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BTEC National Business Unit 18: Managing a Business Event – Unit 28: Supporting Projects

Assignment 18/28 B

Produce a mixture of diagrams and word processed reports under the following headings;

A. Planning – From Beginning to End and After

Before you start the first task READ i, ii and iii. These need to be done at the same time.

i) - Provide a detailed planning schedule for the Careers Event (P2-U18). - This should clearly include objectives, milestones, and individuals (named) contributions (P3-U28)- The plan should also contain those tasks which need to be completed after the events such as cleaning up, paying bills, follow up and evaluation (P5-U18)

ii) Produce a diagram with an explanation of the Project Life Cycle for the Careers Event (P1-U28)

iii) In order to ensure smooth progress of the Project you need to set up 2 methods of monitoring your plan. You need to set up these two methods of checking progress and monitoring when things have happened, need to happen, will happen as part of the planning process (P4-U28)

ASSIGNMENT 18/28 B Steps along the road.

SUMMARYYou must produce a report containing diagrams and text showing how you would plan and implement a trip for Year 10 Triple Scientists.

DEADLINE 16th December 2009


You are required to plan and carry out a business project or event. In your role as event manager you need to provide an event plan for your client.

It is your job to present detailed plans for the organisation of the ‘Science Trip’ justifying your approach and providing alternatives.

Literacy Objective

This assignment provides evidence for;

Unit 18 – P2 make arrangements and prepare a planning schedule for a business eventP5 outline the administrative tasks to be completed after a business eventM1 assess the importance of meeting organisational and legal requirements when planning a business eventM2 analyse the arrangements made by an event organiser for planning a business eventM3 analyse how evaluating a business event informs future planning.Unit 28 – P1 describe the stages of the project life cycle for a selected projectP3 prepare a project plan to include objectives, milestones and individual contributionsP4 set up at least two different methods for monitoring project progressM1 assess the importance of project management throughout a project’s life cycleM2 compare and contrast project planning methodologies in supporting two contrasting types of projectM3 analyse the importance of achieving project outcomes within agreed timescales, resources and budgets

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BTEC National Business Unit 18: Managing a Business Event – Unit 28: Supporting Projects

B. Arranging, following rules and evaluating

iv) provide a detailed assessment of the importance of following the procedures in place at Challenge for the organising and running of such an event. Ms S Lawson is in charge of trips and may be able to help. You need to identify how the following areas are addressed:

security of material, equipment and information, ensuring that participants with special requirements are catered for any contracts which may need to be set up legal requirements such as risk assessment consumer protection legislation covering such as faulty equipment health and safety requirements passports & visas if appropriate

You need to explain how all these areas are covered by the procedures in place at Challenge, why it is important that these procedures are followed. Explain how these procedures can affect the planning of the business event. (M1-U18)

v) produce an analysis of the arrangements made by the event organiser. You need to analyse the different activities through which the event was facilitated covering the following areas;

Types of activity: eg presentations, group activities or workshops, travel, accommodation, meal times, minute/note taking

Health, safety and security: venue emergency procedures; housekeeping arrangements; security of materials and equipment; confidentiality of information and communication

Event administration: eg note taking, ensuring students have right papers, ensuring students are aware of location of venues and facilities, recording attendance and cancellations

Trouble-shooting: liaison with students and adults; potential revision/rearrangement of event outcomes; arising issues, eg non-attendance of students, last-minute changes to itinerary, inadequate rooms or facilities, non-delivery of expected outcomes.

You need to explain how well these areas were arranged, any similarities in the arrangements and what differences there are in the way these things were set up. (M2-U18)

vi) explain how you will obtain the information allowing you to evaluate the event. You must describe how the event evaluation should be coordinated, the preparation and circulation of materials, and any budgetary reconciliation (how you ensure you have spent the levels you say you would and what would happen if you had over spent).

You should explain how you would undertake the debrief on the days of the events, how you would go about distributing a student questionnaire/evaluation form, how you would record event problems, solutions, lessons learned

You should go on to explain how undertaking the above activities contribute to identifying problems and providing solutions for future events. (M3-U18)

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BTEC National Business Unit 18: Managing a Business Event – Unit 28: Supporting Projects

C. Planning, planning and alternatives

vii) drawing on the work provide for P1-The Stages in a project Life Cycle and P2-Stakeholders expectations and giving examples relating to the Science Trip, examine the impact on each of the stages of the project if it is poorly managed.

Explain what effects poor management will have on the activities as they are planned and how stakeholders expectations will be affected by this poor management. (M1-U28)

viii) You need to explain how the many different tools for project planning contribute to managing different types of project.

You should draw on your evidence for P4-Two Methods of Project Monitoring and use examples of different types of project, such as large complex ones and small informal ones. (M2-U28)

ix) You need to provide an analysis of the importance of achieving project outcomes within agreed timescales, resources and budgets.

You should explain how failing to follow the plan in place will require a contingency strategy for dealing with major deviations from the project plan. You also need to explain how it is important that outcomes should be within the agreed timescales, resources and budgets and what has to be done if this is not the case. (M3-U28)

You need to hand in:

A word processed report containing the following 9 sections; o a detailed planning schedule for the Science Tripo project life cycle diagram with explanationo 2 methods of monitoring your plano a detailed assessment of the importance of following procedureso an analysis of the arrangements made by the event organisero an explanation of how you will obtain the information allowing you to evaluate the evento an analysis of the effects of poor managemento an explanation of the many different planning toolso analysis of the importance of achieving project outcomes