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  • 8/10/2019 Assessing the Psychological Effects of Horrible Pictures on Newspaper Readers in Nigeria



    Assessing the Psychological Effects of Horrible Pictures on Newspaper Readers in Nigeria.


    Celestine Verlumun GEVER

    Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.

    EMAIL:[email protected]

    PHONE: 08064938817

    Paper presented at a conference on 50 years of psychology in Nigeria: Break through and

    challenges organised by the Nigerian Psychological Association held at the University of

    Nigeria, Nsukka, 25-27 November, 2014


    Horrible pictures have become a common feature of Nigerian newspapers especially in this era of

    terrorism and other crimes like assassinations, lynching, kidnappings, armed robberies etc. The

    prevalence of these pictures has generated heated arguments from both communication and

    psychology scholars on their psychological effects on newspaper readers. While some argue that

    such pictures can lead to a psychological trauma on the part of newspaper readers hence should

    be avoided, others argue that pictures, not minding how horrible, give credibility to news stories

    and that the readers are used to horrible scenes as such , there should be no limitations as to the

    type of pictures to be used, provided the ultimate aim is to give credibility to news stories. This

    study through a survey design, using a multi-stage sampling method, sampled 400 respondentsfrom two purposively selected areas of Nsukka and Makurdi. Findings reveal significant

    relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers emotional trauma,

    significant relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers aggressive

    behaviour while other factors that can lead to emotional trauma and aggressive behaviour were

    found to be family relations, friendship, colleague, tribe, race, religion and political association.

    The researcher recommends among others, the enactment of an act of parliament regulating the

    type of pictures to be published by newspaper editors in Nigeria. .

    Keywords: Assessment, psychology, horrible pictures and newspaper readers

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    This study is a response to a rowdy session that ensued at the 16thconference of the African

    Council for Communication Education (ACCE) held between 10-12 March, 2014 at the University

    of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. The rowdy session was ignited by professor Chris Ogbondah in a lead

    paper entitled Photo ethics in Nigerian press: will the watchdog please watch itself.During the

    presentation, the US based scholar argued that some of the horrible pictures published by Nigerian

    newspapers were capable of leading to emotional trauma. He argued further that gory pictures of

    any kind and for whatever reason and circumstance were more harmful than merely giving credence

    to news, which is the primary purpose of using them. The scholar concludes that newspaper and

    magazine editors should avoid publishing gory pictures irrespective of whether they give credence

    to news stories or not. Ogbondah (2014) recommends that editors should be guided by factors like

    religious belief, newspaper policy and moral conviction in their choice of pictures.

    The conclusion of Ogbondah did not go down well with other scholars who argued that

    pictures give credence to news stories and nothing should stop newspaper editors from publishing

    gory or horrible pictures provided they help in passing the message. Exponents of Ogbondah rose to

    counter his opponents and soon, the conference hall was divided into pro and anti horrible pictures

    with professor Ogbondah as the focal point. After a heated argument, there was no agreement from

    both parties. Barely after a month, precisely on the 16thof April, the Federal Executive Council

    (FEC) rose from a meeting presided over by president Goodluck Jonathan and condemned the use

    of horrible pictures of the April 14, 2014 Nyanya bomb blast. The then minister of information,

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    Labran Maku noted that the use of such pictures amounted to media insensitivity to national

    issues.He was quoted thus:

    Let me also say that we observe with regret that in spite of the greatjob the media has continue to do, we saw that the way this incident

    was reported in the last two days has been very insensitive. The

    council noted and this is very unprofessional that the papers and

    most of the television stations just unleashed on Nigerians gory

    details of pictures that should never have been published on the basis

    of humanity, on the basis of professional ethics, and the basis of

    feelings for the sensibilities of our people.

    Whether FEC observation as conveyed by the minister has any scientific backing is subject to

    empirical examination.

    Statement of the Problem

    Horrible pictures have become common place in Nigerian newspapers. This is partly

    because of the prevalence of crimes and criminality and in worst cases, terrorist related activities.

    Communication scholars are divided on whether horrible pictures should be used or not Those in

    support often argue that pictures generally give credence to news stories and should be used and

    that such pictures have little or no effects on the readers. Those against the use of horrible pictures

    are brisk to argue that such pictures are capable of causing emotional trauma and aggressive

    behaviour to the newspaper readers. This study seeks to investigate the effect of gory pictures on

    newspaper readers in Nigeria.

    Objectives of the Study

    The general objective of this study is to determine the traumatic effect of horrible pictures

    on newspaper readers in Nigeria. Specifically, this study seeks to achieve the following:

    1. To determine the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and readers traumatic


    2. To determine the extent exposure to horrible pictures lead to traumatic feelings

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    3. To determine the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and aggressive behavior

    of newspaper readers in Nigeria.


    To determine the extent exposure to newspaper horrible pictures lead to aggressive


    5. To determine factors that can enhance aggressive behavior and traumatic feeling after

    exposure to horrible picture.

    Research Questions

    This study seeks answers to the following questions:

    1. What is the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and traumatic feelings of

    newspaper readers in Nigeria?

    2. To what extent does exposure to horrible pictures from newspapers lead to traumatic



    What is the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers

    aggressive behaviour?

    4. To what extent does exposure to horrible pictures from newspapers lead to aggressive


    5. What are other factors that can enhance trauma and aggressive behaviour after exposure to

    horrible pictures?


    This study tested the following null hypotheses:

    HO1There is no significant relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and traumatic

    feelings of newspaper readers in Nigeria.

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    HO2Theextent horrible pictures cause traumatic feelings to newspaper readers will not be to a

    large extent if calculated contingency coefficient is less than 75%.

    HO3There is no significant relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and aggressive

    behavior of newspaper readers in Nigeria.

    HO4The extent exposure to newspaper horrible pictures lead to aggressive behaviour will not

    be large if calculated contingency coefficient is less than 75%.

    Significance of the Study

    This study is justifiable because of its relevance to the following people and ways:

    First, newspaper editors will benefit from the result of the study as it will guide them in their

    decision of which pictures to publish and which not to. The government and policy makers will

    also find the result of this study useful in contemplating policies and legislations on the use of

    pictures in newspaper. Public affair analysts will find the result of this study useful in analyzing the

    effect of newspaper pictures on the readers. Also, teachers of mass communication will benefit from

    this study in teaching photo-journalism to students. Other researchers will equally use the result of

    this study in further exploring related areas.

    The Place of Pictures in Newspaper Communication

    Nowadays, it is doubtful if a newspaper without pictures will attract high patronage (that is

    if it will be patronized at all). This goes to justify the proverbial seeing is believing. A newspaper

    without picture is necked, unattractive and communicates less. Pictures take the readers to the event

    and make them have an understanding, or better still, smattering knowledge of what they are read.

    Pictures in newspapers give credibility to news stories. Okoro and Ikechukwu (2000)

    corroboratively write Whether it is about events, places or people, in fact, whatever it is, the

    picture tells it loud and clear.Though the scholars did not mention how important pictures are to

    newspaper, the very fact that pictures communicate loud and newspapers are meant to communicate

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    goes to show that pictures are important in newspaper communication. Scott (1999) emphasized

    that images are part of the in textuality of the newspaper and that the nature of news paper coverage

    of the news shows a snap shot of events on daily bases. Commenting further, Scott writes:

    We can read the sequence of photographs in a newspaper as a

    short or aid memoire for the current state of news even if the

    available photos can only show us the prelude or aftermath of a

    particular event, they have one advantage over the column (114-


    The comment above goes to show the importance of pictures in newspaper communication.

    Hall (1972) observes that pictures have the effect of making historic instantaneous as all history is

    converted into today through the use of pictures. Pictures in newspapers are often accompanied by

    written word beneath known as captions. This written words further give an insight into the picture

    Studies (Barthe, 1982, Burgin 1983) have shown that news paper captions are very important in the

    communication process. Durrer (2008) however, expresses reservations as he writes: Since the

    words that accompany pictures are of such importance, one might well wonder whether it is pictures

    or whether it is words that make us see. Engel (2005) in a study Every picture tells a story: The

    Language and Function of French newspaper captions observes that captions are very important in

    newspaper pictures. The researcher writes:

    Newspaper photos are the most salient hook which draw the reader into

    the story, their captions anchor these photos in relation to the story.

    Captions feed the reader with information on people, time and places,

    tantalizing snippets of detail which make the reader want to read more.Caption transforms a photo into a news photo. Furthermore, they place a

    particular interpretation on the image, shaping the readers understanding

    of that image.

    The assertion above indicates the importance of pictures and captions in newspapers.

    Pictures in newspaper, could even add to the design in such papers with a corresponding reading

    motivation on the part of the readers. A study conducted by Garcia and Stark (1991) revealed that

    pictures and design are the main entry points in newspaper reading. According the result, readers

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    usually enter the page through the dominant photo and then move to a prominent headline or

    another dominant photo. Garcia and Stark arrived at the result after testing 90 readers of three

    newspapers at three different sites in the United States. The editions (Prototype A and B) given to

    the readers were manipulated with respect to colour- a major motivation behind the study was to see

    whether colour in itself attracts readers attention. Participant could read as long as they could and

    their eye movements were tacked during the reading session. The results of Garcia and Stark

    basically revealed that attractive pictures in news paper could motivate readers to read newspapers.

    The result of Josephsson contradicts that of Garcia and Stark. Josephsson (1996) studied the

    colour Vs greyscale effect for Photos in four manipulated newspaper pages, which 32 subjects were

    allowed to look at for 10 seconds per page. Her findings indicate that the position of the photo on

    the page is more important than the colour/greyscale factor. Her subjects viewed the top of pages

    before the bottom and the earliest position was upper left, not minding the colour. This suggests that

    whatever colour a newspaper picture carries is inconsequential, what matters is where it is located.

    The result of Josephsson confirms the assertion by Carter (2000) that the size photographs and the

    position it takes on the front page is an important code for the reader as it affects the attention given

    to the paper. Similarly, Holmqvist and Wartenberg (2005) in a study which purpose was to examine

    effect of local design factors on readers visual behaviour document that pictures attracted

    significantly earlier attention then picture- less areas. Their result also showed that large pictures are

    looked at significantly earlier than medium and small pictures. The result of Homqvist and

    Wartenberg also showed that the type of picture also affect readers fixation. In their study, the

    researchers divided pictures into information graphs, maps, drawings and photos. All but

    information graphics were found to contribute to early fixations. The same importance of size of

    pictures (not location this time around) was reported by Lundqvist and Holmqvist (2001). Also,

    Harper (2002) observes that the parts of the brain that process visual information are evolutionarily

    older than the parts that process verbal information. He writes, Images evoke deeper elements of

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    human consciousness that (sic) do words. Ingram and Estate (2008) observe that pictures are very

    important in newspapers because of the following reasons-(i) to brighten the page. A newspaper

    page devoid of a picture does not look interesting to the reader and may not attract the attention of

    the public. Such a newspaper will witness low patronage and in the final analysis, the newspaper

    house will fizzle out. Ingram and Estate observe further that readers who pay money for a

    newspaper expect their work to be made easy for them with pictures that help tell the story.

    (ii)Pictures tell the news. News is something which is new, odd, interesting, important and about

    people. In media parlance, news is sacred and must be treated with sacrosanct. News can be

    passed to the people with the use of pictures. Pictures add credibility to news and give them life.

    Sometimes, even pictures alone with captions can tell the story. A news picture must therefore pass

    message to the readers and not leaving them in conundrum after viewing it. (iii)To show what it

    looks like. No matter how gifted a writer may be in manipulating words, he cannot paint the picture

    of a person or something with written words more than the picture itself. A picture can let the

    reader see what a person, or a place, or a building, or an event looks like. Apart from television

    images, newspaper photographs are unarguably one of the ways the people can know what things

    look like. With the epileptic power supply in Nigeria and poverty level on the increase as evidenced

    in low ownership of television, pictures remain one of the ways that people can get to view how

    their leaders look like and even view other important pictures that may help them have an

    understanding of their environment. Newspaper pictures take the readers to place they have not

    been and connect them with people they have not met.A survey conducted by the National Bureau

    of Statistics (2011) shows that only 31.5% of Nigerians have access to television with a handful of

    13.3% having ownership. However, a study conducted by Ukonu, Ani and Ndubisi (2013) among

    five universities in south eastern Nigeria in which 300 students and 99 staff were sampled showed

    that 295 (98%) of the students respondent and 85 (86) of the staff respondents reported that they

    read newspapers. Another study conducted by Ndaliman and Agbo (2013) in which 346

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    respondents were studied, 310(90%) reported that they read newspapers. Another study conducted

    by Aliagan (2011) in which 147 respondents were tested revealed that 86(58.50%) of the

    respondents reported reading newspapers daily, 21(14.28%) reported reading newspapers weekly

    while 36 (26.53) reported reading newspapers once in a while. The study by Aliagan further goes

    to show the level of newspaper readership in Nigeria. This gives insight to the fact that newspaper

    pictures can go a long way in enhancing visual communication in Nigeria.

    Horrible Pictures

    Defining horrible picture is as horrible as horrible pictureitself. In other words, there is no

    generally accepted definition of horrible pictures. What is horrible picture to one person may be

    good picture to another. Consequently, this study developed a measuring method christened

    Horrible Picture Scale (HPS), using three domains- mental horrible picture, emotional horrible

    picture and physical horrible pictures. As a follow up, pictures were further classified as severely

    bloody ( labelled as PA), bloody (labelled as PB) and average (labelled as PC).Twenty

    respondents made up of ten newspaper readers and ten experts (five psychologists and five media

    experts) were purposively selected in Nsukka township to determine what constitutes horrible

    picture. It should be noted that multi- response was allowed for in depth understanding. The

    baseline for accepting or rejecting any of the three domain was 55%. Consequently, PA had 18

    (90%), PB 17(85%) and average 9(45%). As a step further, three pictures with the appropriate

    labels were shown to the respondents and 19 (95%) of them identified PA as emotional horror

    horrible pictures 16 (80%) identified PB mental horrible picture while 8 (40%) PC as physical

    horrible picture(see appendix 1). Based on this , the researcher asserts that newspaper pictures are

    said to be horrible if they are capable of terrifying the readers emotionally and mentally. When

    newspaper pictures give gory details, they can be termed as horrible. These pictures often times go

    with corresponding intimidating captions like Again, another twin explosion in Maidugur, 17

    feared dead and scores injured, Blood bath in Adamawa among others. Umukoro in Okanume

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    (2008) quips that in reporting conflict in Nigeria. The Nigerian media use pictures to give a graphic

    rendition of horror and mayhem. The scholar adds that gory pictures are given larger life in the

    process. A glance through newspapers in Nigeria will reveal the presence of horrible picture (see

    appendix for examples published horrible pictures). A study conducted by Cope, Fitrick, Holl,

    Martin, Nunnally et al (n.d) on Image impact in print media the researchers examined the impact

    of images from the Iraq war on an in individuals levels of involvement, emotions and attit ude

    towards the war. The result of the researchers revealed that sufficient evidence exists to support the

    hypothesis that images with a caption exert greater impact on viewers attitudes compared to

    images with text. It also showed that images with a caption exert greater impact on involvement

    levels than full text alone and that images elicit greater affects than images with text. The

    researchers note that powerful images of war can sway public opinion for or against combat


    It is important to add here that though the researchers focused on war images, they did not

    describe the specific type of images and how powerful they can be. This is where studies by

    Nemeth (2002), Douglas, Lyon and Ogloff (1997) and Oliver and Griffit (1976) becomes relevant.

    Nemeth (2002) in a study to ascertain the impact of gruesome pictures on mock Jurors. In doing so,

    the researcher manipulated gruesome pictures in-photographic evidence (how gruesome, highly

    gruesome or control photographs) and verbal testimony (low gruesome vs highly gruesome). The

    result of the study showed that neither photographic evidence nor testimony had effect on mock

    Jurors verdict or sentence decision. This result is contrary to the one documented earlier by

    Douglas, Lyon and Ogloff (1997).Douglas et al found that Mock Jurors who were presented with

    gruesome photographic evidence were nearly twice likely to convict the defendant than participant

    who did not see the gruesome evidence. The result of the researchers confirmed the position by

    Oliver and Griffit that evidence of such manner would provoke a strong emotional response in the

    Jury and consequently, bias their decision. The duo (Oliver and Griffit) compared the judgements of

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    mock Jurors who viewed four colour sides depicting different views of a badly cut hand including

    one after infection had set in, to mock Jurors who read the trial transcript without viewing the sides

    and concluded that nature of the images had effects on the judgements of the two sides.

    It must be noted that though the researchers did not study the effect on gruesome picture on

    newspaper readers, Jurors are human beings like newspaper readers, so the way they react to

    gruesome pictures, may likely be the same way newspaper readers will. However, to establish

    exactitude, this study will ascertain the psychological effect of horrible pictures on newspaper

    readers in Nigeria.

    Theoretical Background

    This study adopted the aggressive cues theory-which is basically a television theory. The theory

    was propounded by Defleur and Sandra Bell-Rockeah in 1975 (Asemah 2011). The theory suggests

    that repeated exposure to violence on television has the proclivity of inciting violent behaviour from

    the viewer. Adopting the theory for this study, it can be said that repeated exposure to horrible

    pictures has the possibility of inciting violent behaviour on the part of newspaper readers. Based on

    this theory, if newspaper readers are exposed to horrible picture, they are likely to develop

    aggressive tendencies that can lead to aggressive behaviour. It should b noted that this is not

    absolute until the null hypothesis on the relationship between newspaper horrible pictures and

    aggressive tendencies is tested. On how newspaper editors should conduct themselves in relation

    to horrible pictures, the social responsibility theory was found useful. The social responsibility

    theory is an outcome of a commission of communication gurus known as the Hutchins Commission

    of inquiry of 1947. (Gever 2014). The commission gave birth to the notion of social responsibility

    and pointed out the key journalistic standards that the press should seek to maintain. According to

    the tenets of the theory, freedom carries with it a corresponding responsibility which the media must

    not compromise. . (McQuail, 2005, p.171).Base on this theory, it can be said that newspaper

    journalist must be responsible in their choice of pictures so as not to abuse their power.

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    Survey research design was adopted for this study. The choice of survey was to elicit

    primary data from the respondents which Gever (2013) adds is the hall mark of survey.

    Multi-stage sampling was used to arrive at the sample size. First, the researcher purposively

    selected Makurdi metropolis and from Benue State and Nsukka, Enugu state as the areas of the

    study. These areas were selected because of the following reasons to represent the North/South

    divide of the country; because they are seats to tertiary institutions, because of the presence of

    newspaper stands etc.

    At the next stage of the sampling, three news paper stands each were purposively selected

    from Makurdi and Nsukka. In Nsukka, the newspaper stands at Nsukka main Market, Total filling

    station and in front of the University of Nigeria Nsukka gate were selected. In Makurdi, the

    newspaper opposite Benue State University, Makurdi gate, Wurukum market and Benue Links Park

    were selected. Accidental sampling was then applied. 200 copies of the questionnaire (100 each in

    Nsukka and Makurdi) were administered to respondents who gathered at those newspaper stands.

    This lasted for one week in each of the states. At each newspaper stand, the research spent an

    average of two hours administering the questionnaire copies. In the analysis of the data, chi-square

    was used to test the existence/non existence of relationship between variable while contingency

    coefficient was used to determine the degree of the relationship.


    The returned rates for this study showed that 91 (91%) and 87 (87%) copies of the

    questionnaire were filled and returned from Nsukka and Makurdi respectively. This gives an mean

    response rate of 89%.The analysis for this study were done with use of SPSS 16.0

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    Table I: Feeling of trauma * exposure to horrible picture Cross


    Exposure to horrible


    TotalYes No

    Feeling of


    Yes Count 109 25 134

    % of Total 61.2% 14.0% 75.3%

    No Count 12 32 44

    % of Total 6.7% 18.0% 24.7%

    Total Count 121 57 178

    % of Total 68.0% 32.0% 100.0%

    Source: Field Survey, 2014

    The above cross tabulation yielded Chi-square statistic 44.488 and critical value; 3.841 at 1 degree

    of freedom. And hence the statistic is greater than the critical value, it indicates significant

    relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers sense of trauma. The

    cross tabulation further yielded a contingency coefficient valued of 0.447 interpreted as 44.7 .To

    ascertain the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers aggressive

    behaviour, the following table was computed.

    Table II : Aggressive behaviours exposure to horrible picture

    Cross tabulation

    Exposure to horrible


    TotalYes No



    Yes Count 121 14 135

    % of Total 68.0% 7.9% 75.8%

    No Count 14 29 43

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    % of Total 7.9% 16.3% 24.2%

    Total Count 135 43 178

    % of Total 75.8% 24.2% 100.0%

    Source: Field Survey 2014

    The above cross tabulation yielded Chi-square statistic 57.977 and critical value; 3.841 at 1 degree

    of freedom. And hence the statistic is greater than the critical value, it indicates it indicate

    significant relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and newspaper readers aggressive

    tendencies. The cross tabulation further yielded a contingency valued of 0.496 interpreted as 49.6

    50%. To ascertain the factors that can enhance feeling of trauma and aggressive behaviour of

    newspaper readers after exposure to horrible pictures, the following table was computed.

    Table III: Factors that can enhance feeling of trauma and aggressive behaviour fromnewspaper readers after exposure to horrible pictures.

    Factors SA A D SD TOTAL Mean Decision

    Family relation 88 55 21 14 178 3.2 Accepted



    78 65 27 8 178 3.1 Accepted

    Friendship 64 66 39 9 178 3 Accepted

    Colleague 56 78 32 12 178 3 Accepted

    Religion 97 76 3 2 178 3.5 Accepted

    Tribe 71 56 34 17 178 3 Accepted

    Race 67 82 20 9 178 3.1 Accepted

    Source: Field Survey 2014

    It should be noted that hence this was a four point scale, the baseline for accepting or rejecting a

    statement was 2.5. Consequently, all the factors presented in the above table were accepted as

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    factors that can enhance feeling of trauma aggressive behaviour from newspaper readers after

    exposure to horrible pictures from the newspaper.

    Discussion of Findings

    The result of this study showed that newspaper readers exposure to horrible pictures have

    traumatic effect on them. This is because, 61% of the respondents were found to have been

    exposed to horrible pictures from newspapers and at the same time, admitted that such pictures

    caused them trauma (see table I).With this therefore, the first research question- What is the

    relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and traumatic feelings of newspaper readers in

    Nigeria? Was answered. Also, the first hypothesis- There is no significant relationship between

    exposure to horrible pictures and traumatic feeling of newspaper readers in Nigeria was rejected.

    An indication that horrible newspaper pictures cause trauma to newspaper readers in Nigeria.

    The second research question- To what extent does exposure to horrible pictures from

    newspapers lead to traumatic feelings? Will be answered that the extent is low. This is evidenced in

    the contingency coefficient value of 45%, thus supporting the second hypothesis- The extent

    horrible pictures cause traumatic feelings to newspaper readers will not to be large if calculated

    contingency coefficient is less than 75%.

    Finding further suggests that there is significant relationship between exposure to

    newspaper horrible pictures and readers aggressive behaviour. This is because, 68% of the

    respondents were found to have been exposed to horrible pictures from newspapers and at the

    same time admitted that such pictures can lead to aggressive behaviour.(see table II) Therefore,

    the third research question- What is the relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and

    newspaper readers aggressive behaviour? Has been answered. With this result, the third hypothesis-

    There is no significant relationship between exposure to horrible pictures and aggressive behaviour

    of newspaper readers in Nigeria-has been rejected. An indication of significant relationship between

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    exposure to newspaper horrible pictures and readers aggressive behavior. This is equally not to a

    large extent as evidenced from the 50% contingency coefficient value, lower than the 75%

    benchmark, thus supporting the forth hypothesis- The extent exposure to newspaper horrible

    pictures lead to aggressive behaviour will not be large if calculated contingency coefficient is

    less than 75%.

    Result further showed that the factors that can enhance traumatic feeling and aggressive

    behaviour after exposure to newspaper horrible pictures are, family relations, political association,

    friendship, colleague, religion, tribe and race.This answers the fifth research question-What are

    other factors that can enhance traumatic feeling and aggressive behaviour after exposure to

    horrible pictures?.The result of this study calls for extra care on the part of newspaper editors in

    their choice of pictures so as not to further aggravate the already precarious security situation in



    Based on the result of this study, the researcher concludes that horrible pictures have negative

    psychological effects on newspaper readers in Nigeria. It is the position of the researcher that

    Nigeria is already in war-like situation and the general public need to be in proper and stable

    psychological frame of mind to cooperate with the government and other security agencies in the

    fight against insecurity. Sequel to the above, the researcher makes the following recommendations;

    The national and state assemblies should consider the enactment of an act of parliament

    regulating the use of horrible pictures by newspaper editors and their houses in Nigeria.

    Newspaper editors should be self-regulatory, socially responsible and avoid the use of

    pictures that can cause a sense of horror to the readers.

    The Nigerian Union of Journalists should prevail on newspaper editors to avoid the use of

    horrible pictures.

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    Reporters and photo journalists should also refrain from capturing and submitting horrible

    pictures to their editors.

    Suggestions for Further Studies

    There is the need to survey newspaper editors and their reporters on why they use horrible

    pictures. There is also the need to survey psychologists to determine other psychological

    implications of horrible pictures. Finally, the researcher suggests that subsequent studies should

    investigate the effect of television horrible pictures on the viewers.


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    APPENDIX I: Examples of Horrible Pictures Retrieved From The VanguardAnd Osun

    Defender Newspapers. And use for measurement.

    Figure 1 Severely bloody(PA)

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    Figure 2 Bloody (PB)

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    Figure 3 Average (PC)