Download - AUTHENTICITY - University of the South ·  · 2008-08-08AUTHENTICITY I declare that this thesis is my own work, except



I declare that this thesis is my own work, except for those sections explicitly

acknowledged, and to my knowledge the main content of the thesis has not been

previously submitted for a degree at any other university.

Rajnesh R. Prasad Sant

DATE: 27/09/2001


From this study it was discovered that the hormone-free clonal propagation system developed

by Thinh (1997) for Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum, based on enhanced axillary

branching (multiple shoot formation) through liquid TDZ medium shake culture and

subsequent carry over effect on hormone-free medium, did not work with the tropical taro

variety, Tausala ni Samoa, of Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta type. After two four-week

cycles on liquid TDZ shake medium cultures, no enhancement in proliferation rates was noted

and no carry over effect was observed when these plants were transferred to hormone-free


The vitrification method of cryopreservation was experimented with cultivars of the tropical

taro (Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta) and the technique was shown to have potential for

the cryopreservation of taro from Pacific Island countries. Out of the eight taro cultivars

experimented with, three, namely E399, CPUK and TNS, were successfully cryopreserved

with average recovery rates of 20, 29 and 29%, respectively.

The optimum vitrification protocol for the cultivars E399 and CPUK was; using shoot-tip

donor plants cultured on solid MS in large jars for three months as sources of shoot-tips,

which consisted of the apical dome surrounded by two leaf primodia; preculturing these shoot-

tips overnight (16hr) on 0.3 M sucrose medium; loading with liquid MS supplemented with 2

M glyceroi + 0.4 M sucrose for 20 min at 25°C, dehydrating with PVS2 for 12 min at 25°C

followed by rapid immersion in LN. Thawing was done by shaking the shoot-tips rapidly for

90 sec in waterbath at 40°C, followed by rehydration in liquid MS medium supplemented with

1.2 M sucrose for 15 min. The shoot-tips were then plated on a layer of filter paper on MS

medium supplemented with 0.3 M sucrose and left overnight in the dark. Next day, they were

transferred onto MS medium supplemented with 0.1 M sucrose and maintained in the dark for

three days, then transferred to dim light (10 u.molm"V) for one week before exposure to

normal culture conditions. Piantlets were produced after about two months.

For cultivar TNS, the optimum vitrification protocol was preconditioning explants on solid

MS supplemented with 90 g/1 sucrose for seven weeks prior to dissecting and cryopreserving

the shoot-tips without any preculture, The vitrification procedure was same as described


During this study, it was found that the vitrification protocol has to be optimized for each

individual taro cultivar.


This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Ram Prasad and Jai Wati, who had the vision

and courage to rise above their experiences.



I would like to acknowledge my supervisors, Dr. Mary Taylor, the Tissue Culture Specialist of

Regional Germplasm Center at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and Professor Anand

Tyagi, Head of the Department of Biology at The University of the South Pacific, whose

efforts have made this project a success. Dr. Taylor's relentless and enterprising efforts as a

supervisor in the still infant field of cryopreservation of tropical species deserve a special


The help and support given to me by the RGC personnel, Samila, Eliki, Raghani, Rohini and

Kiran was invaluable. My special thanks to Samila for inaugurating me in the 'art and craft' of

plant tissue culture.

I wish to extend my gratitude to staff of SPC and technical staff of USP, whose names 1 do not

mention out of the fear of inadvertently missing out some, for their help and support.

I am indebted to two people, without the advice, suggestions and guidance of whom this

project may not have succeeded. Firstly, Dr. Barbara Reed of National Clonal Germplasm

Repository, Oregon, USA, through whom I got my introduction to the world of

cryopreservation. She had been my mentor throughout my research. Secondly, Dr. Nguyen

Tien Thinh of Nuclear Research Institute, Dalat City, Vietnam, who showed me the finer

details of the vitrification method he developed for taro. It was only after his expert insight

and suggestions that I achieved positive results.


My wife, Nischal Lata, deserves special recognition for her understanding and courage for the

trials she endured as a newly wed wife of a research student and her help with the

proofreading of my thesis.

Last, but not the least, I would like to thank my sponsors, AusAID, who under the TaroGen

project provided the funds with which this work was carried out.



Appendix 1: Recent successful cryopreservation of shoot apices by vitrification 89

Appendix 2: Bacteriological 523 Medium (Viss) 91




1.1 Description of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Aracea)

Taro is a common name of a species of the Colocasia genus that belongs to the Araceae

family. It is a herbaceous plant one or two metres tall with peltate shaped leaves attached to

one metre stout petioles that clasp around the base. The underground cylindrical corms are

30cm in length and 15cm in diameter with short internodes and a superficial and fibrous root

system (Purseglove, 1972; Strauss, 1983). The yellow unisexual flowers are borne on a stout

peduncle that is shorter than the petiole with about 20cm spathe covering the spadix. The

spadix has male flowers on the upper portion and a mixture of female and sterile flowers on

the lower part (Purseglove, 1972; Wilson, 1990).

Only some taro cultivars flower naturally. However, flowering can be achieved through

artificial induction (Katsura et al, 1986; Miyazaki et at, 1986; Wilson, 1990). The nutritive

composition of corms is as follows: water 63% - 85%, carbohydrates 13% - 29%, protein 1.4%

- 3.0%, fat 0.2% - 0.4%, fiber 0.6% - 1.2% and ash 0.6% - 1.3%. Vitamins B and C are present

in appreciable amounts in the corm. The leaves contain 87.2% water, 6.0% carbohydrates,

3.0% protein, 0.8% fat 1.4% fiber, 1.6% ash, and they are excellent source of vitamin C

(Purseglove, 1972).


1.2 Taxonomy

Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) belongs to the monocotyledonous Araceae along with

two other important root crops, Alocasia and Xanthosoma. There are confusions in the

taxonomy of different Colocasia cultivars with edible tubers. The general agreement now, as

first suggested by Purseglove (1972) and Pluckett (1983), is that there is one species,

Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, with two botanical varieties. The first variety is Colocasia

esculenta var. esculenta, commonly known as taro, dasheen or cocoyam. The second variety is

Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum, commonly known as taro or eddoe.

The important differences between the two cultivars include; antiquorum has small central

corm with many side cormels or tubers while esculenta has a large central corm. In

antiquorum, the sterile spadix is longer than male section and is three times or more than that

of esculenta. Antiquorum is hardier of the two - withstands lower rainfalls, colder climates and

lighter poorer soils, and has longer storage periods (Purseglove, 1972). Throughout this study,

taro will be used to refer to.Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta.

1.3 Distribution and Use

Taro is commercially cultivated throughout the humid and semi-humid tropics, as well as

some warm regions of temperate areas with irrigation or rainy conditions. Worldwide, taro

ranks fourteenth among staple vegetable crops with about 9.2 million tonnes produced

globally from 1.8 million hectares with an average yield of 5.1 t/ha (FAO, 1996). Regions

with active taro cultivation include South-East Asia, Pacific Islands (Papua New Guinea

[PNG] inclusive) the South and Central China, Japan, India, West Indies and West and North



Almost all parts of taro plants are useful, either palatable or otherwise. However, as previously

stated, the tuber is the most nutritive and considered most delicious. The conns are roasted,

baked or boiled. The young leaves, including laminas and petioles, are used as vegetables.

Blanched young shoots can also be eaten like asparagus. Some common dishes include the

Hawaiian 'Poi', 'Che Mon Sap' of Viet Nam, and 'Callaloo' soup in Trinidad (Purseglove,

1972; Thinh, 1997). Taro corn) puree is used as a low allergic and easily digested baby food.

Taro corm confections and leaves are also commercially processed in some countries (Nip,

1989; Tuia, 1997). It is also used as a traditional medicine. Root extracts are used to treat

rheumatism and acne, while leaf extracts help clot blood, neutralize snake poison and act as a

purgative (Winarno, 1990). Corms from wild plants and inferior cultivars as well as cooked or

fermented silage from waste leaves and corms are used as animal feeds.


1.4 Importance of Taro in Pacific

Taro cultivation has been practiced in the Pacific Island countries (PICs) for centuries. It is

thought to have reached the Polynesian islands about two thousand years ago from the Indo-

Malayan region. Lebot et al. (2000) have suggested that there are two distinct gene pools in

South Asia and Melanesia and these probably reflect natural differentiation of the species on

each side of the Wallace line. Over generations, taro has found its way into the rituals and

fabric of local custom and culture in the Pacific and forms an important part of traditional

ceremonies and auspicious occasions. It is also a staple food in the Pacific region and almost

all parts, including the corm, leaves, stem and flowers are prepared as various delicacies. Taro

is of great economic importance in the Pacific region. It is an important, and in some cases the

major, export of a number of Pacific Island countries (Jackson, 1994; Taylor, 2001).


There are believed to be about two thousand taro cultivars in the Pacific region (Hunter et al.,

1998). A report from an Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

funded project presented at the taro genetic conservation strategy workshop in Suva, Fiji (5"1-

7th September 2001) revealed the significant taro diversity in the region, especially in PNG.

Concerted efforts are required to conserve this diversity as significant genetic erosion has

occurred due to agricultural intensification, pests, diseases, natural disasters, and civil unrests.

Taro diversity is important for long-term food security as highlighted in the case of taro leaf

blight (TLB) disease outbreak in Samoa in 1993. The introduction of exotic TLB tolerant and

resistant varieties from Palau and the Philippines was used to combat the disease.

1.5 Conservation of Taro Germplasm

The options for taro germplasm conservation can be categorized in two main areas, in situ, and

ex situ conservation.

1.5.1 In situ conservation

In situ conservation is the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the

maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in

the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed

their distinctive properties. It encompasses genetic reserves, on-farm and home garden

conservation (Maxted et al, 1997; Engelmann, 2000). In situ conservation of cultivated

species is primarily concerned with the on-farm maintenance of traditional crop varieties (or

land races) and with forage and agroforestry species (Taylor, 2001).

Farmers have been practicing on-farm conservation for centuries, through the selection and

maintenance of those varieties best suited to the local ecological conditions and social and


cultural requirements. However, it is a strategy about which very little is known. It is only in

relatively recent years that studies have been conducted in attempts to determine the scientific

basis of on-farm conservation. In addition to this, crops grown in the field situation are

vulnerable to pest and/or disease attack, and to climatic extremes.

It is also a system that is at the mercy of farmers' desire and ability to maintain the various

cultivars (Taylor, 2001). A preliminary study was carried out within the Taro Genetic

Resources Conservation and Utilization Project (TaroGen) that showed the impact of market

pressure on the varieties chosen by the farmers for cultivation. Economically good varieties

attracted more interest from fanners' than traditional ones, leading to abandoning of

traditional varieties. This influence of new varieties on the impact of traditional varieties

highlights the need to generate more knowledge and information about on-farm conservation.


1.5.2 Ex situ conservation

Ex situ conservation can be in the form of biosphere reserves, botanical gardens, field

genebanks, seeds and in vitro storage which includes slow growth and cryopreservation

(Maxted et al., 1997; Engelmann, 2000; Taylor, 2001). The first two forms are not suitable for

taro germplasm conservation. Seeds

Most taro plants do not flower naturally hence storage of taro germplasm as seeds has not been

a feasible option. However, the technology to make taro flower through gibberellic acid

induction (Miyazaki et al., 1986; Katsura et al, 1986; Wilson, 1990) is now available and the

possibility to store taro germplasm as seed is being investigated under the TaroGen project.


Although seeds could be used to conserve genes, they are not an option for maintaining

genetically true-to-type germplasm.

1,5,2.2 Field Genebanks

According to a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) report

(1989), field genebanks are more aptly called field collections, as they tend to be working

collections. As a short to medium term activity, field collections are effective as working

collections. They can be a useful system for conserving farmer-preferred varieties. In addition

to this, they also facilitate screening, evaluation, breeding and distribution.

Field genebanks face setbacks in that maintenance is labour-intensive and expensive due to

demands for heavy machinery such as tractors and harvesters, vehicles for transport of

material to and from field, labour, fuel, repairs, fertilizers and chemicals, buildings for storage,

insurance and so on (Jerret and Florkwoski, 1990). The cost and maintenance of field

genebanks as opposed to in vitro storage (slow growth) is being investigated under the

TaroGen project.

Other issues that are particularly pertinent to the Pacific situation include climatic extremes

such as hurricanes, flooding and drought, limited resources, high staff turnover, and land

ownership disputes. Another drawback is the loss of plants through insects, pests, pathogens,

and diseases as in the Solomons in 1975 and the annihilating outbreak of TLB in Samoa in

1993 (Jackson, 1994). Individual plants may also be lost through human errors.

The regional countries do not have the economy to facilitate collection and genetic

conservation of taro in field genebanks. Losses of taro genetic resources have already occurred


in some countries due to natural disasters (flooding and cyclones in Vanuatu), diseases (TLB

in Samoa) and ethnic conflicts (Solomon Islands). In vitro storage

In vitro storage of taro involves micropropagating shoot tips and maintaining them under slow

growth conditions in tissue culture laboratories. The conditions that can be used to induce

slow growth include: lowered incubation temperatures, raised osmolarity of the culture

medium and decreased oxygen concentration in the culture containers. Some studies have

showed that taro can be stored under slow growth conditions (high osmolarity and low

temperature) for over a year (Staritsky et at, 1986; Zandvoort, 1987; Bessembinder et al.,

1993; Taylor, 1998).


In vitro storage offers the following advantages:

• explants free from pathogens and safe from natural disasters

• relatively smaller space required to house cultures

• better (visual) monitoring of cultures

• high propagation potential of cultures

• slow growth conservation in in vitro is apt for short to medium term storage for accessions

that are being distributed on regular basis

The drawbacks can be:

• high establishment costs of a tissue culture lab and recurrent funding needed for

maintenance with very precise storage conditions, frequent monitoring, costly chemicals,

and specialized staff. Labour needs and costs for the running of an in vitro active genebank

can also be high, especially if operating on a large scale. Jerret and Horkowski (1990)


have estimated that two to three technical staff are necessary for initiating, maintaining,

and subculturing a collection of 1000 accessions

• cultures can be lost through bacterial and/or fungal contaminations, human errors and

power failures in the absence of backup facilities

• genetic instability could compromise genetic conservation. Genetic instability due to

somaclonal variation may have genotypic and phenotypic consequences such as changes in

chromosome number and structure, loss of secondary product production, and

characteristical changes such as disease resistance or plant height (Withers, 1987; Taylor,

1988; Ashmore, 1997; Thinh, 1997).

To date there have been no studies to assess the genetic stability of taro under slow growth

storage. For the PICs, the lack of technical staff and the high costs of establishing and

maintaining tissue culture labs make in vitro conservation not a viable option. Crvopreservation

In light of the various challenges and shortcomings experienced with both genetic reserves and

field genebanks, cryopreservation is the safest and most cost-effective option for the long-term

conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) at present (Withers and Engels, 1990; Maxted

et al., 1997; Engelmann, 2000). Cryopreservation has the following advantages over other

PGR conservation methods:

• large number of accessions can be stored in a small space (for example: a 25L Dewar

could store germplasm for 8000 individual plants) for unlimited time

• the collection is housed in the safe and secure confines of a laboratory and this obliterates

the external threats which other ex situ and in situ methods are susceptible to

• ensures protection against loses through culture contaminations


• maintains genetic fidelity of the germplasm collection.

However, the following requirements have to be met in setting up cryopreservation facilities

for any crop:

• well developed tissue culture technology for the crop

• round-the-clock electricity supply

• a reliable supply of liquid nitrogen

• modern, well-maintained laboratory facilities

• appropriate training for staff (university courses, regional workshops, sponsorship for

study and travel)

(Ashmore, 2001).


1.6 TaroGen Project

As mentioned before, an outbreak of TLB (Phytophthora colocasiae) in the Samoan Islands in

1993 had a devastating impact on the taro industry as well as subsistence fanners. Farmers

were forced to abandon the crop, which had severe economic implications. It also resulted in

the loss of genetic resources. Collaborated effort of concerned authorities, interested parties

and international donors to address the problem resulted in the TaroGen project in 1997.

The project is funded by Australian Aid for International Development (AusAID) and

implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). It aims to collect, improve

and conserve the regional taro varieties. According to the project design document of TaroGen

(1997), the aim of the conservation component of the project is to overcome the difficulties

that all Pacific Island countries face in maintaining field collections of taro which are costly

and subject to loss from natural disasters, pest attack and neglect due to fluctuating financial


support. To facilitate the regional countries' conservation efforts, a Regional Germplasm

Centre (RGC) has been established at SPC, Suva within the project. The RGC was established

in response to the realization that increased collaboration among the countries of the region is

crucial in PGR conservation in the Pacific (Sajise, 2001).

As part of the TaroGen project, taro conservation strategies were to be investigated. These

included on-farm conservation, in vitro slow growth storage and cryopreservation.

Cryopreservation was considered necessary, as one of the outputs of the project would be a

collection of approximately two thousand taro accessions collected from PICs. This is

valuable material accumulated because of its genetic diversity. The only safe and effective

method for conserving this taro germplasm on a long-term basis would be cryopreservation.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of cryopreservation for storage of

regional taro germplasm. The vitrification protocol developed by Thinh (1997) on Japanese

taro would be assessed for its competency with taro from PICs.





2.1 Introduction

Cryopreservation is storage at ultra low temperatures such as that of liquid nitrogen (-196°C)

where all cellular divisions and metabolic processes cease and plant material has unlimited

span of storage without alteration or modification. In 1956, Sakai carried out the first

successful experiment on storage of plant tissue by freezing with liquid nitrogen on mulberry

twigs (Sakai, 1995). In 1968, Quatrano showed cultured cells of flax pretreated with

dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) to withstand freezing to -50°C. Several new cryopreservation

techniques have been developed in. recent years for application to a larger range of tissues and

organs, in myriad infrastructural situations (Engelmann, 1997a; Takagi, 2000).

2.2 Freezing Implications

The principal challenge faced during cryopreservation is avoiding the irreversible damage

caused, to tissue by the crystallisation of water contained by all organic matter (cells, callus,

shoot tips, embryos). During freezing, tee can form either outside the cells (extracellular

freezing) or inside (intracellular freezing). Cryopreservation involves dehydrating plant

material prior to liquid nitrogen (LN) cooling to avoid water crystallisation damage.

However, plant cells can survive cooling only to a minimum critical temperature, which is

species dependant, and can recover only after a 40-50% critical minimum volume reduction

(Merymann et at, 1977; Sakai, 1995). Excess shrinkage and excessive dehydration can cause


cell injuries in various ways. Endocytotic vesicles may form on cell plasmolysis through

membrane infolding and fusion. These vesicles could cause cells to burst on rehydration.

Other forms of injury could be a dysfunctional cell membrane, coagulated, precipitated and

subsequently toxic cell contents, and protoplasmic pH alterations. Cellular proteins can also

get denatured at low temperatures (Levitt, 1980; Gordon-Kamn and Steponkus, 1984a,b,c;

Singh and Miller 1985; Steponkus and Lynch, 1989; Steponkus et at, 1993; Pearce, 2001). In

light of above, the dehydration process should be optimised to dehydrate plant material

enough to cryopreserve, whilst avoiding excess shrinkage and excessive dehydration injuries.

2.3 Dehydration and Vitrification

Cryopreservation employs two mechanisms for the treatment of intracellular water. The first

mechanism exploits freeze-induced dehydration, where slow cooling causes cell exterior and

medium to cool and form ice. The supercooled, but still liquid interior, responds by shedding

water to equilibrate built up internal aqueous vapour pressure (Engelmann, 1997a; Ishikawa et

at, 2000). The second mechanism, termed vitrification, involves the transition of water

directly from the liquid phase into an amorphous phase or glass, whilst avoiding the formation

of intraprotoplasmic ice crystals (IIC). Rapid thawing prevents IIC formation due to


Vitrification (glass formation) occurs readily in highly concentrated and viscous solutions that

become solid without forming crystals upon rapid cooling (Burke et at, 1976; Fahy et at,

1984; Steponkus, 1985; Sakai et at, 1990; Engelmann, 1997a). Effective vitrification

solutions, called cryoprotectants, consist of high molecular weight compounds or osmoticums

such as 5-10% w/v or v/v levels of DMSO, sucrose, glycerol, abscisic acid (ABA) or proline

(Kartha, 1985; Benson, 1999). Treating plant material (cells in suspension, calluses, embryos


and apices) firstly with cryoprotectants and then rapidly cooling causes the vitrification of the

cells. This avoids mechanical damage caused by the formation of HC.

The glass formed has lower vapour pressure than extracellular ice and therefore, further

dehydration of cells and excessive cell shrinkage is avoided. The glass also prevents the build-

up of cell solutes and thus prevents solute toxicity and pH alterations. The highly viscous glass

stops all chemical reactions requiring molecular diffusion. These factors render the plant

material dormant and stable for unlimited length of time (Fahy el al., 1984; Sakai et ah, 1990;

Fujikawa & Jitsuyama, 2000). However, very high concentrations of cryoprotectants (CP) are

toxic to plant materials. Hence the concentration, combination and length of exposure to CP

has to be optimized for different species and type of plant material to be stored.

2.2 Cryopreservation Strategics '

According to Sakai (1993), all the cryopreservation protocols developed over the years fall

into four general categories based on the dehydration treatments before LN immersion. All

strategies aim to overcome cell damage resulting from intracellular crystallization and freeze

dehydration. This is achieved either by glass formation intracellularly (classical methods) or

both intra and extracellularly (complete vitrification method).

The four general categories are:

2.2.1 Conventional slow prefreezing method

This method relies on dehydration of cells by the formation of extracellular ice on slow

cooling so that the cytosol gets concentrated enough to vitrify on LN cooling. The explants are

treated with cryoprotectants (at 0°C for 2-3 hrs) then subjected to slow cooling at rates ranging



from 0.1"C /min to 10°C /min depending on species and type of explant using a programmable

freezer. An ice inoculation step at temperatures of -7°C to -10°C facilitates extracellular


The explants are plunged in LN after further slow freezing to -35°C to -40°C, where any

unfrozen extracellular solution and cytosol are sufficiently concentrated to vitrify. Although an

important and efficient protocol, its drawbacks are in the expensive equipment and long

procedural time required (Thinh, 1997). Furthermore, the equipment used in this method

requires high maintenance and therefore is not really viable for low-tech laboratories.

2.2.2 Simple freezing method

This method involves exposing material to concentrated cryoprotectants for extracellular

dehydration instead of slow freezing. The explants are then subjected to prefreezing

temperatures (-30 to -40°C) in an ordinary freezer for a length of time dependant on species

(e.g. 1 hr) before rapid cooling in LN. Although this method eliminates the use of expensive

freezing equipment and ice inoculation step, it is not suitable for use with multicellular

structures such as apical meristems or shoot tips (Sakai et al., 1991; Nishizawa et at, 1992).

2.23 Complete vitrification method '•>

Complete vitrification is when, both, extracellular and intracellular glasses form upon cooling

in LN. This is achieved by sufficiently dehydrating cells, tissues and organs with concentrated

vitrification solutions (PVS) at 0°C or 25°C prior to plunging in LN. PVS not only dehydrates

cells, but also penetrates into cellular interspaces inducing freeze tolerance. However, the

osmotic and chemical toxicity of PVS to plant tissues necessitates optimizing exposure. This

can be achieved either by gradually increasing the concentration of the additive cryoprotectant



solutions (i.e. 10-»20->40-»60->80-M00%) or loading the plant material with less

concentrated cryoprotective solutions prior to PVS exposure. The latter is referred to as two-

step vitrification method (Takagi, 2000).

The steps for complete vitrification method can be generalized as follows:

1. preparation and selection of appropriate samples

2. preculturing dissected shoot-tips with osmoticum (e.g. 0.3-0.6M sucrose)

3. treatment with loading solutions

4. dehydration by exposure to PVS at 0°C or 25°C

5. rapid immersion in LN

6. rapid rewarming (40°C)

7. rehydration with unloading solution (e.g. 1.2M sucrose)

8. conditioning apices under favourable conditions for recovery

(Takagi, 2000).

The complete vitrification method has been successfully applied to a range of explant types.

These include protoplasts (Langis and Steponkus, 1991), cell suspensions (Huang et al,

1995), nucellar cells (Sakai et al, 1990), somatic embryos (Uragami, 1989), shoot tips and

meristems (Yamada et al, 1991; Niino et al, 1992b,c; Reed, 1992; Matsumoto et al., 1994;

Matsumoto et al, 1998; Towill and Jarret> 1996), axillary buds (Takagi et al, 1994) and bud

clusters (Kohmura et al, 1992). This method has the advantages of being simple, quick and

easy to carry out and no expensive or sophisticated equipment is required.

2.2.4 Air drying method

It involves concentrating cellular liquids to vitrifiable levels through evaporation with sterile

air from a laminar airflow cabinet (LAF) or silicagel. Optimal water content for successful



vitrification is 20-30%. This could be achieved by drying periods of two to ten hours,

depending on the plant species. Plants are conditioned to withstand such levels of dehydration

by low temperature hardening or preculturing with ABA or high sucrose concentrations

(Dereuddre et al, 1990; Uragami et al., 1990; Plessis et al, 1991; Dumet et al, 1993a; Sakai,

1993). Air drying of explants may be direct or after being first encapsulated in alginate beads

as in the recent technique of encapsulation-dehydration (ED) (Takagi, 2000).

The steps for encapsulation-dehydration method can be generalized as follows:

1. preparation and selection of appropriate samples

2. encapsulation of dissected shoot apices in alginate beads

3. preculturing beads with osmoticum (e.g. sucrose, sorbitol, glycerol)

4. desiccation in (LAF) or with silica gel

5. rapid immersion in LN I

6. rapid rewarming (40°C)

7. conditioning apices under favourable conditions for recovery

(Takagi, 2000).

Apart from the incipient success of Fabre and Dereuddre (1990) with ED of Solatium shoot

tips, other successes with cryopreservation are cell suspensions (Bachiri et al., 1995), somatic

embryos (Dereuddre et al., 1991; Hatanaka et al., 1994) and shoot tips (Plessis et al, 1991;

Niino and Sakai, 1992a; Suzuki et al, 1994). Air drying and the modified ED method also

have the advantages of being devoid of expensive appliances and easy to conduct. However,

the disadvantages are that they can be time consuming and explants exhibit a slower post LN

regrowth (Thinh et al., 2000).



2.3 Technical Issues for Cryopreservation of Shoot Apices

2.3.1 Introduction

Shoot apices, meristems or shoot tips, are plant organs with an ordered structure and less

differentiated cells. This enables vigorous recovery into plantlets without callus formation or

genetic artifacts (Ashwood-Smith, 1985; Kartha, 1985; Sakai, 1993; Thinh, 1997). Kartha et

al. (1980) and Bajaj (1983) found plants regenerated from cryopreserved apices of strawberry

and cassava to be normal. Oil palms regenerated from cryopreserved somatic embryos also

had normal vegetative and floral development (Engelmann, 1991).

A comparative study on the effects of slow growth and cryogenic storage on the stability of

plants revealed that while cryopreserved Panax ginseng and Catharanthus roseus maintained

normal secondary metabolite production, slow growth reduced it markedly (Mannonen et al.,

1990). A study on potato plants by Harding (1991) showed plants regenerated from

cryopreserved apices to be normal, whereas those stored on mannitol supplemented medium

for six months under slow growth conditions depicted modifications in the Restriction

Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) pattern.

Other studies on evaluation of plants rejuvenated from cryopreserved material also show that

plant material can be safely stored under LN without change. Cote et al. (2000) studied the in-

field behaviour bananas {Musa AA sp.) obtained after regeneration of cryopreserved

embryogenic cell suspension and found no difference at the agronomic level between plants

produced from cryopreserved embryogenic cell suspensions and control plants. Genetic

examination of Picea glauca engelmanni complex for somaclonal variation resulting from

cryopreservation by Cyr et al. (1994) detected no genetic variation. Similarly, randomly

amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprint evaluation of white spruce [Picea glauca



(Moench) Voss.] trees regenerated from embryogenic clones cryopreserved for 3 and 4 years,

suggested primary genetic stability (DeVerno et al., 1999).

The new vitrification methods have been optimized to successfully cryopreserve shoot apices

with good recovery. To date a number of shoot apices of vegetatively propagated tropical

monocots (VPTM) have been successfully cryopreserved (Appendix 1). Factors pertaining to

successful cryopreservation of shoot apices include:

2.3.2 Efficient in vitro culture system

The most common source of apices for cryopreservation is in vitro maintained shoot cultures.

The advantages of in vitro cultures are that duplication of adequate numbers of plant material

can be achieved quickly, the material is pests and pathogen free, and the right conditions can

be maintained to induce the optimum physiological conditions essential for cryo survival. An

adequate tissue culture system is also necessary for effective preculturing of dissected apices

and vigorous recovery of cryopreserved shoot apices without intermediate callus formation. In

vitro culture system may be needed to be optimised for cryo success as what may be effective

for conventional micropropagation may not be best for cryo success. Culture conditions such

as light, solid or liquid media have been found to play crucial roles for cryo success (Thinh,

2001). -._

2.3.3 Selection of size and development stage of shoot apices

Shoot tips, comprised of the apical dome with a few leaf primodia, are generally considered to

be the best propagules for cryopreservation of clones (Towill, 1996; Takagi, 2000). The

optimum type and shape of shoot tip to be used is species dependent. The best type of shoot

tips for the VPTM, banana, Cymbidium, Cymbopogon, pineapple and taro, were found to be



partly covered ones 0.5 - 1 mm in size (Thinh, 1997; Thinh et al, 2000). These ST consisted

of the apical dome partly covered by the second leaf primodia. Escobar et al. (1997) found that

cryopreserving smaller cassava shoot tips ( 1 - 2 mm and apical dome partly covered by 2-3

leaf primodia) markedly increased the recovery rate.

Another essential factor for cryopreservation success is the optimal developmental stage at

which the explants are used for freezing. Explants from rapidly growing cultures are

recommended as actively dividing cells have characteristics, such as under developed vacuolar

system and dense cytoplasm, which render them more cryopreservation tolerance (Kartha and

Engelmann, 1994; Withers, 1985; Engelmann, 1997a). It has also been found that increasing

the duration for which mother plants are maintained on standard medium without subculture

also increases the recovery rate after cryopreservation (Thinh, 1997; Yongjie et al, 1999).


2.3.4 Factors affecting post-thaw survival of shoot apices in the vitrification method

Thinh et al. (2000) categorised the various factors affecting VPTM, namely banana,

Cymbidium, Cymbopogon, pineapple, and taro cryopreservation success as follows; in

descending order of importance: Explant structure

The best explants for cryopreservation are meristems with partially covered apical domes.

Such explants are also referred to as shoot-tips (ST). Taro shoot structure, like most

vegetatively propagated monocots, consists of apical meristems very well covered by the outer

leaf petioles, which are tubular shaped and have interfolded, thick leaf bases. Two consecutive

leaf petioles of an apex are buffered by air spaces. Thinh (1997) postulated that such apex

organization could prevent vitrification solutions from penetrating to apical dome cells. Hence



the best shoot-tip structure was found to consist of the apical dome covered by two leaf

primordia. Loading treatment

Cryoprotectants (section 2.3) can be a source of cellular injury. However, their toxic effects

can be minimized by pretreatment (referred to as loading treatment in this study) with sugars,

sugar alcohols, and amino acids introduced via solid or liquid medium (Nag and Street, 1975;

Reid and Walker-Simmons, 1990; Luo and Reed, 1997). Pretreatment chemicals benefit plant

cells and tissue by rendering reduced cell size and the cytoplasm to vacuole ratio, enhanced

ability to take up cryoprotectants, resistance to dehydration injury through cell wall and/or cell

membrane modifications, stabilized membrane bilayers and enzymes and prevention of toxic

levels of compounds accumulating in membranes during dehydration and freezing by acting in

a colligative manner (Heber et at, 1971; Volger and Heber 1975; Withers and King 1979;

Steponkus, 1984; Crowe et al, 1990; Dumet et at, 1993b; Luo and Reed, 1997).

Thinh et al. (2000) found that loading treatment enhanced markedly, both tolerance to PVS2

dehydration (see below) and post-thaw survival of meristems of all the species tested. This is

corroborated by other studies of different species such as rye protoplasts (Langis and

Steponkus, 1991), meristems of wasabi and lily (Matsumoto et al, 1994,1995a) and meristems

and callus of currant (Luo and Reed, 1997). Thinh (1997) found that exposing taro ST to a

loading solution consisting of 2M glycerol + 0.4M sucrose in liquid Murashige and Skoog

(1962) (MS) for 20 minutes gave the highest recovery rates.


Pencil PVS2 dehydration

Only sufficiently dehydrated plant material can survive LN cooling. One of the most effective

and universally used solutions for dehydrating plant material is Plant Vitrification Solution 2

(PVS2) developed by Sakai et al, 1990. It consists of 30% glycerol + 15% ethylene glycol +

15% dimethylsulphoxide + 0.4M sucrose in liquid MS. However, PVS2 can be harmful to

plant material due to high osmotic pressure and chemical toxicity. Hence, exposure time to

PVS2 has to be optimized for different species, and in some cases cultivars (Thinh, 2001). It

has been found that PVS2 sensitive plants can be adequately dehydrated by incubating at 0°C

instead of the normal 25°C. Thinh (1997) optimized taro ST exposure to PVS2 as lOmin at

25°C. Preculture with high sucrose concentrations (

In the studies by Thinh et al. (2000) previously stated, it was found that preculturing the

dissected ST on MS medium supplemented with 0.3M sucrose enhanced the post-thaw

survival of ST of all the plant species, with banana as the only exception. Several theories

have been put forward to explain the positive effects of preculturing. One suggestion is that

the high osmotic pressure resulting from the high level of sucrose in a culture medium can

trigger certain responses in plant cells, such as the accumulation of ABA and/or proline. The

presence of these substances can protect against freezing damage. Mohapatra et al. (1998)

report that ABA induces the synthesis of new proteins that confer cold tolerance to plants.

Studies have found that sucrose and proline stabilize membrane biiayers and enzymes during

desiccation and freezing (Steponkus, 1984; Crowe et al., 1990; Dumet et al, 1993b) The

preculture medium also facilitates in holding dissected ST awaiting cryopreservation.

However, the preculturing stage can be eliminated when using preconditioned plants (section


Pencil Sucrose preconditioning

While cold-hardening (4-5°C) of ST donor plants has enhanced the cryopreservation success

of temperate species, it is not an alternative with temperate species (Bajaj, 1985; Thinh, 1997;

Thinh et at., 2000). However, preconditioning the shoot-tip donor plants on medium

supplemented with high sucrose concentrations has enhanced cryopreservation success of

tropical species. Such plants undergo physical and physiological changes that assist in

withstanding cryo treatments. The plants have stunted growth, with thicker leaf blades, shorter

petioles and more rigid tissues. This change enables better dissection of the tiny ST with little

damage. The ST become morphologically uniform and have reduced water content with a

build up of stress-responsive solutes (soluble sugars and free proline). This mediates more

efficient vitrification of cytosol on immersion in LN (Thinh, 1997;Thinh et ah, 2000).






3.1 Introduction

In vitro plants are the preferred sources of explants for cryogenic work. They have advantages

over field and screen house materials in being less loaded with pathogens (bacteria and

fungus), more physiologically homogenous and are already adapted to in vitro culture

conditions. Taro has been micropropagated via callus or protocorm-like bodies induced by

combinations of cytokinins (kinetin or BAP) and auxins (2,4-D or NAA or IAA) or even

incorporations of taro extracts in the culture media (Mapes and Cable, 1972; Jackson et al.,

1977; Irawati and Webb, 1983; Oosawa et al., 1984; Tim et al., 1990; Sabapathy and Nair,

1992,1995). These systems could compromise the genetic stability of the germplasm

collection through artifacts such as somaclonal variations (Scowcroft, 1984). Nagata (1995),

Clemente et al. (1994), Thinh (1997) developed systems for multiplication through

enhancement of axillary branching or reproduction from axillary buds.

In addition to the multiplication systems mentioned above, a three-stage cycle (0.5 tng/1 TDZ -

0.8 mg/1 - BAP - 0.005 mg/1 TDZ) system was developed in the laboratory at The University

of the South Pacific, Samoa by the Pacific Regional Agriculture Programme (PRAP) tissue

culture project (1997). This system was used to bulk up the required number of taro plants in

this study (section 4.1.1). This system has the drawbacks of being lengthy, costly due to high

prices of TDZ and BAP and the use of such relatively high concentrations of growth hormones

could compromise cryo success (Reed, 2001:pers. comm.; Thinh, 2001;pers. comtn.)



Thinh (1997) established a non-hormone system for clonal production of taro plants

(Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum). Shoot-tips maintained on liquid shake culture

supplemented with 0.1- 0.5 mg/1 TDZ had an average production rate of 4.3 offshoots after

five subcultures. The offshoots continued to proliferate at a similar rate when transferred to

hormone free medium. Cormel slices from these plants also produced three to four offshoots

when placed on solid MS medium. The applicability of this protocol to a tropical taro

{Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta) cultivar was investigated.

3.2 Materials and Method

3.2.1 Taro plant material

In vitro plants of the Fijian cultivar, Tausala ni Samoa, maintained on hormone free solid MS

were obtained from the RGC. Two centimetre explants including the corm base and an

adjoining length of stem were excised from these plants and used for the experiment.

5.2.2 Cycle One

Twenty explants were inoculated on 0.5 mg/1 TDZ in liquid MS medium in McCartney bottles

. (hereafter referred to as tubes). Ten tubes were placed on the shaker at 80 rpm while the other

ten were left standing on the shelf under normal culture conditions (section 4.2). Observations

were recorded on weekly basis.

3.2.3 Cycle Two

After the fourth week, the tubes for both treatments in cycle two were divided into three

categories depending on the number of offshoots per explant:



3.4 Discussion

The hormone-free clortal propagation system developed by Thinh (1997) for Colocasia

esculenta var. antiquorum, based on enhanced axillary branching (multiple shoot formation)

through liquid TDZ medium shake culture and subsequent carry over effect on hormone-free

medium, did not work with the tropical taro variety Tausala ni Samoa of Colocasia esculenta

var. esculenta type. After two four-week cycles on liquid TDZ shake medium cultures, no

enhancement in proliferation rates was noted and no carry over effect was observed when

these plants were transferred to hormone-free media.

In contrast, the three-stage system being used in this study produced an average of four to six

offshoots from the variety (Tausala ni Samoa) during routine bulking up. Furthermore, when

these plants were transferred to hormone free medium, some carry over effect of TDZ was

noted as these plants produced offshoots at similar rates in the first subculture on hormone-

free medium. However, these effects diminished on subsequent subcultures on hormone-free


The different response of this variety of taro (Tausala ni Samoa of esculenta type) to liquid

TDZ shake medium could be a genotypic response as the study carried out by Thinh (1997),

• used antiquorum type of taro cultivated in Japan. In tissue culture studies with these two types

of taro, var. antiquorum has always been shown to be more responsive in tissue culture

(Jackson et ah, 1977; Arditti and Strauss, 1979; Irawati and Webb, 1983; Tim et al., 1990). As

var. antiquorum has a small central conn with pronounced lateral branching, it is possible that

little manipulation of the tissue culture system is required to encourage further branching,

compared to the var. esculenta, which produces a central corm with very few lateral branches.

A comparative investigation of responses of different cultivars of var. esculenta to shake and

non-shake cultures would be an interesting study.



Finally, it was interesting to note that there was no difference in proliferation whether cultures

in liquid medium were shaken or left to stand. This implies that aeration is not crucial with

cultures of taro in liquid medium.





4.1 Materials and Method

4.1,1 Plant material

In vitro stock plants of taro (Colocasia esculenta var. esculentd) were obtained from the

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Regional Germplasm Centre (RGC), Suva. The

regional taro collection is comprised of taro varieties from several different PICs. A sample of

varieties was selected to be representative of the diversity in the region by choosing varieties

from all countries contributing to the regional collection. The plants were exposed to the

following micropropagation cycle to bulk up sufficient material for experimentation: four

weeks on MS solid medium + 0.5 thidiazuron (TDZ), followed by three weeks on solid MS +

0.8 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), then for three weeks on solid MS + 0.005 TDZ. When

sufficient material had been generated, the accessions were cultured in full strength liquid MS

for one month to lessen any carry-over effects of the plant growth hormones. From these

plants, 2 cm explants, including some basal corm and an adjoining length of leaf cluster bases,

were excised and conditioned on the vaiious media stated in section

Initially, the following cultivars were bulked up for experimentation:



4.2 In vitro Culture Conditions

The basic medium used to micropropagate material for this study was that developed by

Murashige and Skoog (1962) for tobacco tissues and always contained 30 g/1 sucrose, unless

stated otherwise. The pH of the culture medium was adjusted to 5.8 ± 0.1 with 0.1 M KOH

and/or HC1 solutions. The gelling agent used for solid medium was 7.5 g/1 Agar Type A

(Sigma Chemical Co., Germany). The medium was sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C at 103

kPa for 15 min. Two types of micropropagation culture vessels were used: McCartney bottles

containing 10 ml medium, referred to as Small Jars (SJ), and 100 ml Mayonnaise bottles

containing 15 ml medium, referred to as Large Jars (LJ). SJ were initially used for

micropropagating all in vitro plants. Later, LJ were used for cultures in an attempt to improve

the quality of ST donor mother plants. Culture vessels Were incubated at 25°C under light

intensity of 50 umolm'V1 (cool white fluorescent lamps) and a photoperiod of 16 hr. All

tissue culture consumables were obtained from Biolab Scientific Ltd. - New Zealand.

4.3 Procedure for Bacterial Screening

The in vitro plants were inoculated on half strength liquid MS at pH 6.9 for one month to

encourage bacterial and fungal growth (Reed et at, 1995; Tanprasert and Reed, 1997a,b). All

the explants that failed to produce contaminants in that medium were tested on bacteriological

523 medium (Appendix 2). The bases of the explants were streaked on the 523 medium plates

and the explants were cultured on solid MS. The plates were monitored for bacterial growth

for up to a month (Viss et ah, 1991; Reed and Buckley, 1999). The explants depicting

bacterial growth were discarded.



4.4 Vitrification of VPTM

The steps for the vitrification procedure are outlined in general below. During this study the

techniques used were modified for many of the steps in the vitrification procedure. The initial

method was modified to optimize results by reducing handling damage, and to ensure that the

times for each treatment were accurate in their duration. Both methods are described below

under Initial Method and Modified Method.

4.4.1 General procedures Conditioning

The explants are conditioned with different sucrose concentrations before being

cryopreserved. The conditioning consists of either preculture or preconditioning:


In vitro plants are cultured on solid MS. Shoot-tips (ST) are dissected from these plants and

precultyred on solid MS medium supplemented with 0.3 M sucrose in 100 x 15 mm Petri

dishes and left overnight (16 hi") in the dark at 25 ± 0.5°C before being cryopreserved. [This

treatment will be referred to as overnight preculture (ONP) treatment throughout this study].


Preconditioning involves culture of the mother plants on high sucrose medium. ST were

dissected from these plants and directly cryopreserved without preculture.


Pencil Shoot-tip dissection

ST dissected from in vitro plants conditioned in the different ways described above are 0.8 -

1.0 mm in size and consist of the apical dome surround by two leaf primodia. ST dissection is

done under the binocular-dissecting microscope placed in the LAF using scalpel blades. Loading treatment

This involves loading the ST for 20 min at 25°C with a loading solution (LS) that consists of 2

M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose prepared in liquid MS at pH 5.8. Dehydration with PVS2I*

This involves dehydrating the ST with the plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) (Sakai et al.,

1990) which consists of 30% w/v glycerol + 15% w/v ethylene glycol (EG) + 15% w/v DMSO

+ 0.4 M sucrose prepared in liquid MS at pH 5.8. Immersion in liquid nitrogen

The ST are immersed very quickly in LN. Thawing

The ST are removed very quickly from the LN and warmed at 40°C in a water bath.


Pencil Unloading

This involves rehydrating the ST by incubating for 15 min at 25°C in liquid MS + 1.2 M

sucrose solution, referred to as unloading solution (ULS). Recovery

The ST are inoculated on recovery medium and incubated under favourable conditions for

regrowth into plantlets.

4.4.2 Initial Method Conditioning f

Same as in section 4.4.1. Shoot-tip dissection

ST dissection was done under the binocular dissecting microscope (Olympus) placed in the

LAF cabinet (BTR Environmental Pty Ltd.), using size 12 scalpel blades (Paragon, England). Loading treatment

A 1 ml polyvinyl cryovial (Nalgene) was placed in the LAF cabinet and filled with 0.8 ml of

LS. Seven ST were collected at the tip of a scalpel blade with a needle and dipped into the

cryovial of LS. After a few minutes the sides of the cryovial was tapped lightly to sink any

floating ST. The ST were immersed in the LS for 20 min at 25°C.


Pencil Dehydration with PVS2

After 20 min, the LS was sucked out of the cryovial with a sterile Pasteur pipette. The ST were

then washed three times with PVS2 solution. PVS2 solution was dispensed into the cryovials

using the Pasteur pipette with enough force to swirl the ST. The ST were left in the last wash

of PVS2 for 10, 12, 15 and 30 min. Immersion in liquid nitrogen

PVS2 was sucked out of the cryovial with the sterile Pasteur pipette and a fresh sample was

filled in. The cryovial was attached to a cryocane, which was put in a cryocan and plunged

quickly into LN contained in the Dewar flask. The ST were left overnight in LN.

The cryocane with the cryovial containing the ST was removed from the LN and plunged

quickly into waterbath at 40°C and kept in for 1 min. Then it was transferred to 25°C water for

1.5 min. The cryovial was then taken inside the LAF cabinet for unloading the ST.

PVS2 was sucked out of the cryovial with the sterile Pasteur pipette and the ST were washed

three times with ULS. The ULS was dispensed into the cryovials using the Pasteur pipette

with enough force to swirl the ST. The ST were left in the last wash of ULS for 15 min.


4.4.2,8 Recovery

After 15 inin, the ST were sucked up into the Pasteur pipette and dropped onto a sterile filter

paper placed in a Petri dish. Using a needle, the ST were transferred onto solid MS

supplemented with 0.1 M sucrose. The ST were maintained in dim light for a week then

transferred to normal culture conditions as stated in section 4.2. If ST were green after twenty

days, they were recorded as surviving the cryopreservatioii process. A recovery scoring was

only recorded if the ST were still green and had started to grow into plantlets after four to six


4.4.3 Modified Mfithod Conditioning (

Same as in section 4.4.1. Shoot-tip dissection

Same as in section Loading treatment

Seven ST were wrapped in a tissue paper prior to loading. The wrapping procedure was as

follows: (Figure 4.1)

a sterile 2x2 cm tissue paper (TP) was spread in a Petri dish and wetted with a few drops




using scalpel blade, and looking under the microscope, the ST were carefully put onto the

TP. All ST were placed in the center of the TP.

1st Fold: two sharp pointed forceps, held in each hand, were used to hold two corners of

the TP and fold the TP in half - trapping the ST in the middle.

2nd Fold: the same two corners of the TP, together with the corners of the layer underneath

it, were held again and folded back.

3rd Fold: another two corners, at right angles one to the ones held previously, of the folded

TP were held and folded perpendicular to the first two folds but reaching only half way


4lh Fold: the opposite two corners were then folded over on the remaining unfolded half.

The TP with the wrapped ST was immersed in 15 ml of LS contained in a 40 mm sterile glass

Petri dish for 20 min at 25°C.

('Proline pretreatment (PPT)

As an alternative investigation, trials were carried out where the ST of cultivar E399 were

soaked in 5% proline solution for 2 hours prior to loading with LS. PVS2 exposure times of

10, 12, 15, 30 and 40 min at 25°C were investigated with PPT. Dehydration with PVS2

The TP was lifted from the LS with a pair of sterile forceps, and blotted dry on two layers of

sterile filter paper in a Petri dish. The TP was then immersed in 5 ml of PVS2 contained in a

15 ml Petri dish for the times stated in section


Pencil Immersion in liquid nitrogen

When 50 sec of PVS2 exposure time was left, the TP with the ST was transferred to a 1 ml

polyvinyl cryotube containing 0.8 ml fresh PVS2. The cryotube was attached to a cryocane

and plunged quickly into LN contained in a wide mouth flash exactly at the end of the PVS2

exposure time. The ST were held in the LN for at least an hour. Thawing

The cryocane with the cryovial containing the ST was transferred very quickly from the LN to

a waterbath at 40°C and shaken vigorously for 90 sec. The cryovial was transferred to the LAF

cabinet for unloading the ST.

The TP was removed from the cryovial with a pair of sterile forceps, blotted dry on two layers

of sterile filter paper in a Petri dish and immersed in 5 ml of PVS2 contained in a 15 ml Petri

dish. After 10 min, the TP was unwrapped so that the ST could float in the ULS for the next 5

At the end of 15 min, using the scalpel blade the ST were lifted from the ULS onto a sterile

filter paper placed on solid MS supplemented with 0.3 M sucrose. The plated ST were left

overnight in the dark at 25°C. The following day, they were inoculated on solid MS + 0.1 M

sucrose plates. The cultures were maintained in the dark for three days and then transferred to



dim light for one week before exposure to normal culture conditions as stated in section 4.2.

Survival and recovery were scored as in section

4.5 Experimental Procedures

Using the above procedures, the following variables were investigated:

• PVS2 dehydration times of 12, 15, 30 min at 25°C and prolonged PVS2 exposure at 0°C

(on ice) for cultivar E399 at 40, 60 and 90 min

• PPT trials for cultivar E399 at PVS2 exposure times of 10, 12, 15, 30 and 40 min at 25°C

• Overnight preculture on 0.3 M sucrose medium

• Preconditioning on 60, 90 and 120 g/1 sucrose medium for 4 and 7 weeks (NOTE: 60, 90

and 120 g/1 sucrose media are referred to as 60S, 90S and 120S, respectively, throughout

this study) (

• Age of ST donor plants; 1, 2, 3 and 4 months for ONP trials and 4 and 7 weeks for high

sucrose preconditioning trials

• Size of culture containers; post-LN recoveries of ST dissected from mother plants grown

in small jars and large jars were evaluated



5.2.2 Post-LN recovery rates for all trials conducted for all culture conditions at PVS2

exposure time of 12 tnin

As presented in section 5.1 above, the best results were attained with PVS2 exposure time of

12 min. Other results for this treatment were 17% average recovery for two months old

explants of cultivar CPUK with 60S preconditioning. The recovery rate for an individual trial

under these conditions was 50% with the same cultivar (Table 5.6). Using 90S

preconditioning, 7% average recovery was obtained for cultivar CPUK using seven weeks old

explants. No success was achieved with cultivar E399 for 60S preconditioning with 12 min

PVS2 exposure time. However, 7% average recovery for seven weeks old explants with 90S

preconditioning was obtained with this cultivar. 12% and 7% average recoveries for three and

four months old plants respectively, was achieved with cultivar TNS for ONP treatment.

Under the same conditions, the recovery rate for individual trials were 71% for three months

old plants and 14 and 29% for two months old plants. For TNS cultivar, average recoveries of

10% each for one and two months old explants, was obtained with 60S preconditioning.

Under the same conditions, the recovery rates for individual trials were 29% for one month

old explants and 14 and 43% for two months old explants.

5.2.3 Post-LN recovery rates for all trials conducted for all culture conditions at PVS2

exposure times of 15 and 30 min v

As shown by the results presented in Tables 5.4 and 5.5, PVS2 exposure times of 15 and 30

min are not favourable for post-LN recovery with the taro cultivars investigated. The only

success achieved for both times under all conditions was 4% average recovery for two

months old plants of cultivar E399 with ONP treatment. However, high survival rates for

ONP trials for these two cultivars (20 and 30% for two of the three E399 trials and 20, 30 and

40% for the three TNS trials) were obtained with PVS2 exposure time of 30 min. Ten percent



survival was also obtained for two of the three 120S trials for cultivar TNS with PVS2

exposure time of 30 min (Table 5.5). In all of these survival cases, one outer leaf of the shoot-

tip stayed green and had some expansion but turned brown and died after 4 to 6 weeks.

5.2.4 Effects of prolonged PVS2 on post-LN recovery rates

All trials conducted for prolonged PVS2 exposure at 0°C (on ice) for cultivar E399 at 40, 60

and 90 min were unsuccessful (section 4.5).

5.3 Effects of Prolonged PVS2 on Post-LN Recovery Rates

All proline pretreatment trials conducted for cultivar E399 were unsuccessful (sectionf

As shown in Table 5.6, it appears that eultivar E399 is the most tolerant to PVS2 as it had

recoveries for all 10, 12 and 15 min exposure times.

5.4 Effects of Different Preconditioning on Post-LN Recovery Rates

5.4.1 Effects of overnight preculture on 0.3 M sucrose medium on post-LN recovery rates

No post-LN recoveries were obtained for cultivars CIMG, CIRA, N13, N14 and P3 using

ONP treatment. As shown in Tables 5.3 and 5.6, cultivars CPUK, E399 and TNS could be

successfully cryopreserved through overnight preculture on 0.3 M sucrose medium. For

cultivars CPUK and E399, the best recovery rates were obtained with this treatment (section

5.1). As shown in Table 5.2, low average recovery rates of 12% for three months old plants

and 7% four months old plants were obtained for cultivar TNS with ONP treatment.



However, a high recovery rate of 71% for an individual trial was obtained for this cultivar

(Table 5.6). ONP treatment trials for ST of cultivar E399 dissected from plants

preconditioned using 60S conditions were unsuccessful (Table 5.2).

5.4,2 Effects of preconditioning on high sucrose concentrations on post-LN recovery rates Effects of preconditioning on 60 g/l sucrose medium on post-LN recoverv rates

The only success obtained for cultivar E399 with preconditioning treatments was a low

recovery rate of 10% for 60S preconditioning with PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table

5.1). No successful recoveries were obtained for cultivar CPUK for 60S preconditioning with

PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table 5.1). For this cultivar, an average recovery rate of 17%

for PVS2 exposure time of 12 min was achieved with this treatment (Table 5.2). The

recovery rate for an individual trial under these conditions was 50% (Table 5.6). The data in

Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.6 show that cultivar TNS achieved the highest recoveries of all cultivars

with 60S preconditioning treatment. An average recovery rate of 14% was obtained with

PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table 5.1) whereas an individual trial under the same

conditions had a recovery rate of 43% (Table 5.6). As shown in Table 5.2, a low average

recovery rate of 10% with PVS2 exposure time of 12 min was obtained for cultivar TNS. The

recovery rates for individual trials werfr 14, 29 and 43%. Generally, it can be said that

preconditioning on 60 g/l sucrose medium was not very effective in enhancing post-LN

recovery rates. Effects of preconditioning on 90 g/l sucrose medium on post-LN recoverv rates

As can be seen from Table 5.2, no post-LN recovery was achieved for cultivar CIMG using

90S preconditioning. This was also true for cultivar CPUK using 90S preconditioning with



PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table 5.1). However, a low 7% average recovery rate with 12

min PVS2 exposure using 90S preconditioning was obtained for this cultivar (Table 5.2).

Using 90S preconditioning, the trials for cultivar E399 were unsuccessful with 10 min PVS2

exposure time (Table 5.1), while low average recovery rates of 6% were obtained for both 12

min and 15 min PVS2 exposure times (Tables 5.2 and 5.4). While no success was obtained

for cultivar TNS with 90S preconditioning for 10 min and 15 min PVS2 exposure times

(Tables 5.2 and 5.4), the optimum average recovery rate (29%) for all 90S preconditioning

trials was obtained with 12 min PVS2 exposure. The recovery rates for individual trials were

17, 17, 29 and 100% (Table 5.6). All successes for all cultivars stated above using 90S

preconditioning were for explants preconditioned for seven weeks.

An interesting observation was that three cryopreserved shoot-tips had one axillary bud each

appearing from their bases. One of such shoot-tips was from a CPUK trial while other two

were from two separate TNS trials. The new buds were alive and growing for two weeks for

the CPUK and one of the TNS trials, then turned brown and died. The new bud in the other

TNS trial survived to grow into a plantlet. Effects of preconditioning on 120 g/1 sucrose medium on post-LN recovery rates

For cultivar E389, an average recovery rate of 3% was achieved using 120S preconditioning

and a PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table 5.1). However, this cultivar had endogenous

bacterial contamination, hence this result may not represent its true success potential for

cryopreservation. A low average recovery rate of 3% was also obtained for cultivar TNS with

120S preconditioning for PVS2 exposure time of 10 min (Table 5.1).



5.5 Effects of Age of ST Donor Mother Plants on Post-LN Recovery Rates

From the evaluation of the post-LN recovery rates of ST dissected from mother plants grown

for different lengths of time without subculture, it was discovered that using older mother

plants as sources of ST is more conducive to post-LN viability. As stated in section 5.1, the

optimum age of ST donor mother plants for cultivars CPUK and E399 was three months with

ONP treatment. However, leaving the mother plants too long without subculture conferred a

decline in post-LN recoveries as no recoveries were achieved for either of cultivars CPUK and

E399 with four months old plants (Table 5.2). For cultivar TNS, seven weeks old plants were

best with 90S preconditioning treatment.

5.6 General Observations/Results '

• All plants grown in large jars for one to four months on hormone free solid MS were on

average 17 to 20 cm tall, had 2 to 4 leaves that were 2.5 to 5 cm long and 1.5 to 3.5 cm

wide and produced 12 to 25 roots that ranged from 11 to 25 cm in length (Figure 5.1).

These plants produced very few offshoots (0 to 4). In contrast, plants grown in small jars

were of roughly half the size and dimensions of those from large jars (Figure 5.1). These

characteristics correlated with the quality of ST dissected from plants grown in different

jars. The ST dissected from plants grown in large jars were larger, less succulent, more

rigid, more homogenous and easier to dissect than their counterparts grown in small jars.

• Different growth was observed for different cultivars when subjected to medium with high

sucrose concentrations. While cultivar TNS did not grow at all on 90S medium and had

retarded growth on 60S medium, the cultivars CPUK and E399 grew almost normally on



60S medium and had retarded growth on 90S medium (Figure 5.2). In addition to this, all

the cultivars listed in Table 4.1 had no growth on 120S medium.

For the cultivar TNS, the successes from 90S culture conditions (Table 5.6) came from

explants that had no growth at all. The outer two to three leaves of the 2 cm explants

cultured on the 90S medium turned brown and the explant had a dead appearance.

However, on dissecting the inner ST was healthy, turgid and very easy to dissect.

ONP and 120S trials were conducted on the taro cultivars listed in Table 4.1. All trials

were unsuccessful except a 120S trial for cultivar E389 (Table 5.1). While the ST

cryopreserved from these plants died on the recovery medium, the bacteria flourished.

All trials conducted for ST donor plants grown in small jars and/or liquid MS were

unsuccessful, ,except the cultivar E389 success stated above.

During the post-LN recovery process, the surviving shoots-tips could be identified two to

four days after thawing from LN. The survivors would swell and start turning green. Four

to six weeks later they would form the first leaves and begin rooting. About two months

after thawing, they would form small plantlets (Figure 5.3).




6.1 Effects of Quality of the ST on Post-LN Recovery Rates

The quality of the apices (shoot-tips or meristems) is considered the most important factor for

cryopreservation success (Thinh, 1997; Takagi, 2000; Thinh et at, 2000). The various ways to

acquire optimum shoot-tip quality for high post-LN recovery rates are discussed below.

6.1.1 Shoot-tip structure and dissection technique

Good dissection technique is essential for obtaining good quality shoot-tips that can survive

the stresses of cryoprotectant toxicity and LN cooling. This requires a good understanding of

the shoot-tip structure and sufficient shoot-tip dissection practice. As emphasized by Thinh

(1997) and Thinh (2001:pers. comm.), the optimum shoot-tip should consist of the apical

dome surrounded by two leaf primodia. As shown in Figure 6.1, taro meristems are

surrounded by a cluster of leaf petioles that are tubular in shape and interfolded at the bases

(Thinh, 1997). Adjacent petiole bases are buffered by air spaces. Hence, PVS2 can only reach

and dehydrate the dome area when the apical dome is partly covered. This is possible when

two outer leaf primodia surround the apical dome. The shoot-tips should be dissected without

any damage to these leaf primodia. Any damage to the shoot-tips will result in wounding,

which can increase the phytotoxic effect of the cryoprotectant solution. This will prove fatal

when the plant tissues are under the stress of LN cooling. In addition, wounding increases the

possibility of callus formation, which is to be avoided in the conservation of clonal material.



Only the shoot-tips with the right structure and size have any chances of post-LN recovery.

This held true for the successful trials conducted under this study.

6.1.2 Quality of shoot-tip donor plants

Shoot-tip quality can be improved by enhancing the quality of shoot-tip donor plants

(Pennycooke and Towill, 2000; Thinh et al., 2000; Reed, 2001:pers. comm.; Thinh, 2001:pers.

comm.). In this study it was observed that plants grown in small jars were smaller in height,

had fewer and smaller leaves, and produced less extensive roots than those grown in large jars.

The shoot-tips dissected from such plants were watery, small, transparent, fragile and hard to

dissect. These shoot-tips did not survive LN cooling. In contrast, shoot-tips from plants grown

in large jars were larger, robust, more homogenous and could be dissected more easily and

without damage. In this study, all the shoot-tips that survived LN cooling were those dissected

from plants grown in large jars.

Secondly, combining high levels of cytokinins with a liquid culture medium can induce

hyperhydricity of the shoot-tips (Palupe, 1997). This can result in the shoot-tips being more

susceptible to physical and cryopreservation damage. The shoot-tips dissected from plants

micropropagated under these conditions were similar to those described for small jar shoot-

tips above and did not survive LN cooling. To rectify this problem, the stock plants bulked up

on the described 0.5TDZ-0.8BAP-0.005TDZ cycle were cultured for one month on liquid MS

to reduce the effect of the hormones, then grown on hormone free solid MS before shoot-tips

were dissected from them. The successes for ONP trials presented in section 5.4.1 were for

such shoot-tips. However, cultivars CIMG, CIRA, N13, N14 and P3 received the same

treatments but had no success for any of the ONP preculture trials (section 5.4.1). This is

likely to be due to different sucrose sensitivities of these cultivars as discussed below.



Thirdly, an optimal physiological state necessary to inculcate shoot-tip tolerance to

dehydration and cryogenic procedures can be induced through preculture or preconditioning.

Subjecting explants to high sucrose medium can reduce the water content of cells, thus making

them more suitable for cryopreservation. It also reduces physiological heterogeneity of apices

by synchronizing the metabolism of all apical cells (Lambardi, et al., 2000; Takagi, 2000).

Engelmann (1997b) elucidated that post dissection preculture of apices reactivated metabolism

through starch accumulation in all cells, resulting in high survival for coffee, date palm and

sugarcane. Chemical analysis of taro plants preconditioned on medium with 120 g/1 sucrose

indicated higher levels of soluble sugars, proline and starch than those grown on medium with

30 g/1 sucrose (Thinh 1997).

Hitmi et al. (1999) found that increasing the concentration of sucrose as well as incubation

time on medium conferred freezing tolerance in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. They

discovered that these conditions increased the levels of intracellular sucrose, fructose, glucose,

ABA and proline in the cells. High cell content of these chemicals is conducive to better post-

thaw viability. Bachiri et al. (2000) found that pretreatment of Arbidopsis thaliana suspension

cells with high sucrose concentrations increased the cell content of soluble sugars, essentially

sucrose or trehalose, and monosaccharides as well. High cell content of substances like

sucrose and ABA may also trigger genes synthesizing new proteins that may posses

cryoprotective characteristics (Shriver and Mundy, 1990; Chandler and Robertson, 1994;

Gosti et at., 1995; Koch, 1996; Zhu et al, 1997; Pahis, 1998; Reinhoud et al., 2000).

As stated in section 5.2, for cultivars CPUK and E399, overnight preculture on 0.3 M (73 g/1)

sucrose medium is more favourable for obtaining higher post-LN recovery rates than

preconditioning ST donor plants on medium with high sucrose concentrations (60 or 90 g/1

sucrose). However, for TNS, preconditioning on high sucrose concentration of 90 g/1 seems to

be the better option for enhancing post-LN recovery rates. These differences could be due to



the different sensitivities of the cultivars to varying sucrose concentrations (section 5.6). In

light of the observation that the successes of 90 g/1 sucrose preconditioning for cultivar TNS

were from explants with no growth at all, it would be interesting to investigate the effects that

preconditioning on higher sucrose concentrations such as 120 g/1 sucrose, have on the other

cultivars listed in Table 4.2. Unfortunately, no conclusions could be drawn on the effects that

preconditioning on high sucrose medium has on the post-LN recovery rates for the cultivars

listed in Table 4.1 as all perished due to endogenous bacterial contamination.

From these observations and results, it can be inferred that sucrose sensitivity impinges on

cryopreservation success. This would suggest that for each cultivar, the optimum conditioning

treatment has to be determined. Thinh (1997) found that one month preconditioning on 120 g/1

sucrose medium achieved the highest post-LN recovery rates with the varieties investigated.

However, in this research seven weeks preconditioning oif 90 g/1 sucrose medium gave the

best results for cultivar TNS, whereas with cultivars E399 and CPUK, the overnight preculture

on 0.3 M sucrose medium using shoot-tips excised from three-month old plants proved best.

Lastly, the age of shoot-tip donor plants also influences post-LN recovery rates. Thinh (1997)

found that increasing the age of in vitro shoot-tip donor plants from one to three months was

directly proportional to higher post-LN recovery rates. The results presented in section 5.5

indicate that maintaining the in vitro ST donor plants without subculturing for longer times is

likely to enhance the post-LN recovery rates. Three months appears to be the best for ST donor

plants when over night preculture conditions were used for cultivars CPUK and E399, while

seven weeks preconditioning of explants on 90 g/1 sucrose medium obtained the highest

recovery rates for cultivar TNS.

The longer culture times are thought to enhance the physiological status of the shoot-tips.

Yongjie, et al. (1999) and Zhao et al. (1999) reported that increased duration between the last



subculture of ST donor plants and the cryopreservation of apices had a positive effect on the

post-LN regeneration rate. It is believed that longer subculture time of mother plants lowers

the water content of apices. In this study, it was also observed that such shoot-tips were larger,

more robust and less succulent than their younger counterparts. However, very long culture

times could stress the plants due to lack of growing space and minerals and increased levels of

carbon dioxide. The results presented in Table 5.6 show that cultivar TNS had the best

recovery rates of all cultivars for all conditions. This could be due to cultivar TNS having been

initiated into tissue culture more recently than the others and therefore had under gone the

least number of in vitro culture cycles. This relationship between age of ST donor plants and

post-LN recovery rates needs to be investigated.

As described in section, three cryopreserved shoot-tips had one axillary bud each

appearing from their bases (Figure 6.2). These buds could be adventitious ones induced by the

multiplication system or could be from two apical meristems as produced by some taro

cultivars (Figure 6.2) (Taylor, 2001:pers. comm.).

6.2 Effects of PVS2 Exposure Time on Post-LN Recovery Rates

The investigations carried out to determine the most effective PVS2 dehydration time for the

different culture conditions showed 12 min exposure as optimal (section 5.1). Thinh (1997)

optimized PVS2 exposure time for taro at 10 min. There is great variability in optimum PVS2

dehydration times for different species (Appendix 1). Takagi (2000) and Thinh et al. (2000)

have considered screening for PVS2 sensitivity as an important step in optimization of the

vitrification protocol for any vegetatively propagated tropical monocot. If shoot-tips are not

adequately dehydrated prior to LN freezing, they will die due to freezing injuries resulting

from intracellular water crystallization (Thinh et al., 2000).



On the other hand, too long PVS2 exposure would kill the plant cells due to high osmotic

pressure and biochemical phytotoxicity (Merymann and Williams, 1985). Prolonged PVS2

exposure of 30 min at 25°C resulted in up to 40% survival but 0% recovery as none of these

shoot-tips produced plantlets (Table 5.5). All had one green leaf expanding on the recovery

medium that turned brown and died after about 4 weeks. The greening observed was not of the

meristems themselves, but of the outer leaves only, hence they turned brown after a month.

This suggests PVS2 toxicity. 30 min PVS2 time exposure was too long for the meristematic

cells of the apical dome to survive. Consequently, the ST did not rejuvenate into plantlets.

No success was achieved with prolonged PVS2 dehydration at 0°C and proline pretreatment

prior to loading solution exposure. Hence, from the work carried out to date, it appears that

improving the quality of ST donor plants and using preconditioning treatments are more

effective in improving recovery after LN exposure with the taro varieties investigated.

6.3 PVS2 Timing and Correct Technique

The Initial Method described in section 4.4.2 had certain drawbacks. Shoot-tips were more

vulnerable to physical damage from the physical processes of being sucked into and expelled

from the Pasteur pipette, followed by handling with the needle. In addition to this, the

processes of eluting the loading solution from the cryovial before pouring in PVS2 and eluting

PVS2 before pouring in unloading solution would result in longer PVS2 exposure than

desired. These could lead to lower recovery rates arising from poor technique rather than

shortcomings of the vitrification protocol itself. Using the tissue paper for wrapping the shoot-

tips (section enables PVS2 treatment timing to be more accurate and also reduces

physical damage. This technique has the added advantage in that a greater number of shoot-

tips can be cryopreserved daily.



The immersion of the shoot-tips into LN, and the subsequent transfer of the shoot-tips into the

water bath at 40°C should be a very fast process (within one second), to avoid devitrification

in the plant cells (Sakai, 1993). Such a fast wanning ensures that the cytosol changes from its

glass phase directly to liquid phase without first forming damaging ice crystals. This process

can be speeded up by first transferring the shoot-tips after treatment with cryo solutions to a

container of LN with a wide neck. The wide neck facilitates the transfer process. Furthermore,

the shoot-tips have to be in constant contact with water at 40°C during thawing (Sakai et al.,

1990). To ensure this, the cryovial is shaken rapidly in the waterbath.

There were no survivors for trials where the thawing method described in section was

used. The post thaw recovery process should involve culturing shoot-tips overnight on MS

medium supplemented with 0.3 M sucrose followed by transfer to MS medium supplemented

with 0.1 M, rather than plating shoot-tips directly on the latter medium. This ensures that the

dehydrated shoot-tips absorb water more gradually. Transferring them directly onto 0.1 M

sucrose medium after they have been subjected to 1.2 M sucrose unloading solution would

cause the cells to absorb too much water and burst. In addition to this, the shoot-tips should be

transferred from the unloading solution onto a layer of sterile filter paper on the surface of the

0.3 M sucrose plate. The filter paper blots the excess unloading solution and any toxins

released by the recovering shoot tips.

6.4 Explaiit Variability

Explant variability is a factor that cannot be controlled by the tissue culturist, and can

obviously influence the success of cryopreservation. This variability was observed between

different plants of the same cultivar growing with different vigour on high sucrose medium

(section 5.6). As discussed in chapter 3, the taro var. esculenta is a more difficult plant to

micropropagate as compared to var. antiquorum. Common experience is that plants difficult to



micopropagate are also difficult to cryopreserve (Reed, 2001:pers. comm.; Thinh, 2001:pers.

comm.). Thinh (1997) had lower eryopreservation success rates with var. esculenta than var.

antiquorum. Tropical plants can be more recalcitrant to eryopreservation than their cold and

temperate counterparts. Since the latter types of plants are periodically exposed to low

temperatures, they have developed natural physiological mechanisms that confer them freeze

tolerance. This adaptation is absent in tropical plants rendering them more susceptible to

freeze damage. The variability that always exists between labs could also have implications

for the rates of eryopreservation successes achieved when using a technique established in

another laboratory. For example, an International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

coordinated slow growth storage experiment for sweet potato using the same eultivars from

the same source, gave different results when earned out in different labs in SPC, PNG, Tonga

and Samoa (Taylor, 2001:pers. comm.).


6.5 Proposed Vitrification Protocol

From this study, it can be postulated that the vitrification method of eryopreservation has

potential for the eryopreservation of the tropical taro (Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta). The

proposed protocol for the eultivars E399 and CPUK is using ST donor plants cultured on solid

MS in large jars for three months as sources of shoot-tips which consist of the apical dome

surrounded by two leaf primodia, preculturing these shoot-tips overnight (16 hr) on 0.3 M

sucrose medium, loading with liquid MS supplemented with 2 M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose for

20 min, dehydration with PVS2 for 12 min followed by rapid immersion in LN. Thawing

should be done by shaking rapidly for one and half minutes in waterbath at 40°C, followed by

rehydration in liquid MS medium supplemented with 1.2 M sucrose for 15 min. The shoot-tips

should then be plated on a layer of filter paper on MS medium supplemented with 0.3 M

sucrose and left overnight in the dark. Next day, they are transferred onto MS medium

supplemented with 0.1 M sucrose and maintained in the dark for three days, then transferred to



dim light (10 umolnf s"') for one week before exposure to normal culture conditions as stated

in section 4.2. Plantlets are produced after about two months. It is recommended that cultivar

TNS explants should be preconditioned on solid MS supplemented with 90 g/1 sucrose for

seven weeks prior to dissecting and cryopreserving the shoot-tips without any preculture. The

vitrification procedure should be the one described in section 4.4.3.

6.6 Future research

There is certainly need to optimize the vitrification protocol for taro. As shown in this study,

varietal difference has a significant contribution to cryopreservation success. Charoensub et al.

(1999) also emphasized genotypic differences in the responses of cultured plants to cryogenic

techniques and recommended optimizing each step of procedure for deciding an optimal

protocol for each cultivar. The myriad of characteristics depicted by different cultivars in in

vitro culture illuminate their variability. Consequently, different responses to cryopreservation

conditions such as different sucrose concentrations and PVS2 exposure are almost imminent.

Optimizing the preconditioning sucrose concentrations for individual cultivars would be a

good starting point. Thinh (1997) found that steadily increasing the sucrose levels in overnight

preculture medium (0.3M-0.5M-0.7M) helped shoot-tips to gradually acclimatize to high

sucrose concentrations. The converse was true for recovery medium. This could also be

investigated for taro from PICs.

Secondly, effects of the age of shoot-tip donor plants on post-LN recovery rates ought to be

experimented on. There are two implications here. Firstly, effects of the lengths of time the in

vitro plants are maintained without subculture before they are used as sources of shoot-tips

needs investigating. Secondly, the recovery rates for shoot-tips derived directly from field

conns as compared to those from freshly initiated cultures and those that have been through a

number in vitro culture cycles needs assessment.



Cryopreserving shoot-tips from plants that have already survived cryopreservation to assess if

they are more amenable to withstand LN cooling stress would be an intriguing investigation. It

would also be worthwhile to investigate other protocols of cryopreservation with taro.

Recently, it has been found that another cryoprotectant, PVS3 (50% sucrose + 50% glycerol

prepared in liquid MS) enhances the recovery rates of material with which PVS2 was not

effective (Nishizawa et al, 1993; Wu et al., 1997; Wu et al, 2000; Zanetta et al., 1999).

Furthermore, Thinh (1997) obtained high recovery rates of 80% for two taro cultivars using

the method of encapsulation-dehydration. This method could also be tried with taro cultivars




3"1 petiole

7T petiole

apical dome

Shoot tip Transversed cut through the shoot tip

Figure 6.1 Diagram showing the structure of taro shoot-tip (Thinh, 1997)

Figure 6.2 Two apical meristems on an explant dissected from an in vitroplant of cultivarTNS



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Recent successful cryopreservation of shoot apices by vitrification

Botanical name{common name)

Non cold-hardy species(herbaceous plants and tropicalwoody plants)Ailium sativum (garlic)

Ananas comosus (pineapple)

Asparagus officinalis (asparagus)

Colocasia esculenta (taro)

Colocasia esculenta (taro)

Cymbidium spp. (Cymbidium)

Dioscorea alata (graeter yam)

Dioscorea rotundata (white yam)

Greviliea scapigera (tropical treespecies)

Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato)






Sucrose <120g/L~~enriched medium;lino








3% sucrose; 2d

0.3M sucrose;2d


0.3M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose;24h

0.3M sucrose;72h

0.6M sorbitol; 2d

0.09M sucrose;24hi 0.6M sucrose ;24h


L2; 25 min



LI; 25°C; 20min






PVS2;25°; 10-15 min

PVS2; 0°C; 7h

PVS2; 25 °C; 45min

PVS2; 25°C; 20min

PVS2; 25°C; 20min

PVS2; 25°C; 15mm

PVS2; 25°C; 20min;PVS2; 0°C; 30min

PVS2; 25°C; 30min

PVS2; 0°C; 30min

S; 0°C; 100 min

Post-thaw shootrecovery

12cvs.: 71-100% (av.82%)

3 cvs.: 25-65% (av.42%)


2 cvs.: 66,77%

6 cvs.: 67-100% (av.87%)


85% (cv. OrientalLisbon); 47% (cv.UM68O);91%(cv.UM680)6 cvs.: 43-68% (av.63%)




Niwata 1995

Gonzalez- Arnao etal. 1998bKohmura et al.1992

Takagi et al. 1997

Thinh 1997

Thinh 1997

Kyesmu 1998

Kyesmu et al. 1997

Touchell and Dixon1996Plessis andSteponkus 1996



Botanical name(common name)

Musa spp. (banana)

Wasabia japonica (wasabi)

Wasabia japonica (wasabi)

Xanthosoma spp. (tannia)

Encapsulation / vitrificationWasabia japonica (wasabi)

Minimally cold-hardy species (herbaceous plants)Allium wakegi (Japanese shallot)Lilium japonicum (Japanese pioklily)Trifolium repens (white clover)

Encapsulation / vitrificationFragaria x ananassa (strawberry)


plants)Sucrose (60g/L) -enriched mediumImo






Cold-hardening;0°C; 7-30 d-

Cold-hardening;4°C; 2 weeks



0.1M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose + 0.5MGly; 16h

0.3 M sucrose; 16h

0.3M sucrose; 16h 4encapsulated in 0.4Msucrose0.8% sucrose;7 d;4°C i 0.4M sucrose;1 d; 4°C0.3M sucrose;! d;25°Cl,2Msorbito!;2d;4°CEncapsulated in 2Mglycerol + 0.4Msucrose


LI; 25°C; 20min

LI; 25°C; 20min







PVS2; 0°C; 20-30min

PVS2; 25°C; lOmin

PVS2; 25°C; lOmin

PVS2; 25°C; 20min

PVS2; OX; lOOmin

PVS2; 25°C; 45min

PVS2;0°C; HOmin

PVS2; 0°C; 15min

PVS2; 0°C; 2h

Post-thaw shootrecovery

10 cvs.: 4 1 - 92% (av.69%

4 cvs.: 79-92% (av.84%)


2 cvs.: 62%, 67%

4 cvs.: 87 - 93% (av.92%)







Matsumoto et al.1994Matsumoto andSakai 1995

Thinh 1997

Matsumoto et al.1995b

Kohmura et al.1994

Matsumoto et al.1995aYzmaA&.etal 1991

Hirai et al. 1998

f Loading solution ~ LI: 0.4M sucrose + 2M glycerol; L2: 0.75M sucrose + IM glycerol.Vitrification solution - PVS2: 30% ( w/v) glycerol + 15% (w/v) ethyiene glycol + 15% (w/v) DMSO; S: 50wt% ethyiene glycol + 15wt% sorbitol + 6wt%bovine serum albumin.

(Takagi, 2000)




Bacteriological 523 Medium (Viss)

To the appropriate amount of deionized water in a beaker add

SucroseCasein hydrolysateYeast extractKH2PO4MgSO4.7H2O


0.15 g/L

Adjust the pH to 6.9. transfer to Erlenmeyer flask and add

Gelrite 6 g/L

Bring the mixture to a boil and autoclave. Cool to 45-50°C in waterbath and pour intosterile petri dishes.

(Viss et al., 1991)

