Download - Archangel Raziel - Re

  • 7/27/2019 Archangel Raziel - Re



    I will present you now certain essential aspects about Raziel archangel. The Hebr

    expression Razi El can be translated as the terrible mystery of God; consequently, Razie

    he archangel who reveals the Gods mysteries to the ones prepared to receive them. He gi

    he human beings able to receive the mysterious knowledge, divine wisdom, and makes

    hat the ineffable, ecstatic state of enlightening godly mystery be revealed in the in

    universe of the human beings.

    In the secret tradition of Kabbalah it is mentioned that the archangel Raziel receiv

    rom God the mission to reveal to the people certain essential divine mysteries as well

    certain mysteries of the universe; he is the one who in the very beginning was sent to revea

    he primordial man - Adam - , certain initiatic mysteries. He also allows to the people who

    elevated and pure enough from the spiritual point of view to have access beyond the vei

    he divine illusion, or, in other words, beyond Mayas veil.

    Archangel Raziel acts whenever necessary (for the pure, full of aspiration a

    prepared human beings) both for revealing the primordial spiritual tradition and certain Go

    mysteries and also for protecting the authentic spiritual traditions and centers/schools agai

    he aggression of the evil ones (especially during this present age age of spiritual deca

    called Kali Yuga.

    Archangel Raziel is also an exceptional spiritual guide who infuses, in the people t

    are prepared, the divine Grace that is able to help them mysteriously to understand, by aid

    ntuition, both the various esoteric elements and also the metaphysical ones. He has been

    nfallible divine protector for all the human beings who aspire sincerely and fervently t

    profound, direct knowledge of Gods mysteries.

    Moreover, in his situation, the ineffable, overwhelming state of godly mystery wh

    archangel Raziel makes it manifest when necessary is a direct, efficient way for us to enter a

    maintain in a sublime state of identifying communion with this archangel of the occ

    knowledge. That is why archangel Raziel is called in certain esoteric writings the Keeper

  • 7/27/2019 Archangel Raziel - Re


    Gods terrible mysteries and, at the same time, he is the Keeper of a state of perfect, unalte

    purity, characterizing the godly aspect of originality.

    Archangel Raziel makes possible, especially during the night, the accession of t

    human beings that are pure, full of aspiration and prepared to certain special states

    consciousness, in the mysterious realm of the archetypal, pure ideas, where there is

    source of all Gods truths.