Download - August 2021 The Trumpet

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The Trumpet

From the pen of Pastor Mark

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Wow, where has the summer gone? After a COVID “year” that has seemed more like half a decade, the summer has just flown by and here we are at the verge of Rally Day and two Sunday services starting just around the corner on August 8th. Please be sure to be a part of Sunday School as you are able. With all the turmoil in our nation and world in recent times as well as imposition of human ideology that has proliferated more and more institutions, we need the common grounding of a focus on scripture and a foundation of God’s Word to lead us, to guide us, and to strengthen us together.

After some great longevity and holy ministry, we’re also saying goodbye to staff who have made the shift to retirement to spend more time at home with family, including an early retirement for Bonnie Garrett, our Office Manager, on July 15th and retirement for Gaye Markham, our Director of Children and Adult Education, on August 15th. We give thanks both for their ministry and for their hearts of service and love.

As you receive this, we will probably be on the verge of having our August 1st Town Hall Meeting after Sunday worship to discuss survey results about our Modern worship and a possible move to Sunday morning. We will also share some additional discernment from the Transition Team and have time for Q&A, comments, and mutual discernment together. Come be a part of it! We are intentionally having one meeting together in hopes of having both Saturday and Sunday attenders present at the same time for both sharing of results and for continued discernment and responses together.

Earlier I mentioned a focus on God’s Word to lead us, guide us, and strengthen us. During some recent time off with family, I did some reflection (completely unplanned since I was on vacation!) about the future and a sense of vision for the fall and going forward. Sometimes a few days away can help clear your mind. It’s a simple concept, with just three words, each with an “s” sound that perhaps can help remind us of the Spirit. Three words work well for a congregation named Holy Trinity. It also works with our name to imagine them in a connected circle, with the first word at the top of the circle, then going around to the other two and back to the top again, repeating the circle again.

The words for us to consider are Scripture, Stewardship, and Celebrate (still an “s” sound). It seems to me that one feeds and leads to another. We begin with Scripture, to guide us and deepen our faith, to give us direction for abundant lives and to be the servants of the Lord we are called to be. This leads us into Stewardship, which is what we do with what we’ve been given (our very lives, our time, our money, our hearts, our priorities, our work, our effort, our energy, our gifts and talents…all of it.) Being grounded in God’s Word through the Scripture gives us focus, purpose, direction, meaning, and passion for the Stewardship of how we live out our lives. Then we are called to Celebrate our “wins” and all the ways God has blessed us in ministry and in life. We give thanks to God and remember together all the work of God’s hands, for which we simply gather in joy and celebrate. This leads us naturally back into God’s Word through Scripture again for the next steps all over again!

Let me know what you think of this idea and let’s focus together as we transition into fall with Scripture, Stewardship, and Celebration.

May God bless us in our walk of faith together, drawing us closer and deeper to God and to each other.

In the Love of Christ,

Pastor Mark

The Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

August 2021

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A Message from our Church Council President: Dear Friends in Christ: As always, I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well! It was a real pleasure seeing all the Vacation Bible School kids (and many of their parents) at last Sunday’s service, especially as they were mixed in with the many members who have returned to the live service.

As things have opened up over the last few months, people are getting more active again, and the scientists tell us getting more active is good for our mental health in handling stress. I could see the truth in that last Sunday, in how relaxed and happy everyone in the congregation seemed to be after the service.

Similarly, I think that being active in the church can also be good for your spiritual health. We’ve all heard before that we need to live our faith as well as meditating on it, but I don’t think it’s about paying dues (it’s grace not works, after all). When you act on your beliefs and help at MUST ministries, make a donation to the Navajo water project, be a worship servant or participate in any of the literally dozens of opportunities the church offers, you are strengthening your own faith just by demonstrating it to others.

It also helps me personally to focus on the needs of others, even if it’s only for a short time once a week. Psychologists will tell you that focusing on others reduces stress, but it’s also great exercise for our faith to directly live the values of humility and the Golden Rule.

Of course, moderation in everything and quiet meditation is also good and necessary for balance in your faith life. Because our salvation is a gift of grace, we don’t need to spend all our waking hours trying to get more points on the board before the final buzzer!

You are the best judge of what activities feed your personal faith and energy, and now that we are re-opening this might be a good time to consider whether your faith journey might benefit from a little balancing between the active and quiet parts of your meditations.

And don’t worry, this isn’t an appeal for volunteers (that’s next month). I just think that the re-opening is a good opportunity to consider how and where we should resume being active Christians after so many months in isolation and reduced activity throughout our lives.

Yours in Christ,

Mark Ritter

A Message from your Stewardship Ministry Team: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NIV)

When it comes to your giving, there are two principles you need to remember, and they’re based on 2 Corinthians 9:6-8: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (NIV).

The first is the principle of harvest: What you sow, you’re going to reap—for good or for bad. In other words, you’ll harvest whatever you plant. That’s true about money, but it’s true about everything else, too. If you sow criticism, people will criticize you. If you sow gossip, guess what? Others will gossip about you. If you plant resentment, people will resent you. What do you need more of? Whatever it is, give it away, and you’ll get more back. Do you need more energy? Then you have to spend energy through exercise. Do you need more affirmation in your life? Give it away by affirming other people.

If you take a kernel of corn and plant it in the ground, do you get one kernel back? No! I’ve actually planted corn in my yard before. When you plant one kernel in the ground, you don’t get one kernel back. You get a stalk with a bunch of ears and thousands of kernels. When you plant an avocado pit, it grows a tree. Do you get one avocado back? No. You get hundreds back. You always get back more than you put in.

The second principle is that there’s always a delay between planting and harvest. When you plant a seed in the ground, you don’t get an ear of corn the next day. You plant in one season, and you harvest in another. The same is true in giving. You give to other people. You give to God. You give your life away—but you don’t reap the results the next day. There is a season of waiting before God gives you the harvest. Why? Because God is testing your faith to see if you’ll trust him while there’s a delay between planting and harvesting.

While you’re planting and waiting, you can trust God will provide grace so that “having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” Remember these two principles: First, you reap what you sow; second, you plant in one season but have to wait and harvest in another. Learn these principles and apply them to your life—and you will have so much joy in giving!

....A Message from Internationally known Pastor Rick Warren....

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: MONTHLY UPDATE

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Aug 1 John 6:24-35

Aug 8 John 6:35, 41-51

Aug 15 Luke 1:46-55

Aug 22 John 6:56-69

Aug 29 Mark: 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

HT Finances June 2021

MTD Income $61,767

MTD Expenses $75,935

MTD Net -$14,168

YTD Income $469,458

YTD Expenses $469,059

YTD Net $399

The deadline for the September Trumpet is Monday, August 23rd. Email your articles to: [email protected]

Dear Holy Trinity Team, Thank you all for your generosity and the wonderful support you have given us over the years. We are blessed by the Holy Trinity family!

Never forget the difference you make. We are so grateful for you!

Sincerely, Sam Hassler and Carmen Nance Cobb County Division of Family & Children Services

Our VBS Kids and Youth did a great job singing the song they learned

during Vacation Bible School, under the direction of Mr. Vince.

SAVE THE DATE!!! 17th Annual Taste of Habitat—September 17th from 7 to 9:00 PM

Our goal this year is to raise over $30,000 to build Habitat homes in Metro Atlanta. Fabulous chefs from the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat churches will be sharing the foods they love to make. It’s a fun “date night” (adults only) with outstanding food & drink, great fellowship and most enjoyable live music. There will also be a Silent Auction and trivia contest!

WHERE: The Metropolitan Club, 5895 Windward Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA - there are now no restrictions for table set up or any other aspect of their operations. In short, they are back to normal.

Tickets will be $35.00; purchase tickets from your church’s Lutheran Coalition for Habitat representative or at the door. This is the first increase since 2005!


• Volunteer to be a chef—Prepare 120 “tastes” of your specialty! Appetizers, salads and entrees served from 7-8:00 PM and desserts served from 8-9:00 PM. Chefs have free admission to Taste of Habitat.

• Be a sponsor for the 2021 Taste of Habitat; Sponsorship Levels Listed Below. Checks should be made out to Lutheran Coalition for Habitat. Visit the Coalition’s website to view the 33 homes we have built in our community:

Diamond: $5000 or more Platinum: $2500 Gold: $1300 Silver: $ 700 Bronze: $ 250

• Contribute a special item, artwork, dinner or theatre tickets, gift package, etc. for the Silent Auction

Holy Trinity Lutheran Coalition Board Members: Mark Hinkson, Marianne Pieper & Charlene Yde

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Youth Ministry

Leslie and her Youth Ministry volunteers did a wonderful job assisting with the VBS stations. They helped teach the kids the new songs and moves, taught games, aided with crafts, got the kids where they needed to go and assisted the adult volunteers to keep everything running smoothly. You could see smiles not only on the volunteers, but all the children who attended.

On the Sunday after VBS, the volunteers also helped with the Easter Egg Hunt and helped the kids sing their new song in the service. It was a joy to see, so tune into YouTube and look at the July 18 service if you couldn’t attend.

Right after that service, Leslie, Pastor Mark and some Youth went to Lutheranch for a mission trip. Details will be shared in September.

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Children, Adult and Family Ministry Update

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How wonderful! Our week was different and amazing. The children were few but we got to connect with each one like we always wished we could. It wasn’t just my last VBS, it was another step closer to finishing my time here at Holy Trinity. I can’t begin to tell you what this has meant to me. Together, we have started so many ministry events and the Children’s area has been completely transformed over the years, from beige to beautiful. Thank you Janet Stratton, Scott Stephan, Linda and John Vogt and so many more volunteers who helped with painting and staging the area.

Thank you to the many others who have moved on in their lives to other locations, I remember the fun we had. Thank you to the many who helped pull the space together

and those who helped at our events. I’d love to list your names but there isn’t enough room to do that on one page, let alone one Trumpet. Your time, energy and desire to be used by the Lord in the lives of children has blessed me and so many kids along the way! I will miss being here more than you know. I will pray for God’s blessings to be apparent in this place and to overflow in each of you. Much love always, Gaye

Our children aren’t the only ones who

benefited from VBS. Thanks to donations, we

collected $275 to send to God’s

Global Barnyard to help children and families in other countries.

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Pay it BACK … Pay it DOWN… Pay it FORWARD Our Final Year

Total dollars pledged 2019 - 2021: $645,080 Actual dollars received to date: $479,875

Our Capital Campaign is quickly coming to its conclusion at the end of 2021. Over the last 2 ½ years, your Capital Campaign Committee has diligently worked to apply the funds provided, and address the three segments of the campaign: 1) Repair our Church home; 2) Pay down HTs mortgage; and 3) Provide a tithe to designated outreach organizations.

Sooooo, what is next on the project list this summer:

1) New concrete curbing from the Columbarium to the street will be poured this month. 2) Parking lot patching, re-surfacing/sealing and re-striping, plus trenching to alleviate drainage issues. 3) LED lighting project now completed, with NO ‘strobing’ issues and with the capacity to dim lighting, both of

which are very good news.

More good news…all three of these projects are quoted to be under the budgeted dollars!

While good work has been done addressing all three goals of the Campaign, Pay it BACK, Pay it DOWN, & Pay it FORWARD, we are close to not meeting our total pledged amount. Please review your individual pledge, and if possible, meet that pledge before the year-end. For those of you who have already met your pledged amount… THANK YOU (of course, any further support would be greatly appreciated)!

If you are a new member to Holy Trinity, or if your individual circumstances have changed, please consider supporting HT’s Capital Campaign. Should you have any questions, please contact me at my email: [email protected].

Prayerfully Submitted, Jim Wood, Capital Campaign Committee

Update Update

Thanks to all of our HT volunteers, our community received 46 plates of food at MUST in July. Because of your generosity, our leftover casseroles, salads and cookies go on to feed on other days when no one is signed up to serve.

We are always looking for more volunteers to provide food and to join our team! If you would like to provide food, see the items below you can purchase. We’d also welcome your time. Contact Laurie Johnson at 706-325-6466 or [email protected].

If you are interested in helping us with this ministry, here’s how: Send in a check made out to Holy Trinity for $25.00 marked “for MUST

Lunch” Buy a large can of sliced peaches Purchase a large bag of salad Purchase cookies

Please also continue to pray for this ministry and for the hungry in our community!

John 21:17 Jesus said, “Feed my sheep”. Page 6

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My family is so very grateful for the

many kindnesses expressed as we had

my mom's memorial service on July

10th. The service and the reception

provided sacred space for our family to

grieve, praise God and celebrate her life

and reconnect with each other. We are

so very grateful to everyone who made

this possible and made it so special.

+with much love and appreciation

Pastor Bonnie

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The Envelope of the Month for August is:

Battered Women’s Shelter

Support for the Cobb YMCA program which provides safe emergency shelter for women and their children.

This envelope is dated July 31/August 1, but can be used anytime during the month of August.

Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2922 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, GA 30066 Saturday 5:30 PM & Sunday 10:00 AM , then 8:30 and 11:00 AM starting August 8th

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Fall Schedule Chancel/Matins Choir (Adult/Youth) Aug. 12 Thursdays / 7:15 PM King’s Ringers (Adult/Youth) Aug. 16 Mondays / 7:15 PM Trinity Treblers and Middlers (Gr. 1-8) Aug. 8 Sundays / 12:20 PM Lunch Bunch (Parents/Children) Aug. 8 Sundays / 12:20 PM Trebler New Chimes (Gr. 1-2) Aug. 8 Sundays / 1:00 PM Trebler and Middler Chimes (Gr. 3-8) Aug. 10 Tuesdays / 5:15 PM TriRhythmics Drumming Group (Gr. 6-12) TBA TBA Holy Trinity Orchestra (Multi-Generational) TBA TBA

Sacred Spaces/Acoustic Places Chancel Choir Workshop—August 6 - 7, 2021 At Holy Trinity Lutheran and Reinhart University Lynn Swanson will be our guest as we kick off the 2021-22 Adult Choir year at Holy Trinity. Friday

evening will begin with choral training and rehearsal at Holy Trinity. Rehearsals and video recording will

follow on Saturday at Reinhardt University in Waleska, GA. Saturday will be concluded with lunch at Two

Brothers Pit BBQ in Ball Ground, GA. Speak with Vince for more information.

Memorials and Gifts to Holy Trinity

A gift in Memory of Bonnie Baechtel to Holy Trinity was received from Gene and Barbara Bensch.

A gift in Memory of Bonnie Baechtel to the Columbarium Memorial Garden was received from Barbara Hauck-Mah.

A gift in Memory of Sue and Al Hammock to Holy Trinity was received from their daughter, Anne Meding.

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HT Men’s Ministry—Bible on Tap The men generally meet twice each month, on the 2nd Sat. at noon and the 4th Tue. at 6 PM. In-person meetings are following church guidelines, so please

join their email list (see below) for all updates regarding meetings and volunteer opportunities.

SUBSCRIBE to: [email protected]

For additional information about this ministry, please email the above address or call: Dave Tester 678-410-9224 or Chris Winkler 770-565-6635.

Women, Wine and Word

Join Women, Wine and Word as we take a Field Trip to Broken Anchor Winery in Acworth ( on Saturday, August 7th at 1:00 PM. If interested, we will carpool from the church. We aren't going to be taking the bus just yet, so carpool is the next best option. They have a variety of food to choose from if you wish to eat lunch at the winery.

If interested, please reach out to Sabra Black to make sure you are on the mailing list at her email below.

More details will be provided via that mailing list. We will start back with our regular monthly meetings starting in September. Can't wait for you to join us.

Sabra Black and Leigh Lyjak [email protected]

Monday School is hoping...and praying...that we

will be able to begin meeting again in the Upper Room on September 13th. More information to

follow in the September Trumpet. Remember: "THIS IS THE DAY" to feel your blessings.

Rejoice in it!!!

The Wired Word will resume classes in August when Sunday School begins. It is led by Guy Gebhardt & Bill Hetherington. Please contact Guy at [email protected], if you would like to join.

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Young at Hearts

Young at Hearts is planning to resume on the

third Thursday of the month (following any

HT COVID-19 guidelines) starting in

September and going through May. Our

events start at 11:00 AM in the Upper Room.

Our First event will be Bingo. Please bring

one Dollar Store item to put on the prize

table (something you would want to win).

Paper bags will be provided to keep your prize

a secret until the winner opens it. There will

be one “super prize” gift card to Chick-fil-A in

addition to all the fun prizes you bring. Lunch

will be provided.

Cost to attend is $5 and RSVPs are required.

Folks on our calling list will receive a call

reminder the week before the event. If you

would like to be on our calling list, please let

Bonnie know. Call or text 404-391-1000.

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Women of the ELCA Circles . . . Circle Leaders are listed below.

RAINBOW QUILTERS will meet Tuesday, August 10th at 9:00 AM and Monday, August 23rd at 7:00 PM in EB 7-8. Contact Joy Schill for more information at 770-977-5326. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet August 10th at 7:00 PM in EB 7-8. For general information, you may contact Pam Stack at 770-975-8675.

CIRCLE OF PEACE will meet August 9th at 12:30 PM for lunch at Paradise Grill. For more information, please call Joy Schill at 770-977-5326.

GOD’S GRACE CIRCLE For more information, please call Sherrill McGraw at 770-971-4929.

TENDER LOVING CARE CIRCLE will resume in September. For more information, please call Annette Rhadans at 770-424-1957.

WEDNESDAY AM BIBLE STUDY For more information, please call Marna Iverson at 770-917-0823.

Judy Blackwell, Pres. 770-971-9079 Penny Holloman, Vice Pres. 770-642-8962


Women of the ELCA

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A little humor for our ladies who do

wonderful things with yarn &


But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7

The Thirty-third Convention of the Southeast Synod Women of the ELCA will be held on September 18th as a Zoom meeting.

We will meet at Holy Trinity for the convention meeting. We are responsible for planning our own gathering. Kathy Seraphine, our cluster leader, will be in charge of this planning. Hopefully we will all be willing to help for this event.

Registration forms are available in the library. Deadline to register is August 16th. It will be wonderful to be together again.

WELCA will have a quilt display on August 21st and 22nd.

• Display set-up will be August 21st at 10:00 AM.

• Repack for shipping on August 22nd after 11:00 AM service.

• Weigh and label on August 25th. Time to be announced.

If you would like to help, please call Joy Schill.

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August Anniversaries August Birthdays

August 13

Jean Bayer

Chad Burwick

Karin Holmes

Greg Michelle

Caitlin Peisel

August 14

Bob Goin

Kendra Lundhagen

Rob Stouffer

Denise Wise

August 15

Juan Mendez

Barbara Smyre

August 16

Sean O’Grady

Debra White

August 17

Justin John

Jane Langdon

Daniel McGraw

Lena Warren

August 18

Jan Clos

August 19

Barbara Bearden

Gene Bensch

Darryl Carlbom

Carmen Hink

Norma Houck

Debi Moore

August 20

Jon Bayer

Diane DePeder

Nolan Sheldon

August 21

Harold Ballou

Mark Burwick

Dick Klippel

Christopher Lanquist

Elaine Luthy

Michael Riegert

August 22

Rachel Kalliomaa

Michelle O’Connor

Kristina Van Buskirk

August 23

Pat Helgeson

Collin Willmott

August 24

McKena Anderson

Rebecca Fish

Grant Sheldon

August 25

Logan Cleveland

Leslie Gilbert

Joe Paonessa

August 27

Dennis Boley

Jen Erdmann

Don Hausfeld

Lara Pearson

August 31

Jenni Cosler

Sydney Hutton

Martha Manly

Rachel Staggs

Kat Wood

August 1

1992 - Eric & Cheri John

1964 - Ralph & Sandra


August 2

2014 - Stephen & Nina Kuhn

August 3

2012 - Lucas & Carley Geren

1980 - Richard & Julie Walls

August 5

1978 - Dan & Sandy Dranzek

August 7

1976 - Jim & Susie Wood

45 Years

August 8

1998 - Rob & Christie Stouffer

August 9

2008 - Sara & Calvin Coker

August 14

1960 - Lee & Betty Morgans

August 17

1957 - Al & Becky Roach

Holy Trinity Member Milestones

August 1

Lauren Green

Adam Vrtis

August 2

David Fricke

Rebecca Jenkins

Andrew Winkler

August 3

Bennett Howard

Joe Masters

August 4

Amy Cassiniti

August 5

Jose Garcia

August 7

Tony Gray

Luke Lee

Becky Roach

August 8

Cullene Harper

August 9

George Geiger

Marie Gordon

John Luthy

August 10

Lauren Beatty

Marge Ramirez

August 11

Eloise Ittner

Darlene Klein

Lori Vrtis

August 12

Christine Muller

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Oktoberfest News Hello Holy Trinity. SO we’re at decision time about Oktoberfest. IF we can find a group or combination of groups to take over the food service part of Oktoberfest, we can still try to put together an event for this year. It will definitely be a little different, but an Oktoberfest none the less.

The food service requirements include ordering/purchasing brats, buns, ice, potato salad ingredients and pretzels. It also includes three to four days preparation (planning and cooking), getting donations of German chocolate cake, strudel, sauerkraut and drinks, and working the day of Oktoberfest.

A group or combination of groups can split the proceeds from the day. Please consider if this annual event will be back this year and if you can help fill the opening of Food Service.

Thanks for your consideration and feel free to contact me with any other questions, Mimi Jones at 678.778.6464 or [email protected].



August 18

1974 - Steve & Peg Kaiser

August 19

1967 - Darrell & Carol Skildum

August 22

1981 - Ed & Kathy Jenkins

40 Years

August 25

1973 - Robert & Janet Stratton

August 27

1988 - Susan & Tony Cato

1966 - John & Marcia Olson

55 Years

August 28

1976 - Jimmy & Laurie


45 Years

2004 - Ehab & Sarah Kader

1971 - Mark & Kathie Lown

50 Years

August 29

1970 - Doug & Mimi Jones

August 30

1975 - Allan & Jan Lee

2003 - Stacey & Brett


1987 - Stephen Stark &

Kari Jorgensen

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Holy Trinity Staff

The Rev. Mark Beatty Senior Pastor

Vince Evans Director of Music Ministry/Organist

Dr. Won-Hee An Associate Director of Music Ministry

Teresa Hodges Church Administrator

Bill Hetherington Facilities Manager

Office: 770-971-4600 [email protected]

The Rev. Bonnie Lanyi Associate Pastor

Chas Childers Saturday Praise Service Leader

Gaye Markham Director, Children, Adult & Family Ministry

Youth Ministry Leader Leslie Gilbert

Lily Wang Financial Administrator

2021 Council Officers & Leaders

President: Mark Ritter Phone: 678-602-3624 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President: Sabra Black Phone: 770-975-1173 E-mail: [email protected]

Council Secretary: TBD Phone: Email:

Financial Secretary: Doris Beatty Phone: 404-683-5529 E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mark Bessey Phone: 770-826-2518 E-mail: [email protected]

Council & Committee Leaders

Adult & Children’s Education Ministry Chair Steven Reece Phone: 404-668-4244 E-mail: [email protected] Evangelism Committee Chair Paula Garcia Phone: 404-317-0562 E-mail: [email protected] Hospitality Committee Chair Weegie Hoffman Phone: 770-855-1145 E-mail: [email protected] Financial Management Committee Chair Amanda Masters Phone: 678-468-7755 E-mail: [email protected] Personnel Committee Chair Vickie Crean Phone: 770-974-6873 E-mail: [email protected]

Property Management Committee Chair Eric John Phone: 678-402-6574 E-mail: [email protected]

Social Outreach Ministry Chair Trina Hinkson Phone: 678-560-3109 E-mail: [email protected]

Saturday Worship Committee Chair Vickie Crean Phone: 770-974-6873 E-mail: [email protected]

Stewardship Committee Chair: Bill Van Buskirk Phone: 770-794-9394 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Worship Committee

Chair Sabra Black Phone: 770-975-1173 E-mail: [email protected]

Youth and Family Ministry Chair Karin Hetherington Phone: 678-524-4877 E-mail: [email protected]

Youth Representative

Jamie Brown

Serving Communities Boldly, Loving All as Christ

Council Officers

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Evangelical Lutheran Church

In America SE Synod


The Trumpet ▪ August 2021

Easter fun arrived early or late, depending on your point of view. Either way, the kids from Holy Trinity and VBS had a blast collecting the colorful eggs.