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Audience research – analysis of my survey

In this survey, I asked 10 questions, and collected 25 results.

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Question 1: Are you male or female?Out of the 25 results I collected, 68% were female, and 32% were male. From these results, we can see that to gain a more balanced survey with more validity in its results, I should have asked a more males.

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Question 2: How old are you?

Here, I asked the age of the participants. 100% were of the age of 16-20, however, 5 who skipped the question added that they’re 14-15.

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Question 3: Do you buy music magazines?

36% of participants answered that they buy music magazines, and 64% do not.

This is helpful, as I now know that a lot of the younger audience do not buy magazines, however, if I can consider this as a make my magazine and try to make it appeal to all members of the public, whether or not they had previously bought magazines or not, by adding things of their interest which I discovered the answers to in the later questions.

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Q u e s tio n 4 : Wh a t g e n re o f m u s ic d o y o u lis te n to ?

Here, I got a total of 19 responses, with 6 ‘Other’ answers, specified. 10% of the 19 answered that they listen to R&B, with the majority – 52% - listening to rock (metal/ post-hardcore/ pop-punk) music, and none listening to Folk music. The rest of the 6 who answered ‘Other’, specified their results. However, I would add ‘scream’ to the Rock category.

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Question 5: how much extra money do you have to spend on magazines, gig tickets, clothes, things of your interest?

Out of the 25, 22 answered this question within the categories. 40% said they spend £11-£15, and 13% said they spend £5-£7.

The other 3 responses answered with very varied results. One saying they have no spare money, one with a lot of spare money compared to the rest of the results.

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Question 6: What do you do in your free time?

This question involved multiple choice answers. The majority of what people do their free time includes listening to music (86%), with the least activity done in peoples free time includes playing sports.

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I also received 6 more specified answers, 4 of them including ‘Reading’.

From these results, I can make my magazine suit more to the styles of my target audience.

Question 6 continued:

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Question 7: Do you own a Smartphone?

I asked this question because I thought it would be useful to know how many people own a smartphone, to see whether a QR Code would be effective on my magazine.

I can see that over half (68%) the participants own a Smartphone, with 32% not owning a Smartphone.

I can see that by adding a QR Code on my magazine cover, it would be useful as many people own one.

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Question 8: What do you look for in a magazine?

From this question, I can see that 71% of people look for interviews in a magazine, with the least amount of people looking to buy a magazine because of the interesting cover lines (47%).

I also received 6 other responses. One of them could be categorised under crafts.

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Question 9: Why would you buy a particular magazine?

For this question, we can see that people would buy a particular magazine because of certain bands/musicians (60%) and interviews (47%). With the least amount buying a particular magazine because of a free object that’s included (30%).

With these results, I can make sure that for my magazine, I include these things in it, or on the front cover. It would be important that chose a good main image, as that seems to be what attracts the audience, then the interview with the particular band, and finally with the cover lines included on the front cover.

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Question 10: In a typical month, how much do you spend on physical and download music?

Here, we can see that the majority spend less than £7.99 per month (59%), and 4% spending £21-£25 per month.

The other answers can be categorised into illegal downloading, or using social media sites for listening to music, and ‘nothing’ going into the category of ‘Less than £7.99’ .