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Media Studies Ext Diploma: Audience Theory Task Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory

Task 1

Watch the music video for Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball’

Make notes on:


The camera angles used in this music video start with a close up where we can see her main features of her face, in the background we can see that it has been filmed in a studio as the lighting is very bright and clear. There is a low medium shot that shows her walking towards the camera with a sledge hammer dragging it across the floor before focussing on it then to her face as she leans against the wall. We then see a scene where she isn’t in the middle of the camera angle as a main focus as we see that she appears trapped in this dull grey concrete room.

Sound (non diegetic; consider lyrical content/musical style)

The music video’s lyrics are about her last relationship and the possible problems within it. When it says “Don’t you ever say I just walked away, I will always want you” she is shown with a close up of her crying.Linking the music video to the lyrics she sings “I came in like a wrecking ball, I never hit so hard in love” as she swings on the wrecking ball whilst knocking down the walls.The lyrical meaning does connect slightly to the music video but at the same time there are scenes that are just connected with the construction area.


The start of the video is a long clip of her singing close to the camera which they have cut into different sections to put into the song when she is singing the same lyrics.For editing all scenes are fast cut which means they all just continue to the next part of the music video and they are quite short scenes The music video does carry on in a linear narrative.When we see the scene with the wrecking ball knocking the wall over it has been slowed down for the editing.

Mise en scene

We first see her natural makeup but with bright red lipstick which the colour connotation that this could stand for lush, love or a more sexualized look. We then see that she is wearing Doc Marten shoes that are more of an industrial kind of work shoes which matches the environment in which looks like a construction area with grey concrete walls.She is wearing a white cropped vest top which is visible that she hasn’t got a bra on, she also has matching underwear with the big boots on.As she lifts up the sledge hammer above her head it gives a more dominate way.

Media Studies Ext Diploma: Audience Theory Task Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory

She is show quite sexualized with the sledge hammer and swinging on the wrecking ball. Just being in her “underwear” and then half way through the music video she is just shown nude which makes the video inappropriate to a younger audience.

Task 2: Discussion; What types of representation are encoded by the producer in the video? Are there any challenges to certain types of representation? What is your reading of it? How have you decoded them; positively or negatively?

My thoughts on the music video was negotiated opinions for the fact that the negative stuff include that she is shown over sexualized with hardly any clothing on with visible notice that she is not wearing a bra under her shirt and then half way through the video she is completely nude. She also This means that the producer would have to make two versions of the video so that it was suitable for all audiences viewing it. The positive things about the video are that although she is shown nude she is proving the point that she is proud of her body and the fact that she knocks down the walls is a way of showing she is changing and opening up possibly as a lesson to that she didn’t as much as she wanted in her relationships with people. The lyrical meaning was positive in the fact that she wanted to change and that her feelings would never change but there is a part in the song that is questionable as she says “I just wanted you to let me in and instead of using force I guess I should’ve let you win, I never meant to start a war” it is questionable as it possibly gives you an insight to her previous relationship.

Consider your own reading of the text. Is your reading:

(circle one)

Preferred: you agree with the encoded messages concerning representation; you have decoded them positively, you enjoy the artist’s depiction of them and the producer’s intentions.

Negotiated: (e.g) You don’t fully agree with the encoded representations, but have decoded the text positively because you enjoy the style and content.

Oppositional: You are completely opposed to the encoded representations in the video, you have decoded them negatively and find them damaging and/or you find the style and content inappropriate.

Media Studies Ext Diploma: Audience Theory Task Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory

Reception theory: Consider WHY you have this reading. Is it due to your age, gender, cultural or social background?

I think I have this opinion of the music video because I can understand from why from both sides. I can see how parents may not want their younger children watching this music video as Miley Cyrus’ career of singing and acting started on Disney channel which is a children’s TV show, the reason why it’s not suitable is because she’s shown as a role model to those younger viewers and if they became aware that this is how she is now then they may follow in a different way. Even though she had to grow up from her role as Hannah Montana, she has chosen her new style even if this includes what most would say inappropriate, she is still making a meaningful song in which the music video links with the mise en scene which includes the props used and the settings chosen.The first time I watched the music video I had Oppositional thoughts towards it as I found it wasn’t appropriate for all audiences so it wasn’t going to be allowed to show scenes from the music video but after listening and thinking about the lyrical meaning both on its own and with the music video my views and opinions changed to negotiated as I had reasons why it could be classed as bad but also good.