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“I would like to thank my family for their understanding throughout the past two years of nursing school!  For calling the night before my tests to tell me, "You got this" after finding out it helped give me the confidence to do better on my tests; for answering medication questions at all times of the day and night; for staying up and helping me study, when you were already tired from a long day at work; for picking up the check because you know money is getting tight; for the many long, silent, hugs when the stress was too much to handle; and for the inspiration to continue! Finally, I would like to thank my grandfather, for always showing me the way, even to your dying day, for I would have not known what to do with my life!”

-Andrew Trammel

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-Brenda Mazzone

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“I'd like to thank all of the wonderful nurses I have encountered in the last two years.  Truly, they have shattered the cliché that "Nurses eat their young!"  On that note, let me thank all of my classmates and teachers.  I can think of many occasions when I got just the right encouragement from a classmate or just the right compliment from a teacher.  These words allowed me to believe in myself in a time when I otherwise might not have. My classmates have become dear friends and there is not one person in this class who I wouldn't feel complete and utter faith in being taken care of by. And of course, I want to thank my family and friends who have made my life so very much easier.  Especially my parents and in-laws, who have always been there at the drop of a hat

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I truly could not have made it through the last two years without your unwavering support! I feel so proud to be starting my path as a nurse- It's what my parents always knew I would be even when I thought I couldn't do it.  But the biggest THANK YOU of all goes to my wonderful husband who has been there for me every step of the way.  I can't express in words how grateful I am.  There are too many things that you have done to help me these last two years to even begin to list here.  And to my sweet baby boy, who decided to make his grand appearance 21 days before the start of my senior year, I can't thank you enough for giving me the motivation to finish and succeed.”

-Caroline Buchannan

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“Thank you Lord, for giving me the peace, patience and ability to become the nurse you would have me to be.  A HUGE, but no way big enough, thanks to my wonderfully loving and adoring husband for being the only CONSTANT throughout the past two years.  Thank you for all you have done to allow me to finish school! From being my CALM to helping me study - you are the best! To my kids for dealing with my stress, being AHHMAHHZING (as Caleb would say) and picking up the slack around the house (well usually). To my parents who allowed me to fail (and cried when I did) told me I could be and do anything and gave me the love, confidence (I am not conceited - I am convinced!) and support to do it (even if it was just staying home with the kids!).  To the family and friends who even though we couldn't get together and see each other, remained supportive and now we can celebrate! And to my new nursing friends, it is over - we survived - Congratulations!  Love to you all!”

– Christina Walton

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“I would like to thank Dakotah, my whole family, and the ATC Nursing Class of 2013!!” - Janet Campbell

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I would like to thank God first and foremost for giving me the strength to get through this point of my life. Thank you to my mother Jacqueline Pean, my father Charles Pean, my daughter Gabrielle Winston, my husband Antoine Winston and my best friend Jessica Hazelwood. I would also like to thank my cheerleaders: Ralph Pean, Lentz Pean and Sabrina Bogan for their continued support.”- Jennifer Pean-Winston

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“All the hard work has paid off. Thrilled to be graduating!”- Jodi Balderrama

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“I would like to thank my wife, Amber, as well as all my family and friends. Thank you for all your love and support. It has meant more to me than you know.”- Jonathan Strickland

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"I would like to thank my beautiful daughters, Jasmine and Jordan, for your patience, love, and understanding; and my supportive husband, John, for eliminating any obstacle in your control that would make this experience as painless as possible for me.  The three of you are my everything and I love you with all that I am. I would also like to thank my instructors for being key components for my nursing school success.”

-Juanjeca Barrow

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“I want to thank all my family and friends that have believed in me, supported me, and encouraged me through this life changing endeavor called Nursing School!!!!”-Kristen White

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“I would like to thank my family and friends who have been supportive of my decision to go back to school. And who have encouraged me through out this adventure.”- Megan Walling

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Thank you to my family and friends for the support and understanding. Also to my classmates for being an awesome crew to go through it all with.”

- Mike George

“Well ya know………

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“I would like to thank my family. Jimmy, Justin, and Dylan, - thank you for being patient and so supportive. Thank you Nana for all your help, without you I would not have been able to make it.”

- Nancy Floyd

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“I want to thank my mom, dad, and brother for supporting me for the last two years.  I also want to thank Wes and Melody for letting me crash at their place for those early morning clinicals.  Good luck Class of 2013!”

-Roman Kelly

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“Thank you to my husband, Donald Jones. You have supported me emotionally and financially so that I could pursue and achieve my dream!!! Thank you, I love you!”

-Theresa Jones

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“I want to thank God, Todd, Taylor and Shelby for loving and supporting me through all of this craziness. Mom and Dad, and the rest of my family and friends for their support, love and encouragement, and for not ever letting me quit.”

- Valerie Gabriel

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“I would like to thank my mother and especially my fiancé Rusty, for being so supportive and understanding for the past 3 years while I have been in school.  I couldn't have done it without you!!”-Wanda Matthews

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“I would like to say Thank you to my loving wife Brooke, who has supported me through this adventure. And, Thank you to my family for all of your guidance and support.”

- Ross Amerson

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-Casey Haley

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“I want to thank my wife Heather who is my reason for striving for this dream, my parents Randall and Karen who support me in everything I do, Debbie and Roger, Mike and Janice, and of course all my classmates...thanks for believing in me, for all the study groups, and for being there every step of the way. I truly could not have done this without all of you.”

- David Anderson

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“ I would like to thanks my parents Stephen and April brown and my siblings Joanna and Seth brown”- Iris Brown

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“I want to thank my husband Tommy, who has always stood by me through anything I have wanted to do. My in-laws Jerri and Tommy who have helped us beyond measure. My children Erika, Ryan and Ethan who by far are my greatest accomplishments. I love all of you more than I could ever show!! And I want to thank all of you, we started as classmates and have ended this journey as life long friends. I am so blessed to have gone through this with you!! Love, Jody”

- Jody Scott

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I love Meatball F’ing Subs – Rachel Peterson

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“Thank you to everyone who helped me through this experience, but especially the love of my life, my wife Nina.”

- Sean Kelly

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- Stefani Schwan

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“Life is a series of experiences, each one makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was build to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward” –Henry Ford

“I am here because my instructors, family, and you my peers never let me forget this. I love you all dearly, Thank you”

– Temika Thomas

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-Mike Shaw