Download - August 16, 2020 other words, don’t make any efforts to ...

Page 1: August 16, 2020 other words, don’t make any efforts to ...

August 16, 2020

Rick Bright - preacher

[email protected]

Cell: 417-468-8194

Cathy’s Cell: 599-8980

Office: 468-4161


Worship: 9:00 am

Worship: 11:00 am (online)


Assembly: 7:00 PM


9:30 AM Ladies Bible Class

Sunday Morning

Radio & TV

KOOL 104.7 FM Answers 9:00 AM

Hardy, Arkansas Live stream

Channel 10

Search 7:00 AM Living Word, 7:30 AM

Channel 33 Know Your Bible, 10:30 AM

Marshfield church of Christ

610 S. Marshall P.O. Box 458 Marshfield, MO 65706

(417) 468-4161


Leave Bears Alone

Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the Lord. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths. 2 Kings 2:23-24

Last month on July 19th, according to a CNN news article, a Mrs. Keller who lives in Virginia was delighted when a large black bear decided to take a nap in a kiddie pool she had in her backyard. Now, I am not so sure that most folks would be too delighted to have a large black bear napping in their backyard, especially after

reading II Kings 2:23-24. "This was the biggest one I've seen this year," Keller told CNN. "He wandered around the backyard... and went over by the pool and dipped his big paw in the water... and then climbed right in and laid down. He seemed so content and refreshed." Mrs. Keller said she left the bear alone and that the bear stayed in the pool relaxing and napping for about an hour. Then the bear was chased off by the sound of her grandchildren arriving in her driveway with their dogs. According to experts, bears are normally shy, retiring animals that have very little desire to interact with humans. Unless they are forced to be around humans to be near a food source, they usually choose to avoid us. Sadly, some folks in our world are like the black bears. They don’t want to be around people and they spend a lot of their time growling like an old bear rather than enjoying the people in their lives. The Bible tells us that God never designed man to be alone! From the beginning, God planned that a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife (Gen. 2:24). In fact, this statement is repeated in three other passages in the New Testament, twice by Jesus in Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7, then by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:31. Thus it is clear that God wants us to get the message. God designed us to be a part of a loving family. He designed us to be social beings. Christians make up the spiritual family of God in this world (Eph. 2:19). And this family of God is a fellowship that exists to love, care, share, and serve God and one another together (John 13:35). A large black bear might be interesting to look at while napping in a kiddie pool, but experts warn that a sleeping bear is dangerous, especially when you realize a kiddie pool means children nearby. Conservation agents say if you see a bear, don't get close to it, don't feed it, just give it space and call your local conservation department. In

other words, don’t make any efforts to socialize with wild bears and attempt to occupy the same space in the bear’s world! However, the Lord’s church is a fellowship, a place where God’s people share the same space, a place where we can get close to each other and share our lives with each other (Acts 2:42). Sadly, Covid-19 has been like a bear in our midst. Our one another fellowship has been disrupted and our closeness interrupted. Even our fellowship meals together have been put on hold with no worries about a bear eating our leftovers out of the trash cans. Like in Acts 8:1-5, despite the havoc, we must bear up!

Wild bears are not a welcome member of any community! But God welcomes all who obey the gospel and choose to live as faithful members of the family of God. God designed the church of Christ so that we do not have to live in this world alone! The truth is, we don’t want to “bearly” go through this life alone! That would be more than God expects us to “bear.” Sure, we leave the wild bears alone, but as christians we live “bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 6:2).

Rick Bright

Continued from Page 1

Continued on p. 4

Marshfield Church of


It’s God’s Plan for Man

Believe: Hebrews 11:6, Mark 16:16, Acts 8:36-37, Acts 16:31

Repent: Matthew 4:17, Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30

Confess: Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:37

Be Baptized: Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21,

Galatians 3:26-29, Acts 8:36-38,

Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-4

Live Faithfully: Romans 6:4, Matthew 7:21,

Matthew 28:20, Revelation 2:10

When We Don't Know Why

We have so much difficulty grasping why bad things happen in this world. How can God be in control when we see so much heartache, sickness, and evil? This has long been a point of doubt for many. Books like Job, Ecclesiastes, Habakkuk, and many Psalms grapple with this problem.

The reality of evil and heartache in this world need not sink our faith. The fact that Scripture devotes so much space to the problem of evil, and indeed is a major theme of Scripture, is evidence that its existence in no way impugns the integrity and purposes of God. Scripture is a testimony of God’s response to the problem that includes Jesus dying for our sins so that we can be reconciled to Him.

Times like these require that we make a decision about whom we will trust. Trust will be tested the most when we are required to give up the most. Think about Abraham sacrificing Isaac and trusting that God knew what He was doing, even to the point of believing that God would raise Isaac from the dead (Gen 22:1-14; Heb 11:17). When Abraham was asked to give up the most, he trusted God all the more.

When we don’t know why, we must trust that we know the One who does know why and that He always has good reason to act, to allow, and to arbitrate between the various events and issues that we face in this world. Since we are to walk by faith not by sight (2 Cor 5:7), and since faith undergirds our hope (Heb 11:1), then we ought to remember that faith is the demonstration of our trust in the reality of what we cannot see. We don’t see what is going on “behind the scenes,” but we know the One who owns and manages the stage. Don Moyer 06/14/20


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Remember in Prayer: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 * indicates local member at Marshfield

*William Dill continues to suffer from frequent severe

migraines. Shanda Hahn, a relative of Becky Hyder, has stage 4 cancer. *Dennis Hawkinson will have gastric surgery for two

ulcers August 17. Sid Heistand, Elvis’s father, will be undergoing further

treatment and possibly more surgery. Karen Helms, a friend of the Chafins, has cancer. *Lilah Herman’s surgery has been delayed due to the

surgeon having a family emergency. *Christina Hopkins will have a nerve study on the 18th and

myelogram on the 25th. Dean Horning ‘s condition is growing worse. *Connie Isis is suffering severe back pain and will be getting

shots in her back. She should get her test results back on the 17th.

Marsha Kammerer is doing well and awaits more scans next month.

*Bobby Lewis continues to fight a battle with seizures and other related health problems.

*Missy Lewis is having ear problems and is asking for your prayers.

Keith McHenry has passed all of his tests and is now on the list for a kidney donor.

Tye McMasters is continuing to improve. Eli Peak, a friend of Alex Heistand, has lung cancer. *Roy and Judy Phillips are battling several health issues. Tom Porter, Jeana Tracy’s brother-in-law, was moved to a

nursing home in Mountain Grove. Brooklyn Reynolds, niece of Kristy Johnson, is infected

with the Covid-19 virus. She and her husband, Caleb, are especially concerned since Brooklyn is 7 months pregnant.

James Taylor, a friend of the Hyders, is battling cancer. Liz Barrows Taylor, friend of Leon Moon and daughter

Patty, is confined to a walker with rheumatoid arthritis. Ila Thomas has been diagnosed with ALS. Ila is the sister-in

-law of Janet Batson Penn who has visited with us.

Charles Todd, Ivan’s brother, has been suffering with heart problems.

Cheyenne Villines has started her chemo treatments. Eddie Watkins has had a stroke resulting in some paralysis. Susan Ziebarth is having trouble with her diabetes.

Remember The Care Bound Judy Barrow (Webco)

Jaxon Bradley (Citizen’s Memorial in Bolivar)

Faye Blazer (Marshfield Care Center)

Bonnie Doherty (Webco East)

Pat Lamb (Webco)

Zoe Lawless (Webco)

Jeana Tracy (Marshfield Place)

Welcome Visitors: Please leave a record of your visit by filling out a visitor’s card and placing it in the collection plate.

Worship: Thank you for attending worship today. And thank you to all who are arranging and participating in our worship today. Also appreciation goes out to those greeting, providing masks, and sanitizing before and after our assemblies.

Thank You to all the men who helped with the work day yesterday. A lot of good work was accomplished. And thanks to ladies who prepared lunch! Also, appreciation to the many who have contributed financially.

Teachers Needed: We need at least two teachers to take over the 2-5 year-old class when we resume Bible school classes in the future. To provide for rotation of teachers, we anticipate needing two additional teachers. If you are willing and able, please let a member of the education committee (Ron T., Randy H., or Bob L.) know as soon as possible.

Singing and Ice Cream: Terry Cruise is hosting his annual back yard singing Saturday, August 22. Singing will begin at 6:00. Bring lawn chairs, ice cream, and foods that go well with ice cream. Social distancing will be observed.

Wednesday Summer Series Continues at 7:00 p.m.

It was great to be back together on Wednesday night! Remember, we are meeting in the auditorium for singing and the Summer Series lesson. (No children’s classes at this time.) Masks are required at this meeting time and we are using the social distancing seating. Please make your plans to attend! It is worth it! Tim Brashears will be presenting the next lesson from the book, Why

I Am a Member of the Church of Christ by Leroy Brownlow: “Because it is undenominational.”

These lessons from the scriptures will affirm why we believe what we believe. They also will encourage us in our walk with Christ by creating a great appreciation for the scheme of redemption and the church.

Upcoming Wednesday Summer Series Speakers: 8/26 John Marchand

9/2 Terry McMasters 9/9 Dan Johnson 9/16 Larry Chafin

The Wednesday Evening Summer Series is live streamed on Facebook beginning at 7:00. It will be made available on YouTube following the conclusion of the assembly. Put in the YouTube search bar: Marshfield Mo church of Christ

Pantry: There is a limited variety of groceries in the kitchen on the south counter. If you are in need or you know someone else in need, feel free to help yourself to whatever is there.

Please bring shelf stable foods, toiletries, and similar items to the church building to be included in the pantry for local needs.

News and Announcements:

Christina Hopkins 8/02

Jerry Branstetter 8/03

Jim King 8/03

Ellie Sanders 8/08

Jeff Fisher 8/09

Thad Layne 8/14

William Dill 8/15

Susan Brown 8/20

Wanda Crews 8/20

Scot Greer 8/20

Travis Hampton 8/20

Diana Greer 8/21

Jaren Hamilton 8/21

Ron Peck 8/24

Luther Sheppard 8/30

John & Tiffany Sanders 8/07

Monty & Glenda Farley 8/08

Bob & Missy Lewis 8/08

John & Marcie Marchand 8/22

August 9 Sunday combined attendance— 100

August 9 Sunday contribution—$4028

August 12 Wed. attendance—29

If you are unable to attend, contributions can be

mailed to: Marshfield Church of Christ, P.O. Box

458, Marshfield. MO 65706.

Daily Prayer List Additions

1. That God will bless the congregation with continued growth

2. That our ongoing home Bible studies will bear fruit

3. That our God will provide an Eldership

4. That our faith, unity, peace and harmony will remain strong together in Christ.

It is all about lost souls! Luke 19:10

October 2-4—Gospel Meeting with brother Dave Miller