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Assignment 8 – Draft 2

By: Luara

Page 2: Assignment 8 draft 3

Draft 2 feedback

Page 3: Assignment 8 draft 3

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a person feels that there is a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity

For example, a person may have the anatomy of a man, but gender identify as a woman.

• They have a strong desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex.

• Some people undergo treatment so that their physical appearance is more consistent with their gender identity.

What is gender Dysphoria?

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Debates.Should the surgery

be allowed?

PRO: Free will, feeling better. Government


CON: Religion, after the surgery problems

( psychological)

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Should children under the age of 18 be allowed to undergo the treatment?

They feel trapped in their bodies.

CON: They do not have enough maturity to make

such a decision.

Should Transgenderims be allowed in the church?

PRO: Respect, and human rights, law.

CON:As said in the bible, there needs to be reproduction within

humans. In church it is taught that god decides your sex .

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Some symptoms.

The symptoms of gender dysphoria can appear at a very young age. For example, a child may refuse to wear typical boys' or girls' clothes, or dislike taking part in typical boys' or girls' games and activities

In most cases, this type of behaviour is just a normal part of growing up, but in cases of gender dysphoria, it persists into later childhood and through to adulthood.

Adults with gender dysphoria can feel trapped inside a body that does not match their gender identity. This can cause feelings of discomfort and anxiety

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More informationIt is estimated that 1 in 11,500 people experience gender dysphoria.

Scientific explanation.

Boys are XYGirls are XX• When this chromosomes get together it already produces the sex cells, Which

immediately sends a message to the brain and the foetus is already born knowing what gender they are .

• However children with gender dysphoria is when this happens , but the message isn't send to the brain properly, therefore they are mixed between their sex and their gender.

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Another possibility.

one in 100 or so babies is born with some kind of sex differentiation anomaly

This can be caused when the pregnant mother has additional hormones in her system, which she has absorbed from, say, medication or the environment, and which she has passed on to the foetus, or the foetus,

With this it can cause strange chromosomes pattern.

Such as :47,XXY, 47,XYY, 45,XO, 49,XXXYY

This can also cause gender dysphoria.

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Processes of Psychotherapy.

• Psychotherapy is a series of interactive communications between a therapist who is knowledgeable about how people suffer emotionally and a patient who is experiencing distress.

• regularly held 50-minutes sessions.

• Psychotherapy is not intended to cure the gender identity disorder.

• Its usual goal is a long-term stable life style with realistic chances for success in relationships, education, work, and gender identity expression.

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Choices given by the Psychotherapy.

Biological Males:1. Cross-dressing in a feminine fashion;2. Changing the body through: hair removal through electrolysis or body waxing;

minor plastic cosmetic surgical procedures;3. Increasing grooming, wardrobe, and vocal expression skills4. Hormone Treatment

Biological Females:1. Cross-dressing:r in a masculine fashion 2. Changing the body through breast binding, weight lifting, applying theatrical facial

hair;133. Padding underpants or wearing a penile prosthesis.4. Hormone treatment.

There needs to a psychotherapist treatment done before any sex change and also after , so that people can be sure of what they are doing.

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Restrictions four undergoing hormone treatment .

- Age 18 years;

- Demonstrable knowledge of what hormones medically can and cannot do and their social benefits and risks

- A period of psychotherapy of a duration specified by the mental health professional

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The ‘sex change’.

The surgery is called by many ways such as:

o Sex reassignment surgery o gender reassignment surgery.o genital reconstruction surgeryo sex affirmation surgeryo sex realignment surgery o sex-change operation

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What are the procedures?

o complete hysterectomy, o bilateral mastectomy,o chest reconstruction or augmentation

including breast prostheses if necessaryo genital reconstruction o and certain facial plastic reconstructiono In addition, other non-surgical procedures are

also considered including facial electrolysis.In America benefits are given to those that wants to go under the treatment , and in 2003 there was a law settled up saying it was discrimination if the hospitals denied doing the treatment.

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Differences between Trans man and Trans woman.

• For trans women, genital reconstruction usually involves the construction of a vagina.

• whereas in the case of trans men, genital reconstruction may involve construction of a penis through either phalloplasty or metoidioplasty.

• In both cases, for trans women and trans men, genital surgery may also involve other medically necessary secondary procedures, such as orchiectomy or laminectomy.

• For Trans man take out the breast and for Trans woman do facial surgery to look feminine.

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The medical considerations.

• People with HIV or hepatitis C may have difficulty finding a surgeon able or willing to perform surgery.

• Some surgeons charge higher fees for HIV- and hepatitis C-positive patients

• medical professionals assert that it is unethical to deny surgical or hormonal treatments to transsexuals solely on the basis of their HIV or hepatitis status.

• Other health conditions such as diabetes, abnormal blood clotting, and obesity do not usually present a problem to experienced surgeons.

• Surgeons may require overweight patients to reduce their weight before surgery and smoking patients to refrain from smoking before and after surgery.

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Some information.Thailand is the place where there is the most

amount of these procedures.There are websites for this specific changes :

Has a list of the number of surgeries that could be done.

Had a map of the place in Thailand so that they can get there.

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Procedures to undergo the treatments.

• One Letter is Required for Instituting Hormone Therapy, or for Breast Surgery.

• One letter from a mental health professional

• therapy or for a referral for breast surgery (e.g., mastectomy, chest reconstruction, augmentation mammoplasty)

ONE LETTER from psychiatrics

TWO LETTERS. From psychiatrics and doctor.

Two letters for Genital surgery for biologic males:-orchiectomy, penectomy, Clitoroplasty, labiaplasty creation of a neovagina; for biologic females-hysterectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, vaginectomy,Metoidioplasty, scrotoplasty,urethroplasty,- placement of testicular prostheses,

There needs to be a approval for each treatment.

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Requirements to undergo the treatment.

- Legal age of majority in the patient's nation.- Usually 12 months of continuous hormonal therapy - 12 months of successful continuous full time real-life

experience. - regular responsible participation in psychotherapy

throughout the real-life - 5. Demonstrable knowledge of the cost, required

lengths of hospitalizations.- likely complications, and post surgical rehabilitation

requirements of various surgical approaches;• 6. Awareness of different competent surgeons.

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The youngest boy to have the sex reassignment surgery.

• Name : Jamie• Nationality : Australian

o The boy, known as Jamie, has lived as a girl for two years, dressing in feminine clothes using the girls' toilet at school and has a long blond hair.

o Jamie's parents, doctors and psychiatrists feared early puberty could lead to self-harm or suicide and supported an urgent need for the child to receive sex-change therapy.

o The mother said the family had started treating Jamie as a female in 2008 after her non-identical twin brother accepted her condition and announced: "I have a sister."

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o The doctor said he was concerned about Jamie's rapid-onset puberty, which was equivalent to that of a 14-year-old, and that sex-change treatment should start immediately.

o At the moment Jamie can live comfortably as a girl, is socially confident and suffers no teasing or social isolation.

o Court has allowed the child to undergo the treatment.

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Legal Issues.• If you have undergone the treatment know as transition, which is- Living a year in the gender you prefer- Surgery Then you are known as a transsexual with this legal rights come along.

• In the UK, driving licences and passports may be re-issued according to the individual’s post-transition gender status.

• The Gender Recognition Act (2004)has been in operation since 2005. This Act enables trans men and women to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate and (as long as the birth was originally registered in the UK) they may obtain a new birth certificate.

• They are now able to marry in their newly recognised gender.

• The Sex Discrimination Act (Gender Reassignment) Regulations protect trans people against discrimination in the workplace.

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The law of Transsexuals within each continent.SPAIN POLAND UK

March 2007, new law in Spain allows transsexual people to change their name and legal gender in all documents

In 1964 to change one's legal gender after their genital reassignment surgery had been conducted

Have birth certificate and driving license changed.Marriage also allowed.

This doesn’t matter if they have undergone the surgery.

In 1983- Court said that some cases, when the preferred gender was leading, it is possible to change the legal gender even before genital reassignment surgery.

Parliament passed the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which effectively granted full legal recognition for transgender people.

There needs to be gender dysphoria symptoms.

Anna Grodzka the first MP to undergo the surgery

They need only demonstrate that they have suffered gender dysphoria, and have lived in the 'acquired gender' for two years

If there are health risks its not allowed and age boundaries

and intend to continue doing so until death.


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Germany ireland

One can either obtain a change of name aloneproceed later with a change of legal gender, if possible or desired, or obtain both in a single legal procedure.

Before it was not possible for a transsexual person to alter their birth certificate.

a person with only a name change has the right to be called "Herr" or "Frau" (Mr. or Mrs.)

After a serious case that the government did not approve the documents change, and it was proved that Ireland was going against the law of 2004 in Europe they changed.

Job references, certifications and similar from the time before the change of name may to be reissued with the new name

The Government has since dropped its appeal and may introduce legalisation recognising one's biological sex following sex reassignment surgery.

No minimum age so a name and legal gender change on one's birth certificate is now possible.

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The Constitution of South Africa forbids discrimination on the basis of sex, gender and sexual orientation.

allows a transgender person who has undergone medical or surgical gender reassignment to apply to the Department of Home Affairs to have the sex description altered on their birth record.

Once the birth record is changed they can be have a new birth certificate and identity document, and are considered "for all purposes" to be of the new sex.

Thus the transgender person is not required to have had genital surgery in order to have the sex description altered.

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JAPAN SOUTH KOREA MALAYSIA PHILIPPINESenables transsexual people to change their legal sex

it is possible for transgender individuals to change their legal gender

no legislation expressly allowing transsexuals to legally change their gender in Malaysia.

The Philippine Supreme Court has also ruled that Filipino citizens do not have the right to legally change their sex on official documents

the applicants be both unmarried and childless

depends on the decision of the judge for each case.

judges currently exercise their discretion in interpreting the law and defining the gender.

serious and wide-ranging legal and public policy consequences,

Family Court in Okinawa Prefecture, allowed an official sex-change of a transsexual woman, believed to be the first court approval under the new law.

does not prevent marriage once a person has changed their legal gender.

Depends on the case, the court chooses.

sex change is not paid for by national health insurance.

A trans woman can be registered, not only as female, but also as being 'born as a woman'.

marital status of 'female' automatically when she marries to a man, even if she has previously been a 'male' on paper.


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transsexuals to be re-issue passports with the new sex choice.

A recent "clarification" by the Minister for foreign affairs and Trade, Mr. Alexander Downer, stated that a person may not have a new passport or interim passport issued without a birth certificate stating their gender

A document of identity it is called

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Transsexuals within religion.

• I went out asking people if transsexuals should be allowed in churches:

68% said no20% said yes12% preferred not to answer

This to me proves that in society and law transsexuals are accepted however not in church.

I also came to a conclusion that people sometimes fear of talking about the topic.

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Views within some religion.JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY ISLAM

Conservative Judaism has had mixed views within transsexuals there had been no stories of rabbinical

Follow the bible The old testament is more closed and the new testament.

They see it as a cure for homosexuality which is punishable by death under Iranian law

Reform Judaism had positive views of transgender people. It is allowed.

the Faith concludes that the sex-change procedures do not change a person’s gender in the eyes of the Church.

mukhannathun is used to describe gender-variant people

Several non-denominational Jewish groups provide resources for transgender people.

Changes the outside but not the personality

They believe god made them that way.

Transgender pastor Drew Phoenix could keep his position.Some Christian denominations accept transgender people as members and clergy.

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DEVELOPING THE TOPICPurpose: To inform people what Transsexuals are, the surgery and treatments and to also show it is something normal.

What effects I want it to have:People: That it is something normal and that anyone could have this, and that there shouldn't be embarrassment about it.

Society: to be more accepting and understand others.

Word: To be informed about this, so that even them can define what they feel.

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What type of documentary would it be?• According to Bill nichols theory my documentary would be

THE OBSERVATIONAL MODE AND INFORMATIVE• Observational objective reality with filmmaker as neutral observer. See Fly on the

Wall.CONVENTIONS• The filmmaker remains hidden behind the camera, ignored by the surrounding

environment• he/she neither changes nor influences the actions/events being captured.

Why? : Because in my documentary I dont want to give personal opinion, i want to just

send out information to the audience about the topic so that they are more informed and also to have a possible debate however never on my opinion but what is actually in the media and in people’s mind.

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( CASE STUDY 2)• EPISODE 3: Views within society, government and



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AUDIENCETarget audience Age: 14-25Gender: Female and Male Ethnicity: British, American,Spanish, Asian, South American,and etc.Region: United KingdomReligion: Christian, Judaism, IslamSocial Class: AllInterests: in sciences, and how humans work, also about laws and ethics within religions, also in sex(gender)

Why?• Because in this categories the peopleare in a age where they are finding themselves outand sometimes figuring out what they can do .• The religions as I will be showing what those religions think according to transsexuals, this will

be good so that people are more clear even within their religion.]• Those specific interests as the person needs to want to know more about what they are

already intrested. And those are the content of my documentary.• Both Male and Female as I believe this a topic that is in both gender’s life.

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Secondary AudienceTarget audience Age: 50-70Gender: Female and Male Ethnicity: British, American,Spanish, Asian, South American,and etc.Region: United KingdomReligion: Christian, Judaism, IslamSocial Class: AllInterests: being up to date with what goes on in the world, learning more, biology, Sciences, Sociology.Why?• I think my secondary audience would be a older audience, as there are some elders with a

opened mind and want to know what has changed, and likes to continuously keep learning.• Some scientists , sociologists that has is retired might want to watch it so that they can also

keep learning, as they are already interested in the topic.• In the united kingdom as the documentary will be english.• This documentary might also help those elders that didn’t have the opportunity to show

who they were, to feel a bit more relieved.

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• My Documentary would be for a Mass audience, as I think my topic appeals to a lot of people.

• As my Documentary will be on around 9pm, I cant really have a very young audience, so the age 15 is appropriate as the person is already a teenager therefore is not treated as child by the parents.

The content of the documentary is not suitable for during the day, and adults go to work and usually come home at 6/7 so there would be enough time to have a shower, eat and then relax watching TV.

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They introduce the story first.

What I like about it ? It allows us to have a primary understanding of what is going on.Inspires me because I also want to introduce the story first .

The title comes later on.What I like about it ? You understand what the title has to do with the documentaryInspires me because I want to put the title only after the person understand what the documentary is about and they can link it together.

Interview with experts.

What I like about it ? you can rely on the information you are getting, and also it proves points.Inspires me because I also want to back up what I say with experts opinions.

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What I like about it ? It allows the viewers, to see details of the person being filmed.Inspires me because in my case studies, I will need to do mid shots to show the person clearly.

What I like about it ? Every break ends with a title it is good so that the person can come in the middle and still know the name of the documentary.Inspires me because I want to have at the end of each break the title , so remind my audience the link between the topic and the name.

-voice over

-Natural lighting

-Non diegetic Music -Ambient sound

These this me inspiration as I think they will make my documentary more interesting and more organised.

MID SHOTS Break with name.

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What I like about it ? It is much easier to explain something with the actualt imageInspires me because in my case studies I want to have supportive images to what I say.


What I like about it ? It proves points.Inspires me because in my case studies I want to have interviews with the people.

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Voice over. use We are going to have voice over when we are showing images.

Commercial intervals use As a normal channel 4 documentary interval happens.

Steady cam use To film the whole doc.

Background music develop We may vary the type of songs depending on which episode we are.

Presenter Use Our presenter will present the documentary only.

Special effects editing I will use special effect on the editing, to differentiate different scenes.

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conventions Use/develop/challenge How?style challenging The presenter in our documentary will only assist.

Ambient sound use When we film in specific areas we will most probably leave the ambient sound

Structure use We are sticking to channel 4 style of structure for documentaries.

Interviews with the public/ Experts Interview

Use/develop We want to gain productive opinion from interview from the public and the experts, in a way that they are participating.

Supportive images use I want to use supportive images, to how the surgery occurs.

Natural Lighting use All the lighting used in the documentary will be natural as it will be filmed during the day

Montage editting develop We are going to use it before the documentary actually starts to give an idea of what the documentary is about.

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PLANEstablishing shots

How? • I will be establishing shots to show places,

such as houses and maybe some clinics.• I might also use establish shot of the Presenter

when she is walking in the streets.

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Use of presenter or voice over.

How?In my documentary there will be both presenter and voice over, the presenter will be in the places that are being filmed.Voice over used for explaining statistics.

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Public interviews

How?I will have public interviews because I will need their opinions on Transsexuals, and their opinions is what will build half of the documentary.

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Experts interviews

How?I will have experts interviews, to provide more

information.I will use the experts interviews to prove points.I will use experts interviews, to learn more

about the topic myself.

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Supporting footage/ Title

• I will have supporting footage and title to give more visualisation to my audience of the information I am given.

• I will have Titles to make the documentary more clear and understandable.

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Use of statistics graphs and diagrams.

• I will use this to have a more entertaining way to show information.

• To make information more clear.• To show percentages of specific things.

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Structure2 min introduction(series)

1 min introduction(episode)

2 min(to focus on first subtopic of episode)

Last 10-20 seconds(preview to next episode)

An introduction to the whole series, with montage editing to show the different episodes.

A montage editing to show a brief explanation about transsexuals.

This will concentrate on a debate about transsexuals and if there should be a age limit to it.

This will show the next episode which will be about treatments.

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Story board.

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