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Page 2: Archbishop Ilsley Catholic Technology College Prospectus

Christ achieved through endeavour. As Catholics, we endeavourto achieve, in the name of Christ, to help all to grow inunderstanding, faith, love, respect and knowledge about God,ourselves and others.

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WelcomeWelcome to Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School. Our community is founded on the Christian values expressed in the gospels:peace, truth, justice and love. These values underpin everything that we do within the school, binding us together as aChristian community. We consider each person as special and unique and we recognise and respond to their gifts, their needsand their aspirations. We care for all individuals, celebrating achievement and providing support.

The continuing success of our school is based on the positive partnership between parents and school. The activeinvolvement of parents in the life of the school brings a unique warmth and vitality to our community and we recognise thecrucial role which parents have to play in the education of their children. We believe that parents choose Archbishop IlsleyCatholic School because they share in our insistence on the highest standards of behaviour and self-discipline, ourexpectation that all students will work hard, show respect and courtesy for others and a pride in their appearance.

Our highly professional staff are dedicated to ensuring that every student fulfils their God given potential, committed to thepursuit of excellence in teaching and learning throughout the curriculum. Students are provided with appropriate workwhich challenges and extends them, in an environment which enables them to focus on their studies effectively.

The school’s enhanced facilities have helped us to develop dynamic and innovative activities and to offer a broad andbalanced curriculum designed to meet the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Our thriving Sixth Form greatlyenhances the character of the school. The high rate of students choosing to continue their studies with us is a testamentto the very positive student-teacher relationships which are established here.

All of our students enjoy a challenging and enriching curriculum to enable them to pursue further study and purposeful,fulfilling careers. I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mr G Alexander - Headteacher

Justus et Tenax Propositi

– Just and Firm of Purpose

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Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School supports parents in nurturing the faith of their children. We enable our students to growin the love of God, to deepen their understanding of creation, and to pray and celebrate the sacraments. We provideopportunities to explore values and beliefs, to recognise the rights of others and respect those who have different beliefs.We encourage questioning, reflection and growth in self-awareness and prepare students to think spiritually, ethically andtheologically to develop their awareness of the benefits and challenges of religious commitment in daily life.

The existence of our own chapel demonstrates the commitment Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School has in ensuring that allstudents have the opportunity to grow in their faith.

Assemblies are an integral part of school life where the community joins together to pray and celebrate publicly theindividual achievements of the students.

EthosThe Catholic Life of the School

Supportingparents innurturing thefaith of theirchildren

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A real sense of communityexists within the school,creating a friendly andharmonious environmentwhich promotes the strongCatholic ethos. - OFSTED

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Pastoral care is outstanding andcommunication between year grouptutors, heads of year and subject tutorsis excellent. - OFSTED

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ExcellenceSound pastoral care within awell-structured learning environmentAt the heart of any successful school is strong pastoral care. When your child joins Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School,they are assigned to a tutor group. The tutor and co-tutor guide both the academic and pastoral welfare of each child fromYear 7 through to Year 13. Our positive discipline procedures focus on encouraging good behaviour. We have clear rewardsand sanctions, and our expectation is that the ethos within the school will encourage every individual to achieve their best;not only academically, but also spiritually and socially whilst allowing others to do the same.

Our students make great progress anddevelop into well-rounded, independent,

caring, courteous and exceptional citizens.

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Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development isoutstanding and students contribute exceptionally well, toboth school and the wider community. OFSTED

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Exciting An inspiring curriculumStudents develop a range of learning styles as a variety of teaching methods are implemented by staff, carefully planning tocater for all needs. The school is well equipped with the latest ICT facilities. Our curriculum produces learners with strongliteracy, numeracy and ICT skills. Students are creative, resourceful and able to solve problems; they have enquiring mindsand think for themselves, enjoy learning and are well motivated. We believe our curriculum creates confident individuals witha sense of self-worth, secure values and beliefs, open to the excitement and inspiration offered by the world around them.

Enrichment Learning outside the classroom

Students’ education at Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School is enriched by a wide range of activities occurring both after schooland during lunchtime. Field trips, visits abroad, visits to the theatre and museums and outings are established parts of theextra-curricular life of the school. We have an extra-curricular sporting programme, participate in the Duke of Edinburgh AwardScheme and the School Production provides opportunities for dancing, singing and playing musical instruments. We regularlyand successfully organise a range of charitable, fund raising events, generously supported by our students and their families.

Everyone works together inseeking to achieve our stated

aim of enabling students toendeavour to achieve their

God-given potential.

Our schoolis wonderful.I love thisschool.

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Embracing the FutureOur Successful Sixth FormA huge advantage of attending Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School is the opportunity to study in the supportive and structuredenvironment of our very own Sixth Form. Students benefit from the strong sense of community and aspiration. At the sametime, it is imperative to us that we support each student to achieve to the best of their ability – we are all about theindividual.

A broad and varied curriculum offers many exciting additional opportunities in which to excel and our committed teamof tutors and support staff are well placed to ensure that each student moves successfully onto the next stage of theircareer path.

Dedicated Sixth Form facilities enhance the learning experience. Our extra-curricular programme, along with opportunitiesfor leadership, residential visits and trips abroad all help to drive ambition and motivation and encourage students to shine,not only academically but also as well-rounded, resourceful and confident human beings.

The excellentcare and supportprovided byschool staff ishighly valuedby students.- OFSTED

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Justus et Tenax Propositi

– Just and Firm of Purpose

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Victoria Road, Acocks Green,Birmingham, B27 7XY

Telephone: 0121 706 4200Fax: 0121 707 6597Email: [email protected]