Download - Around the World

Page 1: Around the World

Different Countries

Different Cultures

Page 2: Around the World

LONDON By Maria Jose Morataya

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Work • It's pretty good now, because

the UK economy is in good

shape. People flock there

from everywhere. London is

one of the biggest capital

engines in the world.

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Family • Typical British family headed by

2 parents has undergone

substantial changes during the

20th century.

You did not know that ...

By the year 2020, it is Estimated

That There will be more single

people than married people.

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Spare time…. • The weekends are a time for

families in Britain.

• Saturdays are a busy time

for shops with many families going


• Sundays used to be a very special

day of the week in Britain. It was

the one day of the week for

'worship and rest'. The shops were

closed and most people were at

home or at church.

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• In the 2001 census the largest

religious groupings are Christian


• And Jews are the most heavily

concentrated in London, with


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Politics • Great Britain is a parliamentary

democracy with a constitutional

Monarch as Head of State.

The principle behind British

democracy is that the people

elect Members of Parliament

(MPs) to the house of Commons in

London at a general election,

held no more than five years apart.

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Solution to the problem • If Alan does not feel confortable, may get out his

daughter of the school, and explain to her

something different of the situation, she can

understand him.

• Maybe he just can talk with the teacher, or with

the family of the teacher, to the family be


• Code of work in London says: Every teacher has

to do his job, contentious and with the totally

health possible.

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*The People's Republic of China, along

with Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba, is one of

the world's four remaining official socialist

states espousing communism.

*The Chinese government has been

variously described as communist and

socialist, but also as authoritarian, with

heavy restrictions remaining in many areas,

most notably on the Internet, the

press, freedom of assembly, reproductive

rights, and freedom of religion.

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RELIGION Freedom of religion is guaranteed by China's

constitution, although religious organizations

which lack official approval can be subject

to state persecution.

A later survey, conducted in 2007, found that

there were 300 million religious believers in

China, constituting 23% of the population, as

distinct from the official figure of 100 million.

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FAMILY • China has almost 20% of the world's total


• As a measure to avoid over population,

late marriage and postponement of

childbearing means fewer but healthier

babies, something that is greatly

encouraged by the government. In 1979,

China became the first country to launch

the 'one child per couple' policy.

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WORK • The work in china is really interesting, most of the Chinese people are always working, but the most hardest work in

China is the Industrial Activity, they hardly ever can rest, because their schedule it´s

so big.

• Their schedule start the Monday to Monday, their day start to 8 am and end

23:00 or 24:oo it depends of each company.

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SPARE TIME • Many people do out to eat together.

• Also spending time as a family outside is

popular-whether at a park or near the

mall. Playing Majong as well as card

games is popular. Karaoke is also

popular for adults.

• Some child are busy doing activities like

attend some classes such as dancing

and art at weekends or in the holidays.

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Solution to the problem • According to the Mental Law of the people´s Republic

China, the people with a mental disorders can’t teach to the students, because is obviously that they have

problems, and some students can be affected for the conditions that the person with problems present, and China have an special law that protect that, we can

find it in the article 16.

• “Article 16:All levels and types of schools shall implement mental hygiene knowledge education for students; hire or provide mental health teachers and

guidance staff, and may establish a mental health office to carry out mental health education for students.

Preschool organizations shall carry out mental health education appropriate for young children’s special


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• If a natural disaster, unexpected injury, public security incident or other event that might

affect students’ mental health occurs, schools shall immediately organize professional staff to carry out psychological assistance for the


• And if the person that have this problems oppose to follow the rules, he can go to an

hospital to verify how is he, and when he receive his results he will go to The National People's Congress to present his results, and

they are going to determine if he can teach!

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By Melanie Niños

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Work • The economy of Cuba is a largely centrally

planned economy dominated by state-run

enterprises overseen by the Cuban

government, though there remains significant

foreign investment and private enterprise in


• The Cuban government sets most prices and

rations goods to citizens. In 2009, Cuba

ranked 51st out of 182 with an IHDI of 0.863;

remarkably high considering its GDP

per capital only places it 95th.

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Family Marriage

• Marriage rates in Cuba, traditionally, have been

significantly stagnant. In the "1980's and the early

1990's marriage rates were pretty high, 15.1 % and

17.1% marriages per every 1000 inhabitants


• When the revolution of 1959 occurred, divorce rates

were starting to be observed for the first time.

Comparing this information throughout different

time periods in Cuban life, in "1960 it was 1 divorce

per 1000 people, 3 per 1000 people in the 1980's,

3.5 per 1000 people in 1990, 4.1 per 1000 people in

1991, 5.1 per 1000 people in 1992.“

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Spare T ime • Sports

Fidel Castro's belief in socialism and the

benefits of sports (he loves and has

played baseball) has resulted in Cuba's

relative international success for a

population of 11 million in sporting

events such as the Olympic Games.

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Main Religions • Christmas decorations on a religious

house in Santiago Cuba.

• Another large religion in Cuba is Santería. Is a blend of Catholicism and

traditional Yoruba religions. When African slaves first arrived in Cuba during the 16th century, they were

taught a few simple prayers and were baptised by the Spanish.

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Politics • Is constitutionally defined as a "socialist state”

guided by the principles of José Martí, and the political ideas of marx, the father of

communist states, engels and lenin." The present constitution also ascribes the role of

the communist party of cuba to be the "leading force of society and of the state.

• Executive power is exercised by the Cuban Government, which is represented by the

Council of State and the Council of Ministers.

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Solution to the problem… • He can not say anything about the problem that

the teacher of her daughter has because

professionals are also expected to uphold

professional ethics by not getting involved in any

type of conflict of interest.

• And if he thinks that his is danger to her daughter he

can change her to another school. But he can not

say anything about the condition of the teacher,

and the work in Cuba The economy of Cuba is a

largely centrally planned economy dominated by

state-run enterprises overseen by the Cuban


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By Katherine Bonifaz

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Work • The conditions under which most

Guatemalans work are less than desirable and often in violation of

Guatemalan law. According to the nation's labor laws, the minimum daily

wage is US$3.00 for agricultural workers, US$3.30 for workers in commerce,

US$3.38 for construction workers, and US$6.00 for specialized labor.

• More than 80,000 Guatemalans, most of them young women, work at “maquilas.”

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Family • Guatemalans say that parents are mirrors:

through them, you learn who you are and

what you can become. Children are able to

depend on their parents for advice and

guidance throughout their lives. Family

members tend to live near each other, and

Guatemalans rarely live or spend much time


• Most families consist of parents and their

unmarried children, though may include a

married son or daughter and their family.

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Spare T ime • As most of latin american people like to spend time with the family. On top of that,

thanks to the nice weather and topography they get to do all sorts of outdoor activities such as go to the

southern coast for the beaches, the north because has mountains, and Petén has the maya biosphere reserve, kayaking,

walking, listen music, watch TV or movies, etc.

• Guatemala city is full of history and culture, including numerous art museums

and the “Catedral metropolitana.”

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Main Religion • Many inhabitants combine

Catholic beliefs with traditional

Maya rites. Protestant churches

were estimated to have fewer

than 500,000 adherents in 1980,

but rapidly growing fundamentalist

groups increased the number of

Protestants to some 40% of the

population since 1998.

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Politics • Takes place in a framework of a

presidential representative democratic

republic, whereby the president of

Guatemala is both head of state and

head of government, and of a multi-

party system. Executive power is

exercised by the government.

Legislative power is vested in both the government and the congress of the


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Solution to the problem • In Guatemala, the Civil Code says: the

people with mental illness can be named as

“Interdicto”, because they can not base

and do actions for themselves. So Alan can

change the school for her daughter or

suggest to the director of the school

investigate the teacher, for better the health

of him and an important thing is assign a

tutor to him for care himself.

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By Alejandro Ponciano

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Work • There are approximately

154.4 million employed individuals

in the US. Government is the

largest employment sector with 22

million. Small businesses are the

largest employer in the country

representing 53% of US workers.

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Family • Mother, father and children - continues to

prevail for the most part as a new century

unfolds. Yet, over the past several

decades, U.S. society has witnessed an

evolution in family structure and daily life

in many respects. Single parenthood,

adoptive households, step-parenting,

stay-at-home parents, grandparents

raising children are but a few of the

newer tiles in the mosaic.

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Spare T ime • Americans have more leisure time

than 40 years ago.

• They got 45 minutes a day of extra

leisure. It is because they waste half of

all our leisure time watching television.

• The average American adults devotes

2.5 hours a day to this hobby.

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Main Religion • USA is characterized by a diversity of

religious beliefs and practices.

• Various religious faiths have

flourished, as well as perished. The

majority of Americans (73-76%)

identify themselves as Christians and

about 15-20% have no religious


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Politics • USA is a federal constitutional republic,

in which the President of the United States, Congress, and judiciary share

powers reserved to the national government, and the federal

government shares sovereignty with the state governments.

• Two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

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Solution to the problem…

• First of all, he doesn´t supposed to have any

idea about the illness of his daughter's teacher,

• But since her name is in a Hospital that means she is receiving treatment, so she may be won't

• Have again any mental swing. In the other

hand, if he wants to know that his daughter will

be safe.

• He might sign her in other school without saying

anything, in order not to harm the teacher.

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