Download - ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

Page 1: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,


Page 2: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,




Page 3: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,


lfc , '''-··. '<:) • (p' I LJL,-'-'YY\./() \ ~ ~ j Present Add1ess

Buth AP.po1n ed W1thd1a\v1l Death ! IO



Wife 01 Husband k.i.A- (,\.. -J_~ I It~· '60,

_Conference R1?!at101~s , ut.~o:~


P~ toYl'oo ~A.TEHTfD lo!AY 1&, 18V7

1.IDAAAY BUREAU 003313 '

Page 4: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,




150 FIFTH AVENUE. A. B. ],F.O:S,\Rn, f $, 1.. llAl.ll\VI~. [l,•c•11nlill(I ,"W_•r1·elar11. A. J. PAl.?alfo~n. CtlJ'rl!."1, .SceR., UOlll-".R .E,\1'0~. '/'J"1'tl"Uh'1',

\\". T. ~MITU, F.. U. ~MITH, J•:1lit111 ·• Om·11rl ill All Lnrul.:."



The Secretaries desire to secure, at the earliest possilile date. a complete record of tlw following

items concerning each missionary in the employ of the Missionary Society.

These data will be preserved in sllch form that they will be of g-reat practical benefit in the futllre

work of Committees and Board. \Viii you fill o\lt these blanks for yo\lrself and family and rC'turn to this office promptly i

Y o\lrs sincerely,


(Please answer these qllestions AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE with the data at hand.)

Oate of answer

Full name of missionary :1nd date ol birth

Ag(' when appo111ll'd


ioro Fields of labor :111d d:1tes (month :111d w:1r)

Bishop :1pp01111111!!

Present residence

Employment :1t tlw present time (J~ vy C!..n.-..<U/j-~ ~ 1

/7~ ,).; ~ //,(Jt-'

~f4eL~ '/)~~~(Sf~) .~ ~DA, ~~ go. fh~ ~-,


Page 5: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

Date of marriage. . ~ ~· I/ I r r J . . . . .. .

Wife's full name. Jc-t_q_ .. A .. ~J~· .AYPlA ........................... . . ... . .. . ... .. .. . . ..... ..

Date of wife's birth

Children's full names and date of birth respectively . . ~~I 1Yoi1-

. ..... ...•... ... ..... . .... ......... .. .. .. . ....


Names of persons returning, dates, and reasons of return (if more than one return state these particulars in each case)

;1fu Jk 11- /C.;r/ ~ . ~ IJ. ~ .. ( ~ ,/J,~;

l/Jf.i~~/ ~(7 !2.J l~f.Y-.~ .a::....~~ (

rr-'~ f AMA. ~ ~ti.. Dates of leaving to return to the field, and names of persons returning ....... ef/ .. . '/1 ~...L<!:° ~ .. I tr. (Y, . ... . ....... .

~/,,_._A rt.:~. M¥S,~~ A.T~7 .. ... ~.~ ~.·<~--:-}~/.

Name :md address of represent:1tive in the United States in family matters

w~~~ ~<Y,

Code name

Page 6: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,


Salary, past and present . ..... /."a 'i" 'ir-jz F'- -fl r-0,.1

.. / !. ,yl;IJ.?.o ~--_ I r!)ft'r 1. ~ - - I' i-.?/ .1. .z...o 1

/'rjJ-./~:J~- 1i-9Jf"1-'l 1-- /'d'7t1"it~ fJ'cJ- ~d ,. 7~-6--~~r..-.. ~ ~~ ,.,..:._ .u '.s .... ~ ~ -f /~-:r1s·!Ydo, . rlf"f6 ~~?'d"ll: it... s4 wUt Iv-,,__, - at....:.e...._ ~, ~ K:;. ~ ..... ~ ·~ .._,, >-··;~, ~ Received this year for children .( !J~ ~ ~~ ·-.... ". ~.

1' .".'.~ ..... ~ '1'_ ~-..,

~,----r' ,1,.,,~·· /A..../ ~~ ~.._,C-.v ~xe-~

. .. ... . . ~ ~ ~ r. ~ ~t;'f?..;5~2::'J. Special aid asked, dates and amounts .. ~ ~ ~ ~. tf ~ c;_.~f'. 'lro. ~u.. ... ~ ~.~ .~ ~.~ .y J,.~ .-f'.~I ~.~ a-..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c/ {l ?~-

Aid granted, dates and amounts .~-'· ... T·':-:-"'::.'-::-:..J . .. A,.,::,..{. : ~ ........ /. /[ Z. d/ 0-- ..,,,._,,.,r--af;:,

~-..................... ········· .....

Outgoing expenses each time

Home-coming expenses each time .... . ..... "......... . ..

. .... . . . . .......... .

Home salary, for self and family /Y'~~ ~ ~ A~ d~~·~

~ tl /ll

Name and address of representative in United States in business matters z. A. r ~I

Code name

------------ -----· ·-----

Page 7: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

Tlie Rev. Goodsil F. Arms South American Educator and


Th" Re,·. Gooclsil Filley Arms died at Tar­pon Hprmgs, Fla., December 9, after a long ilhl<'''· lie was burn in Sulton, Canada, .lamm1·y 22, 1854, and educated at Montpelier l'P111inary and Wesleyan University CB.A., 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North­fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus­to1'ates, he went to South America under the T"111>1t Building Fund started by Wil­liam Ta,\'lor. For many years he was a leader of l\kthodist ec!tll'ational work in Chile, pas­tor, di>trict superintendent and president of l'Oll<'<'P<"IOll College for Gn·Js, where he and l\Jr,. Arn" hacl abundant success for twcnty­illl'c<' ·''''"'· He was the builder of l\Icthod-1sn1 in ~oulhrru Chilf'. 1'hl' \\'Ork "·as takc•n o\ Pl" h~· th<' T~o:1rd of Forri~n ~Ii~<:ions, nncl illr. :\1111• •f'l'\'c<l :t~ t1-.·a<urer of Chile l\J1,­Hun (1!101·10. Lntrr he was United Stair" \on-ul.1r .\gPuf nt Coquimbo, and pastor, :rn•l >1111 l.1trr w;i< pa•lor at Santiago and presi­d1111 of thr l"nion :>eminary. Since 1927 he Im· Jn ,.,J in Florirla, where l\lrs. Arms (a no­table worker in lier own right) died in 1931. ll•· i• >1tl'd\'r1I by hi5 daughter, l\Irs. J. S. \'alrnzucb, of Tarpon Springs, and four. grancfrhildrm, aJ,o his brother, Theron, and 1\\'0 si-ter;, i\lr<. Juha A. Currier and l\lrs. llc·tmionr A. C'h:ippd. He \\Tote many ar-1i<·lcs and pamphlets, ancl The History of the ll'il/inm Tny/m· Self-Supporting Missions. Jn mos hr wa< n member of the General Con­frn'n <'r. C. , O.. , \ ')__- ")... ,__ ~ )_

- ' • •I • • •'

December 21



developed to such an extent that it could no longer be carried on the Transit and Building Fund and was therefore in· corporatcd, in 1897, under the Board of Foreign Missions of the l\lethodist Epis­copal Church. ::\Ir. Arms was a delegate to the General Conference at Baltimore

in 1908. During the years 1915 and 1916, i\lr.

and l\I rs. Arms came to the United States on furlough. Upon their return to Chile they established themselves in the North· em District, where J\!r. Arms served as pastor and consular agent for the United States in the port of Coquinbo. In 1921 he was appointed district superintendent of the Northern District, and two years later was called back to central Chile to become pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Santiago, president of the t.:nion Seminary, and treasurer and assistant treasurer of the ::\li,sion.

In 1926, having reached the age of re· tirement, he planned to return •o the l"nit<'<l States. but was persuaded to re­main another year on the field. In 1927. however, he <lid return and establi>hecl his home at Tarpon Springs.

1\111011g- :\Ir. 1\r111s·~ pnhlication" niay bt mentioned pamphlets 011 bapti>m, Sah· bath observance, and other subjects. and a book on the history of the \\"1lliam Taylor Self-Supporting ::\Ji;sions m

South America. ::\Jrs. Arms <lied in October. 1931. ::\Ir.

Arms is suf\'i\'ed h\' his daughter, ::\lro. J S. Valenzuela; l\;'O sisters, ::\!rs. Julia A. Currier am! ::\h·,, llermionc• .\. Chap· pel; a brother, Theron \\'. Arms, arnl four grandchildren. Funeral ;er\'ice< were held on Dec. 10. Burial was at

Northfield, Vt.

,, ..... \.-•1l1cr tne1nD<'r~ 01 .ne ". 'l Conference, news of the death of Rev. Good>il F. Arms on Dec. 9 at his home in Tarpon Springs. Fla., has brought a distinct sense of loss. Meth­odism at large, also. will come to realize in a ne\\' \\'ay the signi ficancc and value of the contribution made by l\lr. Arms to its ioreign n1issionary \\'Ork.

Born Jan. 22, 185-l, at Sutton, Canada, ::\! r. Arms was graduated from ;\Jon!· pelier Seminary in the class of 1876 and from v\'esleyan University in 1880. He received his master of arts degree from \\' e,Jeyan three years later. Entering the \"crmont Conference in 1880, he held pastorates at St. Albans Bay, \Villiams­y1lle and East Dover, \Vilmington. and :\'ewpo11. In 1883, he was married to Ida Almira Taggard at Northfield, Vt. :\ <laughter, Olfre Demaris-their only cluld-was born in 1885.

::\Ir. Arms felt the call to missionary work and in 1888 he and his wife went to South America under the Transit and Building Fund, which grew out of the \\"illiam Taylor Self-Supporting l\lis­sions. They were assigned to take charge of a boy; hoarding-school in Concepcion, Chile. That same year ::\Ir. Arms or­ganized the l\lcthodist Church for Eng­lish-speaking people. The work of the school prospered greatly and it was neces­"ary f1om time to time to make additions to the buikhng. In 1892 :\Ir. Anus was proffered the presidency of the l\lethodist gi1 b' "choul at Concepcion, and accepted the• adcl<'cl re>pon,,ibility because he saw that it would he necessary to reorganize the school under different leadership in orclcr to sm·e it from bankruptcy and fail­ure. Frum the first, his work in C:on­n·pdon Colleg<' for Girb that year was a great ~ucce~s. 1'hc fnllo,\'ing y('ar ::\Jr,. ,\nns "''" made direc1or and ::\Ir. . \ 11ns bu::.incss tnanager of Concepcio11 Cullegc. "Jwre they lahorc<I fur twenty· t hr el' years.

'fhl' :-.uct•e.;..:. of the 1ui~,ion ~chools

n1·tdt• po..::-;ihle the hC'ginnin~ of an e\'an­

~,·lic.11 \\ork In IX'>3 the Suuth Amcr­i<..'a t"nnftrt·1tc.:e ,,,\.., org-anizc<l and ).Jr. . \ 1 ni- wa- named p.i>tor of the Concep­"'"" Spani-h Chnrch. The go-pd >preacl .,, 1 apidly 1hrnugh southern Chile that \'ery ... oon there \\'ere sixteen churches in the Sunthern Di,trict, °'er which he "a;. appoinkd 'upcrinten<lcnt. Hi> own p.1 ... toratc..•:-- \\c..•1c..• tho ... e of Concepcion an<l 'J akahuano.

By this time the mi;.!don work had

-Hcv. and i\lrs. G. F. Arms:"~vho ha\'C been mi>sionaries of the ::\lcthodist Epis­copal Church in South America for th·~

past thirty-nine years, ha\'C returned to the L"nited States on furlough and expect to retire from acti,·e service at the end of their furlough period. l\lr. Arms dur­ing his years of sen·ice in Chile was frequently required to fill two or more 1ni:;sionary p05ls at a tin1e, O\ving to the smallness of the missionary staff. Thus he "as a pastor for thirty years, a district superintendent for ten years, Jll'e>ident of the Colegio Americano for '"'en years, president of Concepcion Col· 1<'.~e for t\\·enty-four y<'al'..,, trc:tc:..urcr of the Chile J\Ji,sion for nine years. ,1

teacher in the L"nion Bible Seminary in Santiago for four years, and president oi the same seminary for two years. ::\Ir< Arms. who was )Jiss Ida A. Taggard of Kewport. \"t.. has been an efficient co· labo~er with her husbancl during all the"~ years oi n11~:-.1onary n11111::..try. :\C'C"Olll· panying ::\Ir. and ::\!rs. Arms to the Unit· ed States were their rnn-in-law an<l daughter. Hev. and ::\!rs. J. Samuel Val· enzuela. with their four children. )Ir. and ::\!rs. Valenzuela will remain in this country for <ome time while their chil­dren arc in school.

Page 8: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

Your First Christmas Gift "THE first Christmas Gifi ernr be-

stowed was given to you. In the little town of Bethlehem, the Fpirit that was embodied in tho wel' Babe of the manger mis the spirit of divine Jove, life. faith, understundmg-the wondrous Clu·i'l Spirit-God"s free giit lo you.

"Con;.ider tho eonslan<"y of blo,sing thnl ha~ c·ornf' to \"011. und r\rr ''ill t.0111•·.

through God·; J?ift. You alo1w t·nn lc·l1 11hal Clu·i,t ha< meant to ~·on. Yon :done· ran C'n11n1C'ral.c the blp.::::;;.1ng.:: 1hal ha\C' been ndtkcl to yom· hie tlnon~h Iii­power. \-ou, and yon alon• , <·:in adr­quatol,v gi' c• lhanb lo Gc>cl for Jlis nn­spenkahlr gift to ) 011. 'fhf" 111a,iorily ol prr:-ons 31Y' qutle t•on"cicnl inti" :1hottl r\­prr.::::sing th:lnk.., lo fl'i1·nd:-:- for ('lni .. 1111·i-.

giit:-:: rf'cPi\'C'11. :\1·r tht:\' 1·qt1a1I~· l'On ... 1·i­;.nlions :thOH( thanking (:ud fol' lli:- !,!Ill"'

''It \\'Ould pro\ 1· a 1110 .. 1 j11y1HI:-. and ui·­liil ing rxp('rit~nrt', a J!OOtl prrp:1 ra I ton for Chri:'-t1n:i~. ii \U\l 1n~1df' :l Ji .. t oi th, l?Jif ... :ind blC'::sin:::~ ·th:lt hJ.\ r- ron1r to you h1 -f':Hl~t" of ('h11:-l1ua..:. J:nter ;.i~.iin info 1h, jo:r oi thr-:ol· bJf' ...... 111;.r..: :1nd, 1n your 0:\11

rxprl'~::ion of thought :ind \\'Orel, f!l\ 1·

thanks ior th~m. f'omr of the gifts m.1y be tangible; hook~ that ~·ou still l'l'a<l; household apphancrs 1 hat ~·on lru1urn ll) use: n1us-ir:il in-.trnn1c-nts; nrtirlf':o; uf rlothing; the car thut 11hc·, ~·ou so nm..J1 pleasure. Other µift• ha\·c pr1hap' long :-ince bPrn ,\·orn uut, or dhpo~rd of, lint the spirit of IO\c, thr oxpro,,ion of joy and good will that arrompHnit'd them is .. . . ..

Great l\1issionary Leader I • " ~ "'"""''''"-'·. J.

than even the loveliest idyl in the world.·· · This which makes it possible-no, im­perative, if they are to truly live-for the gaunt ranks of the Disinherited today to turn their desolate, weary eyes from their own misery to the Son of Man.

In Him truly they can find salvation, rest from all their travail. Not merely because angels heralded His birth, and a new star rose in the east, but because, in His faith and courage for mankind, He went down into the Garden of Geth­semane, and tasted the very bitterness of death, crucified because He brought men the gift of Liie, teaching them to have it more abundantly. Crucified by the powers of hate and greed because He stirred up the people.

Thus not alone because it is so lyrically beautiful, but because it is instinct \\"Ith truth an<l fortitude and courage, the mc,;­~agc of Christn1as rings out today O\'er the din and discord of our machines, .1

deep and urgent challenge. Challenge to each man and child and

\\'Oman to rise to the le,·cl of the true>t, most creati\'c Im·e they know-for noth­ing les> \\'ill sa\'c our world-writing the joyous lo\'c they feel on Chri,tmas 1norn­ing deep upon the tablets of lht•ir hearts ior all the days to come. Engradng It

upon the tablets oi our la\\'S, until not only this land oi ours, but all the king­doms of the world. shall become the king­dom:; of our Lord and of His Christ.

WALKI!\G there in the forest as the dark came down. I seemed to hear

aboYe the soughing of the wind in bleak, leafless branches, a crying far more aw­ful than the crying of the lonely night. There \\'as nothing really awful in that; to calm nerves eYcn its wild loneliness

il!iss Ella H. Aull, sister of l\Irs. 1,,harles Bayard ?II itchell, wife of Bishop Mitchell. died in Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 9. She formerly !h·ed in Pittsburgh but in 1916 mm·ed to Pasadena to be near her three sisters, l\lrs. Sutliff. ?IIrs. l\Iitchcll, and Miss :\lary Aull, who died a year ago. She is sun·i,·ed by her two sisters and a brother. Charles A. Aull, \\'ho liYes in St. Paul, Minn.

-Professor Francis B. Sayre, direc­tor of the Harvard Institute of Criminal La\V, \vas no1ninatcd last ,,·eek by Gov­ernor Joseph B. Ely to succeed Dr. A. vVarren Stearns as commissioner of cor­rection for the state of :\lassachusetts. Dr. Stearns, whose term has run out, did not seek reappointment. Professor Sayre, who is a son-in-law of former President Woodrow \\"ilson, has indicated that he will accept the post, if his nomination is approved by the Governor's Council, but will continue his duties as head of the Institute of Criminal Law, which has been engaged since its foundation in 1929 in research in various fields opened up by the modern study of criminology.

-l\lrs. :\lary ]\[.Robinson of 115 \Vest Elm Avenue. \Vollaston, was ninety-two years old on Dec. 13. She is the widow ef Rev. James Robinson of the New York East Conference. l\Irs. Robinson reads Z10N's HERALU eYery week and enjoys it. Some ,·en;es from her pen, entitled "In Ewrything Gi,·e Thanks," were pub­lished in the HER.\Lll a few weeks ago.

-Dr. John R l\lott is planning to visit Palestine at Easter and is announced as one of the speakers with Lord Allenby in the dedication of the new Young ?llen'<; Christian Association building in Jerusa· !em on April 18.

-:\!more \'annah of Danariscotta Mills. :\le., died l\vv. 30, aitcr an opera­tion in the lot·al ho,;pital. He was a de· voted rt•adcr ui Ziox's HrnALn. which had b<'Cn connng to his home ,ince hi' 111arriag:e fn1 ty-one years ago. "I sa\\' him the Fritlay previous to his death," write> hi< pa-tor. :\lrs. ~lary S. Gibson. "and in the cour'-e of con,·ersation a::.ke1l if he had sufficient reading matter. 'Oh. yes,' he replied. 'I got Z1ox 's HERAt.n todav. '0 I'm :111 rig-ht.' :\< we discussed its ,;1erits he added, 'It was never better. I read every word of it.' :\!rs. Vannah, who is far from well at this time. ha<;

ot unu::.L .. n11!"5ton.L1) ~t"1, 1\.c 1v 1 .. 1u\.1 .. 1,

an engra\·ed set of re~o1utions '"as pre­sented to i\!r. and i\Jrs. Price, just prior to their departure, by four hundred mem­bers of churches throughout the district.

-Christian Endeavorers throughout the world will mourn the death of Hev. Francis E. Clark, D. D., the be­loved founder of Christian Endeavor, which occurred on Thursday of last week. Dr. Clark had not been well for some time and recently spent se\·eral weeks in Florida in search oi health. His que>t wa< un,ucce«ful, and he returned abou! a month ago to spend the last \\·eeks of hi< liic at hi< home in the Vernon Court «partment< in ::\cwton, where he hacl

ewr, as a supply.

-J{e\". William R. King. D. D .. at p1e"'nt one of the secretaries of the Board of :-\ational ;'\Jission,; of the Prc;,­hy1l'rian Church in the CniteJ States oi . \nll'rica. has been elected secretary oi the Home :\I issions Council to ;uececJ ){c\', C. E. Vermilya, recently rc~ig-ncd.

-:\cw England friends of Rev. F.

Page 9: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,



A. B. LF.ON'ARD. Car. Ste. H. K. CARROLLt li'0'3t Am<I. Cor. See. \V. !<,, 01.nHA)1, ..:l~<it. Src. G1-:on<H·: U. S\t\'Tll, .A~t. Ser.

s. L. BA1.nw1s. RecordiHO Suretaru. HOMJ.:n EATON, Tt·w:rto·tr. E. R Sl1ITll, Editor, "Gu.-t1Jrl iu .All l...nnds."




'1 ' DEAi~ 13ROTIIEI~: The Secretaries have constant need of the information asked for in this circular. It was sent to I>


all our foreign missionaries in 1896, an<l the replies are on file. But new missionaries go to the field, and

additional information is needed from those who kindly made response five years ago.

\Viii you fill out the blanks for yourself and family and return to this office promptly?

Yours sincerely, THE i\l!SSIONARV SECRETARIES.

(Please answer these questions AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE with the <lata at han<l.)

L Pim ood doto of 'raw<e . Ce~,,__;,__, ...... ~ £. /,.., . . 2. Full name of missionary and date of birth .... ~ ... 'A ......... ~.,,. ........ ~ ... .y:.~, .... .f?.~ / 8-"~f'

~ 4-, T 7/-"d .. ~ .............. ~ ............... ~ .... !:/.r ....... ! ... r.!.-r, 3. Nationality , ~ ,....:.... (!...' ,.ek._, /Y_~ ~;.._,_ f U:::- /t: S.4. 1 /1-'V.4, ~,,

.~ .......... v~ r·· 4. D:ite of appointment to our work ~ ......... !. .. G.7 ............ . /.t' rr...~. · ................................... ·· 5. Bishop appointing .. ...... ~ ........ J:: .. ~4.i.......... ........ .......... .. ....... .. ....... . 6. Date of departure from home to engage in our work .

-~ .1/1. ...... !. ... §:.t.Y. ... . ................................... ·····-

7. Date of arrival on the mission field ..!, / ,

8. Has service under this Society been continuous since your first appointment? If not, when, why, anJ how long 'vvas

it interrupted? ,

?t.::;::._.. ,.~ ~4,. ~ 7 ~4;, /.. ~ d~ . .A ... !..bJ~.f

.~ .... ~. r,,-i;--<-1. ~ ...... ~4:?.·-·?----~ ..... !1:::~-- .. ·~··' -~ ~~/~/ ~-~

1 :rt~ t:;;- ~' ~-1/ ~ _,4,.,_,__,,~ ...... .!.~Yt - ( r f 2..

~~~ ~.~ ~ ....... !_}:f._.z. - /fC/-- /?-~<. ~ Jf.-u-1L7 'f!..-u---~ / rY Y" - / 'Jj 7', ;?..__.,.~ ¥ . ...:r~ e_L............-.<; I) .. 9 1 · - /;l~. J ~-I vLt

10. Pres~rit residence:=-1. .. ..... ~ .... ~.d..~ ... /...i.:::,f.. .. 6. ... =. .... /.}':..?!/. - .......

e-4~ /

9. Fields of labor and dates (month and year)

Page 10: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

1 1. Employment at the prrsent time

14. Date of wife's birth

15. Children's full namrs and date of birth respectively (and d<lte of death, if any h:1ve died)

~.&~,~ ... ~. _::!__ I I


16. Names of prrsons returning, dates, :111d reasons of return (if more than one rc:turn state thrse particul:trs in e.1ch case)

~· . .._

~ J, /(rJ'-y, ~ff-/.·~ ~I~ ~ f-.n.. ~ .~ :/41'-<-4,A.~ .. -:-{;z. t>-{_~ 7 /J.~~~

17. Dates of !raving to return to the t1dd, and names of pe1sons returning .......... .. ~:·:'--~ f / I Jr)' '7

A~/ / / /

18. N:1me and address of person who is your representative in the United States in family matters ___ ··-··-··-··-.. -·-----·-·

19. Code name to indicate said representatiYe in cable messages

Page 11: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,



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Page 15: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

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Page 16: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

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Page 17: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,




67 EAST STATE STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT., .. Del!leniber 14.~ .. 1932.

•"Y dear Doctor Joy:--

Berwith please find brief sketch of the Rev. G. F., one of tne most d1stinsu1s:1eci a.1ci ·seful missionaries of our church in tio. !u:,erica. I was an olci chum and a ~ife long friend, so have the facts at i.J~' dispoal, a.1d t!mssen<l the:::. on to you.

~;ost sincere'y y• rs,

Page 18: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

After a brief illness at hes ho:.e at Tarpon Springs. florida the Rev. Goodsil F. Arc1s, B.A. pasl:led to 'a rich reward eanned by a half century of work in his :.:aster's service. A ::radu1:1.te of ;,.i:.,ntpelier se ... iuar~' a.nd Wesleyan !Jn: vers. ty he united wit the "icri1ont C'c n!'P-re .ca in 188r, served fo'fr 1•arishes in that Con~·erence, • and then sai 1 ed for Sou th A .. 1erica \Y.1ere he s;:e.1t !l'larly forty years of highly suc-cessful wori< in our Conference in Chilo. lie rapidly rose .. n ran,:a.,d was wade the

Pres .. deat of a colleee, the Treasurer of the ronferer.ce, a member of the '.:en­eral Confereace, a,;d and was giuen every honor at the disposal of his brethren. '11s flamine; evan:-;elistic zeal while a Presiding Elder led to the conversion of most of the me .... bers of t:1e present Chilean C:on·erence. In his early uinistry iu Vt. he .. 1arried Miss Ida A. Tagp;ard of .Northfield. Vt. who lj...ved v1ith his as a co­\•1oric ,r of far more than ordinary ability until Oct. 29, l93t, when she passed sud­denly to her rest the next day f>ilowi-ie a lo::g and happy visit w.t'• her husband to the~r ,,,ally fr.Le .. us Ll Vermonlli. Dut little more tha.1 a year later .. r. Arms followed hnr to the spirit world, a..d their bodies now lie bur~ side by side i!1 Horthf ie ld, 'ieri"'·:it. They 1 eave one daughter, 01 i ve, n0w l :rs Sameu 1 Valenr~uela of Kansas, wh•', w~ ti his sist"lr cared f'1r him in his last 11 lne s. - · Arws v1as the au th' r cf tiie 11 7/i 11 iam Taylor Se-If Supporting )' i .. issi~ns in South An1er:ca" ill blished by our IiocKL roncern, ar.d was a freq ·ent ccntr1butor to the de:1: ... i:1atic .. 1a ~ :-ress. :·urt1er, '1e represer.ted the Umoted States as a crousul for a prtio. "f t e ti:ne 1·1"e: in So. Aluerica.

Page 19: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

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Page 20: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

his r:itize:1ship ho.s e.lv1ays bean in the Uni tctl :::·t£1.t0a. From his hor.:io

ca in 18'76.

i!esleye.:n Uni vorsi ty. ln that sar~e year., 1880 0 ho ~~s admi~ted on

' . 1 . 1i!'18. lTI -Jio 'f( r·yon' ti 4'<;;J ·• : , ,:H l.1

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·;,i th l:is vdfe, f'orDorly :·iss Icte.

as c missions!';;' of the i;'i0thoclis'l1 Episcopal Chnrch.

::~.:.cs ion i:n C o:ncepcio:n.

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Page 21: ARMS, GOODSIL F. - · 'SO). He married Ida E. Taggart of North fi"ld, Vt. After sc,·cn years m Vermont pus to1'ates,

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available upon request. For more information

please [email protected]