Download - ARMY BETA TEST 3 MINUTES!. VIDEO Discussion How do we learn what is “normal”? What part does our family play? Our Peers? What is the role of the.





Discussion How do we learn what is

“normal”? What part does our family play? Our Peers? What is the role of the media?

In Tyler’s society what do they do with a difference? Where do you think people in that society got their ideas about difference?

To what social inequalities might this episode refer? How would you adapt it for todays world? What changes would you make in the story?

• Eugenics: social movement claiming to improve the genetic features of human populations through

selective breeding and sterilization, based on the idea that it is possible to distinguish between

superior and inferior elements of society


Progressives believed assimilation would turn immigrants into loyal and moral citizens

The results were well-intentioned, but were often insensitive efforts to change immigrants

Progressives taught English to immigrants and advised them to replace their customs with middle-class practices and Protestant values

Settlement houses and other civic groups played a big role in Americanization

Do Now: Page 565 answer both “Compare” questions

Split Over How to End Racial Discrimination:

Booker T. Washington urged a patient, gradual effort based on earning equality through training and work in the skilled trades

W.E.B. Du Bois helped start the NAACP

demanded that African Americans receive all constitutional rights immediately

The Struggle Against Discrimination

Chapter 17 Section 3


Analyze Progressives’ attitudes towards minority rights.

Explain why African Americans organized.

Examine the strategies used by members of other minority groups to defend their rights.

Progressives’ View on Minorities:

Progressives were mainly white, middle class Protestants who envisioned a model America based on Protestant ethics

Concerned with the poor but most progressives ignored the issue of prejudice

Often were hostile to minority or immigrant cultures

Ray Stannard Baker

muckraker, one of the first to examine America’s racial divide

wrote Following the Color Line, describing a lynching in Springfield, Ohio By 1918 more than 3,000 African Americans were recorded as having been lynched

Lynchings: “The Negro prayed and shrieked in agony as the flames reached his flesh,” reported a local newspaper, “but his cries were drowned out by yells and jeers of the mob.” As Simmons began to lose consciousness the mob fired at the body, cutting it to pieces. “The mobsters made no attempt to conceal their identity,” remarked the Democrat, “but there were no prosecutions”

Purchased in Oklahoma

Niagara Movement: led by W.E.B. Du Bois,

William Monroe Trotter, and other leading African American thinkers who would rejected the gradual approach

believed African Americans should learn how to think for themselves through study

concerned that black men all over the South could not vote

movement never grew than more than a few hundred, needed more power

African Americans Unite

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was created after Progressives met to discuss the lynching of 2 African American men in Springfield, Illinois

NAACP demanded voting and civil rights for African Americans Aimed to help African Americans

become “physically free from peonage, mentally free from ignorance, politically free from disfranchisement, and socially free from insult

NAACP (Continued)

Supporters: Tactics used:

• Jane Addams

• Ray Stannard Baker

• Florence Kelley

• Ida B. Wells

• Used newspapers to publicize the horrors or race riots and lynchings

• Used the courts to challenge unfair housing laws

• Promoted professional careers for African Americans

(National) Urban League:

formed in 1911 helped African Americans from the South

adjust to urban life in the North helped the poor find jobs, housing, clothing,

and schools for their children

Other Ethnic Groups Unite…

Jewish = B’ Nai B’ rith (1843): Created to provide religious education and support Anti-Defamation League (1913): Formed to defend Jewish people and others against physical and verbal attacks, false statements, and to “secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.” Mexican Americans = Mutualistas provided

legal assistance and insurance Native Americans = Society of American

Indians (1911) created to help American Indians fight problems such as their land being taken away

Racial Prejudices

Racial theories were used to justify laws that kept blacks from voting: Plessy v. Ferguson

(1896) separate but equal. Decision caused more discrimination in the North as well as in the South.

By 1910, segregation was the norm nationwide.

After 1914, federal offices segregated because of policies approved by Progressive President Woodrow Wilson.

Many Progressives supported racial prejudices.