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Audience investigation

What is an audience?An audience is a group of people who are participating in a showing or encounter, work of art, literature, theatre, music, videogames or academics in any medium.

What audience theorists can you find?

1. Uses and gratification theory, emphasises what consumers of media products do with them, the power is considered to lie with the individual consumer of media who is seen to use certain tests to gratify certain needs and interests.

2. Hypodermic needle theory is a out dated model of audience consumption, it place the power with the text and institution that created the text.

What Audience theories can you link to the horror genre?

The uses and gratification theory can be linked to the horror genre though entrainment and escapisms purposes, some audiences will watch a horror film purely for entertainment purposes some will watch it to escape from the world they are leaving in for a period of time and travel to a place where they know it isn’t real.

The hypodermic needle theory can be linked to the horror genre as after seeing some horror films some members of audiences may feel they may have to act on what they have seen, for example a horror film bases on suicide can often trigger post traumatic suicidal thoughts and on very rare occasions lead to a fatality, this is why in the production stage of a horror film the film makers must be very carful what message they are conveying to their audience.