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Date: 09.09.08 RE: Plans and Programs Committee September 9, 2008

To: Plans and Programs Committee: Commissioners Dufty (Chair), Peskin (Vice Chair), Daly, Elsbernd, Maxwell, and McGoldrick (Ex Officio)

From: Tilly Chang – Deputy Director for Planning

Through: José Luis Moscovich – Executive Director

Subject: INFORMATION – Draft Final Report on the Automobile Trip Generation (ATG) Impact Measure and on the Proposed ATG Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study


The Authority’s Strategic Analysis Report on Transportation Level of Service (LOS) Methodologies (SAR 02-03) examined alternative methodologies for assessing the transportation impacts of projects pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The SAR recommended convening a technical working group (TWG) to refine the SAR’s recommendations for approval by the Authority Board. In July 2005, staff updated the Authority on the LOS TWG recommendation to replace the current automobile LOS measure with a measure based on the Auto Trips Generated (ATG) by a project, paired with a transportation impact mitigation fee (TIMF). Based on subsequent technical assessment and input from the LOS TWG and a statewide Peer Review Roundtable, the Auto Trip Generation Impact Measure Final Report recommends an ATG measure based on net new automobile trips generated by a project. Projects that do not generate net new automobile trips would not be considered to have transportation impacts under CEQA. Projects that do generate automobile trips would be able to mitigate their impacts by paying a new transportation impact mitigation fee that would fund a set of citywide and local area projects designed to address environmental impacts caused by the project. This approach is a better indicator of environmental effect than LOS; it is consistent with the City’s Transit First policy and other environmental and health goals; it is more efficient and transparent for the Planning Department to implement and for project sponsors to understand; and it is a more effective approach to transportation impact mitigation. The report recommends the adoption of a new ATG measure and TIMF program by the City, and proposes that the Authority partner with City agencies on the initiation of a nexus study to support the new program. We are seeking input and comments from the Committee on the Draft Final Report on the Automobile Trip Generation Impact Measure and on the proposed ATG TIMF Nexus Study.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires California’s public agencies to determine the potential for proposed projects to have significant impacts on the environment, including transportation impacts. CEQA also encourages agencies to develop thresholds of significance—the quantitative point at which an environmental effect may be considered significant—to facilitate these determinations. Although CEQA gives local jurisdictions discretion to adopt impact measures and significance thresholds, California agencies usually measure project effects on transportation using the Highway Capacity Manual’s Level of Service (LOS) measure. Typically, that measure is about intersection delay.

In December 2003, the Authority adopted a Strategic Analysis Report (SAR 02-03) on the Transportation System LOS Methodologies, which had been requested by Commissioner McGoldrick. It examined alternative methodologies for assessing the transportation impacts of projects pursuant to CEQA. The SAR reported that LOS is not an appropriate measure of the environmental impact of

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proposed projects in San Francisco because it is:

inferior at reflecting negative effects of transportation activity on the environment;

inefficient for the Planning Department and project sponsors; and

inconsistent with the Transit First policy in the San Francisco City Charter.

San Francisco’s Transit First Policy, Section 16.102 of the City Charter, recognizes that automobile congestion is a likely short-term outcome of efforts to increase transit mode share by converting rights of way currently used by autos or mixed traffic into rights of way for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation. San Francisco’s next generation of multimodal transportation improvements will require a system management approach, including reallocating right-of-way from mixed flow traffic to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit uses. Since improvements to one mode often come at the expense of other modes—especially in a built-out environment—the City’s current automobile LOS standard places priority on minimizing a project’s contribution to automobile congestion, often at the expense of transit, bicycle, and pedestrian conditions. Although short-term congestion effects may result from implementing the Transit First policy, the policy recognizes that mode shift will occur gradually as these modal networks are improved. The City’s CEQA implementation tools should reflect the City’s recognition that automobile LOS impacts are to be expected as the transportation system is changed and managed over time.

The SAR recommended convening a technical working group (TWG) to refine the SAR’s recommendations for the Authority Board’s approval and action. In July 2005, staff updated the Authority on the LOS TWG recommendations, which included replacing the current LOS measure with a measure based on the net automobile trips generated (ATG) by a project, paired with a transportation impact mitigation fee (TIMF) program designed to mitigate the impacts of added vehicle trips. Based on subsequent technical assessment and input from the LOS TWG, City Attorney, and peer review, the Automobile Trip Generation Impact Measure Final Report recommends a net per-trip ATG measure and TIMF program. Projects which do not generate new automobile trips would not have an ATG impact. The per-trip ATG threshold is consistent with the conclusion that any added vehicle trip onto San Francisco’s transportation system contributes to environmental impact, especially in the areas of pedestrian safety and greenhouse gas emissions.

The proposed replacement measure provides an impact analysis tool that is:

A better indicator of environmental effect than LOS;

Consistent with the City’s Transit First Policy and other environmental and health goals;

More efficient and transparent for the Planning Department to implement and for project sponsors to understand; and

A more effective approach to transportation impact mitigation.

The purpose of this memo is to summarize the findings and recommendations of the Authority’s Draft ATG Impact Measure Final Report, and to propose a partnership with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and the Planning Department on the ATG TIMF Nexus Study.


The following conclusions and recommendations are found in the Draft ATG Final Report, and are based on technical assessment and input from the LOS TWG, City Attorney, and a statewide Peer

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Review Roundtable.

ATG as a better indicator of environmental effects: An ATG impact measure recognizes that new land use or transportation projects have a negative environmental impact when they add new vehicle trips to the transportation system. Furthermore, ATG serves as a more effective indicator of these impacts than LOS. Added automobile trips have direct effects on the performance of the transportation system and the overall environment:

1) The system user (traveler), especially transit and non-motorized travelers, experience negative impacts from each additional automobile trip in terms of their own mobility and accessibility, reliability, and safety;

2) The system operator, the entity responsible for maintaining the entire transportation system, faces many challenges as automobile trips increase in terms of ensuring efficient operations, providing equitable services and maintaining system assets; and

3) Automobile trips also have external effects on the environment beyond the transportation system, including on air and water quality, noise levels, health and livability, and greenhouse gas levels.

Automobile volumes are a better indicator than LOS for the range of environmental effects identified above (such as pedestrian safety, carbon emissions, noise levels, and water quality).

Alternative ATG thresholds considered: The study team considered each of the aforementioned environmental effects as a potential approach to identifying that point at which the automobile trips added to the system becomes a significant negative impact. The study team concluded that each net ATG has a negative impact on the environment, particularly in the environmental areas of pedestrian safety and carbon emissions, and especially when considered cumulatively.

New ATG Measure More Consistent with City Policy: An ATG-based measure of transportation impact is consistent with the Transit First policy, which recognizes that short-term automobile congestion will result from shifts of rights-of-way from automobile to transit, bicycling, and pedestrians. Instead of seeking to preserve system efficiency by expanding capacity for driving (or constraining the ability to improve conditions for transit, walking, and bicycling), the ATG measure recognizes that constraining the growth in automobile trips on San Francisco streets is critical for improving transportation system efficiency and preventing further degradations to environmental quality. Projects which would not generate any net new automobile trips would not have transportation impacts under this approach.

Improved efficiency for Planning Department and project sponsors: While the current intersection-based LOS methods require intensive studies of existing and future traffic assignment patterns, the per-trip method requires only a vehicle trip generation estimate – a task routinely performed as the first step in the current intersection-based LOS analysis and widely understood by city staff, policy-makers, project sponsors and the public. To determine impacts, project sponsors would estimate vehicle trip generation using the City’s existing methodology; and then determine required mitigations based on a per-trip TIMF – a greatly streamline process.

Determination of impact and mitigation is also made predictable early on in the project development and environmental review process under the proposed approach, increasing certainty for project. Traffic studies would still be useful in the planning and project development process, but would not longer be a requirement for environmental review.

More effective mitigation: A per-trip ATG threshold coupled with a per-trip transportation impact

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mitigation fee (TIMF) program provides a superior approach to mitigating the citywide and localized impacts of traffic growth. The fee program will be designed to charge a set fee to a project sponsor based on the number of automobile trips generated or induced by the project. A portion of the impact fee revenues will support a countywide program of transportation improvements (mitigation measures) shown to mitigate the impacts of expected traffic growth; another portion of the revenues will support localized mitigation measures. The TIMF payment will satisfy the project’s mitigation requirements.

The fee level and the mitigation projects must be established through an ATG TIMF Nexus Study.. The Office of Economic Development, the Planning Department, and the Authority will partner to commission an ATG TIMF Nexus Study. Key issues to be addressed by the Nexus Study include clarifying the relationship of the TIMF to other existing and proposed fee programs, determining the basis for TIMF program project selection, and determining program administration and implementation. These issues are addressed in the Nexus Study scope, currently under development among several agencies including the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Planning Department, Municipal Transportation Agency and the Authority.

Implementation Steps:

• Peer Review. On July 8, 2008, the Authority hosted a statewide Peer Roundtable of industry experts, practitioners, officials from other California cities, and the LOS TWG members to review the staff recommendation. The Peer Roundtable informally supported the net-trip ATG threshold with TIMF program approach.

• Nexus Study for ATG TIMF Program, as described above.

• ATG Hearing and Ordinance. The Planning Commission has the authority to adopt the ATG impact measure by ordinance as a replacement for automobile LOS. The Planning Department will prepare an ATG ordinance of adoption by the Planning Commission.

• Environmental Review of Action. We recommend an environmental review on the action to adopt ATG as the City’s measure and threshold for transportation impact.

• Transition Period for Implementation. The new methodology should be phased in through a transition period to be determined by the City Attorney and Planning Department.

We are seeking input and comments from the Committee on the Draft Final Report on the ATG Impact Measure and on the proposed ATG TIMF Nexus Study.


This is an information item.


The CAC was briefed on this item at its July 2008 meeting.


This is an information item. The eventual action to contribute $100,000 towards the ATG TIMF Nexus Study will not have a financial impact; this partnership is anticipated in the Authority’s currently adopted budget.

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Not applicable. This is an information item.


Draft Final Report – Automobile Trips Generated (ATG) CEQA Impact Measure and Mitigation Program

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Draft Final Report

Automobile Trips Generated (ATG): CEQA Impact Measure and Mitigation

Program Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 1) The need to replace automobile LOS as a CEQA impact measure ............... 2 2) Why ATG as a CEQA impact measure? ............................................................ 4 3) Alternative approaches considered but rejected ................................................ 8 4) Consideration of ATG Significance Thresholds .............................................. 10 5) Recommendation: Per-trip ATG impact measure and mitigation program . 15 6) Benefits of per-trip ATG impact measure and mitigation program ............. 18 7) Next Steps ............................................................................................................... 18

Introduction This report summarizes the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (Authority)’s proposal for a CEQA transportation impact measure and mitigation program based on the number of automobile1 trips generated (ATG) by a project. This measure is intended to replace the automobile level of service (automobile LOS) impact measure currently in use (automobile LOS measures the automobile level of service in terms of average delay at intersections).

Each net new automobile trip added onto San Francisco’s transportation system contributes to cumulative environmental impacts, especially in terms of pedestrian safety and greenhouse gas emissions. Under the proposed approach, CEQA transportation impact analysis would focus on the net new trips generated or induced by proposed projects. Furthermore, a new Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee (TIMF) program would mitigate the impacts of these added vehicle trips. The TIMF would fund countywide and local area transportation projects designed to address a wider set of transportation system development and management needs than current mitigation projects typically do.

Compared with the current measure, the proposed ATG impact measure – in combination with a new TIMF program – would provide several benefits. ATG-based impact analysis would be:

a. More consistent with San Francisco’s Transit First Policy and other local policies that seek to reduce auto traffic in San Francisco;

1 If other motorized vehicles such as trucks and motorcycles are to be included, then the measure may be more accurately called a “vehicle trips generated” measure (VTG).

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b. Superior at capturing and mitigating the system impacts of new projects on the transportation environment;

c. Effective at increasing certainty and streamlining the transportation impact analysis process for project sponsors; and

d. More efficient for the Planning Department to administer.

Moreover, the new measure would be:

a. consistent with California Environmental Quality Act, b. based on local tools, data and methods, and c. utilize existing data and be otherwise practical to implement.

The following sections summarize the ATG threshold and mitigation proposal, focusing on the conceptual basis for the measure and mitigation program and the approach to applying the ATG measure in project impact analyses. Section 1 discusses the need to replace the automobile LOS impact measure; Section 2 explains why ATG is a superior impact measure; Section 3 discusses alternative impact measures and other approaches that we considered and rejected; Section 4 discusses potential thresholds of significance for the ATG measure; Section 5 presents the recommended impact measure, a net per-trip ATG impact measure and mitigation program; Section 6 summarizes the benefits of the proposed approach; and Section 7 outlines next steps for implementing the ATG measure.

1. The Need to Replace Automobile LOS as a CEQA impact Measure The Authority proposes that the City and County of San Francisco replace automobile LOS, the key measure used to determine transportation impacts under CEQA, with an impact measure based on the number of automobile trips generated (ATG) or induced by a proposed project. As reported in the SAR, LOS is not an appropriate measure of the environmental impact of proposed projects in San Francisco because it is:

• Inconsistent with local policies, including the Transit First policy in San Francisco’s City Charter, the Countywide Transportation Plan, and the Climate Action Plan;

• Inferior at reflecting negative environmental effects;

• Inefficient for the Planning Department and project sponsors

1.1 LOS is Inconsistent with Local Policies

While the current automobile level of service (delay) measure was effective in reflecting local transportation policies several decades ago, it has become increasingly incongruous with city goals since the adoption of, San Francisco’s Transit First Policy in 1973.

The Transit First Policy, Section 16.102 of the City Charter, states in part:

1. “The primary objective of the transportation system must be the safe and efficient movement of people and goods” (emphasis added)

As noted above, city policy emphasizes the movement of people and goods, rather than vehicles, as the automobile LOS measure does. Moreover, as the city’s street network has matured and capacity additions are replaced with capacity reductions (e.g. Embarcadero and Central Freeway structures) and demand management efforts, the

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automobile LOS measure is increasingly at odds with the desire to promote and develop alternative modes:

2. “Decisions regarding the use of limited public street and sidewalk space shall encourage the use of public rights of way by pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit, and shall strive to reduce traffic and improve public health and safety.”

Here, the Transit First Policy implicitly recognizes that automobile congestion is a likely short term outcome of efforts to increase use of alternative modes, due to the fixed supply of road capacity. Although this effect may occur in the short-term, the policy recognizes the long-term benefits of a more balanced transportation system in promoting public health and safety. Other city policies such as the goal to increase housing supply also rely on implementation of the Transit First policy.

These city goals and policies should be implemented in part through tools such as the measure used to determine when a proposed project would have a significant impact on the transportation environment. However, the City’s use of the automobile LOS impact measure is inconsistent with local Transit First Policy because it places priority on minimizing traffic impacts, often at the expense of transit, bicycle, and pedestrian conditions. The effect is that automobile LOS tends to be maintained at the expense of transit, bicycle and pedestrian LOS when road space (such as a right turn pocket) or green time (such as a left turn arrow) are required to mitigate a project’s traffic impacts.

Another effect of the existing measure is that it hinders the very Transit First projects that city policy promotes. San Francisco’s next generation of multi-modal transportation improvements will require a system management approach, including re-allocating green time and rights-of-way from mixed flow traffic to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit uses. However, the automobile LOS measure often triggers costly and time-consuming environmental reviews, impeding implementation of these important projects. The City’s transportation impact measures should and can be better aligned with local policies and initiatives.

1.2 LOS does not reflect environmental effects.

Another important reason for replacing the automobile LOS measure is that it does not adequately reflect environmental effects. CEQA requires a focus on physical environmental effects, not economic or social effects such as motorist delay. In fact, research has shown that maintaining and improving auto LOS potentially degrades the environment and environmental effects, rather than improves it. Section 2 summarizes the link between auto LOS and environmental quality, and contrasts auto LOS with the alternate proposed measure of ATG.

1.3 LOS analysis is inefficient for the Planning Department and project sponsors.

Replacing LOS with a new measure provides an opportunity to reduce the burden and increase the equity of the CEQA process, both for the City and for project sponsors. The Planning Department’s Office of Major Environmental Analysis is experiencing an 8-month backlog of projects needing review; this wait time amounts to costly delay in project implementation schedules.

In addition to waiting time is the cost in time – and the unpredictability in required time – to conducted the LOS impact analysis itself and identify mitigation measures for impacts. Potential LOS impacts and, especially, mitigation measures, are a significant source of uncertainty in project implementation schedules and budgets. The analyses involve significant levels of professional judgment both in determining impacts and in identifying mitigation measures. It is likely that other ways of quantifying transportation impact, such as the automobile trips generated by a project, are

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equally effective at indicating environmentally undesirable project effects while also being easier to anticipate and estimate. Section 6 also discusses the opportunity to increase the predictability of determining mitigation measures. For project sponsors, reducing the uncertainty around environmental impact outcomes and mitigation measures saves significant cost, both in time and money.

In addition, an alternative measure can be more equitable by eliminating the “last-in” problem, which means that significant impacts to automobile LOS are generally caused by the traffic resulting from the latest project to be evaluated. This penalizes new projects for contributions made to a problem by earlier generations of projects. In contrast, the one-trip threshold considers the incremental impact of each additional vehicle trip added to the system. In other words, the one-trip threshold distributes impacts incrementally among all trips.

2. Why ATG as a CEQA transportation impact measure? Fortunately, CEQA grants agencies authority to define impact standards consistent with local policy. The Authority recommends replacing automobile LOS with an impact measure that better reflects local policies, better reflects physical environmental effects, and allows for streamlined administration. An ATG-based impact measure will achieve these objectives.

2.1 ATG is more consistent with local policies

Local policies call for reduced vehicle trip-making. The Transit First Policy and the Climate Action Plan call for reduced vehicle trips. An ATG-based measure recognizes that adding automobile trips to San Francisco streets is environmentally undesirable. The City’s Climate Action Plan calls for reductions in vehicular trip-making and promotion of alternative modes of travel as ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

Local policies support projects that increase the use of alternatives to the automobile. The Transit First Policy and the Climate Action Plan also recognize that projects that support reduced vehicle trip-making are environmentally beneficial. The City’s transportation policy, as expressed through the Transit First Policy and Countywide Transportation Plan, places priority on development of a more balanced transportation system and improving overall system efficiency.2 An ATG-based impact measure supports these policies because it will incentivize projects designed and sited so as to increase the use of transit, biking, and walking.

More significantly, projects that do not generate net new automobile trips will not have an environmental impact on transportation. This is not to propose that traffic studies should not be conducted or considered by the public, on the contrary. Such studies would likely continue to be generated as part of the planning and project design process – they simply would not be required as part of the environmental review process. The effect of this change would be to advance traffic studies in the project development process, which tends to result in more effective and cost-effective public review and design processes.

2.2 ATG is better indicator of environmental effects

CEQA is concerned with physical environmental effects, including both short-term/direct impacts as well as cumulative and indirect effects. Taken as a whole, ATG is a better indicator of environmental effects than LOS. Table 1, below, compares the relative performance of automobile LOS and ATG 2 Countywide Transportation Plan, Transportation Authority, 2004.

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as indicators of environmental impacts. It demonstrates why, of the two, ATG is the more appropriate measure of environmental impacts from automobile traffic. ATG is an effective indicator of all 7 areas of environmental effect, especially when considering long-term effects; LOS is arguably an adequate indicator for 3 of these areas.

In particular,

• LOS not an effective indicator of vehicle emissions. Pollutants are correlated with the ATG, vehicle-miles traveled (VMT), and vehicle speeds. At best, LOS serves as a measure of speeds in that it predicts intersection delay. Although LOS is an indicator of high localized concentrations, or “hotspots,” of carbon monoxide (CO) caused by idling engines, CO hotspots are now rare in the Bay Area due to improvements in automotive engines and the introduction of reformulated fuel. Hotspots are primarily limited to areas where heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses, idle for extended periods of time (BAAQMD, 2008), and studies indicate that LOS is a poor predictor of potential CO hotspots when compared to the EPA-recommended model CAL3QHCr. By contrast, ATG is a reasonable indicator; emissions of these pollutants are correlated with ATG (from cold starts).

• LOS not an effective indicator of climate change impacts; emissions of greenhouse gases are correlated with ATG/VMT and other factors such as fleet make-up, fuel type, and prevailing traffic speeds - not with delays. In contrast, greenhouse gas emissions are correlated with ATG (from cold starts).

• LOS can be considered a reasonable indicator of acute traffic noise pollution at congested intersections. However, LOS is not an effective indicator of chronic traffic noise pollution that occurs citywide or for acute traffic noise outside of the immediate area of congested intersections. ATG does capture those effects.

• LOS is not correlated with safety. ATG, however, is correlated with the citywide collision rate. The SF DPH’s Vehicle-Pedestrian Injury Collision Model (Bhatia et. al., 2007) concludes that the most important predictive factors of pedestrian collisions are traffic volumes, street type, surrounding land uses, and other socio-demographic conditions.

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Table 1. Relative Performance of Automobile LOS and ATG as Indicators of Environmental Effects



Short Term & Direct Cumulative & Indirect Short Term & Direct Cumulative & Indirect


Key indicators: reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and PM10 - LOS not an effective indicator of vehicle emissions. Pollutants are correlated with the number of automobile

trips, vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) and vehicle speeds (FHWA TOPR 29, 2004).3 At best, LOS serves as a measure of speeds in that it predicts intersection delay.

- LOS is an indicator of high localized concentrations, or “hotspots,” of carbon monoxide (CO) caused by idling

engines. However, in the Bay Area CO hotspots are now rare due to improvements in automotive engines and the introduction of reformulated fuel. Hotspots are primarily limited to areas where heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses, idle for extended periods of time. (BAAQMD, 2008). Intersections with vastly different numbers of approach lanes and traffic volumes can all have equivalent LOS values, suggesting they are all equivalent candidates for generating hotspots. Study results (Meng & Niemeier, 2000) indicate that LOS is a poor predictor of potential CO hotspots when compared to the EPA-recommended model CAL3QHCr.4

Key indicators: reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and PM10 - ATG is a reasonable indicator; emissions of these pollutants are correlated with ATG (from cold starts). They do

vary, however, depending on a number of factors such as fleet make-up, fuel type and prevailing traffic speeds. - These pollutants also correlated with VMT (from running engines); ATG is an indicator since VMT and ATG are

correlated (Ferrell, 2005). - Research demonstrating the relationship between ATG/VMT includes the US EPA’s “Our Built and Natural

Environments: A Technical Review of the Interactions between Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Quality,” 2001.

- ATG is not an effective indicator of CO hotspots.


Key Indicators: CO2 emissions - LOS not an effective indicator of climate change impacts; emissions of greenhouse gases are correlated with

ATG/VMT and other factors such as fleet make-up, fuel type, and prevailing traffic speeds, not with delays.

Key Indicators: CO2 emissions - ATG is a reasonable indicator of climate change impacts; greenhouse gas emissions are correlated with ATG (from

cold starts and with VMT (from running engines). However, as with other air pollutant emissions, emissions of greenhouse gases vary depending on a number of factors such as fleet make-up, fuel type and prevailing traffic speeds.

- Documentation of the relationship between ATG / VMT and CO2 emissions is provided in California Air Resource Board’s California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.


Key Indicators: “Traffic intrusion” refers to the relationship between vehicle traffic and social interaction / perceptions of neighborhood quality.

These impacts include such things as sense of loss of privacy; disconnection from neighbors and other street users; visual blight; loss of concentration; and intimidation resulting from the threat (real or perceived) of injury resulting from collisions with cars. While there is no research available linking LOS to perception of neighborhood quality or social interaction, conceivably, LOS would be an effective measure of traffic intrusion only at congested intersections.

Key Indicators: “Traffic intrusion” refers to the relationship between vehicle traffic and social interaction / perceptions of neighborhood quality.

- ATG a reasonable indicator of “traffic intrusion” impacts. - Documentation of The link between ATG and traffic intrusion impacts provided in Donald Appleyard’s “Livable

Streets” (1981).


Key Indicators: site-specific noise levels such as car horns, engine acceleration

- LOS a reasonable indicator of acute traffic

noise pollution at congested intersections as drivers navigate those intersections.

Key Indicators: noise levels generated by friction between tires / pavement

- LOS is not an effective indicator of chronic traffic

noise pollution that occurs citywide or for acute traffic noise outside of the immediate area of congested intersections.

Key Indicators: site-specific noise levels such as car horns, engine acceleration

- ATG is not an effective indicator of acute traffic

noise pollution at congested intersections.

Key Indicators: noise levels generated by friction between tires / pavement

- ATG is a reasonable indicator of chronic traffic noise

pollution that occurs citywide and also for acute traffic noise pollution outside of the immediate area of congested intersections.

- The relationship between ATG/VMT and noise pollution is documented in “Environmental Policies for Cities in the 1990s,” by the OECD (Paris, 1990); Bagby (1980); Hughes and Sirmans (1992); Brown and Lam (1994); Delucchi and Hsu (1998); Delucchi (2000); Gillen (2003); Litman (2005).

3 4

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Short Term & Direct Cumulative & Indirect Short Term & Direct Cumulative & Indirect


Key Indicators: Person Throughput per unit time - The key indicator of transportation system

efficiency in the near term is person throughput, on key corridors and on the system overall per unit time, such as daily and during the pm peak hour.

- LOS is a reasonable, though indirect, indicator of transportation system efficiency at a corridor level, in that it estimates delay at intersections, which are the traffic “bottlenecks” on surface streets. The presence of bottlenecks and delays at particular intersections is likely to result in reduced person-throughput on a given corridor.

- Does not account for changes in mode or route in response to congestion / capacity constraints.

Key Indicators: Daily Person Throughput and Mode Share Trend

- The key indicators of transportation system efficiency

in the long term and cumulatively are the daily person throughput of the system, as well as the trend in mode share of the system. For San Francisco, an efficient system is indicated by increasing and/or high levels non-automobile mode shares.

- LOS is not an effective indicator of transportation efficiency at the system (i.e.; corridor or citywide) level of analysis in the long tern / cumulatively, since the amount of delay at a particular intersection is not related to the overall volume of person-trips on the system. In fact, traffic delays may be inversely correlated with non-automobile mode share (Dowling et. al., 2005).

Key Indicators: Person Throughput per unit time

- The key indicators of transportation system efficiency is person throughput on key corridors and on the system overall per unit time, such as daily and during the pm peak hour.

- ATG is a reasonable indicator of system efficiency at the corridor or citywide level because as automobile trips are added onto the system, person throughput increases up to a point, and then begins to decrease once capacity is reached.

- Documentation of this point of “impact” on system efficiency is modeled in work such as Geroliminis N., Daganzo C.F. (2007a) and 2000(b) and in the SF-CHAMP travel demand forecasting model.

Key Indicators: Daily Person Throughput and Mode Share Trend

- ATG is also a reasonable indicator of transportation

efficiency at the system (i.e.; corridor or citywide) level of analysis.


Key Indicator: Collision rate

- Starting with the 1984 version of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), safety has been removed from the definition of LOS since intersection delay does not correlate with safety. Delay is only predictive of safety for left-turn movements where delay influences signal timing and phasing designs which, in turn, influence safety (Zhang & Prevedouros, 2002).

- Other models recently developed – such as the Vehicle-Pedestrian Injury Collision Model (Bhatia et. al., 2007) – suggest the most important predictive factors of pedestrian collisions are traffic volumes, street type, surrounding land uses, and other socio-demographic conditions.

Key Indicator: Collision rate - ATG is a reasonable indicator of the citywide collision rate since collisions are correlated with ATG/VMT and with

fast-moving, rather than idling, traffic. - For those reasons, ATG is also a better indicator of minor collisions outside of congested intersections. - Published studies generally correlate collision risk with vehicle miles, not vehicle volumes - The link between ATG/VMT and traffic safety is well documented in studies such as Balkin & Ord’s “Assessing the

Impact of Speed-Limit Increases on Fatal Interstate Crashes,” 2001); Davis (1998); Kenworthy and Laube (2000); meta-study by Litman (2005).

- The DF DPH’s Vehicle-Pedestrian Injury Collision Model (Bhatia et. al., 2007) suggests that the most important predictive factors of pedestrian collisions are traffic volumes, street type, surrounding land uses, and other socio-demographic conditions.


Key Indicators: suspended solids, organic carbons, toxic metals (nitrates, copper, lead, zinc) all largely from brake pad dust and oil and engine drips and leaks.

- With the possible exception of brake pad dust, LOS is not an effective indicator of traffic-generated water

pollution since such pollution is very weakly correlated with idling traffic at congested intersections.

Key Indicators: suspended solids, organic carbons, toxic metals (nitrates, copper, lead, zinc) all largely from brake pad dust and oil and engine drips and leaks.

- ATG is a reasonable indicator of traffic-generated water pollution in the form of oil and engine drips and leaks,

ground brake pads and deposited air pollution, especially to the extent that ATG and VMT are correlated. - Link between automobile volumes and water quality not explicit; studies generally focus on total cost of water

quality impacts or cost per VMT. - Documentation is provided in “Effects of Transportation on Stormwater Runoff and Receiving Water Quality,” by

the Washington State Department of Ecology (1991); a meta-study by Litman (2005).

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3. Alternative Approaches Considered but Rejected In addition to ATG, the study team considered and rejected several other measures and approaches. These are described below.

3.1 Changes to CEQA Statute or Guidelines – Categorical Exemption for Transit-First Projects

The CEQA statute and guidelines provide for “categorical exemption” from CEQA requirements for “classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment” (Section 21084 of the Public Resources Code). Categorically exempt classes, or types, of projects are set forth in the guidelines and local agencies may adopt additional classes. One of the options we considered was pursuing a categorical exemption under CEQA for environmentally beneficial types of transportation and land use projects. However, this approach may not solve the problem for many projects, because categorical exemption status can be overridden if an agency determines that a particular categorically exempt project may have significant environmental impacts. In such a case, the agency must prepare a mitigated negative declaration or an EIR, as appropriate. Since automobile LOS deficiencies are, by definition, currently considered significant environmental impacts, the City would be at considerable legal risk if it enacted a categorical exemption to override the automobile LOS measure. We rejected this option because one of the stated objectives of our study was to be fully consistent and compliant with the CEQA statute.

In addition, it would be difficult to craft these legislative changes in a way that assists infill and transit-oriented land use projects, because a definition of the exempt project type would need to be developed. Legislative efforts, such as Senate Bill 375, are currently underway along these lines. 3.2 Adopt “Protected Intersections”

We also considered the innovative way in which the City of San Jose applies conventional automobile LOS measures under CEQA. As is typical elsewhere, proposed projects that cause the City’s established LOS thresholds to be exceeded, are generally required to mitigate the LOS impacts. However, different requirements apply to intersections that the City has designated as “protected.” Such intersections are located in the downtown core, along transit corridors and in neighborhood business districts. They are treated differently because the City does not want to continue expanding those intersections, as this would erode its ability to encourage infill and transportation alternatives. Proposed projects causing a significant LOS impact at a protected intersection are required to implement improvements not to the affected intersection but to other parts of the City’s transportation system. Highest priority is given to improvements for neighborhoods affected by the project traffic, followed by areas in the vicinity of the project site.

San Jose does not consider such improvements to be mitigation measures under CEQA, since they would not reduce or avoid the significance of the impact to intersection LOS. An LOS impact to a protected intersection would still be considered a significant impact under CEQA. However, the project would be able to “tier” off an earlier programmatic EIR that cleared protected intersections from LOS impacts through a Statement of Overriding Consideration. The programmatic EIR identified transportation improvements that subsequent project must implement if they tier off the overriding considerations finding. On the other hand, if the project sponsor chooses not to implement the other transportation improvements, then the project would be found to have a significant unavoidable impact under CEQA.

This approach is appealing conceptually, because it acknowledges the drawbacks to urban livability of accommodating automobile LOS. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, it appears to be strongly defensible legally, because it conforms closely to CEQA’s environmental review framework.

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However, we decided not to follow it for two reasons. First, we wanted to create an approach that would apply consistently city-wide instead of area by area. In addition, the San Jose approach took 5 years to clear and subsequent areas would need to undertake similar processes. Second, San Jose’s approach retains automobile LOS at the center of its environmental review process which is not consistent with San Francisco policies.

3.3 Multi-modal LOS measures

In addition, we considered developing a robust set of multi-modal LOS impact measures. The City and County’s current impact measures under CEQA for transit, bicycles and pedestrians are neither comprehensive nor well-defined. They do not reflect all the factors that are most important to the quality of the transit, bicycling or pedestrian experience in the city such as safety, comfort, reliability, travel time and connectivity. Instead, they apply a variant of the automobile LOS measure, generally the number of trips using a particular mode relative to the capacity of the transportation facility serving that mode. For example, the City's pedestrian LOS methodology defines pedestrian LOS as the ratio of sidewalk area to volume of pedestrians; by this measure, a near-empty sidewalk provides a high level of service. Multi-modal measures and standards for transportation alternatives would help decision-makers weigh trade-offs among modes and also guide project designs to be more sensitive to the needs of all transportation users up front in the project development process.

While multi-modal LOS measures would improve the evaluation of impacts to other transportation modes, this approach was rejected because it would not accomplish the objectives of replacing the automobile LOS measure and streamlining the environmental review process. Multi-modal LOS measures would supplement rather than replace automobile LOS. As such, they would not resolve the unintended negative consequences of automobile LOS. These include, most importantly, hindering the City’s ability to promote transportation alternatives and compact, higher-density land use development. It would also introduce more opportunities for projects to trigger a lengthy and costly EIR due to a narrow impact area. ATG is a more comprehensive proxy for transportation impact and the use of ATG with the proposed TIMF would be more efficient and effective. A Technical Working Group on LOS convened by the Authority reached the same conclusion, and suggested that developing an alternative to automobile LOS should be the main priority. We strongly support the development (and use) of supplemental impact methodologies for planning and project development purposes but that is beyond the scope of our study.

3.4 Project mode share measure

We considered using the mode break-down of a project’s generated trips as a CEQA transportation impact measure. The rationale for this measure is that a proposed development project that has a higher automobile mode share than the prevailing share, is undesirable. An increase in the automobile mode share imposes a greater burden on the city’s circulation system for all users, decreases the share of transit users, bicyclist and pedestrians, and fosters a greater automobile orientation of the city’s urban fabric. Determining impact significance under this measure could be based on a policy-driven mode share goal or in a comparison between a project’s mode share and the prevailing mode share. If the latter, then the prevailing mode share considered could be that of the entire city or, more fine-grained, that of the project’s impact area. This impact area could be defined as the census tract or as the transportation analysis zone (TAZ) in which the project is located. Using such a significance threshold, if a project’s automobile mode share is higher than its neighborhood’s, then the project would be considered to have a significant impact on the transportation environment.

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This measure would have several advantages as a measure of impacts on the transportation system. For one thing, it takes into account the perspective of all users of the transportation system, not just that of motorists. For another, it gauges the degree to which a proposed development project encourages the use of non-automobile modes of travel or results in more trips being made by car. Lastly, it gauges how well the proposed project fits in with its neighborhood. For example, an auto-oriented use and project site design being proposed for a transit-oriented neighborhood would cause disruptions in the neighborhood transportation system, placing too many car trips on a street system designed to be shared among various modes. Despite the measure’s benefits, we rejected it out of concerns that it would place an onerous environmental-review burden upon the City and increase the unpredictability of the review process for developers seeking approvals. Of particular concern is the fact that a project’s mode share is affected by a number of factors that are either qualitative, or whose effect is difficult to quantify, such as site design, parking supply, surrounding land uses and pedestrian and bicycle amenities. It would be difficult to measure, model, estimate or otherwise arrive at a conclusion about the degree of such effects in a way that would make this a valid and meaningful impact measure.

4. Consideration of ATG Significance Thresholds CEQA encourages public agencies to develop “thresholds of significance” as convenient tools to help them assess the significance of potential environmental impacts. A threshold of significance can be defined as a quantitative or qualitative standard, or set of criteria, pursuant to which the significance of a given environmental effect may be determined. The threshold of significance for a given environmental effect is that level at which a lead agency finds the effects of the project to be significant.

To determine whether an appropriate threshold of significance exists for the ATG measure, we investigated the quantitative relationships between ATG and a range of physical effects caused by ATG, listed in Figure 1 and in Table 2: safety, quality of transportation service, transportation system efficiency, mode share, noise, neighborhood livability, carbon emissions and water quality.

Figure 1, below, graphically displays the universe of impacts that traffic has on the transportation system and on the environment:

• the system user (traveler), especially mass transit and non-motorized travelers, experience negative impacts from each additional automobile trip in terms of their own mobility and accessibility, reliability, and safety;

• the system operator, the entity responsible for maintaining the entire transportation system, faces many challenges as automobile trips increase in terms of ensuring efficient operations, providing equitable services and maintaining system assets; and

• Automobile trips also have external effects on the environment beyond the transportation system, including on air and water quality, noise levels, health and livability, and greenhouse gas levels.

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Figure 1. Universe of Automobile Trip Impacts on the Transportation Environment

The following sections and Table 2 summarize the results of our research. The research finds that the main underpinnings of an ATG transportation impact measure are the areas of pedestrian safety and greenhouse gas emissions. In both of these areas, the addition of any further vehicle trips would exacerbate an already deficient condition.

4.1 Effects of ATG on Pedestrian Safety A growing body of research links increased automobile traffic with increased risks of collisions. Balkin and Ord (2001) found that the seasonal variations in U.S. highway fatalities correlate with monthly variations in U.S. highway vehicle-miles traveled (VMT).5 In a study of 300 intersections in Hamilton, Ontario, Leden (2002) found that the risks of collisions involving pedestrians decreased with increasing pedestrian flows and increased with increasing vehicular flows.6 In a similar study of intersections in Florida, Lee & Abdel-Aty (2005) found that higher than average vehicular flows increased the risk of pedestrian-involved collisions.7 Litman (2001) found a strong, positive correlation between VMT and collisions in the Vancouver, B.C. region over time (see Figure 2).

5 Balkin & Ord, “Assessing the Impact of Speed-Limit Increases on Fatal Interstate Crashes,” Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Vol. 4, No. 1 (, April 2001, pp. 1-26. 6 Leden 2002, “Pedestrian risk decrease with pedestrian flow. a case study based on data from signalized intersections in Hamilton, Ontario.”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 34(4): 457-64. 7 Lee & Abdel-Aty , “Comprehensive analysis of vehicle-pedestrian crashes at intersections in Florida.”, Accident Analysis and Prevention.

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Figure 2: Rates by Annual Vehicle Mileage (Litman, 2001)

Specific to San Francisco, LaScala et al. (2000) found that San Francisco neighborhoods with high traffic volumes and population densities also had an increased risk of pedestrian/automobile collisions.8 Moreover, the San Francisco Department of Public Health has recently developed a predictive model of neighborhood pedestrian injury collisions in the city, using automobile volumes as an independent (i.e., predictive) variable. The study researchers found that automobile traffic volumes have a statistically significant effect on the rate of reported pedestrian injury collisions (Bhatia et al., 2007).9

These studies and the San Francisco model provide substantial evidence that there is a direct, measurable and statistically significant causal relationship between automobile trips and pedestrian injury collisions. In addition, San Francisco already exceeds, by a large margin, the national target standard for pedestrian injuries established by “Healthy People 2010.” (Healthy People 2010 is a comprehensive set of disease-prevention and health-promotion objectives for the country to achieve by 2010, created by a panel of governmental and other scientists.10) The Healthy People 2010 target is 20 collisions per 100,000 people. When adjusted for an urban environment, with its higher rates of walking, this rate becomes 34 per 100,000 people/year. By comparison, San Francisco’s rate is at 104. Together, the above support the establishment of a one-trip threshold because they suggest that each added car trip measurably increases the probability of a pedestrian injury collision, a condition that is already “deficient” in San Francisco. These findings suggest that ATG have already exceeded a threshold of significance, and that each net new trip contributes to significant effects.

4.2 Effects of ATG on Carbon Emissions

The Climate Action Plan for San Francisco (September 2004) commits the City to reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases by 20 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2012. Since vehicle trip-making is the cause of 50 percent of the City’s greenhouse gas emissions, the plan calls for an

8 LaScala et al., “Demographic and environmental correlates of pedestrian injury collisions: a spatial analysis”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 32, Issue 5 , September 2000, pp. 651-658. 9 Bhatia et al., 2007, “Impacts of Urban Land Use Development on Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collisions: An Application of the San Francisco Pedestrian Injury Model to Five Neighborhood Plans,” Draft paper for technical review, May 9, 2007. 10

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absolute reduction in city-wide emissions. The plan implies that the existing level of traffic in the City is environmentally unsustainable—in other words, that it is already having a significant impact on the environment. As such, any added vehicle trip in San Francisco is environmentally significant because it contributes to an already “deficient” condition. A single added trip would not be considered individually significant but in this context is considered cumulatively significant.

Research does not indicate a single, obvious threshold of significance for ATG. Moreover, the research does suggest that each net new ATG contributes toward cumulative impacts to system performance, livability, and air/water/noise pollution. When considering impacts such as safety and greenhouse gases, San Francisco has already exceeded the potential thresholds of significance.

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Table 2. Links between ATG and Effects on the Environment

Basis for Measure?

Link between ATG and effects on the Environment Data Source(s) for identifying Threshold of Significance Documentation

YES Safety ATG = risk or rate of collisions, particularly involving pedestrians and bicyclists

Published studies correlating automobile volumes / miles with collision rate or risk. Potential threshold: vehicle volumes associated with 34 collisions/year/100 thousand population, based on Healthy Peoples goals. This threshold is exceeded in much of SF.

SF DPH 2007 Pedestrian Collisions Model

Also see Davis (1998); LaScala et al (1999); Kenworthy and Laube (2000); meta-study by Litman (2005)


Transportation System User perspective

Quality of transportation Service

ATG = Quality of Service (“Q/LOS”) for pedestrians and bicyclists

Equations for pedestrian and bicycle “Q/LOS” use automobile volumes as a negatively related independent variable

e.g., SCI Bicycle and Pedestrian LOS models (Landis, 1997, and Landis, 2001).

NO Transportation System Efficiency

ATG = Person throughput in cars and on transit

Added automobile volumes reduce person throughput (beyond data-based inflection point) as shown by transformations of the standard Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) curve: throughput increases as volumes increase until v/c ratio causes speeds to drop beyond inflection point

- SF CHAMP BPR curves re-validated 2007 for SF

- Geroliminis N., Daganzo C.F. (2007a) and 2000(b)


System Operator Perspective

Mode Share Automobile mode share = transportation system performance and = ability to meet local transportation plan goals

Automobile mode shares (by TAZ or other area type) in given (existing CWTP (2000) year or future CWTP horizon year, by land use type

SF CHAMP Model; 2004 Countywide Transportation Plan; SF Planning / SF CHAMP land use allocation model (under development)

MAYBE Noise ATG = noise pollution experienced by sidewalk and adjacent land uses

Studies identify automobile volumes as an independent variable in understanding noise pollution impacts on residential property values

e.g., Bagby (1980); Hughes and Sirmans (1992); Brown and Lam (1994); Delucchi and Hsu (1998); Delucchi (2000); Gillen (2003); meta-study by Litman (2005).

NO Neighborhood Livability

ATG = resident perception of quality of life, street-facing activity, sidewalk interaction, residential property values

Studies identify automobile volumes as an independent variable in understanding resident perceptions of urban and suburban quality of life. TIRE index provides changes in automobile volumes that cause changes in residential environment.

- e.g., Appleyard (1981); Pikoraa et al (2003); Cao et al (2005)

- Cities of Menlo Park, Los Angeles, and Palo Alto

- Quantified in the TIRE Index YES Carbon

Emissions ATG = City’s ability to meet

Climate Action Plan goals for reduced carbon emissions

Threshold would be set at 1 net ATG - the maximum allowable increase in automobile volumes that is consistent with the City’s CAP goal of 20% reduction in 1990 carbon emissions by 2010.

San Francisco Climate Action Plan (2004)



Water Quality ATG = water quality (contaminated runoff from leaks of oil & other fluids)

Studies generally provide national or regional estimates of water pollution costs per VMT. Converting this data into an estimate of pollution cost per automobile trip could provide a threshold.

e.g., meta-study by Litman (2005)

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5. Recommendation: Per-Trip Impact and Mitigation Program The Authority proposes replacing the current automobile LOS measure with a per-trip based Automobile Trip Generation transportation impact measure and mitigation program. This new measure would acknowledge the incremental and cumulative environmental damage caused by each project-generated automobile trip.

This recommended per-trip impact assessment and mitigation approach is consistent with city policy and supported by substantial evidence of environmental effect, as discussed in the previous sections; but importantly, it also provides an opportunity to reduce the administrative burden of CEQA on the Planning Department, fulfilling the last objective of the reform by:

• Eliminating the “last-in pays” problem • Reducing analysis requirements and complexity, and increasing predictability • Reducing CEQA burdens for transit first projects, which generate few or no automobile trips.

Many transportation improvement projects, including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements, will reduce rather than generate net new automobile trips. [

• Providing a superior, system-wide approach to mitigation.

The one-trip threshold would be easy to implement, utilizing existing trip generation methods that the Planning Department currently use. In fact, it would greatly simplify the environmental review process for both planners and project sponsors. While the automobile LOS measure requires studies of existing and future traffic patterns (traffic assignment), the one-trip method would only require an estimate of vehicle trips generated. That is a task routinely performed as the first step in the current automobile LOS analysis and it is widely understood by city staff, policy-makers, project sponsors and the public. Automobile trip generation methodologies are well developed and would not require extensive further development. The Planning Department’s Guidelines for Environmental Review already include a methodology for automobile trip generation that could be refined and improved for use as the CEQA impact standard.

5.1 Application in project impact analysis. When evaluating a specific project for potential transportation impacts, each project is first screened for by asking the question: Will the Project Generate Net New Automobile Trips? The project impact analysis process is shown in Figure 3.

Project will not generate new automobile trips. Projects which will not generate new automobile trips – or which reduce ATG - will not have an impact, and can be approved with a negative declaration. Both land use and transportation projects may fit this category, e.g.:

• Land use changes from more intense uses to less intense uses. These projects would need to be qualified by the Planning Department, for instance setting a minimum time period for basing the comparison on the previous active use in the case where a site is fallow for a short time between uses.

• Transportation projects/changes that reduce automobile accessibility. The SF-CHAMP model uses automobile “accessibility” to partly determine the level of overall trip generation of automobile trips. Projects that increase automobile accessibility, such as the provision of new roadways, do generate automobile trips. Whereas projects that decrease automobile accessibility, such as road pricing or conversion of mixed traffic lanes to bus or bicycle lanes, reduce automobile trip generation.

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Project will likely generate new automobile trips. Projects which either add new or more intense activities (land use activities) or which increase automobile accessibility (by decreasing automobile travel times or reducing automobile delays) will need to undergo the ATG analysis. Again, both land use and transportation projects may fit this category:

While land development project impact analysis focuses on the increases in ATG that result from new activities, the analysis of ATG impacts from transportation projects will focus on the increases in ATG that result from changes in automobile accessibility (also known as the “induced demand” effect).

Figure 5. Flowchart for ATG Impact Measure Application in Project Analysis


No Stop; project can be

approved with a negative declaration

Estimate ATG Use current Planning Department methodologies (or revised methodologies) to prepare a trip generation estimate for automobile trips.

Consider incorporating transportation and land use/design measures shown to reduce automobile tripmaking.

Will the project generate new auto trips?

Calculate TIMF Payment

pay traffic-impact mitigation fee based on number of auto trips generated or induced.

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5.2 Mitigation Program.

Project impacts on ATG will be mitigated by payment of a Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee (TIMF). The fee program will be designed to charge a set fee to a development based on the number of automobile trips it generates. An impact fee will be collected for both land development and transportation projects that add automobile trips to the system.11

A Nexus Study will establish the monetary impact of each development as determined by its size and land use type(s). The Nexus Study will consider the City’s multimodal transportation system, the cost and benefits of proposed projects that will mitigate the negative effects of future growth in ATG, and derive a per-ATG fee.12 This per-trip cost would be multiplied by a project’s ATG to determine the total mitigation fee required for the proposed development. Under this approach, a project’s environmental document would reference the TIMF Nexus Study and the project sponsor would pay the per-trip fee established through the program to satisfy the project’s mitigation requirements.

A proportion of the TIMF revenues would be directed towards site-specific improvements in the project area, all designed to reduce automobile trip generation. In order to ensure that impact mitigation occurs in an appropriate, effective and timely manner, the Planning Department may also wish to set temporal and return-to-source policies for the expenditure of fee revenue.

In addition, the Planning Department could develop a list of acceptable mitigation measures that could be applied or credited to the project developer based on land use and project design features that have been shown to encourage people to use non-automotive modes and/or avoid trips altogether. Examples of these Transportation Demand Management strategies, which are easily verifiable, are: unbundled parking, required “condo- or eco- transit passes”, carshare on site, etc.) In this way, the opportunity to earn credits against a project’s total transportation impact fee would create the incentive for more sustainable project design.

A per-trip ATG threshold coupled with a per-trip TIMF program provides a superior approach to mitigating the system-wide impacts of traffic growth. One shortcoming of the current EIR process is the localized and sometimes uncoordinated approach to identifying and programming impact mitigations. Each project independently identifies its transportation impacts and associated mitigations measures. This process places a significant and repeated burden on City staff, who must guide the project sponsors through the process of identifying mitigations that will address both the impacts identified for the project and will be consistent with the City’s transportation policies and plans.

In contrast, the proposed approach to transportation impact measurement and evaluation is intended to provide a conservative, simple, and more effective approach to mitigating transportation impacts. No further analytical tasks will be required to analyze transportation impacts. Although a greater proportion of proposed projects would be found to have a significant transportation impact, the process for

11 Payment of the impact mitigation fee for transportation projects that add road capacity would be based on the number of trips “induced” by the project 12 While there are currently no widely accepted methods for reducing project ATG estimates based on project design and location characteristics (e.g., transit-oriented design), research efforts are currently underway that will provide a uniform and empirically-based system of adjusting trip generation estimates that will take these factors into account. Until these methods have been developed and endorsed by the transportation planning and engineering communities, we recommend that project design features should not be included in the estimation of system efficiency impacts.

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analyzing and mitigating those impacts is greatly streamlined, resulting in overall reduced burden for the Planning Department and project sponsors. Also, a per-trip method provides a built-in incentive for the project sponsor to reduce the number of automobile trips their project is expected to generate since the amount of mitigation fees they must pay is directly proportional to their project’s ATG. It may also serve to prevent project-sponsors from breaking their projects up into smaller pieces to avoid triggering significance thresholds. Finally, project sponsors will be able to accurately estimate impact and mitigation levels early on in the project development and environmental review process.

An important aspect of the fund program is the relationship of the new TIMF to other existing or proposed impact fees (such as the Transit Impact Development Fee, and Area Plan Impact Fees), including how the TIMF would be governed. The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, Planning Department, and the Authority plan to coordinate closely on implementing the Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee program of projects in order to maximize technical integration, system performance, and fund leveraging opportunities.

6. Benefits As a replacement measure for automobile LOS, the ATG measure described above provides the following benefits for the city’s environmental review under CEQA:

• Better indicator of environmental effects and impacts on the transportation system: Auto trips generated are a better indicator than LOS of a range of environmental effects such as carbon emissions, noise levels and water quality.

• Consistent with the Transit First policy: The ATG measure is consistent with the Transit First policy, which recognizes that short-term automobile congestion will result from shifts of rights-of-way from automobile to transit, bicycling, and pedestrians. Instead of seeking to preserve system efficiency by expanding capacity for driving, the ATG measure recognizes that constraining the growth in automobile trips on San Francisco streets is critical for maintaining system efficiency on our network of finite automobile capacity. Fittingly, projects which would not generate any new automobile trips would not have transportation impacts under this approach.

• More effective mitigations: The TIMF program focuses mitigations from project traffic at the system level rather than on isolated intersections. This avoids the uncoordinated mitigations that often result from the current intersection LOS-based analysis method.

• More predictable and simpler for Planning Department and project sponsors: The ATG approach takes a higher-level view of what effects constitute impacts to transportation. The result is a streamlined impact analysis that has fewer data collection and analysis steps than the LOS approach. Linked to a transportation impact fee, the impact analysis process is simpler for project sponsors and the Planning Department to understand and to implement.

7. Next Steps

The next steps in adoption of the ATG impact measure and threshold are:

• Final report approval. The Authority Board will consider the Final Report for approval; the Planning Department will then take on a more active role as sponsor of the ATG impacts measure effort, with support from the Authority and the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development.

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• Nexus Study for ATG Impact Fee. To implement the trips generated impact fee, a nexus study should be prepared; this effort can be conducted cooperatively by the Planning Department, the Authority and the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development.

• Planning Commission Hearing. The Planning Commission has the authority to adopt the ATG impact measure as a replacement for automobile LOS. A hearing is the first step in the process.

• Environmental Review of Action. We recommend an environmental review on the action to adopt ATG as the city’s measure and threshold for transportation impact.

• ATG Ordinance. The Planning Department will prepare an ATG ordinance for adoption by the Planning Commission.

• Transition Period for Implementation. The new methodology should be phased in through a transition period to be determined by the City Attorney and Planning Department.

Acknowledgements This report was prepared by Rachel Hiatt, Senior Transportation Planner, under the guidance of Tilly Chang, Deputy Director for Planning. Chris Ferrell of Dowling Associates and Niko Letunic of Eisen|Letunic provided the supporting research and writing.