Download - ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL MATHURA CANTT. CLASS: VIII ENGLISH ... · 6. Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know? 7. Why had Velu run away from home? 8. What problems did Velu face




    Honeydew Chaper-1

    Answer the following questions in brief:

    1. What did he find in the secret drawer? Who do you think had put it in there?

    2. Why was the letter written? What was the wonderful thing that happened?

    3. Had Hans Wolf ever been to Dorset?

    4. Do you think Jim Macpherson come from the war? How do you know it?

    5. Who had written the letter to whom and when?

    6. What jobs did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson have when they were not soldiers?

    7. Why did the author go to Bridport?

    8. How old was Mrs. Macpherson now? Where was she?

    9. What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in the world?

    10. How did the author find Jim’s letter?

    11. Who are Fritz and Tommy in the story?

    12. How did the Tommies and the Fritz’s celebrate Christmas in the battle field?

    13. What did the author find in a junk shop?

    Honeydew Chaper-2

    Answer the following questions in brief:

    1. Why did Tilly’s family come to Thailand?

    2. How Meghna was saved?

    3. What helped Meghna to reach the shore?

    4. In the tsunami 1,50,000 people died but most of the animals were saved. Why?

    5. Do you remember any incident when something that you learnt in the classroom helped

    you in some way outside the classroom?

    6. What happened to two of Ignesious’s children?

    7. Who is Tilly Smith? How would you appreciate her?

    8. What do people believe about animals?

    9. How did wild and domestic animals behave before the giant waves slammed into the

    coast in India and Sri Lanka?

    10. What happened to Almas and her family?

    11. What is Tsunami? When did it hit so many countries and sea coasts?

    12. How are Meghna and Almas’ stories similar?

    13. If Tilly’s award was to be shared, who do you thinkshe should share it with—her parents

    or her geography teacher?

  • 14. How did Sanjeev lose his life?

    15. Where had Tilly seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion?

    16. Why did the family of Almas Javed go to the Nancowry Island?

    17. What time did time Ignesious’s wife wake him and why?

    18. What do people say about the elephants of Yala National Park?

    Supplementary Reader-1

    Answer the following questions in brief:

    1. Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?

    2. How did the djinn know the horse was complaining against the camel?

    3. What tasks, do you think were assigned to the dog and the ox?

    4. What made the dog, the horse and the ox very angry?

    5. The camel said, “Humph” repeatedly. How did it affect him?

    6. What, according to the Djinn, was the use of ‘humph’?

    7. The camel was looking at his own reflection in the pool , what does it suggest to you

    about the camel?

    8. What according to you is the story about?

    9. What tasks do you think were assigned to the dog and the ox?

    10. What made the dog, the horse and the ox very angry?

    Supplementary Reader-2

    Answer the following questions in brief:

    1. How did Jaya earn her livelihood?

    2. What sort of girl was Jaya?

    3. What is child labour?

    4. Why do children start working in early age?

    5. Who are rag-pickers?

    6. Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know?

    7. Why had Velu run away from home?

    8. What problems did Velu face when he stood n Chennai platform?

    9. What material are the strange huts made out of?

    10. Why does Velu find them strange?

    11. Do you think Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humour? Discuss.



    English Grammar

    1. Rearrange the words into meaningful sentences:


    a) Oliver Twist/workhouse/in/was/born/a

    b) knew/father/nobody/who/was/his

    c) died/mother/his birth/his/soon/after

    d) pillars/there/human life/man/of/woman/and/are/two

    e) both/in the making of/share/responsibility/equal/the/society


    a) respect/ said that/ demanded/ it/ but/ is/ given/ that/ is not

    b) if/ something/ then/ in return for/ should be/ it is so/it

    c) self-respect/ come out of/ something/ has/ our/ self/ that/ and/ is/ that

    d) Oliver Twist/ workhouse/ in/ was/ born/ a

    e) knew/ father/ nobody/ who/ was/ his

    f) died/ mother/ his birth/ his/ soon/ after


    a) petroleum/world/all over/in great/is/demand/the

    b) uppermost/soil/layer/is/earth/the/of/the

    c) it/plants/which/supports/food/provide/on/all living things/to/planet/on/this

    d) soil/does/foundation/earth/life/on/of/is/the/all

    e) people/look at/tend to/you look/the way/yourself/at/you

    2. Match the followings:

    a) Bees i) herd of

    b) musicians ii) flock of

    c) grapes iii) swarm of

    d) sheep iv) troupe of

    e) cattle v) bunch of

    Q.3 Match the followings:

    a) players i) crew of

    b) soldiers ii) pair of

    c) flowers iii) fleet of

    d) sailors iv) bouquet of

  • e) shoes v) team of

    4. Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns given in the brackets;-

    a) Sujit lost ________(him/his ) new book and could not find ______(it/them).

    b) The birds flew over the house. Did you see------(it/them) ?

    c) We met to the principal in _______(him/his) chamber and talked to _______(him/his)

    d) I forgot ________(my/mine) pen and requested her to give ______(i/me)

    e) _________(I/you) have done my work.

    5. Fill in the blanks with correct degree of Adjectives:

    a) He is the _________boy of the class.(good)

    b) Rohan’s writing is ______than his brother’s.(bad)

    c) This drawing is the _________ of all. (beautiful)

    d) Mountain Everest is the _____peak of H imalayas. ( high)

    e) Neha is not as ______- as her sister. (strong)

    6. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in the brackets.

    a) The examinations of my daughter ________ over. (is/ are)

    b) Do children ________ chocolates? (love/ loves)

    c) The horse and carriage ________ waiting outside. (is/ are)

    d) More than fifty students ________ got 80 percent marks. (has/ have)

    e) Bread and butter ________ liked by many. (is/ are)

    f) Neither of us ________ enough food. (has/ have)

    g) Each of the farmers ________ given loan at low interest rate. (was/ were)

    h) Mathematics ________ practice. (need/ needs)

    7. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

    a) My house is (big) than yours.

    b) This flower is (beautiful) than that one.

    c) This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.

    d) Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

    e) Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?

    f) A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.

  • g) It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.

    h) Who is the (rich) woman on earth?

    i) The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.

    j) He was the (clever) thief of all.

    8. Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns given in the brackets:

    a) I lost the watch of _____(my/your) friend and found________(it/these) in the pocket.

    b) The girl _______(whose/which) hair is golden is ______(my/their) friend.

    c) This is the book_____(who/that) I wanted for so long.

    9. Fill in the blanks with correct degrees of adjectives:

    a) Delhi is ---------than Chennai.(hot)

    b) This is the_________of all sums.(difficult)

    c) Mahatma Gandhi was_______leader of his time.(famous)

    d) Bengluru is a __________city.(clean)

    e) I am _________than my brother.(tall)

    10. Rewrite the following sentences changing the nouns in italics to the opposite gender.

    Also make necessary changes.

    a) The tiger is sleeping in his cage.

    b) The washerwoman washes clothes neatly.

    c) The queen does not rely on her daughter.

    d) The emperor looked after his subjects very well.

    e) The actor is praised for his good acting.

    f) His daughter never tells a lie.

    11. Identify Transitive and Intransitive verbs

    a) The principal has delivered a speech.

    b) We must follow the traffic rules.

    c) She danced well.

    d) The doctor reached hospital timely.

    e) The gardener watered the plants.

  • f) My mother cooks delicious food.

    g) Birds are flying in the sky.

    h) My father gave me a beautiful gift.

    i) Baby is sleeping on the bad.

    j) The train arrived late.

    12. Copy these sentences into your notebook and then underline the pronouns.

    a) Who told us that no one would be at the mall? b) This belongs to her. c) She never gave them any of it. d) Phillip called to tell them about that. e) What did you give him and his wife for Christmas? f) We always welcome suggestions. g) Mine was destroyed by the flood, but the insurance covered it. h) Give me some water. i) They told about the hardships we survived. j) Many told about the kindness of strangers.

    Writing Section

    1. As the Head Boy of the school, write a notice requesting students to donate old clothes, books

    and bags for orphanages.

    2. You are a student of Rehan International School, Dwarika. Your school inspection is due.

    Write a notice informing students about it telling them to be punctual, disciplined and to come

    dressed properly.

    3. As the monitor of the class write a notice regarding forthcoming tree plantation ceremony in

    the school premises. Invite the students to participate in it by contributing at least five plants

    from each class.

    4. You are Arti Singhal, the Principal of Mother Teresa Senior Secondary School, Delhi. Your

    school is going to organize ‘Poster Making and Slogan Writing Competition’. Write a notice for

    the school notice board inviting the students to give their names for the competition.

    5. As President of Student Council, Kamal Public School, Lucknow, write a notice using not

    more than 50 words requesting students to donate old clothes, books and bags for orphanages.

    6. You are Archana Pandey a student of class VIII, have lost your science practical notebook in

    the lab. Write a notice informing the same and requesting to return it offering a suitable reward.

    7. Write a Notice in 50 words for your school Notice Board for a Donation Camp to be held in

    the school for the victims of Tsunami that struck the Andaman Islands.

    Date of Camp : 20 June 2018

    Venue : School Play ground

  • Time : 10 AM to 1 PM.

    Army Public School

    Mathura Cantt

    15 June 2018


    This is to inform the students that a __________ camp will be held in the school

    _____________ on ________________.

    The camp is for collecting items for __________ victims.

    The timing of the camp is from __________ to ___________.

    For further queries please contact the undersigned.

    Shalini Gupta


    8. Write a Notice for the school Notice Board in about 50 words informing the students about a

    Football Inter House Competition to be held in the school in the month of August. The

    competition is for classes 9-12.

    9. Write a letter to your elder brother requesting him to send some money for the coaching

    classes you want to take to appear in some competitons.

    Q.10 You are Manvi. Write a letter to your friend Radha about your new hostel and school and

    tell her that you miss her and the old school very much.

    11. You are Manika. Write a letter to your friend Radha telling her about the harms of drug


    12. You are Rajeev. Write a letter to your younger brother who lives in another cityon the need

    to be organized in order to lead a disciplined life.

    13. Write a letter to Connie as Jim from the battlefield.

    26 December 1914


  • Dearest _______________

    I write to you in a much ___________ frame of mind because something ________ has

    _______ that I must tell you about at once.

    One of the ________ was waving a bottle above his head. “ It is _______________ Day,

    _________. We have schnapps. We have sausage . we meet you? Yes? By this time there

    were __ of them walking towards us across no man’s land and not a rifle between them. Little

    Private Morris was the first up. “Come on , boys. What are we waiting for?” and then was no

    stopping them. I was the _____, but the _____ is that it never even ____________________

    to me I should. All ___________ their line and ours I could see them ___________ slowly

    towards one another, grey coats, khaki coats meeting in the _____________. And I was one

    of them . I __ part of this.

    In the middle of the ___________ we _________ making _________.

    Rest in my next letter

    With love

    Your husband


    14. You are living in a hostel. Write a letter to your father to buy a new bicycle because old one

    is broken.

    15.Write a letter to your friend advising him to work hard for his retest. So that he may not waste

    his whole year.

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र-1 (2018-19)


    विषर्—व िंदी

    पाठ- 1 ध्ववि

    प्रश्न 1. विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दें-

    प्र 1. िसिंत आिे पर पेड़निं में क्या पररितयि न जाता ै ?

    प्र 2. कवि कविर्निं कन वकसका सिंदेश देिा चा ता ै ?

    प्र 3. पुष्निं कन अििंत काि तक खििे र िे के विए क्या करिा चा ता ै ?

    प्र 4. कवि पुष्निं कन अििंत का द्वार वदिािा चा ता ै, क्यनिं?

    प्र 5. प्रातकािीि पुष् कैसे वदिाई पड़ र े ैं ? कवि पुष्निं के साथ क्या करिा चा ता ै


    प्र 6. पुष् वकसके प्रतीक ैं ? कवि उन्हें वकस रूप में देििा चा ता ै ?

    प्र 7. ध्ववि िामक कविता के कवि का िाम वििें

    प्रश्न 2. विम्नविखित प्रश्नन के उत्तर दें-

    क.‘भारत की िनज पुस्तक िेिक िे कब और क ााँ वििी ?

    ि. चााँद बीबी कौि थी िं ?

    प्रश्न-3. विम्नविखित शब्निं के िर्य-विचे्छद कररए :-

    पुस्तकािर् , रक्षक, िैज्ञाविक, विर्िंवत्रत, आश्रर्, समथय, राष्ट्र ीर्, परमात्मा,

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 2 (2018-19)


    विषर्-व िंदी

    पाठ—2 िाि की चूवड़र्ााँ

    प्रश्न 1विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दें-

    प्र 1. िेिक बदिू कन ‘बदिू काका’ क्यनिं क ते थे ?

    प्र 2. बदिू का पैतृक पेशा क्या था ?

    प्र 3. िेिक अपिे मामा के घर एक-आध म ीिे ी र पाता था ?

    प्र 4. वपता की बदिी निे का िेिक पर क्या प्रभाि पड़ा ?

    प्र 5. िेिक की विगा रज्जन के ाथ पर क्यनिं वठठक गई ?

    प्र 6. बदिू िे िेिक के मि की कौि सी बात ताड़ िी ?

    प्र 7. बदिू िे जमी िंदार कन चूवड़र्निं का जनड़ा क्यनिं ि ी िं वदर्ा ?

    प्रश्न-2.िीचे वििे प्रश्नन के उत्तर दें-

    (क)अ मदिगर के वकिे में िे रू जी क्या-क्या काम करते थे ?

    (ि)चााँद िे रू जी कन वकस बात की र्ाद वदिाता ै ?

    (ग) वसनु्ध-घाटी सभ्यता वकस स्थाि से सम्बिंवधत ै?

    प्रश्न-3.विम्नविखित शब्निं के दन-दन पर्ायर्िाची वििें-

    अमृत , अवतवथ, अिुचर, आभूषर्, आचरर्, कपड़ा

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 3

    कक्षा -8

    विषर्-व िंदी

    पाठ –3. बस की र्ात्रा

    प्रश्न 1विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दें-

    प्र-1. िेिक और उसके वमत्र कन क ााँ जािा था ?

    प्र-2. िेिक शाम कन वजस बस में र्ात्रा करिा चा ता था, उसकी ाित कैसी थी ?

    प्र-3. िेिक कन बस दर्िीर् क्यनिं िग र ी थी ?

    प्र-4. िेिक कन ऐसा क्यनिं िगा वक “जैसे सारी बस ी इिंजि ै और म इिंजि के भीतर बैठे ैं |”

    प्र-5. िेिक कन र पेड़ दुश्मि क्यनिं िग र ा था ?

    प्र-6. िेिक ि उसके साथी खिड़की से दूर क्यनिं सरक गए ?

    प्र-7.‘‘विकि जाओ बेटी !अपिी ि उउ ी ि ी िं र ी |’ पिंखि के माध्यम से िेिक क्या क िा चा ता


    प्रश्न-2 .िीचे वििे प्रश्नन के उत्तर दें-

    क वसिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता वकस स्थाि से सिंबखन्धत ै ?

    )ि(व मािर् से कौि-कौि सी िवदर्ािं विकिती ैं व मािर् से कौि)ि( ?

    प्रश्न-3 .विम्नविखित शब्निं के अिेकाथी वििें-

    आम, किक, कुि, कुशि, अिंबर

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र -4


    विषर्-व िंदी

    पाठ- 4 दीिािनिं की स्ती

    प्रश्न 1विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दें-

    प्रश्न-1. ‘दीिािनिं की स्ती’ कविता में दीिािे वकन्हें क ा गर्ा ै ?

    प्रश्न-2. दीिािनिं के आिे पर िनगनिं पर क्या प्रभाि पड़ता ै?

    प्रश्न-3. दीिािनिं के जीिि में आिंसू और उल्लास साथ-साथ क्यनिं ैं ?

    प्रश्न-4. दीिािनिं के वदि पर असफिता की विशािी क्यनिं शेष र गई ै ?

    प्रश्न-5. ‘दीिािनिं की स्ती’ कविता का उदे्दश्य विखिए ?

    प्रश्न-6. दीिािनिं िे रुके्निािनिं के विए क्या कामिा व्यि की ै ?

    प्रश्न-7. दीिािनिं िे दुविर्ा कन कैसा बतार्ा ै और क्यनिं ?

    प्रश्न 11. िे रूजी िे वसिंधुघाटी सभ्यता कन आश्चर्यजिक क्यनिं क ा ै ?

    प्रश्न-9. आर्य कौि थे ?िे भारत कब आए ?

    प्रश्न-10. मन िजनदड़निं क्यनिं प्रवसद्ध ै ? इससे क्या िाभ हुआ ?

    प्रश्न 12. िर्यमािा में स्वरनिं की सिंख्या वकतिी नती ै? हृस्व और दीघय स्वर कौि-कौि से

    नते ैं ?

    प्रश्न-8. विम्नविखित शब्निं के दन- दन अथय वििकर िाक्य-प्रर्नग कररए :-

    अम्बर, अथय, उत्तर, अपेक्षा, कुि, कर, अिंक, किक

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 5


    विषर् –व िंदी

    पाठ-वचविर्निं की अिूठी दुविर्ा

    प्रश्न-1. विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर दें-

    प्र-1. पत्र जैसा सिंतनष फनि र्ा एस-एम-एस क्यनिं ि ी िं दे सकता?

    प्र-2. पत्र आज भी अपिी अ वमर्त वकस तर बिाए हुए ै?

    प्र-3. मारे सैविक पत्रनिं का इिंतज़ार उतु्सकता के साथ क्यनिं करते ैं ?

    प्र-4. डाक–विभाग पत्रनिं कन पहुिंचािे के अिािा मारे विए क्या-क्या करता ै ?

    प्र-5. पत्र वकि-वकि साधिनिं से गुजरते हुए आज ई-मेि तक पहुिंचा ै ?

    प्र-6. पत्रनिं की आिाजा ी वकस प्रकार प्रभावित हुई ै ?

    प्र-7. गािंिन िं मे डावकरे् कन वकस रूप मे देिा जाता ै और क्यनिं ?

    प्रश्न-2 .िीचे वििे प्रश्नन के उत्तर दें-

    क आर्य कौि थे ?

    )ि( िेद क्या ैं ? उिके िाम वििें ।

    प्रश्न-3 .‘पररश्रम का म त्व’ विषर् पर अिुचे्छद वििें ।

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 1 (2018-19)

    कक्षा- 8

    विषर्- सिंसृ्कत

    प्रश्न-1 अपिी पाठ्य पुस्तक रुवचरा से कनई दन श्लनक अथयसव त विखिए एििं र्ाद कीवजए|

    प्रश्न -2 विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर एकपद में विखिए |

    क. व्यसवििः वकिं िश्यवत ?

    ि. कस्ािं रनचमािार्ािं सिं कुििं रनचते ?

    ग. कस् र्शः िश्यवत ?

    घ. मधुरसूिरसिं के सृजखि ?

    ङ. विगुयर्िं प्राप्य वकिं भिवत ?

    प्रश्न-3 विम्नविखित शब्निं के अथय विखिए | 1 गुर्जे्ञषु 2.प्रभिखि 3.

    वपशुिस् 4.विषार् ीि 5.जीिमािः 6. िरावधपस् 7. ज ावत 8. प्रकृवत: 9.सुस्वादुतनर्ा: 10. सृजखि

    प्रश्न- 4 अधनविखित तद्भि शब्निं के स्थाि पर सिंसृ्कत शब् विखिए |

    1. कन्जूस: -----------

    2. कडिा ------------

    3. पूाँछः ------------

    4. िनभी ----------

    5. मधुमवक्षका ----------

    प्रश्न- 5 िीचे वििे शब्निं का िर्यविचे्छद कीवजए |

    1. मिनज: 2 .िविता 3 मदि: 4 रर: 5 बाविका

    प्रश्न- 6 रेिािंवकत पदनिं के आधार पर प्रश्नविमायर् कीवजए |

    क. गुर्ा: गुर्जे्ञषु गुर्ाः भिखि|

    ि. िद्य: सुस्वादुतनर्ा: भिखि|

    ग. िुब्धस् र्श: िश्यवत |

    घ. मधुमवक्षका माधुर्यमेि जिर्वत |

    ङ. म तािं प्रकृवत: सुखस्थरा भिवत |

    प्रश्न-7 अधनविखित शब्निं की सखन्धविचे्छद कीवजए |

    माधुर्यमेि 2 अल्पमेि 3 सियमेि 4 समािमवप 5 म ात्मिामुखि: प्रश्न-8

    उवचत शब्रूपनिं से ररिस्थाि पूवतय कीवजए |

  • विभखि एकिचिम् वद्विचिम् बहुिचिम् प्रथमा अ म् आिाम्

    ------------ वद्ववतर्ा ------------- आिाम् ------------ तृतीर्ा

    --------------- आिाभ्याम् -------------

    चतुथी मह्यम् ------------- अस्मभ्यम्

    पञ्चमी ------------- आिाभ्याम् -------------

    प्रश्न-9 िाद् ( िािा ) धातु के रूप िट्िकार, िङ्िकार, िृट्िकार,तीिनिं काि में विखिए |

    प्रश्न -10 विपरीताथयक शब् ( वििनम शब् ) विखिए |

    1. गुर्ाः ----------- ---------------

    2 .स्वीकारः ------------ -------------

    3 दवक्षर् स्तः----------- ---------------

    4 अिन्या -------------- -------------

    5 कृतज्ञ: --------------- --------------

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 2 (2018-19)

    कक्षा- 8

    विषर्- सिंसृ्कत

    प्रश्न-1 अपिी पाठ्य पुस्तक रुवचरा से कनई दन श्लनक अथयसव त विखिए एििं र्ाद कीवजए|

    प्रश्न -2 विम्नविखित प्रश्ननिं के उत्तर एकपद में विखिए |

    च. वसिं स् िाम वकम् ?

    छ. गु ार्ाः स्वामी कः आसीत् ?

    ज. वसिं ः कखस्मि् समरे् गु ार्ाः समीपे आगतः?

    झ. स्तपादावदका: विर्ा: केषािं ि प्रितयिे ?

    ञ. गु ा केि प्रवतध्वविता ?

    प्रश्न-3 विम्नविखित शब्निं के अथय विखिए | 1 अिरे 2. कु्षधातयः 3. विगूढन

    भूत्वा 4. रि: 5.स सा 6.िेपथु: 7.अिागतम् 8.जरा 9.भनज्यम् 10. वसिं पद्धवत:

    प्रश्न- 4 अधनविखित िाक्यनिं में उवचत अव्यर् पूवतय कीवजए |

    क.र्दा दशिादििं भिवत ----- छात्राः विद्यािर्िं गच्छखि|

    ि.सूर्यः पूियवदशार्ािं ----- उदेवत|

    ग.शृगाि: गु ार्ाः ----- आसीत् |

    घ.शृगािनऽवप ततः ------ पिार्मािः अपठत् |

    ङ र्वद सफ़िताम् इच्छवस ---- आिस्िं त्यज |

    प्रश्न- 5 िीचे वििे शब्निं का िर्यविचे्छद कीवजए |

    2. वशक्षक: 2 .गार्कः 3 मरू्रः 4 वबडाि: 5 दीपक:

    प्रश्न- 6 घटिािम के अिुसार पर िाक्यनिं कन पुिः विखिए |

    च. गु ार्ाः स्वामी दवधपुच्छः िाम शृगाि: समागच्छत् |

    छ. वसिं : एकािं म ती िं गु ािं अपश्यत् |

    ज. पररभ्रमि् वसिं ः कु्षधातो जातः|

    झ. दूरस्थः शृगाि: रििं कतु्तयमारब्धः|

    ञ. वसिं ः शृगािस् आह्वा िम् अकरनत्|

    ट. दूरिं पिार्मािः शृगाि: श्लनकम् अपठत् |

    ठ. गु ार्ािं कनऽवप अखस्त इवत शृगािस् विचारः|

  • प्रश्न-7 अधनविखित शब्निं में सखन्ध करके विखिए |

    माधुर्यम् + एि 2 अल्पम् + एि 3 सियम् + एि 4 समािम् + अवप 5 म ात्मिाम् + उखि:

    प्रश्न-8 उवचत शब्रूपनिं से ररिस्थाि पूवतय कीवजए |

    विभखि एकिचिम् वद्विचिम् बहुिचिम् प्रथमा त्वम् रु्िाम्

    ----------- वद्ववतर्ा ---------- रु्िाम् ------------

    तृतीर्ा --------- रु्िाभ्याम् -------------

    चतुथी तुभ्यम् रु्िाभ्याम् रु्ष्मभ्यम्

    पञ्चमी त्वत् ------------ ----------

    प्रश्न-9 इष् (इच्छा करिा) धातु के रूप िट्िकार,िङ्िकार, िृट्िकार,तीिनिं काि में विखिए |

    प्रश्न –10 अधनविखित िाक्यनिं में से अव्यर् पदनिं कन चुिकर विखिए |

    क. त्विं कदा गृ िं गवमष्यवस | ------

    ि. अधुिा कः समर्: | --------

    ग.म ात्मागान्धी सदा सत्यिं िदवत स्म | ------

    घ.अ िं श्वः विद्यािर्िं गवमष्यावम |--------

    ङ इदािी िं त्विं श्लनकिं पठ | ----------




    Fill in the blanks

    1 Malaria is caused by _____________________________.

    2. Rhizobium bacteria is a ___________________________.

    3. Penicillium is a __________________________________.

    4. Fermentation was discovered by _____________________.

    5. Amount of nitrogen in atmosphere in atmosphere is_______.

    Answer the following in one word:

    .1 Which instrument is used to study microorganisms?

    .2 Who discovered antibiotics?

    .3 Name a unicellular microorganism.

    .4 Name a multicellularmicroorganism.

    .5 Name the viral disease most common in cattles.

    Define the following :

    1. Pasteurisation 2.Fermentation 3. Viruses 4.Vaccine

    Answer the following questions:

    Q.1 Explain the formation of curd from the milk?

  • Q.2 What is the role of yeast in baking industry?

    Q.3What are communicable diseases? Give one example.

    Q.4How do microorganisms act as a cleaning agent of nature?

    Q.5 How do microorganisms spoil food?

    Q.6 Write four methods of food preservation?



    Fill in the blanks

    1. Cotton is the polymer of_________

    2. Cotton and jute are ________fibres

    3. Say ‘no’ to ______and say ‘yes’ to ______ bags

    4. Switch boards in electric plug are made of________

    5. Nylon was prepared from water ,air and _______

    One word questions

    1. Give one example of natural fibre.

    2. Name a natural polymer.

    3. What is the common name of rayon?

    4. Which is the first fully synthetic fibre?

    5. Name a synthetic fibres which works like wool

    Define the following term


    2.Synthetic fibres

    3.Thermosetting plastic


    Short answer type questions

    1.What are thermoplastics ?

    2.Why should we not wear synthetic clothes while working kitchen

    3.What is 5R’s principle?

    4.What are the uses of rayon?

    5.What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable material ?Explain with example

    6.What are the qualities of synthetic fibres make them more popular than natural fibres?



    Fill in the blanks 1.In

    ______________ type of irrigation, water is sprayed on the plants using rotating sprinklers.

    2. Threshing can be done using the machine called ________

    3. Separation of grain from chaff is called ___________

    4. ________________ is known as farmer’s friend.

    5. _________________ is a type of plant used for crop rotation.

    Define the following terms

    1.Crop. 2.Fertilisers. 3. Agriculture. 4. Irrigation.

    Very short answer question

    Q1. Name any 3 tools used in agriculture.

    Q2. Name some harvest festivals.

    Q3. Why is it necessary to dry grains before storage?

    Q4. Mention traditional methods of irrigation.

    Q5. Name a pesticide and a weedicide.

    Answer the following questions

    Q1. Differentiate between kharif and rabi crops with 2 examples of each.

    Q2. What is the significance of ploughing and levelling?

    Q3. Mention a few precautions to be taken at the time of spraying the pesticides.

  • Q4. What is crop rotation? Explain its importance.

    Q5. List various agricultural practices.

    Q6. Draw a well labelled diagram of wooden or iron plough.




    Fill in the blanks –

    1. The force per unit area is……………………….

    2. In a junkyard, ……………………………. force is used to separate iron objects.

    3. …………………………. always opposes motion of objects.

    4. A ball thrown up comes down because of ……………………… force.

    5. A force acting on a moving object………………….. to the direction of motion will slow

    it down.

    Answer the following in one word

    1. Force between two magnets.

    2. Weight of an object is an example of this force.

    3. The force that helps a comb to attract pieces of paper.

    4. It can make things move or come to rest.

    5. SI unit of force.

    Define the following -



    3.Contact force.

    4. Noncontact force.

    Answer the following -

    1.What is the effect of altitude on atmospheric pressure ?

    2.What are the effects of force ?

    3.What causes a change in the state of motion of an object ?

    4.Give two examples each of contact and non-contact forces.

    5.Explain electrostatic force.

    6.How is force related to pressure ?


    Ch-4 Metals and Non-metals (Science)

    Fill in the blanks:-

    1. The arrangement of metals based on their reactivity is called…………..

    2. …………… element is used in the vulcanization of rubber.

    3. Metals react with oxygen to form …………………

    4. Metals are ……… conductors of heat and electricity.

    5. Iron is ……….. reactive than copper.

    Define the following:

    1. Malleability

    2. Displacement reactions.


    Very short answer questions

    1.Name two most ductile metals.

    2.Name two metals which can be cut with knife.

    3. Name a metal and non-metal which is liquid at room temperature.

    4.Name a non-metal which is kept in water.

    5. Name the materials which possess the properties of both metals and non-metals.

    6.Name the most reactive metal.

    7.Name the gas which is liberated when metals react with acids.

    Answer the following

    1.Write any two physical properties of metals.

    2.What is the nature of metallic and non-metallic oxides.

    3.Why is sodium stored in kerosene?

    4.What happens when a metal reacts with acids?

    5.Write any two physical properties of non-metals.


    Worksheet- Class- VIII


    1. Show that the following number are not perfect squares.

    (i) 5927 (ii) 44444

    2. Find the Pythagorean triplet in which one number is 12.

    3. Find the smallest number by which 512 should be multiplied so as to get a perfect square


    4. Find the smallest square number which is divisible by each of the number 6, 9, and 15.

    5. Find the square root by prime factorization method.

    (i) 5625 (ii) 68644 (iii) 11025

    6. Use long division method to find the square root of the following numbers.

    (i) 390625 (ii) 27225 (iii) 99856

    7. Find the greatest 4-digit number which is a perfect square.

    8. Find the least number which must be added to 4931 to make it a perfect square.

    9. Find the square root of the following numbers

    (i) 14.44 (ii) 84.8241 (iii) 8 (iv) 2

    10. Find the number of plants in each row if 1024 plants are arranged so that number of plants in

    a row is the same as the number of rows.

    11. Find square root of 64 by successive subtraction.

    12. Find the square root of 324 by prime factorization method.

    13. Find √ 9.81 correct to 2 decimal places.

    14. Find √ 12.0409.

    15. Express the following as the sum of two consecutive integers:

    (i) 212 (ii) 192




    1. Find the cube of the following numbers. (a) 14 (b) 45 (c) 105 (d) 111

    2. Write the cubes of all the natural numbers between 1 to 10.

    3. What is the smallest number by which 392 must be multiplied to make it a perfect cube?

    4. Find the cube root of the following numbers.

    (a) 343 (b) 1000 (c) 2744 (d) 74088

    5. Divide the number 26244 by the smallest number so that the quotient is a perfect cube. Also

    find the cube root of the quotient.

    6. Find the cube root of each of the following number.

    (a) 8 × 64 (b) (−216) × 1728

    7. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3. The sum of their cubes is 98784. Find the numbers.

    8. The volume of a cube is 9261000 m3. Find the side of the cube.

    9. Find the cube root of the following numbers by shortcut method.

    (a) 1728 (b) 4096 (c) 9261

    10. Show that 1331 is a perfect cube.

    11. Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers must be multiplied to

    obtain a perfect cube.

    (i) 3072 (ii) 11979 (iii) 19652

    12. Three numbers are in the ratio 3:4:5.If their product is 480.Find the numbers.

    13. The volume of a cuboidal box is 21952 m3. Find the length of side of box.

    14. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:5. If the difference of their cubes is 61, find the numbers.

    15. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3. The sum of their cubes is 7776. Find the numbers.




    Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the multiplicative inverse of−6


    2. Reduce the rational number 18

    24 to the lowest form.

    3. Write the rational number that are equal to their reciprocals.

    4. Which of the following statements is false?

    a. Every rational number is a fraction

    b. Any number, when divided by 10 is a rational number.

    c. Every fraction is a rational number

    d. Every negative number is a rational number.

    5. Find five rational numbers between 1 and 2.

    6. Represent the following numbers on the number line.

    (a) −7

    8 (b)


    3 (c)



    7. The cost of 19

    4 metres of wire is Rs.


    2. Find the cost of one metre of the wire.

    8. The product of two rational numbers is−14

    27. If one of them is


    9. Find the other.

    9. Can you find a rational number whose multiplication is−1?

    10. Find the sum of additive inverse and multiplicative inverse of 7.

    11. Write:

    a) The rational number that does not have a reciprocal.

    b) The rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.

    c) The rational number that is equal to its negative.

    12. Fill in the blanks. a) Zero has ________ reciprocal. b) The numbers ________ and ________ are their own reciprocals. c) The reciprocal of – 5 is ________.

    13. Find three rational numbers between 1

    4 and



    14. Represent these numbers on the number line:

    a) −7



    9 ,


    9 On a number line.

    15. Find ten rational numbers between and 3

    5 and






    Answer the following questions:-

    1. Simplify: (a) 26 ÷ 2−5 (b) (25 ÷ 28) × 2−5

    2. Find the value of (a) (20 + 3−1) × 32 (b) (3



    3. Evaluate: 27−1×53


    4. Simplify: 95 − 3(50) − (81)1


    5. Find the value:8−2×23÷92


    6. Expand the value using exponents: (a) 1.52 (b) 318.07 (c) 83193.643

    7. Express the numbers in standard form: (a) 0.000845 (b) 9050000

    8. Express the numbers in usual form: (a) 6 × 10−8 (b) 6.58 × 10−4

    9. Mass of Earth is 5.97 × 1024 kg and mass of Moon is 7.35 × 1022 kg. What is the total


    10. Find the reciprocal of(2




    11. Find m so that (–3)m + 1 × (–3)5 = (–3)7

    12. Find the value of: {(1

    3)−1 − (




    13. Simplify

    a) 25×m−4

    5−3×10×m−8 b)



    14. Express the number appearing in the following statements in standard form.

    a) Charge of an electron is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,16 coulomb.

    b) Size of a bacteria is 0.0000005 m.

    c) Size of a plant cell is 0.00001275 m.

    d) 1 micron is equal to1


    15. In a stack there are 5 books each of thickness 20mm and 5 paper sheets each

    of thickness 0.016 mm. What is the total thickness of the stack.

  • CLASS 8





    1. What do you mean by federalism?

    2. What is right to equality?

    3. What do you mean by a secular state?

    4. How are the fundamental rights important? Give one point?

    5. What is constitution? 6. Who was the president of constituent assembly? 7. What is democracy? 8. Name the organs of state government?

    9. Who is known as father of Indian constitution? 10. What are the three tiers of Government in India? 11. Who was the first prime minister of free India?


    1. What were the challenges before the members of the constituent assembly?

    2. What do you mean by federal form of government? Why is it important?

    3. Why does the democratic country need constitution?

    4. Write a short note on fundamental rights.


    1. Describe the key features of the Indian constitution? Discuss.

    2. Describe all the Fundamental Rights mention in the Indian constitution?

    3. Explain the parliamentary form of government?

    4. Discuss about the history of Nepal. 5. How directive principal of state policy is different from fundamental right?

  • CLASS 8





    1. What is meant by principled distance?

    2. What happened in the Jewish state of Israel?

    3. What is secularism? 4. What do you mean by freedom of interpret? 5. How does the Indian secularism different from that of American constitution?

    6. What do you mean by coercion? 7. What is discrimination? 8. Which type of state gives you religious freedom? 9. What is secularism? 10. What do you understand by freedom of expression?


    1. Why is it important to separate religion from the state? Explain with examples?

    2. What are the three objectives of a secular state?

    3. Explain with example that in Indian secularism the state can intervene in religious


    4. What do you understand by fundamental duties? 5. Define Indian secularism? 6. Define intervene?

    7. What is meant by the right to constitutional remedies?


    1. Describe fundamental Duties in the light of fundamental rights?

    2. In what different ways does the Indian secularism work to prevent religious domination?

    3. How are non Muslims treated in Saudi Arabia?

    4. Describe the significance of the fundamental right.

  • CLASS 8





    1. What is resources development?

    2. Why are human resources important?

    3. What is sustainable development?

    4. What do you understand by the word “utility”?

    5. What is the name given to the type of resources that have limited stock?

    6. Give three examples of a biotic resources. 7. What is a potential resource?

    8. How can a substance or material become a resource? 9. Name the two important factors which are responsible in making any substance Into


    10. What do you understand by human resource development?


    1. Explain the terms resources conservation and sustainable development?

    2. Write a short note on the significance of time and technology in making a substance a


    3. As human beings how can we ensure sustainable development?

    4. Describe how resources are classified?

    5. What is a ubiquitous resource? Give examples.


    1. Distinguish between potential and actual resources

    2. What is an actual resource? 3. Differentiate between Renewable and Non- Renewable.

    4. What are the different types of resources? Discuss. 5. Why resources conservation is important?






    1. What are the possible reasons behind the uneven distribution of population around the


    2. What factors determine land use pattern?

    3. Define soil?

    4. What is parent rock?

    5. What are the factors threatening soil as a resources?

    6. What is natural vegetation? 7. What is ecosystem? 8. Define Deforestation? 9. What is afforestation? 10. Give two examples of land use? 11. Which factor is responsible for soil formation? 12. What is biosphere? 13. What do you mean by community land? 14. What type of topography gives rise to major and widely spread Landslides?


    1. How is land being degraded? Suggest methods to conserve land resource.

    2. What is weathering?

    3. How is water an important resource?

    4. Differentiate between Evergreen forest and deciduous forest. 5. Why is land considered as an important Resource?

    6. Write any two reasons for land degradation? LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION:

    1. Describe methods of soil conservation?

    2. What is the threat to vegetation and wildlife? What is the need to conserve them? How

    can we do this?

    3. Suggest five ways to conserve water.

    4. How is forest useful to us?

    5. Discuss the factors of soil formation.






    1. What was an important aspect of the histories written by the British histories in India?

    2. Who was James mill? 3. What evil practices according to James mill dominated the Indian social life before the

    British came to India?

    4. What is done under census?

    5. What is the meaning of Archives?

    6. Who was the first Governor General of India?

    7. How historians have divided Indian history?

    8. What is colonization?

    9. Who was the last viceroy of India?

    10. In which year James Rennelproduced the first map of India?


    1. Historians divide Indian history into Ancient, medieval and modern. But this division too

    has its problems.

    2. What did the British do to preserve important official documents and letters?

    3. How did the British conquer India and established their rule?

    4. What was the effect of colonization on India?

    5. How dates are important in history?


    1. How did surveys become important under the colonial administration?

    2. How do the official records of the British administration help historians to write about the

    last 250 years of Indian history?

    3. What is the problem with the periodization of Indian history that James Mill offers?

  • CLASS 8





    1. Who was the ruler of England in 1600?

    2. What caused huge loss of revenue in Bengal?

    3. Why did company want a puppet ruler?

    4. What was the main reason for the defeat of sirajuddaulah at plassey?

    5. Why did battle of Plassey become famous?

    6. What happened in the Battle of Seringapatam? 7. Name the Kingdoms which were annexed on the basis of Doctrine of Lapse. 8. What was musket?

    9. What is the meaning of Subsidiary Alliance? 10. What are the presidencies? Name any three.


    1. Write a note on Tipu Sultan –the “Tiger of Mysore”?

    2. What were the grievances of the company regarding the nawabs of Bengal?

    3. Give a brief description of all the three Anglo-Maratha wars. Also write the main


    4. What attracted European trading companies to India? 5. Explain the system of subsidiary alliance. 6. Who were called Nawabs?

    7. Describe the change that occurred in the composition of the company’s army. 8. What attracted European trading companies in India? 9. Why were the British furious with Tipu sultan?


    1. How did the assumption of Diwani benefit the East India Company? 2. How did the Company purchase Indian goods? 3. What is the effect of the Battle of Plassey?

    4. Who introduce the policy of Paramountcy? What did it mean?

  • CLASS 8





    1. Why were Bengal artisans deserting village.

    2. What problems did Zamindars face under the permanent settlement?

    3. What role did women play in the cultivation of indigo?

    4. Who were the lathiyais?

    5. What is Indigo? 6. Who introduced the permanent settlement in India? 7. What did the Nij Cultivation require? 8. Who was William Morris? 9. What was the mahalwari settlement? 10. What do you mean by Ryoti System? 11. Define Presidencies. 12. What was the main reason for the success of the British in India?


    1. How did the Bengal economy fall into a deep crisis?

    2. What were the consequences of the economic crisis that gripped Bengal?

    3. Give a brief description of the mahalwari system?

    4. Describe the main features of the permanent settlement. 5. Give two problems which arose with the new Munro system of fixing revenue. 6. What were the suggestions of the Indigo Commission?


    1. What were the circumstances which led to the eventual collapse of indigo production in


    2. What were the circumstances which led to the eventual collapse of indigo production


    3. How was the Mahalwari system different from the permanent settlement?

    4. Why were ryots reluctant to grow Indigo?


    Fill in the blanks

    1. Any part of the computer you can touch and feel is____________________.

    2. The main part of the computer that is used to process data is called_____________________.

    3. This device holds data and instruction for future use______________________.

    4. The main job of the computers is to process


    5. A collection of unorganised facts,figures and satistics related to an


    6. _________________keyboard includes features as alternative key layout and palm rest.

    7. The specific piece of information in a table is known as__________________________.

    8. A row in a table is called_______________________.

    9. The data type that is used for detailed an descriptive fields.

    10.The character limit in Memo data type is__________________________

    11.A database consist of____________________,organized in ______________and


    12.Columns can be used to hold _________________in a table.

    Write ‘T’ for true and ’F’ for false statements.

    1. The main part of the computer that is used to process data is called CPU

    2. A person who communicates with a computer or uses the information it generates is called


    3. A collection of unorganized facts is called storage

    4. The piece of information in a table is known as record.

  • 5. The key that you press to move from upper pane to lower pane is F1

    Answer the following questions

    Q.1Write any five characteristics of a computer.

    Q.2Explain hardware and humanware.

    Q.3What points will you keep in mind for taking care of yourself,while using a computer?

    Answer the following questions

    Q.1Define:Record,Field and Value

    Q.2Name and explain the different field properties of a database.

    Q.3Define primary key.Why do we need a Primary key?


    Answer the following questions

    1. Write any five characteristics of computers.









    2. What are the benefits of using a computer









    3. Explain hardware and human ware









    4. Why should you take care of your computer?







  • ………………………………………………………………………………………………


    5. How will you take care of your self while working on a computer









    6. What is Ergonomics.









    Fill in the blanks

    1. ……………………. Is a electronic machine, that works under the instructions given by


    2. …………………. Is a collection of unorganized facts and figures.

    3. The main job of computer is to process ………………….to …………………………..

    4. …………………………… keyboard include features such as alternative key layout and

    palm rest.

    5. …………………………. Is a rapidtly stress injury

    One word answers:

    1. What is the collection of facts, figures and statistics related to an object



  • 2. This devise hold data and information for future use.



    3. What is any part of computer that you can touch and feel is called ?



    4. What is a person who communicates with a computer and uses it called ?



    5. Which sub part of computer processes the data into information ?

