Download - Art comparing Arcimboldo and M.C. Escher Work/Home Learning... · 2020-06-27 · w/c 29th June Art workbook pg. 1 Art – comparing Arcimboldo and M.C. Escher In Art, we are learning

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w/c 29th June Art workbook pg. 1

Art – comparing Arcimboldo and M.C. Escher In Art, we are learning about The 16th century mannerist artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and the 20th century graphic artist M.C. Escher, so that we know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and we understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

How to use this workbook When you are working through the questions in this workbook, remember:

1. To write your answers in your best handwriting in your home learning / exercise / notebook. Don’t try to answer the questions in black in the workbook on your own.

2. “Blue box is book” = The blue boxes are there to show you what to write / say and how to set out your work / ideas. Anything in the blue boxes is what you write in your book. Don’t write the black, write the blue – but without drawing the box round it! The blue boxes will show you how…

Vertumnus by Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II)

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What do you know about the artists Giuseppe Arcimboldo and M.C. Escher?

Date Art Giuseppe Arcimboldo and M.C. Escher I know ________________________________________________. I don’t know anything about the artist(s) ___________________________.

‘Metamorphosis’ by M.C. Escher

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Art Outline of this week’s learning:

Lesson question You will learn:

1. Who was Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Arcimboldi in Italian)?

Arcimboldo was born in Italy in 1526 or 1527. Some of his paintings are of the four seasons. Arcimboldo was a mannerist painter who used vegetables, fruit and flowers to create portraits. Arcimboldo chose the vegetables fruit and flowers he used to match the subjects he painted.

2. How can Arcimboldo’s style be re-created?

One of Arcimboldo’s most famous paintings (Vertumnus) is of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II. How to create a portrait using his style.

3. Who was M.C Escher? M.C. Escher was born in Holland in 1898. He was a graphic artist, influenced by the mathematical tessellation patterns of Islamic art at the Alhambra palace in Spain. A tessellation is created when shapes are repeated again and again with no gaps or overlapping.

4. How can Escher’s style be re-created?

One of Escher’s most famous works is a series of tessellations called ‘Metamorphosis’. A metamorphosis is a change in appearance. How to create a tessellation using his style.

5. How can a picture or an artistic style inspire a story?

Your imagination has no limits!

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Lesson 1 Who was Giuseppe Arcimboldo?

L.O. To know who the artist Arcimboldo was. To know how he created portraits.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (pronounced J-i-s-epp-ee Arch –im – bold – oh) was born in Milan, Italy in 1526 or 1527 (historians are not sure). He is most famous for his portraits of human heads made up of vegetables, fruit, flowers, and other objects from nature. He is known as a mannerist painter which means that he exaggerated what he saw and used vivid colours and unusual effects. The work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo influenced the work of the surrealist painters, such as Salvador Dali and naturalist artists such as Andy Goldsworthy. Here are four paintings by Arcimboldo which represent the four seasons:

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➢ Now check your answers by re-reading the text.

Comparative consideration You are now going to compare two of the ‘Seasons’ paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo: Look carefully at the two paintings and think about the similarities and differences between them. Then complete the similarities and differences table on the next page.

1. Where was Arcimboldo born? 2. What style of painter was he? 3. Explain what this style means. 4. What is Arcimboldo most famous for? 5. Whose work was influenced by Arcimboldo?

Date Art Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526/7 – 1593) 1. Arcimboldo was born __________________________________________________. 2. He was a _____________________________painter. 3. This style means that the artist ___________________________________________. 4. He is most famous for ________________________________________________. 5. ____________________________’s work was influenced by Arcimboldo.

Summer 1573 by Arcimboldo

Winter 1573 by Arcimboldo

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Copy the table into your book. Complete using notes (words and short phrases) I have written some suggestions to start you off. You don’t have to use these!

similarities/differences between Summer 1573 by Arcimboldo

Winter 1573 by Arcimboldo

The pose/position of the figure or person in the painting

Young woman facing to the right

The objects Arcimboldo used to compose (form) the figure

Wrinkled tree trunk

The border and background of the painting

The colours used in the painting Darker

The mood expressed or conveyed in the painting

‘Summer’ smiling

The link between the title of the painting and the artist’s choice of objects shown in it

Lemons (only fruit available in Italy in winter)

Any other similarities or differences you can find

Challenge: Write a paragraph explaining the main differences between ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’ 1573 by Arcimboldo and giving reasons for the differences.

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Lesson 2 – How can Arcimboldo’s style be re-created?

L.O. To think about (consider) the artistic style used by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. To create a portrait in the style of Arcimboldo.

From a distance, Arcimboldo’s portraits look like regular portraits of human beings, but up close it is obvious that they are constructed from cleverly painted objects. The paintings are as much still life as they are portraits. Carefully consider another of Arcimboldo’s paintings (see next page): Vertumnus is a painting produced in Milan around (c.) 1590–1591. The painting is Arcimboldo's most famous work and is a portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II re-imagined as Vertumnus, the Roman god of metamorphoses (complete changes) in nature and in life. The vegetables, fruits and flowers used to compose the portrait are from all the seasons – perhaps to show that during his reign Rudolf was successful and there was plenty of wealth and food for all his people. This wasn’t actually true but he did support artists like Arcimboldo!

Date Art Giuseppe Arcimboldo – appreciation of a painting When I look at this painting I feel ________________________________________________. I like _______________________________________________________________________. I don’t like __________________________________________________________________. I think his work is (give your opinion______________________________________________. I think this because ___________________________________________________________.

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Plan your own Arcimboldo inspired vegetable, fruit and flower inspired face using the checklist below: You could use a photograph of yourself or a member of your family. Or you could use a famous face or celebrity. Think carefully about your choices and write your plan into your home learning book. Challenge: Explain your choices. Have you chosen particular items from nature to match/ reflect a mood, a feeling, a season or something else!

Then complete your portrait. You can draw the objects or cut out pictures and create a collage. If you can, why not try a digital collage using on-line pictures? Here are some ideas:

Date Art - Arcimboldo inspired vegetable, fruit and flower or nature inspired portrait planning Neck ________________________________________________. Hair _________________________________________________. Ears _________________________________________________. Eyes _________________________________________________. Nose ________________________________________________. Mouth _______________________________________________. Clothes _______________________________________________. Challenge: I have chosen these objects because _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

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Date Art – My Arcimboldo inspired vegetable, fruit and flower or nature inspired portrait

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Lesson 3 - Who was M.C Escher?

L.O. To know who the artist M.C. Escher was. To know how he created tessellations.

Reconnection activity - Retrieval practice Without looking back at your work from lessons 1 and 2, how much can you remember?

Step 1) Metacognition – think it out!

➢ Read the 4 questions in the grid below. ➢ In your home learning book, write the numbers 1), 2), 3), 4). ➢ Put a star next to the numbers if you think you will be able to answer them correctly. ➢ Put a question mark next to the numbers if you are not sure you will be able to

answer them correctly. ➢ Now your book will look like this (remember blue is book!):

➢ Or maybe like this:

Step 2) Retrieval Practice - work it out!

➢ Work out the answers to these questions in your home learning book. ➢ You can try them in any order you like!

Date Art retrieval practice – Giuseppe Arcimboldo 1) 2) 3) ? 4)

Date Art retrieval practice – Giuseppe Arcimboldo

1) 2) ? 3) ? 4)

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Step 3) Self-marking and correcting ➢ Now look back at the text for Lesson 2 and mark or correct your answers in purple pen

(or any colour will do).

Step 4) Learn from your mistakes ➢ If you got any wrong, make sure you learn the right answer for next time.

Date Art Giuseppe Arcimboldo – retrieval practice

1. Giuseppe Arcimboldo was born in:

a) Rome, Italy b) Milan, Italy c) Venice, Italy d) Florence, Italy

2. He is most famous for his portraits of ________________________.

3. Arcimboldo used _____________________________to create his portraits.

4. Four of his paintings from 1573 represent the four ___________________.

5. Vertumnus is a portrait painting of:

a) Rudolf II b)Rudolf the Reindeer c) Rudolf I

d) The Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II

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Who was M.C Escher?

M. C. Escher was born on 17th June 1898 in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. The M. C. stands for Maurits Cornelis. Escher was a poor student at school. He didn’t get very good grades, but he was excellent at drawing.

In 1922, Escher visited Italy and Spain. He was particularly inspired by the Islamic patterns and mathematical designs which decorated the Alhambra palace in Granada, Spain.

Escher’s work was focused on the idea of impossible reality – artwork which was inspired by mathematics, and explored infinity and optical illusions (images that mislead our brains). He also produced a lot of artwork which involved tessellation. Tessellations are created when shapes are repeated again and again with no gaps or overlapping. M. C. Escher did not have any formal mathematical education but his understanding of the subject is plain to see in his artwork. His work is important because it links mathematics, art and optical illusion. As well as being a graphic artist, he was an illustrator, he designed murals and even postage stamps! Escher died on 27th March 1972 in a retirement home for artists. He was 73.

Part of ‘Metamorphosis’ by M.C. Escher

The outer buildings and some of the patterned tile work inside the Alhambra palace.

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➢ Now check your answers by re-reading the text.

Considering tessellations - here are some examples:

Date Art M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972)

1. M.C. Escher was born in ___________________________________________.

2. He was not very good at ___________________________________________.

3. Escher was inspired by _____________________________________________.

4. A lot of Escher’s artwork involved ____________________________________.

5. Escher’s work is still important today because ___________________________.

1. Where was M.C. Escher born? 2. What was Escher not very good at? 3. What inspired Escher? 4. What did a lot of Escher’s artwork involve? 6. Why is Escher’s work still important today?

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What do you notice?

➢ Now check your answer by re-reading the text. Create a tessellation using the following shapes: Helpful hint – make sure that the shape is exactly the same each time you draw it! You can enhance your tessellation with colour if you wish. Simple colour patterns were used by Escher, often black and white. Challenge 1. : try the arrow

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Date Art M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972) – considering tessellations I notice that tessellations ________________________________________________.

Challenge 2: Could you create an optical illusion like this example here?

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Comparative consideration You are now going to compare the different parts of ‘Metamorphosis’ by M.C. Escher: A metamorphosis is a change in appearance. The most famous example is a caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly. Escher used woodcut carvings and sketches to create his pictures. Look carefully at the six different parts of the picture and think about the similarities and differences between them. Write down FOUR things that you notice, for example, all the pictures are black and white; all the creatures appear to be moving in the same direction until you look closely. Then explain how the pictures make you feel.

Lesson 4 - How can Escher’s style be re-created?

L.O. To create a tessellation using my own design and template

Date Art M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972) – considering ‘Metamorphosis’ a) I notice ________________________________________________________. b) I notice ________________________________________________________.

c) I notice ________________________________________________________.

d) I notice ________________________________________________________.

When I look at these pictures I feel ____________________________________. I like ____________________________________________________________. I don’t like _______________________________________________________. I think his work is (give your opinion) __________________________________. I think this because _________________________________________________.

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We have carefully considered the work of two great but very different artists. Which one do you prefer? Give a reason for your answer.

How to design and make a tessellation picture in the style of M.C. Escher You will need: Thin card size A5 (5cm x 7 cm) Scissors Sticky tape Pencil/pen Method:

1. The top of your card will be the shorter measurement in width. Begin by drawing a line from the top your card to the bottom. It could be a wiggly line, or zigzags, but don’t make the design too complicated to cut out.

2. Cut down the line very carefully.

Date Art comparing the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo to M.C. Escher I prefer the work of Arcimboldo to Escher. I think this because _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. OR I prefer the work of Escher to Arcimboldo. I think this because _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.

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Helpful hint - use a piece of tape that is smaller than your template. Keep your template this way up, ready for the next step.

3. Next, move the two pieces so that the straight edges are now back to back. Using sticky tape, carefully join them together making sure there aren’t any gaps

4. Draw another line from left to right (wiggly/zigzags), keeping it central. You may need a pen to do this.

5. Carefully cut along this line and put the pieces back to back again (along the straight edge), using sticky tape to join them together.

6. Now you have your finished template, you are almost ready to begin your tessellation design. First, decide whether your template looks better portrait or landscape.

7. To create your tessellation design, take a piece of white card or paper and place the template in the centre. Draw around it very carefully.

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Here is a slightly simpler method: Challenge: Can you create two similar tessellations that can be used on the same picture? Could one ‘morph’ into the other in the style of M.C. Escher ‘Metamorphosis’?

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8. Now, move the template to the right or left of your outline and make sure it fits perfectly without any gaps or overlapping. You might find that when you move your template above or to the side of the original outline, it doesn’t completely fit on the page. This doesn’t matter, just draw around what you can before going off the edge of the paper.

9. Continue filling the whole sheet of paper with your design. Finally, choose different colours to colour in your tessellation. Two alternate colours will work well and really make your design stand out.

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Lesson 5 – Creative writing inspired by M.C. Escher - What has happened in the third floor bedroom?

L.O. To write a story inspired by a picture.

This is a picture taken from ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg:


It all began when someone left the window open

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Creatively consider this picture: Are the birds are landing or taking off? Imagine coming home to find that your wallpaper has flown away Imagine returning home to find that a whole flock of birds is hiding on your bedroom wall. Write a story inspired by the picture. This is YOUR story using YOUR imagination. You might be inspired by our work on M.C. Escher’s ‘Metamorphosis’, particularly the birds. Have they flown away to join one of Escher’s pictures? Or have they escaped? You could begin your story using the caption from the picture: It all began when someone left the window open in the third-floor bedroom… Or you could begin your story using more familiar story starters: ‘Once upon a time…’ ‘There was once…’ If it helps, draw a story map (template on next page) first to help you with your ideas. You could annotate it with characters, settings and key events.

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Date Art and creative writing – My story inspired by ‘The Third-Floor Bedroom by Chris van Allsburg – STORY MAP

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Date Art and creative writing – My story inspired by ‘The Third-Floor Bedroom by Chris van Allsburg