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  • 8/12/2019 ART_T_3






    Except as otherwise permitted in AT-330 and AT-

    400, completed vessels designed for internal pressure

    shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure which,

    at every point in the vessel, is not less than 1.25 times

    the design pressure (see AD-121.1) to be marked on

    the vessel, multiplied by the lowest ratio (for thematerials of which the vessel is constructed) of the

    stress intensity value Sm for the test temperature of the

    vessel to the stress intensity value Sm for the design

    temperature (see Table AD-150.1).

    AT-301 Hydrostatic Tests Based on Calculated


    A hydrostatic test based on a calculated pressure

    may be used by agreement between the user and the

    Manufacturer. The hydrostatic test pressure at the top

    of the vessel shall be the minimum of the test pressure

    calculated by multiplying the basis for calculated testpressure for each pressure element by 114 and reducing

    this value by the hydrostatic head on that element. The

    basis for this calculated test pressure is the highest

    permissible internal pressure, as determined by the

    design formulas, for each element of the vessel using

    nominal thicknesses, including corrosion allowance, and

    the allowable stress intensity values given in Subpart

    1 of Section II, Part D for the temperature of the test.

    When this pressure is used, it shall be as set forth in

    the Design Report.

    AT-302 Upper Limit of Hydrostatic TestPressure

    The requirements of AT-300 represent the minimum

    standard hydrostatic test pressure required by this Divi-

    sion, except as permitted in AT-330. The requirements

    of AT-301 represent a special test condition based on

    calculations. Any intermediate value of pressure may

    be used. The upper limits of hydrostatic test pressure

    are established in AD-151 and AD-151.1. If the hydro-


    static test pressure is allowed to exceed, either intention-

    ally or accidentally, the value determined as prescribed

    in AT-301 to the degree that the vessel is subject to

    visual permanent distortion, the Inspector shall reserve

    the right to reject the vessel. (See AT-330.)


    Combination units shall be tested by one of the

    following methods.

    AT-310.1 Pressure Chambers Designed to Operate

    Independently.Pressure chambers of combination units

    that have been designed to operate independently shall

    be hydrostatically tested as separate vessels; that is,

    each chamber shall be tested without pressure in the

    adjacent chamber.

    AT-310.2 Common Elements Designed for a Maxi-

    mum Differential Pressure. When pressure chambersof combination units have their common elements de-

    signed for the maximum differential pressure that can

    possibly occur during startup, operation, and shutdown,

    and the differential pressure is less than the higher

    pressure in the adjacent chambers, the common elements

    shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of at

    least 114 times the differential pressure to be marked

    on the unit, corrected for temperature as in AM-300.

    AT-310.3 Adjacent Chambers. Following the test

    of the common elements, as required by AT-310.2,

    and their inspection, the adjacent chambers shall be

    hydrostatically tested simultaneously (see AT-300 andAT-301). Care must be taken to limit the differential

    pressure between the chambers to the pressure used

    when testing the common elements.

    AT-310.4 Special Stamping and Data Report Re-

    quirements for Combination Units. The vessel stamp-

    ing and the Manufacturers Data Report must describe

    the common elements and their limiting differential

    pressure (see AS-101, AS-300, and AS-301).

    merican Society of Mechanical EngineersYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineersensed by Information Handling Services

  • 8/12/2019 ART_T_3





    Vessels designed for a vacuum or partial vacuum

    only and chambers of multichamber vessels designed

    for a vacuum or partial vacuum only shall be subjected

    to an internal hydrostatic test or, when a hydrostatictest is not practicable, to a pneumatic test in accordance

    with the provisions of Article T-4. Either type of test

    shall be made at a pressure not less than 114 times

    the difference between normal atmospheric pressure

    and the minimum design internal absolute pressure.


    The test pressure for enameled vessels shall be at

    least equal to but need not exceed the design pressure

    to be marked on the vessel.


    Vessels, except for those in lethal service as defined

    in AG-301(c), may be painted or otherwise coated

    either internally or externally, and may be lined inter-

    nally, prior to the pressure test. However, the user is

    cautioned that such painting/coating/lining may mask

    leaks that would otherwise have been detected during

    the pressure test.



    AT-351 Provision of Vents at High Points

    Vents shall be provided at all high points of the

    vessel in the position in which it is to be tested to purge

    possible air pockets while the vessel is being filled.


    AT-352 Fluid Media and Temperatures for

    Hydrostatic Tests

    Any liquid, nonhazardous at any temperature, may

    be used for the hydrostatic test if below its boiling

    point. Combustible liquids having a flash point less

    than 110F (43C), such as petroleum distillates, maybe used only for near atmospheric temperature tests.

    It is recommended that the metal temperature during

    hydrostatic test be maintained at least 30F (17C)

    above the minimum design metal temperature, but need

    not exceed 120F (49C), to minimize the risk of brittle

    fracture. The test pressure shall not be applied until

    the vessel and the pressurizing medium are at about

    the same temperature. If the test temperature exceeds

    120F (49C), it is recommended that examination of

    the vessel required by AT-355 be delayed until the

    temperature is reduced to 120F (49C).

    AT-353 Check of Test Equipment Before

    Applying Pressure

    Before applying pressure, the test equipment shall

    be inspected to see that it is tight and that all low-

    pressure filling lines and other appurtenances that should

    not be subjected to the test pressure have been discon-

    nected or isolated by valves or other suitable means.

    AT-355 Examination for Leakage After

    Application of Pressure

    Following the application of the hydrostatic test

    pressure, examination for leakage shall be made of alljoints and connections and of all regions of high stress

    such as head knuckles, regions around openings, and

    thickness transition sections. This examination shall be

    made at a pressure equal to the greater of the design

    pressure or three-fourths of the test pressure and shall

    be witnessed by the Inspector. Any leaks that are

    present shall be corrected in accordance with the rules,

    after which the vessel shall be retested in accordance

    with these requirements.

    merican Society of Mechanical EngineersYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineersensed by Information Handling Services