Download - Australian Timetable 2209-7236 This Annual Report contains all of the reports and papers to be presented to the ATA

Page 1: Australian Timetable 2209-7236 This Annual Report contains all of the reports and papers to be presented to the ATA

A. T. A. Australian Timetable Association

Annual Report


Page 2: Australian Timetable 2209-7236 This Annual Report contains all of the reports and papers to be presented to the ATA

2 ATA Annual Report 2017-2018

Agenda 3 President’s Report 4 Financial Reports 5 Editor of Table Talk Report 9 Editor of The Times Report 9 Production Manager’s Report 10 Webmaster’s Report 10 Distribution Officer’s Report 11 Membership Officer’s Report 11 Auctioneer’s Report 12 Archives Officer’s Report 13 Adelaide Branch Report 15 Brisbane Branch Report 15 Canberra Branch Report 15 Melbourne Branch Report 15 Sydney Branch Report 15 Minutes of the 2017 AGM 16 Office Holders 2017-2018 18 Office bearers and Proceedings of the 2018 AGM (your notes) 19 Group photos, previous AGMs 20


Annual Report

2017-2018 ISSN 2209-7236

This Annual Report contains all of the reports and papers to be presented to the ATA 35th An-nual General Meeting in Melbourne on 13th October, 2018.

Cover photos Front Upper.: Attendees at the 2017 AGM Front Lower: Working bee at PMI Rear: AGM photos 2000-2017

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ATA Annual Report 2017-2018 3

Agenda ATA 35th AGM 13th October 2018

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Minutes of the 2017 (34th) AGM

3. Business arising from the Minutes

4. Correspondence

5. Reports:

5.1 President (requires a vote)

5.2 Treasurer (requires a vote)

5.3 Table Talk Editor

5.4 Times Editor

5.5 Production Manager

5.6 Distribution Manager

5.7 Membership Officer

5.8 Auction

5.9 National Timetable Collection

5.10 Webmaster

5.11 Divisional Reports:

5.11.2 Adelaide

5.11.2 Brisbane

5.11.3 Canberra

5.11.4 Melbourne

5.11.5 Sydney

6 Elections and Appointments

6.1 Determination of required Committee numbers

6.2 Election of Committee:

6.2.1 President

6.2.2 Vice-President

6.2.3 Secretary

6.2.4 Treasurer

6.2.5 Ordinary Committee Members (see 6.1)

6.3 Appointment of Auditor

7. General Business

8. Location of 2019 (36th) AGM

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On reflecting on the achievements of the Australian

Timetable Association over the past year I was

considering how well we are meeting the challenges

of the digital age. Looking at recent Distribution

Lists we are now offering many items in a digital

format. These include working timetables and

system timetables for Amtrak and VIA Canada.

Some articles in “The Times” have featured the

digital age. In the April edition of “The Times”

Geoff Lambert reviewed Modern Australian

Transport Timetable Apps and the August edition of

“The Times” reported on the research Katie Bell did by comparing planned and actual real-time timetables

through TfNSW General Transit Feed System (GTFS). She had used the data to show that route 370

Leichhardt to Coogee was the most unreliable bus route in Sydney. For many years now our Committee

meetings have been held using Skype. Our mail-out is now available in print or electronic form or both. At

a recent Sydney Division meeting held in a tutorial room at the University of Sydney equipped with video

screens with internet connections we were able to discuss the timetables for the closure of the Epping-

Chatswood Rail Link and recent Eastern Suburbs changes. Many members may now travel around our

cities using timetable apps and downloaded timetables on their smartphones. ATA Facebook has become

more popular with posts providing transport news, analysis and commentary. Indeed ATA has well

embraced the digital age.

As President I continue to see the enormous work done by our key people in keeping the ATA running. In

addition to being our Secretary, Geoff Lambert edits “The Times” and ensures the production of our

monthly mail out. Our Vice President Victor Isaacs, edits “Table Talk” and would very much appreciate

the services of a bus editor to handle this side of “Table Talk”. Len Regan, our Treasurer, works long hours

to handle the finances connected with membership, our Distribution Service and Auction. Robert

Henderson and Alan Gray have prepared Auction Lists and Geoff Hassall assesses the bids. Alex Sims

looks after our website and Paul Brown places ATA and transport news on Facebook. Also through

Facebook a number of members are able to keep in contact with each other. As President I am responsible

for the Members’ News.

A big step forward this year has been the formation of a partnership at the Prahran Mechanic’s Institute

(PMI) in suburban Melbourne. ATA now stores archives and material for the National Timetable

Collection at PMI. From time to time in various locations members receive timetable collections, store and

sort them before forwarding them to PMI. Since November 11 members have been involved in 39 working

days at PMI to sort, cull and catalogue items for the National Timetable Collection.. When processed, these

timetables will be forwarded to the State Library of Victoria. Our thanks to Len Regan for initiating and

managing this project.

President’s Report 2017-2018 HILAIRE FRASER

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Treasurer’s Report, 2017-2018 LEN REGAN

The Treasurer in his “ATA AGM shirt”

The Financial Statement shows that, on an accrual basis, ATA made a surplus in 2017-18 of $1,760.

The accrual accounts record the total Membership Fees for 2017-18 irrespective of the year in which they were received, and treat the Membership Fees received for 2018-19 and the unused credit balances in the Distribution Service as Current Liabilities rather than income.

To achieve the annual result in 2017-2018 compared with 2016-2017:

Accrual surplus for the year decreased by $2587.

Revenue from Membership Fees was $8030, a decrease of $155.

Invoiced sales were $480, an increase $306.

The Distribution List showed a surplus of $2225, an increase of $677.

Auctions showed a surplus of $1779, a decrease of $432.

Printing costs for “The Times”, “Table Talk” and “Members News” were $5991, an increase of $434.

Mailout postage costs were $2950, an increase of $462.

National Timetable Collection costs were $1921, and increase of $1795. This includes the annual cost of $1000 for the workspace and storage at Prahran Mechanics Institute.

Bank interest earned $658, and increase of $165 due to the increased value of the Term Deposit.

Other administrative costs were $477, a decrease of $147.

The value of credits for the Distribution Service increased by $73 to $2508. These credits can be used for Distribution List orders, Auction bids and Membership Fees.

The Term Deposit of $27,014 held by ATA at Westpac earned interest of $648 at 2.40%. It is being reinvested for $28,000 with Ing Bank at 2.85%.

Net cash assets (current assets minus liabilities) were $30,003, and increase of $1760 since 30 June 2017.

The sharp increases for Print Post in March 2018 contributed to the increase in postage costs.

Membership fees cover 90% of the costs of printing and posting the monthly magazines to members. Management and administrative costs are paid for out of other revenue.

The surplus from the Distribution List continued the good results from the previous year despite a decrease of 7% in the number of orders placed.

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The surplus from the Auctions is a function of the mix of vendor and donor lots that are offered. Current stocks would indicate a similar result in the coming year.

The financial outlook for 2018-19 is one of caution, taking into account the continuing difficulty in obtaining printed timetables for the Distribution Lists. Australian Post has indicated it will continue to raise the price of its postal services. However, our healthy cash reserves should be able to withstand any adverse financial results.

The summary results are shown in the audited Financial Statement.

There are also 3 tables showing the month by month financial results for the Association’s finances with both the cash and accrual totals, and the monthly statistics and finances for the Distribution List and Auctions. Rounding of values in the Financial Statement accounts for some slight variations in totals.

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Audited Financial Statement for 2017-2018 JIM WELLS & LEN REGAN

Australian TimeTable Association Inc

ABN 74 248 483 468

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30th June 2018

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

$ $ $ $ $

Statement of Income and Expenditure

for the year ended 30th June


Subscriptions 8,030 8,185 8,070 8,255 8,370

Retail Sales 480 174 260 326 372

Distribution Service ........................ 7,281 6,894 4,543 7,783 4,790

Auctions 4,752 6,658 5,463 4,999 3,805

Donations - - 250 - 250

Bank Interest 658 493 471 550 593

21,201 22,404 19,057 21,913 18,180


The Times Production 3,344 3,423 3,734 3,490 3,083

Table Talk Production 2,508 1,971 2,249 1,431 1,735

Members' Newsletter 139 163 184 185 271

Mailing Costs ............................... 2,950 2,488 2,722 2,428 2,035

Distribution Service 5,129 4,815 4,880 6,968 4,938

Auctions 2,973 4,447 4,144 2,108 1,647

NTC - PMI Donation 1,000 - - - -

National Timetable Collection 921 126 359 244 -

AGM 57 226 15 - 127

Web Site 330 - - - -

Administration 90 398 456 416 974 19,441 18,057 18,743 17,270 14,810

Surplus / (deficit) 1,760 4,347 314 4,643 3,370

Financial Position (Balance Sheet) as at 30th June 2018

Current Assets

Cash at Bank 11,895 10,027 13,750 12,693 10,748

Term Deposit ........................ 27,014 27,014 19,535 19,076 15,563

Debtors - 121 153 326 62

38,909 37,162 33,438 32,095 26,373

Current Liabilities

Creditors - - - - -

Subscriptions in advance 6,323 6,362 6,422 6,071 4,781

Members' accounts 2,583 2,557 3,120 2,442 2,653

8,906 8,919 9,542 8,513 7,434

Net assets 30,003 28,243 23,896 23,582 18,939

Accumulated Funds

As at start of period 28,243 23,896 23,582 18,939 15,569

Surplus / (deficit) 1,760 4,347 314 4,643 3,370

As at end of period 30,003 28,243 23,896 23,582 18,939

Jim Wells Len Regan

(Accountant) 20th August 2018 (Treasurer) 20th August 2018

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2017-18 has again been a mixed year for Table Talk. The Rail Editor

believes that railway timetable news was very well covered. On the other hand, there is

still no Bus Editor. Hence, Bus news is not always covered comprehensively.

As is always the case, as Table Talk is a news magazine, its size varies in direct proportion

to the amount of news generated. Issues were usually around 16 to 20 pages. The smallest

was April with 11 pages. But, next month, May, Table Talk was a record size of 28 pages.

There was a total of 188 pages of Table Talk in 2017-18 (compared to 157 in 2016-17).

Table Talk, and ATA members, owe a great debt of gratitude to the contributors whose

names are recorded in each issue.

Table Talk Newswire, the interim email which conveys early Rail news and which appears between

issues, was issued 11 times in 2017-18.

Table Talk Editor’s Report 2017-2018 VICTOR ISAACS

The Times Editor’s Report 2017-2018 GEOFF LAMBERT

In past years, it was my habit to produce a set of exquisitely boring statistics for the content and authorship

of the articles which had appeared in the July-June issues of The Times. This was invariably accompanied

by a caveat of the form “the mixture as before”. Well—same again for the second course!

On the production side things have not changed much. For many years now, The Times has been produced

as a folded booklet, using what a printer would call two-up imposition. This is not the same as allowing

two-up on Anzac Day, but it does mean that the magazine must have an number of pages that is a multiple

of four. The Times is usually budgeted for 16 pages.

Although the digital edition of The Times has been produced for more than a year now, The Times

recently acquired an ISSN for its Digital Edition. In consequence, the Digital Edition goes direct to the

National Library of Australia (NLA), where it will be immediately available for browsing within the

premises and will be put up on the NLA website after six months. The digital edition is, of course in full

colour, whereas the paper edition has only colour of the first and last pages. The digital edition could, if

required, have any number of pages. In the future, it probably will be, especially if it is produced in on-

screen readable form.

The Times now subscribes to the notion of Creative Commons, which facilitates the spread of the

information it contains, congruent with the notions of copyright.

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The Production Managers are responsible for

Reception of copy from Editors (0 hours),

Knocking the copy into shape for the printer (1 hour)

Delivering copy to the printer (0.5 hour)

Collecting printing (1 hour for 2 people including yakking to the printer)

Preparing the mailing list (0.5 hour)

Producing a set of labels (15 seconds)

Stuffing the envelopes (2 hours for 2 people)

Taking the snail-mail to a Print Post Reception Centre (1 hour for 2 people)

Converting snail-mail editions to digital editions (1 hour)

Despatching the digital editions via e-mail (10 minutes)

The timings indicate that this requires about 11 person-hours per month. The interesting bit is the stuffing

of envelopes. For many years this was a team effort that usually became a social occasion. The total time

in hours and certainly the total person hours under such conditions rises exponentially with more than two


Production Managers’ Report 2017-2018 GEOFF & JUDY LAMBERT

Webmaster’s Report 2017-2018 ALEX SIMS [email protected]

The website has increased its readership to around 1,900 unique visitors each month, mainly from Australia. The

most frequently visited page is the home page, followed by current Sydney and Newcastle timetable lists.

As webmaster my duties have been:

Keep the website current matching our printed output

Keeping timetable lists up to date (only partially done)

Depositing electronic versions of our publications with the National Library of Australia

Maintaining our website with best practice for websites:

visible and understandable by search engines so people can find it

accessible to all users particularly on mobile devices (phones, tablets)

lightweight and fast for viewers

Keeping the rest of the committee up to date and understanding my activites

In 2017/2018 achievements have been

Provide secure access using https

Make the “canonical” URL for the association

Update more pages to the new website “look”

Table driven timetable lists for Adelaide and Newcastle

In 2018/2019 I’m seeking to:

Update more current and historical timetable lists (You can help here!) and make this process simpler so

more people can help

Improve the look of the website by “reskinning”

Make back issues of The Times and TableTalk available in alternative formats good for reading on all

devices from the largest desktop to the smallest phone

Explore automated collation of electronic versions of printed timetables into timetable lists

What you can do to help:

Contribute to updating the current and historical timetable lists!

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Distribution Manager’s Report, 2017-2018 HILAIRE FRASER

During 2017-2018 the Distribution List performed very well with a surplus of $2,225 with 347 orders for

3,302 items. This is a very pleasing result considering that many timetables are not available in printed

form and if they are in print often only as a limited print run. Also we have had some supply difficulties

with listed items and some members are ordering fewer items more adequately reflecting a specific area

of their interest. Of course we always have various increases to postal charges. Our thanks to members,

who supplied items, and our Distribution Officers, who despatched items. Our Distribution Officers

provide lists of items they have and I combine these into the final Distribution List. Len Regan handles

the finances and most of the items on the Distribution List. Two or three times a year we receive a box of

timetables from TransitGraphics and these timetables supplement our Distribution Service in a major

way. Our thanks to the team at TransitGraphics.

We look forward to another good year over 2018-2019.

At the beginning of the financial year our membership was 139. During the year:

7 members did not renew their membership, 3 from New South Wales, 3 from Victoria, and one from South Australia.

Five members died: Matthew Julian, Brian Coker; Graham Davis; Lachlan Richardson; Frank Goldthorpe

We welcomed five new members: John Kain; Matthew Gibbins; Sean Menzies; Alan Williams; Dale Budd

Membership at the end of the financial year was 132, made up of 2 life members and 130 normal members.

For the monthly mailout, 89 members received it only by post, 26 members received it only by email, and 17 members received it both ways.

Here is the geographic distribution of members.

State or Country Number Percentage

Queensland 13 10%

New South Wales 50 38%

ACT 9 7%

Victoria 39 29%

South Australia 10 8%

Western Australia 2 1%

United Kingdom 6 4%

Switzerland 1 1%

Vietnam 1 1%

USA 1 1%

Total 132

Membership Officer’s Report, 2017-2018 LEN REGAN

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I feel that the ATA auctions are

approaching a fork in the road in 2018.

The monthly auction is well-

established, and I believe that the

procedures involved in producing the

catalogue and processing the results has reached a point of

smooth efficiency. This, I might add, is due to the enormous help I continue to receive from Len Regan, in

far more than his role as Treasurer. In this he is ably helped by Alan Gray and Robert Henderson. Without

these worthy gentlemen, the auction would not have survived in its present form. The availability of

material, by donation or consignment, continues steadily, if not spectacularly. Perhaps, with limited storage

at people’s premises, this is an advantage. Sadly, much of this material recently has come from the estates

of deceased members and supporters.

This brings us to the subject of auction bids. The number of bidders, and to some extent bids, has reduced

gradually over the last couple of years, perhaps as older supporters have completed their collections of the

less-rare material. This is becoming noticeable even with Working Timetables, traditionally the most

popular category for bidders. With very careful pricing, especially to cover postal costs, we have managed

to squeeze out a small profit from these activities, but nothing like the returns of years past.

What is the solution? I don’t know, short of a massive influx of very old and rare material. Perhaps the

auction needs to be re-imagined to appeal to more members, and especially the younger ones. Some bright

ideas from members would be most appreciated.

Meanwhile, the auction will battle on, supported by a wonderful team, selling to half a dozen or so

dedicated bidders each month.

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ATA Annual Report 2017-2018 13

In October 2017 our Association established a working

arrangement in an agreement with the Prahran Mechanics

Institute (PMI). We now have space in the Institute’s

building at Prahran for the storage of the Association’s

archives, and we have an area where we can work on the

preparation of the Jack McLean National Timetable

Collection (NTC) which will be deposited gradually with the

State Library of Victoria (SLV). The Institute houses the

extensive Victorian History Library. In achieving this

agreement we acknowledge with gratitude the support of

Secretary / Librarian Steven Haby who is a long-time

member of our Association.

The timetable collections that we had in storage in Victoria and the ones we obtained during the year

were all moved to PMI. We acknowledge with gratitude the donors of these collections: Phil Asker,

Barry Blair, Ian Brady, Geoffrey Clifton, Brian Coker, Alan Collyer, Graham Davis, Vance Findlay, Joe

Friedman, Stephen Gray, Steven Haby, Les Hyland, Robert Henderson, Owen Johnstone-Donnet, Phil

Keal, Geoff Lambert, Cathy Lonsdale, Tony McIlwain, John Mikita, Allan Miles, Duncan Peattie, Len

Regan, Lachlan Richardson, Jon Saul, Derek Scrafton, Albert Spurway, Colin Taylor, Paul Trevaskis,

Stephen Tyrrell, Ian Wall, John Watsford, Alan Websdale, Jim Wells, Bill Wembridge, David Whiteford

and Signalling Record Society Victoria.

Some of these collections were held in Sydney where they have been collected and sorted for the NTC by

Geoffrey Clifton, Scott Ferris, Alan Gray, Geoff Hassall and Geoff Lambert. Geoffrey Clifton has also

catalogued and packed a large number of timetables ready to go the SLV. The collections in Sydney are

being moved to Prahran where they will be consolidated with the material there.

Work on processing the collections for the NTC at Prahran began in November 2017, and working

sessions have been held on one day a week in most weeks since then. Many members and supporters

have enjoyed the camaraderie and challenges of sorting, culling and collating, and we are very grateful

for their work and dedication: Stephen Gray, Steven Haby, David Hennell, Andrew James, Geoff Mann,

Richard May, Max Michell, Katie Moss, Len Regan, Mary Regan, Richard Talbot and Michael Vale.

The initial task was to sort all the NTC material into State and Mode categories, and to cull duplicates and

extraneous material. For each State and Territory, where appropriate, there are categories of:

Railway Working Timetables

Railway Public timetables: Metropolitan and Country

Tram Timetables

Bus Timetables: Metropolitan, Regional and Country

Ferry Timetables

Maps and Guides


Archives Officer Report 2017-2018 LEN REGAN

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14 ATA Annual Report 2017-2018

There are also categories for:

Interstate Rail Timetables

Airline Timetables

Long Distance Coach Timetables

Composite Timetables.

Duplicate copies of significant timetables (mainly railways and composite timetable books) have been

retained in the ATA Archives. Overseas timetables, duplicates of normal timetables and information

brochures have been allocated, as appropriate, to the ATA Auctions, Distribution Lists, Victorian

History Library, Sydney Bus Museum, Signalling Record Society Victoria and the AGM Grab Box.

PMI is installing 3 new compactus units in our work area, and ATA will be allocated some of the space

within them. This should greatly improve our working and archive arrangements.

The purchase of a computer and a start on more indexing is expected in late 2018. Research has shown

that working in Excel with the spreadsheet format provided by State Library of Victoria is the best way

go. The Sydney Bus Museum has also adopted this format for the indexing of its bus timetables

collection, and this will facilitate the exchange of surplus timetables.

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Branch Reports 2017-2018

The Sydney Branch continues to meet on the third Saturday of February, May, August and November at

the University of Sydney. The last year has seen a number of presentations on transport history as well as

the usual grab table, discussion and afternoon tea. All members and

guests are welcome to attend. Please contact Geoffrey Clifton at geof-

[email protected] or 0405387478.



The Canberra Division continued to meet on the second Thursday of each month

for dinner at the Ainslie Football Club. As usual over many

years, we were joined by others with an interest in transport.. We look forward to

our venue being within easy walking distance of the Macarthur Avenue stop on the

Canberra Metro when services commence.



The five Brisbane ATA members who regularly attend the meetings have had much to discuss

this past year with the Kippa-Ring [Redcliffe Peninsula] service, the Commonwealth Games, the

extension of the Gold Coast Light Rail and driver number issues giving QR a poor reputation. The introduction of

the new EMUs from India has not been without issues. Most members are old enough to remember when QR was

never in the news or if it was it was good news.



No report received yet Adelaide

The Melbourne Division held its usual 5 meetings at the home of David Hennell in Surrey

Hills during the year.

The topics presented in the 2017/2018 year were:–

July 2017: more extracts from the VR country Easter 1936 working timetable circular C.6/36 - the Mansfield & Alexandra,

Queenscliff, Avoca, Maldon and Linton lines – David Hennell

September 2017: general discussion

November 2017: Victorian, Australian and international station quizzes – Brian Sherry

March 2018: Easter 1963 with 8 trains to Sydney on Black Thursday (also Mildura (4 trains) and Adelaide (2 trains, plus a day

train on Good Friday) – including the relevant 1962/1963 PTT tables); the Mansfield line was included as a bonus – David


May 2018: VR country PTTs – first (1959) and last (1979) of that format – Len Regan

Melbourne members are actively involved in working on the National Timetable Collection. Len Regan is doing an excellent

job co-ordinating the working bees and organising the work in hand which is being carried out at the Prahran Mechanics' Insti-


My thanks to the Melbourne Division members for their continued contribution to and support of

the Association. DAVID HENNELL



ATA has

Branches Everywhere!

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Minutes of the 2017 (34th) ATA AGM




The President, Hilaire Fraser, opened the meeting at 1413 and welcomed Interstate and Distant visitors.

PARTICIPANTS: Chris Pandilovski, Nicky Buckley, Victor Isaacs, Len Regan, Geoffrey Clifton, Geoff

Lambert, Robert Henderson, Noel Farr, Hilaire Fraser, James Ng, Michael Smith, Paul Brown, Alan Gray, Steven

Gray, Ben Lewis, Ian Brady, David Matheson, Jim Wells

APOLOGIES: Tim Fischer, Duncan MacAuslan, Geoffrey Mann, Paul Nicholson, Scott Ferris, Glenn Cumming,

Jeremy Paton, David Cranney, Albert Isaacs, Ted MacDonald, Brian Simpson.

PROXIES: The Secretary announced the following Proxies: Michael Smith, Brian Sherry, Dean Ogle appointed

the Secretary to act on their behalf. David Hennell appointed Len Regan to act on his behalf


That the Minutes of the 2016 AGM be approved.

Moved Lewis / Seconded / Buckley





The most notable correspondence received by ATA during the 2016-2017 year was that from Consumer Affairs

Victoria, concerning change of Secretary/Public Officer.


All Reports were included in the ATA Annual Report 2016-2017 distributed to most members via email and also

available via the Association’s Distribution Service and web page.


The President, Hilaire Fraser, expanded on his written report in the following terms (summary only)

The profit from the years operations is to be used to redesign the web-site and to purchase a computer to

advance the National Timetable Collection and the Association’s Archives.

During the year the number of subscribers to the Distribution List dropped, but the number of items listed and

the “profit” rose.

ATA has received several collections of timetables destined, in the first instance to the Associations Auctions

A second despatch to the State Library of Victoria for its National Timetable Collection has been made.

Congratulations are due to Paul Brown for his management of the Twitter account and especially for the

Facebook page, which has supplied members and the public with information hard to find elsewhere

The Association would like to further develop its website to link to the National Timetable Collection.

The President has used Members News to highlight the ATA’s activities over the last year

Challenges for ATA: Lying ahead for ATA is the relentless advance of paperless timetables and the burgeoning

field of Light Rail, where 5 Projects are currently underway. ATA is keen to renew its Committee with new

people, fresh blood and fresh ideas

Adoption Moved Hilaire Fraser . Seconded Ben Lewis. Received with acclamation

Financial Report

The Treasurer, Len Regan, highlighted the following points from his written report

Assets have increased by about $4K in the last 3 to 4 years

Postage costs are down due to a carryover of envelope stock from the previous year

The Association’s Term Deposit now has a balance of $27K.

Following Len’s report, there was a discussion on postage costs.

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Adoption Moved Regan / Seconded Pandilovski. (nominated by Hilaire Fraser). Received with acclamation

The following written reports were discussed further:

Table Talk

The Editor of Table Talk, Victor Isaacs, summarised by saying that while the Rail section of the magazine

functioned well, there was still a need for improvement in the Bus section, through the appointment of a Bus News


Distribution list.

Hilaire outlined the general process and said that a few paper timetables were still being produced– they are

popular and go quickly. In answer to a question from a member, Hilaire stated that DL went mostly to ATA

Members, but that about a dozen non-members also received it.


The Auction will continue, especially after receiving a donations of a number of collections. There are usually

about half-a-dozen bidders for each item. The most recent Auction had a total of 19 bidders—a record. Some

bidders make “ridiculously high” bids. The new management system for the Auction is working well

Archives Officer

Len Regan congratulated Geoffrey Clifton for collating and forwarding no fewer than 2,000 items to the collection.

He then described the operation of the ATA’s archives and collection management at the Prahran Mechanics

Institute. The agreement between PMI and ATA has recently been finalised. PMI will index items if required to do

so. PMI is buying some surplus items or books from ATA to add to its own collection. PMI also hosts the ARHS

(Vic) library. Len suggested that PMI would be a good place to hold the 2017-2018 AGM


Number of Ordinary committee members for 2017-2018:

That the number of ordinary committee members for 2017-2018 be four.

Moved Fraser / Seconded Regan


The meeting appointed Geoffrey Clifton as Returning Officer to conduct the election.

The following were elected unopposed:

6.1 President Hilaire Fraser (nominated by Geoff Lambert)

6.2 Vice President Victor Isaacs (nominated by David Cranney)

6.3 Secretary Geoff Lambert (nominated by Victor Isaacs)

6.4 Treasurer Len Regan (nominated by Geoff Mann)

6.5 Committee Members : Chr is Pandilovski (nominated by Hilaire Fraser ), Alan Gray (nominated from the

floor); Geoff Hassall (nominated by Hilaire Fraser); Alex Sims (nominated by Hilaire Fraser)


The Treasurer recommended that James T Wells be appointed as Auditor. The meeting agreed on the voices


Normally Canberra would be next in line to host an AGM, but it would be an advantage to have the Canberra Light

Rail system operating for attendees to inspect. Because the prospect for this is uncertain, the members suggested

that Melbourne would also be a possibility. This will be the subject of negotiations with the two Divisions

The meeting concluded at 1530

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18 ATA Annual Report 2017-2018

Office Holders 2017-2018

President Hilaire Fraser [email protected] 5 Manor Hill Rd, Miranda NSW 222

Vice President Victor Isaacs [email protected]

Secretary Geoff Lambert [email protected] 179 Sydney Rd, Fairlight, NSW 209,

Treasurer Len Regan [email protected] PO Box 21, Yea Vic 3717

Member Geoff Hassall

Member Chris Pandilovski

Member Alan Gray

Member Alex Sims


.. The Times Geoff Lambert [email protected] 179 Sydney Rd, Fairlight, NSW 2094

.. Table Talk Victor Isaacs [email protected] 11 Blacket St, Downer ACT 2602

Production Geoff Lambert [email protected]

Membership Len Regan [email protected] PO Box 21, Yea Vic 3717

Archives Len Regan [email protected] PO Box 21, Yea Vic 3717

Auctioneer Geoff Hassall [email protected] 2/30 Vale St, Birmingham Gardens NSW 2287

Webmaster Alex Sims [email protected]


.. Manager Hilaire Fraser [email protected] 5 Manor Hill Rd, Miranda NSW 2228

.. Officer Paul Brown [email protected]

.. Officer Geoffrey Clifton [email protected]

.. Officer Peter Graham [email protected]

.. Officer Geoff Hassall [email protected]

.. Officer Victor Isaacs [email protected]

.. Officer Mike Marshall [email protected]

.. Officer Alex Sims [email protected]

.. Officer Len Regan [email protected]

.. Adelaide Roger Wheaton [email protected]

.. Brisbane Brian Webber [email protected]

.. Canberra David Cranney [email protected]

.. Melbourne David Hennell (03) 9830-1802

.. Sydney Geoffrey Clifton [email protected]

Management Committee



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ATA Annual Report 2017-2018 19

Proceedings of the 2017-2018 ATA AGM

Results and Notes

Results of elections and motions on Reports

Your Notes:

Position Nominee

Nominator Elected? Notes

Committee Member

Committee Member


Vice President


Committee Member


Committee Member

Committee Member

Committee Member

Report acceptance Moved by Seconded by Passed? Notes

President’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

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20 ATA Annual Report 2017-2018




2001 2000 2006






2005 2003



Jack McLean

Jack & Rod Smith