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InformationMagazines provide (usually new) information about a particular subject to the audience, in this case- music, but this applies to any magazine be it film, fashion or fishing!

Each magazine is specifically catered to their audience. For example, music magazine will include information on new music, current hits, artists, albums and sometimes personal gossip regarding a band, like rumours of them splitting up. They also reflect on past events as well as current and upcoming ones in the music industry such as festivals, tours, concerts or music awards. By including details of events the reader feels more connected and involved, as most of the readers wont ever feature on a music magazine so it’s important they feel valued whenwhen reading one – like a star!

The readers also want to be informed on new music so they can share it with friends. The inclusion of information satisfies a reader’s interest and curiosity about the music industry by reading the articles and reviews within the magazine. Additionally, the information gives their audience confidence in discussing music as they can rely on the magazine being accurate and the information validated.

It is important to note that some music magazine only cover a specific genre, and therefore the information in a general music magazine would be more broader and general than, say, a country music magazine.

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Personal Identity…. Is crucial as it allows an audience to identify with the content in a magazine, be it supporting or sympathising with an article on an artist or agreeing with a review of a concert or album.

It is vital to include emotive sell lines and articles to peak the reader’s curiosity, encouraging them to buy the magazine, as when they read the articles they’ll feel self gratification and feel comforted knowing that these role models are only human and make mistakes too, or have had a diffucult journey to success, but also proud of their achievements. Therefore, the audience feel more connected to the feature artist, perhaps realising they share the same values. It’s important to humanise artists to make them more relatable.

Similarly, if the featured artists are a style icon or an inspiration to the auidence, then theaudience will aspire to be like them, encouraging them to learn more about the artist through the magazine, which is a key selling point! For example, the audience might personally identify themselves with a style or artist, and will want dress like them or own anything with their name on it, therefore they are more likely to buy a copy of the magazine.

Personally, I’m very impressionable. A few years ago I read a new article on Taylor Swift. She had just had her hair cut – dramatically shorter, and so a week later I did the same!

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Integration and Social InteractionEven though you would read a magazine on your own, magazines actually encourage you to connect with like minded people (the magazine’s audience) to discuss and share views on the magazine’s content, be it with close friends or online with strangers that share the same passion you do!By provoking conversation, the magazine gains free publicity, as the magazine’s contents spread through word of mouth around the globe, and can be discussed with people who might never of heard of the magazine but love the featured artist. For example, a girl reads the magazine then discusses it with her group of friends which influence them to buy a copy each due to curiosity or peer pressure.To reach out to a larger audience, a magazine may have accounts on social networks like Twitter or Facebook to involve their audience in discussions or events as well as persuading them to buy the next issue. Also, many magazines offer a digital copy online, as well as exclusive online articles on their website, which people can share with friends through social media. Not only does this generate free publicity but they can also get feedback to better adjust to their audience.In some circumstances, reading can be a form of escapism, and can be a substitute for human companionship, particularly when you identify with the artist.

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EntertainmentMagazines are a form of entertainment and are a distraction for people from their hectic lives and can lead to an emotional release which reduces stress levels. Reading magazines (and looking at any form of media) allows audiences to escape their everyday life. It is important than relaying information to the audience, the reader is engaged and does not feel like they’re listening to a lecture and tune out.

Enjoyment from magazines can be from reading articles, however some people may “read” magazines for sexual gratification. Laura Mulvey’s “the male gaze”, is the theory that the “camera” always sexualises and objectifies women. This applies to a lot of magazines, not just ‘lad mags” like ‘Nuts’. Other magazines will be more subtle in sexualising a woman and it will be

more tasteful, but are some still see it as sexist and degrading. Music magazines like Q do not shy away from seductive or provocative photo shoots.

Some people find it relaxing to flick through a magazine and skim read or stare at pictures and let their minds wonder to pass the time on a journey. Others might intensively read the magazine to find advice on fashion ,home improvements, life and music or be up to date on the latest gossip or news, either way, fulfilling their passion.