Download - Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Page 1: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie
Page 2: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Volume 28 Issue 11 2 August 2019

Phone: 9724 3320



August 5 –9



Book Fair

Monday 5


African Beat


August 6–7

Parent Interviews

Thursday 8




August 14–15


Athletics Carnival

Our Athletics Carni-

val was held yester-

day 1 August at

Rosford Reserve.

Students competed

in races as well as

the field events of

high jump, discus,

shot put and long


The canteen did a

roaring trade and

many hotdogs were


Thank you to all the

teachers who organ-

ised and help run

the day.

Thank you to the

parents wo attended

Thank you to all the

CHPS boys and girls

who competed and

showed they know

how to be Safe,

Respectable and


Page 3: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 3


Our uniform shop, currently run by PSW, will be closing near the end of this term.

This means that we will no longer be supplying uniforms to our community on the

school site. Our new supplier will the School Locker, located at The Grove Home-

maker Centre on Orange Grove Road (Cumberland Highway). We will be organis-

ing a Coffee and Chat to provide more information in the near future.

Education Week is a statewide, annual event to celebrate NSW public educa-

tion, which will be held next 5-9 August 2019. The week communicates the

achievements of public schools, their students and the value of public educa-

tion. The theme for 2019 Education Week is Every student, every voice. It is

a celebration of student empowerment and how the NSW public education

system gives students the skills they need in order to have and express a

voice during their own educational journey and as engaged global citizens.

Join us for #EdWeek19 as we celebrate our students and their power to shape

the world.

See page 6 of this newsletter to find out what is happening at CHPS next


We are holding Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 6 and

Wednesday 7 August. Notes went home in Week 1 and requests for

interviews we due back on Wednesday 31 July. You should receive

confirmation of your interview time from your child’s teacher. If you

missed the note, it may not be too late to ask your child’s teacher

for an interview time. Parent-Teacher interviews are an important

opportunity to check on your child’s progress and discuss their report. We hope to see you next week.

Our staff continued to engage in professional learning activities throughout

the last two weeks. Across the school we had teachers attend a variety of

workshops and meetings.

Staff Development Day

Number Talks

L3 observation and training

Data Talks

The role of curiosity in the classroom

Big ideas in mathematics

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Uniform Shop

Education Week– Every Student, Every Voice

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Teachers Are Learners Too



Page 4: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 4

Preschool News

Welcome back to Term 3 preschool. We hope everyone had a safe and relaxing holiday.

The children were very excited last week to return to preschool. Lots of happy faces were sharing

stories and experiences with each other. It is so lovely to see the relationships between our children

and families.

A few reminders for parents and families, it is very cold in the mornings so please layer your child’s clothing. Don’t forget to label everything to avoid lost items. We will still be playing and learning out-side as it is important for young children.

Can we ask that parents and families please remember to sign in every morning and sign out

every afternoon. This is a legal requirement we must adhere to.

Last week preschool enjoyed being back in the outdoor environ-

ment. The mud kitchen was a popular area to be in. The children

were sharing personal experiences about cooking and gardening

whilst playing here. There were mud pies and pizzas on offer and

they were delicious. The children happily shared roles and re-

sponsibilities of chefs, assistants, instructors and customers. Lots

of turn taking was observed through this play, such a great skill

for young children to develop.

The boys had a great time sharing and taking turns with the bas-

ketballs and hoops. They were so excited each time they were

successful with a goal. Hearing them cheer each other on was so

pleasing. The boys had a system of lining up to ensure each per-

son had equal turns. The rules were negotiated and followed by

all. We may have some future sport stars amongst us at Canley


Sand play has been missed over the holidays. The boys request-

ed we put the trucks and diggers in with buckets and spades.

They were using the trucks, diggers and spades to create big

holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest

hole. We will be exploring sizes and mass concepts more over

the next few weeks. We will extend on this experience by adding

water to the holes, creating tunnels for vehicles and much more.

Keep an eye out for the things we create!

Page 5: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 5

3/4C News

3/4C- The Tech-Savvy Crew!

Now that Term 3 has begun, 3/4C have gotten straight into the swing of things

and have commenced our technology program. This term, we are becoming

more confident when using Microsoft Word to publish our writing pieces.

We are learning about how to change fonts, layouts, page designs, add bor-

ders and even attach pictures from the internet.

For the next few weeks, 3/4C are looking at ‘Recycling’. We are using our computer lab time to research and produce a short informative text on ‘Why recycling is important’. Take a look at how hard we are all concentrating!

“I like that when we type and make mistakes, Mi-crosoft Word underlines the incorrect word and

helps us fix it up.” - Tayt

“When we type our texts on Microsoft Word, our

work is much neater and most of the time we finish

quicker”. - Adriano

“Typing helps me think better and my typing is much faster than when I

write”. - Aiden

“Using Microsoft Word is easier and quicker than having to write in pencil.

It’s much neater as well!” - Angelina

Page 6: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 6

Education Week Events at CHPS

Page 7: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 7


Education Week Book Fair Term 3 Week 3

Our school will be holding a Book Fair in the Library. We will be open

Monday August 5th- Friday Aug 9


8:30am - 3:20pm each day.

Come on up with your children as we would love to see you! All books must be ordered by placing a completed order slip and money into a sealed enve-

lope into the money drop box at the front office. Please clearly label your child’s full name and class on the envelope.

All orders are cash only. Thank you for your support




Every purchase from Scholastic Book Club helps the school to buy extra classroom resources.

Scholastic Book Club orders for Term 3 are now open and orders will close on 11

th August, 2019.

LOOP Online Ordering The easiest way for families to order and pay for Book Club is to use the online LOOP platform. This will ensure that students get their orders, which are delivered to school for free, and that the correct pay-ment is received. Please use the link to register and start your LOOP is also available as an app, for both Apple and Android devices. NO Cash Payments are accepted at our school. LOOP-only Special Offers Families who order via LOOP will receive a free reusable book bag with their second order for the year, and a poster and bookmark for those who place their third order. How families reward their school Thank you to everyone who ordered from Book Club in Term 1 & 2. 20% of what you spend goes back to the school. Your support, in ordering from Book Club, has allowed the school to buy additional books and classroom sup-plies. Thank you for your support, Mrs Michelle Lin

EALD Teacher

Page 8: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 8

Art Attack

Our Art Attack stars this week are Jasmine from Kindergarten Blue who created an

art piece on ‘The Princess and the Pea’ and Marriam from 2C who created a flower

art piece. Thank you for sharing your creativity.

Page 9: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 9

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Congratulations to the following students who have received merit

awards for being safe, respectful and responsible.

Monday 23rd July - Friday 2 August


Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S,

Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie 1/2S, Hector T 3/4P


Samira M 3/4P, Cynthia P 3/4S, Merai S 3/4C, Daniel H 5/6A, Aaron V 5/6B,

Edward Y 5/6B, Gilbert L 5/6, Elise C 1/2S, Justine B 1/2S,Latu M 2P,Anneli

L 3/4H,Hoang T 3/4H,Tony N 3/4P,Jaoji S 3/4P,Jayke S3/4S,Damien T K

RED, Dario K K RED, Hong M K RED, Johnny L K RED, Lionel P K RED,

Sydney L K YELLOW, Valerie H K RED


Christina H 3/4A, Edmond T 3/4A, Justin D 3/4A, Aduad B 3/4S, Sakiinah A

3/4A, Zoe K 5/6C, Dekota H 5/6C., Kathleen P 5/6C

Page 10: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 10

Stars of the Week Term 3 Week 1 Term 3 Week 2

KGreen Sean Excellent improvement in writing. KGreen Steven Excellent improvement in reading and


KBlue Alex Using strategies to add numbers. KBlue Elayna Being a kind and caring friend.

KYellow Branko Being a kind and considerate. KYellow Eli Using sounds to work at tricky words.

KRed Alex Consistent effort in his classwork read-

ing and writing.

KRed Lionel A great effort in writing.

1C Lina Fantastic ideas when writing her imagi-

native story.

1C Luca Identifying the place value in 2 digit


1H Peter Contributing to all classroom learning


1H Emilia Welcome to CHPS.

1P William Drawing showing how it equal grown . 1P Daniela Working hard in all areas.

1/2S Alyssa Great effort in all areas 1/2S Ramonah Co-operation / friendliness.

2C Audrina Great classroom helper 2C Viamoana Consistent efforts in learning.

2H Charlie Doing his best in all 2H Rodney Fantastic effort in all key learning areas.

2P Jarell Outstanding writing 2P Fabiyan Outstanding effort calculating money.

3/4C 3/4C Ronza Welcome to CHPS.

3/4H 3/4H Jake Great knowledge of global warning.

3/4P 3/4P Jarryd Always trying hard during class discus-

sions+ making informative contributions.

3/4S 3/4S Jane Contributing to class discussions and

sharing her valuable ideas.

3/4A 3/4A Johnny Increasing the amount of writing week by

week .

5/6C 5/6C Davina Writing a great narrative with a clear

students and an engaging plot.

5/6H 5/6H Isabella Confidently contributing to class discus-


5/6P 5/6P Rachael Outstanding work in her homework.

5/6S 5/6S Phuong Excellent improvement in mathematics.

5/6A 5/6A Emma For completing her work on time in class.

5/6B 5/6B Eric Great connections in History.


Children are now to wear their full winter uniform.

Royal Blue track pants, royal blue jacket or sloppy joe,

light blue polo shirt (long or short sleeve) black shoes.

On sport days, yellow polo shirt is to be worn and

white joggers.

A reminder that the uniform shop is opened Monday

mornings and Wednesday afternoon.




Please make sure that

all you contact numbers

are up to date.

If your child gets sick or

is injured we need to be

able to contact you


Page 11: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 11

Canley Heights PS Preschool Enrolment Procedures for 2020

Preschool 2020 enrolment forms are available at the school administration office. Completed forms are accepted at the Administration office between 8.30am to 3pm. All documents as listed below must be submitted at the time of enrolment. To be eligible for enrolment for Preschool 2020 your child must turn 4 years old by 31

July 2020.

You will need to bring the following documents to complete the enrolment application.

1. The child’s birth certificate or passport

2. Immunisation certificate (certificates available from Medicare only)

3. Proof of Address- Utility bill (e.g. electricity, rates. etc.), healthcare card, lease

agreement, contents insurance or bank statement. Driver’s License will not be


4. Parent’s passport if both parents are born overseas/Visa Documentation/ Australi-

an Citizenship Certificate.

Applications close on 20 September 2019.

Positions for the Preschool will be offered in accordance with the Eligibility criteria for

the Department of Education.

Canley Heights Public School 2020 Kindergarten Enrolment

Kindergarten enrolments for 2020 will commence from Monday

29 April 2019 between 8.30am-3pm.

To be eligible for enrolment for Kindergarten in 2020 your child must turn 5 years old by

31 July 2020.

You will need to bring the following documents to complete the enrolment application

The child’s birth certificate/Australian Passport

Immunisation certificate (certificates available from Medicare


2 forms of Proof of Address- Utility bill (e.g. electricity, rates etc.), healthcare card,

lease agreement, contents insurance or bank statement.

Drivers licence will not be accepted.

Parent Passport if both parents are born overseas

Page 12: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

Canley Heights PS Page 12

This is part of our Education Week program, tak-

ing place in classroom’s on Monday 5 August

Page 13: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

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Page 14: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

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Page 15: Athletics Carnival · holes. There was a completion over who could dig the biggest ... Charlie C 2H, Brandon C 3/4P, Luka D 3/4P, Jarryd C 3/4P, Kaelynn V 1/2S, Kevin T 1/2S, Kodie

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