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asdasdasdasfabadbabn /s/ z Re: how to schedule a job without using scheduler(sw)Postby abkumarch Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:32 amI GOT it GUYS.....1. Setup your job in the production job scheduling system.2. Use the JES2 "Set Automatic Command" facility:$TA,,i=nnn,'$VS,''S JOB,N=myjob'''where "" is the time you want to submit the job, "i=nnn" is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait before repeating the command, and the rest is the JES2 command to be issued. You can find out more about the "$TA" and "$VS" commans in the "JES2 Commands Reference Manuals".3. Modification of #2. Submit your job with "TYPRUN=HOLD". Then, use the "$TA" JES2 command to schedule a command to release your job at a specified time (the "$A" command). Of course, your job would then have to reload itself with the "TYPRUN=HOLD" enabled for the next runtime.4. On a Netview console, setup an "EVERY" timer event to submit your job, i.e. "EVERY 24:00,SUBMIT 'MY.JCL(MYJOB)' ".Print screen using ISPF Print commandYou can use the following command.Print;list keepThis will capture the screen print in the following dataset.USERID.SPF1.LISTEach time you issue this command a new dataset will be created with the nomenclatureUSERID.SPF(n).LISTWhere n=1,2,3,4....send email using SMTPNOTE in mainframeUse the following JCL to send email from mainframe using SMTPNOTE. There are other ways of sending emails as well.Note:- Attachements can't be send using SMTPNOTE. //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,// DYNAMNBR=250//SYSPROC DD DSN=XXX.DSN.ALLOC.TO.SYSPROC,// DISP=SHR//SYSTSIN DD *SMTPNOTE + TO([email protected]) + CC([email protected]) + SU(SUBJECT HERE) + DA('USERID.DSN.BODY.TEXT') BATCH//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=*email attachment from mainframeFollowing JCL can be used to send attachment in mail using mainframe //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSIN DD DUMMY//SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=D//SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=(B,SMTP)//SYSUT1 DD DSN=USERID.MAIL.FILE,DISP=SHR// DD DSN=USERID.MAIL.ATTACH,DISP=SHR CONTENTS OF USERID.MAIL.FILEHELO FIRSTNAMEMAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATAFROM: NAME OF PERSONTO: CC: SUBJECT: REPORT FILES ATTACHEDMIME-VERSION: 1.0CONTENT-TYPE: TEXT/PLAIN; NAME="TEST.TXT"CONTENT-DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENT; FILENAME="TEST.TXT"CONTENTS OF USERID.MAIL.ATTACHDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILEDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILEDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILEDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILEDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILEDATA IN THE ATTACHMENT FILE