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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Stroke  

Dr.  Sunil  Garg  Cardiologist  ASAP  2014  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Abnormal  rhythm  of  the  heart  •  Very  common  problem  •  Over  the  age  of  40  –  one  in  four  chance  of  developing  atrial  fibrilla*on  

•  More  frequent  in  men  than  in  women  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Affects  the  atria  or  upper  chambers  of  the  heart  

•  Electrical  impulses  do  not  properly  circulate  through  the  heart  

•  Make  your  heart  beat  too  quickly,  too  slowly  or  in  an  uneven  fashion  

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Electricity  of  the  Heart  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Two  Forms  •  IntermiQent  (Paroxysmal)  – Episodes  that  occur  with  varying  frequency  or  last  for  a  variable  period  of  *me  before  spontaneously  stopping  

•  Chronic  (Persistent)  – Sustained  and  usually  does  not  stop  

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Cause  of  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Increases  in  frequency  with  aging  and  typically  occurs  in  people  with  underlying  heart  disease  

•  Most  common  causes  – Chronic  high  blood  pressure  (hypertensive  heart  disease)  

– A  heart  aQack  – Heart  Valve  Disease  (MS  or  MR)  – A  complica*on  of  heart  surgery  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Alcohol  

•  Binge  drinkers  can  usually  develop  atrial  fibrilla*on  that  is  usually  transient  

•  OWen  occurs  over  weekends  or  holidays  when  alcohol  intake  is  excessive  

•  “Holiday  Heart  Syndrome”  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Hyperthyroidism  

•  Occurs  in  13  percent  of  people  with  an  overac*ve  thyroid  

•  Accounts  for  5%  of  all  cases  of  atrial  fibrilla*on  

•  Make  sure  your  thyroid  levels  are  checked  •  Treatable  and  reversible  cause  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  due  to  S*mulants  

•  Drugs  that  s*mulate  the  heart  can  contribute  to  the  development  of  atrial  fibrilla*on  

•  Caffeine  •  Tobacco  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Sleep  Apnea  

•  Condi*on  where  pa*ents  stop  breathing  for  prolonged  periods  while  sleeping  

•  Overweight  •  History  of  Snoring  •  Excessive  Sleepiness  during  the  day*me  •  Treatment  can  eliminate  atrial  fibrilla*on  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Lung  Disease  

•  Chronic  Lung  Diseases  can  cause  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Par*cularly  seen  in  pa*ents  with  emphysema  

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Lone  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Some  people  with  atrial  fibrilla*on  have  no  apparent  cause  

•  Structurally  normal  heart  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Symptoms  

•  Mild  Symptoms  – Unpleasant  palpita*ons  or  irregularity  of  the  heart  – Mild  chest  discomfort  /  sensa*on  of  *ghtness  – A  sense  of  racing  heart  – Lightheadedness  – Mild  shortness  of  breath  and  fa*gue  that  limit  the  ability  to  exercise  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Symptoms  

•  Severe  Symptoms  – Difficulty  breathing  – Shortness  of  breath  with  exer*on  – Fain*ng  or  near  fain*ng  – Confusion  – Chest  Discomfort  – Fa*gue  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Risk  of  Stroke  

•  Chao*c  rhythm  may  cause  blood  to  pool  in  your  hearts  upper  chambers  

•  This  leads  to  clot  forma*on  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Risk  of  Stroke  

•  Serious  complica*on  from  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Can  lead  to  permanent  brain  damage  

•  Clot  may  also  travel  to  –  Eye  –  Kidneys  –  Spine  –  Important  arteries  in  the  arms  or  legs  

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Risk  Factors  for  Stroke  

•  CHADS2  –  Conges*ve  Heart  Failure  –  Hypertension  –  Age  (65  to  74  versus  >75)  

–  Diabetes  –  Previous  Stroke  or  TIA  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Heart  AQack  

•  People  who  have  a  heart  aQack  are  at  risk  for  developing  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  Having  atrial  fibrilla*on  doubles  your  chances  of  having  a  heart  aQack  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  Heart  Failure  

•  If  not  controlled,  can  weaken  the  heart  and  lead  to  heart  failure  

•  Usually  improves  with  treatment  and  control  of  the  heart  rate  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Diagnosis  

•  Electrocardiogram  •  Holter  Monitor  •  Event  Recorder  •  Echocardiogram  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Treatment  

•  Short  Term  Treatment  –  Rate  Control  –  Cardioversion  

•  Transesophageal  Echocardiogram  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Treatment  

•  Short  Term  Treatment  –  Rate  Control  –  Cardioversion  

•  Transesophageal  Echocardiogram  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Treatment  

•  Long  Term  Treatment  – Rhythm  Control  

•  Efforts  to  restore  and  maintain  a  normal  rhythm  are  made  •  Can  be  done  via  

–  Cardioversion  –  An*arrhythmic  Drugs  –  Abla*on  Procedure  

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Rhythm  Control  

•  Advantages  –  Improved  cardiac  func*on  

–  Reduced  Symptoms  for  some  people  

–  Reduced  need  for  medica*ons  

•  Disadvantages  –  High  rate  of  recurrence  of  atrial  fibrilla*on  

–  Side  effects  of  medica*ons  (AAD)  

–  Adverse  effects  of  medica*ons  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  Treatment  

•  Long  Term  Treatment  – Rate  Control  

•  Con*nue  to  have  atrial  fibrilla*on  •  Use  medica*on  to  slow  the  heart  rate  down  •  Can  be  difficult  to  use  medica*ons  to  slow  the  heart  rate  down  

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Nonpharmacological  Treatment  

•  Radiofrequency  Abla*on  – Developing  Procedure  – Risk  of  Complica*ons  

•  Pacemaker  – May  be  needed  for  a  slow  heart  beat  or  to  help  with  medica*ons  

•  Surgical  Procedures  – Complete  MAZE  Procedure  

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Atrial  Fibrilla*on  and  An*coagula*on  

•  Increased  risk  of  stroke  as  a  result  of  blood  clots  that  can  form  in  the  heart  

•  Most  people  are  advised  to  use  a  treatment  to  reduce  the  risk  of  developing  blood  clots  

•  Most  commonly  used  treatments  include  an*coagulants  or  an*platelet  drugs  

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An*coagulant  Drugs  

•  Can  reduce  the  risk  of  stroke  by  50  to  70%  – Warfarin  – Dabigatran  (Pradaxa)  – Apixaban  (Eliquis)  – Rivaroxaban  (Xarelto)    

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An*platelet  Drugs  

•  May  be  used  in  pa*ents  with  lower  risks  •  May  be  used  in  pa*ents  who  are  intolerant  to  an*coagulant  drugs  –  Increased  bleeding  risk  – Recurrent  falls  

•  ASA  81  mg  daily  •  Clopidogrel  (Plavix)  75  mg  daily  

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What  Can  You  do?  

•  Monitor  Your  Blood  Pressure  •  Control  Your  Diabetes  •  Take  your  Medica*ons  /  Blood  Thinners  if  you  have  been  diagnosed  with  Atrial  Fibrilla*on  

•  See  your  doctor  if  you  develop  the  symptoms  listed  

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Thank  You