Hymn to the Most Holy Mother of God

PrayerEd By - Brown, S.S. ; Fitzmyer,S.J. ; Murphy,O.CARM

Raymond E. ; Joseph A. ; Roland E.

The Jerome Biblical Commentary

Old TestamentEdwards Raymond The Reformation in England

Church HistoryEdwards Compiled by

John C. The Gospels for PrayerPrayer

Edwards S.J. John C. Ways Of Forgiveness Mass and Sacraments

Egeberg Gary Stations for Teens - Meditations on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Prayer

Elliot Fr Peter J. Receiving The Lord - Prayers For Communion

Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryEndersbee Mary Learning through Pain General

SpiritualityEnzler Clarence Everyone's way of the Cross (3 copies)

Liturgical YearEnzler Clarence J. My Other Self in which Christ speaks to

the soul on living His lifeGeneral Spirituality

Etling Edited by Mark Saint Peregrine with Prayers and Devotions

Saints and Biography

Everyman's Library

The City Of God - St Augustine Vol 1 General Spirituality

Everyman's Library

Eidited By Ernest Rhys

The City Of God - St Augustine Vol 2 General Spirituality

Faber Father The Precious Blood General Spirituality

Famous Bible Passages

He Carried Our Sorrows - Isaiah 53The Bible

Faricy Robert Knowing Jesus in the World PrayerFaricy, S.J. Robert Seeking Jesus in Contemplation and

Discernment PrayerFarrell Edward Free To Be Nothing General

SpiritualityFarrell Edward J. Gathering the Fragments - A Gospel

MosaicGeneral Spirituality

Farrow John Damien The Leper Saints and Biography

Fawcett Nick Daily Pray - Time with God PrayerFeehan James A. Stories For Preachers General

SpiritualityFeehan James A. A Fool for Christ - The Priest with the

TrailerGeneral Spirituality

Feider Rev. Paul A. The Sacraments : Encountering The Risen lord

Mass and Sacraments

Fiorelli Father Lewis The Sermons of St Francis de Sales on Prayer Prayer

Fischer Edward Maybe A Second Spring - The Story of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban in China Church History

Fitzgerald S.S.C. Fr Joe Walking with Jesus and Mary PrayerFlannery Austin Vatican Counil II - Th Conciliar and Post

Conciliar DocumentsChurch Teaching

Flannery Austin Vatican Counil II - More Post Conciliar Documents

Church Teaching

Flannery, O.P. Austin Vatican Collection Vol I - Vatican Council II the Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents

Church Teaching

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryFleischer Barbara Facilitating For Growth-Guide for

Scripture Study Groups and CommutiesGeneral Spirituality

Foley Donal Anthony Catholic Truth Society

Apparitions Of Mary - Their Meaning in History General

SpiritualityFoley Edward From Age To Age General

SpiritualityFoley, S.J. Fr. Richard Mary and the Eucharist Mass and

SacramentsForristal Desmond The Mystery of God Church

TeachingFoundress of the Holy Souls

Rev Mother, Mary of Providence Saints and Biography

Foy Edited By Whitfield Man's Religious Quest General Spirituality

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Padre Pio - The Wonder Worker Saints and Biography

Freeman-Grenville G.S.P. The Stations of the Cross in JerusalemLiturgical Year

French R.M. The Way of a Pilgrim General Spirituality

French Translated By

R.M. The Pilgrim Continues His Way General Spirituality

Fromm Erich The Fear Of Freedom General Spirituality

Furey Richard Praying The Stations with Mary the Mother of Jesus

Saints and Biography

Gaeta Francis X. From Holy Hour To Happy Hour - How to Build Christian Community

General Spirituality

Galbiati Monsignor

Enrico Arranged and Commented on by

The Hstory of Salvation in The Old Testament New Edition

Old TestamentGallagher, SJ Michael Paul Questions of Faith General

SpiritualityGalot, SJ Jean Abba Father - We Long to See Your

FaceGeneral Spirituality

Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Father Reginald The Mother of the Saviour Ad Our Interior Life

Saints and Biography

Gaucher Guy The Spiritual Journey of St Therese of Lisieux

Saints and Biography

Gavigan McCarthy McGovern Editors

James Brian Thomas The Navarre Bible - The Gospel of Saint John

New Testament

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryGearaidh Brathunn Index of Themes in The Gospels New

TestamentGheon Henri Secrets of the Saints Saints and

BiographyGhezzi Bert The Times Book of Saints Saints and

BiographyGhezzi bert Facing Your Feelings - How to Get Your

Emotions to Work for YouGeneral Spirituality

Gibbard Mark Twentieth Century Men Of Prayer Saints and Biography

Gibran Kahlil The Prophet General Spirituality

Gibran Kahlil The Prophet General Spirituality

Girzone Joseph F. Never Alone A Personal Way To God General Spirituality

Glynn Paul Healing Fire from Frozen Earth - Lourdes And The Second Millenium

General Spirituality

Goggins Gerard E. The Anonymous Disciple General Spirituality

Grandis, S.S.J. Robert De Healing Through The Mass Mass and Sacraments

Grant Robert A Historical Introduction to the New Testament

New Testament

Graziani Filippo The Little Flowers of St Francis PrayerGreeley Andrew M. The Jesus Myth General

SpiritualityGreeley Andrew M. Love affair A Prayer Journal PrayerGreen Julien God's Fool - The Life and Times of

Francis Of AssisiSaints and Biography

Green S.J. Thomas H. Drinking From a Dry Well General Spirituality

Green,S.J. Thomas H. When the Well Runs Dry-Prayer Beyond the Beginnings Prayer

Greene, M.M. Rev. Robert W. Calvary In ChinaChurch History

Groeschel C.F.R. Fr. Benedict J. A Priest Forever - The Life of Father Eugene Hamilton

Saints and Biography

Groeschel, C.F.R. Father Benedict J. The Rosary - Opening Our Hearts To The Mysteries Of Faith Prayer

Gustin Marilyn How to Read and Pray The Passion StoryLiturgical Year

Guzie, S.J. Tad W. Jesus and the Eucharist Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryHahn Scott Lord, Have Mercy - The Healing Power

of ConfessionMass and Sacraments

Hahn Scott The Lamb's Supper - The Mass as Heaven on Earth

Mass and Sacraments

Hahn Mitch Scott Curtis The Gospel of Matthew New Testament

Hahn Mitch Scott Curtis The Acts Of The Apostles New Testament

Hahn Mitch Scott Curtis The Gospel of Mark New Testament

Hahn Mitch Scott Curtis The Gospel Of Luke New Testament

Hahn Mitch Scott Curtis The Gospel Of John Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

New Testament

Hales E. E. Y. The Catholic Church in the Modern World - A survey from the French Revolution to the present Church History

Hanlon Kevin J. Paul - Pastor of communities for today New Testament

Haring Bernard The Song of the Servant The BibleHaring Bernard The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the

Redemption of the WorldGeneral Spirituality

Haring Bernard Hope is the Remedy General Spirituality

Haring Bernard The Beatitudes General Spirituality

Haring Bernard Shalom: Peace - The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass and Sacraments

Haring Bernard The Sacraments in a Secular Age Mass and Sacraments

Haring, C.SS.R. Bernhard The New Covenant Mass and Sacraments

Harnan Nicholas The Hearts Journey Home General Spirituality

Harrington O.P. Wilfrid The new guide To Reading and Studying The Bible The Bible

Harrington OP Wilfrid The Jesus Story Saints and Biography

Harrington, O.P. Wilfrid Mark New Testament Message 4 New Testament

Harrington, O.P. Wilfrid The Prodigal Father New Testament

Harrington, S.J. Daniel How to Read the Gospels - Answers to Common Questions

New Testament

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryHarrington, S.J. Daniel Interpreting The New Testament A

Practical Guide New Testament Message 1

New Testament

Harrington, S.J. Daniel The Gospel According To Matthew New Testament

Harriott John F.X. The Empire Of The Heart General Spirituality

Hart Mark Ask the Bible Geek - Answers to Questions from Catholic Teens

New Testament

Harty O.P. Gabriel Make the Wild Rose Bloom Saints and Biography

Hastings Adrian A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council Volume 1

Church Teaching

Hastings Adrian A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council Volume 1

Church Teaching

Hastings Adrian A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council Volume 2

Church Teaching

Hastings Adrian A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council Volume 2

Church Teaching

Healy Alexius On this day - A modern meditation on The Stations Of the Cross Liturgical Year

Heffernan Anne Eileen Novena in a Time of Depression PrayerHeimbucher Kurt In Times of Illness PrayerHelp Me Through the Day

All is not Lost-Thoughts for the bereavedPrayer

Hendra Tony Father Joe General Spirituality

Heneghan Michael Adoration PrayerHennezel Marie De Intimate Death...How the dying teach us

how to liveGeneral Spirituality

Herbst, S.J. Fr. Clarence A. The Letters of St.Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saints and Biography

Herbst, S.J. Clarence A. Jesus Reveals His Heart - Letters of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saints and Biography

Hinnebusch Paul Jesus,The New Elijah-An Inspiring New Insight into the Person of Jesus

New Testament

His Holiness John Paul 11 Crossing The Threshold Of Hope General Spirituality

Hoagland Victor Favourite Catholic Novenas PrayerHoagland, C.P. Rev. Victor Christmas Prayers and Customs ( 3

copies ) Liturgical YearHolford Karen The Loneliest Grief General

SpiritualityHollings & Gullick Michael & Etta Prayers for Others


Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryHollings and Gullick

Michael and Etta Prayers for the DepressedPrayer

Holy Ghost Fathers Novena to the Holy SpiritPrayer

Houlden J.L. The Pastoral Epistles New Testament

Houselander Caryll The Way of the CrossLiturgical Year

Howard Geoffrey Weep Not For MeLiturgical Year

Howard Thomas If your mind wanders at Mass Mass and Sacraments

Howard Anthony Basil Hume - The Monk Cardinal Saints and Biography

Huebsch Bill Praying with Pope John XX111 PrayerHuebsch Bill A Radical Guide for Catholics - rooted in

the essentials of our faithGeneral Spirituality

Huebsch Bill A Spirituality Of Wholeness . The New Look at Grace Prayer

Hughes Gererd W. God of Suprises General Spirituality

Hughes SND Sr Jane In spite of fog - Journeying with St Julie Billiart

General Spirituality

Hume Cardinal Basil Basil in Blunderland General Spirituality

Hume Basil Footprints of the Northern Saints Saints and Biography

Hume O.S.B Basil To Be a Pilgrim - a spiritual notebook General Spirituality

Hunter A M Introducing the New Testament New Testament

Hurley Dermot Our Daily Prayer A Catholic Prayer Book Prayer

Hurley Dermot Our Daily Prayer - A Catholic prayer Book Prayer

International Theological Commission

The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being Baptised Church

TeachingJaegher, S.J. Paul De One With Jesus or, The Life of

Identification with ChristGeneral Spirituality

Jarrett, O.P. Bede No Abiding City General Spirituality

Jaworski Carol The Women of the World PrayerJohnson Rt Rev. Mgr Vernon Christian Suffering and Bernadette Of

LourdesSaints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryJohnston Francis Fatima - The Great Sign General

SpiritualityJones OP David Albert Christianity - An Introduction To The

Catholic FaithChurch Teaching

Jones OP David Albert Christianity - An Introduction To The Catholic Faith

Church Teaching

Jones OP David Albert Christianity - An Introduction To The catholic Faith

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Joseph - Cardinal Suenens

Leon A New Pentecost General Spirituality

Jungmann S.J. Josef F. The Early Liturgy to the Time Of Gregory the Great Church History

Kaam Adrian van Looking for Jesus General Spirituality

Kavanaugh John Francis Following Christ in a Consumer Society - The Spirituality of Cultural Resistance

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Kavanaugh Rodriguez

kieran Otilio o.c.d

The collected works of St.Teresa Of Avila Vol One

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Kavanaugh Rodiguez

Kieran Otilio Translated By

The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila Vol 2

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Kearney, C.S.Sp Rev John The Meaning Of The Mass Mass and Sacraments

Keifer Ralph A. Blessed and Broken . Message of the Sacraments.

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Kempis Thomas A The Imitation Of Christ Saints and Biography

Kempis Thomas The Imitation of Christ The BibleKempis Thomas a The Imitation of Christ General

SpiritualityKenny Mary Why Christianity Works Church

TeachingKirkwood Neville Pastoral Care in Hospitals Church

TeachingKnox Ronald Bridegroom and Bride General

SpiritualityKnox Ronald Retreat in Slow Motion General

SpiritualityKnox Ronald A Retreat For Lay People General

SpiritualityKnox Ronald The Creed in Slow Motion General

SpiritualityKodell, O.S.B. Jerome The Gospel According To Luke New

TestamentKondor ( Editor ) Fr Louis Fatima in Lucia's own words Vol 2 Saints and


Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryKonstant David Jesus Christ - the Way,the Truth,the Life -

A daily prayer book PrayerKonstant David A Penitent's Prayerbook - Celebrating the

Sacrament Of PenanceMass and Sacraments

Konstant David Jesus Christ The Way The Truth The Life - A daily prayer book Prayer

Konstant Edited By

Rt. rev. david The Faith Of The Catholic Church Church Teaching

Kossoff David The Three Donkeys - A Bible Story New Testament

Kossoff David The Book of Witnesses New Testament

Kossoff Retold By David Bible StoriesThe Bible

Kroll Una TM A Signpost for the World General Spirituality

Krystal Phyllis Cutting the Ties that Bind-How to Achieve Liberation from false Security and Negative Conditioning

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Kurzinger Josef The Acts of the Apostles for Spiritual Reading

New Testament

Kyne, S.J. Michael Opening Prayer - Introductory Course For Prayer-Guides Prayer

Kyne, S.J. Michael Opening Prayer - Introductory Courses For Prayer-Guides Prayer

La Verdiere, S.S.S. Eugene Luke New Testament Message 5 New Testament

Larkin OCD Thomas Elizabeth of the Trinity Her life and Spirituality

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Laurentin Rene Bernadette Of Lourdes Saints and Biography

Laurentin Rene Bernadette A life of Saint Bernadette Soubirous in Her Own Words

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Laurentin Rene Bernadette of Lourdes Saints and Biography

Lavelle Louis The Meaning Of Holiness Saints and Biography

Lawler Magdalen Intimate Moments Conversations with Christ in John's Gospel Prayer

Lawler, SND Magdalen Encountering Christ,Conversations with Women in John's Gospel Prayer

Leary John Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace - Volume XIV

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Lebon Jean How to Understand the Liturgy Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryLee Dorothy The Last Days Of Jesus - Mark 11 to 16 New

TestamentLeech Kenneth Soul Friend - A Study of Spirituality General

SpiritualityLefebvre Archbishop Marcel An open letter to Confused Catholics

Church HistoryLegion of Mary A Shorter Breviary PrayerLeite, SJ Father Fernando Francisco Of Fatima - Our Lady's Little

ShepherdSaints and Biography

Leite, SJ Fernando Jacinta Of Fatima - Our Lady's Littel Shepherdess

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Leonard, S.J. Leo Refesh My Heart In Christ - Pauses On The Journey to God

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Lewis C.S. They Asked For a Paper General Spirituality

Lewis H.D. Our Experience of God General Spirituality

Link Mark Jesus 2000 A Contemporary Walk with Jesus Prayer

Llewelyn Robert Our Duty and Our Joy General Spirituality

Lohfink Gerhard The Last Day Of Jesus New Testament

Lombardi, S.J. Riccardo Vatican II And Now - A Retreat To The Fathers Of The Council (Nov 8-11, 1965 )

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Lord, S.J. Daniel A. His Passion Forever New Testament

Lovasick S.V.D. Rev. Lawrence G. Favorite Novenas to the Saints PrayerLovasick S.V.D. Rev. Lawrence G. Favorite Novenas to Mary PrayerLovasick S.V.D. Rev. Lawrence G. Favorite Novenas to Jesus PrayerLovasik Rev. Lawrence Favorite Novenas to the Holy Spirit PrayerLowery, C.SS.R Daniel L. Day By day Through Lent -

Reflections,Prayers,Practices Liturgical YearLucia Fr Vincent Martin Come to Me In the Blessed Sacrament Mass and

SacramentsLucia Fr. Vincent M. Come to Me In the Blessed Sacrament PrayerLuciani Albino Illustrissimi. The Letters of Pope John

Paul 1General Spirituality

Ludovici S. Samek Fra Angelico General Spirituality

Lundy Damian What's the Point of it All The Bible

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryLunn Arnold A Saint in the Slave Trade ( Peter laver

1581-1654 )Saints and Biography

Lustiger Cardinal Jean-Marie The Mass Mass and Sacraments

Lynch Father Luke To The End Of The Road - Travels of a Columban Missionary

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MacDonald William The Gospel Of Mark New Testament

MacDonald William The Gospel Of Luke New Testament

MacDonald William The Gospel Of John New Testament

MacGinty Gerard Today we Celebrate The Saints and their Message for us

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Machado Antonio B. Fatima - past or futureChurch History

Mackrell Gerard The Healing Miracles In Mark's Gospel New Testament

MacNamara, C.SS.R.

F. The Priest Before The Altar General Spirituality

Macquarrie John A Guide to the Sacraments Mass and Sacraments

Madges & Daley William & Michael Vatican II 50 Personal StoriesChurch History

Magrassi Mariano Praying the Bible. An Introduction to Lectio Divina Prayer

Malatesta S.J. Edward Celibacy For Our Times Church Teaching

Maleissye Marie-Therese de A Short Life of Mary of the Passion (Helen de Chappotin) Foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

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Maloney S.J. George A. A Return To Fasting General Spirituality

Maloney S.J. George A. Prayer of the Heart PrayerMaloney, S.J. George A. Journey Into Contemplation PrayerMaly Eugene H. Romans New Testament Message 9 New

TestamentManly Gregory At The Table of The Lord Mass and

SacramentsMannin Ethel Late Have I Loved Thee Saints and

BiographyMarchi John De The Crusade of Fatima-The Lady More

Brillant Than the SunGeneral Spirituality

Marchi John De Fatima from the beginning General Spirituality

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryMarie, O.F.S. Rev Bernard Prayers for Urgent Occasions PrayerMartin Francis The Songs Of Gods People-The Psalms

as Prayer and Poetry Old TestamentMartin George Reading Scripture as The Word of God -

Practical Approaches and Attitudes The BibleMartin George Growing in the Spirirt General

SpiritualityMartin George Healing-Reflections on the Gospel General

SpiritualityMartini Carlo M. The Testimony Of St Paul New

TestamentMartini Cardinal Carlo Maria Praying as Jesus Taught Us Meditations

on the Our Father PrayerMartini Carlo M. Ministers Of The Gospel - Meditations

on St Luke's GospelGeneral Spirituality

Martini Carlo M. Ministers Of The Gospel - Meditations on St Luke's Gospel

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Martini Gueranger

Carlo Maria Dom The Gifts of The Holy Spirit General Spirituality

Mattam S.D.B. Father Z. The CTS Companion To Praying With the Bible Prayer

Matthew Monk Comfort for the Bereaved General Spirituality

Matthew Iain The Impact Of God Soundings from St John of The Cross

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Matthew Iain The Impact Of God Soundings from St John of The Cross

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Matthews Edward The Forgiveness of Sins Mass and Sacraments

Maurer Denis M. At The Foot Of The Cross Lent /Easter Dramas Liturgical Year

May J. Lewis Cardinal Newman - A Study Saints and Biography

McAlear O.M.I. Fr Richard M. Forgiveness - Experiencing God's Mercy Mass and Sacraments

McArdle Jack It's Really Very Simple - Uncomplicating The Message

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McBride Denis Emmaus The Gracious Visit Of God According To Luke

New Testament

McBride Denis The Gospel Of Mark - A Reflective Commentary

New Testament

McBride Denis The Gospel Of Luke - A Reflective Commentary

New Testament

McBride Denis Seasons of the Word Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryMcBrien Richard P. Ministry. A Theological, Pastoral

HandbookChurch Teaching

McCabe OP Herbert The Teaching Of the Catholic Church - a New Ctechism of Christian Doctrine

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McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - January to March 2011 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - April to June 2011 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - January to March 2013 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - October to December 2012

General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - January to March 2012 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - April to June 2012 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - July to September 2011 General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - October to December 2012

General Spirituality

McCaffery (Editor) James Mount Carmel - July to September 2010 General Spirituality

McCaffrey James A Biblical Prayer Journey in the Holy Land Liturgical Year

McCann Justin The Rule of St BenedictChurch History

McCarthy Christine I the Lord Am With You Always - Prayers and Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration Prayer

McCarthy MSA Fr. Bill Mary In The Church Today Church Teaching

McCluskey Edited by

Raymond The Scots College Rome 1600-2000Church History

McCluskey Edited by

Raymond The Scots College Rome 1600-2000Church History

McConalogue William Study Book for Special Ministers of Holy Communion

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McDonnell, Montague Editors

Killian and George Fanning The Flame. What Does Baptism in the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Christian Initiation

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McEvoy Hubert Priestly Prayers PrayerMcGhee Susan Monsignor Taylor of Carfin

Church HistoryMcGrory John P. I Made This - Poetry from a Pro-Life

workerGeneral Spirituality

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryMcGrory John P. I Made This Too - Poetry from a Pro-Life

workerGeneral Spirituality

McGrory John P. I Made This - Poetry from a Pro-Life worker

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McKenna Briege Miracles Do Happen Saints and Biography

McManus Jim Healing in the Spirit - Inner Healing and Deliverance in Today's Church

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McManus Jim Hallowed Be Thy Name - A Spiritual For Today

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Mcmanus C.SS.R Jim The Healing Power of the Sacraments Mass and Sacraments

McManus C.SS.R. Jim The Healing Power of the Sacraments Mass and Sacraments

McNamara Bishop Kevin The Holy Spirit And Mary General Spirituality

McPolin, S.J. James John New Testament Message 6 New Testament

Medwick Cathleen Teresa of Avila Saints and Biography

Meegan Michael All Shall Be Well General Spirituality

Meier John P. Matthew New Testament Message 3 New Testament

Merton Thomas The Seven Storey Mountain Saints and Biography

Merton Thomas The Waters of Siloe Saints and Biography

Merton Thomas Dialogues with Silence - Prayers and Drawings Prayer

Merton Thomas Bread in the Wilderness General Spirituality

Merton Thomas The Seven Storey Mountain Saints and Biography

Merton Thomas The Wisdom of the Desert General Spirituality

Merton Thomas Seeds of Contemplation General Spirituality

Meyer E.B. Paul - Servant of Jesus Christ Saints and Biography

Midgley J.B. Companion to the Feasts of Mary Saints and Biography

Milcent Paul Jeanne Jugan - Humble So As To Love More

Saints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryMiraculous Lady of the Roses

Pieta Prayer BookPrayer

Mohr Sister Marie Helene Saint Philomena Powerful With God Saints and Biography

Moloney Francis J. The Living Voice of the Gospel - The Gospels Today

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Moloney John No Greater Love - Responseof love to he Sacred Heart

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Moloney John Pilgrims with Mary General Spirituality

Moloney John Love has no sunset - Exploring the limitless love of the Heart of Jesus

General Spirituality

Moloney P.P. John No Greater Love PrayerMoloney SJ Raymond The Eucharist Prayers in worship,

preaching and studyMass and Sacraments

Moloney SJ Raymond Our Splendid Eucharist - Reflections On Mass and Sacrament

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Moltmann Jurgen Theology and Joy General Spirituality

Montague George T. Mark Good News for Hard Times New Testament

Moore Brian Devotions to the Holy Spirit General Spirituality

Moorman John R.H. Saint Francis of Assisi Saints and Biography

Moorman John A History of the Franciscan OrderChurch History

Morland OSB Rev David The Eucharist and Justice - Do this in memory of me

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Morris Aldyth Damien Saints and Biography

Morrow Rev. James The Pro-Life Prayer Book PrayerMorton J. B. St. Therese Of Lisieux - The Making of

a SaintSaints and Biography

Most William G. Vatican II Marian Council Church Teaching

Muggeridge Malcolm Something Beautiful For God Saints and Biography

Murphy Fr Bill Basic Helps to Confession Mass and Sacraments

Murray OP Paul A Journey With Jonah The Spirituality of Bewilderment

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Murrayfield Edinburgh 1982 Prlgrimage of Youth - Souvenir of Mass with Pope John Paul 11 Church History

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryNeary Tom I saw Our Lady Saints and

BiographyNeill Stephen A History Of Christian Missions

Church HistoryNemec Rev. Ludvik The Infant Jesus of Prague PrayerNew Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition

The Holy Bible containing the Old and new Testaments

The BibleNewman John Henry Meditations on the Stations of the Cross

Liturgical YearNichols Bishop Vincent Exploring The Mass - Teacher's

Resource BookMass and Sacraments

Nichols Kevin Stations of AfflictionLiturgical Year

Nineham D.E. Saint Mark New Testament

Nouwen Henri J.M. The Return of The Prodigal Son New Testament

Nouwen Henri J.M Show Me The Way - Readings For Each Day of Lent

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Nouwen Henri J. M. The Wounded Healer - Ministry in Contemporary Society

General Spirituality

Nouwen Henri Seeds of Hope General Spirituality

Nouwen Henri J.M. The Return of The Prodigal Son General Spirituality

Nwachukwu Fortunatus A. The Courage to Change General Spirituality

O Connell O.F.M. Con Keeping in Touch with the Lord PrayerO' Farrell Kevin Life With Mary - Journal General

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PriestsSaints and Biography

O'Brien Gerard Let Your Heart Be BrokenLiturgical Year

O'Brien SDB Terence Living in Persona lRelationship with God, Father Son and Holy Spirit

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O'Collins Gerald Jesus Today-Christology in a Australian context

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O'Collins Gerald Interpreting the Resurrection New Testament

O'Connell Matthew J. The Twelve Apostles New Testament

O'Connor Una Reflective Living General Spirituality

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryO'Connor OSA Bernard Celebrating Forgiveness : The sacrament

of ReconciliationMass and Sacraments

O'Donnell SJ John Hans Urs von Balthasar. Outstanding Christian Thinkers Series

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O'Donnell, S.T.D. Timothy T. Heart Of The Redeemer General Spirituality

O'Flynn Silvester The Good News of Luke's Year New Testament

O'Flynn Silvester Come and See Lectio Divina with John's Gospel Prayer

O'Hanlon Joseph Beginning The Bible The BibleO'Loughlin Thomas Patrick - Missionary To the Irish Saints and

BiographyO'Mahony Gerald The Other Side of the Mountain General

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the Catholic faithChurch Teaching

O'Mara Patrick An Hour With Jesus PrayerO'Meara, O.P. Thomas Franklin Theology of Ministry General

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Teresa of AvilaSaints and Biography

Odell Catherine M. My Daily Visitor Readings and Reflections for Every Day Prayer

Ogilvie FMS John Saints, Feasts and SeasonsLiturgical Year

Ogilvie FMS Brother John Saints and Animals Saints and Biography

Ogilvie FMS Brother John Feasts of the Blessed Virgin MaryLiturgical Year

Orchard Edited by

Gillian Till God Will - Mary Ward through her writings

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Oury Rev. Guy The Mass - Spirituality, History, Practice Mass and Sacraments

Ozanam Frederic Through the eye of a needle Saints and Biography

Padovano Anthony T. Scripture in the Streets - Reflections on Holy Week,Contemporary Spirituality Liturgical Year

Palmer Gretta Through God's Underground - The adventures of "Father George" among people under Soviet Rule as told to ...

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Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryParry David This Promise Is For You - Spiritual

Renewal and the Charismatic Movement General Spirituality

Passionist Vocation Guild

Book of PrayersPrayer

Peck M.Scott People of the Lie - The Hope for Healing Human Evil

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Peck M.Scott Exploring the Road Less Travelled General Spirituality

Peck M. Scott The Road Less Travelled,A New Psychology of Love,Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

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Peck M. Scott People of The Lie General Spirituality

Peers E. Allison Dark Night of the Soul General Spirituality

Pennington M. Basil Lectio Divina Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures Prayer

Pennington M.Basil The Eucharist Yesterday and Today Mass and Sacraments

Pennington, O.C.S.O.

M. Basil Centering Prayer - Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form Prayer

Perrott M.J.L Newman's Mariology General Spirituality

Pervan O.F.M. Tomislav Queen of Peace - Echo of the Eternal Word Church History

Peterson Eugene H. Psalms PrayerPetit Ian God is not angry - The truth that sets us

freeGeneral Spirituality

Petit Ian The God Who Speaks General Spirituality

Petit OSB Ian How Can I Pray? PrayerPetit OSB Ian You Will Receive Power The Holy Spirit

and His GiftsGeneral Spirituality

Petit OSB Ian Your Sins Are Forgiven Mass and Sacraments

Petit OSB Ian This Is My Body Mass and Sacraments

Petit OSB Ian How Can I Pray PrayerPetit OSB Ian Your Sins Are Forgiven PrayerPetit OSB Ian You Will Receive Power The Holy Spirit

and His GiftsGeneral Spirituality

Petitot, O.P. FR. Henry Saint Teresa Of Lisieux Saints and Biography

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TeachingPilarczyk Archbishop Daniel E. The Catholic Guide to Confession PrayerPine-Coffin R.S. Saint Augustine Confessions Saints and

BiographyPlaced By The Gideons

New Testament and Psalms New Testament

Plus, S.J. Raoul Facing Life - Meditations for Young Women ( From the French writings of ... ) Prayer

Pontifical Council for Culture

Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life

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Pontifical Council for the Family

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

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Pontifical Council for the Family

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

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Pope Benedict XVI Thoughts on St Paul Saints and Biography

Pope Benedict XVI God is Love Church Teaching

Pope Benedict XVI Jesus of Nazareth Saints and Biography

Pope John Paul II Encyclical Redemptor Hominis Church Teaching

Pope John Paul II Gift and Mystery-On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination

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Pope John Paul II Evangelium Vitae Church Teaching

Pope John Paul II Familiaris Consortio - The Christian family in the Modern World

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Pope John Paul II Gift and Mystery-On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination

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Pope John Paul II Rosarium Virginis Mariae Church Teaching

Pope John Paul II Mysteries of Light PrayerPope John Paul II Daily Lenten Meditations

Liturgical YearPope John Paul II Encyclical Redemptor Hominis Church

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Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryPope John XXIII Encyclical Letter - Pacem in Terris Church

TeachingPope Paul VI On Human Life Church

TeachingPorter J. R. Jesus Christ - The Jesus of History, The

Christ of FaithGeneral Spirituality

Potter OP Roland Saint Joseph Saints and Biography

Poulain, S.J. A. The Graces Of Interior Prayer. A Treatise on Mystical Theology Prayer

Powell John The Secret of Staying in Love General Spirituality

Powers C.P. Rev. Isaias Quiet Places With Mary PrayerPreziuso Gennaro The Life Of Padre Pio - Between The

Altar and the ConfessionalSaints and Biography

Preziuso Gennaro The Life Of Padre Pio - Between The Altar and the Confessional

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Priestland Gerald Priestland's Progress-One Man's Search For Christianity Now

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Purcell Mary Remembering Matt Talbot Saints and Biography

Purcell Mary The Making Of Matt Talbot Saints and Biography

Purdy Rev William Gaudium et Spes Church Teaching

Quoist Michel Christ is Alive PrayerQuoist Michael The Christian Response A Classic of

modern religious writingGeneral Spirituality

Quoist Michel Prayers Of Life PrayerQuoist Michel Meet Christ and Live General

SpiritualityRadcliffe Timothy Sing A New Song - The Christian

VocationGeneral Spirituality

Radcliffe Timothy Take the Plunge Mass and Sacraments

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Ratzinger Joseph Milestones Memoirs 1927-1977 Saints and Biography

Ravier, S.J. Andre Bernadette - The saint of poverty and of light

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Ray Stephen K. ST. John's Gospel - A Bible Study Guide and Commentary

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Raymond O.C.S.O M.C. The Man Who Got Even With God Saints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryReader's Digest Jesus and His Times New

TestamentRedemptorist Publication

How to survive being married to a Catholic

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Redemptorist Publication

Peace Be With You - A Message for the Sick Prayer

Redemptorist Publication

Death is Only an Horizon General Spirituality

Redemptorist Publications

The Easter TriduumLiturgical Year

Redford Father John Catholic Basics Church Teaching

Reidy Maurice Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine Church Teaching

Reiser S.J. William E. Drawn to the Divine General Spirituality

Reiser, S.J. William The Potter's Touch God Calls Us to Life General Spirituality

Renfrew Bishop Charles Rambling Through Life Saints and Biography

Renfrew Bishop Charles Rambling Through Life Saints and Biography

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Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition

Prepared by The Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain

Ignatius - The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments

The BibleReynolds E.E. The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi Saints and

BiographyRhodes A. B. Psalms Layman's Bible Commentaries

Old TestamentRichards Hubert J. The Passover Meal with some Christian

footnotes Liturgical YearRichards H J Pilgrim to the Holy Land , A practical

guideGeneral Spirituality

Riley William The Tale of Two Testaments The BibleRiley William The Tale of Two Testaments The BibleRipley Francis J. The Last Gospel Meditations on the

Opening Verses of St.John's GospelNew Testament

Robinson T. H. Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel Studies in Theology Old Testament

Roguet, O.P. A.-M. Holy Mass - Approaches to the Mystery Mass and Sacraments

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryRohr Martos Richard Joseph The Great Themes Of Scripture New

TestamentNew Testament

Rolheiser Ronald Seeking Spirituality - Guidelines for a Christian Spirituality fot the Twenty-First Century

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Rolheiser Ronald Forgotten Among The Lilies - Learning to Live Beyond Our Own Obsessions

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Rolheiser Ronald Against An Infinite Horizon General Spirituality

Rolheiser Ronald The Shattered Lantern General Spirituality

Rosage David E. The Bread of Life - Readings and Reflections to Prepare for the Eucharist

Mass and Sacraments

Rosage David E. The Bread of Life - Readinds and Reflections to Prepare for the Eucharist

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Ross Father Anthony The Root of the Matter - Boyhood Manhood and God

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Rossi Severo Fatima - Place of Hope and PeaceChurch History

Rotelle O.S.A. John E. Prayers from the Confessions PrayerRowan Stephen C. The Parables of Calvary

Liturgical YearRuffolo Editor Marina The Dynamic Voice of vatican II Church

TeachingRumble and Carty Who is Padre Pio? Saints and

BiographyRushforth Winifred Something Is Happening - Spiritual

Awareness and Depth Psychology in the New Age

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Ruth ODC Elizabeth Lamps of Fire - Daily Readings With St.John of the Cross Prayer

Rutler George William The Cure D'ars Today - St. John Vianney Saints and Biography

Ryan John K. St. Francis De Sales - Introduction to The Devout Life

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Ryan OSB Vincent Advent To EpiphanyLiturgical Year

Saint Alphonsus Stations of the CrossLiturgical Year

Saint Anthony of Padua

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Saint Therese of Lisieux

A Little White Flower. The Autobiography Of Saint Therese of Lisieux

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Author Surname Author First Name Title CategorySalesian Inspirational Books

Joy to the World

PrayerSawyers June Skinner Quiet Moments with Patrick and the

Celtic Saints PrayerScanlan Michael Inner Healing General

SpiritualityScanlan Michael Inner Healing General

SpiritualityScanlan Shields

Michael Ann-Therese

And Their Eyes were Opened - Encountering Jesus in the Sacraments

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Schoch S.J. R. God on Weekdays God Speaks to us on Weekdays too Liturgical Year

Seamands David A. Healing for Damaged Emotions General Spirituality

Selby Bettina Pilgrim's Road-A Journey to santiago de Compostela

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Sertillanges A. G. What Jesus Saw From the Cross New Testament

Shamon Rev.Albert Joseph Mary

Facts On Acts (of Apostles ) New Testament

Sheed F.J. To Know Christ Jesus General Spirituality

Sheed F. J. Theology for Beginners General Spirituality

Sheed Assembled by

F. J. The Mary Book Saints and Biography

Sheen Fulton Peace of Soul General Spirituality

Sheen Fulton J. God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy

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Sheen Fulton The World's First Love General Spirituality

Shlemon Barbara Leahy To Heal As Jesus Healed Mass and Sacraments

Sikorski Grazyna Jerzy Popieluszko - Victim of Communism

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Silf Margaret The Wisdom of Saint Ignatius Loyola Saints and Biography

Simcoe Ed By Mary Ann Parish Path through Lent and EastertimeLiturgical Year

Simons Thomas G The Ministry of Liturgical Environment Church Teaching

Simpson Ray Celtic Worship Through the Year Prayer

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategorySinton Vera How Can I Forgive Steps to Forgiveness

and HealingGeneral Spirituality

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Quiet Certainty - The Spirit Of Alice Ingham 1830-1890

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Sister Lucia "Calls" From the Message Of Fatima Saints and Biography

Smith Delia A Feast for Lent - Bible readings and prayers for every day in Lent Liturgical Year

Smith R. I. Our Lady of AberdeenChurch History

Sobrino SJ Jon Companions of Jesus - The Murder and Martyrdom of The Salvadorean Jesuits

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Sobrino SJ Jon Romero - Martyr For Liberation (Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador)

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Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge

The SPCK Book of Christian Prayer

PrayerSoubirous Bernadette Personal Notes Saints and

BiographySpencer C.P. Paul Francis As a Seal Upon Your Heart - The Life of

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St Paul Publications

Healed and Souled General Spirituality

Steiner Rice Helen Remembering With Love PrayerSteiner Rice Helen Just For You - Special Collection of

Inspirational Verses PrayerStephenson Sheldon B. Meditations on the Holy Spirit of God-

Searching for the Beyond Within PrayerStephenson, S.J. William Treading The Winepress With Christ in

His PassionNew Testament

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Stevenson Kenneth The First Rites - Worship in the Early Church

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Stinissen Wilfrid Praying The Name of Jesus - the Ancient Wisdom of the Jesus Prayer Prayer

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Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryStrange Roderick John Henry Newman - A Mind Alive Saints and

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TestamentStravinskas Rev.Peter M.J. The Mass - A Biblical Prayer Mass and

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SacramentsSwayne Sean The Sacraments - A Pastoral Directory Mass and

SacramentsSwayne Sean Communion - The Rite of Mass Mass and

SacramentsSymonds Melaine ….and still they weep General

SpiritualityTalbot John Michael Blessings - Reflections on the Beatitudes General

SpiritualityTangari Madame Katharina Stories of Padre Pio Saints and

BiographyTataryn Myroslaw Praying with Icons - an introduction for

children PrayerTatham C. Ernest Matthew New

TestamentTaylor Therese Bernadette of Lourdes - Her life, death

and visionsSaints and Biography

Taylor Maurice The Scots College in SpainChurch History

Taylor John V. The Easter God and His Easter People General Spirituality

Taylor Therese Bernadette of Lourdes. Her life, death and visions

Saints and Biography

Taylor Maurice Life's Flavour - A Variety of Experiences General Spirituality

Taylor Mary Sue Travelling Together - Prayers for Gatherings Prayer

Teilhard De Chardin

Pierre The Making of a Mind -Letters from a soldier-priest 1914-1919

Saints and Biography

Teilhard de Chardin

Pierre The Future of Man General Spirituality

Terra Russell G. The Coming God , Daily homily meditation themes for Advent Liturgical Year

Texts from the Bible

God Speaks to His ChildrenThe Bible

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryThe Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

Declaration on Religious Liberty

Church Teaching

The Sisters of the Visitation

The Autobiography of st. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saints and Biography

Theological- Historical Commission

Your Spirit, Lord, Fills the EarthChurch Teaching

Thibaut Dom Raymond Union With God according to the letters of direction of Dom Marmion

General Spirituality

Thomas R.S. The Penguin Book of Religious Verse PrayerTillard O.P. J.M.R. Dilemmas of Modern Religious Life General

SpiritualityTodd Oliver The Lourdes Pilgrim - A Prayerbok &

GuideGeneral Spirituality

Tolansky Scott

Ethel Helena Johann Gruber & Jacques Bunel - Victims of the Nazis

Saints and Biography

Tolhurst James A Concise Companion & Commentary for The New Catholic Catechism

Church Teaching

Tong John Challenges and Hopes - Stories from the Catholic Church in China

Saints and Biography

Torkington Rayner Peter Calvay - Hermit ( A personal rediscovery of prayer )

Saints and Biography

Travnikar, O.F.M. Rock The Blessing Cup 24 Simple Rites for Family Prayer-Celebrations Prayer

Trese Leo Human But Holy General Spirituality

Trese Leo Tenders of The Flock General Spirituality

Trese Leo A Man Approved General Spirituality

Trese Leo Tenders of the Flock General Spirituality

Trese Leo Wisdom shall enter General Spirituality

Trochu Abbe Francois Saint Bernadette Soubirous 1844-1879 Saints and Biography

Trochu Abbe Francis The Cure D'Ars - St.Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney

Saints and Biography

Tugwell O.P. Simon Saint Dominic and the Order of Preachers

Saints and Biography

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryUnited Bible Societies

I Will Turn To The Father-The Gospel according to Luke ; the First letter from Peter ; the Book of Amos ; a Selection of Psalms The Bible

Unstead R.J. Crown and ParliamentChurch History

Van de Putte, c.s.sp.

Rev Walter Following the Holy Spirit - Dialogues, Prayers, and Devotions

General Spirituality

Van de Weyer Robert On Living Simply - The Golden Voice of John Chrysostom

Saints and Biography

Van Linden Philip The Gospel According To Mark New Testament

van Straaten Werenfried Feasts and SeasonsLiturgical Year

Vanier Jean The Broken Body - Journey To Wholeness

General Spirituality

Vanier Jean Man and Woman He Made Them General Spirituality

Vanier Jean Man and Woman He Made Them General Spirituality

Vanier Jean From Brokenness to Wholeness (Audio Book)

General Spirituality

Vanier Introduction and Conclusion by

Jean The Challenge of L'ArcheGeneral Spirituality

Various Objections to Roman Catholicism Church Teaching

Various Authors The Soul Sanctified - Catholic Wisdom on the Way of Salvation

General Spirituality

Various Authors Victims of the Nazis Saints and Biography

Vawter, CM Bruce A Path Through Gensis Old TestamentVerteuil Michel De Lectio Divina with the Sunday Gospels -

The Year of Mark-Year B Liturgical YearVerteuil Michel de Praying The Gospels of Lent (Year B)

Liturgical YearVesey G. K. Collins Dictionary of Philosophy General

SpiritualityVianney Saint John The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars Saints and

BiographyVidler Alec R. The Church In An Age Of Revolution

Church HistoryVoillaume Rene Seeds of the Desert - The Legacy of

Charles de FoucauldGeneral Spirituality

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryVoillaume Rene Faith and Contemplation General

SpiritualityVoillaume Rene The Need for Contemplation PrayerVoilllaume Rene The Need for Contemplation PrayerVon Balthasar Hans-urs The Way Of The Cross

Liturgical YearVonier, O.S.B. Dom Anscar The People Of God General

SpiritualityWaddell Translated and Introduced by

Helen The Desert FathersGeneral Spirituality

Walker Translated by

Adrian Jesus Christ, Word of the Father - The Savior Of The World

Church Teaching

Wallis Jim The New Radical General Spirituality

Walsh William Thomas Our Lady Of Fatima General Spirituality

Walsh Michael Butler's Lives of the Saints Saints and Biography

Walter Susan Give Sorrow Words General Spirituality

Warren Norman The Path of Peace Reflections on Psalm23 Prayer

Watkins Clare The Passion Of Christ Loving to the End New Testament

Watson Jean The Spirit of Love ( includes music CD )

General Spirituality

Watts John A Canticle of Love - The Story of the Francisan Sisters Church History

Wauck Translated by

Mark A. The New Testament: St.Paul Catholic Edition

New Testament

Waugh Evelyn The Life of Ronald Knox Saints and Biography

Waznak S.S. Robert P. Like Fresh Bread - Sunday Homilies in the Parish

Mass and Sacraments

Webb Fr. J. F. The Beatitudes : A summary of Jesus' inner teaching

New Testament

Wells Rosemary Helping Cildren Cope with Grief General Spirituality

Westermeyer Paul Let Justice Sing Hymnody and Justice General Spirituality

Whitehad James D. & Evelyn Promise of Partnership General Spirituality

Whitehead Evelyn & James D. Community of Faith Crafting Christian Communities Today

Church Teaching

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryWicks Robert J. Touching The Holy General

SpiritualityWicks Robert J. Seeds of Sensitivity - Deepening Your

Spiritual LifeGeneral Spirituality

Wicks Robert J. Streams of Contentment General Spirituality

Wijngaards John Experiencing Jesus Scripture,the witness of saints and mystics

Saints and Biography

Wijngaards John Jesus Forever - Facts and faith New Testament

Wijngaards,MHM John Inheriting the Master's Cloak - Ceative Biblical Spirituality

General Spirituality

Winowska Maria Go out to the whole world...The call of Mary Theresa Ledochowska

General Spirituality

Witko Fr. Andrew Catholic Truth Society

The Divine Mercy and Sister FaustinaMass and Sacraments

Wojtyla Karol Easter Vigil & Other Poems General Spirituality

Wojtyla Karol EasterVigil and Other Poems General Spirituality

Wolff Pierre Discernment - The Art Of Choosing Well General Spirituality

Wolters Translated by

Clifton The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works

General Spirituality

Woolley Fr John I Am With You General Spirituality

Wright Tom The Wisdom of Jesus General Spirituality

Yancey Philip Reaching for the Invisible God General Spirituality

Zannoni Arthur E. Jesus of the Gospels New Testament

Zeller Hubert van Letters to a Soul General Spirituality

Zimmerman CPPS Joyce Ann Morning and Evening PrayerThe Gospel Of Jesus New Edition New

TestamentThe New Jerusalem Bible Standard Edition The BibleThe Catholic Answer Bible-The New American Bible The BibleThe Pope in Britain - Collected Homilies & Speeches

General Spirituality

The Pro-Life Prayer Book Prayer

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryThe Five First Saturdays PrayerThe Veritas Book Of Blessing Prayers PrayerFamily Blessings and Prayers PrayerLourdes A People from Every Nation General

SpiritualityLourdes - Marian Handbook General

SpiritualityI Believe : A Little Catholic Catechism Church

TeachingI Believe : A Little Catholic Catechism Church

TeachingThe Code of Canon Law Church

TeachingGlasgow Marist Centenary 1858-958

Church HistorySancta Maria Abbey Nunraw

Church HistoryOur Friends The Saints Saints and

BiographyAnointed with the spirit - ten personal testimonies of renewal

General Spirituality

The Pope's Family Prayer Book PrayerThe Pope Teaches,the Pope in Britain-the complete texts

Church Teaching

Pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa di S.S.Paolo V1 Church HistoryGood News told by Matthew New

TestamentNovena In Honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour PrayerPrayers of the Faithful Mass and

SacramentsThe Magnificent Prayer of Saint Bridget of Sweden PrayerThe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - A Study Book

Church Teaching

In Times of Sorrow The BibleBringing Communion to the Sick Mass and

SacramentsBringing Communion to the Sick Mass and

SacramentsFor You in Prison at a Time of Grief General

SpiritualityGood News Bible The Bible

Author Surname Author First Name Title CategoryThe Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Church Teaching

The Bible Revised Standard Version The BiblePraying with Clare and Frances of Assisi Prayer