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Summary of Executive and General Board ReportsVirginia State Council

Epsilon Sigma Alpha InternationalOctober 2015 via email

The VSC Fall Leadership and Council meetings in Norfolk, Virginia were cancelled due to inclement weather as a result of Hurricane Joaquin. All correspondences have been completed via electronic means.NOTE: Mnay reports were submitted by the committee chairs prior to the cancellation of the meeting, therefore, some reports reflect the activity that should have taken place during the VSC meeting.

Chaplain’s Message: Theresa Morris“Remember Who You Are”

by Lysa TerkeurstThere were so many things I wanted to say to my daughter on her first day of high school. Shouldn’t I have a speech, or a famous person’s quote? I knew she would soon face choices that carried more weight than ever before in her l ife. We make our choices and then our choices make us , I keep thinking.I swallowed hard and blinked back the tears. And suddenly I knew exactly what to say: "Remember who you are.""Remember who you are." In other words, you were created for a purpose. We may not know exactly what that is at the moment, but you were created for a purpose, and are very precious. Live in that truth today. Yes, "Remember who you are," was the perfect thing to say on this day of new beginnings, not just for my daughter, but for myself.This doesn’t mean we will never mess up, or let others down. It means we’ve defined what we’re shooting for, and hopefully we’re al l in the process of getting closer and closer to hitting the mark.The Bible says in Proverbs 22:1, "A good name is more desirable than great riches." Cal l ing ourselves Christians is a huge responsibil ity. Christ ’s name is part of our identity.

Correspondence: Judy WilliamsNo report received.

Reports from White Doves, the VSC Executive Board Members:1st Vice President Susan Caldwell

Quiz Questions Prizes Awarding of prize(s) for email answer(s) to quiz questions in “Wings” article

“Report” for VSC General Meeting on October 4, 2015 Presenting a skit


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Full report on file.

2nd Vice President Eveleen HarrisonUpdate on membership growth:

1. IC has suggested that Tarah Eliason in North Dakota work on starting a community chapter at Sweet Briar instead of a collegiate college since the future of the college is a bit questionable.

2. Eveleen has let Victoria Santiago know that Virginia would love to help with their chartering or help in any way in forming their chapter. She has sent her a registration form for our VSC Convention 2016. They are located in Princeton WV, which is about 2 hours from Roanoke. Carol Campbell has been in touch with Victoria on Facebook.

3. Lisa Zachau, the ESA member that recently moved from Australia to Smithfield Virginia attended Theta Mu’s Australia event in September. She currently is Australia’s newsletter chairman and intends to complete her duties before going full bore in Virginia. She asked that she be invited to Virginia events. Chapters, invite her, you will be so glad that you did because she is a fun lady!

4. Good news! We have several new members:a. Andrea Johnson joined Beta Sigma in April pledged by Susan Caldwell. b. Sharon Roper was pledged by Vickie Brown into Sigma Chi in July.c. Others? (give them gift)

Welcome ladies! May ESA help make some of your dreams come true. Keep getting those new members, Susan and Vickie! Please everybody help them!

October is Membership Recruitment Month! Need ideas? Here are a few – 1. Mini fashion show - invite kids to do the show (can be dress up their stuffed animals or

dolls instead of the kids) to get parents to come. Have one or two ESA members interspersed who represent parts of ESA. (You want to keep some ESA members in the audience to check response of guests and give feedback). Invite guests to join ESA. Give information.

2. Have a game night and invite guests. Talk about ESA during the fun and invite them to join. Give information.

3. Trying out paint night? Take membership information with you to hand out. See if instructor will let you give a 5 minute sales pitch for ESA. Or, better yet, see if the instructor/site will donate a portion of proceeds as a charitable event and then combine the invitation to join ESA.

4. Don’t forget that we have an online chapter. If somebody says that they would like to do some of the events but don’t have time to do everything that they have seen you do, let them know that we have chapters that keep in touch via the internet. The chapter is a part of Virginia State Council and the International Council. They get involved in activities that are near and dear to their heart.

5. Community membership is in dire need of new men and women! Please get new members and help ESA continue!

Full report on file.


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Recording Secretary Lou Ann WyerExecutive and General Board minutes from the June meeting have been distributed to the recipients. Please take time to read and share with those who may not get an electronic copy.

Reminder emails were sent to the Executive Board and Appointed Committee Chairs to submit their reports in preparation for the October Leadership meeting. Thanks for those who have submitted them in advance.

Full report on file.

Corresponding Secretary Judy WilliamsNo report received.

Treasurer Barbara Smith Checking Balance on Hand 7/1/15 $1097.26 Total Deposits $2272.16 Total Disbursements $1305.96 Checking Balance on Hand 10/4/15 $2063.46 Savings Balance on Hand 7/1/15 $5962.01 Interest earned $0000.16

Savings Balance on Hand 10/4/15 $5962.17

Full report on file.

Parliamentarian Deborah LangfittVirginia State Council Proposed Bylaw and Standing Rule Changes:ARTICLE III - MEMBERSNow reads:

Section 2. Annual dues shall be payable by each chapter at the rate of $20.00 per chapter member. Of this amount, $10.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable into the VSC treasury October 1, and the remainder of $10.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable April 1. Chapters whose dues are not received by the VCS Treasurer by October 8th and April 8th will not be considered in good standing for purposes of eligibility for contests, awards, motions, voting, nominating officer candidates, and submission of convention bids.Change to read:

Section 2. Annual dues shall be payable by each chapter at the rate of $22.00 per chapter member. Of this amount, $11.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable into the VSC treasury October 1, and the remainder of $11.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable April 1. Chapters whose dues are not received by the VCS Treasurer by October 8th and April 8th will not be considered in good standing for purposes of eligibility for contests, awards, motions, voting, nominating officer candidates, and submission of convention bids.Reason:

The board needs additional funds.


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Article VI – Election of Officers

Now reads:

Section 2. There shall be no more than two (2) officers from the same chapter at any one time.Change to read:

Section 2. There shall be no more than two (2) voting officers from the same chapter at any one time. A third person from a chapter is allowed if that person is the corresponding secretary.Reason:

The corresponding secretary is a non-voting member of the Executive Board


Section 1. d) As a sponsor, the Past President shall be responsible for providing an appropriate item to be used as a traveling trophy on which winning chapters may, at their expense, have their chapter name engraved. At such time as the trophy has no more space for additional engraving, the VSC Awards Director shall return the trophy to its owner. The sponsor must make the decision to either continue sponsoring the award and replace the trophy, or relinquish his/her sponsorship.Change to read:

d) The Past President shall be responsible for providing an appropriate item to be used as a traveling trophy on which winning chapters may, at their expense, have their chapter name engraved. At such time as the trophy has no more space for additional engraving, the VSC Awards Director shall return the trophy to its owner. The owner must make the decision to either continue sponsoring the award and replace the trophy, or relinquish his/her sponsorship.Reason:

Clarification of owner/sponsor

Jr Past President Suzanne SmithNo report.

President Kathy GibbonsOn behalf of the VSC Executive Board and members, we would like to express our gratitude to both Sue and Flora for all their months involved in planning and securing the hotel and speakers for Leadership. I know it was going to be marvelous from the agenda.

I would like to thank Judy Williams for all her hard work and hours spent producing the VSC 2015-2016 yearbook. Great job!

Reports from Appointed Officers:


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Association of the Arts Judy Brigg No report received.

Awards Director Pat HoltsclawChapters having a trophy from last year’s awards, please make sure it is engraved and polished. Bring it to the Spring Meeting in March 2016. Reminders will be given in the next issue of the Lamplighter and at the March meeting.Report on file

Chaplain Theresa MorrisTheresa reported that she just recently received the new rosters for the year and will be updating her weekly distribution list as soon as possible. Unless there is an urgent matter, she plans to send out the VSC Chaplain’s Report on Thursday’s. She can only report the updates that you have sent her way. Please let her know how your chapter sisters are doing!

Since the June Meeting, 18 notes have been sent to our VSC Sisters on your behalf.

Theresa has been passing around a card for Betty Smith – Alpha Omega, who recently moved into a retirement center.

She also had a poster for us to sign. This is to honor Kristine Williamson, as she trains to run the ½ marathon in her honor. As most of you know, Kristine had planned on running Memphis this year. Theresa hopes to have the poster laminated and tie it up at the finish in Memphis – Auto Zone Park, where all the St Jude Heroes come in. Please be sure someone in your chapter sends Theresa a note on your Sisters, so she can update your VSC Sisters!

Full report on file.

ESA for St Jude Carol CampbellToday we want to celebrate our St Jude Heroes, the members who either headed our two walks in Virginia in Greater Richmond and in Norfolk. Also we want to celebrate those members who took the time to be a Gold Warrior on Facebook promoting our revised walk and new date. Also its not to late to go on the website and donate as an individual or as a group. Remember to sign in as an ESA Member. We need everyone possible to donate his or her $10 registration fee. Get your chapter to participate so we can have 100% for VA.

Full report on file.

2016 VSC Convention Chair/Co-Chair Bev Scott/Stephanie HessRegistration flyer has been developed.See attached at end of report.

Disaster Fund Suzanne Smith


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I am so happy you were able to be here today. Our state meetings are so very important and I am truly thankful to be able to share this time with you.As you probably know, this past Wednesday, the Governor of Virginia declared a State of Emergency for the entire Commonwealth. The forecast is calling for heavy rain and potential flooding. It’s times like this that the importance of the ESA Disaster Fund comes into focus. This fund was put in place to help each of us – ESA members. In addition to assisting ESA members in times of natural disasters, it is also there to help in times of medical emergencies as well. This is such an important fund, as it is was put in place to help each of us - ESA members. Can you imagine if something like this happened to you? Isn’t it wonderful to know that the disaster fund is available if you need it? In an effort to allow those of you here today to donate to this worthy fund, I am going to pass around my “pot of gold”. As you know, a “pot of gold” is normally found at the end of a rainbow….so think of our VSC General Board meetings this year as the rainbow. This pot of gold can accommodate coins, dollars, and even checks! If you put in a check, please make it payable to the ESA Disaster Fund. If you put in cash and you are doing so on behalf of your chapter, I would love for you to also add a note into the pot with the amount of your donation and your chapter name. This will allow me to accurately account for each chapter that donates and hopefully will allow us to hit 100% participation. I will be accepting donations until Convention next year. As you start planning for this year, I hope you will consider adding a Disaster Fund donation to your chapter budget. Remember, the donation you make today may end up helping you or one of our Virginia members tomorrow.A link to both the Disaster Fund guidelines and the application are available on the VSC website – under the Info and Forms tab.Full report on file.

Easter Seals Lynn KefferNothing to report.

Educational Director Edna Plancon Edna has received some very exciting educational reports so far. Some chapters are electing to visit other countries, she enjoyed reading about Greece and France, since she has visited both of these countries, it brought back a lot of memories. Some are focusing on traditions of other countries, such as wedding traditions in India and how other countries celebrate different holidays. Other chapters are focusing on venues they participate in, in their area.Chapters need to submit 9 educational reports to qualify for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place award. In fact, ONLY 8 educational reports are needed to qualify for this award. A copy of the reporting form is on the Virginia State website. In the meantime, Edna has a multiple choice question for you.To keep ants from coming inside your house, you draw a line around the outsideOf your house with -A. CrayonB. PencilC. Sidewalk ChalkOr D. Magic Marker Full report on file.ESA Foundation Counselor Sue Foy


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Sue has several reminders:1. Don’t forget to pay your Annual Dues to the Foundation of $15.00 before March 1st in

order for your vote to count at the next Annual ESA International Convention in July, 2016. 2. Don’t forget that you can support the ongoing mission of the Foundation, which includes

scholarship and grant programs with your donation to the Foundation for only a $25 membership fee and annual dues of $15.00.

3. You too can start your own, company or chapter’s scholarship endowment for as little as $100.00.

4. Don’t forget that your chapter can help the International Council keep its legal designation of a 501(c)3 organization by your chapter using the “Turn Around Funds.”

5. If you are a government employee, (or have a friend or relative who is), you can donate money to the Foundation through government payroll deduction. (The ESA Foundation approval number for 2014-15 is 10031 (cfc)

6. You can create a lasting legacy through your estate planning in your will or trust.

Current Foundation news for Virginia:1. There are 11 Life Active Virginia members of the Foundation.2. Virginia and West Virginia ESA members sponsored nine scholarships.3. The amount of money given in 2015 in Virginia and West Virginia scholarships was

$20,300.00. All but one of the Virginia scholarships was funded this year. The amount of money given is a 30% increase over the year 2014.

Sue needs your help this year. She is having a hard time reaching out to the high school and community college counselors who could make our information available to their students. If you have any contacts with your local high school or community college, please contact them on the Foundation’s behalf. You don’t have to do any work except to give these counselors our website address, and grants.

Also, we may have an opportunity to help the Foundation get the news out about our scholarships through a program being promoted through the community colleges called a “Scholarship Fair”. One was recently held at the Chesapeake CC campus and 3000 high school and college students were expected to show up for information. If an opportunity comes up in your area, I hope that someone in the local chapters would help man a table for a day or two by handing out information flyers.

Please make the Foundation as important as your other worthwhile donations. Put a Foundation donation in your annual budget and encourage your members to become a member of the Foundation so that we can make this ESA entity a lasting one. Full report on file.

Finance Director Nicole Lewis


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Good morning fellow Virginia State Council members! I hope you brought your money and your good luck charms! At the Summer meeting, we raised $171.00 with the Lucky Numbers Auction. I’m hoping we at least double the amount with this weekend’s drawing. Remember, envelopes are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Please see Lauren, Sherry or I to purchase your envelopes. We want to sell out! Full report on File.

Historian Flora BurnsSome recent History about Flora:

If you own and work on a computer, everything about you is on the WEB.Your name, children, address, phone, maiden name any ancestors. Who lives next door to you and what they do. Also a picture of you that you did not put there as information but someone did. Your Social Security number can be obtained from the WEB. Once a hacker gets into your stuff, they can get anything about you. Once they hack your information, they know you better than you know yourself. In last August, I was the victim of identity theft. I have learned many helpful things I want to pass along to you. Please protect yourselves. This is a nightmare of a problem. I didn’t lose any money, but for two weeks I was busy straightening out things. So how do we protect ourselves? First with firewalls. There are many out there. Some free and some you pay for. Malwarebytes is the best I could find. I’m using the free version but the one you pay for is under $40 a year. Download one. Passwords: You use an easy one so you can remember it and you use it on everything. Bad girl. Make one up with at least 12 characters. It takes a hacker 2 minutes to brake in the first one, 20 minutes the second 200 minutes the third one 2000 minutes the 4th one and so on. They get tired of you and move on to the next person. Use some caps, some numbers, some symbols. I think I’m a pretty sharp chick, how did I not know all of this. Finally someone took the time to educate me. I hope my information is helpful to you. Say your name is Nancy Davis and you were born in 1950. A strong one would be:19N@ncsDisv50. Make up something only you know about yourself. I now have as one of my passwords a bar I went into in Ft. Worth TX. No one knows that but me. Change your passwords and run your Malwarebytes monthly. Have a different password for your computer, bank account, email, Facebook, investments. Anywhere a password is required. Write them down somewhere and keep them in a safe place in your home. We sometimes don’t remember where we put important things but make a deliberate effort to remember this place. Someplace unusual. Under your mattress, in your shoes that you don’t wear but once a year. You’ll think of something. Check your stuff often. That’s how I caught mine. It started August 2nd and I picked up on it Aug 3rd. Lots of trouble. Yes, but not as much that you will have to go through if the criminals get into your stuff. I didn’t lose any money, but the FBI is keeping my information for they build profiles. Even though you don’t hear about it, they catch people. They don’t want you to know they catch people for then the other criminals would know.


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I feel safe now but it will be a while before I go back to on line banking. It’s a great thing but I’m a little gun shy right now. These criminals took everything except the 50 pounds I’ve been trying to lose. If they come back, I’m ready for them. Full report on file.

Hope for Heroes Lauren HewittNo report received.

News Bulletin Editor Diane McLaneNo report.Continue to send your articles to Diane at dianeesava@gmailcom. She is looking forward to highlighting your adventures throughout the year. She is asking that you put the Chapter/Office/Person that the article is for in the subject line. She would like articles in Word format. Include pictures. Articles are due:

January 15 April 15

Philanthropic Director Sandy ReedVirginia chapters really participate in philanthropic activities. Ten chapters sent summer reports, which covered the time period from April 1st to August 31, 2015.Cash donations $6,905.90 Donated Goods $132,455.44 Miles driven 10,164 for a money donation of $5,742.66In my Lamplighter article, I said that the philanthropic mileage rate was .565 per mile. However, when I went on the IC website the mileage rate was increased to .575 per mile on August 1, 2015. I will ask Mike Smith to update the mileage rate on the philanthropic report form on the VSC website. Many of you don’t use this form so this is the figure you should use if you do it manually.Another reporting problem is TROOPONS. The money, hours, mileage, etc should be reported under International Projects.With the St Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer on September 26th, many of you have plenty of hours to report. Your September hours are due to me by October 10, 2015.Full report on file.

PPA Leadership Flora Burns THE LEADERSHIP THAT WASN’TThe best laid plans etc. etc. etc.We were all ready with a great day planned for you but Mother Nature had other things in the making. Guess you really can’t fool Mother Nature.

The hurricane was not so bad. However, we do have to listen to our experts. Sometimes they are right, sometimes wrong but the leadership and fall meeting had to be cancelled for there was no other weekend that enough of us could get together. Our speakers could not come another time but all have said that they would be willing to consider us in the future.


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The Norfolk Airport Hilton had agreed to return our money and checks will be send out to those who registered. Some said they did not want a refund but I need to send them all back. If you want to do something else with your $30, feel free.

Your check’s in the mail!

Full report on file.

Publicity Director Joy BurtonNo report received.

Scrapbook Keeper Nicole LewisWell, it appears I’m a gluten for punishment! I must have thought I didn’t have enough to keep me busy during my downtime because I’ve volunteered to be Kathy’s Scrapbook Chair.

Instead of the chapters completing their own pages, I’d like the chapters to send me photos of their chapter events with an accompanying blurb of as many of the 5 W’s as apply. You know, the 5 W’s of Who, What, When, Why and Where. The blurb could be a type written page (preferably with thumbnails or copies of the photos included in the document) or, more likely, written on a sticky note attached the back of each photo. Thank you very much Suzanne for the inspiration for this request.

Certainly including photos of events Kathy was able to make it to for your chapter would be good. However, I’m also looking for events your chapter may have had where Kathy was not in attendance. This will give her a snap shot of what the chapters were up to through her year.

My hope is requesting the photos this way, we’ll have a good showing for the scrapbook. If your chapter wishes to create their own page for inclusion, instead of sending the photos and documentation to me, please use a 12 x 12 piece of cardstock to do so. I will be accepting contributions at the Spring meeting, the 2016 State Convention or you can mail them to me at 7743 Balla Court, Henrico, VA 23228. Please address the envelopes to VSC Scrapbook Chair. Also make sure your chapter name is clearly included either on the envelope or in the documentation. Full report on file.

SERC Coordinator Theresa MorrisTheresa apologized for missing the June meeting due to an unexpected family issue, at the last minute. This means we are a little behind on our raffle this year to support SERC. So she is encouraging us to buy a chance now, later and each meeting

The raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Ticket purchased this weekend will be eligible for a drawing at the end of the council meeting. The winner of this drawing will have their VSC Convention Registration fee paid for.


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Your ticket goes back into the pool and we’ll have a drawing at the March Meeting, and then a chance to will a $100 VISA Gift Card – drawing at the end of Convention.

I hope you will support this fundraiser, and remember you can buy as many tickets as you would like!Full report on file.

Social Director Doris Hood To date, I have received reports from six chapters. I hope my October mailbox will see an increase. I have received reports from Alpha Chi, Alpha Omega, Beta Kappa, Beta Tau, Theta Mu and Zeta Nu. If I didn’t call your chapter and you think you sent a report, talk to me after the meeting we will try to track it down. Although the chapters were few, there were interesting socials reported. You went out of this world with a planet theme picnic. You cheered for your favorite horse at a Derby Party; went to the beach; enjoyed a Trolley Tour of Old Town Fredericksburg; and started a year long Globe Trotting Trip to explore different countries and traditions. I can’t wait to read the reports.

A reminder that reports can be mailed through the postal service or electronically transmitted. Established deadlines apply to both methods of transmission. Method of execution includes everything done to make the social a success including invitations, decorations, entertainment, pictures, etc. If electrical transmission is used these items should be scanned and attached to report in order to receive points.

My email is listed on the report form. If further information is required please contact me either through email or phone (703) 491-5078.Full report on file.

State Projects Director Judi DardenHope you all are off to a great start for the new ESA year. We are not looking forward to the hurricane that wants to invade our area this weekend. We are hoping the track will change but do be careful if you are coming this way.This years State Project charities are ASK and Special Love. In March we will be entertaining nominations for next years charities and vote at convention in May so be thinking of who you would like to nominate.The next Special Love event is Oktoberfest Oct. 9-11 & includes parades, crafts, campfires & more. The spring family weekend is a wonderful introduction to camp with games, prizes, classes, and evening carnival with games & prizes for everyone. If you are interested in visiting or volunteering at any of these events, go to for more information.The next ASK event is Duncan' Donuts Munchkin Run in Richmond on Sat. Nov. 21st. Information about this event was in the Fall Lamplighter or you can go to for more information or upcoming events.Remember you can send donations in at any time during the year. To be eligible for competition, they must be mailed by May 1, 2016. Forms are on esa-va website & a copy was put in your chapter folder in June.


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Full report on file.

Workshop Coordinator Sheen ChildressNothing to report.

VSC Webmaster Mike SmithSend your information to Mike to be posted on the VSC website. [email protected]

Unfinished Business: Marie LaDuke & Beverley Wright1. 2016 SERC Conference Update

DATE: November 4 – 5, 2016THEME: FALLING IN LOVE WITH VIRGINIAPLACE: Wyndham Virginia Crossings Hotel Conference Center, Glen Allen, VAREGISTRATION: $120.00 for ESA Members (includes Friday night mixer, Saturday Awards

Luncheon, Saturday night installation/banquet, and all meeting materials$90,00 for guests (includes Friday night mixer, Saturday night installation/banquet)

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 19, 2016RESERVATIONS: $119 +tax for single/double; $129 +tax for triple/quadRESERVATION DEADLINE: October 12, 2016

The information on the 2016 SERC Conference Registration form will be completed in time to take it to the 2015 SERC Conference in Little Rock and we are asking Eveleen to get it posted on the VA-ESA website shortly thereafter so it will be available to all Virginia members.

Now let me introduce you to the chairs and committees that have been formed to this point. The reason we want to do this is so those of you who have not volunteered thus far, know who to contact. Please do not doubt that we need the help of every Virginia member and want to encourage each of you to start your personal planning project to make it possible for you to attend and become involved in this conference.

Registration: Susan Caldwell, Chair, Lynne Rightmyer, P-Nut Schools, Judy WilliamsTreasurer: Sue FoyConference Brochure: Beth Sherron & Beverley WrightTours: Brenda OrebaughSkit Committee: Susan Caldwell, Marie Laduke, Lynne Rightmyer, Beverley WrightFriday Night Mixer: Beta KappaSaturday Awards Luncheon: Carol Campbell, Chair, Barbara Bradford, Sharon Davis, Saturday Night Installation/Banquet: Beth Sherron, Chair; VA PPA members

Marie and I are trying to conduct as much business as possible via email and phone calls versus calling face-to-face meetings; however, we will take advantage of any opportunity where we are together to get updates and provide information to the state.

So what needs to be done in the next few months that we know about at this moment:


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1. Tour Information completed and forwarded to Susan Caldwell & Eveleen Harrison for inclusion on the registration form which will be handed out at the 2015 SERC Conference in Little Rock

2. Skit completed and roles/props secured for presentation at the 2015 SERC Conference3. Bank account opened for the 2016 SERC Conference to receive advance from the 2015

Conference and registration/tour monies4. Event themes and an example of the center piece/decorations which will be used at each

individual event (Friday night, Saturday lunch, and Saturday night) – by Spring VSC Meeting. We encourage you to draw off of the Falling in Love with Virginia Conference theme.

5. As the hostess state we are allowed to have a money making project to help defray costs. Let me assure you that the current budget is very tight with only a $200 profit, and that is IF we meet our income projections for registration and agenda ads. This is an area where we need your ideas.. There is always the old 50/50 or gift basket silent auction; however, wouldn’t it be nice to introduce something new and fun at this conference. Please let Marie and me know what is rolling around in your mind as soon as possible.

We will plan a meeting to coincide with the VSC Spring Meeting. Again, please get involved in some aspect of the planning and execution of this Conference. Contact the chair or Marie or me and we will do our best to utilize your talents. Please don’t think that just because we already have some chairs and committee members that there is nothing for you to do. No one wants to be left out and we don’t want to leave anyone feeling they weren’t given an opportunity to be a part of Falling in Love with Virginia.

2. Audit ReportThe audit report was completed by the Audit Committee: Helen Lake and Faye Campbell on June 30, 2015. The 2015 Convention books, the 2014-2015 VSC Treasury books and the 2014-2015 State Project books were reviewed and found to be in order.

New Business:1. Slate of Officers for the 2015-2016 SERC Executive Board was presented to the

Executive Board via email. The Slate of Officers was published on the SERC website, and again in the September 2015 issues of the SEARCH newsletter. The question is on the adoption of SERC candidates 2015-2016. Susan Caldwell moved that the voting for the SERC Board be left to the discretion of those VSC delegates in attendance at the SERC Conference. This motion was seconded by Barbara Smith and approved by the Executive Board.

2. The SERC Bylaw Changes were presented to the Executive Board via email. Susan Caldwell moved that the voting for the SERC Bylaw changes be left to the discretion of those VSC delegates in attendance at the SERC Conference. This motion was seconded by Barbara Smith and approved by the Executive Board.


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Virginia State Council Proposed ByLaw and Standing Rule Changes for review will be presented at the March Spring meeting.

**General Board Members – Please send your vote through your Chapter President where they provide a total count for your chapter. Thank you!

Announcements:o Contact information for our new Virginia resident (formerly lived in Queensland Australia):

Lisa [email protected]

Dates to Remember: SERC Conference: October 30-31, 2015 Little Rock, AK 2016 State Convention: May 20-22, 2016 Roanoke, VA

With no further business submitted by the Executive and General Boards via email, this report is complete.

Respectfully submitted,Lou Ann WyerVSC Recording Secretary 2015-2016


Page 15: Article VI – Election of   Web viewTalk about ESA during the fun and invite them to join. ... (cfc) You can create a ... please use a 12 x 12 piece of cardstock to do so

“Vignettes of the Blue Ridge” 2016 Virginia State Council Convention

Epsilon Sigma Alpha International

May 20 - 22, 2016

VSC Program Booklet Advertising

In May of 2016, many ESA Sorority Sisters will be coming to Roanoke from all over the state for the 2016 Virginia State Council Convention. Advertise your business in our Convention Brochure or thank a sister that has been a part of the VSC.

Advertising placed by____________________________________________________________

Contact name__________________________________________________________________

Telephone #/email______________________________________________________________


City_________________________________ State________________ Zip__________________

Ad size requested:Business card size (3 ½” x 2”) _____________________ $ 15.00

Quarter page (3 ½” x 4 ¾”) _____________________ $ 25.00

Half page (7” x 4 ¾”) _____________________ $ 50.00

Full page (7” x 9 ½”) _____________________ $100.00

Make checks payable to 2016 Virginia State Council Convention

Copy ready ads may be sent to me at PO Box 743, Hardy, VA 24101Or emailed to me at [email protected]

Mail this form, check and/or copy to: Stephanie Hess at the address above.Deadline for inclusion in the Program Booklet is March 31th, 2016