Download - Aumsiya pp talk for 19th nov 2011

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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Welcome • Let today –Time . Location, Day become

auspiciousness n bring excellence in life • Health, harmony and Happiness• Personal, professional, social and Spiritual Excellence • Peace, prosperity and Success • Material and Spiritual Riches (Dharma, Artha, Kama

and Moksha)• Concept and philosophy laid down over 5000 years



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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-1• Divide virtually your

stomach into four parts • Fill two parts with food • One part with water after 1 hr• Keep one part for air Prevents digetsive illnesses – indigestion, constipation, flatulence


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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

What I will cover today • Why alternative and complementary health care • What are the practices?• Authentic Yoga Tradition – brief introduction • How the Aumsiya center -offer services to you • Present programs and offerings – Aumsiya • Welcome to join here and now? • Become a free registered member • Refer your friend/ relations/ colleagues/ anyone • Contribute by writing a blog • Volunteer your physical, mental and spiritual effort for a



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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Alternative health care in USA • $34 billon /year (NIH-2009)• $18 billion –yoga, rest for self-care

food supplements • Every increasing awareness today in

USA and around the world • Can we offer the service with a quality

guided by evidence based practices?• Birth of Aum Siya Institute of Yoga n

Allied Sciences


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-2• Turmeric – antihistamine ,

anti allergic, anti cancer, anti arthritis, anti cholesterol, anti asthmatic …

• High anti oxidant ( if mixed with ginger or not)

• Turmeric powder or raw – take daily before sleep - 5

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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Why alternative and complementary health care • Reductionist Vs Integral n Holistic

approach • Biology explained by chemistry

explained by physics by ….end result? • How do you know you are healthy?

need <90 specialists • Holistic – all whole as per the definition

of WHO • Integral - essential/vital/ important to

completeness• Age of anxiety – root is in the mind

travels to body….


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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) or new age health care systems CAM- Diverse medical, health, human development and evolutionary practices , products, services Basis-Historical, cultural, traditional value rather than research oriented according to moderns science Alternative medicine – used independently as system of management of health and illnesses or replace modern medical system Complementary/integrative medicine – used in conjunction with or complement/supplement/ pair medical treatments. Both are used together


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Traditional systems and practices –importance and benefits All traditional systems are much more than health and illness management system More promotive, preventive, rehabilitative first followed by managing the illnesses Mostly they are holistic in nature – difficult to put into frame work of modern medical research Master-disciple tradition ( verbal ), texts, traditional masters , practices passed on from generation to generationPhilosophy – system-practice- parameters for progress and changes


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Traditional systems – some examples Herbal( botanicals)/ dietary supplements – probiotics, vitamins, minerals, natural products – Ayurveda, Chinese, Tibetan, Tantra –herbal medicine -18% Americans used them in 2007 , 70% used in India ( 38 % used Omega 3 )Mind-body Medicine ()- connect body with the mind and mind with the body – Yoga, meditation, acupuncture, deep breathing, progressive relaxation, guided imagery , tai chi, qi gong, Manipulative and Body Based Traditional practices – spinal manipulation ( chiropractic and Indian wrestlers practice), Massage therapy, Movement’s therapies – Feldenkrais method, Alexander technique, Pilates, Rolfing Structural Integration, and Trager psychophysical integration.Energy healing – magnet therapy, light therapy , healing touch Whole medical systems- Ayurveda, homeopathy , naturopathy, YogaOther important systems – music, dance , sound resonance


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-3• Breath – Prana- Aura- Bio plasma• 3-5 breath/min – turtle ; 45-50

breaths/min – dog; healthy human being – 18-20 breaths/min

• Increase life span, lower BMR, RR, heart rate , induce relaxation and more – bring Breath rate / min down


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-3• Breath – Prana- Aura- Bio plasma• 3-5 breath/min – turtle ; 45-50

breaths/min – dog; healthy human being – 18-20 breaths/min

• Increase life span, lower BMR, RR, heart rate , induce relaxation and more – bring Breath rate / min down


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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Authentic Yoga Tradition – History 6000 years old , over 3000 masters until Buddha and 1000 texts One fundamental – self discovery Deals with body, emotions, mind, social, ethical, professional, spiritual lives Evolution of knowledge – expression are different Evolution of practices – karma , Upasana , Jnana Most researched areas in CAM


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

What – Why Yoga n Ayurveda ?Physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual?Yoga – Yogah Samadhi/ Emptying the mind of its contents/ equanimity End of all sufferings – physical, mental and natural Ways – constant conscious evolution from falsehood to truth/ ignorance o wisdom and from mortality to immortality Result – eternal /independent state of peace, happiness, wellbeing, wisdom , eternal love


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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Schools and styles of yoga – Authentic Yoga Tradition Over 52 groups of practices and 12 schools of yoga Schools of yoga – different path based on individual state and temperament Styles of yoga based on individual experience in one or more groups of practices Hatha Yoga – known as physical practice but consist of six groups as authentic yoga tradition Raja Yoga known - breathing, meditation and chakra practices but has eight organs Tantra Yoga - expansion of mind


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

How the Aumsiya center - offer services to you Education, training , talks Regular Programs , workshops, seminarsOnline programs – audio video and textual formats Booklets and pdf books Website , blogs Individual and personalized sessions Specialized programs like Autism management, Parkinson , anxiety, depression etc


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Where we want to go with the center Vision – holistic and integral well being Move an extra mile – personal, professional, social and spiritual evolution Inspiration – authentic texts, masters, traditions, Mission – health, harmony and happiness Objectives – preventive, promotive, illnesses management Ways – Talk, Training, Technique / customized and tailor made program (at individual level at present) Means – Person, Program, Practices, Progress, performance and Perfection (as an ideal)


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© A C H A RYA G I R I S H J H A F O R A U M S I YA C E N T E R , E D I S ON 2 0 1 1

Aumsiya center – be in peace

Present programs and offerings Regular Programs on Yoga – Vinayasa, Hot Yoga, Authentic Yoga , Hatha Yoga Regular Meditation n Stress Management – Shanti meditation Music and Music Therapy programs – kids , adultsDance and dance therapy programs – kids and adult Spiritual and yogic counseling – relationship, drug abuse, marital discord and other professional issues Monthly Talk ( evening –weekend -7.30 pm or later) – to be announced Monthly auspicious meditation ( after 9.30 pm ) – to be announced Study group- Upanishad 1 time a month ( 2 hours ) will be announced Stress Management program – 10 weeks course


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-4• Lord Ganesha becoming very

popular here• He over eats Sugar sweets • He eats grass later to help

overcome the adverse effects of sugar

• Known as one of the great masters of herbs and yoga 18

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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Welcome to join aumsiya center? As esteemed member – attend programs, workshops, talks , seminars As an expert – call us and start the program /workshops here to benefit others Contribute – knowledge, expertise , specialties to benefit the community Support- volunteering, fundraising for Autism and other illnesses Add value by your creative Idea


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Aumsiya –ancient wisdom tips-5• Keep smiling and be in peace • Smile – only 32 groups of

muscles while sadness -132 groups of muscles

• Discover peace within ……your essential nature …..beyond stress


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

• Become a free registered member

• Join as Free Registered Member – get connected

• Refer your friend/ relations/ colleagues/ anyone

• Contribute by writing a blog , article, present a program,

• Volunteer your physical, mental and spiritual effort for a cause


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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Let us evolve and redefine our purpose in life ने�हा�भि�क्रमने�शो�स्ति � प्रत्यवा�य� ने विवाध��I व्ल्पमप्यस धम� य त्रा�य�� महा�� �य��II“In this path, no effort is ever lost and no obstacle prevails, even a little of this righteousness saves from great fear.”L. Krishna,( originators of Yoga) Bhagvad Gita (II – 40)



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Aumsiya center – be in peace

Thank you Aumsiya team with all humility

 Question and answer session

NPlease accept our offerings


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