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    Arts personal statement example 1

    "I hope that through this personal statement I will be able to demonstrate to you my desire and

    convince you of my ability and potential to be a ideal student for your course.

    Although education is currently the top priority in my life, of equal importance is being able to

    learn in an environment where I can gain the experiences and social skills that will help me to

    develop as a individual. It is for this reason that I have decided to apply to your institution as I

    feel it has the right mixture of academic professionalism, welcoming atmosphere and vibrant

    social scene that can help me to grow professionally and emotionally. I have also been attracted

    to your institution by its well-known reputation for producing highly employable arts graduates.

    This together with you stated commitment to providing students with the best academic tutoring

    and equipping them with the required work related skills has convinced me that enrolling with

    you is what I need to prepare me for my first job.

    As a thoughtful person I have a clear idea of where I want to go in my career. This clarity of

    vision has made me eager to take my first steps towards achieving my employment goals by

    starting a degree course that will set me on the road to a financially secure future. As a artistic

    individual with a passion for design and expression I am keen to learn more about the world of

    art, in particular its history, how it works and what it can offer the world. I want to understand

    how contemporary and creative art can inspire people to experience feelings and emotions that

    they would not otherwise have.

    I already possess extensive knowledge and practical experience of various related fields such as

    photography, painting, animation and visual communication. I would greatly like to expand my

    understanding of these disciplines and it is for these reasons that I am submitting

    my application to your university.

    On a more personal level I am a social person who enjoys spending time with friends and family.

    Although a private individual I also like to be part of my local community and be involved in what

    is happening around me. I regularly get involved in helping out as a unpaid volunteer at local

    events and activities, particularly if there is an artistic element involved in it.

    If you feel there is a mutual interest, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to learn

    more about your university and to discuss in greater detail why I feel I would be a good fit on

    your course."

    Arts personal statement example 2

    "Image for a moment a world without art, if such a place ever existed it would be an

    environment without beauty, creativity and expression. Devoid of all forms of feelings and ideas

    it would be a bland existence indeed. Fortunately, such a place does not exist, at least not yet.

    To me art is like language, an expression, interpretation and response to the world around us. It

  • allows us to see ourselves and the world differently and for many people can help to break the

    monotony of everyday life by lifting them out of their daily struggle. It is a subject that has

    interested me for a long time and has become such an ingrained part of my life that I find it

    difficult to contemplate an existence without it.

    It was at secondary school that I first realised that I had an artistic flair for drawing, painting and

    designing when a growing number of classmates insisted that I do pencil sketches of them.

    Word of mouth had spread the message around the school that I drew well and I soon had a long

    list of people to do. One of the art teachers subsequently heard about me and encouraged me in

    other areas, namely stitching and creating art from fabrics, threads and recycled objects. After a

    while I had such a large portfolio that at the age of fourteen I held my own art exhibition at a

    local community centre. Today I feel that it was a combination of these experiences that made

    me realise how certain pieces of artwork can hold a tremendous amount of sentimental value to

    many individuals. It was also at about this time that my close family recognised my talents

    and realised how much I enjoyed what I was doing, from then on they encouraged me to develop

    my skills through academic study. Something I have been striving to do ever since through

    school, college and now hopefully at your university.

    At the core of my artistic philosophy is a desire to be natural and express myself in my own

    unique way. In practical terms this means that when trying to capture a particular moment or

    feeling I try to rely on my instincts to express the essence of the subject.

    I have experience of various fields including oil painting, photography; graphic design and visual

    communication just to name a few. I also possess the determination to work and rework a sketch

    until I feel I have done as much as I can to transform a picture, photo or idea into a living,

    breathing work of art.

    Right now my ambition is to become a formally trained artist and to this end I have chosen your

    highly regarded university to achieve my goal. I would be very grateful indeed if you would

    consider my application to enrol on your degree level Art Course. I feel that I have the required

    ambition, personal commitment, knowledge and experience to make a successful student at your
