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  • 7/28/2019 Assingmnt 2 Sta


    Mc 120201793 Yasmeen Akhtar



    DUE DATE: 25TH JUNE, 2013

    MARKS: 30

    SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: Make sure to upload the solution by using the given

    format for answering questions 1, 2, & 3. Use separate heading for

    attempting question no. 4.

    Given below is the literature review on the concept Job burnout:


    Job Burnout concept emerged in 1970s in the field of organizational

    behavior and soon it has inspired researchers to study it to develop better

    understanding of the concept. The literature reveals that researchers not

    only explored the causes of job burnout and its impact & consequences at

    individual as well as organizational level, but also they have come with some

    remedial measures to combat it.

    In simple words job burnout describes the personal agony of job stress

    (Schaufeli, Leiter, & Maslach, 2009). Burnout in literal meaning defined as

    physical or emotional exhaustion caused due to long term stress.

    Researchers have tried to define burnout in different ways and gave different

    explanations. Two important definitions are cited in in the literature. One is

    presented by Nahavandi and Malekzadeh (1999) while second is given by

    Maslach (1986).

    Nahavandi and Malekzadeh defined job burnout as feeling of exhaustion anda sense of powerlessness that leads to apathy and psychological

    withdrawal (p. 536). Whereas, according to Maslach, job burnout is a

    condition of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced self-

    efficacy (p. 1).

    Both definitions vary from each other in terms of scope and precision, in

    spite of the fact, both contributed a lot in developing an understanding of the

    concept. Nahavandi and Malekzadehs definition is precise but refers to pure

    psychological domain only. The definition lacked a common and precise

    measure of burnout. Whereas, Maslachs definition is widely accepted and

    referred to multiple domains that will be elaborated later.Maslach explained his definition and said that emotional exhaustion is the

    emotional state of the individuals characterized by loss of feelings towards

    work, lack of energy, and increased physical/mental illness (Leiter &

    Maslach, 1988). Individuals who are emotional exhausted will experience

    anxiety, fatigue and psychological diseases which will decrease productivity

    in long run. Depersonalization or dehumanization is marked by the treatment

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    of others as objects rather than people. Workers may display an attitude to

    avoid work, loss of care/attention, and cynical attitude towards others

    (Maslach & Pines, 1977). Empirical evidence shows that depersonalization

    has abnormal effects, for example; increase in turnover, absenteeism,

    reduced productivity, which implies significant cost for both organizations

    and individuals (Jackson & Maslach, 1982). Whereas; reduced self-efficacy

    consists of feelings when an individual starts thinking that he is not good at

    work, less effective, and has also a weakened sense of accomplishment

    (Maslach et al., 1996). It results in a loss of will in which motivation is

    damaged, resulting in an increased inability to mobilize interests and

    capabilities. So, if employees have a feeling that they have nothing more to

    give, it would create sense of demotivation among them.

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    Activity Required:

    After reading the given

    literature review

    carefully; you are

    required to answer

    following questions: Sr.#

    Questions Marks

    1 From the given literature

    review; select best

    definition and then

    provide an operational

    definition of Job burnout

    by identifying (at least 3)


    2 State (at least 3)

    elements of each

    defined dimension.


    (1 mark for each


    3 Develop (at least 1)

    question statement on

    any defined element by

    using Likert scale.


    (2 marks for each


    4 Develop a causal

    hypothesis showing a

    cause and effect relation

    by using any of the

    defined dimensions withits consequences.



    1 From the given literature review; select best definition and then provide

    an operational definition of Job burnout by identifying (at least 3)


    Answer = the three dimension are


    A = lose of feelings

    B = lack of power and less energy

    C= mental illness and physical illness


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    A= attitude to avoid the work / always to avoid the work to do/

    negligences of the workers

    B= lose of care tension

    C= bad attitude towards others / behavior towards the others people


    A= when individual starts thinking that he is not good

    B = less effective

    C = sense of accomplishment.

    State (at least 3) elements of each

    defined dimension.


    (1 mark for each element)

    StronglyAgree (5)




    StronglyDisagree (1)

    Dimension 1: Emotional exhaustion

    Element 1: Loss of feelings

    Element 2: Lack of energy

    Element 3: Physical/mental illness

    Question statement:

    Physical or emotional

    exhaustion caused due

    to long term stress?



  • 7/28/2019 Assingmnt 2 Sta


    Bandura identifies four factors affecting self-efficacy.

    1. Experience, or "Enactive Attainment"

    as we know that the experience is an essential factor determining a

    person's self-efficacy. Success raises self-efficacy, while failure lowers it.

    " Children cannot be made fool by faulty praise. It is chance we can make

    them fool by artificial things (Erik Erikson)

    Dimension 2:

    Element 1: Attitude to avoid work

    Element 2: Loss of care attention

    Element 3: Attitude towards others

    Question statement:

    Depersonalization or

    dehumanization is

    marked by the treatment

    of others as objects

    rather than people? Neutral

    Dimension 3: Reduced self efficacy

    Element 1: When individual starts thinking that he is not good

    Element 2: Less effective

    Element 3: Sense of accomplishment

    Question statement:

    Reduced self-efficacy

    consists of feelings

    when an individual

    starts thinking?


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    2. Modeling, or "Vicarious Experience"

    Modeling is experienced as, we means if anyone can do it then I can also do

    it as well as he is. When we see something in success then our efficiency

    increased to get success where we see people failing, our self-efficacy

    decreases. This process is most effectual when we see ourselves as similarto the model

    3. Social Persuasion

    Social persuasion generally we means that we are directly impressed by the

    people who are advised us to do something or not to do it. Discouragement is

    generally more effective at decreasing a person's self-efficacy than

    encouragement is at increasing it.

    4. Physiological Factors

    In stressful situations, people commonly feel fear horror pains fatigues,

    shocks aches and pains, nausea, etc. Perceptions of these responses in one

    can markedly alter self-efficacy. Getting 'butterflies in the stomach' before

    public speaking will be interpreted by someone with low self-efficacy as a

    sign of inability, thus decreasing self-efficacy further, where high self-

    efficacy would lead to interpreting such physiological signs as normal and

    unrelated to ability. It is one's belief in the implications of physiological

    response that alters self-efficacy, rather than the physiological response


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