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Page 1: AUGUST Monthly Numerology Report · 08/07/2018  · Unexplainable things, like the threads that hold the Universe together,

AUGUST Monthly Numerology Report 2018


Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like

to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to

read up on it a bit again).

Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a

Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians

and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a

format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is

take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things. This

could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy of the

amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit more

creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up

of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding (as in

understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to


Unexplainable things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light

through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents

structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that

doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this

report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in

order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to

do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to

apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in

the month represent. But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to

you. I don’t even expect that everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that,

in this report, you will find the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.

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The format of the report is quite simple. The first thing you’ll find is the Year forecast. It is

essential to keep this forecast in mind throughout the report as the energy of the year sets the

tone for the entire year. Therefore, each month is dependent on this energy. Next I have done a

forecast on the month itself. As you may have guessed this energy is applicable to all the

weekly forecasts of that month. You will also find weekly challenges, affirmations and an action

plan for each week, as well as what the challenge and lucky days are for that week.

So there you have it. If you’d like to test your psychic understanding you’re welcome to use the

table below to work out the number a name represents. However, please remember that a

sense of detachment works best when interpreting someone else’s name. It really does help to

be objective about others when it comes to being intuitive, otherwise you’ll just find exactly

what you’re looking for. When using your psychic abilities (everyone who has a psyche has

psychic abilities that they can develop with practice) it is common that your ego will super

impose your desires on your reading, albeit consciously or unconsciously. The key is to look at

the information you receive first. Then apply it to the situation as objectively as possible. This

may sound weird, and it will take practice to perfect, but I’m sure you’ll understand what I

mean after a couple of times. A healthy balance between interpretation, intuition and intent

needs to be maintained at all times, lest you unknowingly create more trouble than good out of


Anyway, here’s the table you can use to interpret names, or any words in general:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





DAVID = 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 22 (MASTER NUMER, no need to go to single digit)

EMMA = 5 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 14 = (reduce to single digit) 1 + 4 = 5

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2018 (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11) is a 11 Master number year,

That means this year is all about the mastery of the spiritual Self in

order to relate better with others.

What does 11 mean for the coming year?

The number eleven is the most spiritual of all the numbers. It holds the power of spiritual

enlightenment. It also possesses double one energy, which was the Universal energy of 2017.

So anything you went through on a personal level, especially towards the end of 2017, is likely

to be the focus during the first half of this year as the months make their way through a cycle.

But I’ll discuss the monthly cycles in a bit. Let’s first focus on this very unique year.

On the surface the energy of eleven will be at play, while on a deeper level there will also be a

two energy working its magic. The energy of two is all about relating to others, being

compassionate and loving and reaching balance. This works very well with the eleven energy

this year. Last year was all about you. From September onwards you would have noticed a

slight change within yourself, if you were paying attention. I know I sure did. Whether this

change is positive or negative is yet to be decided.

During 2018 the eleven energy will force you to take a look at yourself in the mirror and assess

your spiritual progress. The one energy is amplified double fold, so it will be difficult to ignore

what the universe wants you to work on. This increase in energy will lead to intensified

emotions, which could lead you to act rashly in difficult circumstances. That is where the

The Year 2018

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mastery of your spiritual Self comes in. Because the underlying energy of the year carries a two

vibration it will be easier for you to see yourself the way others see you. While you may have

some uncharacteristic emotional outbursts you will be able to learn a lot about yourself from


Something to bear in mind as we progress from a Universal one year to a Universal two year is

that a lot of new aspects of yourself and your life came to light last year. 2017 was all about

new beginnings and fresh ideas. As the months progressed the energy that changes on a

monthly basis fell into a new cycle in September. The double one energy was activated then.

Now, in 2018 the side of you that came to light in September last year is progressing through an

even more intense spiritual awakening.

During this year you will have to focus on your relationships with those around you if you want

to reap positive rewards from the available energies. Look at the way you interact with people.

What emotions do they bring to the surface for you? Are there certain people that just push

your buttons for no reason? Or are you just hiding the reason from yourself? This is the time to

be open and honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it.

If you can master this skill you will see a dramatic change in your personal relationships. You

really need to take the time to step back and take that good look at yourself in the mirror. If

you neglect to do some introspection this year will be filled with seemingly haphazard issues,

especially in your relationships.

Acting out is something you’ll find yourself doing regardless of whether you take the time to

look at your reasons for doing so or not. This is all thanks to the amplified spiritual and

emotional energies floating about. You will really need to focus on finding balance within

yourself in order to keep your actions in check. The only way to do this is to make peace with

your inner Self. Your subconscious will be throwing spiritual lessons your way throughout the

year, so take note of what it’s trying to teach you. There may be one big lesson for you to learn,

or a couple of smaller ones that add up to something bigger. My guess is that it will definitely

have something to do with relationships.

Over all this year is destined to be a spiritual leap more than a step closer to you understanding

and fulfilling your destiny during this lifetime. Big things will happen for you this year. By the

end of the year you won’t necessarily have anything to show your progress on a material level,

but on a spiritual level you will have gained more than you can imagine. The key is to keep

looking inward at what emotional walls you have built during your lifetime. If the walls still

serve a purpose learn to work with them. If they have served their purpose it’s time to break

them down and let the stagnant energy flow.

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Life is all about change. This year will teach you how you can change in ways that allow you to

connect to others on a deeper emotional level. It might be scary at first, but as I’ve said before,

take the time to learn from your newly discovered Self. Express the emotions you’ve kept

hidden for so long. With time you will learn how to do it in a constructive way. Being open and

honest will allow you to find an inner peace and calm that will surpass anything you have yet

experienced. From this place of serenity you will then be able to act with compassion and

understanding in any circumstance you encounter.

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August Week One 01/08/2018 – 07/08/2018

Numerology Equation

01/08/2018 0 + 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 20 (2+0) = 2

02/08/2018 0 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

03/08/2018 0 + 3 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 Master Number

04/08/2018 0 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

05/08/2018 0 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 24 (2+4) = 6

06/08/2018 0 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 25 (2+5) = 7

07/08/2018 0 + 7 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 26 (2+6) = 8

Days Numerology Total= 2 +3 + 22 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 53 (5+3) = 8

That means this week is all about figuring out what heaven on earth

means to you…

What does 8 mean this week?

The energy of eight this week will ensure that things run toward manifesting heaven on earth

for you. But in order to manifest heaven on earth you need to figure out what it is first. During

the last months you have been going through an energetic cycle that was propelled by the one

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and eleven energies of 2017 and 2018 respectively. During that cycle you were focused on new

beginnings within yourself. Now, as a new energetic cycle starts during the month of August

you have the chance to start fresh. To harness the eleven energy of the year and make progress

on your Spiritual journey. But where is it that you want to go?

That is the question you’ll be able to answer this week. This week will be about sitting down

and looking at how your life is, and how you actually want it to be. Which ignorances do you

want to dispel? Which physical aspects of your existence do you want to improve? You don’t

have to come up with a grand master plan just yet, but making a list of the goals you have for

the next nine months will be well worth the effort. After all, you can’t get to where you want to

be if you don’t know where you want to be.

Everything works in cycles. With the eleven/two energy of the year forming the basis of this

new cycle things will tend toward the spiritual and relationships. This week you need to keep in

mind that even relationships change, and can be changed. Nothing in this life is stagnant and

the energy of eight is a reminder of that. In reality the only thing you can really change is

yourself, so it would be a good idea to work with the one energy of the month as you go

through this week. Focus on yourself. Figure out what you can change within to bring about the

changes you want without. There is nothing you cannot achieve if you set your mind to it, so

dream big!

The bottom line this week is that everything is on the precipice of change and you have a

golden opportunity to evaluate and direct that change. The direction you choose to explore as a

result of your contemplations this week will pave the road to your future. The eight energy is a

powerful tool if used wisely. It can help you to really get to the bottom of what it is that you

want your life to be like. Allow it to help you figure out what heaven on earth really means to

you this week.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge will be to remain positive. In some aspects the eight energy will also

remind you that you are still human. But you need to look past your fault and past failures in

order to manifest the life that you truly desire. Keep in mind that everything, and I mean

EVERYTHING, can change if you really put your mind to it. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t

let them define your future. Some of the changes that you might want to make may be rather

drastic. They could involve a career change. If that’s the case, stay strong in the belief that you

are in control and you have what it takes to make life exactly what you want it to be.

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What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am in control.

- I am constantly evolving to a better version of myself.

- I have the power to manifest my dreams.

- Deep down I know what I want.

- Change is what helps me grow.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Make a list of all the things you want to achieve. Write down everything that you want in life.

Be as detailed and specific as you can be. Even set dates for yourself. Once you’ve made the list,

in as much detail as possible, ask the Universe to help you find the right path to achieve those

goals. Ask for guidance in making the right decisions and taking opportunities as they present

themselves to you. Once you have asked the Universe to help you let go of the paper. You can

burn it, or bury it, or throw it in the ocean. You’ll remember what’s on there, don’t worry. But

the point is that you need to put your trust in the Universe and let go to a certain degree. You

need to make space for heaven to manifest on earth.

The lucky day of the week:

Friday – The Master Builder, twenty two, energy today will help you to feel like you really can

manifest your dreams. Let it help you decide what it is that you really want.

The challenge day of the week:

Monday – The six energy that comes along today may make you feel stuck in the physical. Don’t

let it get you down, just let it help you be realistic.

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August Week Two 08/08/2018 – 14/08/2018

Numerology Equation

08/08/2018 0 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 27 (2+7) = 9

09/08/2018 0 + 9 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 28 (2+8) = 10 (1+0) = 1

10/08/2018 1 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 20 (2+0) = 2

11/08/2018 1 + 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

12/08/2018 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 Master Number

13/08/2018 1 + 3 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

14/08/2018 1 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 24 (2+4) = 6

Days Numerology Total = 9 +1 + 2 + 3 + 22 + 5 + 6 = 48 (4+8) = 12 (1+2) = 3

That means this week is all about becoming grounded in the here and


What does 3 mean this week?

Three represents all the trinities in the world. As you are on the precipice of major change in

your life the three energy this week is all about taking a look at the past, present and future.

Where have you been? Where are you now? Where are you heading? These are all very big

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questions. Especially when you take the eleven/two energy of the year into consideration. Are

you ready to step through the portal into the Spiritual Realm that the eleven energy of this year

is opening? Are you ready to embrace your future with everything you’ve got?

This week’s three energy will allow you to look at your life more objectively. You will be able to

discern what’s influencing you. Are you using your head, your heart oe your Soul to make

choices? Are you depressed because you’re hanging onto the past? Or are you anxious because

you’re anticipating the future? In reality all that really exists is the here and now. In order to get

through this week successfully you’re going to have to keep that in mind. The one energy f the

month is going to make you want to jump ahead and live in the future world of possibilities. But

the truth is that reality doesn’t exist yet. And the only way you’re going to get to the reality you

want in the future is by staying grounded in the present moment. Sure, have your dreams and

strive to be better, but remember that the here and now is all you’ve got to work with.

Put your energy toward changing yourself in the present moment and the future will take care

of itself. You need to be at peace with where you are now. Setting up expectations for the

future and pinning your happiness on them is only going to set you up for disappointment.

Things don’t always work out exactly as you plan. Life is what happens when you’re making

other plans. And the truly enlightened people in this world realize that in order to build the

future of their dreams they have to be content with and accept what they are and where they

are at in this present moment. Getting everything you want isn’t going to make you happy.

Once you are able to accept the present and be happy with it you’ll realize that you have

everything you need right here and now.

Again, I’m not saying you shouldn’t pursue your dreams, but this week you’re going to need to

remain grounded in the present moment if you want to keep your life on track. If you fail to

stay in the here and now you’re going to become depressed or anxious, because the intense

eleven/two energy of the year is going to become overwhelming and overbearing. Take things

one step at a time and you’ll be fine.

What are the challenges for the week?

Your biggest challenge this week is going to be to stay grounded. There is a lot of change

happening and change isn’t always easy. The change you’re going through is for the best. But I

know how difficult it can be to let go of the past and not fear the future. If you start getting

overwhelmed just focus on the here and now. You cannot change the past or predict the future.

All you can do is put one foot in front of the other and make your way forward in your own

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unique way. Keep breathing and keep going. Trust in yourself and the Universe and start

enjoying the present moment for what it is.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- The here and now is the most important.

- I AM.

- The future will take care of itself.

- My past does not define me.

- I am content with the present.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


To make the most of your week this week just keep your mind focused on the present moment.

Last week you set your intentions for your life ahead. This week it’s time to put your trust in the

Universe. That being said, you can’t sit and do nothing and expect things to change. Start

making little changes in your everyday life. The key here is to keep them small and

maintainable. A great way to stay focused on the present moment is to make a check list for

yourself at the start of every day. As you go through the day and you feel your mind wandering,

go to your checklist and do something on it. This serves two purposes. One, you’ll keep yourself

busy and two, you’ll start getting things done that will ultimately impact the course of your life.

The lucky day of the week:

Monday – The five energy today will give you an extra dose of confidence about where your

future is heading.

The challenge day of the week:

Wednesday – The nine energy today will leave you wondering about the past and future

instead of focusing on the here and now.

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August Week Three 15/08/2018 – 21/08/2018

Numerology Equation

15/08/2018 1 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 25 (2+5) = 7

16/08/2018 1 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 26 (2+6) = 8

17/08/2018 1 + 7 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 27 (2+7) = 9

18/08/2018 1 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 28 (2+8) = 10 (1+0) = 1

19/08/2018 1 + 9 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 29 (2+9) = 11 – Master Number

20/08/2018 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 21 (2+1) = 3

21/08/2018 2 + 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 – Master Number

Days Numerology Total = 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 22 = 61 (6+1) = 7

That means this week is all about getting your mindset right…

What does 7 mean this week?

This week’s seven energy is going to have you thinking a lot. Seven is the number of thought

and dreams. Now, if you’re thinking in a negative way, that’s going to manifest in a negative

way in your life. This is especially true this year. The eleven/two energy of this year is opening a

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portal between the Physical and Spiritual planes. So the things you think about and the way you

think is going to have a direct impact on the quality of your life. Now more so than ever.

With the one energy of this month you also have to keep in mind that you’ve got a chance to

start something brand new this month. So, if you go into this new energetic cycle with a

negative mindset you’re not going to get the results you want. You need to remain positive and

well grounded in order to make the best of this new cycle. The seven energy this week is going

to make you very aware of what you’re thinking and what your thought patterns are. Pay close

attention to what your mind dwells on. Are there things that you can change? Or do you need

to let go of some things? Maybe there’s something you’re clinging to that’s bringing you down

and keeping you from realizing your dreams.

You need to take a look at your beliefs too. Your beliefs are what shape the way you see the

world. If there are beliefs that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life now is the time to

replace them with ones that will bring joy and fulfillment into your life. You are the only one

with access to your mind and your mind is your most powerful tool in manifesting the life you

want. So this week look at the way your mind is working. Make sure it’s working to your benefit

and not to your detriment.

The seven energy of the week highlights thought, so it will be easy to access the hidden crevices

of your mind. Take the time to explore the depths and figure out where you can make changes

within yourself. The one energy of the month is about change on a personal level, so it comes

together nicely with the seven energy this week. Don’t be afraid to explore the depths within.

That’s where you’ll be able to make the most profound changes to your life at this point. Let the

seven energy this week help you to figure out exactly how you can change your mindset to a

more positive one. Without the right mindset growth is not possible and without growth there

is no fulfillment.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s biggest challenge will be seeing your mind objectively. Getting stuck in your own

mind and thought patterns will only serve to keep you stuck facing the same challenges you

face in life. Einstein’s theory was that problems cannot be solved by using the same pattern of

thought that created them. Similarly, if you cannot change your thought patterns this week you

will remain stuck with the challenges you faced during the last energetic cycle. If you really

can’t seem to wrap your head around something get some external input. Ask a friend or family

member for their view. Search the web. Do what ever you can to shuffle your head into a

positive space.

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What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am the master of my mind.

- My mind is my strongest tool.

- I let go of what no longer serves me.

- I have the power to change.

- I love myself.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


A great action plan for this week is to meditate as much as possible. Exercising control over

your mind and allowing yourself to look in on our thoughts from a different perspective will

allow you to gain insight into what it is that you can make changes to. It will allow you to figure

out what needs to change and what can be left as is. So, take a moment each day to just sit

with your thoughts. Where is your mind going? How do your thoughts affect your emotions?

What can you do to change your mindset into one that’s going to bring you more out of life? If

anything really stands out to you make a note of it. You can always come back to it and reflect

on how you can either change it, let it go, or keep it if it’s something positive.

The lucky day of the week:

Sunday – The double eleven energy today is going to give you amazing Spiritual insight into

your current mindset, so take notes!

The challenge day of the week:

Saturday – Don’t let the one energy today make you get stuck in your old thinking patterns. Talk

to someone to get some different insights.

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August Week Four 22/08/2018 – 28/08/2018

Numerology Equation

22/08/2018 2 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

23/08/2018 2 + 3 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 24 (2+4) = 6

24/08/2018 2 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 25 (2+5) = 7

25/08/2018 2 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 26 (2+6) = 8

26/08/2018 2 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 27 (2+7) = 9

27/08/2018 2 + 7 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 28 (2+8) = 10 (1+0) = 1

28/08/2018 2 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 29 (2+9) = 11 – Master Number

Days Numerology Total = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 11 = 47 (4+7) = 11 – Master Number

That means this week is all about stepping into a new cycle…

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What does 11 mean this week?

As you may have gathered from the year above, eleven is all about the Spiritual. Eleven opens

the portal into the spiritual plane and allows you to step into your destiny. During this week you

will see yourself reflected in others more than ever before. Don’t worry, you aren’t going crazy.

It’s just the Universe’s way of showing you that you are connected to everything around you.

The fact of the matter is that everything is connected. And this week’s eleven energy is going to

help you to step through the Spiritual portal that is being reinforced now, and into your next

energetic cycle.

During the beginning of this month you would have laid the foundations of the new cycle you

want to undertake. This week you will be able to embrace the change and start taking the

necessary steps. Whether that means changing careers or just changing your outlook on life.

What ever it is that you need to change will be apparent to you by now. This week’s eleven

energy will give you the courage and guidance you need in order to take that leap. And yes, it

may be scary. It may be daunting. But it is very necessary not to resist the changes you are

going through.

The eleven energy of the year is doubled this week. That means that whatever progress you’ve

made so far, you’re now in a position to really get down to the business of creating the life

you’re meant to live. The life you deserve to live. The one energy of August gives you a new

perspective on life and new hop for the future. Use it. Seize the opportunities presented to you.

Deep down you know what you want and need out of life and now is the time to start getting it.

In fact, with all the eleven energy in the air, those core needs are showing themselves to you in

your everyday life. So, you won’t even have to look that hard to see what it is that you can do

to take full advantage of the change that is happening.

Another great thing about eleven energy is that, while it’s a very individual Spiritual experience,

you won’t be going through an awakening alone. Everyone around you will be experiencing the

same shift. Eleven does, after all, add up to two. So your relationships will also be deepening

and transgressing Spiritual boundaries. That being said, some relationships may fade as you

realize they no longer serve you. But, you will have more than enough people that will

understand you on a much deeper level than ever before. This will create a sense of belonging

and allow you to step into the change you’re going through whole-heartedly.

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What are the challenges for the week?

The biggest challenge this week is not to get cold feet. On the cusp of such a monumental

change it’s normal to feel a bit anxious and afraid. Try to channel that energy into excitement

rather than fear. You can do this by remaining positive. What exciting adventures lie ahead of

you? The unknown may be daunting, but it’s also a space where you have the freedom to

change things to be the way you want them to be. So embrace it and believe in yourself!

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- Change is a necessary part of life.

- I embrace change.

- I am ready to embrace my future.

- I know what I want and need.

- I am can accomplish my dreams.

What is an action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Focus on the positives this week. When you see yourself reflected in others accept and love

them unconditionally. They are also just people going through life. If you can accept yourself

unconditionally love will blossom in all areas of your life. Take the time to write down all the

things you love about yourself. Even consider the quirks. You are who you are at this point in

time and only by accepting yourself will you find the courage and perseverance to change into

an even better version of yourself. Stay positive and stay focused on the good things and things

will only keep on getting better!

The lucky day of the week:

Tuesday – Triple eleven!!! Today is the day that you will truly step into the future of your


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The challenge day of the week:

Saturday – The eight energy today may make you aware of all the little details in your life that

you’re unhappy with. Don’t let it get you down, stay focused on the bigger picture.

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August Week Five 29/08/2018 – 31/08/2018

Numerology Equation

29/08/2018 2 + 9 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 30 (3+0) = 3

30/08/2018 3 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 22 – Master Number

31/08/2018 3 + 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 23 (2+3) = 5

Days Numerology Total= 3 + 22 + 5 = 30 (3+0) = 3

That means this week is all about remembering the gift of the


What does 3 mean this week?

Well three shows up for the second time at the end of this month. This gives you a great

opportunity to take stock of what a gift the present moment really is. Earlier this month three

showed up to show you that the present moment is all that really counts. Now it’s back to

remind you that this is indeed the case. So take time to enjoy the present moment this week.

Don’t worry about the future or despair about the past. You are in the here and now and that’s

all that really matters. So be thankful for the little blessings in each and every moment of your

life. Look for little signs from the Universe that you’re on the right path and that your dreams

are possible. The Universe speaks when you take the time to listen and this week is the perfect

time to do just that. So become quiet. Everything is as it should be.

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What are the challenges for the week?

With all the exciting energy of change in the air the biggest challenge this week will be to keep

your mind quiet. Fears about the future and regrets about the past may crowd your mind. If this

happens you need to take a moment to just clear your head and focus on something in the

present moment. The taste of your food, the sound of the wind, the light of the sun warming

your skin. Stay centered.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am present.

- I am where I need to be.

- The here and now is all that counts.

- The Universe is listening.

- I am thankful.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Make a list of all the things you are thankful for this week. This exercise will help you to remain

positive and keep all the good things in mind. And if those pesky negative thoughts start

creeping in remember to become silent. Here and now is all that counts. “The past is history,

the future a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present.” Repeat this to yourself

over and over and soon you’ll see that this truly is the case.

The lucky day of the week:

Monday– The twenty two energy will make you believe in your dreams today.

The challenge day of the week:

Sunday – The extra three energy today will make it difficult to stay focused on the here and

now, thoughts of the past and the future will try to throw you off track. Stay present!

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Dear Beautiful One,

Now that I have delivered This Month’s Numerology Report to you I encourage you to print it

out and read through it daily so you can make sure you are prepared for April 2016 and all of

the marvelous energy it offers you.

It's also important to know what to be alerted to, especially any possible challenges and

obstacles as you will be able to react to them more calmly. By thoroughly reading through your

report often, you will be assured that you will be conscious of what's happening with the

cosmic energies throughout the month, every month.

Remember that my monthly numerology report

Is the ultimate guide to experiencing a fulfilling and happy life!

By committing to this secret report each and every month,

You will always be one step ahead of the game!

You will undoubtedly understand your life so much more than those who do not have access to

this report, and, as always, I am happy assist you in your quest to enhance your life's

experiences this year and beyond!

Much Love & Blessings

Your Private Online Mystic