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Page 1: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Attachment and Literacy Development for

Internationally Adopted Children

Ages 0-6 Years

Allacyn RoweChild Development and Family Studies

West Virginia University

Page 2: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Table of Contents

Important Note

What is Attachment?

Types of Attachment Security

Signs of Attachment Disorders

8 Tools of Literacy

Bonding 0-1 2-3 4-6


Benefits of Bilingualism

Talking To Children About Adoption

Helpful Links

Work Cited

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Page 3: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Important NoteAll children are different and depending on a

child’s background or situation every child is going to come with different needs. It would be impossible to asses every child on an individual basis, however this is a broad overview of attachment difficulties and techniques for internationally adopted children. It is important to be sensitive to each child's individual background that may include, but not limited to, abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), neglect, abandonment, and/or institutional care.

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Page 4: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

What is Attachment? (pg.1)

Attachment is not something that happens, it is a state of being. Everyone is attached, however depending on the circumstances, this could be a secure or insecure attachment.

All children, adopted or biological, form attachments, however children that have had unstable relationships are more likely to be insecurely attached.

Parents should be aware of child's background, home life and routine before the adoption to gage where their child is at. Ie. A child who was in institutionalized care may have

been “trained” to go to bed without a fuss. When a child goes to bed, it may reflect the training they had verses actual secure attachment during bed time routines.

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Page 5: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

What is Attachment? (pg.2)

Attachment security is an ongoing process and can change depending on the level of care and responsiveness given. Eirk Erikson was the first to touch on attachment through the

importance of trust. Infants trust in their parents and mistrust in strangers. Erickson’s theory was later expanded by John Bowlby.

Bowlby sought to look at the parent-child relationship, how it developed, and why it was important. He defined this as the ‘attachment- relationship’ and studied the ‘attachment behavior’s that result from that behavior.

These behaviors include crying, cooing, or reaching for a caregiver. Through internal working models, infants can soon learn the reactions of the caregivers and how to elicit a reaction again.

(Gross, 2010)

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Page 6: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Types of Attachment Security (pg.1)

Secure Parents respond quickly and effectively to infants cues Infants can trust the reaction of parents Baby uses parent as a secure base for exploring Baby becomes distressed when separated Babies are happy and easily soothed after reunion

Insecure – Avoidant (Type A) & Insecure – Resistant/Ambivalent (Type C Infants are unable to predict the mood or actions of their

caregiver and are unsure of how to respond. Infants may be angry or upset upon mothers re-entry to the

room or seem to not care at all. This imbalance may be due to over stimulation or a lack of

stimulation at all

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Types of Attachment Security (pg.2)

Disorganized/Disoriented (Type D) Infants are unsure of how to respond, and unlike insecure-

resistant, infants respond with a variety of reactions. This usually arises in high stress atmospheres like low

income, teen, or single mother households.

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Page 8: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Signs of Attachment Disorders

(Taken from the Mayo Clinic online website)

In Infancy Withdrawn, sad and listless


Failure to smile

Lack of the normal tendency to follow others in the room with the eyes

Failure to reach out when picked up

No interest in playing peekaboo or other interactive games

No interest in playing with toys

Engaging in self-soothing behavior, such as rocking or self-stroking

Calm when left alone

Toddler + Withdrawing from others

Avoiding or dismissing comforting comments or gestures

Acting aggressively toward peers

Watching others closely but not engaging in social interaction

Failing to ask for support or assistance

Obvious and consistent awkwardness or discomfort

Masking feelings of anger or distress

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Page 9: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

8 Tools of LiteracyNurture relationships

Adults valuing and modeling the importance of literacy

Exposing and providing opportunities to explore the world

Positive experiences with books, stories, and reading

Listening and talking

Listening to rhymes, rhythms, and songs

Exposing symbols and explaining meaning

Providing and experiencing print and writingBack to Table of Contents

(Knapp-Philo, Notari-Syverson, & Stice 2005)

Page 10: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Bonding Bonding with children is not a science and many

techniques are already activities one would normally do with a child.

While some parents instantly connect with their child, others are waiting to fall in love with their child and/or fear their child may never love them.

Those feelings are normal and okay, it might take time but it WILL happen.

A child who has had an unstable background may be wary to trust new adults in their lives.

The following slides are different activities and techniques that will help form that secure attachment with your child depending on the age of their adoption.

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Page 11: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Bonding ages 0-1Holding your baby

Other countries have different practices and beliefs on childrearing. If a baby is uncomfortable being held, try looking up how the baby might have been held in their home country

Make direct eye contact with your baby

Feed your baby Talk, sing, and make direct eye contact during feedings

Sing, read, and talk to your baby

Respond to your baby’s verbal and nonverbal expressions If your baby babbles, respond back

Responding to your baby’s cries This shows baby that when they are distressed you will be

there for them and they can learn to expect you Back to Table of Contents

Page 12: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Bonding ages 2-3Reading to your child

Cuddle your child

Tell child your love them

Take your child on errands with you When ever it is possible to take child with you, do.

Establish hello and goodbye routines If you must leave your child establish a special routine

for partings and greetings

Feed your child Even if they are old enough to self-feed, feed them

anyways. This shows that you are there to care and take care of them

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Page 13: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Bonding ages 4-6 pg. 1

*Important note: As children get older their past is more likely to affect their behavior. Parents and

caregivers need to be extra sensitive to previous events/ living conditions

Be sensitive to your child’s home country’s belief on making eye contact

Take your child on errands with you

Read, talk, and listen to your child

Establish goodbye and bedtime routines

Dress your child or pick out their clothes Even if a child is old enough to perform this task alone,

children may feel overwhelmed with too many choices.Back to Table of Contents

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Bonding ages 4-6 pg.2

Tell your child you love them

Hug your childBe sensitive to child's comfort level on direct touch

Brush your child’s hair This is a form of safe touching

Lotion your child’s hands or feetThis could be especially helpful for children of a

different race (particularly dark skinned children).This is a form of safe touching

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*Note: if a child is at any point uncomfortable with any form of touch do not force it. Write down the encounter and speak with

physiologist or pediatrician next visit

("Bonding," 2008)

Page 15: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Language (pg.1)

The first few years of life are a critical period of language development.

Babies brains are able to adapt to any language but as they grow their brains start to only differentiate and recognize the main language spoken.

Parents may wonder if there child will continue to speak their home language after they enter a English enriched environment. The answer to that is no. Language is a “use it or lose it”

process. If a child is not exposed to their home language frequently they may lose the ability to speak or understand that language all together

On the flip side a child will pick up the language (most likely English) very quickly.

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Page 16: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Language (pg.2)

To help a child acclimate to the new environment, it may be helpful to have a translator present before, during, and upon arrival in America.

While transitioning from one language to another it is common for children to “cross over languages” (referred to as code-switching) when they are still learning the names for different objects.

Labeling different objects in the home with pictures will help all children in the home ( biological, adopted, English speaking or not) learn the names for those objects Consider adding the child's home language

equivalent (if possible) as well.

(Guttierrez-Clellen, 1999; Kohnert et al., 2005)Back to Table of Contents

Page 17: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Language (pg. 3)

Reading and talking to your child is a great way for them to pick up the languageAsking them questions to help expand on their

thoughts or help them come up with the words they are trying to think of

Guided participation, even if they are older, helps them learn the names of different things they are looking at. This could be done at the store, in the car, really

anytime they are unsure of the wordsRemember to be patient and give them time to

think and respond.

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Page 18: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Benefits of Bilingualism (pg.1)

Some parents may want their child to only speak English for different reasons. Maybe they fear

their child will not acclimate into American culture or may be picked on for being different, but there are many benefits to being bilingual.

These benefits help children (according to “Infant and Toddler Language and Literacy Course Module 4: Listening and Talking”)

maintain their connections with multiple cultural and linguistic communities.

feel at ease with diverse communication styles and social rules.

develop skills that help them focus their attention on relevant information.

(Bialystok, 2001; Hakuta, & Pease-Alvarez, 1992; Wong-Fillmore,

1991)Back to Table of Contents

Page 19: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Benefits of Bilingualism (pg.2)

However, in order to maintain their home language they need to exposed to that language as well. They will not use their home language when they learn that others expect them to use EnglishConsider getting books and music in your child’s

home language (if possible) as well as in EnglishConsider learning your child's home language

while they learn EnglishConsider hiring a tutor or find a friend that can use

their home language with them

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Page 20: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Talking to Children about Adoption (pg.1)

This is a resource for parents who might be wary to talk to their children about their adoption in

fear of how their child might react and/or if they are not sure how to bring up the subject or what

to say.

Every parent should gage what developmental stage their child is on when deciding when, what, and how much to say.

It is important to be honest, but depending on their age/developmental level, the whole truth does not have to come all at once.

Back to Table of Contents(Russell, 2000)

Page 21: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Talking to Children about Adoption (pg.2)

Some parents may rely on their children to ask them questions, however, even though it is important to leave the door open, it may not be best to solely rely on children to bring up the topic.

Some parents chose the “ripple-stone effect” by throwing out small comments or questions to gage their child’s interest in talking about the subject and go from there.

If a child is not interested in talking about the subject, it is better not to force it, but to wait and gage their interest at another time

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Page 22: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Talking to Children about Adoption (pg.3)

If your child is older when you adopt them, talk to them about their past experiences and what that means. Don’t negate their former life. They might be new to your

family but that does not mean their life “started over” Let your child grieve their loss. Even if they came from a

rough home or a terrible situation, acknowledge that and acknowledge they have losses.

Read to your child There are a lot of different children’s books about

different kinds of adoption stories. Pick stories that best fit your family (aka adopted children of a different race or with homosexual parents or foster care-to-adoption, ect)

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Helpful Links

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Page 24: Attachment and Literacy in Internationally Adopted Children: Age 0-6

Work Cited (pg.1)


Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in development: Language, literacy and cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Bonding [Web log message]. (2008, April 28). Retrieved from

Gross, D. (2011). Infancy: Development from birth to age 3. (2nd ed., pp. 279-280). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Gutierrez-Clellen, V. (1999). Language choice in intervention with bilingual children. AmericanJournal of Speech-Language Pathology, 8, 291–302

Hakuta, K., & Pease-Alvarez, L. (1992). Enriching our views of bilingualism and bilingual education. Educational Researcher, 21, 4–6.

Knapp-Philo, J., Notari-Syverson, A., & Stice, K. (2005). Tools of literacy for infants and toddlers. In E. Horn & H. Jones (Eds.). Young Exceptional Children monograph Series: Supporting early literacy development in young children. Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series, 7, 43-58.

Kohnert, K., Yim, D., Nett, K., Kan, P. F., & Duran, L. (2005). Intervention with linguisticallydiverse preschool children: A focus on developing home languages(s). Language,Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 36, 251–263.

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Work Cited (pg.2)

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2011, July 6). Diseases and conditions: Reactive attachment disorder. Retrieved from

Mikkelson, K. (n.d.). All through the night: Parents and experts weigh in on the best ways to get our kids to sleep. Retrieved from

Paddock, D. (2011, 01 01). Grief and loss issues for adopted children: Caring adults can make all the difference in an adoptees life. Retrieved from

Riley, D., San Juan, R. R., Klinkner, J., & Ramminger, A. (2008). Social & emotional development: Connecting science and practice in early childhood settings. (1st ed., pp. 5-26). St. Paul, MN: Red Leaf Press.

Russell, B. (2000). Talking to kids about adoption: Is it what you say, how early you say it, or how often you say it that matters most to your child?. Adoptive Families, Retrieved from

Wong-Fillmore, L. (1991). When learning a second language means losing the first. EarlyChildhood Research Quarterly, 6, 232–346.

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