Download - Architectural portfolio

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This portfolio is a precis of my work while attending at the University of Technology, programme Architecture (Brno, Czech Republic) between 2007 and 2011. As well as my architectural work, I included some of my works (photographs and sketches) that draw inspiration from my school work and illustrate my free-time activities. All these projects represent my understanding of cultural perception, the design of forms and structures, and judgments in the urban scale of development. The projects inside demonstrate my creativity, modelling skills and my digital capabilities.

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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Jana Martochová Address: Pod Hradem 144, Starý Jicin 742 31, Czech RepublicE-mail: [email protected] number: +420 739 628 449

1996 - 2007 School of arts – the plastic art

2003 - 2007 Secondary school in Nový Jičín

From 2007 Faculty of civil engineering – program Architecture

summer 2010 work for the architect building from wood

august 2009 - may 2011 translator of English - freelancer

from June 2010 teacher of English - freelancer

January 2011 - June 2011 work in architecture studio Formica - Zlín

from August 2011 work for kamil mrva architects

Driving licence (B)

PC operation system (Windows)

graphic (Adobe Photosho, Illustrator, InDesign)

Microsoft (MS Word, MS Excell, MS PowerPoint)

Design (Rhinoceros, SketchUp, Maxwell, Autocad)


From 1997 English – advanced

From 2003 French – pre- intermediate

Swimming, hiking, climbing, travelling, nature, architecture, photography,






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workmultifunctional building

The project was designed in 2008. The building is situated in Brno in the part of the city that is known for its inhabitats – the Gypsies. This area is characterized for its diversity and multiplicity by people who live there and due to the building-up area over. The building was designed as multifunctional and we can find the 6 flats for living, coffee-bar and three commercial rooms there.

The conceptThe main inspiration for my project was that diversity of the area. That’s why I wanted to create a space, that would integrate. It is almost impossible to “put together” Gypsies and other people living there. I just wanted to offer with my design space where these people might meet, the space that will challenge to meet mainly because of the spatial arrangement.

The architectural solutionMultifunctional part of the building is designed to be very simple, to act steadily – we might say these part represent peace, order and friendship. The other part of the building is its opposite. The pointed northern and southern facade acts unsteadily and dynamicly. It represents disorder, stir and hate. The building as a whole is integrated by neutral glass staircase.

unity balance

unity balance

2 different formsconflict

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1. NP

2. - 4.NP

5. NP

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The main task was to invent detail of connection od the hanging window on the broken facade. The aim was to try find the sollution where the thickness of the window casing would be as much as possible thin.

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design of a coffee table

design of a chair



This is special coffee table made from the bentwood. Its special effect is it can be divided into two pieces or together.

This is the project of design of the chair. The chair is projected from plastic material. Because many people prefer to put their legs on the upstairs stool, I designed one under the chair and when it is needed, it can be pulled out.

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solar cooling plant

This was experimental project of designing solar cooling plant in the tropic. I have decided to situate this industrial building in Senegal in Africa. Senegal is the country with the state with the low development of society. There is about 175 – 200 W/m2 sunlight falls in this country. Senegal exports fishes, fruit, tomatoes and green vegetable and supplies the countries as France, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Algeria, China and Japan. The agriculture is good and forms a great part of the gross domestic product. I have chosen to locate solar cooling plant nearby the seaside city Cap Skiring. This locations is very advantageous from the point of view of the transport accessibility.

The architectural solutionThe main inspiration for my suggestion was the concept based on the centralization. The particular parts of the building come out from the only middle. there is also posibility to spread the structure of the cooling plant by imaginary rotation of particular forms. All three forms are different from each other by their proportions in height and flat. To feel more dynamic I have designed the solar panels on the roof of the building and all of them have varied inclination towards the south. The main experiment was trying to design building with respect to the local materials and the sustainability.

main entrance


entrance for trucks

cooling part

technical part


main flow

flow of employees

flow of visitors

flow of administration

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local architecture

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interior reconstructon of the sweet-shop

the sweet-shop is situated at the square of reneissance character and has a triangle shape. in the middle of the square there is a baroque public fountain and plaque column. Most of the first floors of the square is used for commercial needs including shops, services and restaurants. The square is under reconstruction and it is very pitoresque and that’s the reason why I have decided to use also outdoor for sitting in the sweet-shop. The building Jansky is protected by the institution for care of historical monuments and due to that fact there were almou no possibilities to chase outer character of the buildng. My proposal was to chase shop windows for whole glass Windows in all first stair and during the summer it can be opened and the view is seen as integration of the interior and the exterier.

The architectural solutionFirst of all I tried to make the sweet-shop more visible for its customers and open the inner space outsider. The final idea is inspirated by the nature – the trees. Most people just walk around every day, they are in ruch and can’t notice what is around them. Then these people are very stressed because they don’t enjoy each moment in their life. The nature is calm and slow and I wanted to interpretate slower perceiption of the time. For the outdoor sitting I have designed special kind of „umbrellas“ that work as shelters iluminating at the evening. The deeper meaning of that installation is to give impetus to realize what surround us and what the space around us consist of. To integrate interior and exterior, the “umbrellas” mingle into the inner space. The circular stair is very important component that cut throught the space in vertical direction. All the shapes I have designed and put to interior are curved because in the nature there everything curved.

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restoration of old town hall in Drnholec

Town hall in Drholec is a registrated national landmark. Our task was to reconstruct these building and find what would be the best to run there. My goal was to create a space, where people rest for a moment, sit there and would enjoy the surrounding. The main element is water level, whose effect is very positive for mental health of people and the other effect is that it reflects the building and increases its value. We can find the small wooden stages there that resemble shards. The shards are there to complete the image of the concept of reflection and it offers great attraction of children. The parking has been moved a bit futher from the square.

The architectural solutionBecause of the environment in which the town hall is located and because of its history, I have decided for slight interference by projecting my own architectural form. In the courtyard there is a new form, that expresses the motive of water. Water is used there as the element, that reflects the town hall – figuratively the history, which took place there. Water copy the shape of the path, that once led the way there. Next important fact is that water is the motive is very significant for village like Drnholec. The form designed in the courtyard expresses flowing water, that imaginary flows around the town hall.

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urban design - spatial structure of coalescent

Purpose of the study is project of mobile buildings associating together more functions. The mobile elements have one module, that recur and it is possible to compose them together. I would like to place it in the park areas and locations where people spend their free time in the city. I also designed the multimedia panel where people can participate their experiences of actions, tours and parties in the city. The final result would be the form that would be subsistent and independent from city’s utilities. There would be photovoltaic panels which extract energy for lightning and duty of the multimedia panel. The restroom will be line-up to a bio-wastewater treatment plant so water will be recycled. Drinking water will be regularly delivered by a stock car in the forms of portable water tanks. The car arrives, they take the empty tank away and change it for the full one. All building is covered by antiglare mirror foil which will reflex surround environment and enable to merge with the nature without any disruption.The estimated price would be 25 000 $CAD.



supply and recycling cell

drinking fountain

multimedia panel

bio-wastewater treatment plant

photovoltaic battery

tank of drinking water

drinking fountain


plan 1

plan 2



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roundabout design solutions

This concept of this project was to design the structure in the middle of roundabout. design was inspired by the place of roundabout, by the dire-ction which the cars ride. To ensure to get the comprehensive form, it was intersected. The pylon is situated on the Yellow hill, and at night the yel-low light shine. The round steel structures around the pylon symbolize the fast and dynamic movement of the cars the ride through roundabout.



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tower of kelcsky javornik

this tower is situated on the hill kelcskz javornik. that point is surrounded by beautiful forests. This place is powerful as a source of the pure and natural water and that was the inspiration for the for of the tower. The inner core symbolize the embracing hands that gather the water and the rest of the tower is used for ascent and gaining the information about the surround nature.




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desing of the house in stary jicin

this small house is designed in the pitoresque village in stary jicin. it is designed in the co-housing. tha main concept of this house was to create the building that is small and big enought. It means to create the space that is not for living but also for everyday working from home.



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interior design of bedroom

The client’s wish was to build bedroom for two boys who are very active and love sport and nature and games. boyz are 7 and 9 years. My suggestion is to split up the spare into few zones where different activities are made (sleeping zone, working zone, dresing zone and sport zone).

plan of the 1ST floor

plan of the upper space

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cooperaton: kamil

mrva a



this project was designed for the house in the centre of Olomouc. it is situated in vacant site. We had to respect the street limit of the front facade. The concept of this house is simple. It is created by two forms that overlap (cold concrete and warm plaster. Due to the limit of opening house to two sites, we have decided to get light into the centre of the house. There is the central atrium inside that create the great atmosfere.

desigh of house in vacant site

plan 1st FLOOR


plan 2nd FLOOR

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cooperaton: kamil

mrva a



this project was designed in the place between two cities - Koprivnice and Pribor. This part of village is very peaceful and nice. The attic is situated in the old farmhouse. On the first floor it is designed in old times design with the respect to the old woman who lived there and who was very important for her family. On the second floor = attic, there is the space for the 4-membered family who would like to have a space for living. The concept of this house was to create a great living space that would combine the element of old and new style together.

desigh of house in vacant site


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the art design of the entrance of tunel

this work included to design the art desing of the wall leading into the train tunel. My concept is based on movement of the train. I try to express the speed of the train that I percieve as the line. This line is interpeted by the light line leading into the tunel.



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art w


This is the project of designing the sculpture in the hall of our university in Brno. The task was to find inspiration in the nature. I have chosen the seaworld because the space we have to install our sculptures was like being under the water level for me. The result of my concept was inspiration by the school of fish. The main idea integrate the inner space with the opening in the roof and feel motion in that ordinary space. I was also fascinated by the perfect form of the school even in situation that are very dangerous.materialsThe sculpture is designed from the steel construction which forms the basic skelet of the work and there are small plastic balls that are black and shiny. The balls are getting larger by leading upward.

welcome in the undersea garden

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photography is very inspirational for me. It brings new horizons, perspectives, different view of lines, shapes and colours. I love it because it enable me to see what can be missed by the glimpse. Taking pictures force photographers to stop and look around. It is fantastic and I really appreciate that.

photography of architecture

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photography of nature

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