Download - Austin Keen Athlete Profile

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keenAustinChampion | Waterman | ambassador | innovator

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Meet Austin KeenAustin Keen is a renown Skimboarder who is at the top of his sport. He is the reigning World #1 Champion of the United Skim Tour, the globally recognized sanctioning se-ries for the sport. Born in Savannah, Georgia and raised in the waters of Tybee Island, Austin’s skill and desire led him to pursue Skimboarding professionally, and he is now recognized as the best in the world at his craft. Austin has competed all over the world, and now enjoys a growing and expansive international fan base. Austin has given back to the sport of Skimboarding by using his spare time to teach and mentor kids who are just beginning. Austin is respected by his fellow competitors, and is a fan favorite. Innovation, skill, a tremen- dous work ethic and healthy living has made Austin a great role model and ambassa-dor for the sport of Skimboarding.

DetAils• Age: 24• Birthday: May 30, 1990• Education: Saddleback College, Marketing/Business• Newport Elementary – Instructor, Skimboarding Elective • Residence: Dana Point, CA• Website:• Email: [email protected]• Mobile: (912) 604-6379

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2013 united skim tour

world champion

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Contest Results• 2013 United Skim tour World Champion• 2014 United Skim tour 2nd Place• 1st Place – 2013 Exile Skimboards oktoberfest,

Newport Beach (USt Round #8) • 1st Place – 2013 oBX Skim Jam,

North Carolina (USt Round #5)• 1st Place – 2012 Santa Cruz Skim Bash,

Northern California (USt Round #7)• 1st Place – 2012 Exile Skimboards oktoberfest,

Newport Beach (USt Round #8) • 1st Place – 2010 Vilano Pro/Am,

florida (USt Round #6)• 2nd Place – 2013 Santa Cruz Skim Bash, • Northern California (USt Round #7) • 2nd Place – 2013 Southside Shootout,

Delaware (USt Round #2)• 2nd Place – 2013 Chacaya Skim festival,

Antofagasta Chile• 2nd Place – 2011 Vilano Pro/Am,• florida (USt Round #6)• 2nd Place – 2010 Australian Skimdulgence,

Yorke Peninsula, S. Austrailia • 3rd Place – 2013 Vilano Pro/Am,

florida (USt Round #6)• 5th Place – 2013 Brazil World Cup of Skimboarding• Ubatuba, Brazil (USt Round #1) • 2013 East Coast Skimboarding Champion• 2013 florida Skimboarders Crossover tour Champion

Skim, Surf, Skate competition

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inteRnAtionAl tRAvelBrazil April 2013March 2014

Chile January 2013

CaBo San luCaS, MexiCo May 2010May 2012May 2013May 2014 Japan April 2011

auStrailia oct 2010

philippineS March 2010

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Austin Keen: the BRAnDcompanies capitalize on

austin’s marketability and loyal expansive

fan base.

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Photo: MAtt O’Brien

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In 2012 Austin Keen and Exile Skimboards collaborated in the design of his own custom pro-model. Austin was involved in every phase of the concept of development of taking this product to market. It can be pur- chased at re-tailers across the country.


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on A MissiontRACtion PADs AUStIN KEEN PRo MoDEl

In 2009 on A Mission approached Austin about a signature traction pad. Available at surf shops around the country.


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Photo: Les MOrALes

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hit PlAy yogAAustin promotes a healthy lifestyle, and as part of that yoga plays a key role in keeping him in shape for competition. Austin worked with several instructors and designed a training regimen that is celebrated for his discipline. Royalties paid upon subscription.


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Austin Keen sKiMBoARDing CAMPs lAgUNA BEACh, CAlIfoRNIA

Austin Keen Skimboarding Camps, Laguna Beach, California. Austin’s Summer skim camps are popular for young Skimboarders looking to have access to their hero for personalized training.


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MeDiA CoveRAgewhether it’s a lead role in a full-length skim dvd, an epic photo in a magazine, or a contest update on facebook, austin is featured

far and wide through various media outlets.

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Bringing the ViBes 2011 MoV 2012

FeAtuRe length Movies – leAD Role

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DriVe 2013MoV 2012

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auStin keen ‘’it’S da keen’’ SkiMBoarding 96,631 viewSDiltProduction’s 3 minute mini-movie of Austin in Laguna showcas-es his fluid style, wave riding ability, and plethora of technical tricks.

auStin keen Skurfing 33,068 viewSNo fins? No problem. In this video by TOEKNEEABC, Austin takes a break from the shorebreak to paddle into some waves on his skim.

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auStin keen SkiMBoarding in Japan 21,710 viewSThis cheerful edit of Austin’s trip abroad does a great job capturing Austin’s personality, making it easy to see why he is a fan favorite.

auStin’S SuperMan MCtwiSt 1,726 viewSDuring the finals of the 2013 Oktoberfest, Austin landed this trick and blew the minds of everyone on the beach.

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go outsiDeMagazine

surfing Magazine20 Most influential...

Pulse skiMBoarDingonline Magazine

the oCregister

foreVerskiMthe Magazine

36 Go Outside Go Outside 37


PENSE EM UM ESPORTE que mistura manobras de skate com rasgadas de surf em cima de uma pranchinha afiada e sem quilha que corta a água em alta velocidade. É esse o ousado, divertido e de certa forma ainda “underground” mundo do skimboard ou “prancha que plana” – uma evolução do bom e velho “sonrisal” do seu tempo de

a eles, o esporte passou por uma revolu-ção movida a rasgadas, batidas, aéreos e “wraps”, uma manobra clássica do skim em que o praticante vai ao encontro da onda e faz um rápido contorno, surfando nova-mente em direção à areia. E, claro, sem falar nos tubos. Sim, dá para entubar no raso – e, com sorte, ainda sair bem na foto.

“Comecei brincando com uma pran-cha de madeira. Hoje uso um material de carbono de alta performance, desenhado por um engenheiro espacial”, conta Austin Keen, 23 anos, atual campeão do United Skim Tour (UST), o circuito profissional de skimboard. O UST foi realizado pela primeira vez em 2000 para unir todos os torneios profissionais da modalidade. Já passou por diferentes gestões e, desde 2012, é organizado pelos próprios skim-boarders mais experientes, com etapas no Brasil, México e Estados Unidos. Curio-samente Austin nasceu na Georgia, um

estado da costa leste norte-americana sem nenhuma tradição no esporte. “Eu queria continuar dentro da água mesmo quando o mar não estava bom para surfar. Percebi que eu podia deslizar e pegar as ondas com meu skimboard. Só então passei a ir atrás das melhores praias para isso.” Quando se apaixonou de vez pelo skim, Austin decidiu se mudar para Laguna Beach (California), considerada um dos principais picos da modalidade. “Vivo de skimboard e posso dizer que é o melhor trabalho do mundo”, completa o atual dono do título mundial, que se dedica exclusivamente ao esporte, graças ao patrocínio e ao apoio de nove marcas, entre equipamentos de skim, rou-pas, acessórios e até um estúdio de ioga.

ATLETAS TOP COMO AUSTIN têm se des-lumbrado com um pico de skim bem brasi-leiro: a praia de Sununga, a 15 quilômetros do centro de Ubatuba, no litoral norte de São Paulo. Sununga estreou no circuito mundial em 2013 e, neste ano, abriu a temporada internacional com uma etapa realizada no fim de março, reunindo os melhores skimboarders do planeta. “Para mim é o melhor lugar de todos: uma praia pequena com Mata Atlântica ao fundo e um mar perfeito. Lá a onda vem baixa, se conecta logo à outra e acaba formando um lugar incrível para o skim”, conta Renato Lima, de 20 anos, local de Sununga que co-nheceu o esporte em 2004 e hoje compete de igual para igual com os atletas de ponta.

criança. O esporte tem conquistado uma legião fiel de adeptos no Brasil e em várias partes do planeta, não apenas por render ótimos momentos, mas também por exigir bastante técnica e improviso do praticante.

O skimboard não é novidade. Pedaços de madeira flutuantes já eram usados para isso em Laguna Beach, na Califórnia (EUA), na década de 1920, época reconhecida como os primórdios da modalidade. Mas os atuais amantes do skimboard são incisivos: para eles, o esporte começa de fato com as pran-chas contemporâneas, feitas de espumas de alta densidade, leves e resistentes, lami-nadas com resina epóxi e fibra de carbono. A evolução das pranchinhas de madeira começou em 1976 nos Estados Unidos, por iniciativa da marca Victoria Skimboard.

Os novos skimboards são leves, ágeis e dinâmicos e contam com a mesma tecnologia de materiais usada em lanchas esportivas e até sondas espaciais. Graças

Tirando ondaLembra do bom e velho “sonrisal” para pegar marolas na beira da praia? A modalidade evoluiu, ganhou nova prancha e nome gringo – skimboard – e tem conquistado uma legião de adeptos no brasil e no mundo

Por Bruno RomanoFotos Andre Magarao

1. COrra O máximO que puder: a velocidade ajuda muito na onda

2. NãO desista: as quedas e os caldos fazem parte do skimboard

3. iNvista em um bOm equipameNtO, é mais seguro e divertido

4. perGuNte aOs mais experieNtes, afinal eles já passaram perrengues e terão prazer em ajudar

5. CONheça suNuNGa, pois a praia de ubatuba (sP) virou um santuário da modalidade

6. NãO leve tudO tãO a sériO: o segredo do skim é a diversão

7. Chame Os amiGOs para pratiCar, será muito mais proveitoso e, no mínimo, mais engraçado

8. assista aOs vídeOs de skim na internet e repare nos detalhes dos movimentos

9. respeite O mar: observe os locais e as condições do dia

10. pratique muitO para desenvolver a técnica e a capacidade de improviso

Deu vontaDe De brincar? confira Dicas Dos profissionais Do skim para se Dar bem na beira Do mar

skimboard em dez lições

IRADO: O skim exige técnica,

improvisação e criatividade do


ESTRELAS: Acima, o ídolo Paulo Prietto em Newport

Beach (EUA); nesta foto, o atual campeão mundial

Austin Keen, em Laguna Beach, na Califórnia





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rePlay XD aDVertiseMent




eXile skiMBoarDsCatalog

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faCeBook perSonal 5k following

faCeBook fan page 2.4k following

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linkedin 86 ConneCtionS

inStagraM 11k followerS

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testiMony don’t take our word for it.

listen to what companies are saying about austin keen.

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“Austin is a talented athlete, but he also has great business sense. He under-stands our brand and effectively con-nects with our target audience. Kind Snacks is supporting Austin’s SkimLa-guna camps and community outreach with success.“



“he understands our brand and effectively connects with our target audience.”

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“Austin is a fantastic ambassador for the sport of Skimboarding. He’s a fan-fa-vorite, connecting well with the youth in our sport. Supportive of that fact, is his pro-model board is Exile’s number one selling board. “

-aaron peluSoEXIlE SKIMBoARDS, oWNER


“...his pro-model board is exile’s number one

selling board.”

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“Austin’s commitment to a healthy life-style through diet and fitness make him natural fit for Vitacoco. he’s a Champi-on in his sport and provides good ex-posure for Vitacoco.“

-ahna Biddle VItACoCo, DIRECtoR


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“We have a solid team of ambassadors who are all great at their individual sports, and Austin fits right in. he’s an all around Waterman who respects the earth, and his social responsibility matches up well with freewaters.“

-eli MarMarfREEWAtERS footWEAR,


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“our son Alex who is 9 has been to Aus-tin’s skim camps for the past three years. Austin really connects with the kids and makes it a fun experience for them. Aus-tin is a great role model, and has inspired Alex to become a future Skimboarding World Champion.“

-MiChelle duBoiS SKIM MoM

“austin really connects with the kids ...”

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“We’ve supported Austin’s career in Skimboarding for years. He started out helping our shop with private SUP les-sons. He works hard and our customers love him.“

-toMMy donnelly SUP CoMPANY, PRESIDENt

“...our customers love him.”

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2015 highlightSaustin has accomplished a lot

since this flipbook was created in 2014. these next few spreads

feature austin’s highlights from the last year.

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2.4k followerS in 2014

13.2k followerS in 2015

faCeBook following inCreaSeS

By 550%

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11k followerS in 2014

34k followerS in 2015

inStagraM following inCreaSeS

By 300%

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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featured on CnBC’SMake Me a MillionaireinventorAustin was featured demonstrating how to use the “Wake Wing” on an episode of CNBC’s Make Me A Millionaire Inventor.

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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featured in print iSSue of BoarderS MagazineAustin’s 10-page interview is the main highlight of the issue.

read the interview

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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proMoted By nfl legend terrell owenSon August 24th, terrell owens uploaded a video of Austin skimboarding on his face-book. The video has since been viewed over 3 million times, and has 26.3K likes and 35.5K shares.

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“hiJaCking a wake” videogoeS viralThis clip is blew up all over the internet. It has over 20 million views on facebook and over 500K on Youtube and even made it on to Huffington Post, MSnBC and the Ellen Show.

play video

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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interview with rangoe Maga-zineon April 18th, 2015 Rangoe Magazine published an interview with Austin on their website.

read the interview

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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“triple Board tranSfer” videogoeS viralThis video went viral last month, not just through the Surfing world, but through the SUP world as well. In addition to SurferMag,, Stabmag, SurferToday, and many others, Non- action-sport related media outlets have also been sharing it through their social media.

play video

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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Cover Shot of pulSe SkiMBoardingNot only did Austin snag the cover shot of skimboarding’s most popular online magazine, but he was also featured as the main interview.

read the iSSue

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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firSt day wake-Surfing videofeatured on wakeBoardingMag.CoMAustin’s first wakesurf session was so impressive that a video was filmed and edited for

watCh it on their weBSite

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2015 hIghlIghtS

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CuRRent sPonsoR teAMexile SkiMBoardS oaM Surf traCtion eaSt CoaSt SkiMBoardS.CoMhitplayyoga.CoMMoStiC, inCkind SnaCkSfreewaterS vita CoCa SupCoreplay xd

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ReFeRenCesMAtt PoweRs

CEo, PoWERStRADINg [email protected]

ADeeB howRAni oWNER, Afh Photo

[email protected]


[email protected]

Joss huDson CEo, ECoStEEl INC, hItPlAYYogA

[email protected]


PERfoRMANCE RACINg [email protected]

Business oPPoRtunitiesReeD MoRAles

(949)874-8874 [email protected]

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thAnK yOu!

flIPBooK CREAtED BY JACKIE [email protected]
