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Architect Louis Kahn

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Louis Isadore Kahn (1901~ 1974) was a world-renowned architect of Estonian Jewish origin, based in Philadelphia, United States. After working in various

capacities for several companies in Philadelphia, he founded his own atelier in 1935. While continuing his private practice, he served as a design critic and professor of architecture at several universities of USA. Influenced by ancient ruins, Kahn’s style tends to the monumental and monolithic; his heavy buildings don’t hide their weight, their materials, or

the way they are assembled.

路易斯·康( 1901-1974),爱沙尼亚犹太人移民,居住在美国费城,是世界著名建筑艺术家。他在费城多家公司工作后于 1935年设立自己的事务所。他是个对设计吹毛求疵的人,在开展私人业务同时,在美国多家大学任建筑教授。受到古代遗迹的影响,他的作风倾向于设计不朽的作品和用整块大料表现建筑物,他设计的豪放建筑不掩饰沉重外形、建筑材料及其堆砌。

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1935 – Jersey Homesteads Cooperative Development, Hightstown, New Jersey新泽西州海茨敦 泽西农房合作开发工程

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Jesse Oser House, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania (1940)宾夕凡尼亚伊尔金公园杰西·奥瑟别墅

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The Yale University Art Gallery's main building was built in 1953 and was among the very first designed by Louis Kahn, who taught architecture at Yale.耶鲁大学艺术馆主厅建于 1953年,是路易斯康早期建筑设计之一,那时他正在耶鲁建筑系任教。

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1957 Richards Medical


“No space you can devise can satisfy these requirements. I thought what they should have was a corner

for thought, in a word, a studio instead of slices of space.”


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The First Unitarian Church in Rochester, New York was designed by architect Louis Kahn in 1959 to replace the previous church designed in 1859 by architect Richard Upjohn, founder of the American Institute of Architects (AIA).位于纽约的罗切斯特第一季度教堂是路易斯康 1959 年的设计建筑作品,代替 1859 年建筑师理查德 ·厄普扬设计的教堂。厄普扬是美国建筑学院(AIA) 的奠基人。

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The Esherick House is located in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. It was designed by American architect Louis Kahn and completed in 1961.

伊舍里克别墅,位于美国宾夕凡尼亚州费城切斯纳特山, 1961年竣工。

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Salk Institute La Jolla CA, 1960加利福尼亚州拉霍亚 索克研究中心

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The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, (1959–1965), was to be a campus composed of three main clusters: meeting and conference areas, living quarters, and laboratories.

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Indian Institute of Management , 1974 印度管理学院

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The old campus was designed by Louis Kahn, who was an exponent of exposed-brick architecture. The most distinctive features of the plan are the numerous arches and sq

uare brick structures with circles carved out in the facade. (1962)


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Entrance to Ravi J Matthai Auditorium进入拉维马赛礼堂的大门

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Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban is the National Assembly Building of Bangladesh, located in the capital Dhaka. It was one of the largest legislative complexes in the world. It houses all parlia

mentary activities of Bangladesh. (1962~1974)位于首都达卡的孟加拉国家政府大厅,所有议会活动都在那里进行。

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Phillips Exeter Library, Exeter,NH (1967)新罕布什尔埃克塞特菲利普埃克塞特学院图书馆

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Phillips Exeter Library, top of entry stairs图书馆顶层楼梯口

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The building is organized around a 5-story atrium, providing the reading room with even, diffuse daylight all year round.


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The Kimbell Art Museum is situated in the Cultural District of Fort Worth, Texas, USA. (1967~1972)坎姆贝尔博物馆,位于美国德州沃斯堡文化区

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The Yale Center for British Art is an art museum in New Haven, Connecticut at Yale University which houses the most comprehensive collection of British Art

outside the United Kingdom. (1969~1974)


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Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park, Roosevelt Island, New York, (1972–1974), unbuilt纽约罗斯福总统四大民主纪念公园,未建

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Louis Kahn Memorial Park, 11th & Pine Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.滨州费城路易斯康纪念公园

In 1974, Louis Kahn died of a heart attack in a men's restroom in Pennsylvania Station in New York City. He had just returned from a work trip to India.1974 年路易斯康刚从印度回来,因心藏病突发死于纽约车站休息室内。

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Click to display “My Archietect- A son’s journey”

In 2003, Kahn's son Nathaniel Kahn and his mother, Harriet Pattison, released an Oscar-nominated biographical documentary about his father, titled My Architect: A Son's Journey, which gives glimpses of the architecture while focusing on talking to the peopl

e who knew him: family, friends, and colleagues.

点击这里观看路易斯康儿子发行的纪录片“我的建筑师 - 寻找父亲的旅程”。

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Edited by Pei Zhenquan