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2. David Jacquot, JD, LLM Manager We Put Your Law Firm on Page One of Google Guaranteed sm 3. Pay-Per-Click Management | PPC 4. Search Engine Results Page | SERP 5. Pay-Per-Click Management | PPC Pay per click marketing can be an effective way to reach new clients. Search engines list PPC ads on the SERP. The ranking of PPC ads is determined by a bidding process combined with how well the ad has performed over history, called the Quality Score. It costs nothing for the PPC ad to be displayed, but if a searcher clicks on the ad, the advertiser must pay the amount that they have bid. 6. Advantages of Pay-Per-Click | PPC Virtually instantaneous page one placement. Precise targeting. Your ad can be more precisely matched to the keywords used by the searcher than can be achieved with other types of paid online advertising. Each search term has a different price. The goal in PPC management is to find effective search terms that are low priced and avoiding high priced search terms and the bidding wars that accompany them. 7. Disadvantages of Pay Per Click | PPC Management. Proper PPC campaigns need to managed and this is particularly time consuming. "Ad Blindness. Internet users often ignore paid advertisements. They have simply trained themselves to immediately look at the actual search results and ignore paid advertisements. Limited Information in the PPC Ad. The amount of text that can be placed in an organic ad is significantly more than is available in a PPC ad. 8. Visit Us on the Web Call Us Today 887-342-6447