
Au us ,_7 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL Capt. R. A Dikis USN (fret) Acting Deputy MRNBUKRGDVSONEG EE G&CNTUTONMaj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Bal. District,VICE PR ESIDENT Dr tr. . . 33 8Second Floor, Terminal Building, Cristobal BUR EAU B l oieSain. . . 3 2" , ~William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director . . . _ . 7562 Maj. Ralph C. Stone, Commander, Crist.IId !\q Room 236-240, Administration Building CDR Richard J. Clements, USCG, Asst. to Hry.RymdcngMr(T B).4-31Rcam 318 Administration Building District, Crist. Police Station. 43-2111

0 GO ERN ENvCZ NA NAALTWALTRDDBJOJ ETSFnanca FinancreiarlMarVicefeM)i.l.7J BMell, A.cBtingtigAAss.anM grn.a.43-3,2,o,.4.3J PLUKETJDieJ.r (E)U.76ETW.,. TDirWcrto, .Z.PC)ientary1 -0President (FV). . . . 3194 Do ga .S h it dnn fie 8 9 E. Ridge, Gen. Foreman, Bldg. 7059, Mrs. Ella Gerchow, Secy. .7684G mb a. . -6 2at 11k *1' B rh .A kn o ,S c .7906 Mrs. Joan Ohman Budget Officer . . - .,. 7562 Mt. Hope .,.,,.-. __.__. . 43-1575 M. Bierman, Deputy Director ., 3527 POSTAL DIVISION-~~~PNMA AAP N John E. Fisher, Deputy Financial Vice President 3580 Staff Engineer --. 11. -- . . . .1 7529 Jan Marrip, Gen. Foreman, Bldg. 1200, La Boca 3106 Mrs. P. M. Risberg, Admin. Officer. _ 3375 Room 300PANAM CAN L CO PANYDuane A, Rigby, Asst. to Financial Vice Pres., J. C. Dyer, Employee Relations Specialist .52-8217 R. E. O'Connor, Asst. to Dir. for

Room 240 -. _, . . .. 7906 W. G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist. -52-8217 WATER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Labor-Mgmt. Relations. 7987 Lew C. Hilzinger, Director of Posts (CAPS) ,,- 3146Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FVXA) . 7636 Mrs. Roberta F. Egalf, Safety Officer, Second Floor, Terminal Building, Cristobal LTC Charles D. Shaul, Asst. to Din Faec Of.edy J, Smith, Admin. Officer. . .. 3471

No. Dist. .1. . 1. 43-546 .A m lc.7 W , C. Merwin, Postmaster, Bel. . . . . 3512SYSANTAT O N I T O R Y: EMS2 DIVISI BOR FLCLSETR E. H. Bensen,Acting Mgr (TVT) N.121 C. Farnsworth,Ast tor. frPo. adW. A. Alonis, Postmaster, Cris ._.-43-2133

Willia J. JoyeChief (FVSS) _ _ . 3650 Second Floor, Terminal Building, Balboa SS Cristoba/ in Port-Canal Zone 43-2110 R. C. Darn, Safety Off. Prm. 307 (ECXS) - _.7575 Bldg. 861, Allbrook AFStfm . yc ,3 01 Capt. John H. Stone, Jr., Chairman (MR BL). 3403 Ship's Office ,,. ... ... 43-2420 R. N. S haw, Contracting Off., Bldg. 29X 7927Saf. _ _ ,-,-, - - 35 1 Capt. EI P. Gabriel, Asst. Chairman . .- 7512 Cargo Services: David A. Spair, Jr., Supt. CASC) . 86-5140O FFI CE O F T HE GOV ER NO R- PR E SI DE NT ACCOUNTING DIVISION Gilbert T. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Atlantic. 43-1628 CONSTRUCTION DIVISION C. L. Latimer, Jr., Deputy Scat. . . . . 86-5140

- -- Building 38, Balboa Inspector, Balboa. 52-7943 Pacific . . .. . .-. - . . _ ._ 3192 Building 29X, Balboa R. F. Dahlstrom, Ass[. Supt., Admin. & Ed.Room 220 Admin ist ratio n Building, Balboa H eig hts John W. Davis, Floating Equip. lnssp, Cris. 43-3311 Passenger Information, Transportation Br , hwCif EC)72 Pars. .- .-. .,. . 86-6144

Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FVAC) , 7823 Admin. Svcs. Div. (Railroad Station, Bal.).I 3325 Rs .Shaw Phesf AdmiN. -e 7.27 J._ MWofAs.Sp.,Cr& nr. .--414692Joso EI Corde, Asst. Chief Accountant . - 3406 CANAL SUPPORT DIVISION Mrsr. Btf ND reasR . Peser on dmin. C Ontr cer .sp. --__ 7927 . K. BWkl, Asst. t Sup urg. gr. 86-4146Barbara H. Solvay, Reports & Analysis Staff . 7919 Third Floor, Terminal Building, Balboa 44 SDu hore Staf New Orleans R. 7J14 auer , Csief, C.n.n .p . . . . . 3_19 7 A.M. WBer, Asst. to Supt., Pron . Prj t 86-644

H . R . P A R F IT T , G o ve rn o r of th e C a n a l Z o n e , a n d P res id e n t, J F. Hern, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc . r . 1- 3170 C4pt. W .ph n C . CNewns Arleans CLea(R S . 7016 o thern District ....._. .-3 1 CANWb te ,A sst Z o E Sup .,SpeA r -M U sEU M 614

Pan ama Can al Com pany (GV) .-. . 3169 T M Lewisn, Plantt Acctt Br 6 3256O P I B B Joseph C. Quintas, Gen er al A gent . 504-947 -4417DREDGNGDVION Room 201

M rs. Anna B. H onea, Secretary . ._. . 3100 F. E. Derrer, Payroll Br., 365 Ancon (FVAP) . 3164 Third Floor, Terminal Building, Balboa Gamboa Mrs. Beverly C. Williams, Ib,-Curator (CALM) 7384T, E. Spencer, Claims Br., 6629 Corozal (FVAK) 3505 Mrs. Catherine M. Brown, Chief, Technical

JAMES H. TOR MEY, Lieutenant Governor of the Canal Zone, E. J. Lucas, Acct. Officer, New Orleans 504-947-0:989 Capt. W. C. Calkins, Acting Port Capt.(MRP). 7976 P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) . 56-6681 Services . . ._. -. . .-. ._. 3123and Vice President, Panama Canal Company (GL) ._. 3103 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION CaptA G___n A.t. n __o Ass.t. .P.or. 3185 HUPL &V.MUNT ER CEAsschiad AmnOfie5668 Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Readers Services . 7761

Mrs, Josephine E. H ilty Secretary - . . . . 7914 Room 102-106 Administration Building Alba D. Hutchings, Jr., Admin./Budget Officer. 3190 BUREAU R. Bringas,Budget Off./ Control Br. 56-6681 LICENSE SECTION. p, .------------ Capt. James W . MortisMlgir., Towboat Opns./ Room 264-266 Administration Building G. G. Bouche, Chief, Engr. Plans & Prog. Sec. 56-6681 Room I111WILLIAM~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .D AM TR rtclOfcrAd oteGvro-ii oni Richard 0. Burgeon, Chief (FVFP) ..3137 Transit Vessel Inspection ..-._3141 A. E. Diaz, Chief, Operations Br. .6. 66681

WILLrAM .DEL MAEPo Ofie/ detthGvrnrCvcC nclyrnA. Schroeder, Budget Branch.-.-. 3334 Eugene C. Volmer[, Port Engineer ,-. . 7625 R AYMOND P. LAVERTY, Acting Dir. (SC) . . 3445 L. M Hall, Chief, Support Br. 66-6691 K. L. Manthorne, Chief (CALS) .I.-. 7854Mtrff Bff rce r, o t 227 oco (GV s). t. ..7576 o st CoBurdgl Rffies &. An. ys. Br /. W.i.m E.W lh ro m s .3287572 cM r . orarnS a, inS e p.r. 773 5 C E. yk s Ch fR p rBr.6 12M s K.E Me ns ,Ad n. ss . . 7 4

.Tolls and Special Studies . -.- .- 111-. 7434 PORT CAPTAIN CRISTOBAL J. A. Evans, Asst. Director . . . . 7723 ELECTRICAL DIVISION PROBATION AND PAROLE UNITOFFICE OF TH E EXECUTIVE S ECR ETA RY TrdFoTrmnlBidgCstb Mrs. Margarita F. Preciado, Admin. Svcs. Off. . 3189 Building 66A, Balboa Room 33 District Court Building, Ancon

Entanc Roms20520, AminstatinGENEingG ANRA AUITDIVSIODTiVdFlorTNriBa PilBrgCrstsalBrd, BousareSfyy Oficric.r ._77700Enra ceRo ms2 5-07 A miisrtin uidigBuilding 6530, Corozal Capt. W. C, Calkins, Acting Port Captain F. A. Lee, Chief, (ECLE) ...3421 Edward M. Chismi ef Prob. & Parole Off.

J. ATICKCO LEY Eectiv Screar o th CnalZoe'James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FVGA) .3142 Senior Ass PrCapt. 4317 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION rE. McFaHdder diEle Work Br (EI 321(AR.38and Executive Assistant to the President, Panama Canal Company (GE).- 3519 Peter A. Liamr, Asst. General Auditor .__7775 Mrs. Bertha Brown, Admin./Budget Officer 43-2143 Building 635, Balboa Heights E. R. Malin, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) . . . 3421

TRESUR BRNCHCapt. Norman P. Dixon, Mgr., Towboat C.M ebrAssatCif37 NIERN IIINRooms 269-?80 Administration BuildingJOSEPH J. WOOD, Acting Deputy Executive Secretary of the Canal Zone - . 3305 BREAdUng 2B7,ANCHn RJObertTrans t Vessel Inspection . 47 P. AI Aer.AssMsnagmnt Anhiys 3-3 R,, 343 AdIitro Budn C57. JNGNHNIN D.IVMNISION (L.37

M rs. Dorothy F. Cogsw ell, Secretary .-. . . . 3305 Ralph D. Harris, Harbormaster 43-1666 A. C. Payne, Budget Officer . 3288 R. J. Rlisberg, Chief (ECEG). . . . . . 7585 Mrs. B. McDonald, Secy. . .. .__. 3274Robert 0. Won, Treasurer (FVTR) . . 3388 Diane G, Murphy, Administrative Asst. 7921 R D Donadsn Asst. Chief . ._ . 3180 J. R. Givens, Asst. Health Director/Admin.__. 3114

CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Assistant Executive Secretary/Acting Administrative Edward J. McAleer, Asst. Treasurer. .. . 3167 ADMEASUREMENT T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist . . _ ..7455 G' B* Gordon, Admin. Officer (ECE ). ._ _. 7982 Asst. to Director. ._. . . . . 3406Assistant to the President, Panama Canal Company (GA) . . 3305 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Third Floor, Terminal Building, Balboa Douglas Fillinger, Safety Rep., No. Dist. 43-3510 D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECA) . 3556 Glen R. Chance, Admin. Officer .-. __. 7721

Room 145, Administration Building R. E. Angarmuller, Director (MRPA) . 7413 Housing Management Branch L. G. Archuleta, Chief, Str.-Geotech, Br. IEES 3278 Miss Virginia E. Lee, Admin. Ases. . ._ . 7721JAM ES E. FER RARA, Assistant Executive Secretary ---_ --. _ _---- . 7601 Otis M. Ramey, Jr., Chief Admeasurer MI Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) . . _. 3619 John T. Bowman, Chief, Management

C. Roth-Roffy, Housing Manager, No. Dist. -. 43-2148 J. D, Burns, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX 7949 Budget . 52-3943DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION E. B, Goodrich, Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP). 3134 Personnel . . . 52-7231

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Room 146, Administration Building TRANSIT OPERATIONS DIVISION Buildings Management Branch W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. & Hyd. Br. (ECEH) 7716 Management Systems/Training .,52-7268Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. NW Balboa Railroad Station C. J, Goodwin, Jr., Chief (FVDP). . . 3550 Building 910, IMTC Center, La Boca J. R. Harter, Superintendent (SCCH). 3133 R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, GVita Statistics . . . .52-7131

Washington, D.C. 20004 BR UC E A. QUINN, Director (GVEO) 3101 J. A. Brewer, Systems Development Branch. 3220 Capt. Robert W. Haff, Jr., Acting Chief (MR TO) 3503 E.A eede uligMrS.Dit. 65 Pedro Miguel (ECEV). 3163 GeraldrviCoen HLLgitc & aiiies 5-8THOMAS M. CONSTANT, Secretary, Ms. Alonre Aranz, Secy. .1 3101 R. W. Engle, Systems Support Branch. .-. _. 3220 Capt.Louis M. Pascavage, Actg. Deputy Chiefa 7786 J. A. Zambrano, Building Mg.,I Dist . . 43-3505 INDUSTRIAL DIVISIONPanama Cana Company iOperations Officer . .__-. ,- 3631 DIVISION OF VETERINARY MEDICINEPnmCnaCmpy(W).202-628-6411 Mrs. Anne Hernandez, Deputy Dir./ COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Arden L.Cooke, Admin./Budget Officer .-- 3678 Grounds Managerment Branch Mount HopeMrs. Hazel M. Murdock, Asst. to [tie Chief, Investigative Unit . 3638 Room 146, Administration Building Capt. Robert L. McAuslin, Pilot Training E. M. Kennedy, Chief (EiN). . _ 43-2392 Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVM). . . 7605Secretary . 202 -628 6411 Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Coordinator (MRTL). ._._ . 3632 E. Cordovez D., Superintendent (SCCG). . . 3133 F Foster III, Asst. Chief . . . 43-2392Manager . __. . . 3233 E. R. McArthur, Chief (FVCO). 7468 Pilot Liaison Unit, Second Floor, Terminal L. Perez B., Supervisor, Grounds, Balboa. 3319 D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin r . . 43-1934 DIVISION OF SANITATION

Mrs. Greta N. Hummer, Hispanic Employment W. J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations Bldg., Cristobal . ._ . 43-2718/43-2719 R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, Cristobal. 43-2373 P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br. 43-3156 Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HL-SN). . . 7605EXECUTIVE PLANNING STAFF Program Manager . . .___ _ 7415 Branch ._. . 3424 A. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling S P L DI S ONC. W. Field, Jr. Chief, Eng. Br. .._ 43-2306Rooms 226-230, 233 Administration Building EEO Counselors-For information call- ,.- 3638 A. C. Aresemena, Data Entry & Controls Unit (MRPR). ._._. .,,-,. 3327 UPYDVSONF R. Allberga, Admin. Officer.-. 43-1472 DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTHInvestigative Unit. . . 5 -6 3 B a c ..-- . .___.ra ch 3162 Bruce G. Sanders, Chief, Marine Traffic Control Building 28, Industrial Area, Balboa T .F lh r B d e fie 3 1 1 Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa

GERARD J. WELCH, Acting Director (EP) .. 3588 Ms. Ingeborg Kincaid, EEO Investigative T R uce.B de fie . . . 31 1M rs. Thelma L. Conover, Secy. . _ _ 3561 Asst .2-6.3.(MRTC) ._.2.63645MJ.iP. CrrrfgicCG n.rMgrGeneCaP).nf.a.33313RM . . Krintz, PrsdtctooGeC.n rgr.er14372K.2HDr.iErnsK.hW . Krrd.,,SChvage(H)L H).5799W illiam S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director . .- _ _ 3412 ---- __--_-__.__-_-_----_M rneTrficC nt__G nea nor-io .rs.1 R . Mianrss.iaGe .Mg.E.le.n. 3BeKnHnettsh.F re, a'v g D ara lnABnnstsdmn.A st. .9.67 6James C. Foster, MTCS Project Engineer .. 3621 Mrs. A, MI A zcarrag a, Admin. Officer/E mp. W. E. Stanford, Acting Chief Fore., Industrial Health Branch 1. - .-. 7713

Rooms 324-332 O FFIC E OF L ABO R - M ANA GE M ENT PE RSO N NEL BU RE AU MTCS Analysts . .. .- _ _ . ._ 3680 R elations . 3635 Balboa Shops . _---,_ _ 3570 Dr. Richard A. Chavilte, Chief, CommunityRELATIONS Room 243 Administration Building MTCS Maintenance . . ._ -. 1 3661 Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman, Budget Officer .3534 MAINTENANCE DIVISION Health Br. /School Physician. 3529

Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development R m24,AmnsrtnBudigJames R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank (MRSD), E. R. Martin, Bldgs & Equip. Sec., Diablo Rd. 7536 Building 8. Balboa Dr. Evelyn K. Barraza, Medical Officer, Pac. 3529Div. (EPPD). .___ _. . . ..7961 R o 20 ,A m nsrt nBuligRONALD I SEELEY, Acting Director (PR) .3277 Second Floor, Terminal Building, Bal .-- 7525 T. E. Pierce, Management Analyst . 7632 Dr. Henry De La Garza, O uarantine and Public

Robert H. Emerick, Capital Program Coord. 3340 PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Special Assistant to the Miss Camille L. Rhyne, Secy. ., - . 3277 LO K III NS. Haynes, Training Officer. 3128 W. E. Jobusch, Chief ECME). . 3498 Health Medical Off._ 43-1723Rafael Vasquez, Management Analyst . 3108 G Dvernor-P resident for Labor-Management William D. Young, Acting Deputy Director . 3351 LCSDVSO Mrs. Joan R. deGrummond, Chief, Admin. Sec. 7515 Mrs. B. B. Ledezma, Admin. Officer . _ .. 3498 Ana R. Comer, Supervisory Public Health Nurse 3529Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer . 3108 Relations (GVLR . 3109 Mrs. Marcia Barcelli, Budget Officer (PRXB) 3558 Pedro Miguel F. Martinez, Chief, Ped. Mint. Br. (ECMP) . 3496 Robert L. Hewitt, Chief, S c. Work Br. 3529Enrique Mdrquez, Capital Projects Evaluator-. 7806 Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secy . ._. 7770 Lawrence Barco, Jr., Chief (MR LC) 3509 Marketing Branch H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water & Lab. Br. (E CMW). . 3265 Mrs. Georgina Young, Assa. Chief,Frank Morris, Environ./ Energy Coordinator .7830 William R. Bell, Labor-Management STAFF R. Vaughan, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec, (MRLE 3509 R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. & Air Cond. Br. (E CMR) 3513 Sec. Work Br. . .-.11-1. 3549David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Analysis . 7806 Relations Specialist ._. 7770 Mrs. Anna M, Bolt, Budget Officer . ,, - 3509 W . W . Nowotny Supt. (SCSK). .. .. . 3338 W . H. M. Brunner, Chief, Ail, Maint. Br.Thos. P. Strider, Civil Defense Officer (EPCD) 3370 Carlos A. Williams, Chief, Personnel Policies & Mr.NI.d aeeA mn Se.Of. 5 9 E He, Asst, to Supt. . . ._ _ 3338 (E M )4 -1 1DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH/

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES T.J angn vralEgnu . . , 59 R. Hassler, Mgr., Optical Shop, Bldg. 721,EgSeto -- 761 D.RnldoAbea CifircrR o 20DI I I NBuilding 0602, Corozo Street T J.H n g n, veh u En ne r. 35 9Balboa 379 Eng Seto . . 76 1 r.Re ad A bo d , C.f/D__e357r

R m2 6D V S ONGeorge A. Mercier, Training & Management Paii rn h e r iu lL csG. E. Andrews, Service Station FProgramrn - 3338 H, A. Erhart, Project Engineer ._.-. . . 3498 (HLMC) . . .. . 52-3845G r P.D sm rC iTrayP nnn Dv.Administration Building Development Staff (PRTM) .7-7 P,.f Br,.h P-r M.g, ., 7ks R. Keyner, Mgr . Mt. Hope Milk/le Cream V. G. Steele, Safety Specialist .- ..-_. . 3498 Donald R. Lose, Admin. Officer .-. . 52-3845

Gary P Domimoor.Chief Treay Planing DvC.CGarriade daedPsrLadgs, e Lang. age- Pr35363.5Higgn.,HSptginsI -,up,. -(MRLP)5252-82Pant P .n.- 43-31448IE T ). ..- .---., ._. 7666 Chief, Room 254 (AD)__. ...- 1 - 7757 Placement Assistance Office. ._ _ . 3538 G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt. . , 52-8214---- ---- GORGAS HOSPITALSecretary, Treaty Planning Committee -. . 7666 Mrs. A. Elizabeth Burns, Admin. Officer . 3178 -_ A. Zapata, Mgr., Balboa R/S , ., . 3156 Ancon

John B. Morton, Management Analyst . 7666 K. E. Goldsbierry, Asst. Chief/Chief, Gen. Svcs. R. R. Varela, Industrial Training Staff (PRTf) . 3310 Lourdes A. Baseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst. 52-8213 R. Petresky, Mgi. Balboa Housewares . _3357CoRaheDi iDretrHG5273HrRan 25 ADGS).,._. . 799 Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A Ind. Area, Bal.) . 3152 W. C. Adams, Manager, Balboa Shoe Store . 3543 CCVL AaFAael BURpli EAUto Hi 5273

Room 35, District Court Bldg., Ancon Br.,l .on en4r pemis ).o. . 24. . .351OEAIN Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks E. W. Hattaway, Mgr. Coco Solo R/S -..43-6294 CII FAR UEUCcl. Jos6 R. Salcedo, Asst. Dir. (Med. Act ) 52-3833

G. H. Urban, Chief, Management Division Official Translator . ._. . ._ 3488 Building 366, Anton D. F. Danlen , A Su t . . . . . 43-5703 W. H. Beryde i lr Porbos S per ete 7 56- 3 Gom a0 , ild Hfar Buildiy Loert M . Tol n, A st. Dro(Admin nS . 52-72848

ChaPMDs . Mc rh r a a e e tA ayi 7 2 Tme E Du tC ise, Cersgt. r GF). .14 2 John Y. Wagner, Chief, Personnel Operations Admin. Svcs. Asst. -..-. ... 43-15704 C. D. Gooding, Mgr., Rainbow City Superette 43-2153 F. A. COTTON, Director (CA) .-. 1. 3422 Information. ... ._._. _._. 52-3831

R. B. Ho rne, Indus tr ial E ng inee rin g . 346 3 (ADR M). ._. __. _._. . _ 7767 D ivision (PR OP) _._. . . ., 3335 S ervi ce Center Bran ch M r. Mo rd n Det y DZimeto, . 34 - C _ifs _e -r m en3s4n01 er i

FOIA/Privacy Act Staff . 7520 J, P. Rodriquez, Eml. & Placement Hr. (PRCE) 3171 A. A. Honea, Supt. (SCSC). . . 3338 G, H, Halsall, Asst. to Director._. . 3262 Dr. R. Antonio Sudscumn, General Practice 52-3969Current Records Section (ADCR). 3118 N. T. Rosanoa, Local Employment .-- _.-7996 TR ANSPORTATION & TER MINALS Mrs, Pat A. Robinson, Admin. Svcs. Asst. 7594 G. E, McElroy, Admin, Officer ._.-._. 3262 Dr. Preston H. Beattie, Jr., Dental. 52-3823

OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Mail Section/Sor Trip Service .7661/3429 D. J. Niedzialek, Wage & Class. Br. (PROW)j. 3336 R. Quintero, Motion Picture/Bowling Mrs. W. D Hulfin, Admin. Svs. Asst. . 3262 Col. Manfred H. Hecht, Orthopedics. 52-7125Room 336 Administration Building Official Cable/Telecopier Service -. 7429 Classification Sectior _ . .- 3176 BUR EAU Program Manager . .-. - . . 7760 RECREATION SERVICES OFFICE LTC William H. Hanking, Surgery . 52-7122

Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (ADRC) 3575 PyAass771 Second Floor, Terminal Building, Cristobal R. P. Rivet, Mgr., Balboa Cafeteria. .__-3125 Rm20CPCavrC.AprAstsolgy. 52-3913DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel W. Richard Shapiro, Chief, Transp. Br., RR. Sta' Fa i 797 dso CHA0E CP. CLCDrco T)4-94 P .BuaMrMraiSC.4-99D.alvert, bsestrsid yec y 5237

(GC) . . . .. . ._ 7511 BFb. (A T )A.__. 3325 . emott, Personnel Record & MH RLS. M Rie . MLA RK c, i ecy T ,, 43-1904 N . Fras m, Mg , argHi ts SCf -4 9 C H. _a b un Re ra o 43rv193s Offre M Alvi F er nik . , Opsttrcsan aGnmology 52-3870Mrs. Grayce I Nadeau, Stay. . __ . .7511 H. W. Demnpsey, Jr., Supt., Agency Press and Admin. Br. (PROR) ... ..1 J e T. Brd De ut D e o 4-1241 G. Marceau, Vending Program Mgr. . .- 7591 (CARS)._ . 7967 ENT . . .52-3828

John LI Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel._ 7511 Duplicating Center, La Boca (ADPR) .- 3237 Employee Processing Unit. . _.__. 3522 Eries Ademir, Asst Director II.-- 43-1241 Mr.VLwsupGanSpret4-23CAAPRT TONDVSNCo.JnKHuUroy -33

Astres Gen .ns .- .. 71 Mrs Tnd L. Pea .iiis ec 7-7 P-sne Fi Un75.11. . 37 Wilfred Barrow, Special Asst. to Director, .43-3545 Merchandise Management Branch Room 212 Col. Paul D. Anderson, Medical I. 52-3896ttornM GITRysS .T 34.5. ..751 M. N. Stephenson, Administrative Officer ,. 43-3341 Dermatology . .52-3969

MAGloymen ATEd CPRuldemnt 34ranch PnCE Gilbert A. Sollas, Liaison-Protucol ._ .43-1658 W. fl. Morris, Acting Gen. Mdss. Mgr. (SCSM) 3409 Charles Morris, Chief (CACP) .__ 1-3694 Or. Rodolfo V. Young, Pulmonary Disease/IEmpERymAn SEndIT POFFInCBEnh PR E Joan V. Corliss, Budget Officer . .--. ..43-3391 J. Martino, Acting Mdlse. Mgr.-Foods 3435 B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief . . 3695 Allergy -. .__. .._. . . ._ _ 52-7126INENLSCRT FIE JUDGE JOHN BAKER, Balboa: Edsel A. Wang, Adverse Actions, Ran. 202. 3224 Program Analyst . .___. .._. 43-3342 J, J. Lawler, Acting Mdsa. Mgr.-Refrig. Products 33B7 Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Officer .3696 Dr. Byron K. Efthimiadis, Pediatrics ._-_ 52-7275

Room 11 2 Administration Building 803 La Boca Road, Bal. (MB) _ . ._ 3451 T. C. Peterson, U.S. Recruitment, Frm. 105, 3254 Marvin Goebel, Safety Officer, Pacific. ._. 7822 D. LI Adams, Acting Mdse Mgr.-Housewares. 7524 Naomi Figueroa, Budget Analyst . 3696 Maj. Howard S. NIn Radiology . 52-7149

ER ES .LIE . ctn C ie 15 ._ 790 Sandra S. Phillips, Clark of the Court, Bl 3552 Special Placement Office, Bldg. 449-X -. 7570 G& P. Risberg, Mdse. Mgr.- Drygoods/Shoes 7931 A. J. Rios, Inspector .3696 LTC Ardath K. Huffaker, Pathology/ERETW LVR cigCif(S. 70 Juan V~zquez-Torres, Constable, Bal. 3146 W. A. Sullivan, Empl. Svs. Br. (PROS) First TERMINALS DIVISION F. L. Gill, Jr., Supv., Mdse. Control Sec. 3576 J. H. Harris, Pacific Area Commander. 3669 Laboratory . . . .___.-1. 52-7241Mrs. Nyda G. Miro, Secy. . .._. 3595 wrn eW L snC stb ,Ba3 45 Floor . . .-- .- -- 7831 First Floor, Terminal Building, Cristobal Mrs. N. Faulkner, Advt. & Special Order Clerk . 7924 W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander 43-1776 Mrs, Geraldine Knick, Nursing.-,. 1 52-7145

William Roger, Acting Deputy Chief ._. 7629 JUDGec JWN. La EMonG sa, Blst3b45 Retiremerntnrk Room 10 rr __n_/ - k 3160 Jack M. Ruoff, General Mgr. (TTR). ._ 43-1665 J. W. Frensley, Mg. Mt, Hope Warehouse. 43-2371 CUTM IIINGamboa Medical Clinic . . . . .I". 56-6661Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (MC). 11. 43-1614 CusorRm13329 James Ft. Freeman, Asst. Gen. Manager -. 7789 E. B. Baumibach, Mgr., Corozal Cold StorageRom21CC LOH PTA

INFORMATION OFFICE A. J. Garcia, Clerk of the Court/ConstableH CounLelno, M.D., H1m3 Med3229 A. G. Terwilliger, Supt., Cristobal Piers . 43-1617 Warehouse . . . . . . -_ , 3226 Ror. 211soe MC O DSrOLOr HOPTLCS314Ro m13A mnsrto uligCris. . .1. . 43-1527 H.C.oo m M.D. Ho e26iclCae V. N. Bircher, Asstl. to Gen. Mgr., Pier 13, Bal.- 3153 Joseph F. Dolan, Acting Chief (CACU). 3238 JOr TE.i e VMnaHos , Din.r fc r C ;43-197

Room 103 ndmnnistrAwios Buldn Ro4m X0 7965 L. Rogers, Acting Local Agent, Pacific . 3192 DIVISION OF STOREHOUSES Amos W. DeRaps, Actg. Chief Inspector, Balboa Jackormanon.Adm.i. Of.i. 43-6722VICTOR G. CANEL, Acting Information Officer Inetv wrs lg 4- 96RIRA IIIN101 Terminal Bldg., Balboa . .r .nomto 33591-1 -4-11

(10). .1. . 3165 CRISTOBAL OFFICES RALIDDIIINM S. Klipper, Acting Chief (SCTR) .3130 C. B. Myers, Chief Inspector, Cirtst., Chiefs, Services and SectionsMiss Mare L. Gonzdles, Acting Secretary . . 3165 Building 1105, Cristobal Bldg. 1 6, Balboa ROundhouise J, N. Doyle, Asir. Assit. to Chief 7978 200 Admin. Bldg., Crist. 43-213FI Dr. Ronald E. Moore, General Practice .- 43-2655

Assit, Information Officer I.-.,. 3165' Charles R. Lavallee, Mgr. (TTRR). .. . 7461 Mrs. Evelyn K. Oster, Admin. Svcs. Officer 7475 FR III ND .C alsA aca e tl. 32 1Mrs. Flar D. do Aguilar, Acting Admin Officer ., 3521 CANAL ZONE CIVILIAN PERSONNEL FI. A.ISO HDp. Charle, CAs. Parr.a De.nPt)43a3lF--r, .alAs. g. ..733 G_._aecha Atn CifIvnroo 43D.Pa-H2Li61x3uria.432Willie K. Friar, Press Officer (lops) - . 3369 POLICY COORDINATING BOARD Employment & In-Service Actions 43-11288 Mrs. Carmen Massont, Cargo Spchd r, Pacific 3569 Mgt. Br. (SCTI) - . 3596 Obstetrics and Gyn. .43-2603Ms. Vick, M. Boatwright, Acting Spillway Editor 3202 Building 363, Acon Wage & Classification 43-2462 Frederick R. Samuels, Cargo Schedumer, E, L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purchasing and F. Berry, Chief (CAFI) - . .-. 3138 Dr. Jaime L. Barrate, Opthalmology 43-2663

RICHARD M. CONOVER. Executive Directo Adverse & Disciplinary Actions 43 2118 Atlantic . .-.- . . 43-1235 Contracts Br. (SCTP) - 3216 Ms. G. C. Russell, Budget Analyst . . 7641 Dr. Felix A. Hurtado, Ear, Nose, and Throat 43-2663OFFIC OF T E SAF TY DI ECTOR(PB) _- .-.__-. . r .. 3292 Retirement Clerk .43-1287 Railroad Division Offices, Northern District 43-1511 J. A Hunt, Chief, Warehousing Br. (SCTW) 7785 G. 0. Flores, Assi. Chief, Bel, Dist. Bal. Dr. Oren C. Irion, Medical. 43-2660

FFC FTE AET DRETR Mrs. Barbara Kely Personnel Mgt. Spec. . 3292 Home Medical C'are.I.-. 43-2117 S, L. Catlett, MgI Excess Disposal Unit 7683 Fire Ste.I- . -- .1 . 3286 Dr. Johno C. Royo, Pediatrics 43-2630Room 305 Administration Building R, L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, Northern P. J. Barr, Asst. Chief, Cr st. Dist., Mt. Hope Radiolog 43-2621Mrs. Amelia 1. Green, Personnel Assistant . 3292 MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Dist. 43-1266 Fire Ste. . . 43-2126 Enrique A.Brown, Laboratory 43-2647J. R. MARAVILLA, Director (SF). . . . 3289 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE Building 0625A, Gaillard Highway, Ancon M. A. Pezzotti, MgI Furn. & Equip, Pool . ., 7882 Mrs. Eunice M. Hall, Nursing .43-2604Mrs. Vilma D'Aneflo, Sucy. _. --. 3289 B1lig36 no MARINE BUR EAU Bil .LhSp.(TT . 53POLICE DIVISION- ----

Depuy Diecto .. 883Rooms 308-311 Administration Building Ernest B. Hickman, Assistant Supt. I- -.13420 PROCUREMENT DIVISIONRom28PLSEOH PTAMrs, Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist.,._ 7883 Richard L. Cahill, Manager (PBCE) . ._ 7682 CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN Director Mrs. Mary H. Engelke, Admin. Off. 7731 4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146 William F. Kessler, Chief (CAPL) - . 7708 Mrs. Elizabeth 1. Quintero, Admin. OfficerF. Guile, Safety Development Program, Job Information Center .-. __ .. . , 3584 (MR). -.-. ,. . .- . 7917 W illiam D. Ritchie, Chief. Southern Dist. 7990 Capt. V. E. Voyles, Police Inspector . I11. 3206 (HLPi .-. , -,, 52-7140

Room 200 , __._. -. . . 7813 Internal Operations.- . . . . 3397 Mrs, Doris Burns, Socy. _,- -- __. 7917 Fay M. Brown, Chief, No. Dist., Mt. Hope . 43-1746 R. L. Austin, Chief (SCPR). 504-948-5299 Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst. , ,,, 3151 Dr. G. E. Cadana, Attending Physician . . 52-7140