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Audience Feedback

Music Magazine Evaluation

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Survey Monkey Questions

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Pupil CommentsApril Syder said...

– I love the photography used in this, as it has been well stylised, with the model in a clear role suited to the music. i like the simpleness of the red, white and blue and i like the way the text has been laid out as you can see without reading you get a lot of information about the artist. I think the area for improvement is using a different font the masthead.

Jessica Campbell said... – I really like your magazine. The front page is eye catching. I really like your layout and use of image for your contents page. The image

are well done. you can tell that all the page are part of the same magazine. Jessie

Sophie Garrod said... – I really like you're house-style and the colours work well together and tie in with the pictures, especially on the front cover. Nothing to

improve. It's very good.

DBarber said... – I like the house style of your magazine it all fits together nicely. the photography is also good. i like the colours you have used

throughout your magazine.

E.Rickwood said...– Your front page involves a good shot of artist, close up allows detail of who he is and his style and choice of music. Fonts all match

well, from main title to sub headings and pull quotes. Colours link well to each other and the theme of the mag. Also relate to the main photo. Your contents include a good use and variety of images all relating well to the magazine. It features different images of different artists but all similar to the same music type. Font also links to front page, same colours to (house style). Your DPS main images work well together, clever idea has been used. Colours and font choices are again the same which shows a relationship with each page of the magazine. Separators are bold and allow each section of text to become individual. Maybe to improve change the style, rather then the same font and colour throughout, keep it similar just not exact.

Paul– On your front cover your double red line is not very effective on this page, however I like how their is little text yet it still works. With

your contents I like how you've used a range of models not just one. The quote used is also very effective. I would like to see all the images in black and white to see if that works, alter the house style by doing this. With your DPs I like the pictures and use of entry text. The double red line around the text is effective on your DPS, maybe instead of a white background, a grey one, to match the colour of the steps. I also like how the image goes over the pages to make what seems to be one image, but is 2. An improvement is to use the space you have more, to many gaps.