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Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction

1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy will improve the human condition by preparing practitioners and leaders in pharmacy practice and by advancing knowledge through research. This will be achieved through student-centered instruction and research in a collaborative, dynamic academic, and practice environment.

2. Mission Statement The mission of The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy is to educate students to

meet the pharmaceutical needs of society, to advance pharmaceutical knowledge through research and to serve the profession and the community. Guiding principles are personal integrity, respect for humanity and professionalism.

3. College Structure

The organizational structure of the College of Pharmacy is diagrammed in Exhibit I. Administratively, the College is divided into three departments, which delineate the primary disciplines defining the pharmaceutical sciences; Medicinal Biological Chemistry, Pharmacology/Toxicology, and Pharmacy Practice. This administrative structure serves the College well in that the three disciplines represent unique domains of knowledge within the pharmaceutical sciences, and therefore, collaborative projects, the securing and sharing of research resources, and graduate educational experiences are optimized through this departmental structure. The College is served by a dean, two associate deans, directors for each of the College's three experiential programs, a director of the BSPS program, a director of educational assessment and a business administrator. The associate deans are administratively responsible for admissions, advising and student services, and for graduate education and research, respectively. While the organizational structure diagrammed in Exhibit I facilitates achievement of the mission of the College, from the perspective of academic program assessment, it is more appropriate to describe the College by its three academic programs: the four-year baccalaureate degree, the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences; the professional licensure degree program, the Doctor of Pharmacy degree, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmaceutical Education [ACPE], and the research track programs, the M.S. and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The College faculty collectively contributes to each of these programs. Therefore, all academic assessment activities are performed at the College level for these programs. As such, the format of this Assessment Plan for academic programs within the College of Pharmacy is described by the degree objective, rather than by department offerings. Further, since the Doctor of Pharmacy degree builds upon the BSPS degree encompassing both undergraduate and graduate coursework and experiences, and because it is the current configuration of the academic program that founded the College of Pharmacy more than a century ago and remains the primary degree offered by the College, assessment

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initiatives of the College primarily involve this program. Thus, most assessment initiatives are embedded in activities associated with the professional degree program, and modified for the other two academic programs based on desired curricular outcomes.

4. Assessment Program Infrastructure Assessment initiatives within the College are the administrative responsibility of the Director of Educational Assessment. Reporting to the Director of Educational Assessment are the Chair of the College Curriculum Committee, the Directors of Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential Programs of the Doctor of Pharmacy program, the Director of the BSPS Experiential Program and a graduate teaching assistant for assessment who compiles and summarizes assessment data. The Director of Educational Assessment chairs the College Assessment Committee which is composed of faculty and student representation from both the Doctor of Pharmacy and BSPS programs. The College’s Assessment Committee oversees all assessment initiatives within the College and assures continuity and consistency of assessment functions and the appropriate and timely utilization of the data. The Director of Educational Assessment is a member of the Pharmacy Advisory Council, an administrative group that oversees academic affairs within the college. The Pharmacy Advisory Council consists of the associate Deans, academic program directors, department chairs, vice chairs, the Curriculum committee chair, Academic Performance Committee Chair, student representatives, and the administrative staff of the UTMC Department of Pharmacy. The Director of Assessment is also a permanent member of the College Curriculum Committee. A staff position devoted to assessment activities for the collection and reporting of data has been planned but is awaiting approval.

While this infrastructure should support assessment efforts within the College, the Director of Educational Assessment is responsible for significant didactic, laboratory, and clinical instruction, as well as clinical practice. An Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs position has been approved but funding is not yet approved. Limited faculty resources have strained the development of effective assessment initiatives. Therefore, assessment activities will remain less than optimal until adequate personnel are available to undertake this effort.

II. Methods of Assessment A. Assessment Activities

The types of College Assessment activities currently being performed are outlined in Tables 1 and 2. Students in the BSPS program and PharmD programs, regardless of specific major complete the same curriculum for the first two years of their plan of study, and on average over 50% of the same coursework in years three and four of the programs. Students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program then advance to complete 90 hours of graduate level coursework in order to attain the professional doctorate degree. Experiential coursework, under the supervision of clinical preceptors at affiliate sites, is a major component of the Doctor of Pharmacy program and constitutes the final year (32 semester hours). Experiential coursework is also included in the BSPS program as a 12 semester hour course during the final year. Therefore, portfolio development, licensure board scores and evaluations by experiential program preceptors are key elements of the academic assessment for the

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College. End-of-course evaluations, "exit interviews" with our graduates and alumni, and annual end-of-year surveys conducted in each class are all valuable indirect measures used to assess program effectiveness.

B. Utilization of Assessment Data – Overview The structure of the College of Pharmacy provides multiple points of feedback for assessing curricular effectiveness. Informal assessment channels also exist since many graduates are placed in the professional community that regularly interacts with College faculty for post-graduate educational, scholarship, and professional development, and social, events. As for the formal structure, course evaluations are centrally organized within the College and every course is required to be evaluated at least every second offering of the course. Course evaluations follow a pattern approved by the faculty and results are returned directly to the individual faculty being evaluated. The departmental and college personnel committees as well as the faculty member's department chair also receive copies of the course evaluation for review. Initiatives for course modification often occur at this level. When broader curricular initiatives are envisioned, or when students desire direct input, the UTCP Curriculum Committee serves as a venue for curricular discussion. This committee has representation from each department in the College, students and the local practice community. The Curriculum Committee seeks input from many sources and develops plans and proposals for faculty review. Input to this committee may come from a department, the College’s Partnership Board (external advisors), alumni or students. This input may be directed to an individual department, or to the Committee for consideration. On a grander scale, the accrediting body requires a site visitation at intervals no less frequent than every seven years. The assessment provided by this body is a feedback mechanism that assures the program is in touch with contemporary national standards of practice.

C. BSPS-Doctor of Pharmacy Program 1. Student Outcomes

The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy (UTCP) has approved educational competencies and outcomes for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program. These competencies and outcomes parallel those of the national accrediting agency for professional programs in pharmacy (Exhibit II). This organization, the Accreditation Council for Pharmaceutical Education [ACPE], has set forth specific standards and guidelines that must be followed and demonstrated prior to a program being awarded accreditation status. The standards encompass organizational standards for faculty and supportive personnel, and fiscal and physical resource needs, and student and curricular requirements. Those standards that are applicable to the College Assessment Plan and its curricular program include the following:

Standard No. 9: The Goal of the Curriculum The college or school’s professional degree program curriculum must prepare graduates with the professional competencies to enter pharmacy practice in any setting to ensure optimal medication therapy outcomes and patient safety, satisfy the educational requirements for licensure as a pharmacist, and meet the requirements of the university for the degree.

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The curriculum must develop in graduates knowledge that meets the criteria of good science;1 professional skills, attitudes, and values; and the ability to integrate and apply learning to both the present practice of pharmacy and the advancement of the profession. Graduates must be able to identify and implement needed changes in pharmacy practice and health care delivery.

Standard No. 11: Teaching and Learning Methods The college or school, throughout the curriculum and in all program pathways, must use and integrate teaching and learning methods that have been shown through curricular assessments to produce graduates who become competent pharmacists by ensuring the achievement of the stated outcomes, fostering the development and maturation of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, meeting the diverse learning needs of students, and enabling students to transition from dependent to active, self-directed, lifelong learners.

Standard No. 12: Professional Competencies and Outcome Expectations2 Professional pharmacist competencies that must be achieved by graduates through the professional degree program curriculum are the ability to:

1.Provide patient care in cooperation with patients, prescribers, and other members of an inter-professional health care team based upon sound therapeutic principles and evidence-based data, taking into account relevant legal, ethical, social, cultural, economic, and professional issues, emerging technologies, and evolving biomedical, pharmaceutical, social/behavioral/administrative, and clinical sciences that may impact therapeutic outcomes.

2.Manage and use resources of the health care system, in cooperation with patients, prescribers, other health care providers, and administrative and supportive personnel, to promote health; to provide, assess, and coordinate safe, accurate, and time-sensitive medication distribution; and to improve therapeutic outcomes of medication use.

3.Promote health improvement, wellness, and disease prevention in cooperation with patients, communities, at-risk populations, and other members of an inter-professional team of health care providers.

These professional competencies must be used to guide the development of stated student learning outcome expectations for the curriculum. To anticipate future professional competencies, outcome statements must incorporate the development of the skills necessary to become self-directed lifelong learners.

Standard No. 14: Curricular Core—Pharmacy Practice Experiences The college or school must provide a continuum of required and elective pharmacy practice experiences throughout the curriculum, from introductory to advanced, of

1 “Good science” implies having the following characteristics: evidence-based, logical, convincing, explanatory, honest, testable, and systematic. 2 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s, Center for the Advancement of Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE), Educational Outcomes, 2004 (with minor edits)

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adequate scope, intensity, and duration to support the achievement of the professional competencies presented in Standard 12.

The pharmacy practice experiences must integrate, apply, reinforce, and advance the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values developed through the other components of the curriculum. The objectives for each pharmacy practice experience and the responsibilities of the student, preceptor, and site must be defined. Student performance, nature and extent of patient and health care professional interactions, where applicable, and the attainment of desired outcomes must be documented and assessed.

In aggregate, the pharmacy practice experiences must include direct interaction with diverse patient populations in a variety of practice settings and involve collaboration with other health care professionals. Most pharmacy practice experiences must be under the supervision of qualified pharmacist preceptors licensed in the United States.

Standard No. 15: Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning and Curricular Effectiveness As a component of its evaluation plan, the college or school must develop and carry out assessment activities to collect information about the attainment of desired student learning outcomes. The assessment activities must employ a variety of valid and reliable measures systematically and sequentially throughout the professional degree program. The college or school must use the analysis of assessment measures to improve student learning and the achievement of the professional competencies.

The college or school must systematically and sequentially evaluate its curricular structure, content, organization, and outcomes. The college or school must use the analysis of outcome measures for continuous improvement of the curriculum and its delivery.

To this end, the faculty have mapped the curriculum based on the competencies necessary to successfully complete the program of study in pharmacy at The University of Toledo. Exhibit II presents the professional competencies. Exhibit III presents the same data from a different perspective. It identifies each competency statement and the courses in which the competencies are developed. It further identifies the method used to measure achievement of the competencies. True to the mission of the College, the competency most often cited for inclusion in the professional curricula is that related to the ability to design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and modify or recommend modifications in drug therapy to ensure effective, safe, and economical patient care. Other competencies with a high level of emphasis include communication skills, identifying and solving medication-related problems, performing drug regimen reviews, patient counseling, drug literature retrieval and displaying the habits, attitudes and values required to render pharmaceutical care. Attainment of these competencies is the parameter by which curricular effectiveness is gauged.

2. Types of Assessment

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The process for assessing attainment of the desired competencies is both formative and summative in nature. Table 1 outlines the tools that are used in this process, delineating formative and summative measures of competency assessment. Exhibit III demonstrates the multiple methods used to achieve those competencies. Course content and processes focus on the competencies using traditional classroom and technologically-enhanced instructional strategies, and measuring achievement of the competencies most commonly through objective tests, written assignments and laboratory or simulated application. In many cases the competencies are ultimately applied to the practice setting in the clerkship or practice experience program. Electronic portfolios are used in the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiential course series and are continued throughout the program. They are used for self-reflection and it is planned that they will contain artifacts documenting the students’ professional development over the entire degree program. End-of-year surveys are administered annually to each Doctor of Pharmacy class. These surveys help document the students’ development of skills as well their views on instruction, services, policies and resources.

The summative methods for outcome assessment of graduates from the UTCP program are multi-faceted and consistent with the University's overall strategy of assuring that the institution's graduates reflect the academic mission and goals of both the College and the University. As with most colleges of pharmacy, a primary outcome assessment tool is performance on the NABP Licensure Examination, reported by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy. In addition, records are maintained on employment patterns and entry positions of our baccalaureate and professional doctoral graduates. The College conducts periodic surveys with regional employers of UTCP graduates to investigate the perceived preparedness of our graduates for entry into the workforce. Alumni feedback on the curriculum and suggestions for curricular change are periodically solicited, as is the input from preceptors in our experiential program. The latter processes assist in assuring that the curriculum is responsive to changes in pharmacy practice and the instructional strategies and academic experiences are appropriate for preparing the student for entry into pharmacy practice.

3. Timeline for Assessment Quantifiable and measurable performance standards for the achievement of curricular competencies (outcome expectations) are described in each course syllabus and determined by the course instructors. As noted in Table 1, a number of performance indicators are used to evaluate student achievement at progressive points throughout program matriculation.

Periodic course examinations are the most common method employed to evaluate the students’ achievement of course competencies. Laboratory exercises, homework, assigned papers, projects, and presentations are also commonly employed throughout the curriculum to measure student mastery of skills and the application of knowledge. A number of these evaluation points have mandated passage criteria with necessary remediation in order to pass the course or proceed to the following year. The use of the professional competency statements allow for the assessment and pattern of student achievement of the competencies. Currently, no single evaluation tool is used in the Doctor of Pharmacy program to assess student achievement of program competencies. Most course sequences are multi-termed

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and are taught by the same cadre of faculty. Therefore, the Pharmacology sequence can progressively build student competency and hold the students to a standard of knowledge established in the earlier courses. The same accountability can be maintained in the Practice Development sequence, and the Physiological Immunotherapy sequence in the Medicinal and Biological Chemistry program. A new curriculum is planned to be implemented in Fall 2009 which will emphasize integration of basic science and clinical skills knowledge, along with introductory experiential courses. The successful integration of these foundational and applied courses will rely on the respective faculty members’ communication of both course content and resultant competency expectations. Basic science and clinical faculty are planned to participate in jointly teaching a number of courses jointly in order to provide successful integration.. Both the introductory experiential course series and the professional practice development course series will contain evaluation measures which will document the development of students’ and knowledge of the student as applied to patient care in various practice settings. The evaluation measures that focus on the efficacy of the curricular structure and outcomes will provide information which will result in curricular modifications and revisions to the professional program. Responsibility for oversight of this process rests with the UTCP Curriculum Committee. Any recommendation from the committee for curricular modification is brought before the entire College faculty for discussion and vote.

A number of competencies are evaluated throughout the curriculum at defined timepoints. Student achievement of key pharmacy practice competencies is evaluated at the end of the second professional year through practical laboratory examinations. Achievement of additional competencies is evaluated at the end of the third professional year by written assignment and examination. The capstone senior seminar in the fourth professional year permits evaluation of additional competencies. All of these evaluations include necessary remediation if adequate documentation of competency is unmet.

Of the indirect and summative evaluation tools, the longest standing and most frequently used tool for assessment has been the comparative results of UTCP graduates on the NABP Licensure Examination as reported annually by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy. The data compare overall performance on the NABPLEX examination by graduates nationally. Examination passage rates are evaluated to assure appropriate curricular development of our graduate's knowledge and skills. For example, in the last four years, the UTCP Doctor of Pharmacy graduates have outpaced national passing rates by an average of 2-7%. This continued performance level provides evidence of the effectiveness of the overall curriculum.

D. BSPS Program (Medicinal & Biological Chemistry; Pharmaceutics; Pharmacology

Toxicology; and, Pharmacy Administration.Tracks) 1. Educational Objectives

The Bachelor of Science in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) degree is a four-year baccalaureate that prepares graduates for entry-level, technical positions in academic, governmental or pharmaceutical industry research laboratories; selected regulatory agencies such as the FDA, CDC or state organizations; pharmaceutical sales; business administration; or for entry into graduate research programs or study in law, medicine or

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business. The program was established in response to the increasing demand for scientists, researchers, administrators and professional sales representatives in pharmaceutical fields. The curriculum for the first two years of the BSPS program is identical to that program described for the Doctor of Pharmacy students. The final two years of the programs differentiate the graduates with the knowledge and skills competencies appropriate to the degree tracks. The four majors in the BSPS program are: Medicinal and Biological Chemistry; Pharmaceutics; Pharmacology/Toxicology; and, Pharmacy Administration. The latter major also provides an opportunity for the student to earn minors in Business Administration or a Minor in Professional Sales. The educational objective of the BSPS-Medicinal Chemistry major is to provide graduates with the competencies necessary to achieve an entry-level position in research laboratories focused on the design, synthesis and development of drugs. The program’s goal is to ensure competency in the areas of organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical chemistry are provided through this program. In addition, skill competencies are obtained through supervised laboratory experiences on campus and a structured 12-week practicum in the pharmaceutical industry.

The educational objective of the BSPS-Pharmaceutics major is to provide the graduate with the competencies necessary to achieve an entry-level position in the pharmaceutical industry focused on the design and evaluation of drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical dosage forms. The program’s goal is to ensure competency in the areas of physical chemistry (pharmacy), biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical rate processes and pharmaceutical manufacturing techniques are provided through this program. In addition, skills competencies are obtained through supervised laboratory experiences on campus and a structured 12-week practicum in the pharmaceutical industry.

The educational objective of the BSPS Pharmacology/Toxicology major is to provide graduates with the competencies necessary to achieve an entry-level position in academic, governmental or industrial research laboratories in the pharmaceutical, food science or cosmetic industry with a focus on drug discovery and development. Competencies include focused elucidation of the site of action and the fate of drugs and xenobiotics in the human system and the understanding and development of dosing strategies that will optimize intended outcomes and limit the toxicity of human exposure to active agents. The program’s goal is to ensure foundational competency in the areas of pathophysiology, drug absorption and disposition and techniques in assessing toxicological manifestations of exposure are provided through this program. In addition, skills competencies are obtained through supervised laboratory experiences on campus and a structured 12-week practicum in the pharmaceutical industry, a toxicology laboratories or environmental regulatory agencies.

The educational objective of the BSPS-Pharmacy Administration major is to provide graduates with the competencies necessary to achieve an entry-level position in pharmaceutical sales and management positions in the pharmaceutical industry, corporate or retail pharmacy offices, in agencies or for companies administering or

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managing pharmaceutical health care benefits. Graduates of this program may also earn a minor in Business Administration or in Professional Sales from The University of Toledo College of Business. The program’s goal is to ensure competencies in the areas of pharmacology, health care delivery systems, communications, effective business practices, accounting and program management. In addition, skills competencies are obtained through a structured 12-week practicum in the pharmaceutical industry, corporate retail pharmacy offices, professional association offices or governmental regulatory agencies.

2. Types of Assessment

The process for assessing attainment of the desired competencies in the program tracks parallels the assessment performed in the Doctor of Pharmacy program track and reflects both formative and summative in nature. Table 2 includes the tools that are used in this process. Tools used to assess the BSPS program include end-of- course evaluations, mid-course evaluations, job placement data, faculty survey, and experiential site preceptor evaluations, and portfolios. Course content and processes focus on the competencies using traditional classroom and technologically-enhanced instructional strategies, and measuring achievement of the competencies most commonly through objective tests, written assignments and laboratory or simulated application. In many cases, the competencies are ultimately applied to the practice setting in the practical experience program. A comprehensive student portfolio is currently being developed. The summative methods for outcome assessment of graduates from the UTCP program are multi-faceted and consistent with the University's overall strategy of assuring that the institution's graduates reflect the academic mission and goals of both the College and the University. Records on employment patterns and entry positions of our baccalaureate graduates are maintained by the program. External advisors from local and regional pharmaceutical companies provide valuable feedback regarding preparation of students and possible curricular modifications.

3. Timeline

Quantifiable and measurable performance standards for the achievement of curricular competencies (outcome expectations) are described in each course syllabus and determined by the course instructors. As noted in Table 2, a number of performance indicators are used to evaluate student achievement at progressive points throughout program matriculation. Periodic course examinations are the most common method employed to evaluate the student achievement of course competencies. Laboratory notebooks, homework, assigned papers, projects, and presentations are also commonly employed throughout the curriculum to measure students’ mastery of skills and the application of knowledge. An additional tracked measure of programmatic quality which is tracked is the number of nationally-competitive practicum placements in academic and corporate sites completed annually. Currently, no single evaluation tool is used in the BSPS baccalaureate program majors to assess student achievement of program competencies. However, the plan of study is predicated on a progressive mastery of skills and knowledge as students matriculates through the program.

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As noted, the faculty is in the process of formalizing the assessment of the students’ cognitive learning, the mastery of necessary skills, and effective communication; however, the specific design pieces have not been developed yet. Nonetheless, faculty associated with the practicum program are devising and evaluating various knowledge and skills competency assessments that should be fully implemented.

E. Graduate Programs in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1. Mission, Student Educational Outcomes

The graduate programs in the College of Pharmacy include the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry and the Doctor of Philosophy in Medicinal Chemistry. The MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences includes three distinct areas of specialization within the discipline: Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, and Pharmacy Administration. In all areas, the MS program is designed to prepare students to assume responsibilities in professional practice management, the pharmaceutical industry and scientific research beyond those possible with a baccalaureate degree (Section D) The Doctor of Philosophy in Medicinal Chemistry program is designed to provided the most advanced level of training possible focusing on elucidating the biochemical and immunological basis of disease and the development of medicinal approaches that prevent, reverse or moderate diseases processes. Graduates of the Medicinal Chemistry PhD program are expected to enter into the pharmaceutical industry, research laboratories, academic positions or post-doctoral training. Furthermore, the graduate should be capable of independently conceiving, conducting and analyzing the outcomes of innovative and relevant research programs. Successful candidates for the doctoral degree in Medicinal Chemistry, in addition to defending a doctoral dissertation, will construct and present a research proposal that withstands external review and favorably competes for extramural funding support.

2. Types of Assessment The process for assessing students’ attainment of the desired competencies in the MS and PhD programs parallel the traditional evaluation measures of graduate candidates. Measures of competency achievement are gauged through objective tests, written assignments and laboratory exercises or simulated process applications. In all cases, the competencies are ultimately evaluated through a candidate's successful completion of an original research project. The development and defense of the research plan and the subsequent written and oral presentation of the research results are critical elements for assessing candidates’ readiness for graduation. All processes for developing and approving plans of study, assigning research advisors and committee members, and formatting thesis dissertations follow the policies and procedures of The University of Toledo College of Graduate Studies.

Additional assessment measures of program effectiveness include: the ratio of the number students admitted to the number of applicants to each program; the number of research papers published or presented at scientific meetings, the number of patents, extramural funding of the research program, and the placement of graduates upon program completion.

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3. Timeline for Assessment

Quantifiable and measurable performance standards for the achievement of curricular competencies (outcome expectations) are described in each course syllabus and determined by the course instructors. The coursework comprising a candidates’ plan of study are individually developed depending upon the incoming competencies and experiences of the person and the specific degree being sought. The plan of study is approved by an internal College committee and the University’s college of Graduate Studies. Periodic course examinations are the most common method employed to evaluate student achievement of course competencies. Laboratory notebooks, homework, assigned papers, projects, and seminar presentations are also commonly employed throughout the curriculum to measure student mastery of skills and the application of knowledge. No single summative evaluation tool is used in the M.S. or graduate programs tracks to assess student achievement of program competencies. However, prior to engaging in the doctoral research program, a student must successfully demonstrate attainment of the competencies though preliminary or "qualifying" examinations developed by the program faculty.

As noted, the ultimate assessment measure of competency attainment is the successful oral and written defense of the students’ research dissertations. Assessment of program effectiveness is accomplished through peer-reviewed publications of research findings and extramural funding attracted to support research initiatives.

Evaluation measures focusing on the efficacy of the curricular structure, content, process, and outcomes are systematically and sequentially employed throughout the curriculum with the results applied to modify or revise the program of study. Issues relating to course content and student preparedness are often readily evident since the graduate program class sizes are small and students work in close relationship with faculty. Each department has a designated committee that reviews graduate program admissions, student performance and completed projects. Responsibility for oversight of this process rests with the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research.

III. Feedback Loop A. Responsible Parties

Assessment Initiatives within the College are the administrative responsibility of the Director of Educational Assessment who reports directly to the Dean. Individuals or offices responsible for specific elements of the academic assessment program include the Chair of the College Curriculum Committee, the Director of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential Programs (of the Doctor of Pharmacy program), the Director of the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiential Program (of the Doctor of Pharmacy program), the Director of BSPS Experiential Programs, and the Director of the BSPS Program. The College also has an assessment committee charged with the responsibility for overseeing all assessment initiatives within the College, assuring continuity and consistency of assessment functions and the appropriate and timely utilization of the data.

B. Components of the Feedback Loop 1. Obtaining Assessment Data

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The Assessment Plan includes a process to communicate data, evaluate data, formulate potential changes and provide feedback to stakeholders (Tables 1 and 2). This plan identifies the responsible parties responsible for data collection and the relevant parties who receive and evaluate the data, along with the relevant stakeholders for each assessment tool used in the program. For some assessment data there may be national or other benchmarks which are also available for comparison. The Director of Assessment is responsible for obtaining and storing and sharing the available, appropriate benchmark data. Examples would be the newly-adopted surveys for graduating students, faculty, alumni and preceptors which are available from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) and the licensure scores available from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). When using data for which national benchmarks do not exist, internal benchmarks such as data from previous years are used.

2. Evaluation of Assessment Data Assessment data are forwarded to appropriate parties for evaluation, including the Assessment Committee, the Curriculum Committee, personnel committees, Pharmacy Advisory Council, department chairs, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, or the Dean. Potential changes in courses, curriculum, policies or resource allocation are discussed by the Dean’s Administrative cabinet, Pharmacy Advisory Council, individual college committees, Pharmacy Student Council, and preceptor steering committee. Recommendations resulting from these discussions are forwarded to the Dean for further faculty consideration and discussion along with potential votes on policy changes.

External stakeholders include the Dean’s Partnership Board (which consists of key employers, preceptors, alumni, and experiential preceptors, etc) experiential steering committees, and others who are actively engaged and play a vital role in continued improvements to the college’s programs. Structured meetings of these groups occur quarterly.

3. Communicating Programmatic Improvements Summaries of assessment data are regularly shared with the entire faculty at faculty

meetings, with administrators at cabinet and council meetings, and at individual committee meetings. Curricular and policy changes as well as other resource improvements are communicated to students in pertinent courses, via bulletin boards, through student council, and on the college’s digital hallway monitors. External stakeholders such as the clinical preceptors and the Dean’s Partnership Board are provided assessment data and resulting changes at quarterly meetings during which reports by the Experiential Directors, Chair of the Curriculum Committee and the Director of Assessment are provided. Relevant issues that arise are taken back to the corresponding committees or faculty groups for consideration of programmatic revisions. Assessment data and summaries are placed on the college’s pharmacy online data share for faculty to utilize..

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IV. Action Plan

A. Expanded Use of Standardized Assessment Tools The 2007 ACPE accreditation standards for the licensure program require quality improvements in curriculum and instruction through assessment. As a result, numerous standardized tools have become available from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. The college will continue to evaluate and adopt new surveys and assessments as they become available. Nationally standardized tools adopted by the college within the past year include a graduate survey, alumni survey, preceptor survey and faculty survey. The Pharmacy Curriculum Outcomes Assessment examination is currently under consideration for adoption. These tools provide internal and external data for benchmarking progress and possibly revising the curriculum. The new standardized assessments will be evaluated by the Director of Educational Assessment, the Assessment Committee and the Dean as they become available. Standardized tools available for the Doctor of Pharmacy program will be adapted and used in the BSPS program.

B. End of Year Competency Assessments Formalized competency assessments will be developed and initiated at key points in the

newly-approved (November 2008) Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum to assess all educational objectives completed in the first three years of the curriculum. Appropriate remediation materials will be developed in tandem with the assessment and will be provided to students prior to remedial assessment. These assessments will provide valuable information regarding the design and delivery of the new curriculum. They will be initiated with the implementation of the curriculum, as early as Spring 2010. The development and implementation of the assessments will be directed by the Chair of the Curriculum Committee, the Director of Educational Assessment and the department chairs.

C. Electronic Portfolio Development The college has adopted Epsilen eportfolio and is using it in the experiential program

to document the professional development of students. The college anticipates the University’s adoption of an alternate electronic portfolio system which will permit assessment applications. Alternatively, the college could implement a pharmacy-specific electronic portfolio system currently available on the market. Whichever portfolio system is adopted, it should be able to provide data documenting the students’ professional development over the entire curriculum in didactic, laboratory, and experiential courses throughout the entire 4 years. The portfolio will provide data that helps the College to evaluate the attainment of educational outcomes and further shape the curriculum. A decision regarding adoption of a new portfolio system is anticipated by August 2009 and is the responsibility of the Dean, the Chair of Pharmacy Practice and the Director of Educational Assessment.

D. BSPS Program Assessment

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Key elements of the licensure track assessment program (course evaluations, experiential program preceptor feedback, experiential student evaluations) are currently used to assess learning in the BSPS program. Although general competencies exist for the program’s practicum, more specific and fundamental competencies need to be developed for each of the tracks of this program. These competencies will be mapped to the newly revised curriculum, similar to the curricular map for the licensure Doctor of Pharmacy program. In addition, adopting many standardized tools in the licensure track will allow the College to adapt these tools for the BSPS program. The surveys used for graduates, alumni and preceptors can be modified and used in the BSPS program. The College also plans to integrate the electronic portfolio into the program in a similar manner as for the licensure program. The assessment program used in the Doctor of Pharmacy program will be an effective model for a similar approach in the BSPS program. These activities will be directed by the Director of Educational Assessment, the Director of the BSPS program, the Director of the BSPS Experiential Program, the Assessment committee and the Curriculum Committee.

Page 15: Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy · Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction 1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy

Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

James SlamaDirector BSPS


Christine HinkoAssociate Dean Student Affairs;

Professor of Pharmacology

William MesserPharmacology

Dept. Chair

Wayne P. HossExec. Asc. Dean &

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

Marcia McInerneyMBC Dept. Chair

Paul ErhardtCenter for Drug

Design and Development

Deborah SobczakCoord. Advising &

Student Affairs (PSA)

Jose TrevinoCoord. Recruitment& Retention (PSA)

Dawn RayCoordinator Internal Admissions (PSA)

(3/5th Time)

Jing MeyerCoordinator of Advising (PSA)Pamela Hennen

Admin. Secy 1 (CWA)

Kimberly NigemCoordinator,

BSPS Program(Pt Time, PSA)

Steven MartinPharmacy Practice

Dept. Chair

Katherine WallVice Chair

Ezdihar HassounVice Chair

Vince MauroVice Chair

Joel TavorminaDirector, Pharmacy


Mary BorovickaEric SahloffCo-Directors,

Advanced Professional Education

Linda Mc Pherson(CWA) Secretary 1

Katherine Zember (CWA)APPE Admin. Secretary 2

Kristin Kamcza (CWA)IPPE Admin. Secretary 1

Karen Papadakis (CWA)Admin. Secretary 1

Kwabena KanKamSenior Business Manager (PSA)

Charisse Montgomery

Scientific Editor and College

Communicator (PSA)

Cynthia Soncrant (PSA)Executive Secretary

Donna Haar (CWA)Admin. Secretary 1

Robert SchlembachHistorian,

Alumni Affiliate(Retired)

Patricia PulciniIT Director, Pharmacy

Computing (PSA)


Student WorkersKristen SmithJessica Soncrant

BSPS Practicum Students

Summer Only

Laurie MauroDirector, Educational


Mary BorovickaDirector of Ursuline


Amanda OrtizCoord. of Recruitment

and RetentionPat Hacker (CWA)Secretary 2 (½ Time)

Pat Hacker (CWA)Secretary 2 (½ Time)

Linda Ruiz (CWA)Secretary 1

Denise Busdeker (CWA)Admin. Secretary 1

Eric Slough Director, Pharmacy


Richard Montgomery

Assistant Director of BSPS and

Director of Institute for Professional Advancement

in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (PSA)

Megan Kaun (APPE)J. Shimman (IPPE)

Co-Directors, Experiential Programs


Christine Wickenheiser

Academic Adviser (PSA) (2/5th Time)

Christopher GailCollege Instructional

Technology Administrator (PSA)

Ben BohlandEnrollment

Management Specialist (PSA)

Student Worker

The University of Toledo College of PharmacyAdministration

HPLLCAdvisory Board

Program DirectorHPLLC

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Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

The University of Toledo College of PharmacyMedicinal & Biological Chemistry Department

Marcia McInerneyProfessor &

Chair of MBC

Katherine WallVice Chair &


Steven PeseckisAssoc. Professor

L. TillekeratneAssoc. Professor

Paul ErhardtProfessor &

Director of CD3

James SlamaProfessor & Director

BSPS Program

Hermann von Grafenstein

Assoc. Professor


Grad AssistantsJehad Almaliti

Yining JinIonal Suhane

New HireSenior Synthetic


Peter NagyResearch Prof


Jeff SarverSr. Biological


Crystal BykowskiResearch Tech.

Nicole EllisResearch Tech.

Jill TrendelResearch Assoc.

S. NonekowskiVisiting Asst.


Linda Mc Pherson (CWA)Secretary 2/Dept. Secy.

Wayne HossProfessor of

Medicinal Chemistry

Brandon Slotterbeck

Research Assoc

Pat HackerCD3 Secretary (½ Time) CWA

James BretzPt-Time Research

Assistant ProfL. AlexanderGrad Student

Amanda Bryant-FriedrichAssoc. Professor

MBC Graduate Students(wkg in other depts)

-----------------------Shakila Abdul-Majeed

(Nauli)Jacqueline Cearfoss

(Hassoun)Shanteau Lao


Chris TrabbicGraduate Student

Pravin Bhansali Graduate Assistant

Aditya Maheshwani

Post Doc

Brian MunteanSEPA Student

Retired Professor Emeritus (Hudson)Retired Assistant Professor Emeritus (Hinman)

Rachael JetsonGrad Student

Paul BrownGrad Assistant

Cody ThomasGrad Student


Grad AssistantsSuaad AbdullahButhina Abdullah

PhD StudentsNicholas Amato

Razia SheikPaul Ashule

StaffJing Wang

Jimmy Franco

SEPA StudentsDanielle HernerFernand Bedi

SEPA StudentRebecca Yantko

Grad AssistantsAmarjit AmarjitM. El-Dakdouhi

Lei FangNeha Malik

Michael ReeseShakila Abdul-


Undergraduate StudentsOlivia Ault

Bryaune CarterStephen Kosik

J. Longenberger

NewAssist/Assoc ProfResearch Hiring


Diseases as of 7/1/09 Search


Graduate Assistants

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Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

The University of Toledo College of PharmacyPharmacology Department

William MesserProfessor & Chair of


Ezdihar HassounVice Chair &


Miles HackerProfessor

Fred WilliamsAssistant Professor

Hermann von Grafenstein

Associate Professor

Vacant 9/07Associate Professor

Retired Professor &

Director of CAP

Surya NauliAssistant Professor

Karen Papadakis (CWA)Admin. Dept. Secretary 1

Christine HinkoProfessor

Student WorkerChamere DavisPatchi Patel

Graduate Assistants


Graduate Assistants


Ana Maria OyarceVisiting Asst. Prof.

Makiko TakahashiLab Tech/

Research Asst

Ming Cheh LiuAssociateProfessor

Linda DokasResearch Prof.

Aditya Maheshwari

Graduate Assistant

Wissam Aboualaiwi

Post Doc

Blair MellLab Tech/Res


Graduate AssistantsJacquelyn Cearfoss (PTox)Jessica Spildener (PTox)Nicole Twaddle (PTox)Znenxian Zheng (Ptox)

Shakila Abdul-Majeed

Research GADoctoral

Students WorkersJeremiah Dillon

Jessica JenningsAmy Malone

Peter Nagy (25%)Research Professor

Caren SteinmillerVisiting Asst. Prof.

Elisha InjetiVisiting Asst. Prof.

Page 18: Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy · Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction 1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy

Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

The University of Toledo College of PharmacyPharmacy Practice Department

Steven MartinChair of Pharmacy Practice


Megan Kaun (APPE)J. Shimman (IPPE)

Co-Director of Experiential Programs

Mary BorovickaEric SahloffCo-Directors

Advanced Professional Education

Tenured Faculty Curtis Black


Vince MauroProfessor

Laurie MauroProfessor

M. Holiday-GoodmanAssoc. Professor

Diane CappellettyAssociate Professor

Mary PowersAssociate Professor

Tenure Track Faculty

Martin OhlingerProfessor

Eric SahloffAssistant Professor

Mary BorovickaAssistant Professor

Mariann ChurchwellAssistant Professor

Jerry NesamonyAssociate Professor

MonicaHoliday-GoodmanVice Chair, Assoc.

Prof. & Division Head, Pharmacy

Healthcare Administration

Folsada AkalaDirector of

Pharmacy @ Cordelia Martin

Kenneth AlexanderProfessor

Kathy Zember (CWA)APPE Admin. Sec’y 2

M. BrockmanTechnician

Part TimeRPh

Interns (2)

Patricia ConnorTechnician

Kristin Kamcza (CWA)IPPE & Admin. Sec’y 1

Graduate TA’sArpana Acharya

Ranajoy Majamdar

Sharrel PintoAssistant Professor Grad Assistants

Ryan BolusPatrick Bugai

Douglas DremannJ. EhrmantrautAbigail Fosu

Matthew GibsonS. Grossman

Thomas HenryKenneth Hohmeier

Abby KeiserDaniel Keller

William KupkaErin MahoneySarah MitchellRenee Niese

Anthony PattinCleo Penamon

Brian PettryKrystal RicciardellaBrittany Rickman

Jonathan RiosLaura Schnurr

Kelly SchoepplerMichelle Serres

Mate SoricGinger TurnerCurtis WanderYanjun Zhang

LecturersKimberly Schmude

Michael PeetersMartin OhlingerGayle KammMegan Kaun

Jessica Shimman

Visitors Robert Bechtol

Rose JungAaron Lengel


Post Graduate Programs

Critical Care/(0)Specialty Residents


Community Practice Resident (1)


Pharmacy Practice Residents (2)

Part Time Faculty Todd GundrumL. Hanf-KristofekChuck Riepenhoff

Alan Riga

Prestige Faculty(100+)

Adjunct Assoc Professors

Angeline Gilis

Seasonal Employee

Robert CalabreseCaroline Gaither

M. Lechman-Holder

Student Worker

Student WorkersAdwoa AtahoraKristen FellxMatthew Lordi

College ResourceMentors

Rachel FreytagMarian HajeirAndrew KahnKyle Koenig

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The University of Toledo College of PharmacyCenter for Drug Design and Development (CD3)


Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

Paul W. ErhardtProfessor of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry

Administrative and Technical Director CD3

Pat HackerCD3 Secretary½ Time (CWA)

VacantSenior Analytical Chemist

Jeff SarverSenior Biological Scientist

Peter NagySenior Computational Chemist


Crystal BykowskiAnalytical Tech. and

Grad StudentNicole Ellis

Biology Tech. andGrad Student

Jill TrendelBiological Sci.

MBC Graduate StudentsLei Fang

Michael ReeseMohammed Dakdouki

Amarjit Amarjit

Rahul KhupseResearch Associate

Marcia McInerneyProfessor and Chair,

Medicinal & Biological Chemistry Dept.

VacantSynthetic Chemist

Wayne P. HossExecutive Associate Dean and

Professor of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry

Page 20: Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy · Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction 1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy

Johnnie L. Early, IIDean

The University of Toledo College of PharmacyGraduate Studies

Wayne Hoss Associate Dean for Graduate

Studies & Research

Paul ErhardtCenter for Drug Design &


Pat HackerCD3 Secretary ½ Time(CWA)

Graduate AssistantsSuaad AbdallahArpana AchayaJehad AlmalitiPallavi Bhuyan

Paul BrownMaithili Deshpande

Sara FedorkaShufan Ge

Ermias GebremichaelSara Holl

Rachael JetsonYining Jin

Jinender KumarZhouyuan Liu

Bhairavi LohaneRanajoy Majumdar

Neha MalikBivash Mandal

Cameron McElroyAvishek Nagi

Guatam PartheAbhilasha RamsamyPaluriSaiShant RaoJessica Spildener

Christopher TrabbicNicole Twaddle

Zheng XuCarrie ZacharYanjun Zheng


Page 21: Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy · Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction 1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy

PresidentDr. Lloyd Jacobs

Provost MCDr. Rosemary


VP DivisionStudent Affairs

Provost HSCDr. Jeffery Gold

DeanArts & Sciences




HPLLC Advisory Board

Program DirectorHPLLC

The University of ToledoHealth Professions Living Learning Community


Page 22: Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy · Assessment Plan - College of Pharmacy I. College Perspective A. Introduction 1. Vision Statement The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy

UT COP PharmD Professional Competencies and Outcome Expectations Mapped to ACPE Accreditation Standards

(Approved by College Faculty 8-19-2005) 1. Assess patients, utilizing patient-specific data (e.g., physical exam, laboratory tests, history,

procedures), in order to provide pharmaceutical care. ACPE 1* 2. Evaluate and prioritize patient problems and triage patients to other health

professionals, as appropriate. ACPE Standard 12.1 3. Design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust a patient-specific, evidence-based

pharmaceutical care plan or recommend modifications of an ongoing pharmaceutical care plan. ACPE Standard 12. 1

4. Identify, assess, and solve medication-related problems and/or issues. ACPE 12.1 5. Report and manage medication errors and adverse drug reactions. ACPE 12.1 6. Recommend and monitor non-pharmacological, nutritional, alternative, and non-

prescription therapies for patient-centered and population-based pharmaceutical care in an evidence-based manner. ACPE Standard 12.1

7. Retrieve, interpret, evaluate, and apply scientific, lay, and professional information to specific patient care, population-based health care, and health policies. ACPE Standards 12.1-3

8. Effectively communicate and collaborate with prescribers, allied health professionals, care-givers, policy makers, members of the community, administrative personnel, supportive personnel, and other involved providers of health care. ACPE 1,2,3

9. Safely and accurately evaluate, compound, package, and dispense prescriptions in appropriate dosage forms. ACPE Standard 12.1

10. Communicate with patients in order to obtain appropriate patient-specific information on their health condition and medication history in order to ascertain the patients’ compliance, monitor medication use, determine the effectiveness of their current medical regimens, and, when applicable, devise a new medical regimen or suggest modifications to the current regimen. ACPE Standard 12.1

11. Communicate with patients in order to counsel them regarding the purposes, proper uses, therapeutic and adverse effects, and self-monitoring of their medications and to promote wellness and health. ACPE Standard 12.1, 12.3

12. Manage medication use systems, through the ability to apply patient- and population-specific data, quality assurance strategies, and research processes, in order to minimize drug misadventuring, optimize patient outcomes, contribute to the development of drug use and health policy, and collaborate on the design of pharmacy benefits. ACPE Standard 12.2

13. Manage human, physical, medical, informational, and technological resources, through the ability to assure efficient, cost-effective utilization of these resources in the provision of patient care. ACPE Standard 12.2

14. Perform the proper administration of medications via nasal, inhalation, otic, optic, and injectable (subcutaneous and intramuscular) routes. ACPE Standard 12.1

15. Develop skills to carry out duties in accordance with legal, ethical, social, economic, and professional guidelines and to interact in an appropriate professional manner with healthcare providers and patients. ACPE Standard 12.1,12.2

16. Develop the skills necessary to maintain professional competence by identifying and analyzing emerging issues, products, and services and to become self-directed lifelong learners. ACPE Standard 12.1

*ACPE Accreditation – Professional Comeptency and Outcome Expectation

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Table I Academic Assessment Plan Doctor of Pharmacy Program - Summary Assessment Tool

Type of Assessment

Responsible Party For collection

Frequency Timeframe Who Receives Data

Outcomes Stakeholders

State Licensure Examination Scores

Summative/ Direct

Assessment Director

Annual Fall Dean Director of Assessment

Provision of Law review, Course modification, Curricular Modification

Students, Employers, Faculty Assessment Committee Curriculum Committee

Experiential Program Preceptor Feedback on Stated Program Objectives

Summative/ Formative/ Direct

Directors of Experiential Programs

Continual Annual Director of Assessment, PhPr Chairman

Curricular modification

Students, Employers, Faculty Assessment Committee Curriculum Committee

Experiential Preceptor Evaluations of Students

Summative/ Direct

Directors of Experiential Programs

Monthly Continual Directors of Experiential Education, Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Course Modifications, Curricular modification

Students, Faculty, Employers, Curriculum Committee Members

Experiential Site/Preceptor Evaluations

Formative/ Indirect

Directors of Experiential Programs

Monthly Continual Directors of Experiential Education, Pharmacy Practice Chair

Programmatic offerings for preceptors, site selection

Students, faculty, preceptors

Student Portfolios Formative/ Direct

Director of Introductory Experiences

Each semester Continual Curriculum Committee, Student Affairs, Advisors, Faculty

Individualized instruction

Students, Faculty, Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee, Employers

Periodic “Comprehensive” Examinations: Written and skills-based demonstrations

Summative/ Direct

College Faculty Continual End of Semesters

Curriculum Committee Director of Assessment

Lecture/lab modifications

Students, Faculty, Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee

Periodic Pre-tests Formative/ direct

College Faculty As needed Early, Mid -semester

Curriculum Committee Lecture modifications Provision of supplementals

Students, faculty

Videotaping with critique of student performance

Formative/ direct

PhPr Faculty PPD I , II Continual Curriculum Committee Course modifications Students, Faculty

Patient case SOAP write-ups

Formative/ Summative/ Direct

PhPr Faculty PCR I, II, Capstone

Continual Curriculum Committee Lecture/lab modifications

Students, Faculty

Supplemental patient cases, prescription evaluation

Formative/ Direct

College Faculty Continual Continual Faculty, Director of Assessment, Curriculum Committee

Improved performance on examinations

Students, Faculty

Senior Seminar Performance

Summative/ Direct

College Faculty Semi-Annual Spring/Fall Faculty, Curriculum Committee Drug Literature Eval/ Communication

Students, Faculty

End of Course evaluations

Summative/ Indirect

Faculty and departments

Continual Continual Department Chairs, Personnel Committees, Dean, Faculty

Course content and instructional method modifications Curricular modifications

Students, Faculty, Personnel committees, college administration

Mid Course Evaluations

Formative/ Indirect

College Faculty As needed Mid Semester Faculty Instructional method modifications

Students, Faculty

Retention Data Summative/ Indirect

Assoc. Dean Student Affairs

Continual Annual Assoc Dean for Student Affairs,

Advising Policy changes

College administration, University Administration,

End of Year Surveys Summative/ Indirect

Director of Assessment

Annual End of Spring semester

Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Curricular enhancements, college policy modifications

Students, Faculty, Assessment Committee, college administration, ACPE

End of Program Evaluations

Summative/ Indirect

Director of Assessment

Annual June Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Curricular modification, course resequencing

Students, faculty, Assessment Committee, college administration

Exit Interview Summative/ Indirect

Director of Assessment External interviewers

Annual May Director of Advanced Experiential, Director of Assessment

Curricular, program and college modifications

Faculty, Assessment Committee, Experiential Directors, college administration

Job Placement Data Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director

Annual Fall Director of Assessment Curricular modification

Students, potential students, faculty, ACPE

Alumni Survey Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director

Annual Summer Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Curricular modification, college policy modification

Assessment Committee, Faculty, college administration, ACPE

Faculty Survey Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director

Annual Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Instructional Enhancement

Summative/ Formative/

College Faculty Continual Continual Director of Assessment Course content modification

Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

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Documentation Indirect

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Table 2 Academic Assessment Plan – BSPS Program - Summary Assessment Tool

Type of Assessment

Responsible Party For collection

Frequency Timeframe Who Receives Data

Outcomes Stakeholders

Experiential Program Preceptor Feedback on Stated Program Objectives

Summative/ Formative/ Direct

Director, Institute for Professional Development

Continual Annual Director, Institute for Professional Development

Curricular modification

Students, Employers, Faculty Assessment Committee Curriculum Committee

Experiential Preceptor Evaluations of Students

Summative/ Direct

Directors of Experiential Programs

Monthly Continual Director, Institute for Professional Development

Course Modifications, Curricular modification

Students, Faculty, Employers, Curriculum Committee Members

Experiential Site/Preceptor Evaluations

Formative/ Indirect

Directors of Experiential Programs

Monthly Continual Director, Institute for Professional Development

Programmatic offerings for preceptors, site selection

Students, faculty, preceptors

Student Portfolios (under development)

Formative/ Direct

Director of Introductory Experiences

Each semester Continual Curriculum Committee, Student Affairs, Advisors, Faculty

Individualized instruction

Students, Faculty, Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee, Employers

Periodic Pre-tests Formative/ Direct

College Faculty As needed Early, Mid -semester

Faculty, Curriculum committee Lecture modifications Provision of supplemental

Students, faculty

End of Course evaluations

Summative/ Indirect

Faculty and departments

Continual Continual Department Chairs, Personnel Committees, Dean, Faculty

Course content and instructional method modifications Curricular modifications

Students, Faculty, Personnel committees, college administration

Mid Course Evaluations

Formative/ Indirect

College Faculty As needed Mid Semester Faculty Instructional method modifications

Students, Faculty

Retention Data Summative/ Indirect

Assoc. Dean Student Affairs

Continual Annual Assoc Dean for Student Affairs,

Advising Policy changes

College administration, University Administration,

End of Program Evaluations

Summative/ Indirect

Director of Assessment

Annual June Director BSPS Program, Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Curricular modification, course resequencing

Students, faculty, Assessment Committee, college administration

Exit Interview Summative/ Indirect

Director of Assessment External interviewers

Annual May Director, Institute for Professional Development, Director of Assessment

Curricular, program and college modifications

Faculty, Assessment Committee, Experiential Directors, college administration

Job Placement Data Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director Annual Fall Director, Institute for Professional Development, Director of Assessment

Curricular modification

Students, potential students, faculty, ACPE

Alumni Survey (under development)

Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director Annual Summer Director, BSPS Program, Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

Curricular modification, college policy modification

Assessment Committee, Faculty, college administration, ACPE

Faculty Survey Formative/ Indirect

Assessment Director Annual Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee

College policy changes


Instructional Enhancement Documentation

Summative/ Formative/ Indirect

College Faculty Continual Continual Director of Assessment Course content modification

Director of Assessment, Assessment Committee