Download - ASG Senate Bill No. 17- Impeachment Process


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 Associated Student Government1

University of Arkansas2


 ASG Senate Bill No. 17 4

 Authors: Senator Grant Addison, Senator Amy West5

Sponsors: Senator Grant Addison, Senator Amy West6


The ASG Impeachment Process Act of 20138


 Whereas, The Associated Student Government is modeled off of the10

government of the United States of America, a government created11

on a system of checks and balances; and12


 Whereas, The power of the Legislative Branch is a fundamental component of 14

that system of checks and balances, and the singular form of 15

accountability of government officials; and16


 Whereas, The United States Constitution states, “the Senate shall have the18

sole Power to try all Impeachments…” (Article I, Section 3); and 19


 Whereas, The Senate of the Associated Student Government has no such21

constitutional power, and therefore is restricted from their duties of 22

upholding the democratic process; then23


Be it therefore enacted: Article II – Legislative Branch, Section 7 – Duties and25

Powers of the Legislative Branch, Clause K shall be26

amended to the following:27


“The power to issue and hear cases of impeachment of 29

any Executive Officer, Cabinet Member, Justice,30

Senator, or Congress Member as outlined by Title 2 – 31

Legislative Code, Section20 – Impeachment Code;”32



Be it further enacted: Article III – Judicial Branch, Section 10 – 35

Investigation of an Elected or Appointed ASG Agent36

shall be stricken from the ASG Constitution; and37


Be it further enacted: Title III – Judicial Code, Section 12 – Hearings for an39 Alleged Breach of the Standards of Ethics shall be40

stricken from the ASG Code; and41


Be it further enacted: Title II – Legislative Code, Section 20 – Impeachment43

Code shall be added to state the following:44


“Section 20 – Impeachment Code46

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 A. No Bill of Impeachment shall be accepted without47

at least a total of one (1) author and an additional four48

(4) sponsors.49


B. When a Bill of Impeachment is introduced in the51

regular sessions of both the Senate and the Graduate52

Congress, it shall then be read by the separate bodies,53

and voted on as to whether to hear the case. The Bill54

author shall provide an authorship report per each55

 bodies’ respective Standing Rules. A simple majority 56

 by each body is required to move the case to the next57



C. If passed, it shall be numbered by both bodies and60

deemed to have been classified as New Business for a61

special Joint Legislative Session of both the Senate62

and the Graduate Congress to be scheduled within63

two (2) weeks of passage.64


D. A Bill of Impeachment shall not be considered by 66

any committee.67


F. Except when the Chief Justice is being tried, he/she69

shall preside over the Impeachment Hearing.70


G. When the Chief Justice is being tried, the Chair of 72

the Senate shall preside over the Impeachment73



H. The order of procedure at an Impeachment76Hearing shall be as follows:77

a. The presiding officer shall take the chair and call78

the Impeachment Hearing to order.79

 b. The author of the Impeachment Bill shall have the80

right to present his/her opening statement in81

accordance with speaking time limits per the Senate82

Standing Rules.83

c. The accused officer shall have the right to present84

his/her opening statement in accordance with85

speaking time limits per the Senate Standing Rules.86

d. The author of the bill shall have the right to present87his/her evidence, the right to call and question88

 witnesses, and the right to take questions from89

Senators and Congress Members in accordance with90

speaking time limits per the Senate Standing Rules.91

e. The accused shall have the right to present his/her92

evidence, the right to call and question witnesses, the93

right to attend or not attend the Hearing, and the94

right to take questions from Senators and Congress95

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Members in accordance with speaking time limits per96

the Senate Standing Rules.97

f. The author of the bill shall have the right to present98

his/her closing statements in accordance with99

speaking time limits per the Senate Standing Rules.100

g. The accused shall have the right to present his/her101

closing statements in accordance with speaking time102

limits per the Senate Standing Rules.103

h. The Joint Legislative Session shall move directly 104

into a vote on the Bill of Impeachment. An aye vote is105

to convict, a nay vote is to acquit, and there is no vote106

to abstain.107

i. A two-thirds majority of Senators and Congress108

Members present is required to convict.109

 j. The presiding officer shall announce the result of 110

the vote.111

k. If convicted, the presiding officer shall declare the112

accused removed from office.113

l. If acquitted, the presiding officer shall declare the114

defendant exonerated.115

m. There is no appeals process.116


I. At any time during which the Senate is in an118

Impeachment Hearing, the author of the Bill of 119

Impeachment may voluntarily remove any or all of the120

charges listed in the Bill.121


J. The sponsors do not have the power to amend the123

Bill; however, they reserve the right to withdraw their124

sponsorship at any time.125126

K. A vote to convict shall be rendered by a Senator or127

Congress Member only if he/she finds clear and128

convincing evidence that all charges in the final Bill of 129

Impeachment were committed.” 130


Be it further enacted: Any reference to the Graduate Congress within the132

impeachment process is dependent on the133

Chancellor’s approval of the separate legislative body.134

In the instance it is not approved, all impeachments135

shall be under the purview of Senate, and Senate136alone.137


Official Use Only139




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 Vote Count: Aye Nay Abstentions143


Legislation Status: Passed Failed Other145



 ___________________________ ________________148

Mike Norton, ASG Chair of the Senate Date149


 ___________________________ ________________151

Tori Pohlner, ASG President Date152