Download - ARTHURIAN LEGENDS. introduction It is possible that King Arthur was an actual Welsh chieftain who lived around 500 A.D., a century after the Romans had.




It is possible that King Arthur was an actual Welsh chieftain who lived around 500 A.D., a century after the Romans had withdrawn from Britain.

Welsh writers kept his memory alive until the 12th Century writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth, wrote History of Kings of Britain, which established Arthur as part of the European culture.


In the 15th century Malory wrote Morte d’Arthur.

By this time Arthur had been elevated to the status of King David, Alexander the Great, and Charlemagne.

Thanks to the Church, King Arthur and his knights became the embodiment of the chivalric code, which differs from the warrior code by choosing religion and love over tribal butchery.

MERLINMerlin the Boy, p.287, Trickle Down, Olympus

King Arthur

Arthur was raised by Sir Ector. He believed Ector was his real father.

King Uther Pendragon had died, and Britain had been torn apart by fighting.

One Christmas Bishop Brice prayed for a way for a new king to be chosen.

Immediately a sword stuck in an anvil placed in a stone block appeared in the churchyard.

An inscription appeared on the stone which said the person who could remove the sword from the stone would be king.

Every noble tried. Every noble failed.


Sir Ector brought his sons Sir Kay and Arthur to a jousting contest in Britain.

Arthur was acting as Sir Kay’s squire.Sir Kay forgot his sword and sent Arthur to get it. Arthur grabbed the first sword he saw: the one in

the stone.Sir Kay recognized it and tried to claim the throne.


Sir Ector forced his son to confess that Arthur had given him the sword.

Arthur replaced the sword in the stone and pulled it out again to prove that he had been the one to remove it in the first place.

The commoners and many nobles accepted Arthur as king. He made Kay his steward.


Arthur was fifteen years old at the time he was crowned king.

Because of this he was forced to fight to establish his kingship.

He set up court at Caerleon and at Camelot. Six hostile leaders laid siege to Caerleon, but

Arthur and his troops drove them off.


The enemy kings were joined by five more kings who raised an army of sixty thousand troops.

Arthur sent to Brittany and Gaul for support, which helped balance the armies for battle.

The armies met at Rockingham, where Merlin caused the enemy tents to collapse at night, which allowed the Arthurian forces to attack.


Once the eleven kings were routed, Arthur turned his attention to the Saxons. He was once again outnumbered, but he sent a prayer to the Virgin Mary and emerged victorious.


One of the bravest, noblest, and strongest of Arthur’s knights.

Had a terrible temper which resulted in some “accidental” killing.

To redeem himself he undertook a dangerous adventure against the Green Knight.


A gigantic green knight on a green horse rode into Camelot brandishing a huge axe. He challenged everyone to take a swing at him with the axe, but anyone who did so had to agree to allow him to reciprocate a year and a day later in Wales at the Green Chapel. Gawain cut off the knight’s head. The knight picked up his head and rode off. As he left he reminded Gawain of the agreement.


• Knowing death awaited him, Sir Gawain set forth to fulfill his promise. He asked everywhere for the Green Chapel.

• A week before he was due he came to a castle where he was warmly received by the host and hostess.

• After staying four days he told his hosts of his quest and learned that Green Chapel was only two hours away.


His host invited him to stay three more days. He also proposed a game.

Gawain would give the host whatever he received in the castle in return for what the host brought back from hunting. Gawain agreed.


• The next morning the host’s beautiful wife came to Gawain’s bed and tried to seduce him. Gawain accepted only a kiss from her.

• The host returned with several deer; Gawain kissed him to fulfill the bargain.


• The next day the wife attempted the seduction again. Gawain took only two kisses, which he gave to the host upon his return with a boar’s head.


• On the last day the wife tried every blandishment, but Gawain did not give in.

• Seeing she had failed, the wife gave Gawain three kisses and a piece of green lace from her girdle that she said would save his life.

• She told him not to tell her husband. The husband returned and received three kisses for a fox skin.


• Gawain left the castle for the Green Chapel, where he expected to die.

• The terrible Green Knight was there sharpening his axe.

• Gawain submitted, but flinched as the Knight swung at him.


• The Green Knight attempted to cut off Gawain’s head, but held off at the last minute.

• The third swing of the axe brought blood from Gawain’s neck. At this Gawain challenged the Knight.

• The Green Knight told Gawain the details of his stay at the castle-including the taking of the lace.


• Gawain thought he should die for his cowardice, then he recognized the Green Knight as his host.

• The Green Knight hailed Gawain as the bravest knight alive.

• The Lady of the Lake had cast a spell on the Green Knight to test Arthur’s realm of Logres.


• The best knight of Logres was Launcelot of the Lake who was invincible in combat.

• Arrived at Arthur’s court at the age of 18.• He was immediately recognized as the

peerless knight Merlin had spoken of.• He and Guinevere fell in love which first led

him to deeds of great renown, then led him to play a major role in the downfall of Logres.


Launcelot and Sir Lionel went looking for adventure, but Launcelot fell asleep under a tree.

Lionel saw a huge knight defeat three other knights, so he challenged the huge knight.

Lionel lost. He was thrown into a dungeon with three other knights.


• While Launcelot was still sleeping three queens passed him-one was Morgan le Fay.

• The queens kidnapped Launcelot, took him to a castle, and told him he must choose a lover or go to prison.

• Because of Guinevere he chose prison.


• He was rescued by a young lady who wanted assistance for her father in a tournament.

• Launcelot beat the opponents, then he challenged the huge knight who captured Sir Lionel and beat/killed him.

• Lionel and the other knights were set free.• He also rescued Sir Kay from an ambush.

Launcelot • A lady asked Launcelot to rescue a falcon that

was trapped in a tree. While Launcelot climbed, the lady’s husband rode up and tried to kill him.

• Launcelot slew the man with a tree limb.• He wore Sir Kay’s armor as he rode into

Camelot. He was assaulted by 4 of the king’s knights whom he defeated.

• The people of Camelot hailed him as the greatest knight because of his great deeds.


Launcelot was tricked into sin by enchantment.He had come to the castle of King Pelles who had

been given a cursed wound by Sir Balyn with a mystical sword.

Both King Pelles and his land suffered under the curse.

While there, Launcelot was shown the Grail Procession of the items of Christ’s Passion: the Grail, the platter, and the spear.


Pelles had a daughter named Elaine. Elaine fell in love with Launcelot. He did not return her feelings-he was pledged to Guinevere.

Elaine went to a sorceress who changed her likeness to that of Guinevere. She seduced Launcelot, then gave birth to his child.

When Launcelot learned of his dishonor he went crazy and became a hermit.


• Arthur and Guinevere sent emissaries to look for Launcelot. Sir Bors rode to Carbonek where he found Elaine with Launcelot’s child, Galahad.

• A few years later a hermit came to Elaine’s home. It was Launcelot.

• The holy hermit Naciens took him to the chapel and prayed for him.


The Grail appeared and disappeared above the altar. When Launcelot woke up he was sane.

Elaine nursed him back to health. When he was well he left.

Elaine died of a broken heart on a black barge, which was found floating on a river toward Camelot. Her death was honorable.

Galahad was reared by monks, and became the Siege Perilous-quester of the Grail.